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Construction and Building Materials 325 (2022) 126770

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Construction and Building Materials

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Eco-friendly gypsum-lime mortar with the incorporation

of recycled waste brick
Khalil Naciri *, Issam Aalil , Ali Chaaba
Dept. of Civil Engineering, National Higher School of Engineering (ENSAM), Moulay Ismail University, Marjane II, BP 15290 Al Mansour, Meknès, Morocco


Keywords: To reduce the consumption of cement and thus mitigate the negative impact of its manufacturing industry on the
Mortar environment, the use of traditional gypsum and lime binders, with less environmental impact, was adopted in
Calcium hydroxide this work for the preparation of an eco-friendly mortar. Furthermore, recycled waste brick was incorporated as a
Calcium sulphate hemihydrate
replacement for sand to promote the recycling of construction and demolition waste on one side, and to reduce
Brick dust
Pozzolanic activity
the depletion of natural sand resources on the other side.
Compressive strength In this paper, the effect of the amount of lime, gypsum, and brick powder on the mortar properties was
Adhesion strength investigated. To this end, eight mortars were prepared using gypsum, lime, and gypsum-lime binders with and
without brick powder. The replacement percentage of sand by brick powder in the gypsum-lime mortars was
33% and 66%. A cement mortar was also included for comparison purposes. It was observed that increasing the
percentage of gypsum in gypsum-lime mortars improves bond, flexural, and dry compressive strengths but results
in more porous structure and less resistance in the saturated state. Although the replacement of 66% of sand by
the brick powder in mortars containing 66% of gypsum as binder increased the capillary absorption rate, it
provided less dense mortars with a much better bond strength than cement mortar. It also improved the me­
chanical strength and especially the saturated strength compared to the mortar without brick powder addition.
This improvement can be attributed to the formation of new CASH/CSH phases. The mortar containing 66% of
gypsum as binder and 66% of brick powder as aggregate can be a very promising alternative towards an
ecological mortar with less impact on the environment.

1. Introduction exceeded 4.1 billion tons and is still growing [6,7]. For all these reasons,
the use of alternative binders with less environmental impact and which
Cement is one of the most used building materials in the construction can reduce cement consumption can be one of the con­
sector. The large advantages of this binder have always made it a tributing solutions, in particular for elements where the high compres­
preferred choice for the preparation of mortar and concrete. Today, with sive strength of cement is not the main criterion governing the choice of
the increase of the environmental changes related to the greenhouse the binder type.
effect, the environmental impact of the cement production must be Aerial lime and hemihydrate gypsum are ancient binders that have
seriously considered. been widely used since antiquity for construction [8–12]. Hemihydrate
Cement manufacturing is performed at a very high temperature of gypsum (CaSO4.½H2O) is obtained by heating dihydrate gypsum
about 1450 ◦ C [1]. It involves an energy-intensive production process (CaSO4⋅2H2O) at temperatures between 100 ◦ C and 180 ◦ C [13]. When
and consumes massive quantities of exhaustible natural resources and mixed with water, hemihydrate gypsum recovers the water lost during
fossil energies. In 2017, cement production was responsible for its heating preparation and reforms gypsum crystals as described in Eq.
approximately 8% to 9% of global emissions of CO2 [2], one of the main (1).
gases causing the greenhouse effect and the first contributor to global
CaSO4 ⋅0.5H2 O + 1.5H2 O→CaSO4 ⋅2H2 O (1)
warming [3,4]. In addition to the combustion process, a large amount of
CO2 is directly generated by the calcination reaction of limestone [5]. Generally, gypsum products show adequate thermal insulation
Since 2018, global annual production of ordinary Portland cement has properties [14]. During a building fire, dihydrate gypsum, which holds

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: k.naciri@est.umi.ac.ma (K. Naciri).

