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1. Purpose
The PMF aims to provide ACTED Project Managers, Area Coordinators, Deputy Country Directors Field Operations and Country Directors with a
standard tool for project planning and monitoring that will be useful in day-to-day work, in reporting to HQ, and in coordinating with other

2. Principles of Design and Use

1. The sheets in the PMF are based as much as possible on existing tools developed by ACTED. The PMF does not constitute a duplication of work, but
rather, it consolidates work already done.

2. The PMF has been designed as a response to staff requesting "structure". The PMF is meant to support projects' development and progress. Above
all, the PMF should encourage further development of tools, innovations from the field, and qualitative analysis of projects' work.

3. The PMF consists of 12 sheets which can be divided into the following categories:
è Planning tools highlighted in blue: the project summary (sheet 1), Financial Sheet or FS (sheet 2), Procurement Plan or PP (sheet 3), Human
Resources (sheet 4) and the Output-Based Planning (sheet 5);
è Management tools highlighted in green: the bi-weekly/monthly Project Manager Report (sheet 6), Budget Follow-Up(sheet 7), the Stakeholder
Analysis (sheet 8), Risk Register (sheet 9) and the Project Manager Checklist (sheet 10);
è Indicator tracking tools: the AME Framework (sheet 11) and the GIFU, the ACTED global indicator follow up, (sheet 12).

4. The PFM sheets contain formulas which allow cross-reference of information between sheets as well as the correct functioning of the whole PMF.
Please do not delete formulas, and read carefully the instruction added to sheets 1, 5 and 12 for more information on how to correctly enter data.

3. Ground rules
1. Each project shall have its own PMF.
2. The PMF is ACTED’s core tool to manage projects and as such, is owned completely by the Project Manager.

3. The PMF is produced at the start of the project and is launched during the kick-off meeting. Whilst the Project Development Unit, AMEU, Finance,
HR and Logistics Departments can help with setting up the PMF for the first time, it is the Project's Manager responsibility to ensure that a PMF is
created and used from the start of the project. This way, the Project Manager should coordinate with other units/departments to fill out the PMF, not
the other way round.

4. The PMF is for internal use only and is not meant to be shared externally, except if requested (i.e. for audit purposes). The PMF has to be reviewed
by the HQ Programme Department before it can be shared externally.
5. Please DO NOT change the design of the PMF, add or delete cells / sheets / formulas. If you experience any difficulties in using the tools, have
questions or comments please contact

4. How to Use the PMF Tools

1. Nearly all sheets of the PMF have been filled in with information relative to previous projects, as a demonstration, to show the user how data should
be entered in the PMF. Please delete the content of each cell and then enter the information relative to your project.

2. The Project Summary (sheet 1), the Output Based Planning (sheet 5), the Stakeholder Analysis (sheet 8) and the Global Indicator Follow up (sheet
12) have their own specific instructions, which have been included in each of the above sheet. These instructions explain how to enter the information
needed. The PM should read them carefully before starting work on these sheets.
3. The Financial Sheet (sheet 2), the Procurement Plan (sheet 3), the Budget Follow Up (sheet 7) and the AME Framework (sheet 11) can be simply
replaced entirely with the relative excel sheets of a given project, these should be available separately and can be requested to the Finance
Department, Logistical Department and AMEU in the field.

4. The HR Sheet (sheet 4), the PM Report (sheet 6), the Risk Register (sheet 9) and the PM Checklist (sheet 10) can be filled in by deleting the existing
information and by manually entering the information relative to a particular project.
5. The PMF is consolidated by the PM by the 15th of every month and sent by the PM to the Project Manager's Line Manager, copying in the
correspondence all relevant AC(s), DCDs, CD, AME Manager, PDM, relevant Technical Coordinators, CFM, CLM and HR Manager.
6. The PMF has to be saved under the name PMF_[Project Code]_[YYYYMM], i.e. PMF_74BIP_201602. For every monthly update, a new file is created
and saved separately.

7. The PMF is reviewed by the HQ Programme Department (Grants Management Unit) three (3) months prior to the end of the project (usually
following the end of project transition planning meeting). In addition, the PMFs of multi-annual projects are reviewed once per year.

8. At the end of the project, an up-to-date version of the PMF is sent to HQ GMU together with the narrative final report. At this stage, information
in the PMF will be cross-checked with the final report. Then, the PMF will be filed in the HQ's server, under the corresponding project's folder.

