BCS Italia SRL

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BCS Italia srl

Via Pisa, 170
tel +39 - 02 - 22.475.545
fax +39 - 02 - 22.470.870



Series No. _____________

Range ___ ÷ _______ ___

Power supply _____ V _____

This manual is intended to describe the necessary operations for the proper
installation and operation of the indicator. It is recommended to read
it carefully and thoroughly before operating the instrument.


Digital indicator M748 is set in a metal or plastic, IP55 protection,

depending on the configuration.

The front of the instrument consists of a polycarbonate keyboard with a

red window for the 7 segment LED display.

The binding post connectors for the supply voltage line, the transducers
and I/O connection are located at the lower side weight; the wiring
diagram is shown in the enclosed drawing.

The instrument is provided with two independent analog inputs: the

signals of load cells will be connected separately to posts SIG1+/SIG1-
and SIG2+/SIG2-, while excitation (EXC) and sense (SEN) of both load
cells will be parallel connected. Connect EXC+ with SEN+ and EXC- with
SEN- when a 4-wires cable is used.

The AC supply voltage shall not differ more than ± 10% from nominal
value written on the rear plate, and it will be, as much as possible,
noiseless. The earthing wire must be connected.

Warnings according to IEC 348 safety requirements for electronic


The instrument shall be connected to a supply circuit, including a line

switch or another suitable device to switch off the line power.

Before energizing the instrument, be sure that it is configured for the

supply circuit voltage, and that all the connections have been properly
carried out according to the connecting pattern.

When the instrument is connected to the supply circuit, the binding

posts can become dangerous, and the opening of covers or the moving of
parts (except for those accessible by hand) can expose dangerous parts.

Be sure that only fuses of the required current rating are employed as
spare parts. The use of refurbished fuses and the short circuiting of
the fuse holder is prohibited.

The instrument shall be disconnected from all voltage supplies before

opening for adjustment, replacement, maintenance or repair; the inside
weight capacitors can remain charged also after disconnecting the
instrument from the voltage supply.

Every adjustment, maintenance and repair of the instrument open and with
line power on shall be avoided as far as possible, and, if it is
necessary, shall be performed only by skilled personnel, fully aware of
the hazard involved in the operation.

If any reason occurs to fear that the instrument is unsafe (when it

shows physical damages, or does not function anymore, or it is stressed
beyond the tolerable limits during storage or transportation), the
instrument shall be turned out of service, and any accidental operation
shall be prevented; the damage assessment, repair and tests must be
carried out by the manufacturer.


After installing and connecting, switch on the apparatus and wait at

least 15 minutes, so that the thermal steady condition is reached.

The indicator is displaying the load measured by either channel, or the

total load, as selected pressing the key []: every time this key is
pressed the indication is changed (the same action is carried out by
means of an external contact to be connected between COM and IN2); the
selection is signaled by means of two LEDs over the display (left LED on
= channel 1, right LED on = channel 2, both = total load)

The gross and net weights of each channel can be zeroed using the
following procedure:

a) the instrument is normally displaying the gross weight of the

selected channel; the key [N] has to be pressed to show the net
weight; if there is a digital repeater, it is always showing the net

b) to zero both gross and net weight, press the key [S] and, keeping it
pressed, press the key [0]: all LEDs blink; enter the number 1 for
channel 1, or 2 for the channel 2, then confirm pressing [Enter]

c) to zero the net weight of the selected channel press simultaneously

the keys [S] and [T]; the net weight of both channels can be zeroed
also by means of an external contact to be connected between COM and


The calibration checking in-field will be carried out as follows, for

each channel:

- after zeroing the gross weight, place a known, significant weight (at
least 50% of the measuring range)

- take note of the displayed value: if it is not correct, start the

calibration procedure pressing the key [S] and, keeping it pressed,
pressing the key [Enter]: all LEDs are blinking; press the key [1]
for channel 1, or the key [2] for channel 2, then confirm pressing

- enter the value of the known weight using the numeric keys; check that
the programmed value is correct

- confirm the weight pressing the key [Enter]; the instrument ends the
program mode, and the correct weight is displayed;

If no weight has been programmed before pressing [Enter], the

calibration is unchanged; if a wrong weight has been entered, the
calibration procedure has to be repeated.