Received 2 December 2021; Received in revised form 22 January 2022; Accepted 4 February 2022
Available online 10 February 2022
0950-0618/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
K. Naciri et al. Construction and Building Materials 325 (2022) 126770

large quantities of water molecules in hydrated form, is transformed mortars and its influence on the characteristics of these types of mor­
back into hemihydrate gypsum while releasing water vapor. This pro­ tars has not yet been investigated in the literature. Gypsum-lime mortar
cess slows down the rate of temperature increase in the building and has been mainly intended for restoration practices [10,23,33]. In this
delays the fire spread [15]. research, it was chosen to develop an eco-friendly mortar for practical
Aerial lime (Ca(OH)2) fabrication starts by a calcination of calcar­ uses in masonry bricklaying. Brick powder was introduced as a partial
eous rock (CaCO3) at a temperature of about 900 ◦ C [16] to obtain replacement of sand to promote the recycling of brick waste and to
quicklime (CaO), which turns into aerial lime after hydration. Calcite is reduce the consumption of extracted raw materials. The possibility of
then obtained from aerial lime by absorption of atmospheric CO2 ac­ improving the poor mechanical properties of lime and the high de­
cording to the chemical reaction given in Eq. (2). gradability of gypsum in contact with water was explored by combining
these two binders in the presence of brick powder with appropriate
Ca(OH)2 + CO2 →CaCO3 + H2 O (2)
proportions. To this end, pure lime, pure gypsum, and gypsum-lime
Although lime calcination is responsible for significant CO2 emis­ mortars, with and without brick powder addition, were prepared. A
sions [17,18], the carbonation process described in Eq. (2) is able to cement mortar was also included in this work for comparison purposes.
recover during the first 3 months, under a natural concentration of CO2, These mortars were tested at 1 and 3 months to determine their porosity,
more than half of the carbon dioxide emitted during the quicklime density, capillary absorption rate as well as their flexural strength,
manufacturing phase [19]. Furthermore, the manufacturing tempera­ compressive strength in the dry and saturated state, and finally their
ture of gypsum and lime is significantly lower than that of cement, adhesion resistance.
which means less fuel consumption and less CO2 emissions. This makes
these two binders environmentally friendly materials with a signifi­ 2. Materials and methods
cantly lower purchase cost. However, several drawbacks have restricted
their application in new buildings. Gypsum products have shown low 2.1. Materials
resistance in the presence of water and moisture [20,21] limiting their
use in exterior applications exposed to weathering. On the other hand, The mortars tested in this work were prepared from β-hemihydrate
lime mortar is characterized by a very long carbonation time [22], gypsum (CaSO4.½H2O) produced by CMPE (Morocco), aerial lime from
remarkable shrinkage [23], and reduced compressive and flexural Sefrou region (Morocco), Portland cement of strength class CM 25 ac­
strengths [23,24]. cording to Moroccan standard NM 10.1.004 [34] produced by Lafarge-
Construction and demolition waste is another issue with a significant Holcim, crushed sand, and brick powder. The sand was sieved, then,
impact on the environment. The growth of the building industry has only the 0.16/4 mm fraction was kept. Fine particles were removed to
significantly increased the generation of construction waste which ac­ achieve an appropriate cleanliness level of 74% measured by the san­
counts for 40% of the total solid waste [25]. In particular, Morocco, d equivalent test as per NF EN 933–8 standard [35]. The brick powder
reports considerable losses in terms of bricks broken during manufacture was prepared in the laboratory from broken brick pieces using the Los
and transport or during the building process. Fig. 1 shows an example of Angeles apparatus. The powder was then sieved and only fine grains
the huge quantity of waste brick generated by local producers. Their smaller than 315 µm were used to achieve the best mechanical perfor­
recycling is a strongly encouraged solution to reduce the impact on the mance as reported in [8,36,37]. The particle size distribution curves of
environment. sand and brick powder, determined according to NF EN 933–1 [38] and
In this context, several efforts have been made to reuse waste brick NF EN ISO 17892–4 [39] standards, are shown in Fig. 2. Table 1 sum­
especially in mortars as a substitution of aggregate. In [26], properties of marizes the absolute densities and specific surface areas of the raw
gypsum mortar with ceramic waste additions, obtained from brick materials. Their mineralogical composition is shown in Fig. 3. Gypsum is
fragments, were investigated. Beldjilali et al. [27] also studied the in­ predominantly composed of bassanite. Portlandite and dolomite are the
fluence of waste brick incorporation on gypsum mortars. It was observed major crystalline phases constituting aerial lime and sand, respectively.
that the adhesive, flexural, and compressive strength were improved The brick powder is mostly constituted by quartz; some amount of
even though no chemical reaction between gypsum and waste brick was diopside, albite, microcline, and hematite were also detected. Finally,
detected. The brick powder was also combined with aerial lime to plain fired clay bricks, supplied by Brimak (Safi, Morocco), of di­
develop a restoration mortar [24] with improved mechanical perfor­ mensions 210 mm length, 55 mm height, and 105 mm thickness, were
mance due to the pozzolanic reaction that occurs between portlandite used to evaluate the bond strength of mortars.
and the brick powder. This reactivity has been further exploited to
develop mortars with improved characteristics compared to the refer­ 2.2. Mortars design and preparation
ence ones [22,28,29], or for the elaboration of restoration mortars
compatible with the local historical monuments [30–32]. Nine mortars were prepared in this study. The pure lime mortar,
However, the addition of brick powder to blended gypsum-lime denoted as M1, was composed of 35% of lime and 65% of sand in order

