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Stirling and Dornier 217 model featur~s
ISSUE GWR Mogul and Sherman kit conversions
Thrills. spills, ellcitemenl ... all the tense drama of Grand Pr;1I
lacing. Airf,)( brings you such realism. Press th e thronle and
you' re racing away in a Mini -Cooper Of a Ferral L Lap alter tap rI's
high -speed fUll . Real driving skill (and daring) needed 10 win!
Runs olf mains 01 battery. Every Airfix set has a rigid, double-lane
track, two speed-con trollers and banking supports. One Includes
a PERFECT FIGURE 8 with a swooping. road -hopping flyover.
All Airfill authentic 1/ 32nd. scale models have Acto/man"
steering lor natUlal cornering. Join the Airfill racing dllvclsl
M.R. 125 se, indudlS : l Mini-enp.", lap fleolder, m.nUlI contloll.I$
IIncl II I IHt 01 rigid Irllc• . ONLY £6.1.6d .


Variable Speed CootroUtt I Co...plete price list
Gi~'esextra sensitive aooe\era· I avail~ble h,m tDY shops.
tion and braking control ror I mollel ilnd hobby sIIops.
competition racin,. Operates Of Mite to
continuously ror hours wit hout I AIRflX PRODUCTS LTD .•
overheating-evcn on heavily
curved tracks. Supplied with I HALOANE PLACE.
universal dynam ic braking
and wiring diagram. IS or I GARRATI LANE.
30 ohms. 10/ 3 each.
Prod4l«dby M .R.R.C. Ltd., Q rMnllNro/the Ifir/ixGroup I


aa I Get", ... ,wn +
howit:z.~ pooitiofo Ot~ •• _pl ..-.on.
111 1 1'1 " ..... , _i.ion wit~ ammo ba, + Oth...... pIK."'." ...
88) 8r1,"1o "tld .un pooi.ion + othor _",,,Iacomo" ...
88 ~ Go,,,,,,, h,h. "<illo'1 posi."", + 0,10., .",placomo"".
BB S <i"",.,. r"."od H, "end> + 0'"'' o",,,Io<o,,,on",
BB 6 ,.11 propelled • ..,11 ...., _;"on + ...... , ompl...",""".
BB 7 s..... dilf...."' ."'plK......n ..
BB. La,,,, ......,..oandboued "",pI..o",en. o,hor ...."I... m." ...
BB' T_ h ... " ... bunk'''' (d,W.r.... d.."n.).
UIO Two coua,es ted<>«<l <0 ''''''''
BII' I,.;",h 1',lIbo_ and d ... out.
Bill [n.,.",_,oI 12 ..... ouaa.
BIn o.lon<o_U_unk ''''PI (S ...... bl. row, 01 '1.
(Kt. .0....... ) /_ fll.O M TOU" STO C KIST. 01' b, po.. UK 9<1. fo<
on.;acI"i,ioo>.' "told.Qv.,.._l/- (additional lOd .). Common ......."
1/_ (.ddit.ioft., ld.).


Series 11 .""00. ""'..... COLOUR 1 . H UMB ROL SP R AY I NTERNA TI ONA L

RAC ING COLOURS . 4 oz. \In 6/6 each.
I'an• • rbmpf~_ IV Aun 0 (C E). Tu".. 01 I... p ..............
"'Kw IV I (GEl. A c.v. H.I'. ond L.". (A.EC.). Hit I (UK).
H••h~m ... nk U (US). Li,h.... nk HU (T9EI). toe .... (US).
2. HU M B RO L SP RAY PAINT. 4 oz. Aerosol 4/ 11
each. Giant 16 oz. Aerosol 9/1 1 each.

SUBSCRIPTION .ch.m••• i • ••• i.. . ... 14 1_ Inc. CO L O UR S . t oz. tin let 1/·.
S... ,. wl,h which •• d .. '0 H,."
(Airmail "_ ... ...).
4. HU MBRO L EN AMEL. t oz. tinlet lOcI. each.
ARHOUREO VEHIClES ISlO lin. ill ....) ... 1 /_ In~. pOS" 2 oz. tin 2/- each
5. BR IT FIX ' 66' BA LSA CEMENT. Medium tube
Bd. each . Large tube 1/2 each. M onster tube
s.u _ ..... 'wo .niW>le ... 101- 'IP H. 11« 11ft.
M edium tube 8d. each. Large tube 1/ 2 each.
Colour 1. Il /' Co.. onl,)
,.I~. r/' H. Monster lllbe 1/10 each.
I'IKpfw VI "n_ ." A...f E. J",•• _ Ton ...... Tu" .. Tit.
5Mor ...... VC "firefl'... Ja,1'I Je (.) "H.u... " (........).
PU TT Y. 2/ 9 each.
Send for full I"u: HOOEtS 3d. PUltlCATlONS )d .



Hay, 1967 lI3



The 18 beautiful contemporary colours,
(Green shade on1y) including black and white, can be intermixed
Sce in the dark 10 provide a wide range of colours.
outfits, Joy Plastic Enamel has good flow, and is resistant
containing Base, to he::lt and most fuels. It gives glass.hard
Reflccti ng Co.1!, abrasion and a wcar resisting surface.
' od T;"s: 1/ 2; 2/ -; 3/ 3; 5/ 6
Luminous Top Also available in a special pack comainina
Coat. 6 bottles and brush. 3/6 complete.
Packs 3/ - : 5/- All colours arc lead free a nd are safe to use o n
children', 10YS, tiC.

•••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••• •

New and
improved quality. • Non'stringing,
Very quick and • quick drying
and colourless.
hard seuing. • The perfect
deeply and is
•• adhesive
for giving a
heat resisting
and fucl proof. •• weld joint to
any Polystyrene

Available in tubes
• Available in
8d.; 1/2; 1/ 10.
• tubes Bd .; 1/ 2d.

• • •• • • • •• •• •• • • • ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
'JOY· PLANE· CLEAR DOPES. 1/-; 1/9; 2/6; 4/ 6.
PLASTI C WOOD. 1/3; 2/3.
BANANA O IL. No. I. Thick.; @ "'I.u~llmd"4th·_lr.o{
No. 2. Thin. 1/-: 119.
31. AJRF/X nuaulne
Volume 8, Number 9


Inagazine May, 1967

NEWS FROM AIRFI X Ayro 501K ;and f i<ll G.SO bb kiu introdu((!d )16

I N THE AIR Al a n W . Hall (ove" the latest news from the aviation world )18

BASIC RAILWAY MODELLING First o( (WO articles on making a MOIUI from Alrfl x kin, by N orm;an Simmo ns )20

MILITARY MATTERS P e t er Cha mbe rlain describes British experimental Sherman types m
MEMORIES Of THE S04K Veteran flyer Gren ... i1Ie M" nton reClUs his experiences In the famous old Avro )"

WHEELSPIN Motorlntlon of the Alrfix 1904 Me rcedes by Bert Lamkln l26

MY CRIMEAN WAR In the second of his articles, C . Jo ne, shows how to make the Run,ans l28

NEW BOOKS latest publications of interest to modellers )10

A STIRlI NG TRANSPORT A lan W . Hall shows how to make the Airlix Stirling into the Mk V versio n ))I

RETRACTI NG THOSE WHEELS How to mIke the Stirling undernrril&e work by Roger Bowyer m
MOULD YOUR OWN TURRETS Ke nne th M. Jones with usefulldns for military modelle" m
PROFILE The Dornler 217 K2 described and modelled by Michael J . F. Bowye r »)8

MILITARY M ODELlI NG Chris Ell is describes wme simple Shermln convenions )<2

PHOTOPAGE Some nlre Fleet Air Arm and RAF pictures from reade" )«

NEW KITS AND MODELS Latest releases reviewed for modellers )<S

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The plge where your vie ws and ideu can win ~ou I free Alrfix kit ".
We present these use(ul alrlmer palnt/n, ,uides (or modellers who are looking (or co/ourful alternatives 10 the ma rk in,s provided In the
respective Airfi ~ I :I·H scale kItS. The Caro velle 10R o( Union De TronsporlS Atriens (UTA) also in valves some con ve"ion work (rom the Airfrx
model. but the strikinr Sroniff SAC One·E/even ;s (I straight. but tricky. repaint. Drawings br. John Stroud.
(lIIuSlntlons courtesy AlP. SP, the Journal of the International Av iat ion Service of the Srltlsh PUro eum Co Ltd, London)

AIRFIX ma,azin. 11 published (or the proptlelON, A/tf/x EDITORIAL OFFICES AND
Ptoduc!S Ltd, by Kn l,hlsbrld,e Publications (/962' Ltd, ADVERTISEMENT DEPARTMENT
on the fo urth Ftlday of eoeh month. Annual subscription
rOle 301 (USA S5.SO,. 5« ond Clolf posIo,e pold at New )-4 St Andrew', H ili, London, EC4
York POl t 0,.,.,,,, Nr. Telep hone: LUDpte Clrcul 8841
Editor ..................... ...... ..... ....... ...... ...... CHRIS ELL IS
Art Edito r ................ ... ............ .... . MICHAEL ROGERS
Adve rtisement Hana,er ...................... .. PETER MACER
~It ortklu oad Illultn,iofto publi.,,"
co~"'hl.. ,1Nl ....,_"" "p •••h'CH
I.. N.vlK _UJ'" ,••• tri<.t!y
wiu.o... wriue" .......;tsloft f.o",
oM id, ..... Tt.. id i.... w ................ \lbmi..;.", 01 ""orn.l ", ••• rio/. C IRCULATION DEPARTMENT
which oJoovld "" _"""led b,
........ M ""bliohen an .....
...,.pt ..._-"4.'
.. bm.,.Thou,h eve,., tot. it
/or uf. kn",", of Surrldge Da w so n &, Co ( Productlonl) Ltd,
Hi.orlool CO<I<rlbutloM. Publishing Dep t, 16 Abe rdour Street , London, SEI
NEXT PUBLICATION DATE : Ma y 16, 1961 Tele phone : BERmondsey 7014/ m6
May, 1967 )IS
instruction sheet , two SClS of transfer markings and a painting
guide allow the enthusiast a choice of the RAF :Ind Australian
Fl ying Corps \ersions,
The kit is priced at 2s 3d.
Readers too )oung to remember the S04 K can see one
preser\~1 ill flying order by the Shuttle\O'onh Trusl at Old
Warden. Mea nl"hile on page 324 of Ihis issue, _eteran flycr
Gn.:n\ilk Manton recalls his e>CfJCrienc:es in Ihis immortal

M. RLimited
RAU'U UIKM ANN, chairman of Aim:\. Industries
(\lid of the British Toy Manuf:tclurers Association.
presenled the Airfi", I M RR C 'Grand I'd",' Trophy 10 17·year-old
~ I a", Coll ier of Holloway, London, o\'erall winner of a four
wlo;,:ks slot·raci ng COntcst he ld o,er the Easter period al Selfridgcs
department sloo; in London, There were o\'er 1,000 en tries.
M aJ(, making his debut in open competition slot racing,
took the Coca·Cola Bottlers Trophy for the best performa nce
in the first \lcck of the contcst as well liS the o\erall prize, Ue
Ill-lOll': !>Ir Ra/ph I:'}'fllm"" (1('/1 ), clrflirmall 0/ Airjix, pr"sl'lIu
Eagerly (I II'(/lll'(/ tII/(/ifiQII to Ihl' Alrfi.~ 1:71 sC(I/e range is Ilris Afux Collier lI'ilh Ihe Airji.~' MRR C 'Grmul /' rix' Trophy Jor
filiI' model 0/ (Ill Arm j04 K, Oil/' of Ilw IOrlgUf 5cn'i'lg airCfII/1 " ';,,,dllg Ih" JUllr lI'uks IO/rg s!Q/-rt/ring rOlllest he/(! 1II Se/frldl{es,
types In Ihl' MS/Of)' 0/11 "imiQII. /I ' {/rl. inKS il/uJ'lrll/fr/ (lrt' A us/ralilln Iloll om : IIrrlNrI I'orrrio.f, II'ho Is ;11 the AII.fir;UII urlll)" IlIking
Flyilrg Corps, onc 0/1"'0 oplillllS in tlw kil. t""il'('ry Q/lrls prize, a SI(')'r l'uclr 500. _ul Gra:.


The wo rld '. , r eat ut " al ue In con-trut1:i o n kits

• Avro S04K

• Airfix prize winners

• Fiat G .SO bi s

•M - -
ODELLI NG enthusiasts will gi\"c a big welcome 10 Ihe
1:72 scale A\'ro 50.:!K ta l est in the !:lrgc Airfl.~ mngi.: of
authentic military aircraft kits.
The Avro 504 had "h:u is possibly the longest scnlce life of
any :.ircmfl CI'Cf buil! . A dll'CCI (k:sI;-cndanl of A. v. Roc's
Scrl'-'!l SOO nlcing :urcr:lfl the S().:I was designed .)rimaril), as a
ROydl F)lng Corps tnuncr In 191) tlnd "'ilS last in SCr\'1ce I<ilh
the Gred. Air Forre ,",-ell Into World War 2.
No fewer than 8,340 S().:Is "'"Cre bUIlt a nd the famous 95 mph
model ' K' was produced In Bri!:un, Canada, Australia. Jap:ln.
Chin.l and Ru ssia. Whlk lhe S04 "',as designed as a trainer.
§c,'eral ada['Jt:t tions \O"\:re made to allo ..... for fighting and bombing
Nearly 40 moulded pol}'~I)rene pans arc inel udl:d in this
highly det:lilcd model kit. In :Iddition to the easy-to-follQw
3 16 AlRFIX mlllnine

has been racing MRRC equipment for three years at the TO(-
lenham Court Road '30's O ub·. AI Selfridges his Airfix
Oubman Special BRM eo\-crW IS la ps of the 115 fl.ocI circuit
in the three minule time limit at an a\'C:rnge scale speed of ovcr
200 mph.
Second and third week's pri:res presented by BP and Dunlop
went to Laird Cn!evey (10), of Mayfa ir. and Graham Rose( 14).
o f St Johns Wood. Runners-up and third placcrs recciH:d
Airfi.,tMRRC cars and sets from Mr Ehrmann.
Another Airfix motor racing soccess story comes from
Austria where Herbert roredos ¥I"Cnt 10 the Steyr-Puch works
at Gnu: to take delh-ery of a new Stc),r PUl.:h 500 car
which was his prize for conling first o\·er.l1J in the National
Austrian Airfix Motor Racing Compelition held lasl aUlumn
al the Jocllen Rindl Sports and Race Car Show in Vienna,
This was rcported in the January, 1967, issllCof Aumx magazine.
The presentation "'1IS made by Herr Hladik, chief clerk of
the Steyr·l>uch works .

L ATEST addit ion to the Airfix range of more than 50 World
War 2 mili tary aircmft kits in 1;72 scale is the Italian Fiat
Abon': Hr$( Airfix /luxl..1 0111 W(}I'/rI War l lw/i1ll1 aircral' to
In! rt'/<'II5t'd is 'his fine rt'plico ol'he Filii C.50 bis F,rccio . ....ith iu
G.SO bis Freccia (Arrow). (/iS I;,,("/;.,('; OM" rocJ..pi,. Alarh'IIIS are pro~itI/'(llor olle 01 'he
The Fiat Freccia got its baptism of fire towards Ihe end of the aircraft bMI'(1 br/..fI)' ;" 1};>lgilllll lor 11 short pt'rllJ(l t/llrillg the
Spanish Civil War and the modified G.SO bis wit h an open /Jall /I' 01 Briwi,I;'1 /94fJ M·h.." il ",us tkridrd 10 Ol/OM' 'hI! Ilalian
cockpit appeared soon after Ita ly entered World War 2. Air Forcl' to fHJrtirifHJl/.! M'flh Ihe l.#/IM·(4Je ill af/acks on E,tgfalllf.
The 0 .50 bis pr:n 'ed reliable and eXlremely manoeuvrable Th .. IIIIiu illl'% '<'I1 M'('rt" S("JOII ",ilht/rO M'n all.., sll!l('r;'1g hea~y
Jo$S('s on 1ht'1('M' minimIS in ",hich Iht"y flew. For Ihe first lime,
but its 84(l hp Fiat radial engine left it under-powered and no Airfix hm'(' inlrlJ(Jllcrd m(m Iranifcr.. M·j,h 'his kil . D('wifr are
match for Allied fighters. Nearly 500 G.50 bis Frcccias were a/ID g;'·.'n lor the i"rrirt.lft" mOf/fed colollr rchc,,~.
built during the war and were used by sevcral of the Axis forces
Subject o f this faithfully detailed 12-part modd is one of the
aircraft stationed in Belgium for a brief attacking role in the w . haw......... , I.u." ' ... m;n. back
Channel and British Islc:s theatres of "'1Ir in 1940. Full assembly copl.. o'. .IJlfI X ...... G ... ZINI! co .. tal .. in. COfIw .......
a .t;d-. a.c:k cot>J.. of Mm. IM..........m .wail-
instructions. painting suggestions and new style matt transfer _101. for t/wo _ I of ......" who ...... ' haw . ...1.....
markings allow for the constrUl.:tion of a realistic model. o ....1.1. ...... Ii• • od l, .... . fo~ ••• m pl., h . . . are
Mm. ot l /wo _d",,1 ."id.. w hl~h h.a ...... _ .....
The Fiat G.SO bis Fm:cia kil is a\'llilable from Airfix stockists
in the Series I range, price 2s 3d.

BIGGIN HILL AIR FAIR 1965 : Se p tember_Jeep conyersionl and &nle

O RE e.~hibits and displays than e\'er bcfore.-both of or Brlu.l n colour schemu. 1966: Ma rch-f irefly
M the nyi ng and the static variety- are promised by the Profile and Re d "'-rmy equipment. A p r ll-Dinah
organisers of this )ear'S 8 iagin I-till International Air Fair conyer510n. June-Hair-track conversion and four-
which takes place from May 11-14 as the now· traditional stacker d estroyers. July- RF-<tC Phantom
opening itclll on the British air display 5I:ason. As in past conversion. AU l us t _Cuallna convers ions.
years there will be aerobatic displays by service teams,
S e pte mbe r -Muado r varlanu. O cto ber_King
incl udi ng the Red Arrows in their Gnats and the Belgians
in their Stampes. a Commando assault by helicopter, flying Tiger and P-SIC Mustang , N o vembe r-Slurm-
displays by service aircraft. and literally scores of commercial tlcer conversion. December - Me 262 conversions
an d light a ircraft. Several preserved aircraft will also be on and halF-tracks. 1961 : J a nuary- Joseph Stalin 2
view. In additioll there will be Army and RAF equi pment co nv ersion. A pril- 1916 tanks and Me 262.
on show an d. of course. the opportunity to inSpt.'Ct mOSI
Wf)Uld rtflders pltflse noM that all Inuts not
of the participating aircraft at close quarters.
AJRfIX magazine eontributoT1 Alan Hall and Dk k lined above are now f)Ut of print and con /10 lonlf!:r
Ward will once again be presenting thei r mammoth History be supplied.
of Air I) model aircruft exhibition whkh they and Da\'e
Cook ha\'c boilt up o\'Cr the years. More than 1,300 1;72
scale models comprise the collection, many of them plastic
and almost all com'CTsions from 5tandard kits. There are
locI< u-pl •• !tOot 10 . .~h (l .. dwdi" l _ta..)t"'.
. 11 C'Opi. . . . p CO . .. d I.. d .. di ... '.pt.m..... .

in addition a number of scratch-built wooden models. All f rom O ecobo • • I"'. 0 .. _ ..... I h. cot l I, 11 ... an
the actual models featured as conversion subjects in AJIlFIX k ..... poOl paid . .. I.... oddr. . . .11 . ... _ u fo r
magazine can be secn in the display. including the Stirling I>ock eopl-. to. ..... . with ,0'" .. m i..... e • • 10 _ .
Mlr: V which is this month's con\·ersion. d.e .. t.tio .. d.,." ...... 1.15 U llll tDGE D ...W SON A
8 iain Hill is ... ithin easy reach frOm London by truin and C O ( 'Jl O DU CT ION S) LTD. ' U ILl S H I N G DEPT.
G.wn Line coach. . _.cIof._.
16 ... I EIID O U It ST II II!T. L O ND O N SEt. N o .. the

IN . - .

W Society's
rn~ the reslOf1uion of the H isloriclJl Aircl'1lrt Presen"alion
Proctor \0 its original RAF m;trkings the
nu mber of " rOCIOfS preserved now amoums 10 four.
The latest t_\ample" hkh now rests al Higgin ]·t ill resplendent
In ils new colours is N PISI. This aircraft " 'as a M k IV. 250 of
... hich were built by F. H ills and Co. Manchester. Its con-
st ructor's number was H8S88. In 1955, 60 of these ai rcraft
were dec lared surplus by the RAF and the example al prese nt
refurbished became G·AOAR . I1 was in turn owned by R. A.
Peacock, Continental Aircraft Senices lld, A. J, Whilcmore
Acradio Ltd, A. J. Barwell and Comp;tny Ltd. and finally
C. V. Thomas and the Airways Acro Club. For se\'cral months
the aircraft stood in the ope n al Higgin H ill .'110\\ Iy deteriorating
unlll the Society look pit)' on it and found the funds \0 do the
repaint job.
Other " ro<;tors still in static c:apti\ity im;l ude one held by the
Northern Airemft Preservation Society. LZ766 .... hich ""as
restored by the Tamworth RO)'al Observer Corps group and
anothe r, believed to be IJV361, .... hich resides in the grounds of
It Bristol Grammar School.
11 is expec ted Ihallhe ' ·IAPS ProclOr will be on show together
wit h their other historicall y interesti ng aircmfl at the Inter-
na tional Air Fair to be held at Biggin Hill from May 11-14.

