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Calamansi (Citrofortunella Microcarpa) and Aloe Vera (Aloe Barbadensis Miller)

gel as Liquid Bandage for Abrasion

A Science Investigatory Project


Arizza V. Sombrero

Micole S. Quinsanos

Jhove Anne D. Cudiamat

Mardimister Ashley E. Dalida

Noreen R. Nadera

Ms. Margaret Elaine Calvendra

Research Adviser

November 2021

The Problem and Its Background


People nowadays cannot avoid the possibility of wounds or abrasions. Abrasions

are wounds in which the top layer of skin has been scratched or worn out, and they

often need anything beyond a warm hug from parents. Although minor, abrasions must

be treated appropriately to avoid inflammation and heal quickly. It normally takes three

to seven days for them to recover. It may take one or two weeks or more for a large,

severe cut to heal. In this study, calamansi and Aloe Vera gel will be utilized as liquid

bandages to promote the healing of abrasions.

Calamansi extract has a wide range of health benefits, such as the capacity to

enhance immunity, relieve acidity, assist in reducing weight, encourage development

and healing, lighten the skin, purify the body, lower cholesterol, control diabetes, and

provide relief from respiratory infections. Calamansi is high in minerals and vitamins,

particularly vitamin C, which is important for immunity. It protects you from both viral and

bacterial infections. Aloe vera, on the contrary, is a succulent plant that may be found all

over the world. With its lack of color and threatening spikes, aloe vera isn't recognized

for being very attractive. Regardless of the lack of visual appeal, aloe vera has

traditionally been recognized for its medical properties, particularly in wound healing.

Minor wounds, abrasions, skin problems, and light burns were all treated with the plant.

It was used in bandages and also as a skin treatment. Aloe vera's medical benefits have

been known for ages. As the gel penetrates straight into the deeper skin layers, its

antiseptic and antibacterial compounds contained in Aloe vera provide the capacity to

fight, lessen, manage and even remove infections. With all these facts in mind, using a
liquid bandage made of Calamansi and Aloe Vera gel could help in the healing of


Background of the Study

Abrasions occur once the skin rubs against a hard surface, resulting in an open

wound. It's also known as a scrape or graze. Road rash is a type of abrasion developed

by skin rubbing across a firm surface. Abrasions are common injuries that can lead to

serious injuries from mild to severe, although they are rarely as serious as laceration or

incision wounds. Elbows, knees, lower legs, ankles, and upper limbs are by far the most

common locations. Since abrasions expose several of the skin's nerve endings, they

can be painful. These don't usually cause a lot of bleeding, so they're easy to cure at

home. These wounds could penetrate deeper layers of the skin, causing severe

bleeding which needs medical assistance.

Calamansi (Citrofortunella Microcarpa) is a little citrus fruit often used as a flavor

for foods and beverages. Along with its attractive appearance and fragrance, the fruit

itself has a sour taste, though the peel appears to be delicious. Calamansi is rich in

vitamin C, the same as the other citrus fruits. This plant is indeed a succulent which

retains water in the form of a gel inside its leaves. This moisturizing gel is suitable for

healing sunburns, insect bites, small cuts and scrapes, and some other skin conditions.

Most store-bought aloe vera products, on the other hand, contain potentially toxic

chemicals including dyes.

Vitamins, enzymes, minerals, carbohydrates, phenol, saponins, salicylic acids, as well

as amino acids are among the 75 potentially active constituents within aloe vera.

Vitamins: It contains antioxidants vitamins A (beta-carotene), C, and E. Vitamin B12,

folic acid, and choline are also included.

The liquid bandages are a clear liquid that is applied straight to the wound using

aloe vera gel, which is a potential source of natural polymers which bond to the skin,

substituting a standard bandage. It keeps germs and bacteria out and lets moisture

enter the wound. Calamansi and Aloe Vera gel as abrasion liquid bandages include

natural ingredients, whereas some store-bought treatments contain potentially harmful

chemicals that might produce terrible side effects, as well as certain medications might

induce severe allergies. Calamansi is a citrus fruit that really is high in vitamin C, also

known as ascorbic acid. As a result, the fruit's acidity can often induce a stinging or

burning feeling. After experimenting with the benefits of aloe vera on skin wounds, the

Iranian Journal of Veterinary Research determined that aloe vera can alter the healing

process and improve the appearance of healed wounds.

