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But they’re not sufficient by themselves. You

_________________ on them. You have to get into
probing questions. For example, who else knows
that? have to expand

Curiosity is the engine, the power for the story.

Curiosity will_________________ up with good
questions. help you come

Do you know what that is? No, I’m not talking about
luck! _________________ creates good news
stories in curiosity-your own curiosity. The thing that

Good evening, everybody. Is everyone here? OK.

Good. Now, tonight _________________ to talk
about the 1 thing you need to create the best new
stories. we’re going

Now, remember, first _________________ start

with the 5 classic journalistic questions-you know:
who, what, when, where, and why. you have to

Between 1988 and 1996, Armstrong won numerous

international races. In January 1996 he was the top-
ranked _________________ world. Then during a
race in October of that year, Armstrong fell of his
bike in excruciating pain. cyclist in the

1984, at age 13, Lance _________________

triathlon, excelling at running, swimming, and
bicycling. By 1987, while he was still in high school,
Lance had turned professional. He decided to focus
exclusively on bicycling. won a national

the spotlight on this TV minute is Lance Armstrong,

“the Golden Boy of Cycling.” Lance Armstrong
_________________ September 18, 1971, in a
small Texas town. From early on, it was clear that he
was a natural athlete. was born on

Since that time, Armstrong _________________ win

many more races, including the Tour de France in
1999, 2000, and 2001. Lance says that cancer was
an unexpected gift. has gone on

They discovered that _________________, which

had spread to his lugs and brain. Given only a 50
percent chance of surviving, in 1997 Armstrong
underwent difficult cancer treatment. Amazingly he had cancer

After 30 minutes, try to stand, but

_________________ much weight on the ankle.
Move the ankle around slowly. Movement is
important so the ankle doesn’t become stiff. don’t put too

Continue to apply an ice bag on the ankle for 20

minutes, every 2 hours, throughout the next day.
This _________________ healing. Rest your ankle
for 24 to 48 hours. will help promote

Next, compress _________________ wrapping an

elastic bandage 2 times around the sprained ankle.
The bandage should be snug, but not too tight. the ankle by

Sprained ankles _________________ injury. A

sprain occurs when you suddenly stretch or tear one
of the three ligaments around the ankle. We suggest
the following treatment. are a very common

Thank you for contacting Health Web.

_________________ the type of advice you
need . . . Thank you, you have selected: Sprained
ankles. Please click on

Finally, put on a tablespoon of prepared salsa-it’s

_________________! Then put on the top slice of
bread and presto! my secret ingredient

Now put on 3 very thin slices of Swiss cheese and

then 4 slices of avocado, _________________ other
. . . that’s right . . . and now top it with 2 slices of
tomato, 4 slices of cucumber . . . and, next to each

Put the lid on the blender, set in to Blend, and in just

a _________________, you’ve got a perfectly
delicious and nutritious Summer Sling Smoothie. couple of minutes

TV cooking show that helps you eat right and eat

light. Today’s show has a tropical theme,
_________________ the palm trees swaying and
orchids blooming all around you. so just image

We have right here-by the way, this recipe is for 6

people, so you’ll need to cut the ingredients if
_________________ 2 or 4. First, we’re going to
start with the fruit-ripe bananas and luscious
papaya. you are serving


I want to share my coaching philosophy with you. There are

4 main principles, which I _________________ in my
players from the first day of training camp. try to install

The third principle is teamwork. I tell my players that

there’s no “I” in the word team. We are not
_________________ achievements. interested in individual

You have to be determined not to _________________

you. You have to be willing to get back up each time you
fall. That’s what determination is. let failure discourage

You must be committed to excellence, committed to

constant improvement, _________________ your bet in all
circumstances. So, commitment is the first thing. committed to doing

I tell them a very important 3-letter word, and this word is

yet. You see, losers say, “I can’t do it.” Winners say, “I
can’t do it yet.” I want _________________ feel that
everything is possible with time. my players to

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