Note: the calibration procedure implies that a known weight can be

loaded separately for each channel; if this is not feasible, the total
weight indication has to be selected, and the value of the total weight
(which has to be as balanced as possible) will be written for the
calibration, using the keys [S]+[Enter]+[1].


The indicator can be provided with up to four alarms, for maximum or

minimum load, or failure. Each alarm is activating an SPDT relay, 2 A
capacity; four LEDs near to the display are showing the alarm status
(LED lit = alarm activated).

The first operation will be the alarm configuration, to be programmed as

follows (e.g., for alarm #1):

- press the key [S] and, keeping it pressed, press the key [Enter]: all
LEDs are blinking; enter the number 21, then confirm with [Enter];
the current configuration of the alarm is displayed:

00 = failure alarm channel 1, relay de-energized in alarm condition

01 = max. gross weight channel 1, relay de-energized in alarm cond.
02 = max. gross weight channel 1, relay energized in alarm cond.
03 = min. gross weight channel 1, relay de-energized in alarm cond.
04 = min. gross weight channel 1, relay energized in alarm cond.
05 = max. net weight channel 1, relay de-energized in alarm cond.
06 = max. net weight channel 1, relay energized in alarm cond.

07 = min. net weight channel 1, relay de-energized in alarm cond.

08 = min. net weight channel 1, relay energized in alarm cond.
09 = failure alarm channel 2, relay de-energized in alarm cond.
10 = max. gross weight channel 2, relay de-energized in alarm cond.
11 = max. gross weight channel 2, relay energized in alarm cond.
12 = min. gross weight channel 2, relay de-energized in alarm cond.
13 = min. gross weight channel 2, relay energized in alarm cond.
14 = max. net weight channel 2, relay de-energized in alarm cond.
15 = max. net weight channel 2, relay energized in alarm cond.
16 = min. net weight channel 2, relay de-energized in alarm cond.
17 = min. net weight channel 2, relay energized in alarm cond.
18 = general failure alarm, relay de-energized in alarm cond.
19 = max. gross side weight, relay de-energized in alarm cond.
20 = max. gross side weight, relay energized in alarm cond.
21 = min. gross side weight, relay de-energized in alarm cond.
22 = min. gross side weight, relay energized in alarm cond.
23 = max. net side weight, relay de-energized in alarm cond.
24 = max. net side weight, relay energized in alarm cond.
25 = min. net side weight, relay de-energized in alarm cond.
26 = min. net side weight, relay energized in alarm cond.
27 = max. gross total weight, relay de-energized in alarm cond.
28 = max. gross total weight, relay energized in alarm cond.
29 = min. gross total weight, relay de-energized in alarm cond.
30 = min. gross total weight, relay energized in alarm cond.
31 = max. net total weight, relay de-energized in alarm cond.
32 = max. net total weight, relay energized in alarm cond.
33 = min. net total weight, relay de-energized in alarm cond.
34 = min. net total weight, relay energized in alarm cond.
35 = max. gross weight difference, relay de-energized in alarm cond.
36 = max. gross weight difference, relay energized in alarm cond.
37 = max. unbalance, relay de-energized in alarm condition
38 = max. unbalance, relay energized in alarm condition

- after writing the desired configuration, confirm it pressing [Enter].

- the other alarms will be configured in the same way, but using codes
22, 23 and 24 to access the programming

Notes: * if an alarm has been configured for failure control, the

relevant trigger and delay values aren’t available
* a side weight alarm is activated when either channel is in alarm
* a maximum difference alarm is activated when the absolute value
of difference between the sides exceeds the trigger value.
* the unbalance alarm is checking if the absolute value of percent
unbalance (namely, the difference of two weights divided by the
total weight and multiplied by 100) is exceeding the allowed
value: this value has to be set in percent, with one decimal
digit; the current unbalance is displayed pressing the key [6].
* in case of failure of a channel, the maximum load alarms
relevant to that channel, and the other alarms involving it
(total, side, difference, unbalance) are activated; the minimum
weight alarms are not activated.