Abrasion could be treated successfully with Calamansi (Citrofortunella

Microcarpa) and Aloe Vera (Aloe Barbadensis Miller) gel. Besides saving money, they

are also much easier to use than applying a chemical-based medication to your skin.

Many medications have negative side effects, and certain medications might induce

allergic responses. When a medication is first introduced into the body, the immune

system mistakenly responds by producing disease-fighting antibodies known as

immunoglobulin E, or IgE antibodies. The medication is recognized as a foreign

substance by these antibodies.

Significance of the Study

Calamansi (Citrofortunella Microcarpa) is a small, spherical citrus fruit with a

diameter of 25–35 mm. It is also known as calamondin. The fruits are abundant in

vitamin C because they were juicy and acidic. Aloe Vera is a tough, stemless plant with

succulent-colored green leaves and white patches on the top and bottom stem skin

sections. For thousands of years, people have used this to cure and ease skin issues. It

is significant because it will benefit the following people:

For the people who will use this bandage, this study could benefit them in

terms of home remedy, as the aforementioned liquid bandage is an economically and

financially friendly alternative for minor abrasions. Especially for indigenous, local, and

people living in remote areas who do not have access to commercial bandages. Vitamin

C is the most important component in the liquid gel Calamansi (Citrofortunella

Microcarpa) and Aloe Vera (Aloe Barbadensis Miller). Vitamin C is a powerful

antioxidant that protects cells from free radical damage and has been found in tests to

aid wound healing. Abrasion treatment is also less expensive because it is created from

natural resources or materials. Hence, they will benefit from this.

Students and researchers will obtain a better understanding of the usefulness

of Calamansi (Citrofortunella Microcarpa) and Aloe Vera (Aloe Barbadensis Miller) gel

as an abrasion liquid bandage. It may also encourage them to consider that there are

numerous natural resources/materials that can be used to treat wounds rather than

commercially available ones. This will also assist researchers in developing new

research on the various benefits of various plant sections.

For the future researcher, this study can help them as a basis if they will

conduct a study similar to this. It can also help as a reference if they have the same

study as this.

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to develop an alternative gel topical skin treatment for minor

abrasions made of Calamansi (Citrofortunella Microcarpa) and Aloe Vera (Aloe

Barbadensis Miller) that binds to the skin to produce a protective polymeric barrier that

keeps dirt and germs out while keeping moisture in. Its goal is to address the following


1. What chemical properties do calamansi and aloe vera have that could aid in the

treatment of abrasions?

2. What are the changes or developments in the abrasion after applying the

microcarpa and aloe barbadensis gel in:

2.1 Three days

2.2 Five days

2.3 A week

3. What is the adverse effect of the liquid bandage on the skin?

4. What distinguishes the calamansi and aloe vera gel liquid bandage from

commercially available bandages?

Scope and Limitations

This study will focus on Calamansi (Citrofortunella Microcarpa) and Aloe Vera

(Aloe Barbadensis Miller) gel that will be used as a liquid bandage for the second-

degree abrasions. Second-degree abrasion affects both the epidermis and the dermis

and can cause minor bleeding. The gel will be applied to the second-degree abrasion

for testing. The size of the abrasion will determine how much gel liquid bandage to use.

Applying the substance will be continuous until the abrasion is fully healed. This

Calamansi and Aloe

Vera gel liquid bandage is limited to those who have allergies. Although Calamansi and

Aloe vera allergy is uncommon, reactions could trigger severe symptoms.

This study will be conducted at Luis Palad Integrated High School, Barangay

Ipilan, Tayabas City.


1. The liquid bandage out of Calamansi and Aloe vera gel has a significant effect on

the abrasion’s healing process.

Related Literature

An abrasion is a partial thickness wound created by skin injury that can range

from superficial (just affecting the epidermis) to deep (affecting the deep dermis).

Bleeding is usually limited to abrasions. Because the dermis is left intact, mild

abrasions, also known as grazes or scrapes, do not scar or bleed, but deep abrasions

that disrupt the normal dermal structures may result in the formation of scar tissue. An

avulsion is a more violent abrasion that removes all layers of skin. They don't usually

produce a lot of bleeding, though. Abrasions can usually be treated at home.