Fig. 1. Waste brick generated by a local brick manufacturer in Meknes, Morocco.

K. Naciri et al. Construction and Building Materials 325 (2022) 126770

Fig. 2. Particle size distribution of sand and brick powder.

conventional cement mortar.

Table 1
The amount of added water in mixtures was set in order to get the
Absolute densities and specific surface areas of the raw materials.
same workability of 175 ± 10 mm in the flow table test as suggested by
Samples Cement Lime Gypsum Sand Brick NF EN 1015–2 standard [41] for mortars of bulk density higher than
1200 kg/m3, which corresponds to our case. Table 2 summarizes the
Absolute density (kg/ 2679 2227 2784 2803 2614 content of the nine mortars and the flow obtained according to NF EN
1015-3 standard [42].
Specific surface area 5572 10,944 11,688 8021
(cm2/g) The mixture preparation was performed as follows. The dry com­
ponents were first premixed for 30 s. Water was then added and the
mixture was mixed for 1 min followed by a 90 s pause during which the
to achieve the maximum compressive strength as reported in [40]. This mortar adhering to the bowl sides and bottom was scraped off and put
binder:aggregate weight ratio was retained for the other mortars. The back into the bowl, and finally an additional 30 s of mixing. A low speed
gypsum effect was investigated by replacing lime with 33%, 66%, and corresponding to 140 ± 5 rpm was maintained during all the kneading
100% of gypsum in mortars M2, M3, and M4, respectively. In mortars steps in order to avoid any loss of particles outside the bowl.
M5, M6, M7, and M8, brick powder was introduced, in combination with Molds, of dimensions 40 × 40 × 160 mm3, were filled with mortar in
the gypsum-lime binder, as a replacement of sand with increasing per­ two approximately equal layers according to the procedure recom­
centages of 33% and 66%. Thus, the effect of the brick powder on the mended in NF EN 1015–11 standard [43] and then kept in sealed po­
gypsum-lime mortars can be visualized. Fig. 4 summarizes the different lyethylene bags for 5 days. Afterwards, the samples were demolded and
proportions of lime/gypsum used as binder and sand/brick powder used replaced in the polyethylene bags for another 2 days and later stored in
as aggregate in mortars M1 to M8. The last mortar, denoted as M0, is a laboratory conditions (RH 60 ± 5% and 22 ± 5 ◦ C) until the testing ages.
cement-based mortar prepared with cement:sand weight ratio of 1:3, as Although the demolding of cement and gypsum mortars is recom­
commonly used in practice. This mortar was included in this work to mended for 2 days [43], it was considered preferable to apply the same
compare the performance of the eight mortars with that of the curing conditions for all mortars except for the pure lime mortar (M1),

Fig. 3. XRD patterns of raw materials. A: anhydrite, Al: albite, B: bassanite, C: calcite, D: dolomite, Di: diopside, He: hematite, M: magnesite, Mi: microcline, P:
portlandite, Q: quartz.