The unbalance alarm can be subject to unintended activation when the

weights are small (in this case a slight difference can be too much when
compared to the total weight); to prevent this, a minimum weight can be
programmed, disabling the unbalance control for lower values; this
parameters will be set using the following procedure:

- press the key [S] and, keeping it pressed, press the key [Enter]: all
LEDs are blinking; enter the number 25, then confirm with [Enter];
the current value is displayed:

- after writing the desired new value, confirm it pressing [Enter].

The alarm value can be programmed as follows (e.g., for SET1):

- Press the function key [S] and, keeping it pressed, press also the key
[1]: the current alarm value is displayed.

- Using the numeric keys, set the new value, then confirm it pressing
the key [Enter].

The same procedure has to be followed for the other alarms, but using
the keys [S]+[2], [S]+[3] and [S]+[4].

To check the set alarm values (without changing them), press the keys
[1], [2], [3] or [4] alone: the value will be displayed as long as the
key is pressed.

A time delay on alarm action is provided, to prevent any alarm due to

transient loads. The output relay is activated when the alarm condition
is steady over the delay time, and it is de-activated as soon as the
alarm is down.

The time delay value can be set in seconds, from 0.0 to 20.0 (if a delay
greater then 20 seconds is set, it is automatically reduced to 20),
according to the following procedure:

- Press the function key [S] and, keeping it pressed, press also the key
[6]: the present delay value is displayed.

- Using the numeric keys, set the new value, then confirm it pressing
the key [Enter].

The same procedure has to be followed for the other alarms, but using
the keys [S]+[7], [S]+[8] and [S]+[9].

To check the set delay values (without changing them), press the keys
[6], [7], [8] or [9] alone: the value will be displayed as long as the
key is pressed.


This option consists of a digital dampening, which calculates the mean

value of the measure oscillations due to load movements and structural
vibrations, to get a steady indication; the display updating is slightly

The period of the typical oscillation can be programmed, in seconds (in

most cases, a value between 0.5 and 3.0 is suitable to get a good
result); the final value has to be found by trial.

This parameter can be programmed, as follows:

- Press the function key [S] and, keeping it pressed, press also the key
[5]; all LEDs are blinking, and the previous value is displayed.

- Using the numeric keys, set the new value, from 0.0 to 20.0; if 0.0
has been programmed, the dampening is disabled.

- Enter this value by pressing the key [Enter]. The new value is stored
into a permanent memory, and the normal indication is restored.

The programmed value can be displayed pressing the key [5].


The indicator can be provided with an RS485 serial output, to transmit

the net weight to an external repeater.

The data to be transmitted ae selected as follows:

- press the key [S] and, keeping it pressed, press the key [Enter]: all
LEDs are blinking; enter the number 10, then confirm with [Enter];
the current alarm is displayed:

1 = net weight channel 1

2 = net weight channel 2
3 = total net weight

- after writing the desired configuration, confirm it pressing [Enter].

The message is transmitted in ASCII code (9 characters):

- N [4EH] (Net) or
P [50H] (Gross) or
A [40H] (Error) in case of overrange
- + [2BH] (positive value) or
- [2DH] (negative value)
- 6 characters of displayed value (5 digits plus decimal point [2EH]);
if there is no decimal point, the first character is Blank.
- CR [0DH]

The transmission parameters are configured to match the input of digital

repeater (default values 9600, n, 8, 1).


This option consists in an isolated analogic output, 0 to 20 mA or 4 to

20 mA, max load 1000 ohm. A shielded cable is prescribed; the shield
will be connected at the receiver only, not to the indicator.