Lacerations and incision wounds are frequently more dangerous than abrasions. These

are cuts that usually impact the deeper layers of the skin. They may cause severe

bleeding and necessitate medical attention. Mild to severe abrasions are possible. The

majority of abrasions are minor and can be treated at home. However, some abrasions

may require medical attention.

Abrasion can be classified into three levels. The term "first-degree abrasion"

refers to damage to the epidermis that is just superficial. The epidermis is the skin's

initial and most superficial layer. A mild abrasion is one with a first-degree abrasion. It's

not going to bleed. Scrapes and grazes are terms used to describe first-degree

abrasions. The "second-degree abrasion" causes damage to both the epidermis and

dermis. The dermis is the skin's second layer, located underneath the epidermis. A

minor bleed may occur from a second-degree abrasion. The "third-degree abrasion," on

the other hand, is a serious abrasion. An avulsion wound is another name for it. Friction

and ripping of the skin to a layer of tissue deeper than the dermis are involved.

Avulsions can bleed profusely, necessitating more intensive medical attention.

The major purpose of medical therapy is to stimulate tissue recovery, which is a

complex biological process. Skin lesions can be caused by a variety of factors, including

burns, vascular problems, surgery, and trauma. Wound healing is a three-phase

process that takes place in real time. The early phase includes inflammation,

congestion, and leukocyte infiltration. The second step of proliferation is the removal of

dead tissue, followed by epithelial regeneration and fibrous tissue formation. Since 1500

BC, Aloe Vera has been used as a medicinal herb in a variety of countries, including

Greece, China, and Mexico. For millennia, it has been used as a traditional remedy for a

variety of diseases and skin imperfections. Madagascar, Saudi Arabia, and Iran are all

home to the Aloe Vera plant. It belongs to the Liliaceae family and is a perennial

herbaceous plant with thick, meaty, and lengthy leaves. It's a perennial herbaceous

plant with thick, fleshy, and long leaves, similar to Cactus.

Aloe Vera was utilized by Egyptian monarchs Nefertiti and Cleopatra as part of

their daily beautification routine. Aloe Vera contains 75 components, including 20

minerals, 20 amino acids, vitamins, and water. Aloe Vera has been demonstrated to

suppress thromboxane (a wound-healing inhibitor), improve wound healing, and reduce

inflammation in both in vitro and real-life animal experiments. The magnesium lactate in

the gel reduces the formation of histamine, which causes skin irritation and itching. It

also boosts cytokine production and enhances the immune system.

By lowering IL-6 and IL-8, reducing leukocyte adhesion, increasing IL-10 levels,

and decreasing TNF alpha levels. Aloe Vera is beneficial in inhibiting inflammatory

reactions. The glucomannan molecule, which is high in polysaccharides like mannose,

is responsible for its regenerating effects. Glucomannan stimulates the activity and
proliferation of fibroblast growth factor receptors, resulting in an increase in collagen

synthesis. Aloe Vera gel has the ability to not only increase the amount of collagen in

wounds, but also to change the composition of collagen, boost collagen cross-linking,

and therefore promote wound healing.

Scientific tests have shown that because the gel is 99 percent water, it can

promote skin flexibility and minimize fragility. Aloe Vera also contains

mucopolysaccharides, amino acids, and zinc, which can help with skin integrity,

moisture retention, erythema reduction, and the prevention of skin ulcers, psoriasis,

mouth sores, ulcers, diabetes, herpes, bedsores, and burn wounds have all been

proven to benefit from Aloe Vera treatment in several trials. Calamansi, on the other

hand, contains antiseptic, antiphlogistic, carminative, deodorant, refrigerant,

antimicrobial, antianxiety, antidepressant, hepatoprotective, expectorant, and

antioxidant qualities that may aid in wound or abrasion healing. In addition, using ultra-

fast liquid chromatography linked to a photodiode array detector, four common

hydroxycinnamic acids (caffeic, p-coumaric, ferulic, and synaptic acids) were identified

in the methanolic extracts of Calamansi peel.

Calamansi peel from the Philippines has the greatest total phenolic acids.

Calamansi is one of the tiniest and most affordable fruits available. It's a small fruit, but

its diminutive size betrays the myriad health benefits it may offer. This fruit can help you

lose weight while also improving your appearance and boosting your immune system.