NEW t)-pe of light aircraft competition is bcing sponsored
A by the Tiger Club. the association of light aircraft o .... ners Top 10 bouom : Tilt lIa..-J. u Siiltll'fty liS SOf murililll~ rnon-
lIuissoll('t o;r("ro/l " 'hid, ..·us ruff("d 0/11 of lilt cOlllp6n),'s O,tSltr
and pilots .... ho delight in Hying either the ultra-light TUfbulent "'orks rtrt'lIIfy. 71lis, Iht firsl prolOl)'fW, .."iff ffy slrorl/), olld ,.·iff
or the \encrable old Tiger Moth itsclf, tl"l'llItm/fy r("pfQ("(" li,t SIrQCkfl'1011 il/ RAF CU(Jsluf Comm(JIw,
Private pil()ls from all o\er Britain, because the competition Pr(}("wr NPISI, A Mk fV "'fridl Il(ls rtl'l'nff), bUll rNl/fIIM /rom
isn't limited to the Tiger Club's o .... n mernbers, will be tcsting ils ('Nil marJ.,illNS 10 Ifrl' origillaf mll/OI/jlaNI' Srlll'lIIl' ill "'/ridl il
Iheir s ~ill and endurance in a dawn 10 dusk Hying com petil;on ,.'as /N/inINI " 'frtll ;1 It/I Iht /lIclOr), a/ F , H iffs QtUl Co, TbI'
during Ihe longest da) s of the year, bet .....een J une 14-28. "irCrtl/1 Iras ~'I'II prtStHl'd by Ilrl' (fiSlorimf Aircrqf"1 Prl'S('rI"ali(JI1
The object will be 10 ny as far and as long as possible during SOcif'I)' (IIuf ...iII bt 011 l'llOl<' (If Ifrt fllll'rmlliomlf Air Fair at
Ihe 17 hours of daylight wilh the object of arrivi ng at Ihe Tiger Higgill l /ifl in May (Photo R. W . CranhRm). YOII pays )'011'
lIIonty mul )'0/1 I"ktl YOllr droiu. , , . S"pl'r Sixl)' sl',its 0/ four
Club's airfield at Redhill arou nd 9.30 pm. They will record I'ngillt(f J)C-8 ltlS (11 Iltl' /JoUNftls ('omp611y's Ll/lrg /Wild//"dfity.
tht:ir !light in a special report and the winner will be chosen on Tlrt OC-8 SI/ptr 61 (,igllf) is lksiNllt'(110 l'tlrry 1jl p6ssl'/If!trs
a basis of these by lhe Duke of Edinburgh, ..... ho is himself a 011 inl("r('olllilll'nlul/lighlS. DC-8 SI/ptr 61 ktlllft) is 1111' Ill""
keen a\'ialOr, aoo a panel of Ihree judges. 10/18 ,Ulrgt.·trsiOlI Qlld lilt SI/pt, 61 (Ju, ft/t) III lilt ('ofOllrs 0/
The emphasis of lhe competition ..... ill be on personal eooca,- EUUl'fII Airfinl's ,.·tlS dtsigllt'd for IrtllIst'OlIIiM'IIIUf roult's,
ou r and achieH::menl aoo ad\"aoced airemft or pilol's experience
.....iII 001 l1C('essarily be lhe deciding faclor. T .....o pilots may Hy There is 1'10 geographical limitation in lhe competition,
as It learn bUI there will be It special prize for solo allempts. "ilots can roam all o,'er Eu rope if Ihey wish pro\idi ng they
Compel it ions of this IYpe h:l\'e been held by the Tiger Club return to Redhill by Ihe specifIC<! hour in the evening. They can
before, but Ihis year secs lhe first of a na tion-wide allempt 10 also start from anywhere they wish in Greal II rilain. Although
popularise the 'stay aloft' sport. " reviously the ultra-light some may be able 10 stay ai rborne for rhe .... hole of the 17 hours
Turbulen t5 ha\e taken nlany of the pril.cs. Po .....ered by a most ai rcrart will have to la nd sometime for fuel. In orde r to
convcrted motor car engine Ihey have covered up 10 I,OOOmiles avoid over-hasty turn rounds :tnyone in the comperition who
during the day with a fucl consumption and average speed does t:tnd will ha"e 10 spe nd a minimum of 30 min utes on the
beller Iha n Ihose of many family saloon cars, ground.
318 AIRFIX m;ljuine
Apart from the night Itselr, much of the rompetition centres
on the elTecti\e nnd enterprising planning of the route in
relation to weather nnd other na\ig:uional limitations. There
"ill also ha\ e to be a c!car and detailed log compiled of the
The Tiger C ub's competition will do much to foster the
steady increase in pri,'ute fl) ing in this country. It will introduce
something of the spirit found in ocean f'Jcing by )~Jtehsmen as
11 pro, ides similar opportunities for achit',ement and an e\en
grea ter ability 10 co\er long diSlancc:s quickly.
N osubmarine
820 Squadron, Royal N:\\'y, is one of the premier anti-
unitS ... lIh the fleet and although used mainly
in a training role ha; more recently been fully engaged in the
TQrr~y Can)'QlI disaster operating from their home base at
RNAS Culdrosc:.
Formt.>d in 1933 from 450 Flight. the Squadron, using Fairey
III F aircrafl, operated from II MS Courageous and has since
thcn , ap:lrt from a five )car break aftcr the wa r, been con-
tinuously in service,
No 820 has always been used as a strike squad ron, From the
early da ys of clI rrying torpedoes through the Second World War,
"'hen they sened in both the Mediterranean and l>acific. firstly
",ith Swordfish, thcn Albacores and I~arrac udas the sq uadron
has bee n in the th ick of the fight. They took part in operalions
co,'ering the 'Torch' landings in Nonh Africa, auackcd enemy
surface forces , lhe Tirp;/::, BiJIIl(lrck, Se/tarn!wrSI and GnI'iSl'llUlI
and later in the war, ",hen equipped ""Ith A\engers, took part Top ; In $""";(,(' ..-illt IFD U 01 Cu/tlros(' ;s Ilrl' 100('SI mo,/.. 0/
in attacks on Palemba nj, Sum:tlf'J, W"'SSI'X IIIII;-sublllllr;nl' iI('liropll'r. All mldil;olla! fill IN-hillll Iltl'
The ~quadron was disb:tnded from MaT4;h 16. 1946, until CQ('/..p;I, a dorsal rllllar 1l1011n1;I1I( ami a 'IQSI' pro/N 1('('111 to IN lit('
July. 1951. "'hen il ... as laken off the shelf and re-formed at //lain addilions (J,/HI'" (rom ;1II1'"wl rquipm('lII. Air('ra/t .dllt Iltt
RN,\ S Eglington "'ith eight Firefly Vs in preparation for acthe unil (J,rl' UI prl'~1II "'01"/..;11[( IIp far UlUUl/rQlI liSI', Colours opfll'ar
SCT\ice in IIMS rAgI('. 10 IN Iltl' stundard Ik"k bllll' allll )Y'1I01O' 0/ Nal'a! ant;-slIbll/arilll'
I was recently pri\ ileged to see some of the photographs at /rl'lieoptl'l"S (MOD photogra ph). ,\ bon'; SlrOf4g(' IINlrkings 0'1 a
present in the squadron's tine book , Like most units "'ho ha\'e "Y'II-k_ ..'n air('rO/I , All Albaror(' 0/ No 8M Squadron t(J,king
/HI" in 11r,. Norllt A/ri(,(J,lIlalU!iIl8S d;spl(J,)"s 11t(' lIiSlin('fil'" squadron
a fairly long history they seem to acquire many photographs cotk allll (J, US Slar ()I'U IIu> rOll/llkf,
... hich ne,er get into print and some of these arc most rare and
as can be scen from these published, The S"'ordfish photo- seeing photographs of Il urricancs similarly painted, the idea
graph amply illustrates the usc of unde"'ing codes on prc-war being to counter the anti- British f«ling then pre,'alent in this
Na aircraft. These arc not often seen and the position of
Vichy-administered area.
them- right on the wing tip_ is worthy of note,
The s«:ond pholOgl"dph of the Albacorc is indced a rare one. U·2 AT BEDFORD
Apart from the al most unique squadron code marking of 820
NE of the much-publicised Lockhccd U-2 high altitude
the RAF/ RN rot/ ndel has been painted Oll t and a US star
supe rimposed , These markings ... cre used by Alli ..>d forces O research aircf'dfl has bi."C n b:rscd at RAE JJcdford in recent
during operation 'Torch'- the landings in North Afrie.I , All weeks to assist in rcsc:m:h prollmmnlCS at present bei nll con-
Allied aircraft were p:linted in this manner; rea ders will recall ducted here and in Ame riea into clear-air turbulence, Much has
yct to be learned about this subj..'Ct which has been known to
cause hit herto inexplicable lrcdde nts to airc ra ft. The U-2 which
will be flow n by its USA F pilot, Cllpt Ken Maso n, wi ll remain
at IJcdford for two mon ths,

AW KER Siddeley's Shackleton replacement, Ihe /'IS801.
H has been structurally complett.'(] at the company's Chester
The aircraft ... hieh is the first pure jet maritime reconnaissance
aircraft ""ill be powcrt.'(] with four Rolls Royce Spey engines
and employs a Comet 4 winll structure, The HS80 1 is designed
to fly at hillh subsonic speeds and high altitude to a search area
and then use il5 lo"'-speed lo ... ·!c'·el patrol capability before a
This pilotograph 0/ a S'l'OrdjisiI 0/8."0 Sqll/Illron u/tll'lIill[( from
fast return to base, A wide ra np: of military weapons will be
4 galloll ,ins at Abouklr IN/ou 11,(' ,,'or slIO"'S " '('/I ,h(' IIndl'r"'ing carried,
mark;rtgs romnKJII to moSI Nal'af a/rc-ra/t 01 Ihat I;nll', Likt ,ltt A second prototype is under construction at Woodford,
Albu('ort pklllrl', litis is from 8.'0 Sqn's /ill(, book , Cheshire and wi ll ny shortl y after the present aircraft,
M ~y . 1967
tne cylinders. On most of the 43XX
Class locomotives this 1~llIcr part was
longer tha n on the 6 1XX Prairie and
Figures 2(a)and 2(b) illustrate th is point.
I1 will be scen that a strip 3 mm long,
part D in the pla n view Fig I. is cut
from the discarded portion of the foot-
plate under the bunker and cemented
between A a nd B. 11 should also be
noted that the front projection of the
piston \'a]\"c cover forward of the
cylinders should be removed. The
(ront o r llle main framcs. pa riS I and l A.
Till' 4J X X dass Mogul Sftll in Ihl' lorl'groll/I(/ hut' ":;::,:~~"fi;:~' ~;;::,~;;:.~~: also have \0 be modified because we
Truro uml Pro;r;c mod/'Is Sf'1'1I ill I/It! backgrouml. 11,;5 a 1)
hQit' III do il . sha ll be fi ni ng scale diameter wheels

A Mogul for your layout

C Class 2·6-0 usingofparts
for Ihe front pony truck (parts 28 a nd
28A from the Prolirie III nk kil instead
Airfix City 0/ Trllro and Prai rie Tank of pans 2) and 2JA) and figure 2(b)
ki ts cannot be claimed a~ origi nal. illustra tes Ihis.
At least onc of our readers. Mr D. W. Now assemble the chassis and motion
lkard of Cambridge has already built as in stages I to 17 and JS 10 40 of the
such a model and a photogra ph was instruction shee t, I\Ot forgetti ng to
published in the No,'embe r. 1965, issue cnnnge the front wheels as rc ferred to
of AI RI'I X magazine. So far as I am above. Splas hers for the cen tre dr;ving
awa re, however. such a conversion has wheels ha,'c to be made and lhese
not been fully described in these pages can be conSlructed out of plastic card.
and the following description is how I The splasher on the near side can be
fo und it could be done , made by following the pattern of the
Basically the eon"ersion invoh'eS other two but on the offside the sptashcr
marrying the boikr from City of Trllro is vcry much longer, fi nishing up just
with the chassis from the Airfi", Prni rie 2 mill short of the forwa rd sptashcr.
tank . The Great Western was a gre:1I The small dome on the fronl step-down
outfil for sta ndardiSlllion and il so of the foot plate should be removed and
happens that the 'Cily' boiler, Standard nnother one made and fitted so thal it
No 4. Type 0 3, " the same as that place. The modifICations required to is immediately abo,'e the axle of the
used in the 4)XX Class and the drivi ng this pari are better illustrated than fron t pony truck, I found a com'eniently
y,heel diameter. 5 ft 8 inche$ and whed <kso.:ribed and the plan view in Figure I sized piece of plastic sprue in my kit
spacings were also the same. Cylinders shoy,'§ where cuts should be made and to make this part and I mounted it on
y,ere only slightly different: 1 8~ inches lOo hich p;IrIS should be removed. The a circle of plastic ca rd punched with
30 inches in the 43XX and 18 inches x nel resu lt of these modifications is an office dou ble·hole fili ng punch. An
30 inc hes in the 61XX Proli rie. The 4)XX removal of the foolplale below the al tcrnati\'e to thiS is to make use of
Class of locomot i~c is well wort h model- c0.11 bunker 10 fil the part for a te nder onc of the discardcd piston val,'e
ling as at one time there were o,'er 300 locomoth'e instead of a ta nk l()I;omOlh'e co,'cn reloo,'ed from the cylinders,
in service and il is ,'cry representati,'e and a lso an adjustment to the length In coming to the boiler I recommend
of the GWR. It first appeared in 191 1 of the stepped down piece forward of fitting handrai ls and smoke box door
a nd the last ont' was withdrawn onl y
a short y,hile ago in November, 1964.
In service they had a wide range of
duties on both passenger and freight f ie S ... -,"':::::==:::::",
trains and they were ,'ery common on
the rural branch lines in Wales a nd the f i, 6
West Country, the sort of line so much
fa, o ured by modellers, I
The key to this conversion is the
footplale, part numter 9 from lhe
Prnirie lank kit. If you get Ihis right,
a lmost e,'erythina else fits nicely in to
)20 AIRfIX mJluine
,. ,. , ,,
, s.s , 101 "'''' 11 :1 : 10

A • , ~"'''_ 01 ub
1.0/'1' .ftd ba<'
01 r; •• IH> • •

f., I ,,," ..... . 01 , ..",....., loo,p'''' S~.d0'6 "n.o<>. , ...... , ..... 0 h ,

, omo •• d )( .n""'.... ",ho •• ,~" , ••• 0 ........ d.
, , 0."'."...."••" m;II.",."••
o (.bovo) r, ..
, ..... "~ A "nd
• . S.. f', l~ .
b.lo . . . . ~" • .

• , ,

'0 '

• ,

~~-.--L ~ _ _J 11

- '-.
F' . ~ • . la, ..... 01 <,I,ndo, and
Iron, .... ,,,'n.... 01 , ..",.
1~ : er""d,' .nd I, .... ,
.. ",O<I,f.od 10'
"" .n_
fo • •

All drawln" ire keyed to references In te"t; the small letten on the
drawin" ibove should be used to interpret the di"gr,\ms and ire .. Iso
referred to br iefly In the text
handles as described in the February. K's of Willesden and if filled with its It is necessary to lower the boiler
1967, issue of AlIt",x ma~... ioe :Ind I centre 12 mm from the front of the slightly and about ! mm should be
5Ugsest )01,1 make "hat alterations are smokeboll will cure all the faults . The filed 01T from beneath the firebox.
required berofe proceeding further. gaping hole left aner removal of the The inside corners 10 the lOPS of the
Arttr completing the boiler assembl) "City' chimney I filled in with plastic (ron, and centre splashers will need
the depressions in the boiler and firebox pUlly and smoothed to shape. The tri mming so that the boiler sits corn·
sides, .... hich in .he Airfix kit are de· safelY \'al\'c CO"er needs to be reduced fortably in place. The smokebox saddle
signed 10 clear the splashcrs and namc- in height by about I mm. I simply cut should be removed altogether and a
plates for the City 0/ Trllro. shOuld be the top 01T. filed away the necessary new one scratch built out of plastic
filled in wi,h plas,ic pull y,'plas, ic ",000 material and stuck the top back in card. This is illustrated at Figure 3. I
or any o,her 5ui,abJc fiIIin, material. place again. A 'rim up with a file and built mine by first cur.-ing a piece of
Pan of 'his filling will IInel'wards hll\C a drill to open 00' the centre brought .020 inch plastic card and fining it
10 be remOlled to clear 'he rear splashers. ,he cover bad; to shape again. centrall y beneath the smokebox. The
You can kcep,he City ofTrllro chimney t"'·o side pieces were cach cememed
Uefo ... : Th~ main compo"l'nrJ of rhl'
if you like-it doesn't look so out- cO/II"l'rsioll slw,,,,'11g 1111' Ill'''' 1-6.() rl,ossis either side and the space betwccn filled
rageous bUl it is in fllct too (ar forward IIIml~ from Ihl' Pm;,il' I,,"k (11111 Iltl' with plllS.ic pull y. An alternative to
and really not quite the right shape. mmlifil'd 'Cily' boiler Itolrn. 5111dy fhis this is to use the smokebox saddle
A proper 43XX class chimney costS pi(/lIre ;11 rl'lm;oll to Iltl' "'orkillg from the I)rairie Tnnk kit and si nce
only 9d (plus postage of course) from dra"';lIgs gi ...·1I Ir/'fl'. this is fitted with outside steampipcs.
this leads me to mentioning some
prototype inform.1tion.
Some of the 43XX Class were built
wi th outside steam pipes and some were
built without them and had them
filled later. Most of .hem did not have
outside steam pipes at all. One needs
to be careful when choosing an engra\'Cd
numberplate to pick the right locomothe
and also the right period attording to
the Ih'ery chosen. The following list
of 4JXX Class numbers in the "Kings
Cross' rangc of numberplates obtain-
Continlled 0// pag~ 31J
by Peter Chamberlain
u n : 0,,1' 0/ ,ht' t'Xpt'ri"H'lIIul 5"('rmoll Bridgl'/a)",.,s dt'rilw/
from ,ht' r"'uby bll' dispI'IIsing "';,11 ,lit' kinxposu IISnl in fht'
10/1(',. Ira .. Slay ,ook "'1'1,111 0/ rumps ""hilt' 'rUI',.ffi"8. (All
photos courtes), Imperial War Museum .)

AS the "chide flailed through the mine-flC ld. a s piked ma rker

box ..-as re~ascd a\ int c....·als and the box SlUc l.: int o the ground
sho"'i ng its light 10 the rear. Release of the marker boxes from
the chu te was controlled by a llowdcn C'.l ble from the turret.
The chutes ca n be !ccn clearly on the Crob 11 picture in part 7.
1..arK' IIhrking H opper: In this dc\'ice, a large drum or hopper
"as allachcd to the rear of the Crab. This contained po .....dered
chalk .. hich was released at inl cf\'llls by mechanical means to
IC;l\c a chalk trail on the ground ind icating the path of entry
to the swept la ne.
Statioll Kec> ping Lights: Two colou red lights were mounled
on short lubes al the rear of Sherm3n Crabs and ena bled
flailing vc hicles 10 keep stalion on C'ach othcr at night. Drivcrs
of following \"chic1es in the fl:liling ec hcton lined up on Ihc
lighls displayed by the \'chic1c :lhc:ld. These are also yisi ble
fi ucd on the Shcrman Cra b tI ill ustrated in p;lrt 7.


Many expe rimen tal de\iccs \lere also e' -oh-ed for mine
clcaring \lork . Some, li kc the C IRD. S:IW limiled opcr:llional
uS('. The various C'q uipmc nts arc summarised here.
ShlYmlln CIRD : CIRD StOOl.l for Canadian Indestructible
RolIC'r De \icC' and. as its name implies. was C"oh-C'd by the


W HILE the pnndpal Sherman-fiued anti-mine de,·ices were Canadian Army in Scptenlbcr. 1943. T\\o types of roller were
described 10 part 7. there "'-ere many other important used. 1.51 and 18 inches in diameter. The de,ice ~ollSisted of
equipme nts dC'\cloped for the mine clearing role to which lhe t",o hea\y rollers of one or Olher of these sizes allached to
Sherman was adaplC'd by the British. These ",-ere fillC'd main ly roller arms filled bcl\leen side arms Ihat extended in front of
as an aid to indicatinG areas S\lCpt c~ar of mines. the \ehicle. When a rolle r passed o\"e r !1 mine. detonating it by
Whr nU/.n i\1crimni...-.. 1 la i N.' Marker : Th is was e\'o!l'ed in 1944 pressure. the blast ca used the ro ller to jump up in the air and
for ma rki ng flailed lanes through a minefield and was fined to describe an arc about the cross-bar. This motion induced the
flai l ta nks and AVREs. It consisted or two banks of 12 fi rin g spade end of the roller arm to dig into Ihe ground. By a mec h-
IUbes mounted on each side al the rear of the lank. Each firing anica l arra ngemen t. plus the motion of the tank. the roller
tube was filled \lith a flagged pickct an d at intervals a picket was returned 10 its original posi tion. Some \'ariations on CIR O
fired inlo Ihe ground by means of a ballistic cartridge. The employment were mentioned in part 7.
7 fl long picket p.:nelr:lled 12 inches int o Ihe ground and I'orcupinc: De\'d oped in 194 3. this de\'icc consisted of a pair
remained upright to display the flag and so mark Ihe lane of spiked rollers tr:1 iled one in front o f e:leh track br a steel wire
through \lh ich the lan k had just flailed. rope h:ITOcss att ached 10 a cross-bar carried 7 ft above the
l\l iue-lleld i\1:1rking tights: E\ohed in 194) for lane rl\.;.l rk ing ground and 8 ft ahead ohhe t:lOk . Thc cross-bar was mounted
by flail tanks. this de,ice consisted of a small chute which was :11 the end o f 11 beam projocting forwllrd und slightl y upwards
fitted eit her side at rear of the Crab. In each chute were 12 from the nose of the Sherman 10 which it was filled_ Another
spiked oblong boxes thal con taiocd b;utery-oper-.ued lights_ ground pressure exploding de\ice. it di d n.ot pass the experi·
Uelo..', 1('"(1 to right : rhl' Shrrmun AM RC R. IIIl' Shl'mlwI Lu/" (no,.. rrar rolll'r), am/thl' S/(lI/dart! CIR D .

m AlRFIX m ~cn ine

Top ro,,', left to ril,:hI : A Shl'fmulI Crab lowing Cl'llIipt'lll' roll,'rs 01 spl'l'd; Ihl' Shl'rlllOlI BI/IIs/tom Plough; Ilw SlwrmOlr LobSll'r,
lineribed in parI 7. AboH'. Il'rt to right : Thl' Slwrmall Jl'/frit's PIOt'gh IIl1dl'r It'SI 011 U /xue/r; Slrl',mulI towillg 1I S//Ilkt (dneribed ill
pari 7): Ihl' SIIt'fllmll AI 01 Plouglr. NO/t ll('fllil llifferl!//cps ill alllhut' plough lln·ius.
mcntal stage. S herman PlymO\llh : This was a section of Bailey Bridge
SiK'rm:m AMRCR :AM RCR stood for An ti-Mine Reconnai s· moumed on a Sherman chassis. NOI used in the field , though
san!X Castor Rollers. and this was a pemmbulator device a si milar idea was sccn in the 'd umb' tracked Bailey Bridge
att;tched to. and pushed in front of, the vehide. It consisted which utilised a smalllmckcd chassis and was towed or pushed
of a heavy frame extended ill front of the Shcrman and attached into posi tion.
to two arms filled on each side. Suspended from the frame Shcrman iNidgcla ycrs: At least two varia nts were del'eloped-
were four sets of rollcrs. onc to each corner. onc had a long double girder bridge carried from the bows on a
Sherman Lulu : An experi mental electrically operated mine hea vy A·frame (as in the Churchill AV RE wilh SBG bridge)
detector deve loped in 1943. the LUlu (origina lly called Zulu) and the othe r had a short double girder bridge supported fore
consisted of th r~'e 4 ft wooden rollers set in a triangula r pattcrn. and aft from a CC1llrally mounted girdcr and stays.
The two front rollers were attached to a ligh t girder of wood
and metal lattice construction, and projected 1I ft ahead of the KANGAROOS
tank. The third roller was towed behind on an 8 ft girder. Kangaroos were ex temporised armoured personnel ca rriers
Each roller contained a mine detector coil which was in turn del'eloped from an idea advocated by the Canadians in 194344.
wired to an indicalOr unit inside the tank. In view of their limitations- no overh ead cover and no way
S herman ,,'ith Centiped e ro llttS: Evolved in May, 1943. for for the infantry on board to use their small anns from inside-
the specific clearance of German anti·personnel '5· mincs- these were vcry successful as a means of gelling infantry across
which flail chains often missed- the Centipede consisted of 12 fire·swe pt ground in support of armour in the figh tin g in NW
rollers on parallel bars towed behind a Sherman Crab. Each Europe and Italy in J944-45.
rollcr was made of concrete, had steel tyres, and weighed 30 lb. S hcrman K:mga roo : The turret was removed, infantry wire-
S hcrm:1II 1>loughs: Various types of anti·mine ploughs went less was filled. and seats provided for a section of troops
through the experimental phase, including the Jeffrics. the M DJ, (it, 10 men) plus a crew of two. Seventy·five were convcrted
and the BulIshorn. Though slightly different in construction of va rious Sherman marks in J944-45.
these all worked on the same principle of lifting the mines and Ram K:lIlgaroos: T hese ""ere redundant Ca nadian Ram Mk
deflecting them outwards to left and right of the ploughing lis (displaced as gun tank s by Shernmns) and adapted as for
vehiclc. th e Sherman Kangaroo.
l"Ties! Kangaroo: The 105 mm howitzer was removed and
BRIDGING EQUIPMENT the embmsure plated in. Twenty infantrymen plus a crew of
two could be carried.
While the Sherman formed the basis for a number of ex·
perimen ta l bridging dCI'iccs. il W'JS not used oper,llionally as a GUN TOWERS
bridging vehicle. This was left to the Churchill which proved A number of redundant Ram l is were cOll\crted as for
more sui table by virtue of its more regula r hull shape and lower Kang.'lfoos (sce above) but used as tractors for the 17 pdr
profile. whccled anti·tank gun. Crew were carried in the vehicle.
S herman T"aby : This was a turretless chassis with short Similarly, a number of 11.'110 Achilles in 8 ritish service had their
folding ramps at each end and ramps across Ihe hull from turrets removed and were used as tractors for larger calibre
front to rear. Kingposts held up the ramps un til the ,'ehiele guns such as the 155 mm 'Long Tom·. In 1945, a tOlal of 120
was driven into position, whe n Ihe ramps and the kinllPDsts Shermans wcre radically altered by Vickers- with shortened
were lowcred. The complcte assembly formed a bridge across chassis among many other changes- and supplied to BAO R
a river or ditch. The same idea was used on the beller·known as gun tractors. Subsequently they were sold 10 Ihe Fedcml
Churchill ARK . Ge rman GO\'ernmell! for use as agricultural tractors. Thcsc
S h('rma n ARK : This was similar to the Twaby but had were known as Shcrvicks.
longer lattice girder ramps. ( Condn ...d n • • , mont h)
MJY, 1967 m
Memories of the precincts of the aerodrome and then -
Avro S04K the engine went dead. Hc at once put
the Caudron in a n e)(cessile Ste<:p glide
and aimed 10 enter a lery small field
adjoining the coal yard of a rail way
statio n at Aeton. Why he chose it when
there \\cre otheT$ a great deal larger
nearby I shall IlCI'Cr know. At high
speed tlte aircraft struck the grou nd,
bounced and in a moment the frail four-
\\he<:1 unde rcarriage was 10rn off and
wc came to rest with the lower wi ngs
spl intered and ripped apart. We emcrged
from the wrcck un hurt though a bit
shal.:cn. Immedi ate ly lIe were engaged
in a hot argunlCn t for he aSSCTled that I
WllS primaril y to blame because I must
hal'e I.:nocl.:ed the ignition to the 'off'
position with my elbow. This being
GRENVILLE MANTON umrue, I indignantly denied his accusa-
Though the fellow's ma nner in
directing me to go solo h:lrdly provided
of us who servw in the tirst me with the sort of encouragement
world war as pilots in the Royal
Sltfc ty bolts. no flight inst runll;"nts. 3nd
no windscrt-c n l As no speaking tubes .... hich any pupil likes at such a time. I
was not sorry or greatly deterred whcn
F!)ing Corps \\ill 31\00"3)'$ remember the were provided. the instTUCtor and pupil
AHO S04K, thal dOllsht)' tractor bi- could oot con,'erse in the ai r and the I tool.: off in that old Caudron alone
plane ... hich became OUT standard latter was directed solely by OlO,'ements that morning. I duly pasS<.-d the pre-
Iraill('T. of the instructor's left hand. scribed tests which qualifted me for the
,\od, in particular, those who had Th is method of teach ing people to fly RAce 'aviator'S certificate' and shortl y
oc-c n selccted 10 become flying instruc_ was sketchy to say the least. Yet th ose afterwards I WaS posted to an RFC
lors and so undcrwcr. t the famous of us who showed ltny promise W'CTC SllItio n in Norroll.:.
Gosporl system of ~Id\'an<:cd flying 5<'nt off solo in the quickest possib le There I saw an AltO 504 K at close
tr'Jining del·ised by the celebrated time. I had spent a lillle o,'er three quarters for the first timc. and there I
Colonel Smith· Ban)' retain ril"cly re- hours in the air seeking to master the soon had my first taste of flying \\ ith a
oollections of the '504' and ils in- art and then one morning my instTU(:tor. highly prorlCient Se..... ice pilot. The
oomp.1rable qualities \\hich put it in a \\ ho ,.,.a$ a Frenchman. blandly an- contraSt between the eocl.: pit of the
class by itself. Its njmb~ness and light- nounced to me. ' You " 'edone three hOU T$. AlTO and the primitilc nacelle (not
ness of control were ('.~Iraordinary That is cnough. (plIUse)- you go up unlike a sidecar) of the Caudron seemed
considering its size-the span was now a nd if you crash. yO J no bloody im mense. There was a comfort able
36 feel an d the length was 29 feel good!" cushioned budet seat, a high well-
5 inches- and the n inc-cylinder Gnome On reflection, I thinl.: he might hal e padded decking. a neat windscreen and
Monosou papc rotary engillC yie lded ad ded some reference to the fact that :t substantial safety belt of gI\."Cn
100 hp so that the machine had no o n my second night with him he had webbing. The control column W"aS of
e.~cess of poWCT. Yel il was fully acro- demonstrated how lIot to carry OUl a just the right proportions ",ith a blip-
batic. forced landing. We had taken off, switch at the tOp and the rudder-bar
When I first became acquainted with gained a few hundreds of feet Oler the hld foot rests which added to the ease
the ' Mono Avro' (the name by ..... hich it
..... as commonly kno ..... n) in 1917, I ..... as 1'l l'Ild inR: Till' 51ulI-
l ery much of :1 nOlicc hllVi ng logged "I'..-orllr col/t'elioll's
onl y about seven hours in the air prl'st'nw/ A,'ro 5O-IK
previously at a civilian flying school to ill /figlrl (Photo by
whkh I had been posted to receil'c my Pele rSau n ders,
mitial flying tmi nina. The aircraft used courtesy Shuttle-
worth Trust).
there were pre-"'"ar type Caudron G .2
traelOr biplanes po""ered with 50 hp
Gnome rotary engines. These quaint Right : Tilt' "'rilt'r
machines were constructed ..... ith a sl'a/1'/1 ill all A"ro 504
•..... arp· con trol system by ..... hich longi- (If lVI/tit/m., SU"I')',

