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Advances in Animal Biosciences, (2017), 00, Page 1 of 5 © The Animal Consortium 2017 animal
doi:10.1017/S2040470017000322 biosciences


1 Expedited generation of terrain digital classes in flat areas from

2 UAV images for precision agriculture purposes
M. C. Pineda1†, C. Perdomo1, R. Caballero1, A. Valera2, J. A. Martínez-Casasnovas3 and
Q1 3 J. Viloria1
4 Instituto de Edafología, Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Maracay, Aragua, Venezuela; 2Universidad Nacional Experimental de los Llanos
5 Centrales Rómulo Gallegos. San Juan de los Morros, Guárico, Venezuela; 3Universidad de Lleida, Research Group on AgroICT and Precision Agriculture, Agrotecnio
6 Center, Rovira Roure 191, 25198 Lleida, Spain

8 Precision agriculture (PA) requires reasonably homogeneous areas for site-specific management. This work explores the
9 applicability of digital terrain classes obtained from a digital elevation model derived from UAV-acquired images, to define
10 management units in in a relative flat area of about 6 ha. Elevation, together with other terrain variables such as: slope degree,
11 profile curvature, plan curvature, topographic wetness index, sediment transport index, were clustered using the Fuzzy Kohonen
12 Clustering Network (FKCN). Four terrain classes were obtained. The result was compared with a map produced by a classification
13 of soil properties previously interpolated by ordinary kriging. The results suggest that areas for site-specific management can be
14 defined from terrain classes based on environmental covariates, saving time and cost in comparison with interpolation of soil
15 variables.

16 Keywords: unmanned aerial vehicle, neuro-fuzzy network, kriging, soil properties, terrain variables

17 Introduction The standard version is called ordinary kriging and the 42

predictions are based on equation (1): 43
18 The practice of precision agriculture (PA) requires identifying
19 fairly homogeneous areas for site-specific management. This Z ðsÞ = μ + ϵ ðsÞ (1)
20 could be achieved by interpolation of relevant soil properties where the value of Z at a given point is equal to a stationary 44
21 between sample points. However, this approach is expensive constant function (global mean, μ) plus the random com- 45
22 since it requires a large number of points, evenly distributed ponent (ε' ) of spatially correlated variation. 46
23 and sampled at intervals short enough to allow for spatial Grids of interpolated values of soil properties can be 47
24 dependence between them. Digital elevation models (DEM) combined into a single map to produce of management units 48
25 of high-resolution can be produced from images obtained for PA. Such management units could also be produced by 49
26 from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). Such DEMs can means of a predictive model of soil variation based on a 50
27 be used to create a terrain classification based on small set of soil data recorded at known locations, and a set of 51
28 topographic differences within plots. The terrain classes environmental covariates derived from a high-resolution 52
29 could be used to delineate areas for site-specific manage- DEM. The most adequate methods to model the soil variation 53
30 ment, provided they are related to changes in soil conditions. to this aim appear to be those which allow working with 54
31 Digital soil mapping includes different methods to inter- uncertain and noisy phenomena, given the rather complex 55
32 polate for spatial prediction (Hengl, 2009). Among these relationships between environmental variables and soil 56
33 methods, linear statistical models such as kriging, environ- properties. These methods include unsupervised classifica- 57
34 mental correlations, Bayesian models and hybrid models tions based on artificial neural networks (ANN) (e.g. Zhu, 58
35 require that the input data accomplish with strict statistical 2000; Fidêncio et al., 2001; Zhao et al., 2009, Viloria et al., 59
36 stationary assumptions of the interpolated variable. Specifi- 2016), fuzzy sets (e.g. Lark, 1999; Zhu et al., 2001; Beucher 60
37 cally, kriging and its derivatives are based on the theory of et al., 2014; Akumu et al., 2015), or a combination of them 61
38 regionalized variables. Its objective is to predict the values (e.g. Viloria et al., 2016). In particular, the Fuzzy Kohonen 62
39 at non-sampled points, based on the model of a stochastic Clustering Network (FKCN) is a neuro-fuzzy network 63
40 stationary process, for which it is necessary that the (Bezdeck et al., 1992; Viloria, 2007) that generates repre- 64
41 point values are spatially autocorrelated (Valera, 2015). sentations of similarity values or functions of neuro-fuzzy 65
memberships in raster format, with expressions of member- 66

E-mail: ship values to each class (between 0 and 1). Under this 67

Pineda, Perdomo, Caballero, Valera, Martínez-Casasnovas and Viloria

68 approach, the value of an environmental covariate of a given Statistical analysis 122

