Mia Jolie Macon - Link Reflection

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LINK Reflection

Mia Macon

Going into my LINK internship, I wasn’t sure what to expect. It was rather last minute when I
called to inquire about learning from the owner of Blow Me Hair Salon, as I had reached out
primarily because the name gained my attention. I had always had a slight interest in
cosmetology, so it was a fitting option for the limited time I had to confirm an internship. Going
into my LINK, one skill that immediately benefited me was the ability to move quickly and
efficiently. Because the owner of the business I was interning at was not only an individual
business owner but a single mother as well, it was essential to be flexible and quick on my feet.
Working efficiently was also a skill that grew during my time at Blow Me, whether it was
computer work, client work, or cleaning. All of these things were fast-paced and needed to be
done thoroughly, pushing me to do my best at things I may normally push off till the last minute.
Because my mentor was so fast-paced and busy, one challenge I encountered was setting
boundaries of my own so that I was focused more on the internship and not her personal tasks.
This did however teach me that personal life is also an important part of running a business and
finding time for both. I think overall the LINK was beneficial to both me and my mentor, as I got
to practice my work ethic and media skills, while she received help finishing the little things that
she may otherwise not have time for. It’s always nice to have a supportive hand. Opportunities
that allow me to strengthen my work ethic are crucial for me in this time before I leave for
college. I’m grateful for this chance to reinforce these skills and apply them to the real world.

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