tudinal control was obtaint.-d not by ill 1918. Tilt' /'tWilll'

hinged elevators but by flexing the Is u ell'rg!'1 (HO Irp)
,,·Irid•. "'j/II Ilrt' Lt'
tmi ling edge of the tailplane. and
Rh()lll! (J 10 hp).
Interal control was brought about by largt'l)' rt'pluud ,lit'
warping part of the trailina edges of the Gnolllt',\lonosouptJ~
tOp planes. Instructor and pupil sal in ,llIring II'I! closing
a shallow na(:C11c and there wcre no Slagt'S of ,ht "·ar.
'H A/RFIX magazine
Picture oil/lie lI'fl wus lakell UI 8I1Slll')" lIt'rls (1/1)' 1I0me 1011'11). A pilot slatit}l/t!f1 at /.undoll Colllt)' ,,'us doing 10"'-lel'el aerobalics
...IU'II IlIe MO/IOSOupape cuI 0111 . lie al/empled /0 land ill a field, m'ersllOl U/rd finishl'dup (aJ silo,,''') 011 lire roof of u IIouse! 771e focal
rtslt/enu were aslollishl'd 1o sn him eXlrica/t! himself from I!re cockpil all/I lI'ail for Q ludller! ( /IIcldl'n/all)', someone rU.flled 10 Ill)'
home 10 iJllflQllCi! 11101 I hOlI crashl'd. 77ris fu/Sf! reporl spreud, 110 dOllb,. becallse IIISNI /0 fl)' //I'er 8 luhe), occosiollull)'.)
Phologroph 011 Ihe righl ;.1 of a craJh al ShuII·bllr)'. The aircrofl lI'as alle lued b)' a Pllpi( 011 his firSI .mla. He Jlalll'd 011 lokl'-"!! ami
was 1'''1')' sl'riml.f/), l'liuretl but rl'C/) ~eretl after a lenglh)' .fpI'll ill hospilal. H e hod borroll'ed Ill)' flying h1'1III1'1 ,,·/rich I lIel'er so ... ag"il/.
III World War 2 f sa il' him ;,r Ihe RAF Club. I asked Irim 10 r/'llIrn Ill)' hl'atl-gt'"r bill Ire /rUlIII/} rl!colll'l:liOIl of borrowing it!
of operating it. There ..... ere sill instru· confidence. Atthc same time I developed approaches, side-sli p landings. landings
ments in that cockpit I remember. They a rcg.'1rd and a so rl of affectio n for Ihat Bcrms wind, and spot· landings in which
~'ere ( I) air speed indicator. (2) lllt1- remarkable machine I was fl ying as a we placed our Avros down withi n a few
meter, (3) engine rc\'olulions indicator, prelude to my piloting the Sopwith Pup fect of a predetermined spot.
(4) fuel-tank pressurc gauge, (5) cr0S5 and thcn the Sopwith Camel. To the onlooker these operations
Ie\'cl 'bubble', and (6) compass. The Some months before the w:.r came to .... ere always fascinating to watch and
roominess and decor o f the cockpit its cnd, I found myself flyi ng the Avro to the pilol the y brought a deal of
seemed imprcssi\'e to me and when lhe S04 again, Ihis time when' ...-as cngaged satisf;,ction, Of onc thing I am t:erlain
pilot took off wilh a nmgniflCCnt in an advanced flying course which was and that is that in those days this great
climbing turn o\'er the Oesstnau hangars designt."<I, as I have said. by Smith _ finesse in handl ing wo uld not have been
and then put the Mono Avro into a Harry. 10 gi\'e us absolu!e mastery OH~r possible but fo r that splend id o ld work
neaHertical bank, I ..... as filled with a .... e. lhe aircraft in all conditions of flight . hOl se o f the air, the Avro 504K . It is no
I reca ll hearing his \'oice Il:'aching lily So under the guidance of some masters surprise the n that, after allthcse year'!'.
ea rs \ ia the 'Gosport' speaking tu bes, this machine is .... ell remembcrt.-d. Now
of the 'art'. [ acquired to the bes t of my
With mock solemnity he said. ·Well.
abilit y the techniques of looping, that Airfix is marketing an Avro 504K
now you" 'e enle~ this Oyin, lark.
obsen'e, my dear boy, the posi tion of rolling, spi nning and or C3rrying out kit I am sure that .... hen people like
this nl:lchinc in the air'. that "ery tricky maoocm'fC. lhe railing myself sce the aircrJft presented in
The wecks passed quickly and, stage leaf, The curriculum did not end there. model form ...·c shall ellp;;riencc a fceling
by Stage, I gained experience and We were taught how to do tail-s .... ish of pronounced nostalgia.
ca rd to the Airfix Cil)' of Tr"ro cab The roof WlIS made from t .... o pieces
Mogul o ntinu ed sides but I prefcrred to cut new sides o f ,020 inch plastic ca rd ecmented
a blc from the Model Rail way (M fg) from .030 inch plastic card. The dri"er'. togelher. Two thin pieces were used in
Com pany Ltd, indicates which 1000- lookouts in the sides I cut slightly preference to one thick piece because
motivdi were filled with outside steam· o"crsize to allow for a thin strip of when thcy are cemented togcther they
pipes and whcn: .010 inch plastic ca rd to be t:emented keep Iheir shape, Rain stri ps at the
around the cdge to represent beading, siddi and end were made from thin
Ouuld e
Sle am W llh ·
The tail of this stri p was left aboul 2 mm str ips of .010 inch plastic card fi.~ed
a.. ih
1911 "- ,,,. drewn
at the cnd to fix the tOP of the verlical
handrai l which was made from plastic
wit h liquid cement. Thc cab stcps
were cut from the Prairie tank sides.

1915 ""
1141 sprue heated and stretched O\'er a
candle Ilame. I used the Prai rie lank With the cab filled , the boiler can
'''' ""
'''' cab front, part 11 , bUI adapted it 10 be offcred up a nd t:emented in place,
'fl' Lt44 ""
"" take a higher cun'ed roor (the same The Ch), of T",ro whistles and the
.. l>rairic boiler 5ta)... part5 31, can be
LtII ,,~ 19Jf
.no .,S) COntOUr as Cil), of Truro) by cutting
.K' ""
"'iI, """ the top off level and fitting a piece of filled. Two 'wing' plates (Figure 6)

,... ,,,.
un made of .020 inch plastic card ....ere
.m 1nl ,,~
'''' plastic ca rd cu t to the correet shape,
Figure 5 iIIustratdi this. The cab front cemenled edge on to the centre of the
1lt' 191 1
NI.-SJJI and U86 _ . rOftW",berM '''' should be cemented immediately foe-
front drivi ng wheel splashers.
1))1 ... d .186 "'/>KIN", l>e<w.... 1921 The City of Tr"ro tender ca n be
.nd " .... ,ltS ..... <he loo< of ,he du. wt ..... ward o f the first of the t....o locating
d ...... III N _ ...... 1914.
, pins o n the footplate. Normally, of
course, with the Prairie lank the cab
used to complete the model but really
this needs modifying as I hope to show,
Figure 4 shows a side view of the cab. to&Cther .... ith details of Iherics, et.:. in
This can be built up by addini plastic front fits bet....een these two pins. the next article in this serics.
M)y. 1967 l25
though it is just aoolU possible to use
the drill stock technique 10 do this work
if you are V(I)' C:lrcful.
The axle is carried by two plastic
card supports, but before cementing
them in position the contrnle mUSI be
fined. This comes off a standard AirfIX
motor mcing axlc- ;l\'ailable as a spare
item from Aimx motor racing stockists
:Ind is localed on the new home-
made axle by lhe centre-punch method
which has b..'Cn described in pre\ ious
Wheclspin ankles. Next file a semi-
circular notch in the centre of (ach rear
spring moulding to ensure thal the new
Till!! Airjix 1904 MI'rUMS nHHkI, /IlOlOr;MI/ by Bert Lomkill, P(}MS on our Airjix axle centre is the correct height from
circuit. SUlfulord Alrjix motor wld MRRC guide shoe ore used, alld IhiJ plrlllrl!!
sho ...·s IlIe lie .... /rOIl1 axil!! /orllled/rom 1II~lal rod. the &round. Slip the new plastic card

Motorise the Mercedes

ised lathe in the manner men tioned for su pports ovcr the ax le and cemcnt them
the [k Dielrich and described in in position on the inside of the springs.
de tail by Norman Simmons in his Sketch 1I gi\'cs the details.
M:lIador con,'crsion article in the The standard Airfix mOlor, requirt'd
<ktober, 1966, issue of Alltfix maga,dne. to pro\idc the po\\cr, is mounted on the
Once the plastic tyres ha,'e been chassis in the same ",ay as describ..-d for
skimmed do\\n to the \\heel rims, file the De Diet rich. A strip of ir inch thick
or CUI a \'Cl")' shallow V-shaped depres- plastic card. with notches filcd inlO il 10
sion round the rims 10 gh'c a grip for lhe rt'iister with the motor lugs, locales the
rubber tyres ",hich must now be added. pinion end. Another strip, cemented
These art' made from rubber rings sold under the thassis keeps the motor
in umbrt'lla rt'pair shops and are hOrizontal and a melal brackct is
cemented in position round the rims boiled 10 the chassis to hold the motor
using Uf-IU or impact adhcsi\·c. in place. Sketch C illustrates the
Assembly follows the kit inSlructions arrangerncnt \'cry clearly.
from stages 1- 5 and then jumps to To complete the rear a,1e assembly,
stage 1. When the cell)(nt has hard<:ned the chain drhes, pans 12 a nd 13, are
thoroughly lhe new back axle assembly slippro on to lhe axle, the hole in the
can be installed. The rear axle is entirdy largt:r Sl)l'"ockel being opened to allow
new and consists of a 2 inch Icngth of the shaft 10 rolate freely. The st ub
d inch diameter rod. About i inch axles on part 14 are CUI ofT and cemellled
SECOND on our list of suitable
motorisation subjects from the Airfur.
at each end is reduced in diameter to
lake an 8 OA thread and if you are
10 the chassis to register with the hole
in the small sprocket. This can then be
ra ngc of vin tage and vcternn 1:32 sc-.tle lucky (nough to own a lathe this will cernented to the stub.
car kits is our old friend the 1904 be no problem. If nOI you may howe a The hub! of the rear wheds are
Mercedcs, a \'ery typical ng car of friend who can do the job for you, IUpped 8 HA and threaded on to the
the Edwardian cm. It makes u very
good competitor to the rncing Dc
Dietrich which we dealt with in ou r
March, 1967, issue and motorising the
two will pro\ ide some (njoyable racing,
as a change from modern cars. on the
average t\\in-Ia ne home built slot
As with the De Dktrich, you r first
mo\lC with work on the M(rttdes is to
paint as many paru as possible before
assembly, thus obviating a lot offlddlina
work later on. Exclude the \\heels from
this schedull!! and make a start on the Underside ...' s!IO ...·$ lite )'('ry sjmple lo)'(W1 0/ litis IllOtorisoliOlI. Nale Iltt! cut-oUI
conversion wor\: by removing lhe in Iht! /Ut!IIQnk 10 acconmlOdott! Iht! alnlrolt. 1"he plQSlic aud axle supPOrlS art! sun
plaslic moulded tyres on an extc:mpor- insidli! t/~ duuJiJ /r_s inboard 0/ the ""ha' hubs.
326 AlRFIX maJulne
petrol tank to elc;" the contratc ge~r
llnd a",le supports. With these racing
old-timers you can quite legitimatcly
ica\'e out the modguards completely;
m;lny will prefer to do this, though I \'e
left them on my De Dictrich and
1I.'1cfC\.'de$ models. The drh·cr, of course,
comes from the ~ it.
This motorisation hardl y intrudes on
,\ bo\(': Sid/' .·i....· 0/ mmll" mwls 'I"il" the scale appearance of the model- in
shaft '" i:h an 8 IM nut either or u dOH SImly IN/or.. il INro",..s upfl/lfenl facl the rubber tyres cnhance it con·
both "'heels. These can be adjusted to ,lrut Ilris is 0 moloris..d nlll(wl oll/IIWI U sidembly and could well be incorporated
ghe the correct track, II inches. lhen 31Ufic silO'" pi..u. Thougll lhis I/Iodd is to advanta\IC, cve n on a static '·cesion
locked. '''/1 ill slumlllfll routl trim. Ill .. mudguards of this model, by detail enthusiasts. To
For the front :nle a pN..'Ce of .. inch eoultl bt' omilll'd/or rucing if d..,ir..d a/lll disguise the presence of the motor
diameler rod is used. bent to a similar 11 IIl1mlNr paimrtl 011 ".t! flll/iator grill..
ami roe" sid.. 0/ tll.. INlek .., Sl'al. Iklo ... :
beneath the chassis I g.1\'e the sides a
shape u the original plastic a,;1e coat of matt black and this renders it
provided in the ki1. l'lastic card supports CUIISlf'IIcliollU1 sknelr..s, IlUI IQ s("(/I..,
llrt k"),ed IQ f ..{ .. rl'lIeI'S ;" text. less conspiC\.lous than the bare metal.
are used, as with the back a,;Jc. The
fronl :i.llle also carries the guide shoe "., .
mount which is a small meta l plale ~ r----l t. "
solde red to the bottom cen tre of Ihe L-j ,'
a.llle. A sta ndard M itRe guide shoe is
used and should be attached to the • lQ ,
mounting plale before lhe a.llle assembly
is inslalled. First fit the pick-up braids

and solder on short lenllhs of wire fle",
10 Conf'lC(:t up 10 the motor. The guide
shoe spigot, with suilable washers to
gi\'e the correct sil in the 5101. is passed
through a , inch hole in the plate. a SPECIAL OFFER FOR READERS
piece of paper is slipped over il, and a locluded ",·ith this inue is a lOO5e order (orm .wlnll delalls of the fiul in • ne:""
small .....asher is soldered to the spigot: KrlCS o(top quahty fuU-<olour racin, ar prints .,.... Iable in booklt'l (orm and $~illll y
$.utablc for framin,. PublllhN by Cutrol In CO""unellon with Kmghtabrrdl\C I'ubliea-
lhe paper prc\'cnts you from attidcnt- liOns. publi5ners 0 Alanx maga.ulIC:/ th .. allMlCllve Jet has been prepared Lmdcr the
ally soldering lhe washer to the mount- dlrtttion of noted ear h,storran Cynl Posthumus. Editor of 1\10/11' Roel~.
ing pia le, and when removed '" ill gi"e
lhe neces.sary free: movement to the
shoe. Sketch 0 shows the front ade
assembly in detail.
The plastic card ade supporlS can
now be slipped on to the ule and
cc:mcnted into position inside the front
springs. The leads from the pid.up
br.tids are attached to the motor con·
tacts by small pieces or rubber sk:cvc.
The front ..... heels arc bushed ..... ilh th in
brass tube. Ihis being a sliding fit on the
a",le and lonl enough to li\'e the
requi red spacina betwcen ",'hed and
chassis. A small washer soldered to the
Iube locates t he whee l when glued in place.
lloth whcels are relltioed on the a",le
by soldered washers, again usi ng slips of
n 'l .,,, _,I llII ... ,.. ..."'" ......

p;lpcr to avoid aocidentally soldering

the ..... heels rigidly to the axles.
AI this stage try the chusis on your
lrack and check for free running. You
may need 10 adjust the pick-up shoe
height or the motor loc:uion, for Tilled A Castrm ScriH of GkAN"U I'K IX CAMS, 194U7. the ilCrics comprises
instance, 10 give a smooth drh'C. Also tile 1948 I! litre 4CLT MaKrah, the 1949 41 111tc uJO Talbot, the: 1955 2\: litre
preliminary testing ..... ill show any bad Mercedcs-8enz (reproduced above), the: 19512 htre Van ...... ll. the 1958 2 htre Cooper-
O.max. and lhe 1967) litre H-16 IIkM . Model, simitar to the laller three are indude<!
joins in you r", iring. Only ..... hen com· in the Airfh electriC motor racin, range. All the drawinp are to a collltant $elk.
pletely s,1lisfled with the chassis shoold From May 12. this Jet of pnnts will be on ... Ie from reputable book KlIers and
you proceed "'ith the body, follo..... ing rll'YI·S:l.genl5 at the very mode$t price of 7. 6d. but prior 10 publication we arc able 10
sla&e5 12-32 in the kil instruction sheet. offer Ihe Kt to AlIlFIX mapvoe naders al the $pt' reduced price or lis. or eqUIvalent
to only Is (or each or lhese: fine: colour dra""lnp. Fran\CS Ire being prepared for those
The only important thing 10 remember who wi$h 10 form the Kr/CS inlo a colourful wall displayaod these: ",.U al$O be offered
here is a eut-out in the underside of the at a special price. OFFER CLOSFS ON MAV 10. 1!Hi7.
May, 1967 l27

8 mm squa re, and lire cemented to the

Hoor and side ends of the boxes. lea\ ing
:1 gap in the centre of about 2 mm.
Then the box tops an; cemented on and
e;lch box is fin;llIy topped by 1/ 16 inch
lids, 8 mm by 7 mill.
When the co nstructio n is firm a nd
dry, the balsa is filed dOVon Hush with
the originat limber sides. Two holes ale
n1llde with a pin on the oUlside of each

bye lid, 6 mm apart. A pica:: of \\ire is then

ben t to fo rm side rai ls, and stuck into
the holes so as to pro;"'Ct 2 mm. Two
SP.1cers are cu t to fit ac ross the gap
between the boxes from the original
front rail and cemented there. The cross
pieces of the yoke pole are renlO\"e<!
a nd the pole cut in half. T he hah'CS arc
now glued to the underside of!he boa rd