69 pixel can be assigned to more than one class or management A descriptive statistical analysis was performed to examine the 123
70 unit. Grades of class assignment are referred to as a graded. behavior of variables and to identify outliers. According to the 124
71 Two different maps of potential management units were procedure proposed by Tukey (1977), values higher or lower 125
72 created in this work by means of FKCN. The first map was than the external fences of the data distribution were 126
73 based on a classification of interpolated values of soil variables, considered as outliers. This method considers observation 127
74 whereas the second map was created by a classification of Y an outlier if: Y < (Q1 − 1.5 IQR) or Y > (Q3 + 1.5 IQR), 128
75 terrain attributes derived from a DEM produced from UAV where Q1 = lower quartile, Q3 = upper quartile, and IQR = 129
76 images. Both maps represent soil-landscape relationships and (Q3 − Q1) is the interquartile range. Additionally, the 130
77 subdivide the area into more homogeneous units. In previous Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality test was done. 131
78 works related to generation of management units for PA,
79 efficiency to delineate such units by one methodology or Generation of map of soil variables 132
80 another has been evaluated (Ortega et al., 2007; Song et al., Once the normality of the variables was evaluated, their 133
81 2009; Davatgar et al., 2012; Tripathi et al., 2015). Never- spatial distribution was adjusted to theoretical semivario- 134
82 theless, the possibility of using other input variables different to grams, determining the spatial dependence or range (A1). 135
83 soil properties or crop yield has not been evaluated. Soil or From the semivariograms, we obtained optimal estimates of 136
84 yield-related variables may have a bias derived from the regionalized variables at non-sampled sites through ordinary 137
85 sampling distance, the behavior of the variable or the crops kriging (Webster and Oliver, 1990), when the variables did 138
86 management. In addition, sampling in a systematic way not present spatial dependence was represented by the 139
87 involves investment of time and money, which is why the inverse of the distance (IDW). The maps of the different 140
88 variables generated by remote sensing are increasingly used variables were used as input in the FKCN software, in order 141
89 (Song et al., 2009; Chang et al., 2014). The objective of this to generate a map of terrain classes or management units 142
90 research is to compare the performance of management units (Tripathi et al., 2015). 143
91 delimited from (a) soil variables and (b) environmental covari-
92 ates, in order to show whether the last can be used to delineate Generation of the DEM from UAV images 144
93 areas for site-specific management, saving time and money. A 5 m spatial resolution DEM was generated from images 145
taken by an UAV. For that, six control points were used. Six 146
additional points were used to validate the result. The 147
94 Material and methods
XYZ coordinates of these control points were determined by 148
95 Study area means of a GPS receiver (MAGELLAN, model Promark 3 with 149
96 The study area occupies 6 ha and is located in the antenna NAP100). The device was configured with a 150
97 experimental field of the Faculty of Agronomy of the Central cutting angle or lifting mask over the horizon of 15° and 151
98 University of Venezuela in Maracay city. The region 5 seconds of recording interval. The data obtained were post 152
99 corresponds to a tropical dry forest climate. The annual processed with the software GNSS Solution v. 3.7.50. The 153
100 average temperature is 25°C, the average annual rainfall is mean accuracy of the ground control points, with respect to 154
101 1,063 mm and the average annual evaporation is 1,080 mm the known coordinate vertexes, was 2 mm, in XYs and 155
102 (Agricultural Climatology Service of the Faculty of Agronomy, 2 mm in Z. 156
103 UCV). The soils of the area were developed on alluvial
104 sediments derived from micaceous schists. In general, the Environmental covariates 157
105 area is covered by intensive crops. From the DEM, several topographic parameters were derived. 158
Those were called environmental covariates: elevation, slope 159
106 Soil data degree, profile curvature, plan curvature, topographic wetness 160
107 Soil sampling was carried out in 50 × 50 m squares to cover index, sediment transport index. The environmental covariates 161
108 all the variability observed in the area. This distance was correspond to the factors of Jenny’s (1941), CLORPT equation, 162
109 selected to take into account the distance of different and to the multivariate geospatial SCORPAN model, for- 163
110 samples previously made in neighboring areas, where it was mulated by McBratney et al. (2003). These were used as input 164
111 indicated that the distance that solves the pattern of varia- parameters for the generation of a map of management units 165
112 tion of the soils is between 61.5 and 100 m (Ovalles and Rey, corresponding to soil-landscape relationships. The environ- 166
113 1994). A total of 86 sampling points were taken. Each sam- mental covariates were computed with SAGA GIS (System for 167
114 pling point was located in the field with the support of a GPS Automated Geoscientists Analyses, v.2.0.8). 168
115 with a precision of 3 m. At each point a soil sample was
116 taken from the first horizon to determine the content of sand Terrain classes or management units 169
117 (a, %) and clay (A, %) by the Bouyoucos method, pH in water For the grouping of soil variables and environmental covari- 170
118 1:1 (pH), electrical conductivity (EC, dS/m), soil organic ates, FKCN was applied (Bezdeck et al., 1992; Viloria, 2007). 171
119 carbon (SOC, %) by the Walkley and Black method, cation The procedure consists in entering the input data in ASCII for- 172
120 exchange capacity (CIC, cmol kg–1) at pH 7 and thickness of mat to generate an array of variables, to train the neural net- 173
121 the first horizon A (cm). work. For that, learning parameters (number of classes: 3–12, 174