Aside from being a delightful cold or warm drink, calamansi juice is an excellent daily

health tonic for avoiding any health problems. Only a small portion of the community

realizes that it is the most effective daily health tonic for preventing any illness.
Related Studies

Aloe Vera's properties allow it to be used in a variety of ways. They are

wonderfully relaxing when consumed, are high in antioxidants, and provide a slew of

additional health advantages. Of course, different chemicals and properties will be found

in different aloe species. Aloe leaves have diverse qualities on the inside and outside.

The number and density of minerals, vitamins, and nutrients is usually the most

significant difference between them (Dr. Edward, 2016). In addition, Aloe Vera has Anti-

Pruritic and Healing Properties.

Anti-pruritic characteristics are those that help to relieve itching and dryness of the

skin. Psoriasis and eczema, for example, are troublesome skin and scalp problems.

Psoriasis is an auto-immune disease characterized by excessive skin cell generation.

Remember that Aloe Vera has enzymatic characteristics that allow it to remove dead

skin cells while also nourishing the skin and scalp.

Since excess skin cell production is the root of psoriasis, it's easy to understand

how Aloe could be able to help. Aloe can also help with psoriasis on the scalp by

lowering soreness, scaling, itching, and irritation, eventuating in healthier hair

(Anonymous, 2012).

Aloe Vera gel works well for skin conditions like burns and eczema. With the

application of Aloe Vera to the burn area, burns can heal remarkably quickly and pain

can be reduced. Aloe Vera is useful for internal epithelial tissues as well as the skin

because it can be used both internally and topically. An ulcer in the mouth and stomach,
nasal and sinus passageways, the intestines, the lungs, and the genital tract are just a

few of the conditions that can occur (Anonymous, 2012).

Calamansi has antibacterial, antiphlogistic, carminative, deodorant, and

refrigerant properties. Antimicrobial, antianxiety, antidepressant, hepatoprotective,

expectorant, and antioxidant effects have been discovered in studies (Strout Jr., 2016).

Two major processes that contribute to cancer progression are angiogenesis, or

the creation of blood vessels, and oxidation, or the radical alteration of cellular

components. As a result, a study examining the antiangiogenic and antioxidant

properties of various concentrations of Calamansi ethanolic peel extract discovered that

it can reduce the number of blood vessels that can lead to cancer progression while

also having a stronger antioxidant effect than ascorbic acid (Anonymous, 2016).

Calamansi has a variety of uses and is one of the tiniest and cheapest fruits on

the market. It's a little fruit, but its size belies the numerous health benefits it may

provide. This fruit improves your appearance, strengthens your immune system, and

aids weight loss (Yayang, 2014).

Aloe Vera's Benefits is a potent and well-known medicinal plant. It's been around

for almost 5,000 years, and traces of it have been discovered in a variety of cultures. It

now has a great global reputation as a result of its widespread use in cosmetics,

particularly for the treatment of burns and sunburn, wound healing, and cell aging. It

also aids in the strengthening of the immune system and the improvement of blood

circulation. Aloe Vera gel can also help heal wounds and alleviate sunburn. This plant,
however, may be used for a lot more than sunburn and household remedies

(Anonymous, n.d.).

The following are some of the incredible uses and benefits of Aloe Vera:
Heartburn Relief: According to a 2010 study, consuming 1 to 3 ounces of aloe gel

during mealtime can help to diminish the severity of gastroesophageal reflux disease. It

can also help with other digestive matters. Due to its low toxicity, Aloe Vera is an

innocuous and soothing indigestion treatment.

Keeping produce fresh: Aloe gel can help fruits and vegetables stay fresh longer

without the use of harmful chemicals that increase their shelf life. Many types of

dangerous bacteria were successfully inhibited by an aloe gel coating on fruits and


Mouthwash substitute: Aloe Vera extract is a natural mouthwash that is a safe and

effective alternative to chemical mouthwashes. The natural components in aloe, which

contain a high dose of vitamin C, have been discovered to help prevent plaque

formation, according to researchers. It may also assist if you have bleeding or inflamed


Lowering blood sugar: According to Phytotherapy research using pulp extract, Aloe

Vera could be employed as a diabetic treatment in the future. When consuming Aloe

Vera, people with diabetes who are using glucose-lowering drugs should exercise
caution. When used with diabetes treatments, the juice has the potential to reduce your

glucose level to dangerous levels.

A natural laxative: Aloe Vera is a laxative that comes from nature. A small number of

studies have looked into the succulent's ability to help digestion.