K. Naciri et al. Construction and Building Materials 325 (2022) 126770

Fig. 4. Mixing proportions of M1-M8 mortars.

Table 2
Composition and obtained flow of the nine mortars.
Mortars Mass of constituents (%) Percentage of water in the mixture (by mass) Flow (mm)

Cement Lime Gypsum Sand Brick powder

M1 35.00 65.00 19.81 171

M2 23.33 11.67 65.00 21.22 182
M3 11.67 23.33 65.00 22.29 180
M4 35.00 65.00 22.04 178
M5 23.33 11.67 43.33 21.67 24.45 179
M6 23.33 11.67 21.67 43.33 27.15 179
M7 11.67 23.33 43.33 21.67 24.48 176
M8 11.67 23.33 21.67 43.33 26.72 174
M0 25.00 75.00 12.93 181

which did not harden in the polyethylene bag during the first 5 days as it 2.4. Test methods
requires the absorption of atmospheric CO2. It was necessary to prepare
it again and to keep it directly at the ambient laboratory conditions. All tests were conducted at 1 and 3 months. Three specimens of each
mortar were first subjected to the flexural test on a CONTROLS (model
2.3. Crossed-brick preparation 65-L1142) machine. Three of the six broken half prisms were subjected
to the compression test. The loading rate used for both flexural and
To determine the mortars bond strength, three crossed-brick couplets compression tests was 1 N/s.
were prepared for each mortar in accordance with ASTM C952-02 The three remaining half prisms were used to determine water ­
standard [44]. Bricks were assembled with a 10 mm mortar thickness absorption coefficient due to capillary action, porosity, bulk density,
and then placed, except for mortar M1, in polyethylene bags for the first and compressive strength in the saturated state as follows. First, the
7 days and then stored in laboratory conditions (RH 60 ± 5% and 22 ± broken prisms were weighed and immersed in water to a depth of 5 mm
5 ◦ C) until the testing age. to 10 mm. The amount of absorbed water was weighed regularly and