Project Management Framework (PMF) - v4 - February 2019

Sheet Type of Tool Frequency of Update Purpose Procedures

At the begining of the This section provides an overview of the

1 Project Summary project, and then every project; it functions as a sort of snapshot The PM can follow the instructions on the side of
month of a project's key information. the Project Summary to fill in this sheet

At the begining of the The FS is created by the Finance Department in the

field and it is approved by HQ once a project
project, and then on an This document helps the Project Manager contract is signed. It is a relatively static document
ad hoc basis, in case of and the project team to identify the
2 Financial Sheet (FS) budget amendment budget lines and budget line codes for that is only changed in case of a budget
amendment. The Country Finance Manager/Officer
and/or identification of project activities. shares this sheet with PM, who will then be in
co-funding charge of including it in the PMF.

This document helps the Project Manager

and the project team to understand the
procurement scenarios that will be applied
for the different budget lines and related
project activities. Knowing the The Procurement Plan is created by the Logistics
At the begining of the procurement scenarios is key in terms of Department on the field together with the Project
project, and then on an planning since scenarios D and E usually Manager and it is then approved by HQ Logistics
3 Procurement Plan ad hoc basis and/or in take a much longer time than lower Department once the project code and the FS are
case of budget scenarios. Based on average lead-time for created. The PM can simply take the PP from the
amendment each scenario, the Project Manager is thus country-level Logistics Department and include it
able from the approved PP to retroplan in the PMF.
the dates for order forms to be issued so
that materials/services are purchased in a
timely manner and do not delay the
project implementation.

The HR sheet provides an overview of the The organizational chart should be updated by the
organizational chart and the hiring of PM, together with the HR Manager, every time
At the begining of the staff.The organizational chart shows the there is a staff change or in case the project HR
project, and then on an management structure of the project. The
4 Human Resources ad hoc basis, every time priority is to show the organization of the structure is changed (e.g. addition or cancellation of
positions). The recruitment plan should only include
there is a staff change project team but support functions project staff and should be updated every time a
(finance, logistics, etc.) may also be new staff needs to be hired.
shown, though this is not mandatory.

The output-based planning is the "heart" of the

The Output Based Planning allows the PMF (together with the AME Framework, sheet 10)
Project Manager to plan the beginning,
At the begining of the the end and the duration of project's and shall be prepared by the PM with great care
5 Output-Based project, and then every activities and then to keep track of their and attention to details. Please refer to the
Planning instructions under the chart on sheet 5 for detailed
month implementation in the chronogramme. It information on how to fill it in correctly.
also helps HQ to identify any eventual
delays that need to be addressed.

Depending on the type and duration of the project,

the PM shall send a bi-weekly (on the 15th and
The bi-weekly or monthly report is a tool 30th of each month) or monthly report (on the
Bi-Weekly/Monthly to provide general information about the 15th of each month) to his/her Line Manager cc
6 Project Manager Every
2 weeks or every project's advancements, any project's AME, PDU, relevant Technical Coordinators and
Report challenges or obstacles, lessons learnt and FLAT teams. The decision about the frequency of
the planning of future activities. the report is made at the kick-off meeting by the
Project Manager's Line Manager in coordination
with the PDU based on donor reporting obligations.

Project Management Framework (PMF) - v4 - February 2019

The BFU is prepared on the 15th of each month by
the Finance Department in the field. Every month,
The BFU informs the PM about the the PM shall receive an updated version of the
amount of money spent on the project, BFU from the Finance Department and he shall
copy it into the PMF, linking it to the project
7 Budget Follow-up The 15th of each month the budget balance available per line, as summary sheet (sheet 1). The expenditure planning
(BFU) well as the overall project's expenditure
and the planned expenditures until the for project budget lines should be done on a
end of the project. monthly basis by the PM (around the 6/7th of each
month), and sent to the Finance Department by
10th of each month. The Finance Department then
integrates the expenditure forecast into the BFU.

The stakeholder analysis is an important The stakeholder analysis is prepared at the

At the begining of the technique for stakeholder identification beginning of the project using information from the
and analyzing their needs. It is used to approved proposal prepared by PDU and AMEU as
8 Stakeholder Analysis project, and then on an identify all key stakeholders who have a well as information from the Security Department
ad-hoc basis
vested interest in the issues with which and Coordination (in particular the AC in whose
the project is concerned. area the project is implemented).