Part 2: The Russians outside the outcrmost supporting beams,

leaving about 23 mm projecting. The
Russia ns harnessed a horse to the inside
of each beam, by a gi rt h and a yoke.
THE R uss~ans
wore more distinctively
drab uniforms than the British. A
black, brown or grey. A dash of sih'cr So wit h the limber completed. we
turn to the gun itself. The Russian guns
paint can be used to r..:prcscnt the
com mo n fea ture was the bur"a or long canridge holders on their chests. Some wcre both heavier and higher than the
grea l<aat. 1bcse were so truck that regiments carried a muske t on their 8ritish ones. First, I cut away the ulc,
they coold slow down a bullet o r turn backs. Contrasting wildl y with the but kcpt it in one pica:. The cavity
any sword other than the sharpest. sombre appearance of the cavalry men made is then filed wi th a balsa str ip cut
I bega n with the cavalry. these being were their officers. They wore elega nt to fit. The n the a.~1e is cemented back
the easies t. I se lected the ridc::rs from the green frock-coots edged with silver. The on to the gu n ca rr iage-thus the ca rria ge
Amb se t plus the ca mel rider with mounted US artillery oflker suited my has bci.:n heightened. The gun trail is
raised musket. The billowing Arab purpose. His brood brimmed hat is cut from the carriage just behind Ihe
cloaks have 10 be shon cned to a mere tr immed down to p(J(lQldtu size. and his ,lot. Fixing the wheels on to the axle
shou lde r cape and the COO l narrowed al jacket is lengthened by means of a the ca rri age is held at the hori7.0ntal
the waist by cultmg and filing also: the recta ngle of paper glued to each thigh. and the trai l brought up to its rea r end.
sp~ad of the coal is lessened. The He is furn ished with a sword. The angle at which the trail will ha\'e
ammunition bells are removed, as are to droop to touch the ground is carefully
noted, and then the trail is cu t SO that
the muskets. A wide opening must be ARTIlLERY whe n it is cemented Hush with the
made in the camel rider's skirt. The
sk irt sides are grndu;llJy thinned Oul Now on to the Russian arti llery. ca rri;!gc, it will touch the ground.
until the soldier c:tn sit 11 horse. The Russian guns were usualJ y 24 or The Russian gu ns h:ld n box lrail.
The Russi:an cavalry \I'M armed wit h 18 pounders and wcre pulled by a two The e)'e which tak es the hook is care-
heavy sabres and 15 fl lances. which are horse limber. The Americtn Civil War full y renw\'ed, and a 2 mm strip is cut
abou t 45 mm long in 1-10 /00 scale. The artil lery se t is ut ilised for,this eq uipment. from inside the trail leaving two separate
fil\lres with raised righ t am\S !la\'C 4S The limber top is discarded and the trail sides. From the front rail, three
mm straight lengtm of wire supported yoke pole separated al the buck-board, SP.1CCrs are cut to fit between the trail
on their righ t lOt and cemented in their but retained. The board is shortened sides at regular intervals. The trails are
right hand. A small grocwe iJ made here to 3 mm fro m the box. The rail in fron t cemented toget her then attached to the
to receive IlK.: lance. The 1;lnce o f the of the board is retained for luter use. carriage with Uli U or other 51 rong
ot her rider is cemented from shoulder With a sharp knife, a gap of.5 mm is ceme nt. The barrel is now put in place.
10 toe. Alternalh'cly, for close or cut in both fron t and rear sides of the The Russia n gun crew was made up
quarler comba t, a slightl y cu rved piece box, ce ntrally. The bo.~ must be height- of four men plus an offICer. The Russia n
o f Vo'ire can be: used to depict a sabre ened by means o f • inch balsa sheet. uniform was st rikingly like that of the
(about I S mm lonl). Otherwise an Box tops are cut to lit the two $Cparate first world wa r Gcrman and can easily
c", tremely thin piece o f balsa. cut 10 the boxC5, mcasu ring 6 mm by 8 mm. From be con, erted from the Airflx figures of
sha pe of a scabbard, is stud: on tl1\: Ir inch balsa sheet the two remaining that era. The fou r figures I sclccted
horsc{llan's left thigh. sides are cuI. They are approxi mately were : tl1\: Ibrnc·throwcr, the grenadie r,
The mos t wcll-k nown Russi;ln l;avalry
regiments were the Coss,1cks. The
Terek Cossacks wore red b"rkos piped
wi th gold. the Don Cossaeks wore blue
piped with red; but most wore the same
as the rest of the ca\'3lry, ye llowish-grey
with gold epa ulettes. The cavalry wore
the /H1(IQkho or fur hat, which was either
J28 AJRFIX magulne
the stretcher bearer and any 000 of the
machine gun crew except the man with
th..: ammunition box. It is possible 10
make t... o gu n crews from one Gemmn
se!. The Russian gunners ",ore a black,
spiked helmet, 5urmounted by a black
horsehair plume, heavily embossed with
brass. The tunic had a buuon-back
front, re\'caling a rich gold lining. I
belie\c the tunic and troosers .,.,.cre also
black and the cuffs were of 1I0ld lace.
There ... ere white cross-straps, holding
an ammunition pouch centrally behind,
at waist 1e\"C1 The belt was black as
were the boots. Most of this can be
achieved by tc-painting standard fi.lilurcs. horse ; and doubtless ....·hen the gun ""'.IS Then the shoulders of lhe German arc
The German ha\'ersack must be re- limbered up. the crew piled on the cemented on to the body of the Amb.
mm'cd and made smaller, then stuck limber or on the gun tmils. The boots arc cut from the German.
in its new position. A piece of p.1intcd and the a5SCmbled body section stock
cotton-wool represents the plume. on to these. A strong glue like U H U
Additional modifications involve re-
INFANTRY is required to do Ihis. Rough su rfaces
moving the grenade, the gllS cylinder The next problenl that faced me WllS should be filed dow n. Of course, by
and the conn«ting pipe from thc the Russian infan try. The Russiuns swopping he:lds and trimming the burko,
name· thro"e r, The name-t hrower itself fought. ra in or shine, almost ulwuy! the Arab! can also be used as they are.
becomes a sponge, and a 20 mm pin in their enormous bllrkas. The Russia n h is in teresting to note that if the
drh'cn through the grenadier's right headgear ""as either a spiked helmet , runn ing Arab's left arm is be nt until the
hand and stuck to his left becolnes a or a nanish, peaked cap. Ha\'ing con- musket muulc touches the right hand.
r.t mrod. Two sl1mll screwed-up piece.i sidered many possibilities, I finally the eff~'Ct obta ined is that of a soldier
of paper represent shell and shot decid.!d on the Arab set and the fiTlit rc- loading his musket. The bl/rko had
carrying socks ::and are cemented to the world "'~..r Gennans. The Germans no belt, but two whi te eross~traps were
strctcher bearer's hands. Thus the can either be re-modclled as the a rt illery worn which held a /..-illjQl or bayonet
machine-gun crewman becomes the gun men werc, omitting the plurnc, for the on the left hip and an anlmuni tion
layer. the bearer the loader, the grena· nlre occasions when they discarded pouch on the right. The b,,,ka itself
dier the and the name-thrower their gtC3t-coats, or modified on the: was yellowish-grey with red epaulettes.
the cleaner. Figures from the Airfix followi ng linc:s. The arms, shoulders Tbe tbt cap when worn (depicted by
Arab set provide the outriders and and head sh.ould be reJllO\ed from the the German stretcher bearer's head
drh'ers, and an officer is taken from the German figure in onc: piece. The same with added paper peak) ",-as red with a
An-.crican anillery, ",·ith hat cut down to applies to the running Arab, ",ho also black peak and band, For ofliccTli, use
papakha size. This onlcer is painted as has feet remm'ed, his burku shorten...--d the German ones, ",110 are almost
for the ca\~.Ilry Onicef already described. by 1 mm, and a grOO\'e cut to reprc:sc:nt i(lentical to the Russians, ("\'cn to the
Outriders rode on the left hand side the front opening of the great-coal. medal around the neck.
Numerous other figu re con\Crsions
Uclow: Line lip of Rlln;an troop! from fire Crimmll lVar pt!rlad, 01/ COI/I·t'rlnJ from suggest themscln'S for the RUS/lian side,
,llrfix figllrt'!. I'; om IfP : ~l'al""'(III. /I!ru /)"p;cal i"falllr)"II/t'11 III bllrk(.l1, II/arcJrilrg and in particular you should ha\'e a n ~
ilifmuqman ;,r IH.'ukl'rI cap, gt,,{'ral, aNI C(Jl'u/rplI(.m. IJoUom : Camp/fIt' R,ISS;(", gUll ikon bearer as shown in the h<:ading
erl''''' frolll 19/-1 Gfrlllalls. NOIe 18 ptlr gllll "'illt box trail amllht' fimber. Top of page: ; picture. I think the illustration ;s self.
Of/ail sJ.ncltfs for th{' [!Nurt' com·t'r:riollS. O/'wifs for limber ami gun (11aI la s('alf)
gi.·t'nopposilc. evident . A suitable length of scra p
plastic is used as the pole. with a cross-
piece added al1d cott on stays. The banner
is simply CUI frOlll p:lper with a brightl y
coloured religious device painted on it.
Even in 1854 the Russian 'stcam
rollef' was in motion. The infantry
alwll YS fought in massive phalanxes,
the cavalry was neve r less than th rc:c
lines deep. The Russian artillery "'~.tS an
extremely cnlcient :lrm and could fire
faster than the British. But as they
didn't belie\e in losing their guns, they
genemlly pulled out when in danger.
The Russians Jllade top-rnte soldiers;
effICient. obedient in all circumstances
and bra\'e .... hen ",'ell led, but whe n they
were Idt o n their own they tended to
be rather indc:cisive.
(Con,I" .. ed)
May, 1967 ll9
pected 'c\lraS' like machinery and internal layouts come as
pleasant SurpriSC5. In short, the book IS &000 vatllC for the
ellthuslast and our only hope is that more atten tion will
be pHd to proof reading in the next <.-dilion; Victorio us
is wrongl) ca pt ion<.-d as II/I/slriolls at one ~tage, while the
large number of spelling crrors becomes Irrita ting al limes.
Tank selection
REVIEWED FOR IVODELLERS M ILITARY VUl tCLI!. l' III l'n"S, St:ilt\lS 10. PI. blisltc(1 by M er-
ber/cll Lui . U (H\·/ltom U iII, /Jf(U'kIWIl, Ikrks. !'ricc 4s
(/1051 frcc UK, Is Od poslUge Ol'erse/u).
German medals NTE REST ING latest set of draw inas from Merberlen
G[ltM~N ORm kS "l'oO D JoCORATIONS (", 0/ so pin"rt' ('(lrtis
CO/Qllr), pub/iYlffl by Tony L. Oli,'..r, 23 RlmnYlIIl'd.. RtNul,
in I contains SOlllC useful items for the mililary modcller,
notab l) the Gcrma n A7V lank of World War I fame. This
Eg/wlII. S."rI'Y. ",i('1' 7s 6d. maSSI\C ~1:lb sidell vehicle wu Ihe Ge rman answer to the
N T I L \le rettl\cd 11 n,:\icw sample o f this set of (:ltrds. we
U dldn', rt:.1hse how much wc had missed in the way of
Brtush tank menace and the 32 Ion gianl was cre\\ell by
18 me n. Because of its simple shape WIth an all-en\elopina
references on the sub)CC1 of medals and awards! E\cl)one has bod). this ,chide loou a comparatiVe!) Simple subj;..'Ct for
Iw:ard of the Iron Cross. bUl how many oould tell, say. a scratch building in ca rd using the J :76 scale dra\\ing ai\en.
Knights Cross of the Iron Cross from the morc mundane Other subjects in this issue a rc the Lorraine, the Italian
Iron Cross Second Class? Or a War Meri t Cross from a War M 13/ 40 li&ht tank., the I'l Jage r 38 \\ it h I' A K 36
1'>'l cril Medal? Who could evcn recognise, lel alone describe, (' ~I a rde r '), plus a scale drawing of the German 13 mm
the 11'1(.'(la l (\wardt.-d for the 1941-42 Wi nlcr Cllllpaign in Russia? :lnti- tal1k ri fle of 19 18. I' ietures o f each su bject a re included
T hese Hnd Illllny others co,·cring the 1933·45 period o f G erma ny :Ilong wit h Ihc usual h is torical notes and tec hnica l de tails.
- ioeluding, of course, the numerous war rocda ls- nre ill us- All the tank drawings are to the sl:lndard I: 76 scale,
Iruled (lnd described in Ihis in lcresting and allrncti,·c sel of
C'.mls. Triple bill
Printed in full colour, the cards are similar in si/£ and quality R ED !"OIl D ANG£:R, by L . T. C. RO/I. Publish ed by /}/ll'id ,(,
to pfi!-"'ar ciapfi!tle cards. The su bject matter is talen from the Ch(ll/es (I'ublislters) Lld, SOl/lll Del'O/l 1I 0u~. Hailway
official war-time publication Dk Alu:t'idlllllltgt'rI dt's Gross- SIIJ/ioll, NeW/Oil Abbot. Del'o", and disuibll/rd by lV"rd
lh>uls<:Itl'1I Hl'lelu plus the publisher's very large collection. Lock « Co Lld. I'rice 4},.
Each C'Jrd deals wi th an indhidual de<;Qration. ill ustrating the
medal and the ribbon .. ith historical notes and details on the H IStORICAl.. K.!. tI..WAY D ISASTERS, by O. S . Noc' . 1'l/bUsh('d
back . In many C'JSCS the information includes dimensions. date by IIm AI/an Ltd, T ermillal H OI/SI:, SI,tI'PUWII, Middlesex.
of institution. and number awarded. Some fa§t:inati ng facts Price 42s.
are fi!\'caled, for instance th.. l the Gmnd Cross oflhe Iron Cross 111( 11 IMI R Ail w,w ACC IDt:NTS Of' nm I'WIX t W ill C l.NTUKY,
" 'as aWllrded once only, to Gocring, lInd thut Werner Moldcrs by J . A . 8 . /flUnilllm . l'ublislled by Georltt: AI/ell <~ VIII";"
was the first recipient of the Kmghts Cross wit h Oak l eaws, Ltd, Huskill lI ol/se, 40 /II I/scllm SUCCI, LOIldOlI , WC / .
Swords. (1111/ Diamonds, and only 27 such awards were made. l'riee 3D,.
In short, this compfi!hensi,c set mah'S a most useful addi tion T RILOG Y on ra il disaste rs from three different
to the reference material a\'ailablc 10 those imercsted in World
War 2, panicularly military moddlcrs. 11 is a\'ailablc by post
A aU lhors and publishers. and thoug h all three lIiffe r in
5e\'eral respects, they are all worth reading. Red I- or /}(llIgt'r
from the publisher. is an eX lended edition o f the work first published in 1955.
Baby Janes Certain errors in the original text ha\1! bI..-en corrCClcU and
adlli tional iIIuMrations and ma terial bring the stor) forward
WARSIl II'S OF 1111:: " 1tlTlSit AND COMMONW I-A1..1 1l NAV II-S.
10 1957. L. T. C. RoILS·S accounts conSIder the lessons to
Hy 11 . T . UIIIUII. I'I/blished b,' /(,111 AIIUlI Lld, Tl'rmimll
be learned from each accident. A pprecialion of the del'clop-
Midd,·. I'riee 30s.
/l II/UI' • •\/'I'I'(It'r/OII. menlS that have take ll place is aided b)' grouping the acci-
HIS new publication from lan AII:.n su ppla nts the den ts together according to t) pe. Chapter head ings suc h as
T earlier paperback Hritish Ii'lIrsltips which has been
3n esscntilll refe rence book for w:lrship ent h usi:lsts over
' Double Li ne Collisions of E:n ly Da)s". ' Blow-ups and
Brea kd ow ns', ' Bridge Fa ilures', 'Single Li ne Collisions',
the ) cars. T he pllblishers ha\'e now ado pted an oblong '1l igh Speed De railments·, an d 'Signalmen's Errors' illustrate
hardb:lcl format. rather like a baby edition of 'b nes' to th is poi nt.
enable them to prcsc/lt more in forma tion. bigge r pictures. O . S. Noe k in his preface 10 lI iSloric I-I.(I;I"·(IY ViS(lSlerS
and lone draWIngs of man) of the \'esscls co\ ered. sets out to look a t accidents mo re from thc technical point
I' or COIIH:nience the aUlhor ha plar.:ed \"cssels in tQ wha t o f view alld study thei r contribution to the gradUltl c\olu-
he (and wc! ) conSIder logical functiona l groups (fleet tion of sarcty regulations. To make thiS point some 32
,·cskls. escort \essels. AW ,cssels, etc) rather than in the aceide nts ha\c been selected and full) described . A lifetime
proliferation of somewhat ou tmoded categories like sludy of railwtl) wor king and professional engagemcnts in
frigates and des troyers which arc still used b) the a lllhori- sigllalling for more than 40 )can make M f Noel.; particu-
tics. "I he lille of the book embraces South Africa. e,'en la rl y well equipped for this task.
th ough she is now a republic. and also takes in the sma ll J . A. n. l-lamihon's book, as ils tillc SI :HC-~. IS limited to
' new' navies lik.e those of Ghana. Niac ria and MlI I3)·sia. ra ilway acc idents of th is cent ury a nd 27 1lccillellts ha\e been
"I he cOlel1l8e for II book of this sh~e 272 p.1.ges- :lIld ~c lccted because of some spcctacu l:H character o r othe r
modest price i~ most comprehensh"e an d there arc particu- special inte rcst. The dt.""Scripl ions a rc clear and lucid and
larl y fine ~ect lon~ on tugs and ot her mino r cr1lft. Unex- fu ll of in teresti ng detail.
J30 AIMIX m~l!: nine

Dlle of Ml't'ral Slirlillg lfall5poru opl'fa/I'tl hy a lklgi(lll romI'm'), SCCII (11 Ill(/rkhus/rc 1101 IQlIg aflcr Illc "Y/(. T ill' o/tl RA F cotlcs ' XK-B '
rail sliII bt- SCI'1/ all 1/11' f ll'if'lagf' s;dl's. (l'hoto by J . D. R. Ra .... lings).

STIRLING STAGE 1 " pari from clean,nl up any 'urplu. ·ft~"" the Il ..,
<k'" ..·"h ,he nU" .. ,nd.,.... ncakd in , ... f .... lap .. ~ ,u can b& Iftn fro'"
i<>b ;. 10
,he pian ,her~ .,.., Il,·e ofliloQe »1 r.",y cl"", 'OF''''''' .1Il'1<)0' <Wer lhe ,nUh,.
Nil'" oi.he ",nl "",,'ion. Se'eral _1I.odo .,..,.,1l.iJ.abk bult c~ lha, ... ""'h
I ' houl'" ...... i.h.n.'" "",,""""10 of ""'" modellers. Th ........ 10 cui """
an """"'- f,om tile {u,d"", "''"''''''I''''
a,..,. in ..·h.d. , ..... ,ndows ..·erc '0

be KI. filhn, ,he hole .. ,tb. ... i""h pia,,;" ""rd and ...... dn,hnl 011 ' , ... boles
f.... , ..... ,"""'.....

STAGE 2 Once: , ... pi.,,;.; urd ha.\ "" i. CaB be .ubbed do ..... "i,h ...,
aJld dry ~apor ", fI' the """,,)Ur or the ru""aae .Hle< l'rovid'''I. sood joint
h.. b«n " .... e in lhe fi m iMIAnce: ,he .. ohould be no trouble In Ihil.houllh
,he;ox. ;, rW)I an uoy onc. " c"""';<krable a",,,un' oi """,r..1 ... bbo"l down
Alan W. Hall converts the i; .-..ccooary and I {""nd i • .-.... a ,b.,n """" of IllIeT ".n In ,,,,,,nd .114: ~
'0 rna~~ ...", lha' the joinl did rW)I sbow.
Airfix Stirling into the long nose
STAGE 3 Nu,. IAh. lrad.,. of ,hoe window posotiorK .nd put 'hite on
Mark V cargo rersion lhe It>P<opo;ale pI""", ITUIki"l ...... . ha. , .... area of .. induw ,,, be cui OU'
cor ..... pond. '" lhe e~i",,,, pla.,ic windows i .. , .... \i,. T he Il0l.. a..., .hen
d"lIeoJ ou' .. ilh a ,"<'ry ~"" po .. er d" lI ... d "fI' .. llh • file . lIy cutl;n.
U NLI KE the L..:mcaSlr ia n which W'dS a
from the La ncaste r, the St ir lin~
modificat ion
tmnsport ne,er really
up ,he .....,i"l , ran..,.""",'"", and lIicki ... I..... in pi""", ,he job can be
comp' .'eoJ I-a';lf;oc.orily.
No'~ : T"" "'u,_,i", ", /I';. I. '0 0lil"'" "-",, /1i~ of ,1tI~ 1,,..,.,.11 ... I~I
caught lhe imagination of the civil operalor though al least
,/ob I~/o l/w I~"'~ .w.-. ". l/w _ _ •. TIN """,,,,,~>teW. - t ..UtJo.,
silt squadrons were equi pped wilh the Iype in RAF Transporl
Command, Shorts made great efforts 10 sell lhe Stirling trans-
look. "'Ill _ H ItH<kd - ' l/w Job """ H
....ftII 10 IN hlf ... .............
""""",rd by JMM'" . - l/w

port to lhe civil market as both a freigh ter and passenger-

ca rT)ing airernn but only one fim] in Iklgium opernlcd lhem
and Ihcse were, in fact, surplus RAF aircran.
As fa r as modifying Ihe Airfilt model is COllCCrllf,.-d , this is
onc of Ihe larges t that has yet been (I!lemplcd within IheS/;!
pages. Unfo rl unately wc can not pri nt a full-size 1:72 scale pl,ln
but Richard Ward 's drawi ngs give all the 1'l\.'CCSS(' ry delails for
modirlClllions 10 be made.
Iklsically lhe conlersion inlolves a IlCW nose, lail unit. and
lhe deletion of the top turret. Aparl from this there is the
problem of leu ing eltlra "'indows inlO lhe fuse lage sides and
blocking up others.
The conversion is not (In easy onc if Ihe model maker is
reSlrieled 10 Ihe top of Ihe kiu;he n table for work ing. and A ho\£ : Orilling oullhe M'illd() ... ll{'erlures ill tlfe ffm'/age fra/ ..n
readers who hallC already made up the basic kit wi ll hal'e ..-1I1t (I small po,,'!'r drill. Arf'a.~ 10 br m/ a..-ay life marked 011
discovered that Ihe Stirling is no small model and IlCCds a Ihe plaslic ('ard illurl "ffer ;1 ;! C/'II/elrlel/ ill pl/lCt' ;n lire ob/Dill!
s/m prtl';ously CUI ill Ihe fil~/a;e. Drill" llllIlIbi'r of t:/OJl!/y
'I iule more spacc lhan usu:tl to build satisfactorily.
sptlctll /",Ie! rOlllld Ihe insil/e of I'ach ,,';NIa,,' arm, gi";flg fhe
Reference material is comparatively scarce. The AefQplal/f! filulllgl' half ac/equafl' SUPPOrl ill 1111' lII~antillll'. andjoillllp Ihl'
Spoiler pro' idcd much o( the infonnatio n I required, but haIl'S "'illl a rraft knife so rtllro";1Ig l/rl' (/rco romp/eu/y.
ap.1rt (rom Ihis Thelford's Aircraft of flu! Roya/ Air Fo~ Instruclions continued o n page 334
gives a ~malll h,,--'C view dralO.'ing and basic delalls. Scale drawings on !lCJI.t page
May. 1967 )JI
Sho rt St irlin g V, PKI4l, KAW of 242 Sqn, 1945

, No< • • .1.1 ........... lar, . f ,ei,~ . d_ • • , .. board

.id. onl,. n i. opon, downward. ond ......... .1 •.
No ••• ddi, iooal ~
... i.. do ws CO<ft"-
Sco •• on ' UHf. , . In mod.1

n ..." 01 •• il (no/; .0 Kale)

bu..,. <loo< on PG" • ..t. .. ....

. . j~Airll. ~;.

Scales I :n and 1:144

Mu . $,''''
11 11
0 .. 0 inc h .110 ...... . 'e' ' ,IM
,..,.,,,.1." (r.d, wh .,o, blue
.... 1,) on UPP*' winl ourlouo
in ..."'. "",., 10<1 o. on t.o...l>a,
Und..... '''1 __ nd~. "",'Ia.,
but t Inch .I, . .......

Fu,.IA& • ..,.. .. .1." 'no C l ',IM

with ,ello ......... " ...
Addi l ional <0 1..... "otu:
Spln"e.. on<! ',ncr._ blKlc wnh ~ ,,,,,h ,oNow "pO '0 prop blod ...

CaI_•.,.. "",. .............. ...."ilold. Wack .. h !>.""n.

Cod. '!(AW' ..... '0''" ~IO~l ;" blatk.
Com p d i m_ . ...... :
Undo,,,,,""_ <loon .. I....... 'M .... and .... t.
S.idi". elll Slirl;". V
Undo,a,ria,. '01' .M wMoel hullo .. I•••.
" '"' I ........
" ,... I indo
II .... , Ine....
" 'H.
'10 ' " ' ' . irKha
I Ind'I
U fM. , lrod>eo

m AlRFIX macnme
No<. -"loft. 01 .....11 IIlriaJ.
0fI _ Ir-om pIaft oM 01 ..........

iftdows '0 _ .... alHn oM the dele,loft 01 _en!

.~ Mr."" •.onIoft,


f.N d...1o !or ",..hodo 01 _Idi" ........""rency

nMd... !or ...... In SUrin. V COft .....1on _re
iJi.... I" our M." 1966, I.. ue

Line oI , .pport ... , • •,. ,

D,.wi" • • ." lIie,,"" L. W.,d

M ay. 1967
Sti rl ing t ra nspo rt- co ntinued

STAGE 4 lIa"ol complctrd both oidoo$ and added t"" (.,.,Lp" dc"ta,,,
.nd otho....IIdo...·• "'he,,, ncca:oary, lho ''''0 f.....1a&e hal"a can be pu,
' OCC,he •. "I't~. hUiol allo .. rd • l uitahl< poriod for dr)tnl out. b<>th ,It.<_.
tOl> 'urr~ If"OCI' and ,.il c.. n be Cut olf rudy '0 , ~.i,·" ,mall block. of .... I.a
"'h;ch .. ill be .. sed '0 d .. nlC .he ..... re of.iteK ......... Rtf" ......... to .he plan~
""""Id be "",de 10 find ,'''' c.acl positi"" '0 Cut off ,be .a";"'" picc", IIoouIlt
lhe boo ... fi.l<", (an be IefI ('Ut 10 mu;/! >hare .. hm """L in lI'O't"on. , uloCd
poiyse,. ......, oemcn. for .hit Or<nl''''''.

,\ 000"1': A /HJ ....', d,iII is IISt'/I" fo, litis rOIll'l!'fsiofl, /H1r/ iclI/Ur/y
for SIICl! rt'fint'lIIl'nfl as a 110110 ..·..(/ 0/1/ 'Wl'.

STAGE 5 Thc """" _,ion ...., "".It .. i,h fI ..... AOu two.',nl ,twored ,h ..
.. ,'h a eh,.. 1 and. fi ... lly ..... ndll.pc:r and ''''0 coa" offilk:r, I drilled ou"he
fu..,b!J<' ulterior .... nil ,he ""... cr drill. AmbtliOUI nl<Kl<ll~.., can cui off lhe
no<o< ..." iun alon, ,he line of the ,," ......h fold,n, _,ion aO". Ihi. """r."on
ha. been complctrd.nd .. ,Ih. ""lc f.. rlhe. "'Of" can ",oduce lhe _"''' . .
_,ion. A , , , , _... n, WCI"", . . . made by ........ "'.he pan ('U' off the
..".., and " .. n, 'h...' a "",le r~ fOf . he mould.". p.o.:cs.. The opera'''''''
.0 makc ,h' l . ... n'f)& •.....,y ha,'C bc>cn dac"bc<I futly in ca,hc. a .. ICIes,

STAGE G In ",ndinl do.. ".nd fini$hi", ,he '01> 'urrel ara I found .t...,
It .........,r.. llo.dd. " .... ntil)' ofbody .... U,1O ,he ....... of ,he f _ _ joinl.
A~ Ih .. i ••• ...,. """ onc lhe~""""'"' .... Ilwt. it dQa; ItOI. fi, ~uctJy, and ... tho.
,han .pond .n Ioou. or ... poi .... ina down the IQ!! of,he r"odItp , found i,
m""h _ 10 build Ihis IU'C1I .. p and ...... pc: and.and. it untIl a pc.-f~'ly 1\;0,
.... face ,..,nla,nl. T he b;ol.. >«.ion can ..... be .Ilared a' ,he ""'e """" ,"u •
.... "inll '''-0 Sim,I.,I), lhe " 'indows .. h;ch .'" no .onge••"<"irod
can be fillrd ."h body .... n y a, thi. It......nd ... bbe<l do"'n ... ben lity.

STAGE 7 The .ait It ,he ~",'..u ........... allcn'ion. H •• in« compktrd

,he ... OO,nl and fllh"" ope ... '''''', ,he ''''0 .ibf. .. hocll a", >ho",n in ,he "".-
"""""'c IIttleh on the plan.", made f. om thin caro and .. lICk in place ,,"h
bal ... ~~""' . r fo"nd ,he _ .... ,e """'on by I.)in, .he f ..... la~ on ,he .,.. rd.
d",,,',nl rOllnd " and the .. ~"d,n, the ,h;ckttoat ~. " ...... of sharp
ociIoon ..-c"'.U ,1Ia, .....
necdrd '0 comp.ete lhe ope""ion. Tbe , ... ~
,\ bo,'c: Addillg balJO blocks IQ Ihl' nost' amI wU rl'(>/Iy [or Tt'· in ,he u,mnc • ..., made by drillint: OIl' .he In'" witb lbe power dnll
shapillg. IJeloll': A "if'''' I)IIII~ complt'/('d /I_/('/. I/lOugll ulltlf', ..·i"l! ,n&.
.nd i........ """,U picoc of acetatc ohcet af,cr the in,erior had been pa,ntrd
rountlds ,.,(',t' slilf 10 be mltJl'd " 'lIl'n lhis picfII,l' "'(jJ wJ..e/l. bIadt. Otbcr bot. and pteCCS ....~.., corutructod from pI..,ic .. em.
Thl' 't'ally ambi,ious m()(II'III" sllOltl(/ ' 1'[1" to ,111' '11'.,'1 flr/iell'
[OT (I IIIl'lhlJ(l (J[ ,rlraclill/lllll' ,mdfTC(lr,llIg"! STAGE 8 T he ..... , of Ihe "1Ode1, ",inp, un""/'ClI. .... ~, ~fIlIinC5. cockpi ••
e'c. arc ""... rom"I~,rd acoordin, '0 .he kit i... ,ruc".,.... T be uiotin, ..... ,
behind ,be cvckp" ..... mod.fiooId '" • oimple fih ... opera,ion and ,he pilot
heads .. nder lhe ....... ...,.., COGOI..-rd from plutic can! and. omatt ~ of
'.mp (u"" "'f'C. Othe • ..,,,all ".~",:rJJo made in a .. mi .... maoner.