Q4 Expedited generation of terrain digital classes

175 fuzzy exponent (ø): 1.1–1.6, convergence error: 0.0001–0.001, Selection of the fuzziness coefficient and the number
176 number of iterations: 20-50) must be specified. Then, maps of of classes 195
177 similarity values of classes are obtained and, finally, the As shown in figure 1, according to the fuzziness performance 196
178 final model or map of management units is generated index (FPI), the optimal number of classes or management 197
179 (Valera, 2015). units was 4, with a fuzzy exponent (ø) of 1.3, for both, the 198
classes obtained from environmental covariates or those 199

180 Validations obtained from the soil variables. 200

181 The validation of the proposed management units was per- Tables 1 and 2 show the centroid values of each class, for 201

182 formed with the values of the soil properties used for the both the class map obtained from soil variables and for the 202

183 generation of soil property maps using kriging. Later, it was class map obtained from environmental covariates. Regard- 203

184 determined whether or not there were significant differences ing the classes obtained from the soil variables (Table 1), 204

185 between the proposed units, through the F test (α = 0.05) Class 1 had a higher pH value; Class 2 presented a higher 205

186 taking into account the value of soil variables. Finally, cation exchange capacity and the lowest value of electrical 206

187 a test of means was done to establish whether there were conductivity; Class 3 presented the highest values of soil 207

188 differences or similarities between the different units. thickness, soil organic carbon and clay content and the 208
lowest pH values. Class 4 presented the highest value of 209
electrical conductivity. 210
Table 2 shows the differences between the four proposed 211
189 Results management units generated from the environmental 212
190 The variables that presented spatial dependence were covariates. Class 1 was located in the lowest landscape 213
191 represented by ordinary kriging (clay, SOC and pH), the position. It was characterized by being concave to cross 214
192 remaining variables (thickness, cation exchange capacity, sectional or longitudinal curvature, the lowest slope degree 215
193 electrical conductivity and sand) were represented by the and the highest topographic wetness index. Class 2 was 216
194 inverse of the distance (IDW). located in the highest landscape position and had a cross 217

Figure 1 Variation of the fuzziness performance index (FPI) with the fuzzy exponent (ø) and the number of classes of land surface to a) soil variables and
b) environmental covariates. A combination of ø = 1.3 and four classes was chosen as the best option for this study.

Table 1 Centroids of each one the classes generated from soil variables
Cation exchange capacity Electrical conductivity
Class Thickness (cm) Soil organic carbon (%) (cmol kg–1) (dS/m) Sand (%) Clay (%) pH in water 1:1

1 22.10 2.95 6.00 0.12 49.66 12.13 6.68

2 32.61 3.37 10.08 0.07 43.68 15.15 6.54
3 37.30 4.15 9.10 0.08 33.24 17.47 6.50
4 31.12 3.02 8.07 0.17 45.72 12.75 6.48

Q2 Table 2 Centroids of each one the classes generated from environmental covariates.
Sediment Profile curvature* Plan curvature* Topographic Slope
Class Elevation (masl) transport index 10−5 (m/m2) 10−5 (m/m2) wetness index degree (mm−1)

1 446.45 0.03 − 1.34 − 5.85 9.53 0.006

2 448.63 0.03 1.61 7.38 7.84 0.007
3 448.36 0.08 62.20 10.35 7.55 0.014
4 447.08 0.07 − 1.32 − 7.63 8.55 0.011

Pineda, Perdomo, Caballero, Valera, Martínez-Casasnovas and Viloria

Table 3 Probability of existence of significant differences between

the classes generated from the environmental covariates and soil
Variable Sum of squares Reason F Prob > F

Thickness (cm) 3347.387 9.028 <0.0001*

Phosphorus (mg kg− 1) 1722.017 3.208 0.0273*
pH in water 1:1 1.681 2.223 0.0915
Electrical conductivity (dS m− 1) 0.029 1.753 0.1626
Soil organic carbon (%) 8.619 1.452 0.2336
Cation exchange capacity 106.947 1.148 0.3347
(cmol kg− 1)
Sand (%) 188.779 5.066 0.0029*
Figure 2 Management units obtained from a) soil variables b) environ- Clay (%) 1149.072 3.105 0.0310*
mental covariates.