K. Naciri et al. Construction and Building Materials 325 (2022) 126770

measurements carried out at 10 min and 90 min were used to calculate crystals are globally more dominant than gypsum.
the coefficient of water absorption by capillarity according to NF EN The SEM images of mortar M6 are shown on Fig. 8. The analyzed
1015-18 standard [45]. The samples, partially saturated due capillary zone corresponds to a sand grain surrounded by crystals of shape similar
action, were then placed in a vacuum desiccator under a pressure of less to that of calcite. Their chemical composition, analyzed by EDS on
than 25 mbar, saturated with water, and then subjected again to a different points, revealed the presence, in addition to calcite and gyp­
pressure of less than 25 mbar as recommended in NF P 18-459 standard sum, of some CSH and CASH phases. Thus, the EDS analysis confirm the
[46]. Later, saturated and hydrostatic weighing were performed to XRD results about the presence of new hydraulic products. However, no
derive the porosity and density values. The 3 saturated samples were chemical reaction between the bassanite and the brick powder was
finally subjected to the compression test at 1 N/s loading rate. detected. The same behavior was observed in [27,49].
Crossed brick couplet tensile test was conducted on the flexural
machine at 10 N/s loading rate; the test setup is shown in Fig. 5. 3.2. Porosity
Mortars mineralogical phases were identified by means of X-ray
diffraction analysis (XRD) using an Advance D8 diffractometer of Bruker Fig. 9 summarizes the porosity values of the mortars measured at 1
Corporation (Cu-Kα radiation, 40 kV, 40 mA). Their microstructure and 3 months. Error bars indicate the highest and lowest value obtained
morphology and chemical composition were determined by scanning for each mortar. The results show that the cement mortar is the least
electron microscopy (SEM) coupled with energy dispersive spectros­ porous. Mortars {M1, M2, M3, M4} and {M5, M7} showed increasing
copy (EDS) using a high resolution scanning electron microscope porosity when replacing lime with gypsum. Similarly, the replacement
JEOL JSM-IT500 HR with an acceleration voltage between 0.5 and 30 of sand by brick powder increased the porosity in mortars {M2, M5, M6}
Kv. and {M3, M7, M8}.
As shown in previous studies [50–52], the porosity of the nine
3. Results and discussions mortars is directly related to the amount of water required to obtain the
same workability, see Fig. 10. The evaporation of the free kneading
3.1. XRD and SEM-EDS analyses water available in the mixture during the curing process generated air
voids in the structure leading to a more porous medium.
The mineralogical composition of the M1-M8 mortars obtained by The fineness of binder and aggregate grains greatly influences the
XRD after 6 months of curing is shown in Fig. 6. All mortars contain amount of kneading water. The finer the material, the more water is
dolomite originating from sand. In mortars containing lime, portlandite required to wet the entire surface, reduce inter-particle friction, and
was also identified indicating that, at 6 months, the lime was not totally therefore achieve adequate workability. As concluded from the specific
carbonated to calcite. The peaks corresponding to calcite and gypsum surface area values given in Table 1, cement mortar has a larger grain
are more intense in mortars with high portlandite (M1, M2, M5, and M6) size than the other binders, and therefore it needs less mixing water,
and bassanite (M3, M4, M7, and M8) contents while they disappear in which may justify its low porosity. Compared to the percentage of water
mortars M4 and M1, respectively. In mortars M5 to M8, quarts and added (Table 2), the increase in porosity between M1 and M2 mortars is
traces of albite and diopside originating from the brick powder were significantly more remarkable than that between M2 and M3 or between
detected. In addition, akermanite and gehlenite are two new identified M3 and M4. Mortar M1 has a significantly lower porosity due first to the
minerals that may be derived from the pozzolanic reaction between low amount of mixing water and second to an evaporation of water in
portlandite and the reactive aluminates and silicates present in the brick the first curing days associated with a clearly visible shrinkage as shown
powder. These minerals have indeed been identified in some previous in Fig. 11. The shrinkage measured at 1 month with a digital caliper was
works as hydration products [47,48]. about 3 mm. The voids left by the evaporated water during the first 2
In order to clearly visualize the influence of the brick powder on the days were partially healed due to shrinkage. This was not possible with
gypsum-lime mortars, the microstructural morphology of mortar M2 the gypsum-lime mortars because of the rapid hardening and the
was compared with that of mortar M6, which has the same binder dimensional stability of gypsum [23], which blocked the structure
dosage but with a replacement of 66% of sand by the brick powder. shrinkage and consequently generated pores inside the mortar.
Furthermore, EDS analysis were performed to identify the chemical It is worth noting that two M2 mortar samples, containing 66% of
composition of the observed crystals within the specimen. The analyzed lime and 33% of gypsum, were dissolved during saturation in the
zone of mortar M2, presented in Fig. 7, shows the presence of two main desiccator at 1 month. This was due to a partial dissolution of the non-
crystals that turned out to be gypsum (Spc1) and calcite (Spc2) by the carbonated portlandite [53], which actually underwent only 3 weeks of
EDS analysis. Due to the large amount of lime used in mortar M2, calcite air curing. In the third M2 sample, water has filled the void left by the

Fig. 5. Crossed-brick tensile test.

K. Naciri et al. Construction and Building Materials 325 (2022) 126770

Fig. 6. XRD patterns of mortars M1-M8. Ak: akermanite, Al: albite, C: calcite, D: dolomite, Di: diopside, G: gypsum, Ge: gehlenite, P: portlandite, Q: quartz.

Fig. 7. SEM images and EDS analysis of mortar M2.

dissolved portlandite, which may justify the high porosity value ob­ calcite as the carbonation reaction progressed [57,58].
tained in mortar M2 at 1 month. This phenomenon was not observed in
mortars M5 and M6 containing the same proportion of lime as M2 due to
the activation of the pozzolanic reaction during the first week, even 3.3. Density
without carbon dioxide [54]. No dissolution was observed at 3 months
either. The bulk densities measured by hydrostatic weighing are summa­
As was the case in some previous works [23,24,55,56], the porosity rized in Fig. 12. It can be seen that the cement mortar is the most dense.
of lime-based mortars has shown a slight decrease with time. Among the Its reduced porosity contributed to its high density relative to the other
factors that may be responsible for this decrease is the change in pore mortars. The density decreased with the replacement of lime by gypsum
structure and size as a result of the transformation of portlandite to in mortars M2, M3, and M4, given that the absolute density of gypsum
(2270 kg/m3 [59]) is lower than that of calcite (2709 kg/m3 [60]). In

K. Naciri et al. Construction and Building Materials 325 (2022) 126770

Fig. 8. SEM images and EDS analysis of mortar M6.