PAINTING T he painli"" of the model 11 "",Ita", tlwo oi,,,p''''' of all

,It.< opera,""" ... ,...., I. if yOII (an le' on ...ith ..Iva' ",,'nt! I u<.c'"",
roundel' ""'me rhe Li, bu, ."'- abo.·~ and below tba .inp came '''o'' 'Ooo::''-U.. Tbe ..,n.1t and ....... coda can ""......Jc "p from
Let,." .... M 8hclo: dry t ......rtn.

NEWS FROM IPMS walch 'Angels Onc·Fh c', a film based on the story of a Hurri·
cane squadron in the Battlc of Britain.
pining a reputation as unbeatable. John Chisman was The c\'cning's form.11 business included the re-election of :1
lhe ",inner of 'he lI urricane kil building compelilion al U K committee for ,he: coming yea r. W. R. Mauhcws cont inue.
the If'MS Annual General Meeting on Ma rch 31 wilh a model as l'rcsidl:nt , W. L. Baxlcr as Vice· President llnd I) , R . M.
that had taken 150 hou rs '0 build. Oxford as Treasurer. R, R. Wainwright remains on the commit·
Second camc I)ick Ward's model of ,vigl,l Rl'tlper, KUlllc- 1I.'C, but J. Wilkinson takes on his role as lion Secretary.
Wasdll:r's famous I-I urricane. Th,s had full flap, cock pit and Those allending the next London mceling on Aprit 28 wtll
undercarriage detail loaetl't<:r wilh cut-out control surfaces, halle the uniq ue opportunity o f sceing captured Luflwa /fe film
Dick is, of course, \Oo·d l· known for his drawings in AIRnx which has nC\'er before been shown in Ihis country. Thc meeting
rnaga:./!inc. starts at 7.00 pm and wi ll be held at St Mark's Church Halt.
Ju nior member Robert Bcaslcy g:lincd third pril.e with an IJalderlon Street, London WI , as .... ill the rollowing IllCCling
imaginalh'c ' Hurricat' conllersion lhe bow or a CA M-ship, on May 26. Non·membe rs are wdcome and can obtain further
lhe catapult and its aircraft. infornlalion about 'he Intcrnalional l'lastic Modellers' Socicly
Compe'ition o\'er, the sixty members prcsenl, coming rrom from tile Uon Sa.:l'I:tary, 5 St Da vid's Oose, I\'er Ucath,
all O"er England as wdl as France and Holland, sat back to lJ ucks,-JU.II .
3H A/RF/X mignine
FtG 2 FIG 4

Retracting. those wheels

wit h three holes, using the dia gonal strut as a finish line ;
Asa most enthusiasts know, the Stirling undercarriage was
complex system and advanced for its time. maki ng it also cut 11 / 16 inch off the diago nal st rut. A 1132 inch hole is
all the more rewarding to hale the undercarriage of the Airfix then d rilled at the junctio n of Ihe four struts to the rea r of the
Stirling model retractabk. To ea rry o ut this task is not as leg to phot on the rear end of the side members. These side
dillicul t as it may. at firsl, appear and I h:l\"e shown the stages members ca n now be made from SCrJP measuring 'f inch X
in picture (onn_ • inch 1112 inch, and a hole 1/32 inch m.1de 1/ 16 inch from
Modincations to kit parIS are as folio ....., : each end (Fir.: 2).
l\'l:dn U/e Lq:s (l>a rl 189) : These are cut immediately above Mudr.:uard ,\ sst'mbly (184): This part is cu t o n lhe centre line
th ! cross strul holding the upper su pports for the forward of the protruding pegs. and the pegs rcmoved. The top half is
undercarriage door. T hen file lhe legs on the outside 10 half filed 10 increase and deepe n the semicircular profile, so as to
their thickness, 7/32 inch from lhe cross strut on the ] accommodate the .... hee l when retrJctcd. The t .....o mudgua rd
section, an d ]f8 inch from the cross strut o n the upper section. scc.::lions arc then celne nte<! to the lo .... cr st rut scc.::tions a lready
T ....·o small plates are the n made from scmp plastic measu ring cut from Ihe main diagonal strut. When dry, these st rut s are
S{l 6 inch X ]/8 inch X ]/32 inch, and cemen!f.:d to the recesses cut through in lioll with thll cut bet .....een the m udgulI rd sec tions.
on the outside of the upper section of the t..... o legs. When these T his l)llrt of the opemtion is concluded by :1t1:lching small
have sct, drill a ]/32 inch hole, 1/ 16 inch from the OOllom of the rou nd plastic rods 3/32 inch in dia meter, 3/ 16 inch long on thc
plale and on the cent re line to take a thick d ressm:l l er's pin. lo\\cr half. and 118 inch long on the uppe r half, both being
Another hole is now drilled 1/ 16 inch frum the top of the main drilled 1/32 inch and a pin ceme nted in the lo .... er (3/ 16 inch)
kg. aillin ce nlrally. Repeat these operJtions for the other side rod. Th is cnables the lo part of the mudiluard assembly to
of the leg assembly. be remo\cd for retraction. The upper mudguard section is
The two sections are oow hingc:d by t ..... o pins cut to .. inch then cemented bet .... een the rear u/c Icgs (Fir.: 2).
and the main pi\'o t rod made from scrap 7/ 16 inch long and The side members can now be pinned to the main and rear
]132 Inch diameter and cemented bet .....een the top ends of the ule legs. the te.1r pins being cut off flush .... i1h the inside of the
upper ulc S«'tion. The main ulc w~1 can now be assem bled as leg 50 as not tocomeinto contacl with the .... heci .... hen retracted.
per kit instruction and filled ( t-ig I ). Use Amlditc on the insidc 10 hold the pins, but not 1lC.1r the
RelH VIe Ugs (185 ): C ut off a section of 11 / 16 inch from pin helld (l'" lr.: 3J.
oolh horil.ontal parts of the rc,ir underca rriage legs, the IXlrt COlllilJl~cd 0" "ext page

May. 1')67 m
St i rli ng wheels- co nti nued
To pivot the undercarriage in the wing a small block of
plastic measuring 7/ 16 inch x l /8 ioch x l/g inch;s made by
cementing two piecd of thick scrup together. Two pins are
fIXed 10 this block, which has 11 chamfered edge to allow the
top section of the uJe kgs to nlO\"(: back to gi,e extru space
when retracting (Fig 4), This block is cemented to the wing
after the two locating bo$scs h:we been remov.:d. To position
this block, loca te the rear struts in the rear locating bosses,
first having filed the lOPS of the rear legs to make them an easy
push fit. Set up the u/c and push the top cross strut forward
under the pins; you will then sce the corl'l..'(;l position (Fig J ). Abon~: TI,e UlukrcarriDg~ fulJy rttrQC/td, Picture uqllt'/ICf: IN/OM'
Rear U/C Door (195): For this door, make a plastic U-sha ped shoM'S retrocling oction. All picturts kt)'N to rtfertnas in ltXI.
piece With a 1/32 ioch hole through which a pin is secured by make a box to enclose the tail wneel assembly. Another
Araldi te. This piece is then cemented to the two tabs on the rubber block is cut to S/ 16 inch X l / 16 inch x l fl6 inch with
door, so that it will run in the two slots on the rear nal;CIJe, A a 3/ 32 inch hole to take a plastic rod 7/ 16 inch x 3/J2 inch
rubber block is then cut S/ 16 ioch x 7JJ2 inch x 3/ 16 inch, diameter drilled to takc the ends of the tail wheel legs. The
using rubber from a cycle brukc block. It is then fixed with doors are cut from the closed doors (6S) and hinged to the
Araldi te hel",,-een the two slots in the wi ng. Wi th a hole drilled fuselage sides with Scllolapc st rips (FIg 7).
in the rub ber block the door will slide forwards to cover the To Rcll'llct the U/C : ( I) Remove rear u/e legs from rear
gap when the uJc is retrneted, nnd back when the wheels are bosses. (2) Remove lower mudguard section (I-' ig 8). (J) With
lowered (FIG 5), tweezers, pull to the rea r Ihe top cross strut on the main uJc
The main uJc doors and the front door Co1 n now be attached, legs w that it lies in the space between the pins and the cham.
the main doors by Sellota pc :tnd the front door as per kit fered end of the ma in pimt block (Fig J). (4) The main legs can
instructions. The main door is hinged on the centre line of the now be retracted and the whole assemb ly pushed forwards to
side member 10 ena ble more of the wheel 10 be covered when lie in the nace lle Wig 10). (S) The rear door is now pushed
retracted (I-' Ig 6). forwards to fil l the space in the rear of the whccl well in the
Tail Whetl Msembly: The tail wheels can quite easily be nace lle; this will also help to keep up the undcrcarriage(I-' jg 11 ).
made to retract by using part 181, CUlling off most of the doors Follow all these instructions wit h the kit instructions and
and cementing it inside the fuselage at an angle usi ng this 10 appropria tc part! to hand. You ~'iII enjoy lhe challenge!

FtG 10


40 Cambridge Park
Try this re\'olutionary new material from
Wan' tead, E.11 the USA fo r an authen tic, competition·
It is with deep re,ret that the Museum h8.'l to inform winning, naturu l alumi nium finish on
all i15 friends and members that due to the (Jiggin a ll your scale models. Fascinating to
H ill Air Fair Committee's refusal 10 allow us to use, the sclf·adhcsi\'e sheet size I S in. x
uhibi t a t the coming Air Fair we shall nol be nyin, 10 in. co\·en three fighters and costs
ou r Lincoln l10mbcr o r l-lal"\"ard Aircraft at this only 41, 6<1. complete wit h instruction
&bow. Neithe r will they be able to sce the Saab J/29 and cutting board. Post free in UK
tha t W8.'I to fonn pa rt of our stalic display. I",owe,·cr, (FordiJI o rders SOy. extra).
all friends both new and old will be most welcome Obuoiul>lo fro.:
10 visi l U5 at our new location at Southend Airport. G, 8 1 _ 11 Hillfo.cI PIaft,
£,0. . .- ' , Storn7
Sgd.- Dircclo,. GCllcrai (T'". ....."" Jorrir...t)

n. AlRf/X maguine

own turrets
MODELLERS, SCRATCH- Using fill' lultniqUI'$ slIggf'S/I'J 1,t',I' by Kt'n~l" JOII('S, }'OII'II
be on ,lrt' M"ay IQ turning 0/11 "rotkllonks 10 fllis high standard:
tMs King Tigl'r hus Q (urrel mo/.ltlttl from plutlie cord and
BUILDERS, AND OTHERS ulllists ",·,,"/s, ',arks. and o,h('r COII/poni'ms Jrom Airfix Tiger
and Panthu kiu.

W HIco LST looki ng

/wcfllions in AIRFlX
through onc of Al:m )-Iall's aircraft
magazine, his methods of mould·
surface of the plastic card. This was to allow for a safety
marain when the turret was cut from the sheet, to be fin ished
ing cockpit canopiC!l set me thinking, why not mould lank ll nd filed to shape later on. My first attempt failed because the
turrets from plastic card? I do ootthink for a moment my idea plastic c.1rd was not at the correct temperature. I reheated
is new in the modelling rteld, bot I ha\"c 00\ sec n it used for the ca rd , tried again, and met with S1.IOCCSS. Unlike acetate
any AFV conslroclion or convenions to date. sheet. plastic card can be heated up for a few tries when initial
1 ....-as 5Ct1ltch-building a Sd KIz 182 Tiger" with Porsche allemplS fail.
IUrrtl, from the Oellona drawl"a, so with the idea aJh-e in my The picturetaten by Cam Anderson, a fellow modeller. sho....'S
mind I set about the task. The Tiger'! turret had been previously the finished article in place on my T iger. The other photograph
Cllf'\'ed from close gmin balsa, so my male half of the mould shollo'S a Somua S3S tank built from a scaled down I :48 M odel
was ready. The only e.'ura wort invoh'ed was to sand apprOll- Mala'r drawing. The hull nose on this tank i5 moulded by the
im:llely i mm from the surface dimensions. same method as the Tiger tUffCt and suttlldts Ihat similar
I cut the female half of the mould from i ineh balsa sheet, home mouldi ng techniques could be used for many scratch
and pinned II tc.1sonably sized piece of 30 thou plastic mrd by building projects. Aircraft radonlCS, etc, also spring to mind.
its four corners on to the balsa sheet. Ensuring th at there was Many will ask. why go to allt hi5 trouble fOf a plastic turret,
sunkient Card bordcr around the female mould to allow for when in about the same time one could be built from solid
stretching, etc, I was ready for the tcst. I held the assembly up balsa and finished with plastic putty? Well moulding turrets
10 the light llnd traced the outline of the female mould on started a5 an ellperimcnt. and I needed an alternative to solid
the surface of the plastic card 10 act as a guide for the insertion balsa ones, lIo-hieh ha.'e ne.'er impressed me in any case. Not all
of the male half. turrets can be built up from plastic: sheet, for instance lhe
The cupola 'bulge' had alre.1dy been can'ed on the balsa 1atilda and some Russian cast types; these ean be carved from
turret. Rather than remove this, or completely rccan'e the balsa but wou ld a lso mould to reasonable lIandards.
turret, it was decided to go ahead with the present shape, for For the warpmcr who wants to produce a col15iekrabJe
beller Of worse! number of otherwise unobtainable turrets, or other parts
l'lolding the fem.1tc assembly over a par.lftin ItOve, I waited suitable to mouldi ng, this method would be an asset. Employing
ti ll the plastic card started to curl Of 'ripple'. I pressed the moulds of a more permanent nature (say thin plywood shoct and
male half through until its base ....'3S abou t 2 mm below the hardwood) a lot of turrets could be produced in a short time.
Once the teehnique is mastered the scope is limitless. Balsa
moulds tcnd to lose their 'sharpness' afte r a few tries, but are
suita ble for a 'one or two ofT' job.
Kelllleth 1\1. Joncs
Left : Sketch d,oK"s method of moulding. 1k'low: Tllis J :76 scaie
French Soml/a "(1S (1 complele nose nIOllldt'tl by tile MIme method.

!I"" T
(Fe_ I. haIr)
May. 1967 337
""-""'. O'8It~ .~ ., ;]~t..

wi ng tip. The standard 217 E and K I wings spanned 62 rt 5 inches

A FTER co nverting a DornlcT Do 217 E2 inlo Do 217 K I,(l

as described in detail in our December issue, a logiClll and to make the extended wings I found that it was bcstto cut
progression leads 10 the bui lding o f the long-spanned Do 217 KZ. o lT the oUler wing panels. I explored ways of utilising the CUI
Apart from its bulbous nose-in shape like that or lhc 2 17 KI - away wing tips arter removing thc balanee section. This would
the next variant had increased wing span to improve its ceiling. have allowed use of the maximum amount of plastic with its
It was specially developed to deliVer PC 1400 FX radio-guided finc finish. It required the i05Cn ion of a sc:ction most easily
armour piercing bombs against shipping. made of wood and allowed use of the plastic ailerons. l\ ly
The only modirlCations necded-Olhcr than nose modirJC3.- experiments showed it 10 be a clumsy method, and in any
lioM preyiously detailed- therefore, concern the outer main- case I encountered problems in correcting the ..... ing washout.
plane areas, and the weapon racks situated bct ....ttn the nacelles My sc:cond line of approach was the removal of the OUler
and fuselage. The K2 bristled wilh aerials of ,'a rious types, wing sc:ction with lhe intention of fitting wooden tips of the
ted ious to model to say the !cOlS!. required increased s pan and dispc nsin& completely with the
Wing span of the K2 is variously recorded in reference plastic. This again prol·ed dinicult, because washout towards
manuals, ollici:al and otherwise, 35 80 ft, 80 fl 6 im:hes and the tips represented on the Airfix 217 E at the point where
SI r,4! inches, and il socms qui le possible that during trials the wings were cut was clearly too gteat to permit the Ine re
the span was slightly altered, although no documentation avait. addition of fresh wing tips, or o uter sections.
llble suggests this, The variations are howel'er so slight that, Finally, I decided on the obvious course, and cut off the
in I : 72 scale, they amount to changes of 1/ 12 inch on either wing tips at the third main chordwise panel line, as shown on

The radio bombing Dornier 217 K2

the diagram. I Ihen made new wooden outer wing sections, with
plugs al the rools 10 e nsure that they filted tightl y into the
plastic wing sections. T he line whe re the join ClIme I then
plastered o,er with Humbrol body putty.
Aner CUlling the wing roughly to s hape I attached it to the
plastic section with polystyrene cement, then set it aside 10 set
firmly. Nc.~t, I plugged the uisting gaP. IO.hcre previously part
of lne aileron had filled. with balsa. Then, when lhese two picce:s
had 5CI, I sanded the new wooden parts to the required sh.1pe,
taking care to retain the correct dihedral and doing my best
to obtain correct washout resemblance.
I had hoped to use the kit's ailerons, but it was not really
practicable. Although body putty is e.1Sy to use, the newly
released Humbrol plastic wood runs it close. You can easily
plaster this on with your fingers, to which it does not s tick,
a nd it certainly seems to have the edge on the o lder plastic
woods available.
The nose must be fashioned before the wings are attached,
as described in the December. 1966, issue. A difticult item to
add is the optical ltat panel of box·like shape, which was fitted
to production 217 K.s in most cascs. This would best be done
using Oat shocting. tweezers and a stcady hand,
ext, the bomb rack fairinp need to be made. These can
easily be ca ...·ed rrom wood and s tuck in place o n the inner
wing section. Then the two FX 1400 bombs ca n be n13de from
Hfading photo : Dorniu 217 K1 W..rb /lfr 4572 in ,,,,'D-tofU! wood with card or thin plastic for the Itabilisers, using the
grun splintrr CQlllolljfage ali(I ...·It" hrllbfall uJI(krlllrfaus.
NOle tile arruy of ...·illg aerials on this, un{ aircraft. accompanying diagrams for guidance. The 1)0 2 17 KJ, of
Aho.·e: [)ornier 217 KI. This I"ersion jirn fie ... 1)11 /lllIrclI 31 which vcry few were built, carried one f'e 1400 FX under its
1941. K£·JA dcpirtc(l ...·us 217 K 0 1, IIml ils .. funga/cd rail COIlf: fuselage, but otherwise resembled the Do 217 K I, having
contains /1 bf(/kil~ 'chute. AI)C)\·c lop : The nose of Do 117 J short span wings.
GE·EA, a .....r!ion of r~ 117 relatNely t'USy to b"Hd U1 a
conrersfon. COlllinl«l1 011 page 340
138 ItJRFlX maguine
/ Do 117 K2


'"\. ,
\ ..... .



Drawl nil • y A . M . Alderson

00217 K2- continued
Do 217 K2s fairly bristled with aerials fo r radio aoo radar
work in connel;:tion with their dual rtIle of search a nd slrike.
The shipping search radar situated /)ene.lth the port side of
the nose would be tedious to eonstru.ct, but not impossible
(quite) for the adllanred modcller. Thc 217 K2 illustrated had
a periscopic sight abo\'e the cockpi t, but this was not usually
fitted to production aircraft,
Only a handful of Dornier 2 17 K2s was built , a nd they opera·
ted in the mai n from Marseil lcs/lstres ove r the Mediterranea n,
in the hands of KGlOO. For my model topic I chose 6N·KT ;
Werke Nr 4554 used by 3/ KG 100 (the formati on to which the Clou lip of Ibe III)M of lire Do 117 K KE·JA . NOlt' Ih~ optic-ul
K2s \\er'e assigned) during August, 1943. Since it was employed jlal for lire bomb uim~r projecting ulllte bose of tltt M M, star-
on a variety o f maritime duties it wore wa\'e mirror finish, board silk.
Ii&ht blue-grey snaky lines over dark grey o n iu upper surfaces. trolled the missile's course sufliciently to permit a theoretical
115 under surfaces were rich light blue:, ·Hellblau'. Code hit within twenty fect of the target from a height of 20,000 feet .
letters (6N small) were in black ; 45S4 appeared at the fin tips As it fdl the bomb reached 630 mph. To pre\cnt jamming
in white. No wing letters were ca rried. The new ~l isAi r Doc of the guidance sys tem wire oo ntrol was dellised, but probably
transfers for Luftwaffe aircraft were not allailab)c when I this was no t used operationally.
finished my conversion, but they would be ideal for this machine. Later \'ersions of FX 1400 which never became operational
All lelle rs were black on the fuselage sides, incidentally; the rcached 900 mph wit h I;:onsequcntly lIluch greatcr penetrating
idca that any of these letters wero automatic.llly coloured on power. These were designed to be launched from high·f1ying
Luftwaffe aircraft is quitc unfounded. Do 2 17 K2.s and a high-flying version of the Do 2 17 M from up
The I"C 1400 FX bomb (usually kllown as FX 14(0) is to 40,000 ft. This redesign of FX 1400 made use of spin stabilisa-
certainly o f more than passing interest, for it was the nearest tion, in which the whole mi5liile rotated at about 60 rPl? New
tlfe Germans came 10 producing a really effective air-ta-surface radio i uidance was developed to cont rol the bomb as It spun.
guided weapon. The Hensehel Hs 293 aJider bomb was relatively Precisely how use the Germans made of FX 1400 is
primitive when compa red with the large FX 1400, .... hich a n_ never likely to be known now. Its most spectacular succc:ss
swered the need for an accurate guided missile with armour came to a Do 217 which released one of these bombs against
piercing qualities. the Italia n battleship ROil/a, a fter Italy had capitulated. The
It was first operationally used off Sicily in July, 1943, when ship was sun k, probably as the result of a hit on the deck by
Do 217 K2s took it into action. l3asically the weapon ...·as the ' 0 ' wrret, .... hich ca used a small explosion leading to the
stccll'C 1400 (ie 1,400 kg) armour piercing bomb. which had detonation of the main magazine. The bomb had penetrated
a body length of 76; inches and a diameter of 22 illChes. The eight inc hes of armour plate. An important aspect of operation
Luftwaffe also used PC SOOE, 1>(; SOOL nnd PC 1000 armQur with the weapon was that il could be rcleased against a target
pierci ng bombs, and trials \'ersions o f these, rad io controlled, beyo nd the r.!.nge of flak and probabl y well away from fighte rs.
\o\'Crc experimentally built as the I'C 1000 RS, I' e SOO RS and On the night of Apri l 29/30, t944. some twent y German
later ineluded the heavier PC 1800 RS. aircraft operated off the coast of South-West EnaJand. About
FX 1400 could be carried on standard bomb racks and, in nine were carrying FX 1400 PC bombs, and these they re lease(]
theory, by six types of bomber aircraft in service. J ust under without any SllCCCSS against shipping in Plymout h, and in
11 fcct long, FX 1400 weighed 3,080 lb. Two pairs of metal panicular apinst a balllcship the~. I1 seems ltighly unlikely
wings spanning 5 foe t were fitted , alld o\·:II·shaped tail su rfaces that the aircraft were Do 217 K2s. More likely were they He l 77s,
of 4 foot spa n. In the rear of the mi5lii!e the iYroscopc was a number of which were observed in the days directly after
installed .... hich, wit h a radio control circuit, steadied and con- the Norm:tndy landings to be ca rrying larae t'.~ternal weapons
on anti·shipping pa trols. Nevenhcless it is not wi thout interest
to record that Mosquito X LI, '0 ' of 406 Sqn, claimed to ha\'e
destro)'c<J two Do 2175 that night off l'lymou th.
If the delicate work called for in co nverting the 2 17 E into a
K2 is difl1cult for you then a much sim pler plan to follow wou ld
be the construction of a Do 2 17 ES, a 21 7 E va ria nt wh.ich
carried a n lis 293 glider bomb beneath each oute r .... ing just
inboard of the sta ndard position of the IJalkenkreuz. 6N-G M ;
5637 was o nc ES, used by 2fKG 100 late in 1943 for operations
off the wcst coast of France. Ove r its deep green finish it had
light gre.y-green \o\';I\'C mirror camounagc. Under surfaCt:5 were
light bl ue:.
Our Dornicr com'crsion feature in the ~mber i5lillC brought
some letters from readers enqu iri ng into the ' works numbers'
carried by German aircraft. Information relating to this topic
has long bee n diflicult to ga ther, a nd at this late date it seems
likely that records will neller become fully complete.
These numbers were--at first , anyway- truly 'works num-
bers' or constructors' numbers in morc COmmon parlance.
It ~ms likely that the Do 2 17 E l produc ti on aircraft began
at Nr 1000 and the E2s at about 1100 aJlhou&h the point of
,... NRFIX rTI3Iuine
- 00 111 ~. 1

• • ,-
cha nge-over may nOt h:l\'e been in o ne particular position. T his
is borne out by the fact that 1161 was an E4. 1164 an E2 and
_. ".-

1176 an E4. The 1::4 was produced in large nu mbers and werke
nrs in the J 1 I I 10 1230 range are kno\'-Il 10 ha' e existed.
42 r 1 to 4395 (a l leaSt) again were E4s. Incidentall y. the proto-
type Do 21 7 V_ I first flew 011 October 4. 1938. and the first ,
Do 21 7 E on October 4, 1940. T hc Do 2 17 J night·fightcr based
on the 217 E first flew July 31. 1942, and this la ller aircraft

do,-t- Iailed into lhe E li nes.
On I\l:I rch 3 1. 1942, the fi rst Do 217 K flew and production
K 15 follolll"N on the line after the E4s at about 4410. and ra n
IIlto the ea rly 4500s. lletwttn aoout 4530 and 4580 ca me a
mixed batch of Do 217 K2s and 3S- lhc K2s being roughly in
the range 4542-4572.
Between about We r~ e Nr 5300 and 5650 another batch of
E4s was numbered- built, perha ps. at a different factory from
Ik lo"': Tilt mode/lIl/ti('r COI15I,.,(OOI/. u.oltom: TIll' compltll'd

' - -" ''''

,\ ho~c: l'la" ,./1'''' (Jf I)Q 1/7 K1. Sidl' ,-il'''' of lilt Damil'r Do
1/7 K1 Oil pa1f" JJ9 sllol4's 1111' "aril'lY of radaf ami rut/io I'quip-
f'orrirti. filG 10. FIIG 16 Z I' , f ""1I 8 1 1, FIIG 16 Z Y SIIwll
nHlll, FIIG 1ju 111111,11.. FII81 ) Lorl"lI= iJl'am Kt'ur ,,·tU S/(lIllMrti
rMio l'qllipmf'nt (or '"l" lalt' Dornil'rs. SPf'cial t'qlliplllf'nt app-
licablt' 10 Ill,. Do 1 17 KZ "'/'11 l ·iiG lI7 R gMIIg ruTfy "·uf,,ins.
fUG 20J , Ill,. a.-riol rOT fU(fia CQII/rol of PX 1400. PIIG )30 (l
fit/I'd 10 FX 14fJO la T,.uil"t ratiio signals alNI fjtG )()() sllippillg
~rcllratlar rht' FX 1400 boll/b ,,·us paintt'11 mall fighl blllt'.