218 sectional and longitudinal convex shape. Classes 3 and 4, Table 4 Mean least-squares test for each class and soil variable. Q3
219 had a higher slope degree. Class 3 had a longitudinal and
220 cross sectional convex shape, and Class 4 a concave shape in
221 both directions and, therefore, a higher topographic wetness Soil variable 1 2 3 4
222 index
223 compared to Class 3. Thickness (cm) 39.00A 32.13AB 23.31B 35.46A
224 Figure 2 shows the spatial location of the management Phosphorus (mg kg− 1) 31.70AB 35.60A 23.56B 27.08AB
225 units obtained from both data sources. It is worth to note Clay (%) 17.28A 15.04AB 13.04B 14.65AB
226 that these classes were not analogous. Class 1 of the map Sand (%) 36.08B 39.92AB 46.01A 40.53AB
227 obtained from soil variables did not correspond geo-
228 graphically with Class 1 of the map of management units
229 obtained from the environment covariates. there is a bias in generating the final map from these vari- 258
ables, because the appropriate sampling distance is difficult to 259
establish and is different for each variable. Additionally, the 260
230 Validation values generated between one sampling point and another 261
231 Table 3 shows that there were significant differences are the product of interpolation, while that the map generated 262
232 between management units only for soil thickness, sand, clay from the environmental variables have values for each pixel 263
233 and phosphorus content. The rest of the variables did not and the establishment or determination of an appropriate 264
234 show significant differences. The chemical variables did not sampling distance is not necessary. The results show that the 265
235 present significant differences, except phosphorus (Table 3). delimitation of management units from environmental cov- 266

236 The reason could be that soils of the study area were ariates may be an alternative for the delimitation of man- 267
237 developed over sediments from the Güey River, which in turn agement units or homogeneous zones, as shown by Reyniers 268
238 come from the Las Brisas formation. The phosphorus has a et al. (2006). However, it is necessary to determine if there is a 269
239 different behavior because the input is mainly from fertili- relationship between these variables and the yield, as sug- 270
240 zation. Differences in soil thickness, sand and clay content gested by Ortega and Santibáñez (2007) and Yao et al. (2014). 271
241 could be attributed to differential deposition occurring in the The values of clay as centroids in all classes show that the 272
242 area, as result of alluvial sedimentation. predominant textural class is the franca, Map intends to 273
243 In most cases (Table 4) the soil variables showed that the model the internal variation of a “natural soil body”. 274

244 management units obtained from environmental covariates

245 were correctly delimited. Although each variable showed that
Discussion 275
246 at least two classes overlapped, this overlap did not always
247 occur between the same classes. For example, the classes 1 The main purpose of generating terrain management units is 276
248 and 2 do not show differences in thickness and phosphorus to subdivide the total area into more homogeneous units that 277
249 content, but they show differ in clay and sand content. Classes allow site-specific management (Ruß et al., 2010). However, 278
250 2 and 3 show differences in phosphorus content but there are for a proper subdivision of an area, one must work with the 279
251 overlaps between classes for the other variables. Accordingly, appropriate resolution. So far the solution to model the 280
252 the obtained management units will probably show differ- internal variation of soil bodies has been interpolated by kri- 281
253 ences in the dynamics of water and nutrients in the soil, as ging, but this solution is expensive because a large number of 282
254 well as in the stability of the soil physical structure. point samples of soil are needed. Additionally, sampling is not 283
255 The map generated from the soil variables, as expected, is always done at the proper distance, so it is possible that the 284
256 not the same as the map generated from the environmental map obtained by kriging does not present the detail necessary 285
257 variables. Although a large number of samples were taken, to divide the studied area into appropriate management units. 286

Q4 Expedited generation of terrain digital classes

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300 other hand, when using a map obtained by kriging it is not
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310 Conclusions Tripathi R, Nayak AK, Shahid M, Lal B, Gautama P, Raja R, Mohanty S, Kumar A, 359
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311 Obtaining terrain classes or management units from envir- for a rice cultivated area in eastern India using fuzzy clustering. Catena 133, 361
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320 This research was funded by the Venezuelan Organic Law for cartografía digital en áreas montañosas. Caso cuenca del río Caramacate, 375
321 Science and Technology (LOCTI) and the Consejo de Desarrollo estado Aragua. Postgrado en Ciencia del Suelo. Facultad de Agronomía. 376
322 Científico y Humanístico (Council of Scientific and Humanistic Universidad Central de Venezuela, Venezuela. pp. 246. 377
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