The output will be configured with the following procedure:

- press the key [S] and, keeping it pressed, press the key [Enter]: all
LEDs are blinking; enter the number 16, then confirm it with [Enter];
the current output configuration is displayed:

0 = output proportional to gross weight channel 1, 0÷20 mA

1 = output proportional to net weight channel 1, 0÷20 mA
2 = output proportional to gross weight channel 1, 4÷20 mA
3 = output proportional to net weight channel 1, 4÷20 mA
4 = output proportional to gross weight channel 2, 0÷20 mA
5 = output proportional to net weight channel 2, 0÷20 mA
6 = output proportional to gross weight channel 2, 4÷20 mA
7 = output proportional to net weight channel 2, 4÷20 mA
8 = output proportional to gross total weight, 0÷20 mA
9 = output proportional to net total weight, 0÷20 mA
10 = output proportional to gross total weight, 4÷20 mA
11 = output proportional to net total weight, 4÷20 mA

- after programming the new value, press the key [Enter] to confirm.

The analogic output can be programmed, so that the full scale value of
the output is corresponding to a desired weight value, as follows:

- press the key [S] and, keeping it pressed, press the key [Enter]: all
LEDs are blinking; enter the number 17, then confirm it with [Enter];
the current output full scale value is displayed:

- Using the numeric keys, set the new desired value, checking on the
display that the value is correct, then confirm it pressing [Enter].

8) PROFIBUS OUTPUT (optional)

The instrument is provided with a Profibus DP interface; connection by

means of a standard 9-pins connector.

The speed is automatically detected (9600 bps to 12 Mbps), the address

is set through keyboard; see file Hms_1810.GSD to configure the device.

The interface status is signaled by three LEDs near to the connector:

* ON LINE – on when the device is connected

* IDLE – on when communication is idle
* FAIL – blinking when a failure is detected

The data exchange consists in 8 output bytes (4 words) from M748DP to

master) and 8 input bytes (from master to M748DP).

The most significant only of 8 input bytes is considered: it can be used

for e remote zero of the net weight.

The address device output can be programmed as follows:

- press the key [S] and, keeping it pressed, press the key [Enter]: all
LEDs are blinking; enter the number 28, then confirm with [Enter];
the current address is displayed.

- using the numeric keys, set the new desired value, from 0 to 126, then
confirm it pressing [Enter].

Press the key [Enter] only to display the address.

The data to be transmitted will be selected operating as follows:

- press the key [S] and, keeping it pressed, press the key [Enter]: all
LEDs are blinking; enter the number 11, then confirm it with [Enter];
the current output configuration is displayed:

0 = the output is not updated

1 = net weight channel 1 (two words updated)
2 = gross weight channel 1 (two words updated)
3 = net total weight (two words updated)
4 = gross total weight (two words updated)
5 = net weight channels 1 and 2 (four words updated)
6 = gross weight channels 1 and 2 (four words updated)
7 = custom (four words updated)

- after programming the new value, press the key [Enter] to confirm.

The output words are transmitting the following information:

* Word #1 : counter
* Word #2 : status
* Word #3 : net or gross weight as configured
* Word #4 : net or gross weight as configured

The counter is increased whenever the output is updated; the same value
can be read several times, or leaps can be noted, depending on the
reading rate.

The status word consists of the following information:

* bit 0 : 0 = gross weight 1 = net weight

* bit 1 : 0 = channel 1 OK 1 = overrange channel 1
* bit 2 : 0 = channel 1 OK 1 = failure channel 1
* bit 3 : 0 = alarm 1 OFF 1 = alarm 1 activated
* bit 4 : 0 = alarm 2 OFF 1 = alarm 2 activated
* bit 5 : 0 = alarm 3 OFF 1 = alarm 3 activated
* bit 6 : 0 = alarm 4 OFF 1 = alarm 4 activated
* bit 7 : 0 = channel 2 OK 1 = overrange channel 2
* bit 8 : 0 = channel 2 OK 1 = failure channel 2
* bit 9 : 0 = digital input 1 open 1 = input closed
* bit 10 : 0 = digital input 2 open 1 = input closed
* bit 11 : 0 = normal indication 1 = program mode
* bit 12÷15 : always 0

The first of 8 input bytes can be used for the zeroing of the net
weight, sending the value 00000001; other 7 bytes are ignored.

The zeroing command has to be held until the received value of net
weight is zero, or, if the gross weight is transmitted, at least for 100

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