Fig. 9. Porosity of the nine mortars at 1 and 3 months.

Fig. 10. Relationship between the amount of added water and porosity at 1 and 3 months.

addition, results of mortars {M2, M5, M6} and {M3, M7, M8} show that to its high porosity and the carbonation of a small amount of calcite due
the replacement of sand by brick powder reduced the density for the to the curing conditions previously discussed. In general, the trend
same reason: sand has a higher absolute density than brick powder (see observed in the nine mortars is mainly related to the absolute density of
Table 1). The considerable reduction in density between M1 and M2 is materials in combination with the porosity of mortars.
actually due to the reduced porosity of mortar M1. Similarly, the low
density observed for mortar M2 compared to M3 at 1 month is attributed

K. Naciri et al. Construction and Building Materials 325 (2022) 126770

3.4. Water absorption

The water absorption coefficient due to capillary action of the nine

mortars is given in Fig. 13. All mortars showed a slight reduction in the
absorption rate between 1 and 3 months. Cement mortar has the lowest
water absorption coefficient followed by mortar M1. The replacement of
lime by gypsum with percentages of 33% and 66% in M2 and M3,
respectively, increased the absorption rate. Furthermore, mortars {M2,
M5, M6} and {M3, M7, M8} showed an increase in the absorption rate
with the increasing percentage of the brick powder. This is due to the
increase in the porosity of the sample which is caused by the evaporation
of mixing water. The low absorption rate measured in the cement mortar
is also well correlated with its reduced porosity. However, it can be
noticed that the absorption rate decreases when reaching 100% of
gypsum in mortar M4 and when passing from 33% of gypsum in M5 and
M6 to 66% in M7 and M8 mortars. The explanation of this reduction in
the absorption rate in mortars with a high percentage of gypsum can be
related to other parameters than porosity.
Indeed, several studies have reported that capillarity is also affected
by the presence of coarse aggregate, the angle formed between the
mortar and water surfaces, as well as the shape, connectivity, and pore
size [61,62]. Pores with a radius between 0.1 and 1 μm are those that
remarkably influence capillarity. The smaller the pore diameter in this
range, the greater the capillary forces, resulting in faster water absorp­
Fig. 11. Shrinkage of mortar M1 at 2 days of curing.
tion [53]. A visual inspection of mortars M2 and M4, which have the
same absorption rate even though mortar M2 is less porous, clearly
confirms the presence of larger pore sizes in mortar M4, see Fig. 14. The
same finding was experimentally reported in [23], where the pore size
distribution was tested using mercury intrusion porosimetry on gypsum-

Fig. 12. Bulk density of the nine mortars at 1 and 3 months.

Fig. 13. Water absorption coefficient of the nine mortars at 1 and 3 months.

K. Naciri et al. Construction and Building Materials 325 (2022) 126770

Fig. 14. Macroscopic aspect of the pore size in mortars M2 and M4.