Skin Care: Aloe Vera is beneficial for keeping your skin fresh and nourished. Its

waterdense leaves, paired with complex carbohydrates, make it a powerful face

moisturizer and pain reliever. Numerous studies have looked into the usefulness of

topical aloe vera administration in the treatment of psoriasis, dermatitis, oral mucositis,

surgical wounds, and as a home remedy for burn injuries.

Soothes Burns: Aloe Vera gel shields the skin from the damaging effects of

With the likelihood of nuclear war imminent, the US government launched research into

Aloe Vera's capacity to treat thermal and radiation burns with the expectation of

integrating it into military practice. The Food and Drug Administration has permitted the

use of aloe vera liniments as an over-the-counter treatment for skin burns. When Aloe

Vera gel is applied to burns, it reduces UV-induced suppression, allowing the wound to

get well more swiftly.

According to research published in the Journal of Dentistry, applying Aloe Vera

gel to a cold sore a few times a day helps to relieve pain and speeds up the healing

process. It's also completely safe to take by mouth, so there's no need to be concerned

about taking this natural remedy.

Treats Constipation: Aloe latex has been extensively researched as a laxative.

Anthraquinones, which are found in latex, act as laxatives by increasing intestinal water

content, stimulating mucus secretion, and increasing intestinal peristalsis, or

contractions that break down food and mix the chyme. In a double-blind, randomized,

controlled study of 28 healthy people, Aloe Vera latex was found to have a laxative

effect that was stronger than the stimulant laxative phenolphthalein. This makes Aloe

Vera a natural constipation treatment therapy.

Aloe Vera, according to Dr. Josh Axe, helps relieve rashes and skin irritations. It

also soothes burns, heals cold sores, and hydrates the hair and scalp. Constipation is

relieved, digestion is improved, the immune system is strengthened, and antioxidants

are provided. Finally, it cures diabetes and lowers inflammation.

Vitamins and minerals abound in Aloe Vera. Amino acids and fatty acids are

abundant in Aloe Vera. Aloe Vera is a natural adaptogen that aids in detoxifying and

alkalizing. Cardiovascular health, anti-biotic, anti-microbial, germicidal, anti-bacterial,

anti-septic, anti-fungal, and anti-viral properties, as well as anti-biotic, anti-microbial,

germicidal, anti-bacterial, anti-septic, anti-fungal, and anti-viral properties, Finally, weight

loss is a side effect (Dawn, 2012).

The following are the beneficial uses and effects of calamansi:

Calamansi has the ability to remove odors from fish, whiten the skin, and remove

stains from garments, among other things. It also functions as a deodorizer, soothes
itching, and promotes hair growth by removing waste from the body. Cough relief and a

high vitamin C dose (Anonymous, 2015).

Calamansi improves the appearance of your skin and aids weight loss. It is used

to deodorize the body, as a condiment, and to protect the teeth. It also helps to prevent

the flu, colds, and dandruff (Anonymous, 2014).

The fruit of the calamansi tree is beneficial to our immune system. It contains

vitamin C, which is good for our bone and tooth health. It boosts the body's ability to

heal wounds faster. Calamansi juice is a liver cleanser that helps to keep the liver

healthy. It aids in the clearance of toxins from our bodies, allowing us to lose weight

more quickly.

It helps to alleviate burning symptoms. It causes you to sweat more, which helps to

relieve the pain of colds, flu, and fever. It helps in the treatment of hypertension. When

combined, calamansi and water can help someone with respiratory issues (Yayang,



The researchers have synthesized the related literature and studies of Calamansi

(Citrofortunella Microcarpa) and Aloe vera (Aloe Barbadensis Miller). Calamansi has

really been proven to generate a large amount of collagen throughout the body, which

may also contribute to the regeneration of all human tissues. Aloe vera gel changes the

structure of collagen and resulted in an increase of collagen in wounds. This enhances

collagen interconnection and, as a result, speeds up the healing of wounds. Aloe vera is
a plant that is mostly used in such a range of traditional and modern cures, as well as

popular medicinal items. It is very significant in the healing process, especially in

medicine. This is often used in medication to cure wounds. Moreover, aloe vera is a

good source of Vitamin c, that's also associated with the production and preservation of

collagen, which is beneficial in enhancing wound healing. It can also be used to speed

up the healing process of abrasion wounds.

