Ethical Considerations in Writing An Essay

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Ethical Considerations in Writing an Essay

- Ethical writing is writing with a level of inclusion, respect, and
acknowledgment of diversity. The following are the ethical
considerations in writing an essay:
1. Consider the word choice
- Consider factors such as race, class, gender, sexual
orientation, religion, nationality, age, ability, etc. when writing,
and avoid stereotypes.
- Use inclusive language (language that avoids assumptions and
includes others).
2. Cite sources
- Cite sources properly to avoid any plagiarism.
- In citing sources, you could cite both paraphrases and direct
quotes as long as you acknowledge the author of the topic.
- At the end of the paragraph, proper citation style is necessary
such as APA, MLA, etc.
3. Confidentiality
- It is necessary to protect the information or the privacy of the
person. If you are going to share someone’s data, you must
consider asking their consent.
4. Potential for harm
- In writing, you must consider all the possible effects of your
content to the recipient of the information such as psychological
or legal harm.
- In psychological harm, consider the emotions of the recipient as
the content might trigger emotions such as anxiety.
- In legal harm, you need to consider keeping the sensitive data
of the person because it might lead to legal risks or a breach of

II. Tips for Writing an Essay

To create high-quality literature for the sole purpose of communicating,

students should know their structure and have exceptional writing skills to
produce a compelling and informative introduction, body paragraph, and
The beginning of an essay is crucial, as it presents the author’s argument
and tells the audience what to expect. Informing the audience about what
an author is going to tell in the article by presenting the essay topic and
giving some idea about the essential points

Arousing interest and motivating to read the rest of the text.

- In hooking the people with your literature comes interest and easy access
to a reader’s mind

Your essay beginning sets the tone for the whole paper.

-Influence always starts in the beginning and in starting the paper you must
have to choose or form the paragraph in what you intend to show to the

Forget about using long, complicated sentences, common statements, and

dry facts.

-Retention is always a must in making essays

A body paragraph is any paragraph in the middle of an essay. Generally,

body paragraphs support the idea or information and shed new light on the
main topic

Write with a purpose.

-All body paragraphs should serve the main goal of supporting your thesis
statement, either by providing background information, digging into details,
or providing contrasting viewpoints.

Include counterarguments.
-Presenting facts and considering a topic from every angle adds credibility
and will help you gain a reader’s trust.

Use paragraph breaks as necessary

-Avoid cramming too much information into each body paragraph.

Paragraph breaks can control your writing’s pacing and generate particular
feelings or moods for your reader.


-Eliminate any redundancies or unnecessary words to keep your writing

concise, clear, and authoritative.

Conclusions are often considered to be the most difficult part of an essay to

write, thus labeling it as the most important aspects of a paper, as they
provide clarity and insight into the topic wrapping them into a short,
summarized part of the essay.

Restate the idea

-An effective conclusion brings the reader back to the main point, reminding
the reader the purpose of the essay.

Reiterate supporting points

-Aside from restating your literature, you should also reiterate the points
that you made to support it throughout the paper.

Provide some insight

-Your conclusion should leave the reader with a solution, an insight,

questions for further study or a call to action.

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