Personalize your copy of LANCASTER-

the earlier machines:' The Story of a Famous Bomber
Although the protOt)pe Do 217 ~'i' lII'ith 08603 A engines but
ot herwisc resembling the Do 217 K sc ries (and lherefore an HARLEYFORD IS SENDING AN AU TOGRAPHED BOOK
all racti\c idea fo r a conversion) first new on Ju ly 16. 1942. it BY BRUCE R9BERTSO N . NOW YOU CAN ADO THE SIG-
lII'as 1943 before il came o n to Ihe production tines :11 about NATURES Of THE AUTHOR AND PRODUCTION TEAM TO
Nr 6040 and mn 10 al leaSI 6260. In 1943 a new numbering YOUR COPY- MAKING IT A COLLECTORS' ITEM IN EVERY
sys tem was a p~lrenlly introduced :lIld Icd to high numbers, SENSE Of THE TERM. SEND YOUR REQUEST AND NAME
possibl y allocMed in rnllches 10 manufacture rs, A batch of AND ADDRE SS TO HARLEYfORD.
Do 217 MI 5 W:IS numbered from :Ioo ut 407011040730. these
numbers probably belonging to the old style of allocil tion wit h THE MOST EXHAUSTIVE STUDY Of ANY BOMBER EVER
the '0 ' inse rted. Anol her series was numbered from about PU BLISHED WILL NOW BE ABLE TO RECTIFY THE OMIS-
56042 to 56 170 _ and here the pn.'CCding S was almost certainly SION; A THIRD IMPRESSION HAS BEEN MADE. PRINTED
a prefix to the old nu m ber system so that 6042 became later ON GLOSSY, WHITE PAPER, ITS 216 PA':.IES CONTAIN
5.6042. Finall y. there lO.ere the Do 217 Ms in the 7.22740- ]62 PHOTOGRAPHS. 28 LINE DRAWINGS, 24 PAGES OF
7.22850 region, the number s)·stem applying to \\hich is clea rly 1/ 1+4 SCALE, ]-VIEW TONE PAINTINGS, A COLOUR PLATE
different in concept from the c:lrlier one. Ob\ iously therc is AND A COMPLETE HISTORY OF THE LANCASTER, ITS
room fo r plenty o f rC'SCarch into this topic of G erman markings PREDECESSOR AND SUCCESSORS. MORE IN FORMATION
upon \\hich no th in& seerns hi therto to ha ve b«n published. HAS BEEN ADDED TO THE FABULOUS ' LOG', IN WHICH
and mtders' ,iews would be of interest. CASTERS IS RECORDED. BOUND IN GILT BLOCKED CLOTH
Ha, ing conquered the Do 217 K I Ill("an now to do bailie ON HEAVYWEIGHT MILLBOARD, 60/- INCL. POST,
\•.-ith my long-projected Ju 188 co n" crsion from a Ju 88. PACKING AND INSURANCE,
j"\'c been mea ning 10 tackle this for a 10", ti me; it looks jolly
Le tchwo rth. H e m , Enlland AX / MAY
Sherman kit

SINCE ollr series on the Sherman SIOTy started in Alllfl x
tlUlg;u:inc, "'c'vc had numerous requests for conversion
details applicable 10 a few of the many .'arian!s described.
As '" ill be c\ ident 10 those ""ha follo..-ed the series. the number
of possibilities is legion and many varia tions an,: TCSITK;:l00 10
detail dilTcrcnccs only, "'hile others demand major rc-con-
Slruction ,,"ork .

Bocage cutters
Almost c\'cl)one scems 10 ha,-c b..--en intrigued by the auach· fittinll warps or breaks!
menl invented by Sgt Cullin for culling through Ihe hcctgcro"'S The Uritish also adopted this bocage culler idea and. as with
"hich abounded in the Nonnandy area where the D-D a)' the US Army, introduced it as a field modif~ation usually
!llnding look place in 1944. The Cunin Uedgcrow o.::: vice fitted by the REM E Li ght Aid Detachments of armoured un i(S.
was irn pro\'is..'<i in the ti rst place from beach obstacles salvaged The IJritish p:!ncrn also varied from unit to unit but was most
by the invaders an d welded up 10 form cullers suitable for often made up from scra p girder in the mther rake-like form
mounting on the nose of tanks. Vehicles so filled could slash sketched and illustrated. This &3\'e risc \0 the name ' Prong'
quickly through the hedges undergrowth and banks \Oohich beinll liV(:n to the anachmenl by the Uritish .
tended to ",-strict amlOur to the la nes and roads before the Making it in miniature calls for more care than the US
adoption of this ingenious idea. pattern. It is nlOSt easily assembled from plastic card strips
Latterly. of course. any sort of waste or scrap metal was «.-mented beneath the hull to protrude forward and these
used for making the Cullin Hedgerow De\ ice and, indeed. there arc rc-inforccd by the addition of a cross·member cemented
was no absolutely 'standard' pattern. Uowever. as uSt.'d by the across the hull front by the transmission bunlps. Further strips
US Army the device most often resembled teeth as shown in the are then cemented beneath the prongs \0 gi\c the T-girder
sketch. In model form it is ridiculously easy to produce. Simply shape charJcteristic of the fitting. The only major point to
tr:lee the pallcrn on to card or plastic card, cu t it out. bend remember is to cut the ends of the prongs to points either with
at the dOlted li ne and cemcnt it across the nose of your Shernlan nail scissors or a sha rp craft kni fe. The dimensions arc nOI
with a dab of gl ue on eaeh of the front trJnsm ission 'bumps'. critical. Some CrOlllwel1s were also fi lled .... ith prongs.
As it often got bent or damaged, don't v.orry if your miniature ]"\"e taken the opportunity on my prong·fitted Sherman to
Uelow : S"trmtm Hybrid l e ,,1Ih call1rofltd ,,"f1from ami a·r"'tri include some further detai ling which can be incorpora ted
to somc ex tem on preuy well any Othe r M4 , 'ariant. eon\ersion~
"il" 17 ptlr. NOIt rack Oil hllfl Ttar a'lIl llO"'age oox bt-himl
/urrn f'.YIl'tU;on. Iloltom : An 0\14 (lOj m", 11O,,·;t:") ,,';11t HI/SS or otherwise. First or all. the arrival of the Airfi;\. half-trJck
ant/oI7 dtgrulrullfmnl( Photos courtesy Inlperial War r.l uscum). l it provides a very nice Browning.~ calibre machine lun which
looks \ery well in the Sherman's rotatin& turret hatch. You
need to drill out the locating hole slightly, but this gun is .....ell
\Ooorth fitting if )OU ha\e one left O\er.
The other c-ssential addition to the model as provided in kit
is the inclusion of the rudimentary mudguards at the hull front.
I me ntioned these a few years ago. but ha\e re-dra\\n them in
this article for newcomers, They arc simply cut from paper
ceme nted beneath the hull front abo,'e the tr:1c!.:s: Shermans
wit hout these wcre unusual though not unkno\Oon.
Remaining deta ils on the model show the addition of appliqlli
arnlOUr- just about as much as can be incorporJted. This
armour consisted or plates welded o\'er the hull in the most
vulnerable areas in an attempt to provided added protection
agai nst direct hits. Most usual application was at the deepest
pari of the hull to protect the ammun ition racks each side
and further art abreast the side-filled fuel tanks. Many Shermans
arc sho..... n 50 fitted in photographs. Appliqlli armour could be
found, in addition, on the front of the turret, sloped against
the drher"s and co-drh'er'S hatchways and . .5Ometimes, also
across the hull front ahead or the dri, er's PQ1i1ion. Once again,
in model form the dimensions for these \ dditions arc not
critical. Suit:lbly siled rectangles cut rrom 30 thou plastic
card are :ld mirJble for de picting tlppliq"i armour and can be
cemen ted quickly ill plaee before the model is painte'\.
• 3<2 AIR FIX maJuine
One other feature I'IOt sho ..... n in either of my ba~ic M4 models
is the wide M14A I man tk t. This I'''as adopted-or re tros-
pectively filled-on late production M4s 10 give added pro-
teclion 10 Ihe tlu n IllOunling and co-axial machine gun. If rou
..... ant 10 fil it to )our model. r l'e drawn a panern. h is simplr
cut from paper. sli pped ol'er the gun barrel. and cemented Ol"er
the exiSlintl mantle!. The onl y further additions are till le flanges
.... hich flanlo the gun barrel on each side. T~ can be CUi from
paper and cemented in place:, as sketclK-d.
As a final observation on Ihe subject of the basic M4. it is
.... orlh poinling out Ihal the original Aimx Sherman model
represented a late production M4 with cast one-pica: nose :
the currenl moulding. howi:l"C.~r. has boen altered 10 give a
earl)- production M4 ..... ith three-piece bolted nose. If )OU .....ant
10 alter this to a laler prod uction I·ehicle. sim ply cut and tile
a ..... ay the t..... o ro .....s of boIlS before as§embly.

The Firefly
M O RE readers have requested conversion details for Ihe
Firefly Ihan any other variant and. though wc've covered
it before. here il is :LltlIin wilh some ad ditiona l ideas.
Slriclly speaking. the Firefly name was applied 10 Ihe Shcr-
man M k V "hen armed v.ilh the 17 pdr gun but as this mark r1--~ ...
of Shcrman (the 1\14A4) had a longer hull than Olher M4
,-arianIS such a conversion would entail qui te a lot of work 1_~~tJ;;-:~I.r=""IE:~1~;:;;;:'!E~5]ji~~~~~U
at the rear cnd. Fortunately, olhcr Shermans, including the
M4 ( Bri tish M k I), were also filled "ilh the 17 pdr and if the
modeller chooses one of these the con,,:rsion work is made ,,
much easier.
M ajor work in\"o','\:5 the turrcl .... hich needs an extension •
dI----"-- -
bo'\, measuring 7 mm 12 mm wide 6 mm dt-.:p made up from
plastic card and cemented 3t the rear. ~n on the turret roof
}ou need an ex tra hatch on the Ioader'S side measuring 7 mm
squan:: in model form \\ith the corners rounded off with Sl.'issors.
f AAI\/\
_ -- J
Top: Full-si:, s,-ul, (/ra"'ing by D. I'. Dyt'r 0/ Mol ( 105 mm
lro"'i':t'r) "'j,1r I/IISS. Rl'prfH/llr. If by rollrlt's), 0/ Ml'rbt'rl,.,. Lld.
,\ bon": P(lrls/or ,he ron,.ers/0I1S tf..srrj/N(I: I- Clllfin lIl'ligl'ro'"
lkl·jct>. ]- ',· (fOl.r rt'quift'd) (Ill/I fillinl{ dl'lI/i!. 1- Mlld-
g ,wf(ls (C't'It/f'1I/ 0/ (Iolll'lllilll'). 4- M 14AI 11Il""'", sI,il'ld all/I
jla//Kt's, 5- Firt'jl)' /11(/11,/1'1, 6 - 0p,iO/w/ SIO ..·trgt' rarA. lllOlIlIIt'(/
on {/ /1'''' SIrt'rIIl(JnJ. All {IIII-si:t'. Lert. lOP 10 bollom: Sht'rmulI
Prong (/t'/I) m,,1 "'4 "'i,lr CI/Wn f)el·iC't'. Nol/' applique IIrIllOl".
Sht'rIIl(JlI lIybrid IC ",,,/l'r 1'0IlSlmc/.,.III. ,\/4 (105 IIIm) ...iII!
JIVSS wllll'r (O/lSIrIlCliall sho ...illl{ 11/'''' Iwll [rol1l (/lid halrlll's.
RI'/Ir Iwl/ modificaliall sha ..." ,,"ill b.' (OI'l'rl'd IIt'XI m"",h.

The 75 mm gun su pplicd in thc Airfix kit is discarded and the

mantlet is covered ovcr with Ihin card 10 give it a c)lindrica[
appearance as sketched. Finally you need a new gun barrel
to re present the ]7 pd r I<e:lpon. This must be 45 mm long and
the Panther gun cut to Icngth and with the muzzle br.lke fi led
10 a more rou nded shape is ideal for this if you ha\e one to
spare. A[terna tively. use a suitable length of 2 mm diameter
p[astie rod. A quick alld effecti"e ..... ay of making a mu:ule
bra ke in this case is to cut a long strip of Sellotape in Ihe shape
of a right-angled lriangle ....·ilh ~ J mm long base. Wrap Ihis
rou nd and round the cnd of lhe barrel so that il ghes a tapered
cone effect to the cnd. When painled the ridges are filled in
and l'CSults in quile a reasonable muzzle brnkc.
The only \ital hull modifICation is Ihe delelion of the front
machine gun. The apenure is cOI'cn,:d by a 4 mm square of
plastic card . Most Firenics, ho.....c'er. had a sto ..... age box across
Cominlll'l/ 011 page 350

' Photop.are' is a re,ula ... Airfill ma,adn. feature, ;and further pictures

will be published as ava ilable. W e would be please d to conside r an1 con·
tributlons from readers, particularly of squadron aircraft or Interestinc
colour schemes, and a free Alrflx kit will be awarded (or eac h picture
used. Would Intend!n, contributors plea.e note, however, that photo_
With the e>eception of the twO fleet ,raphl submitted should be pr! copyl'"
Air Arm pictures, all this mon th ', Owln, to space limitations, It may be "ec:en.". to hold pictures for a
extremely nre shou come from the rew months before IH'bllcatlon. T o ensu r e ..." . return, please write your
Collection of S. Buckle,. Captions by name and address on the back of _ch print. W. cannot us. press cuttln,••
Michu l J . F. 80wyer.

Top : Wtfli'lg f()ns WS-K Ulll/

ill /940, HOII, Orl' M k I A brll ~I
ohUIFrlllt!d fro m Iltt IIl'guri,'l',
plr/llre FOmplFlI/t!ms ''''Ollrt.'f
Top : Narl' pi(furl'S of lIal'al airua/l rolllilmt /() bf' III'Fonllrd officilllhisf()ry 0/9 Sqn, AboH': L4140. I , "'as liSI'd
b" our rtodFrs, olld IMs 011(' sllo ...s Foirty Albacort /1[4 176:41< ill by 18 Sqn illiliall), ulIIl "'Us Sl'riously domagr(1 ' " 'f'l'ks Iw/orl'
1940. Otspilt much YlJrcMng ,,"t' cun'l i,kmify ,h, sqlladwn.
Pila f() by B. Waymoull, . Abo, t: Prl' ,'wuJly 111110,0"'" 10 liS ,,'I'rl'
' lrl' "'or in rollisjUlI "'it,, 0 1I'lrrirant, ,vOlt ulllkr"'i'lg stria',

pi(fU"S of Ilrl' prOf(),,'fH' S/IIrgt'(}II I, RK787. craslli", aboard

/lMS Illustrious during dnk landing lriols in 1947, Pi/m is
bl'Ut'I'/"Ii 10 be ,\Iikl' LiII,!(o",. Aircru/l ,,'DJ IIlw/ral finish ..,;,It
ytflolO' P ill ...hill' disc, Picf//rt by W. L Cia),. lido..': I1 is
sO/1' /0 assuml! I/tOI Iht'11' fai,,)' /lFlldOlIS urt of 18 Sqll- ulllrJJ
W/YOIU: call pro" l! Ihr'" III bf' frVIII Il j! /lff'llrt'!/1 I'/(Irilitlt' is rodell
": possibly in rl'd, jusl tif' o/Iht "'itlg. UoUom : ProMlbly our
raUII pic/urt ytl is Ilrls ('amoujlagl'd O'"l'rslrlllul, KSI74 , 0/ No 1
ADS, &rl), ill 1940 Il,is nIMllifle " 'I'nl illlo storl' fll JJ M U,

Top : D{'/iglll/ul ,'it ... 0/ LYSlIIull'r /A781 illlhl' ('arly ('ollumjlagt

slyll' UIU! "'itlt 1II11I('r"';lIg Sl'rials. NOlI' olso 1111' bomb rurks on
till' "'""'S, Madlilll' ..'as/rom 16 Sqn and crQs"l'C1 ill ,\fay, /919, a
/t", "'" ks 0/11'1 dell"l'ry. al on Enlpirl' Air Du)' silo ,,', ,\ 00\(" :
TI,ls Ihislol n B. F46J8 :11 "'as phologrophtll in Irulio ill 19.'9.
11'1" ('(JIIIIQI ;I/rm if)' its IlIIil, bUI il 1110), ~ 10 Sqll.

AIRFIX maglIine
CHOPPER FROM RUSSIA Ihere arc some o bvio us uses o( Uri lfi x 2Q (or model make rs.
HE Russian M il M i- IO ' Flying Crane' is the "orld 's Each lu be conICS with an a pplicato r and six plastic patches
T laricst helioop(cr and has recen tly been in th e news in
for Is 9d.
For cemenl ing expanded pol)·~t yre ne - ie. ceiling liles-
8ritain when an e:<amplc visi ted Ihi~ cou nt ry on a sale! tou r.
lis usual demonstration feal is 10 carry a coach on ils plat- 10 wood, plas ter. or painted surfaces, ~I umbrol ha ve now
form. releaSl:d Uritfix 10 Expanded Po lys tyrene Cement. This cos ts
It is interesting. th erefore. 10 be ab le to review a Russian- 2s JlI! f tube an d will also be useful to modellers, particularly
made plastic t i t of this mach ine c\'cn if- as is usua l \\jlh as expanded poly~t)'n: ne t.i1e arc being inc reasi ngly used
kits f rom that country _ the sta ndard does not rcac h that for sce nic work,
wc now ex pect from IJ rilish manufacturers. To a pproxi- Apart from th e ,", umbrol 101 Customisi ng l'lastic Body
matel y I : 120 scale Ihe model appears 10 be fairl y accurate Putty which wc ha\'e ment ioned before. Humbro l arc now
in ou tli ne, though lhe moul d iug is a lin!.:: rough, particularly also maki ng 102 Plastic Wood in tins lIt 2s 3d and in tubes at
rou nd the nose. There arc no wind ow o penings, cabin win- Is 3d . We tr ied a $a mp lc o f this and foun d itlo be excellent,
dows bei ng represen ted by ci rcula r depressio ns, and the in particular very easy 10 'worl;' wit h the fingers wit hout
t rea tment of the Il igh t deck window arca is crude, crum b ling. Obviously the uses to modelle rs arc legion.
On the protOI)' pe, the underca rriage is a rather compli- Finallr, Hum bro l havc produced a '3-Coat-ln-One-Day'
cated affair which has been quite well co pied in model form. pa int system wh ic h includes I pin t tins of their enamel in
It would be d ifficul t to assemb le withou t hel p from photo- a selec tion o f colours, Wood. Melal, Hardboa rd and Plaster
gra phs o f the actual machine. howe\'er, as the d rawings on Primcr, and twelve shades o f undercoat. The t pi nt tins of
the instruction shl.'Ct arc not very clea r. Though this " it has a ll thesc items cos t 1s 6d each. Though of limited appeal to
il5 Jhortcomings. it is the only onc o f ilS kind a \'ai lab le and modellers. this syS tem o f hand y siz..'d tins gh'es a \'ery useful
with some extra work on the modeller's part it a rea- quantity o f pa int for ho usehold purposes. C.O.E.
sonable addition to a 'commercial' colk'C1ion.
ecdlcss 10 !ay th is Idt is not o n sale in 8ritain o r else-
o less than fi\'e new tank kits ha\'e reached
\\ohere th is side of the ' Iron Curta in' bu t modellers with pen·
friends in East Europe could, no doubt , obtain il on an ex-
N by way of BMW Models of Wim bledon whousarefrom Japa n
marketin g
change basis GJ.T. t hese I; its under their new Red Label trademark as mentioned
laSI monlh.
FLATTING AGENT First in the f)C ld is a \'ery nice model of the new British
Abbot self-propelled 105 mm hoy,;itzcr which is produced by
I NJanuary,
our ' Mon: from rOUr Modelling' feature published in
wc mentioned th al the bes t method of maning LS to I :35 scale for 24s 6d. I1 is interesting-and gratifyi ng-
gl0S5 colours known to us was the old "I umbrol Flailing to sce that LS have adopted Tamiya'S scale for this. their first
Agent, which \\oas at that time no longer a\'ai lable, Shorli)' \'en turc in to tan k models. Inevi tably we compared this with
afterwards wc heard from Hum brol thal th ey were to re- Tami),a'S offerin gs an d can say that the LS model equals their
in troduce this usefu l product in improved form a nd wc an: best. It comes complete with mOlor. crewmen, clear illlIStra ted
happy to say th atlhis is now released, The tube and quanti ty inst ructions, an d transfers and is we ll-moulded and accurate.
then:in is now \'ery much bigger. but essentially it is un- With care yo u ca n make a sho wpiece out of this kit .
alte red from th e o ld da ys. To use il you si mpl y squeeze a Tami ya's lalest is a beautifully detailed I :35 scale M8
prescribed quam il)' (ins tru ctions are given in the tube) into Armoured Car whic h must rate as onc of Ihcir nicest yet. This
}our gloss ena mel. mbe it thoroughl y, and th en appl y Ihc COnlinlll'd OIlIlI'XI page
p.1i nt in the no rmal way. As if by magic it then d ries JlI!r-
fectly mall pro\'ided )'OU d idn't appl y too much flailing
agent in the first place. With a little expe rimen tatio n, how-
e\er. it is possible to get varying dcgrecs o f 'f1atn ..~s· or.
indeed. a semi·mall finish, by va!)ing the qua m ity of agent
\\ohich }OU mix into }our paint. It wor ks wi th any mal;e of
gloss plastic ena mel. Price o( this invaluable modelling aid
is 25. and tubes should now be obtainable fronl model
Il umbrol ha\e also announced sc\eral more additions 10
Iheir big range of paints and finishl'S, Of specia l in teres t to
modellers is a Uritfix 20 plastic repair I;i t which is made. in
the first plaC'C. for repairing I' VC fabrics such as plastic rain- We ~" il''''NI Rn 'l'll's F-III ill tkloi! ill our OCloINr. 1966, iss~
"'hrll il lI'llS Ihl'II ollly ol'IIi!lIbll' ;'/ USA . 11 is 11011' rl'"lroyd in
coau. It will also bond PVC to polnhene and as an increas- 8,;'11;" lit 0 price ol l ls 8d. To 1:71 s("Qlr Ihl' motkl hosQlltrnati,'1'
109 number o f polylhene based models are coming o n the parts lor tit"l'r the USAF or USN \·e,s;olls. ulttl'r is m"stroUd
market - for exam ple Ihe Airfix Allack Force series - Irl',e.
May, 1967 l<S
N e w kits co nti n u ed
has a \ery pov.erful separate chassis 10 lake the mOlOr and
balleries and rubber bands are pro"ided 10 ai\'e y,hat is \ irluall y
drhe on all four 1'0 heels :11 the back. The fronl axle has correct
paucrn stub a.~le stc.::ring and spring suspension y,hilc the
separate lyn.'S are of y,hal appears to be real rubber. The very
aCl;:urate body is made up se parately and sna p fils 10 the chassis.
Transfe rs are provided for thc Ja p.'l.nese Self· Defence Force
and, :IS usual with Tamiya kilS, you get eve rylhing }OU need
exccpt Ihe bauerics. I' rke is 155 11 d. Lat,'SI (l{llfitiOl/ to III f' Reo·1'1I "'lIgl' is )"I't mw/ht'r sll{H'r-fll'fail
In Ihe cheaper I :55 scale range. T:uni )·a ha\e three new mOlar C}"f'It' /, this limf' u Ho,ufa Super SportS ",ring mucM"f'.
releases. Of Ihese the Crusader tank sta ndS out as the best. Tlloug/r this modf'1 /ras similar tllgi,..', framt. allll ...IINfs to lilt
though it is nOt an entirely accur.lle model. It y,·ilI. hOl'o"e\ er, be Slalrdurd lIolll/tl roodSler . ..·/rich Reo·t'ff rl'ltust'd fusl )"t'ur, th,
e\lremel) po pular wilh British modellers alld lends itself to ol/It'r rQmpollt'nts aft' oomplt'ft'ly diJft'rt'nt , amI illrlmk th,
added delail e\·en if ils diOlCl15ions are a li u le OUl . This is a wry slrt'"Umlillt'fl ro ..-J. ..·illdJhit'fd,lurg, fut'T lUll/.. amI rod/IS uoal 0/1(1
eas) and enjoyable kit to make. The gear lra in comes ready fittings . T)"rt's Oft' of real rubfH>r allll I/a,·, ulllht'lIIic I"ad. Scull'
asscmbk.-rl. the motor is simply wired. and the rood y,heels of this imprt'ssir, "IOli,1 Is J:8 allll tll, kit cons J1J J Id.
fit slraight on to axles moulded integrally with the chassis Iype bridge of an) desired length (assu ming that )ou ha\e
pan . Young modcllt,rs should find il no problem pro\idt.-d enough Alligators!). Alone, of course, the single Alligator
that they stick to the illustrated instruction ShlOCt. Much the call be used as a mOlOrised pontoon fcrry. I'rice for this ubiqui·
smuc remarks apply to Ta mi)·a·s other 1:55 scale releascs- tous military model is Ss 6d. The Dodge trucks arc all one-
an M24 Chalfee and an M42 nak tank (y,h kh Tamiya call a tOllners based on the same 4 x 4 chassis and comp rise a radio
' Hunter Tank'). These tl'o"O share similar si mple chassis and truck, all ambulance, an d an open·to pped 'Commando' truck.
motor un its, " rice of all these I :55 sca le itellls is9s lid. CO.E. This comcs with a removable moulded tilt and an optiona l
folded one. Each Dodge model costs 2s 6d. CO. E.
·B MW Models of Wimbledon noy, ha\e stocks of the 1:72 NEW PAINT RANGE
scale Emily patrol n) ing boat released recenlly in Japan F big mh::rCSt 10 aircr.!h and nlllita l) modellers is a new
b) lIasegawa, and this relails in " ri la in for 495 lid. Though
wC ha\e received a sample. there was not lime to assemble it
O ra nae of pamt called ~ I odelcolor which BMW Models
of WlOlblcdon is now importing from France. The r.:ange of
for this issue, but a dctaik:d re\icw will appea r ne.~t month . colours a'·a ilable is e~tenshc and comes in fi. e series. namel)
SufftCe to say for the present that this giant model is c\en biggcr ' French Air Foree·, ·Luftwalfe·. 'USAF, 'Japanesc·. and
than the Airfix Sunderland. is packed with detail. and includes ·Standard ·. The last named consists of variolls uni\'ersal
onc or two 'e.~tras' in the form of a toy,i llg tractor. ground colo urs r...-d. blad. )cllow. d c- but thc others c<m tain
crey,·m3n , and beaching wheels. C O.E. Colours mixed enctly to the specificlllions uSl-d b) the
\'arious combatant air fo rces of World War 2. Thus )ou
MORE MINITANKS can gct the USAAF Oli\e Drab and Neutral Gre}, Japanese
ET mo re additio ns ha\e bee n made to the rapidly groy, ing AI' Jungl e Grec n. French AF Khak i. Brown, and Da rk
Y rang.! of 1:86 scalc Raco Minita nks imported 10 Britain Grl'CII. German ' DunkelgTun· and ' Hellblau· and man )
o thers- e,cn US Chromate Grecn used for y,h ...'C1 y,'clls
by Model 1·lobby Products lid. Our latCSI re, icw batch includes
a fine replk3 of the new Federal Germ:sn Army Leopard tank. and interiors.
scllina at 2s 6d, an ellccllent- and most y,e lcome--modcl of The colours come in jars a linle larger th an a I·tum brol
lhe German 10.5 COl field howiu:er, priced at 2s 6d, complete tin and the COli t of ea!;h jar is 2s M . 'I hough this is much
with toy,jng limber and optional barrel for com·ersion to the higher than an) Bri tish equhalent, man) will accept this
10 !;m model. a range of Dodge trucks of the US Army, and fo r th e con\'cnk:nce of read)·mixed colours to hand .
most ambitious of all, a comple~ model of the Federal German For t.:st purposes y,e had the French Khak i a nd Japanese
Alligator motorised am ph ibious assa ult bridge. Dark Grecn l,nd fo und them to be admirable also for tanks
Th is laller is quite an astonishing pit.'<=e of plastic moulding and soldicT.'>. A list o f all the colou rs a\ailable is gi.en
which reproduces all the rc\·olutionary rea turcs of the prototype, Oil Ihe o pposi te pagc. C.O.E.
including Ihe collapsible folding crane, the rolding dCl;:k sections,
and the removable bridge dl'Cks which can be used in con- NEW (ORGIS
junction ~'i l h othcr Alligator models to form a long 'pontoon·
T has beeome ,·irlually a tradition in recent years for Corgi
IJelo..·: Nt ..' Minilallks "uxkls inr:fU(/e (frolll It/t ) tilt Ltopard
lall/.:, Alligator brillge. and Gt rllWII 10.' cm gllll.
I 10 bring ou t replicas o f lhe l\.lontc Carlo Rail) ·winning car
soon arter the evcnt. This year is no exceplion, and y,"e·,e
recei\ed a pleasing sample of Altonncn 's Mini·Cooper complete
y,ilh authen lic Rally plates, number plate, fog·lamps, mud-
Raps. roof rack. spare wheels, and detailed interior. Car col·
lectors will find this well worth sna pping up for the modest
price o f 55 'Id. OrK' of the lIlost unusual models y,·c've yel scen
in th e miniaturc field is the ' Kennel Club of America· ,·an based
on a ChcvTolet chassis which forms thc other Corgi release.
I>resumably ifs based on a real vehicle, but cven if it isn't I~ very
amusing and comes completc wi lh dogs for 75 &I. Also new
frOIll Corgi is a 'World of Wooster' I3cntley. C. O.t",
I AJRFIX malnine
T e l. 5998 I've tDken
IMPACT FURY .•. 8/ 8 1/ -48 up
REV ELL 1/ 72 scale
HAWK 7SA ' 1-
F, II IA '1 -
11/ 8
\If. llA 11/ 8
PillS ponale