Aloe vera has been used to improve skin quality. The anti-inflammatory, skin

protection, antibacterial, antiviral, antiseptic, and wound-healing properties of the aloe

vera are well-known. The aloe vera has been demonstrated to promote epithelialization

and reduce the amount of time it takes for epithelialization to occur. Calamansi will help

to reinforce skin health due to its high water-soluble vitamin C content.

Calamansi (Citrofortunella Microcarpa) and Aloe Vera (Aloe Barbadensis Miller)

gel could be used as a Liquid Bandage for Abrasion, according to us, the researchers.

Experimental Design

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Amount of Calamansi Liquid Bandage out of

(Citrofortunella Microcarpa) Calamansi (Citrofortunella
and Aloe Vera (Aloe Microcarpa) and Aloe Vera
Barbadensis Miller) (Aloe Barbadensis Miller )

Fig 1. Experimental Design of the Calamansi (Citrofortunella Microcarpa) and Aloe

Vera (Aloe Barbadensis Miller) gel as Liquid Bandage for Abrasion.

Figure 1. The relationship between the variables in conducting the study is, the

independent variable is the amount of Calamansi (Citrofortunella Microcarpa), and Aloe

Vera (Aloe Barbadensis Miller) and the dependent variable is the liquid bandage out of

Calamansi (Citrofortunella Microcarpa) and Aloe Vera (Aloe Barbadensis Miller).

Definition of Terms

For better perception of this study, the following terms are defined in the context

of this research. Abrasion. It is a mild wound where the first layer of skin is scraped or

rubbed off.

Active constituents. Substance that Aloe vera contains such as vitamins, enzymes,

minerals, sugars, lignin, saponins, salicylic acids and amino acids that may be used for

natural products.

Aloe vera. Succulent plant found across the world and known for its medicinal uses

especially when it comes to skin related purposes.

Antioxidant. The vitamin C that is the main component of liquid bandage from

Calamansi and Aloe vera, protecting cells from damage of free radicals.

Calamansi. Small citrus fruit that is high in vitamin C which is involved in all phases of

wound healing.
Irradiation. The process of exposing an object to radiation is known as irradiation. The

exposure might come from a variety of places, including natural ones.

Dyes. Potentially harmful additives that many store-bought aloe vera products contain.

IgE antibodies. A specific disease-fighting antibody that the immune system creates

when it mistakenly responds to a medicine or drug made from chemical that enters the

body, which is the case of an allergic reaction. Liquid bandage. Is a skin treatment for

minor or mild wounds such as abrasion.

Road rash. Another term when an abrasion is caused by the skin sliding across hard





For creating aloe vera gel, you'll need an aloe vera leaf, a knife or vegetable

peeler, a tiny spoon, a blender, an airtight sterilized storage container, nail polish brush

as an applicator, and powdered vitamin C and/or vitamin E (optional) for making aloe

vera gel.

Calamansi will be extracted using a knife, and a strainer.


Gathering Materials That Are Needed

Collect all the stated materials and equipment.

Preparation of Aloe Vera

Use a fresh aloe leaf from a plant, cut off one of the outer leaves from the base of

the plant. After washing it thoroughly and removing any dirt, set it upright in a cup or

bowl for 10–15 minutes. This allows the yellow-tinted resin to drain out of the leaf, which

is important because the resin includes latex, which can hurt your skin. When the resin

has completely drained, wash off any leftover resin on the leaf and peel off the thick skin

using a tiny knife or vegetable peeler.

Production of Aloe Vera Gel

You'll see the natural aloe vera gel after scraping the leaf. Scoop it into the

blender with a small spoon. Whip the gel until it's foamy and liquefied, which should only

take a few seconds. It's now time to put your gel to work. Preservatives should be added

if you plan to store it for longer than a week.

Extraction of Calamansi

In getting calamansi extract, first, carefully wash the calamansi systematically

with water then cut the calamansi transversely and squeeze it through a strainer.

Adding Stabilizers on Aloe Vera Gel (optional)

Vitamins C and E are great preservatives that can drastically increase the shelf

life of aloe vera gel significantly. Even while the gel naturally includes some of these

vitamins, it is insufficient to keep the gel fresh for longer than a week. Both have

antioxidant and anti-aging effects, so mixing them along with your aloe vera gel can
assist it protect your skin. Add 500 mg of powdered vitamin C or 400 International Units

(IU) of powdered vitamin E, or both, for every 1/4 cup (60 ml) of aloe vera gel you make.