lime mortars. The main pore radius of the pure gypsum mortars was that of mortar M8, the second most resistant mortar in compression, and
above 4 μm, while it ranged around 0.7 μm for pure lime mortars. 110% higher at 3 months. Mortar M2, which contains 66% of lime, has
the lowest compressive strength value at both 1 and 3 months. The
3.5. Flexural strength curing of this mortar, in the absence of carbon dioxide during the first 7
days, has negatively influenced the strength. Furthermore, the porous
The nine mortars flexural strength at 1 and 3 months is illustrated in structure of M2 led to 32% lower strength compared to M1 at 3 months.
Fig. 15. An increase in resistance can be observed between 1 and 3 Porosity is not the only main factor affecting strength. This is clearly
months. The cement mortar has a flexural strength largely higher than visible from mortars M2, M3, and M4 where the replacement of lime by
other mortars. The flexural strength of mortar M2 is the lowest at 1 and gypsum resulted in an improvement in strength even with a more porous
3 months first, because of its high porosity compared to mortar M1, structure. The same trend can be observed in mortars {M5, M7} and
which facilitated the development and progression of micro-cracks, and {M6, M8}.
second, because of its reduced amount of gypsum compared to M3 and The pozzolanic reaction produced in M5, M6, M7, and M8 mortars
M4 mortars. The increase in the gypsum percentage between M5 and M7 provided a much higher strength than the pure gypsum mortar.
and between M6 and M8, where the porosity is almost the same, resulted Comparing the strength increase percentage at 3 months, the best
in an increase in the flexural strength. Pure lime mortar has a lower improvement is observed between M2 and M5 where the replacement of
flexural strength at 1 month than mortar M3 and M4 containing 66% 33% of sand by brick powder, in a mixture of 66 % of lime and 33% of
and 100% of gypsum respectively. However, at 3 months, the flexural gypsum, produced an improvement of 141%. Between M3 and M7,
strength of mortar M1 exceeded that of M3 and M4 due to the pro­ where gypsum is more dominant (33% of lime and 66% of gypsum), the
gression of portlandite carbonation. The replacement of sand by brick replacement of 33% of sand by brick powder only resulted in an
powder in gypsum-lime mortars improved the flexural strength, even improvement of 81%. A further increase in brick powder between M5
with a slight increase in porosity, due to the activation of the pozzolanic and M6, containing 66% of lime and 33% of gypsum, and between M7
reaction and the reduction of the inactive aggregates to be bonded by the and M8, containing 33% of lime and 66% of gypsum, only resulted in a
binder. The same observation was reported in [10,63,64], where mor­ gain of +25% and +27%, respectively. This allows us to suppose that
tars with low aggregate content showed higher flexural strength. perhaps a replacement of 100% of sand by brick powder will not result
in a significant further improvement in strength since some of the brick
powder will be in excess compared to the lime and will only act as filler
3.6. Dry and saturated compressive strengths
in the structure [8].
All mortars showed an increase in strength between 1 and 3 months.
The dry compressive strength of mortars, at 1 and 3 months, is shown
Mortar M1 showed the highest increase value of 106% due to the slow
in Fig. 16. As was expected, the compressive strength of cement mortar
nature of the carbonation reaction [65] compared to the cement
far exceeds that of other specimens. At 1 month, it is 146% higher than

Fig. 15. Flexural strength of the nine mortars at 1 and 3 months.

K. Naciri et al. Construction and Building Materials 325 (2022) 126770

Fig. 16. Compressive strength of the nine mortars at 1 and 3 months.