A.B.T. DECALS 1/ 6 per sheet

Yellow, Green, 81ue .. . Sd.



HELLER. FROG. MEfl.IT, U.P.c. r ..........rt.
~ Odonl. " h '. _ ~

fr." I!!t_. The chllclraI., ()I



R.l . LI E>ttra dark ,reen
R.L. Ll Dark ,reen
your RED LABEL ~~~~~CH R.l . FJ Green
R.l. LJ Blue ,rey
R.L L4 51.I'Id
FU. LS Pale blue
jA~U~~T~H~~~~~~~L..~:·l. F~ Inter',rey
~ .L. fS Sky blue grey

R.L. UI Gull ,rer
R.t. JI Jun , le ,reu
R.L. Ul N euu,...1,rey. R.L. C l Bllck R.t. C l Yellow
R.t. Cl Whia R.t. C4 Red R.t. Jl Dark ,reen
R.l . U3 Olive drab R.l . j) Brown
R.l. U4 Inter.,retrl R.t. CS Rubber black
Postlle & packin,-Up to 10/- . 1/- : R.l . J4 Pale ,rey
R.l. US Chronute ,reen £1.2.0. 2/ - , £1.5.0. 6/ _: over £S R.l . J5 Matt aluminium
post rree

( 0 EPJ.,d..J ( 0 EPT OR')
May, 1967 V ]47
Letters- to the Editor ~
Lane .. to die (d i, or can o ,, ~ , b ........... eI in the m.pai .... llead ...
wh .... I. . . . . . . . . p ubl i.h..:l . .ch . . . . in .. fr . . A im. p la •• i, con .. ruc_
don ki, of ,h.i. thoic •• W •••• al way. p ....-.I .0 ne.i.," yo ... to ... •
ma .. ta and p luur •• , which will b. <on.idared I". publica, ion .
Subm itted ma.a.i.1 a nd " iuur•• ca .. o nl , b. nt.. r ... d If .c,om pa"ied
by ...... mp.d .dd ....... a n nlope, a nd ,ha ( di t o r Unnot .cnpt
.... pon.ibllity for ••1. k .. pln, "r any ... <1. co n.rlbudon . ..... i,h..
d o e. h . .. au .. a .il, _ . . ... with <ommanu ... or....cI by «>..... pond."u
Ln .10. ,....... co lumn o.
I am panicu!arl~' plea;ed with the for·

I ~ ..
Skybirds saga
WAS greatly interested in the Skybirds
It is indeed comfo n ing 10 know float
many A IRI'I J( magu.ine readers and
m31 of you r an'ck-s in thal they do
ser' ice to the hislorian and modeller in
pre<;eming Ihe hist ory o ( the prOtOlype
along with the modelling aspect of Ihe
Cheap scenery
T HERE must be many modellers like
myself who, after taking great pa ins
and lrouble to make up the Airfi", kits,
'ind that. when they come 10 display
modellers arc of the 'twclllies and '[ h ir- Jo..., plo V, Clj ll ahan, l·hO/;'ni.~, Ariz, USA. th .... m. SlXnery cOSts more to produce Ihan
l ics era ( By (he " 'ay, 1 wonder who is W e ha" e "ad numy I!!II"' Ilk!! Ilris the modd.
your oldest reade r?) /,om 'Md"!. amf cau aSJ,ue !!,·t!T}"lme Could I suggest. the refore. that Ihc'Y
This association with the earlier years IIr..1 lank COI·t!'''ge ...iII cotJ/irw e .. mf employ the decollltor"s /tift to the model-
of model making has many facets, alld ..;/1, in"eed, bt! e:rpmuf ed "'''rne''" SI/(Ice mal.:er-I'ol ~styrene c.... ihng tiles. With a
t he one that please! me most is the fact .. l/o"·s.- EOlrOll. lillle inl/Cnully and imagination Ih("Se rela'
that the older modeller still has in safe tivcly ch .... ap and easy 10 handle ite ms can
keeping, not only Ihe original models, Making Mou nties be us...-d 10 produce almost an y kind o f
whICh are a delight to see and read about , scenery n("fiIed .
but also Ihe relaled book s alld rnagnines, F IRST I must congmtu late Airfix on For nample. lake a tik, and with a
'00, the Mark I tank and the American soft pencil and ruler draw parallel lines
Personall y, J ha ve been a lI omby, infant ry o f 1918. about i inch apart. Kun lighlly o,'er
p'uge '0 ' elllhusiast since the earl y The American infantry can be easi ly Ihese lin('s with a soldc'ring iron or hot
thirties, which to my mind is the only converted into Canadian "'ounties by pok .... r (taking care to use a ve ry liltht
scale for model railways. It would be, first painting their jackets a bright red lo uch), and Ihe resuh , afler pa inli ng w,th
for instance, interesting to learn how IInd t hen painting Ihe trousers a dark water or poster colours. is a , ..... ry realistic
much of this cq uipnxnt and the relevant blue with a thin y...-l low stripe down the ploughed field . Similarly, by sticking 1"'0
catalogues exist today. No doubt man y trouse r side, painted on when the dark liles together with paSle. hedges and
ani~ 31ld store rooms slill hold tlle ir blue is dry. The boots and hats arc walls can be cut from the shl"Ct and
secrets. pain1l"d a tan oolour. painted as r~-quired. With the addition o f
Therd ore. I conside r that there ought J, H.. K. MUrT"'l, l\fitcham. Sunr,·. the Aidix fencillg and the odd !Tee or
to be a soci..'ty for the protection of two (again from liles st uck together) a
vintage models (would allyone care to Tu rret numb e rs good landscape can be produced. Add an
clas-sify a vintage model?): and I would Airfix collage and you ha" e the ideal
lik e to know. th rough the courtesy of R EGARDI NG German turrN numbers s.w ing (or a baltl .... ficld of 00{110 armies
your maga zine, what ot her readers think (LeHers, Apr il) the system was as or the basis of a farm .
regarding this subject o f prc-se ..... ing models follows: One word of warning- the use o f polr-
of Ihe past. that will e,'enlU3Ily become ROI Regimental Commander sl)'rene cement or e namel pain IS w,1l
of great h isto r ical interest and valuc. R02 Regimell taJ Adjutant dIssolve t he tile so one must use waler·
As I ha" e St llt cd' rrhllpS the form3tion ROJ Signa l Office r ba$Cd pa ints and paste.
of a socielY woul be the ans,,'er, so RN Regimental Staff Officer Alan L. !'Iayford , London , 1::.13.
th!ll these old modelS and associated 101 First Ballalion Commander
literal ure is not lost to posterit y. 102 First Uaualion Adju tant Swiss Ju 52
P. II . J . Pillam,lffds 16, Yorks. 103 First Ballalion Signal OfflC('r
For an}"O/le """0 may ~ jnUrtsud. IN First Balta lion Staff Officer I RECENTLY purchased the Airfut
there is a Ja.JCi/lating displa,....-albeil 1101 Seeond Battalion Commander Ju 52/3 M a nd dedded to make il up
,mall--aJ lors ami ",o(lris 0/ Ih e 190() 101 First Company Commander a~ the Swis-s Air Force \·.... ,·sion. Th is kit
~Tiod in Ihe f.ooufOlI MU St!""" Ke.uin/I· 102 HQ Platoon Leader, First Com- was e~,-;;Ilent. but il did ha" e two small
Ion Gar"ens. Lon"on. To)', aud modds fault~. The first was that Ihe engine
0/ ,"eimer·..·"r period, ho ...e,·er. "01,'1 "'"Y
I II Platoon Leader, First Platoon, cow lingS W(' re painted stee l blue. IlOt red.
SUm 10 ~ repusen/w it, ",uSeumS tu First Company as sta t(-d in the "it. The second was that
}·e/. -EDITOR. 131 Platoon Leader, Th ird Platoon, the ant enna , part 85. and Ihe OF loop.
First Compan y part 86, should be omitted in the Swiss
Thanks for tanks 3-01 Third Company Commander Air Force ,·ersion .
741 Platoon Leader, Fourth I'lalOoll, C. L. Jon rs, Southscll., lI an ts.
A s I am interested in airpla ncs and
armo ur. it is good to see Ihat you
Se\'e nth Company
733 T hird Tank , Third Plat oon, Painting fig ures
ha,'e .... nlarged your OO"elllge of tanks. Sc"enth Company
The anicles and drawings on bolh ai r· 1001 Tenth Company Commander Wl11 LST rrading Letters to the Editor
pla nes and armour are line, and due to (usually in P:t G renadier Div.) in back copies of your excell...-nt ffiIlga-
Pet er Chamberlain's e'cdlent OO\'crage 1023 Third Tank. Second Platoon, 1.ine I noticed some I1lClhods of increaSlIlg
of the Sh.... rman lank I ha" c had my Tenth Company the life of paint on pOlyt hene figures. Per·
appetite " 'hwed in that I am allcmJ"llinll These sample ItJrret numbers should haps some reader<: would be intere~ted in
to acquire onc from Tam iya in 1 :21 show how the numbc:-ring system " 'ent in anolher method. f>l ix so me white gouache
scale. I acquin.·d their Sturmgesch uue German I'an,,-er units and enable model· paint until it i~ of a creamy consist .... ney,
and pz K pfw I I1 from your recommenda· lers to select suitable nurnbc:-rs for minia· alld painl the figures with this mixture.
tiotl~. Plea;e gi"e m y compliments to ture tank regiments. The numocrs " 'ere Although a wat .... r paint. it will Slick with
Peter C h3mixrla in and here's hoping u~uall y applied in pla in white or red or case 10 pOlyther>e and has th e' ad "antage
th at he may find lime and information bl3ek with a whit e out line. Sometimes of being quick -d rying. Whc n dry. the
to gi\"\~ some more co,'cragc to ot her they were in white outline on ly. figure is ready for pain ting with enamels.

types o f armour. A:ul Duc"ert, So borg, Denma r" . The gouache absorbs Ihe oil in the
A/RFIX m~luine

e namel and speeds cloying and !lin's 11 rolc<o in 71h Armou.·e d ll rillllde Group in
more realistic tuture, as "'cll as mcrclI'<- 100 1I0hnc. Fallingbostcl area al Ihal
jog the li fe o f the ename l. lime. though it is true Ihey ~re then
Coold PII)one plcase gi,c me informa - being scheduled as obsoll're a nd to be
tion on lhe mi~lI1a: of fJeld .,rey colour replaced by ' ·arianrs o f lhe 6-.. ha:led
for German jllf.nny? r hl"c !tied ';e\'cral Sar-aCl'"n ,"Chick. The half-Irach ..·ere
mix.ures. bill hP\"(: been unablu 10 obtaiu u"Cd in the a mbu la nce rnit-. and aM by
-.:.tis{actory resuils. LA I)o,. RLML:.. as ream:ry ~ehiclc<J;. for
P . Shorrock. t:IIIS'O t>I"lh, l!:Inls. ....hich bller pur~ Ihey ..·ere filled .... ilh
It !>Ort of 'shrt-r_Ic~' at the front pil'Ored
J:"'/fuli~ dog-figlll pictur~ in~fvi"K
10 fold o~er bactwards and lie at an
Lerwick serials angle aoo'e the body ",hen not in uSt'. Airfix IIlOtkb IIUJ laktn by reoder
Se,errl h Armoufi.-d Worhho~ told me M . Iofmhl UJi", 1111' me/hod lit! uplains
8o",,),(,r is 10
Iated on his Luwicl:
be convat u-
.rtide on the thal lhe dinicull y in &C uing ~pares .... a~ !ttrt.
April issue. 11 is pka~in, 10 ~now, 11 la~l. larjtcly lhe rea"'>n for pha~i.~ Ihe<;e
.. hy this machine was not 11 ~U\XeS!.. 110"- 'ehic~ ou t of service . the lens of you r C1lmr:ra by OliCans of
Ahho ugh well aware o f too rosl o f ~Iicly tape or a su itable co llar fiuing if
co.·c r, surely the first Lcrwid. was L12Il! you ha ,e onc.
and nO( 1-7249 as slaled ill the ,.lick? looling up ror production of ne .... models.
On the 5ubjecl of the four DUKW, could I pul in an urgt'"nt r"'lUC'>t for onc 'I he model or modcl~ arc set in the
wilh the I\.lcrrywcal hcr b ddc~. thcso: or t..o ordinar) load earners- for ex- req uired position and Ihe I,'"a nl(:ra is sel
were called Swan! acro rdin, to an article Il nlplc. the ubiQuil ou ~ Ued fords (ei ther to infinily and placed in a pOSition
on them which IIpprorl'd in SoIdlfT maga- OL 4 ~ 4 o r CL 4 .( 2) and It 15 cwt eAact ly 13l inc~ from the model. Th is
:dne many years ago. Ik-dford or Moni~-also an armo ured is rno~t impo rtant as lOO (,icl ure .... ill not
M . J . R. Smith, "n1t~r.;ha", . lIuc"'~. cll r. lI umber or Daimler. be f()(u'>Cd l'rolle ,l y if it IS nOI.
Michad Sowyer wriles: 01 COllfSt k _ 11. W . Wri.:ht . Fenula ..·n. n ,,,,,,, t. M . Mudd , lIan.,ic:h.
LJ'l48 W(U the (ir1t mQcMur-our mis· Flail chains
!like. The {irst four ("Of uircm/ •• Swivel seats
1.7748-51. I.nd " "CIIlu If£ IM n'llirrl'J.
1.7248. rrOf '49. " ·il.< "Jrll bJ' Si"O iI. W' WI II IST I WIl'l customisinit the interior W inin ICktobcr.
,efe rence to Mr BI()(klcy'! leuer
1966. magU7.ine regard-
IIfll'rnpf ID Cllrl! II, I! /x"ic IrollbleJ. of my Austin M ini. 1 wanted 10 in; Ihe maling of Ihe cha ins for a Sher-
ApoIogil's. rnak e swivel sealS, but I had no means man Crab in th e motio n of sweeping, I
of this in my spare parts oox . I $01I'ed Ih ink I h:I\e found an easie r met hod . If
lhe problem by pu rchasina some press- Ihe fc lt IOlrt e.·ial round 11 pipe cleaner i!!
Instrument panels ~ ruds. F i~t . onc half of a press-~!Ud i!i burnt off. a "tiff .. irc ~ hatO is lefr. Th is
I SII OULO lite to pass on 10 OIlier
rl'aders, a simple wa .. o( matjng
glucd 10 lhe Hoor of Ihe car and the
OI her hlf o f Ihe press-st ud is glucd 10
would SIne Ihc bother o f sti ffening any
o lher eha in .
realistic irulrument panel! for airCT1lfr. Ihe underside of the seat (th i!! can be AIlI",l lIir Suller, An j,tus, Stoll:md .
The required ~hape o f panel is first done .... it h U II U). Th is a'ISCmbly i!i then
cut. ....ith sciswB. from liaht pugc Icft fo r at leasI 12 houn to drr. After Pin writing
aluminium. such u i!i uo;cd for packaging. th is the IWO hah'es o f lhe pTCSHilUd
l"h is i!i .hen r.:!inled man black and can be united by hold ing the car in one
hand and i,ocntly prnsing the sea t «m-
1N rhe Fcbruarr. 1967. issue of ArRl'lx
allo ... cd ro drr. IlIen, usin& a fine poinled magazine there was a picture o f a
instrument fI use dividers) scribe on the ta ininlt the press-stud on to the Hoor r·39Q model and a note saying that lhe
necessarr detail. A steady hand 1M:1~ containing lhe othe r half o f the prcss- aircraft·s and pilot's name had ~n writ-
~re, but small eno .... are 5urprisin,ll1y
slud. The sea ts ..ill now swivel freely_ ten .... it h I pin on lhe edginll of a tra nsfc r
inC()l1Spicuous. r ina lly fi,t in pc:!5itlOTl Th is method CIln also be u~d fo r mating "lrccr. I'!case cou ld you explain fully how
(impact adhesive is besr) and touch o\'er ~"i,·c lling guns on aeropla nes o r boau. Ihis .... as done?
the edges .... ith malt black. n . l . S ....p .... nJ . I •.,ndnn ..... 4. C. Plf'_'~, T hurm on Heatb, SUfTey.
'The deta il i!i 5urprisin&1y I'uli!itic, S~""roI uoduz ha.~ aJked Ihis Jlrm e
cspa: ially ..·lM:n ..k .... ed th rouRh a n ans- Stirling detail qUtJliOfl_ Britfly, Ihe m"'lroIl ;J '0 Ihill
parent ~nopy: considerably more do"" mall ...lrJle pilUllc enam~1 (or ",hal-
s a former aircrafl elcct rici:1 n at '0
rea listic than the .. hite 'polka-dot' S(l1TlI:-
tinlC5 5eCn, since fu ll-sized aircTll ft instru-
A Se bro'~ .... orks. Bourn. during Ihe last
ewr ro/OIJ;r IJ dtJirnJ)
normal t:fHlJiJftf}f.
abom Ml/ its
ments are almost invariably black, on a wa r. as re fcrred to by M r llawycr in the Then a ntwll 1'1 IJ uud Ii~htly fju a
hlack panel. on ly the numerals ~ina Stirlin!! a rtiele (A IRI'll[ maprine, Febru- PM, Ihough h d pre/fy wt!ll wrliaJly,
"hite. a ry). there is one detail missi n& wh ich and Ihe nll"'~ ...rif/m irr Ih tl de.rirnt JI)"/~.
C. /I.. I Oll toi, Lmorlon SWI S. mav int erest readers. By 'riNr edgh.g 0/ 0 Ira,u/" JhuI' ".~
On all Ihe Slirlin p converted It mMrrl Ihe w"nlJh~d """~rJlide an-a
Scbro's 10 glider tu g!, .... here the exit for ...lticl. IJ o/I~II /~/f ...hen IfIrrlJ/nJ ar~
I Devonshire ' notes paratToopS was u nde r Ihe fusc[PJIC. a bar riouly lrill.,...,,1 M/ortl opp/iCfJlioll. 111";1"
.... as fillcd ..... hich WD5 lo .... ered during fhe rramc 011 ,I.IJ - ,I.tmgh ul'~ral al-
WAS p~a~d 10 read you r article o n
I the seventh DtlI'ollJhirtl conversion. I
dro pping. I understand Thai this wn ~ to
pTe,·cnT The slaTic lines swinaing u l!
If'lrrplJ are .w.ully needed 10 gel Ihe JIJ~~
r orrt'rf - 11't1\~ tI.t po""1 10 Jl'/, Ir;m
scu ed in her from 1 ~ 1 -'3. under Ihfol fusclat::e a nd foul in; the 11111 rOlllll1 Iltll 'IIImll. ami apply ill ,hc IIo~lIIal
You made one o r t .... o mistakes. I'or o r lail wheels. The bar was in the (orm
insta~, the four-inch mountin8"l were way by .IO<Ikillg III walrr. T his //tell.od jJ
of a rectangular frame immediaTely 11ft pa~IIc"lar/y IIu/.11 for depiclirrg IIamtJ
abreast the after funnel and not Ihe o f the e~il halch and pivoted al Ihe lead· ..'Mch .....rtl applird in 'script' J9te 01, {/"
front one, and in addition, she also CIIr- in; edge. It was Ihe full widrh of Ihe
ried a nofor on the starboard s ide and .rr,bjerl Mng modelllld . By ...rillnl( 0/1 Iltc
fu ~ la gc. Irorrl/llr shut you IH'Did Ihe pOS.Jible mi~
a I'om-I'om on the port side. 11lcre wu Also, I can we ll Kmr:mb!'r a Slirling
!to d irector above lhe bridge. lak~1 ,,'hlch roll/If btI madc by al/I'lrrp/-
....hich came to lJ.ou m for repa ir. in jll, 10 palrr, slIIal/ rnrm~1 and Jlerrcil
I hope this in formation has been of mOOn! 1943. wit h Shark's teelh paInted on
... "ne he lp 10 model lers, rrl(,,/(J slral,hl on ID Ihe model_-EDlTOIl .
thc n<KC ~imilar 10 the K illyhll.wl: Slyle _
_ A. Ca,,~rIHl, I"ur rl", M or,,)"~ hir.,. Il. E. J . T ..·i.m. ClrmlJrill j,te.
Mercedes racer
M3 memories Cheap pictures H AV ING purchased the Airfl.t model
o f lhe l~ Mercedcs, I thoughl car
IT II reference: 10 Mr A. J. Moore's EADLRS ma y be interested in how to
W lencr in your r.b r, h i~e about R ta\;c ~uCtt"Sful rhotOltral)l\~ of Ihei r
e Olhu~ia~ts ..·o uk! lil:e to loo", of a
,iOl(11c oon, ersion .
,'''' Whi.e M 1 lIalf_Trad•. it may ~ of Airfix l its withoul ha, ina to o..-n a ny h tl;tty onc remO\'C1! all lhe lamps.,
inrelt'ol to readers 10 l oo.... thal IhMe e~lI"m;i'·e C<juipmcm_
.1lu.dgUllrds and mudguard ~uppOrrs. Then
'chick.... .. ere not on ly in u'"" bf TA units Jl.I O§t .::rticlllll'l ha '·e spa re spectacle too model is painted .... hite .... it h a large