Simply add the vitamin powder to the blender and stir until the additives are completely


Intermixing the produced substances

The Aloe Vera gel and Calamansi extract will be homogenized in this step to

create a uniform combination. Calamansi (Citrofortunella Microcarpa) and Aloe Vera

(Aloe Barbadensis Miller) gel as Liquid Bandage for Abrasion will be based on the

mixture of both components.

Irradiating the Liquid Bandage

A liquid bandage should, in theory, create an optimum healing environment that

allows for quick recovery. It should keep the abrasion moist, allow for gas exchange,

function as a barrier against pathogens, eliminate excess exudates, and protect the

abrasion mechanically. Because of a combination of chain scission and crosslinking of

the collagen layer, gamma irradiation would change the physical and mechanical

properties of the alternative liquid bandage. With an increase in the irradiation dose,

weight loss and water vapor transmission rate rose, whereas water absorption dropped.

The energy will travel through the liquid bandage like a beam of light passing

through a window during irradiation. This energy kills the majority of microorganisms
that can cause infection while maintaining the high quality of the liquid bandage.

Irradiation uses energy to pasteurize, similar to how heat pasteurizes milk.

The finish product

Store the Aloe Vera and Calamansi Gel mixture in an airtight sanitized container,

such as a jar, and the alternative liquid bandage will be ready to use whenever needed.

Organize all of the components

for creating aloe vera gel and obtaining

Start preparing the aloe vera leaves by washing them thoroughly to wash away
dirtand standing them vertically
in a cup or bowl for 10
-15 mins.

Peel the aloe vera leaf using a small knife or vegetable peeler before adding it to a
blender. The gel should be frothy and liquefied after blending.

Aloe vera gel is great for short

-term use, but if you want it to last longer than a week,
add some vitamins C and E to the mix. These vitamins have both antioxidant and - anti
aging qualities, so could help increase the aloe's skin
-protecting power.

In getting calamansi extract, carefully wash the calamansi with water then cut the
calamansi crosswise and squeeze it through a strainer.

Mix the aloe vera gel and ¾ of calamansi to form the Calamansi (Citrofortunella
Microcarpa) and Aloe Vera (Aloe Barbadensis Miller) gel as Liquid Bandage for

Calamansi (Citrofortunella Microcarpa) and Aloe Vera (Aloe Barbadensis Miller) gel as
Liquid Bandage for Abrasion
Risk and Safety Procedure

The researchers have stated the danger and safety procedure to require steps

and minimize the potential risks of the study:

Before you start with the extraction, wash the Aloe vera leaf, calamansi, and your

hand first, this can prevent any germ into the aloe gel and calamansi extract. Aloe vera

leaves are quite sharp and spiky on the perimeters, employing a sharp knife slice down

all sides of the Aloe vera leaf to get rid of the spiky sides. Between the sharp knife and

also the sharp spikes, there are many ways you'll harm yourself so take extra care

because it can result in cuts/injuries on the upper arm and torso. In cutting the

calamansi into half with the knife and extracting its juice, apply the identical precaution

as what you already did to extract the gel in Aloe Vera. In employing a blender in

liquifying the aloe gel, ensure to show it off and unplug it first before employing a

scraper or spatula and never place your hand within the blender unless it’s unplugged. If

you propose on keeping the Aloe vera gel for quite one week, watch out for adding an

excessive amount of water-soluble vitamin C or E as preservatives because it can

cause side effects and a few people may well be sensitive to preservatives.
Statistical Treatment

The researchers used another resource for the mass production of liquid

bandage. A liquid bandage, made out of Calamansi and Aloe Vera Gel, is used to treat

minor cuts or abrasions. The data were gathered using quantitative method and

expressed by Likert Scale.

Afterwards, the researchers arranged the variables stated. The statistical

treatment that the researchers chosen was the Person’s Correlation Coefficient, to test

the correlation and significance of the relationship between Calamansi and Aloe Vera

gel Liquid Bandage and Abrasion.

The following is the typical table for interpreting the correlation:



0 No Correlation

0.0-0.2 Very Weak Correlation

0.2-0.4 Weak Correlation

0.4-0.6 Moderately Strong Correlation

0.6-0.8 Strong Correlation

0.8-1.0 Very Strong Correlation

1 Perfect Correlation

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