hydration reaction, where the increase did not exceed 7%. performance in all the other properties, had a much lower bond than the
The saturated compressive strength of mortars, at 1 and 3 months, is pure gypsum mortar and just slightly higher bond than the pure lime
depicted in Fig. 17. The cement mortar shows the highest saturated mortar. The latter was the weakest.
strength among the nine mortars, with only 17% and 13% reduction The adhesion increased when replacing sand with brick powder. A
compared to the dry state at 1 and 3 months, respectively. As for the dry possible factor for this improvement was the reduction of the aggregate
strength, mortar M2 was the least resistant in the saturated state. This size. The fine particles can access more easily to the brick pores dragged
low strength at 1 month was significantly improved by 168% and 303% by capillary penetration of water [68]. Their hardening inside the pores,
with the replacement of sand by 33% and 66% of brick powder in improved by the pozzolanic reaction, creates a kind of interlocking be­
mortars M5 and M6, respectively. The increase in the saturated strength tween mortar and brick and contributes mechanically to the adhesion.
between 1 and 3 months was significantly high in M1 and M2 mortars This reasoning may also justify the unexpected low value of the cement
due to the transformation of a significant amount of portlandite to bond strength, since it has a larger particle size than other binders (see
calcite, a less soluble substance [53,58]. At 3 months, the pure gypsum Table 1). Comparing the bond strength results between 1 and 3 months,
mortar strength was lower than that of mortars M1 and M3 in the an increase in adhesion is observed for all mortars as a result of the
saturated state while it was exceeding them in the dry state. The strength ongoing pozzolanic and carbonation reactions [54,65], which improves
degradation of this mortar, reaching 73%, is the most significant among the interlocking between mortar and brick pores. The improvement
the nine mortars because of the high solubility of gypsum dihydrate in observed in the gypsum mortar may be due to a delayed hydration of the
water [13]. unreacted bassanite and anhydrite [69] and may also be the origin of the
aforementioned increase in the compressive and flexural strengths.
3.7. Bond strength However, for the pure lime mortar, the increase is only 27%, while it
ranges from 75% to 88% for mortars with a gypsum content of 66% or
Bond strength is one of the main important properties of hardened more. This may be the result of the shrinkage that occurred in mortar M1
mortar [66,67]. It qualifies the resistance to debonding under a as observed in Fig. 11 causing a partial detachment between mortar and
perpendicular load at the interface between mortar and masonry units. brick interfaces during the first days of curing. This shrinkage may also
Fig. 18 shows the results of the tensile tests performed on crossed-crick be the origin of a total detachment that occurred in one of the 3 couplets
couplets at 1 and 3 months. The adhesion increased when increasing the prepared using mortar M1 for the 3-month crossed-crick test. Thus,
gypsum content. Thus, the highest adhesion value was obtained for the carbonation was not able to produce a significant improvement in
pure gypsum mortar. Cement mortar, which showed the best adhesion. In contrast, gypsum mortars have shown a dimensionally

Fig. 17. Saturated compressive strength of the nine mortars at 1 and 3 months.

K. Naciri et al. Construction and Building Materials 325 (2022) 126770

Fig. 18. Bond strength of the nine mortars at 1 and 3 months.

stable structure [23] or a slight expansion [70]. CRediT authorship contribution statement
In general, the trend of these results can only be thoroughly
explained in relation to other parameters such as the mortar composi­ Khalil Naciri: Conceptualization, Methodology, Investigation,
tion, workability and rheology, mortar water retention, brick water Writing – review & editing, Writing – original draft, Visualization, Re­
suction, aggregate sphericity, and mineralogy [68,71–73]. sources. Issam Aalil: Conceptualization, Methodology, Resources,
Validation, Writing – review & editing. Ali Chaaba: Conceptualization,
4. Conclusions Project administration, Resources, Validation, Writing – review & edit­
ing, Supervision.
This study explored the incorporation of recycled waste brick in
gypsum-lime mortars in order to move towards an environmentally
friendly mortar. The influence of the amount of lime, gypsum, and brick Declaration of Competing Interest
powder on the mortar characteristics was studied and the deduced
conclusions are summarized as follows: The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
• The capillary absorption rate and porosity increased in mortars with the work reported in this paper.
large amounts of gypsum and brick powder as a consequence of the
increase in mixing water. The latter is mainly influenced by the Acknowledgments
fineness of the used raw materials.
• The pure lime mortar showed considerable shrinkage which could be The authors would like to thank Mr. Azeddine Maatof, General
the reason for the low adhesion value measured for this mortar. Manager of Brimak brickworks (Safi, Morocco) for supplying the bricks
• The replacement of lime by gypsum resulted in mortars with higher used in the bond strength test and Mr. Hatim Abrada, Production
flexural, compressive, and bond strengths. However, the compres­ Manager at Bab Mansour brickworks (Meknes, Morocco) for providing
sive strength in the saturated state was strongly degraded especially the brick waste. XRD and SEM-EDS analyses were performed at the
for the pure gypsum mortar. “Centre de l’Innovation et du Transfert Technologique” (CITT-UMI,
• The replacement of 66% of sand by brick powder in mortars made of Meknes, Morocco). The assistance of Mr. Abdelmalek Ouannou is greatly
33% of lime and 66% of gypsum reduced the bulk density and appreciated.
improved the brick–mortar bond strength, flexural strength, and
compressive resistances in the dry state and especially in the satu­ References
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