III 19~~~thc-y .. ere s.ul! in use rn Reltular Icn<;c:S a thne may be broullht for black " on the radiator fro nt and t.... o
unils in 11,\01( as bte as 1951J/60. We about 5" each. The km 10 ask for is It
s. ill had a num~r or the m in assorted
May, 1967
three Diopler kns, .... hich you allach 10 Continucd on Mxt pQgt
"rhicle whr're they end and are joined by any of Ihi5 sluff Idt o,'cr will find il
Letters- co ntinued a cros.~baf le,"el with the deck. The arehrs excellenl. the refore, on Airfi.t tl1t1h anu
dellr tile winilicrtt'n by about a fOOl. trucl ,.
smaller 4, on each \ide or the bonnet; The two Olltrf arches are $U pporled bv W9m~' 11:111, Edlllonlu". Canada.
two s~rc t}' ~ are ~mcI\'1.'d ""hind the a ilUpport on Ihe edge of the d«k levd
SUIS. Th is con""rsion turns the mode l with the frOl'lt of the dri,"rrs comrarlrnent
into Jcnauy's 1903 Gordon-Iknnc:u race and anotiler halfway between it and the Pen -friends wanted
winner. bow. A slmt ar'rOS!l the DUKW stretches
C. " , IIr~ jn , 0 101 Cnulsd on . Sum','. f rom th e foot of rach suppOrt to three- TIII~ 101l0.. 1~ I~.d ... hi'''' wrl".n '0 ,""
".<Ii,OI" ttQut'Od". Dm- I,Imds, Nril Harr ••
Thb sl<u~sfjon Ii~s in nlr:dy ..ith 11,;s quart ers of Ihe way un the opposite one. .1 M o... kk 1t0ll<l. WI,k_, " . M",""."II.
mOll/h', W ht'dspill /mwrt:-..." art! plnn- while on each side of the ,'ehkle strut.'! NO<lh~"nd. w","", '0 o:>t1'cs"","" ...nil I
nin~ a mo/'C defaiim CO''t'Mge 0/ mcing run fore and aft from betwem the $UP- pm.frlmd In ,"" 10--12 ..., amtm MYin~ In
old tim"' in the nw, lu/urt'.- EDITOR. POrtS to thr~ghlhs of lhe way up thr'm. US .... 'nt'""'> In" ...." .... Utal1' """"...
The vehide WIU on trials in 19~. Iftd willl ... '0 (1Ich.anllt khs. Ptt.. C""",,IIy.
I wou ld like 10 rofUact Mr R. 1-1. 50 a. .. 1c ".,1<. CIondalkln . Co Dublin. I d ...
Rhodesian Hunte r lJi~hop of Weymouth, who had 11 lellCT
R .",,"II~ .... nuld like '0 h... a n ~one hk
H(! un In \V..... ln l!umpr In'na,'" In W",I<I
publi,l\ed in the NovcmbeT, 1965, i:!Sue,
L OOK ING th rough your Septembe r,
1966, ~ue. I noticed an error in the a~ I would vfT'! mueh like 10 rxchange
W.. l II,e ..", kits ,nd tl.n I.ia,ion In
.,ntr,l. ,od I....... 'n! In ach.allllru! tlu.
~k KII1<bowm (In. R,n(hoftn lll. Om
Ic-ucr on the Rhodesian Il umer. infonnalion ..ith him,
It su'l('d that the u ppI'r surraces of Alan C, Hoa:c.... Ilorcitest..... H .... HoD ...... WOOJId lite . pm.ltlmd 01 Ilk
We don't think Ihb DU KW rorpet .,..,. .~ from I'Irll,ln. lie ",11eI ..... md,
our Ro",1 Rhodesian Air Force lI unter!! l!... lish. . od Is tn., ...'n! 'n 1'1."1,, tnQIkh
lire dark green and dark eart h, bU! the la}W M'I1J ev" odOplM for In'I;ce. bill a
simihlr C"'I I'"oII'OIl CO,..yI"lf 0 bobbi" wo.'
.,,,,,,.tt,. "'tl.. K lkuc:hl. ! -ll _ll MOlotuno-
correct camouflage is dark green on (ho. U.I .... -Cl',.. , "".n . .. ho 11 ........ bcr of
light grey, The under 5urfa~ are sih'cr. ItJtd In N W Europe In 1944-45 In Jmall l',a... Modd Qub. would lit. '"
not duct egg blue as stilled . The rn! of n" mbn-J. We do,,'1 hOI'fl 0 ,ecorll of for, ha. ',011\ .n,. t)!~lk "'o"dlns ,n)'WMK in
.he 'III'Or1d wisIIiq: .0 c:sm.ftft new! Ind 41 ••
the dClaih are correct. Bishop's add,nl-perhops he ('OIdd 00<1- of ..."",,1 In'rm!!. 110 Boon 1'1Ioo:t. (15). t51!
D . West, Salisbury, Rhoot'!ila. luc' ,u'-EDtTOlt_ ...ttxrt " _ . Slqloore 7. would Ute '0
oorrupond .. hll lIlY bo, 01 hi, .... In fld •• ln
1n l........ In oti<>Ik:l 1 ••cr"1 S.c~n Wh;le.
DUKW conversion Canvas finish "'Ia,"",a "'vr. \ V.n, ..... nh 1"111,. N'I\V. "'u<-
H A VI! come atT~ an interesti ng con·
in an o ld ma,tll1.ine. I1 i~ an
wondering if readcr'1 would like
... how 10 pnxluce more realistic
1.. 110 would Ute In E... I;.t, pm- , .!rnd .nd
12_IlI i",........ In ",odrlll", "'IO!1k .Irenil
an:! ell". Joorl C\IdIt ... h.. "" bmalf of .""
adap(ation of lbe DUKW by the US
Marines U a carpet layer.
fini<;h for t arJXl ul in~ and t i lt ~. I ha"c
foulld th!l.l the t ~~u.e supplied in the
"'..... Modrl Ctub. ""'" \n,""" '0 Sf.n R :sin.
.1Cl.... ...aion. uId,.. l' .nr """"'" In ll ri,.;n
The ..ire mesh carpet i5 Slowed in lI.en .... al ' Fahulnu' Flvin!! Machine' kils ......Id br wlllI.... " a<hln., al" .1Id a(ttO-
accordion " leMs on the ~tem and pa5'1e5 and /or Ihe ' World Wllr I' kil ~. whcn _k. 'or I'a" (k,man tits. lIre... " aod ~.
maou""". 0' Cztth n,,_.I... li e eln br
ovtt five flattened arches which eJllmd I1Jlolicd. repr~nl~ cam'as >"crv .... ell be- ...... ,tlCln! .t N""","""" 1&. 1\,,,,,.Fudko'-1
f. om the .rar of the drivtt's comoarllTlr'nt t-llu<;c rolds ..... rinkle •. dc. can be worlcd n..... C'ltdoo<tonrkq. I nte<eln! . 0Ik.. . . r
10 about one or t...o fttl in frOI'll of the in bcforr 'he glue dr~. Anyone wilh Inol.....0 ..rhr "i.ret '0 .he Jo<\d •. . , ~.n..
Mil ita ry m ode ll ing-continued
the hull rear and one can be made up from plastic card or scrap
to a width of 28 mm (again the dimensio ns are not critical)
and cemented in place. Sometimcs anotller stowage box was
The Sherman . '8'
carried across the hull front.
You thus have a Shcnnan Mk IC and ror anyone who wants L AST of all SOOlCthing a littk more ambitious which again
involves re.amling your model, Ihis time with Ihe 10S mm
to try the 1lI0rc ambitious VC, 1).<:lIona do a usdu l sca le drawing. howitzer. So armed Ihe Sherman I became thc III in British
However, 1 th ought it would be interesting to ring the changes service an d in its sim plest form thi~ con'"ersion involves only
yet again and make a Shennan Hybrid IC wit h Ihe combination the turret which needs a new gu n barrel. a cyli ndrical mantlet
cast/rolled annour fronl fitted to late production Mk Is. All from scrap pl:utie--or by eo\cring the kil mantlet with card-
the foregoing instruclions appl y in this case. but before assem- and a new cupola as shown in the drawing. You a l50 need 10
bling the hull. Ihe cas t nose cffecl must be achieved ..... his is ad d a second hatch from card in Ihe positioll shown. and a
done by filing off the rOW$ of bolts Dnu all the detail from thc second vcntilator from scrap plastic.
upper hull front. The ~nti re hull front , c,'(cc pt for Ihe nose, is While the cupola can be made up from scratch )'ou'U find
then liberally coa ted in plastic body putty and smoothed with tha l an c.,cellem one of just lhe right size and pallrm can be
the rmgcrs or a kn ife 10 give a un ironn co,-cragc as far back as cut out from the hu ll of the Roco M40 model if you have one
t he mushroom vents each sidc of the hull hatches. After lea"ing to spare. Which leads to the suggestion that you 'cannilxllise' •
the whole lot to set hard for at leas t 24 hours, file and sa nd lhe a complete M40 and ta ke th is conversion to its logical COrl-
entire area to give the desi red cast effect. nOI (orgelli ng to round elusion as shown in the dra wing. In other words, fit your model
off the edges and corners. The photOj;raph shows lhe idea, I with HVSS and wide tracks by incorporating the complete
think. Then proceed as before, nOt forgetting the plale O\"Cr moulded track and suspr'nsion from the M40 in place of the
the deleted machine sun aperture. track and suspension supplied in the kil.
Comp/eled IIWCic/ of Iht /114 1<';lh 105 mm ItOl<'it::er (lIIIIIIVSS. This is easily uone, but such a conversion then rncOlns that

-- you must fi t your model with 47 dcgree hull fron t, a lso shown
io the d rawing and on my model. This involves fiti llg down the
existi ng hatchways, cutting out a new hull front from plastic
ca rd. cutting ou t a new section of plastic card 10 CO\'er the old
dri vers hatchways. and addi ng new oval hatches from card.
Hnally fiU in the front cd ges of the hull sides to match the new
anglc of Ihe hull front and your model takes on a radically
diffcrent shapc.
Next month. I·U be taking this Shcrmancon\"crsion thcme onc
stage away from the basic 1\1 4. Until then try your hand with
the drawing and pictures as a guidc.
]SO AlRfIX!m~gulne
CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Extra Slalf required, CJlpcricnce preferred but not csscm ial.
Permanent posi tion. B.M.W. Models, 329 lIa)"dons Road,
RA TES:- 5d. per word. Minimum charge for each insertion 5.s.
Wimbledon, S.W.19.
Archi tects and Con' Ellj;inecrs require you llg mode l
Wun ll>d : Unasscmblcd Tami )'u M.4H I'allon wilh two mOlors. make r in terested in the produc tion of building IInd I? lam areas
M. Slola, 324 Rochdalc Road , GrcctJand, Halifax, Yorks. in various scales. The post calls for skill in maimalO ing scale
W:mtcd : Airfix r-Iag;;u.incs, February 1964. Mini condition. accul"Jlciy and tOe ability 10 indicate var)'ing types of material.
Slale price. Dinan, 34 Slanhope Gardens. London, S.W.7. Salary according to llgo.: and abili ty. In first instance apply for
M a)' 1963 Airfix MIl~lj lle. 1-1:1\'(: for CJr;change October 1962, application fonn gh ing detai ls of age, education, training
and September 1963 WUCS. Ma rlow, 78 Northampto n Road , and illustrations, \\hich will be returned: Ooissc\'ain and
Wctlingborough, Northants. Osmond Architects, Kings Shade Walk, Epsom, SUrTc)'.
Airlb l\Iag:rl.incs, August-December 1963 (inclusive). Dyrnc,
58 Brooks Road, Wr lde Green, Sutton ColdHeld. I'I-:RSONAL
Airllx Maglll ines, No. l-Scptcmbcr 1965 (inc]usi\'c). j'icase Intercsted in slot·racing/kit buildi ng/mode l car colk-cting? Read
stale price. M ills..5 Hill Close, uallykclly, Co. l)crry. N. Ireland. Miniatu re Au to, Bri tain's premier model car magazine. I'rice
Is 6d monlhly from nc ..... sagents and hobby shops. or direct
Urgently Wanted : Kit or mad...... up model, Ilocing 1147 Sralojcl. from the publishers (365 pe r )'ear). Knightsbridgc Publica tions
Good price paid for either in reasonable condition. Slate price (1962) Ltd., 3/4 SI. Andrew'S B ill, London. E.C.4.
to D. I', J udge, 66 Rouge IJooillon, Jersey, Channel Islands.
Airfi" i\1ag'.t1.incs, Au,ust 1961-May 1966. State price and
condition. Post inclUSive. G. Spratk)', 18 Blackwood Streel, OVERSEAS DEALERS ONLY
Cast Ipswich, Qucc ruland, Australia. .... we .... (........ r....... pr.... (.. dK.r. '" "'" .... Wished in 1961. _kn
Wanloo : ' Uritains' metal soldicrs, all t)'pc5. Gun tcams, wagons,
0'. Irroriled to af>pI, (., U ...... He.
P, i.! •• cu"om.n pi.... ""••• hot GLAD LATO~ and fUI\Y IhOl . ..iII
bands, etc. by collector. l3a Al bert Parade, Easlbou rne. b<I pub' l>hod APRil. Prk. l /W U.K. only. U.S.A . • doll.,.
\\':lIIled : Unmade Merit Bristol· Bulldog kits. Twycross. 8 II.EPli .. DECal. 60 ABB EY HOUSE. 1 VICTORIA STII.EET,
Armson Avenue, Kirb),·Mwdoe, Leics. LO NDON S.W . ' .
(No per_ ",lie.. lIIenel
I'uTt u change unwanted trains all gauges, I' cco Streamline
Track in '0'. '00' and 'N'. Triang Super 4. ScaIe.~lric l' l("x) -
track, Meccano, Model IJoa ts, Yachts. Good modds. Cash
a\'ail:1bk. lkatl ics of London, 112 High lIolborn, Londo n,
W.e. 1. Manchester and Soulhgate (Mail Order).
Our hltl < O~er IO.CXXI el of CIVIL I~d WARPLANE
Airfb: .\ lapztl!eS, Vol. I, numbers I~. Jul)' 196 1. o...'CemiJer PHOTOGRAPHS. S~ x J! ,~. f'''<e IJ 6 pcr dOl . .,olt pa,d.
1')64, all or si ngly 3/· copy. All correspondence answered .
R. 1'. Stubbs, 198 Wellington Road. Wa in ui omula, New
Send' 6.1. fo' I'll ~~d .pec'men. (l,1t only. 6d.1
Zealand. SOUTHPOII.T , l.anu..hl....,. Enl 'a"".

FOR 5Al '£

11 .4 " 1" J1I1~ I C1' TI("" S
Airfix Maga.tines, 48 copies from No. 2. Good condition.
£j o.n.o. Owin, 27 We bslcr Gardens, Ealing, W.5.
tl iu~kt>I A riaI;"" Au....., v.",. 4. !12 pp M phoIoo &rid """Ilent
G .As. M dassic: Amnic:an planes.
Airfix ~ la g:u.ine, No, I to present, com plete. Mint condition. Rif""~ Sniu: R at:u. PI_s, V.",. 1_ 1909·23. M.... y fine phoIOI

Offers to R. Leighton, 35 Birchwood A\enue, Liuleovcr, and J-~iew dra"·I.... on an paper.

A ....' S"lu: F4U C~MJI,. ~2 pp. N_ pOO'OI and dn.... il\lJ. 4 p&iQ
Derby. 0( col""r. Heinkel lIe 177 (ollo ... >OO"'y.
5 :lle: Airfix Flying Review, Mcccano Maa-'lZlncs. Details: T hae 'h ....... , U / 6 pool (ree ea"".
n e "''I,1t AI, Fora'" 11'11'11. 200 pqcs. 270 pl>oIOf, 56 dnlwinp
S.A.E. I' aul Forsyth, 2 Teignmouth Road , Welling, Kent. and S1 PI' m..... kirop lktail •. 1.1/ 6 post p;oid.
Qualily Aircraft Phol ~rupbs: 1/6 p.O. for specimen and lists- " '. E _ 1I1~ II S1L"'I' L1'D ••
'Aviation PhotO&Taphs, 28 Silksby Street, Co\·cnt ry. I·ublica· 221 ARC II WA Y' RO AO. LON OON . 1'11.6
tions dept. specialise in rare kits. books and A ... iation curiosities,
personal for model makers, 611. for sales list. R.A.F.
Roundels t post-\\'ar type, 45 on sheet-4/· per Sheel. two
sheets 7/6, post, packing free, 'Aviation Publications', I Copland
PlaOl:, Tile Hill, Co\·entry. ORDER FORM
1IIIIf price kils ! Fantastic olfer! Send me £1 (plus 2/6 postage
and packing) and I will send you a parcel of 1/72 ill. Aircraft T o! AIRFIX MAGAZINE (A dl'crt DeI)I.)
kits worth .£2. No catch, I'm just a lunatic, but my selection 3-4 St. Andrcw's Uill, London, E.C.4.
only. Fullenon, 90 Burnt Ash Lane, Bromley, Kent.
Military and Civil Aircraft photographs. Listt 3d. S.A.E. please.
Ple a se inse rl Ihe foJl o win g ad ve rti se me nt in the
T. A. Brown, 45 Oifton Roa"" Southall. Middk:sex. nex t issue of A IRFI X MA GAZ INE. I e nclose m y
" i\lodcl suppliers to lhe: specialist collector" Avia tion books. rc mitlance o f ...... s . ............ d. (5d. pe r word)
Current and oul of print editions. Avia tion magazines. Scale:
drawinas 10 any scale. Any aircraft. Research dept. available:
for all types of work. Mmiature Aviation Servtces Inc., 18
Ebury Ro.1d , Riclana.nsworth, Herts.
A Unu.:dlO$, vouz trouverez tous Ics montages, plastiqucs de
toutcs marqlJe!l au Comptoir otlhicl. ainsi que decals A DT,
automobiles el aircraft Profiles. 127 chaUMb;: de Haecht,
Uruxel1es ). (prts t,lise Sainle-Marie).
5 lxt y-eigbt types or '00' scale painted figtJrcs. all colou r
schemes. revised 10 malt. realistic. 4<1. and 2d. stamp to : R.
1·lills, 58 South6elds Drive, Stanground, Pe terborough. Agents
also needed. (I'LEASE PR INT L.... HI.OCK CA PITA I,S)
May, 1967 35 1
a prompt "free mail-ord er" se rvice for all modellers



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wl'" 10 rotaln IJI,olr C'OPe. for 1\11........~ H ...,..
n. KASlB l lfDKJI . . . . . .,ned to blnO ",,\1_ Of AIRFlX MAOADMJ: as JO\I . - I•• Ib _
_ Ib br _u.. ,,""u.oll, _yl'",... an_,lIr _ ... ..01 .... fOl' ro .... _kIII.lf.
Quid and _ r 10 0pen.1 •• u..copl_ ............ 0 I..... pl_ 11, • U.1n ..... win ana
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To: J[nJrlllobrl..,. PubllullOr\jo (IM21 LlO •• ' " SI. An ...... ' . HU1 , !!:C'.
P I _ omO .... ..................... AI!U"lX MAGAZllf!!: &ullllno ... ~ UII . .do .., • ....0.
I ..,CIOIo dleq ....,P .O. for .................. 51"'.................. , ................................... .
NAil!!: ............................................................................................................ .
ADDR&SS .... ... ................................................................................... .
DATE ... . .......................................................................................... .
THE EASIBINOER 17'6 each post paid
lSl AJRFIX magazine
An exciting model ollhe mOSl lamous American lank,
the Mk. 1 SH ERM AN , oneollhegrea\ IlInksol the Second
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trllcks, this modelrs a highly d8lar led minia ture o l lhc
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There ale over 250 Airlill kits covering 19 di fferent
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t'~"""1 ond n_1NI
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3pproxlmate:ly 1/ 5S sn le:
R. L.
AI M41 Hunter Tank'

Al Crusader Tank"
' I ll
Al r')2 Destroyer Tank" ' I ll
' / 11 BMW LABEL
R.L. "4 TI1S lon, Tom"
R.t. AS SU 57 Stalin Tank"
R.t. 1.6 M14 Tank '
' I ll
' / 11
All S(:alu; Kin complete with tWO
one-pi«e rubber tnd"s. Very hl,hly deu.iled, fold_ PROFILE.S
In, win,s, movina paru.
1/ 21 $Cale
Rl!t~cu.ble underarriqes AIRCRAFT •••
etc., wllen applicable. .,. O. A.j .. ,. D .•
R.t. A21 M4 Sherman Tll'lk" 59/ 11 1f72 scale ISl Ayia IUl<
R.t. A2l PzKwl German T.tnk" In A. W. W~;"'"
R.l. P4Wildcu'" 4/ 11 ' ~4
C. W;,nwoy
59/ 11 R.l. PS Saiun Myrt'"
German 7Smm AISlult Gun Tank IS5 N""h American T-lI
4/ 11 156 fo,d T,.· Mo •...-
with remote control" 84/ - R.L. Plo Shiun ". 4/ 11
151 ,,,,... , 14
151 A.a~ PT. ST S.,...
All Ical", Include electric motor ,
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II .L. PI Z Ulun ' "
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IS, W ..,Loo.d L,..~du
1611 M" • .,ib"ki G)M "NoU-
"I M. 210. 410 _ ' ..
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cleverly concealed Internal mount· R.l . PI4MiUuibishi Ki-09· ·
1nl, and therefore does not alter R.L. PI S Miuuiblshi KI-67·· CARS •••
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1/ 15 sule
R.L. PI6HiryuArmy heavy
bomber. Pe"r"
C' 51 OuMnber, Mod.! A
R.t. PlO Kawanish l Type 2 Fl yin, C, 58 1500 <.Co I-l II..G.
R.L. A7 T. IOS JSIII Stalin ~t , Em il,. Made by HASEGAWA C' S9 19)4 G.'. Auto U . . .
Tank" 37/ 11 49/ 11 er 611 AC. Cab ..
R.L. AB T.SS Ruuian Tank '
1S/ 11
R.L. A9 T.l<f Russilln Tank ·
A. -re 1 ..... .,.;01 .. ,

R.L. AIO M41 Walker

19/ 11 ,. , 1_24 U.l.'.
Ve 1 .... ~ ... ". ' .
Bullq Tank' 19/ 11 . '.. ll-6G (4.4.'.
VcrII ) COR,,"",n,
R.L. All Chiefqin Tank ' , ....... 6I-J6 £4 .• . ' .
37/ 11 c.n VaI I c:ooo ... ..u..
R.L. AI2 Scorpion Arm· Prof.l.. I-l ~ 0.].,.
oured Car.' Delivery
mld· April 12/ 11
R.L. AI3 Coventry 11
Armoured Car.' Delivery
mld.Aprll 11/ 11
1/ 72 5C1le
11/ 8
' 1-
' 1-


car' 15/ 11 B.M.W. EXPORT
4/_ per Sheet DEPARTMENT
R.L. A28 Russian Stalin
Tank JS III (N iahon) RED LABEL ....1<0.... o.o.o" • ...t _ " i....
11/' 'ro'" •...t'.id"." ..... t . .d.n Ho>o4 .....r ,. .. ,51- ,P_. I 61
AUTHENTIC COLOURS t"ro", Ioo" , t .... wor'd . .......,..<!tT... _, c., o.~.G_.
R.L. AI6 A.M.X. 30 French Please lee Pile 347
30 ton Tank' 25 / 11
R.L. AI7 A.M.X. D.C.A. 1'l'-SClNAL CAU.U S W(LCOt1E
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R.L. A26 British Army Self Hoom
Propelled Abbott Gun" TURERS • • L & S.
14/ ' .... Aoslma.

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