The Risk Register is used to record and

track project risks. Risks are events that The PM, together with Area Coordinator/Line
may or may not happen in the future that Manager, is in charge of compiling the Risk
Register. Please read the labeling in the first line of
At the begining of the could have an effect on the project's the table in sheet 8 and also refer to the
9 Risk Register project, and then on an success. This register includes all risks instructions at the end of the risk register table for
ad-hoc basis identified over the life of the project,
including those that have passed and are detailed information on how to fill it in correctly.
no longer a threat to the project, those Please do not delete risk information from this
that have been prevented or mitigated, register: it is a permanent record of project risks.
and those that have become issues.

The PM checklist records all the tasks

every PM is supposed to carry out as part
Project Manager of his/her standard PM job duties and After being filled in by the PM, the list should be
10 Checklist Every 7th of each month responsibilities. It reminds the PM which printed and signed each month by both the PM and
processes and procedures need to be the Line Manager.
controlled and checked every month as
well as during the whole project cycle.

The AME Framework allows to plan all

monitoring and evaluation activities for The AME Framework is created by the AMEU at the
any given project. It is a tool that details beginning of the project. The AME Framework
what should be evaluated, how it should should be updated on the 7th of each month by the
By the Kick-off meeting, be evaluated, by whom, and what AME Unit in the field together with the PM (who
11 AME Framework and then by the 7th of information is needed. should be particularly engaged in overseeing output
each month The AME Framework serves to track indicators). The PM shall then obtain an updated
achievement of contractual and non- version of the AME Framework from AMEU and
contractual indicators and it helps s/he shall then copy it in the PMF.
reminding project teams of intended
project deliverables on a regular basis.

As part of its global Strategic Program The PM shall fill in this sheet by the 15th January
Framework, ACTED measures the impact of each year at the latest, AND at the end of the
Global Indicator 15th of January of each its activities have on the populations project. The data comes either from the PM or
12 Follow-Up (GIFU) year and at the end of ACTED serves across all its countries of from the AMEU, based on the information in the
the project
intervention. This is done by a set of AME Framework. This sheet has to be sent to their
simple and aggregable indicators. relevant focal point in the GMU at HQ.

Project Management Framework (PMF) - v4 - February 2019

Date1 Date 2 Date11 Date 22

1 1.1.2022 1.1.2023 1.1.2023

2 2.1.2022 2.1.3023
3 3.1.2022 1.2.2022 4.1.2022 1.1.2021
4 4.1.2022
5 5.1.2022 6.1.2023 20.3.2022 20.3.2023

6 1.1.2022 1.5.2022 1.1.2023 1.5.2023

7 1.2.2022 1.6.2022 1.2.2023 1.6.2023
8 1.3.2022 1.7.2022 1.3.2023 1.7.2023

9 1.4.2022 1.4.2023 1.6.20233 1.6.2023

‫ اللون أخضر‬:‫لت ضمن الخطة المحددة‬
‫ اللون أحمر‬:‫لت خارج الخطة المحددة‬
‫ زهري‬:‫غير ذلك‬

Date1 Date2 Date11 Date22

1 5-May-2022 7-Jul-2022 6-May-2022 11-Dec-2022
2 5-May-2022 7-Jul-2022 5-May-2022 6-Jul-2022
3 6-May-2022 8-Jul-2022 6-May-2022 7-Jul-2022
4 7-May-2022 9-Jul-2022 7-May-2022 8-Jul-2022
5 8-May-2022 10-Jul-2022 8-May-2022 9-Jul-2022
6 9-May-2022 11-Jul-2022 9-May-2022 10-Jul-2022
‫إذا عملت ضمن الخطة المحددة‪ :‬اللون‬
‫إذا عملت خارج الخطة المحددة‪ :‬اللون‬
‫غير ذلك‪ :‬زهري‬

‫‪9-Jun-2022 10-Jun-2022 11-Nov-2022 12-Dec-2022‬‬

Date1 Date2 Date11 Date22 1-Jan-2022 1-Feb-2022 1-Mar-2022 1-Apr-2022
1-Jan-2022 2-Jul-2022 3-Jan-2022 9-Jul-2022
2-Jan-2022 8-Jul-2022 3-Jan-2022 9-Jul-2022
3-Jan-2022 9-Jul-2022 3-Jan-2022 9-Jul-2022
4-Jan-2022 10-Jul-2022 4-Jan-2022 10-Jul-2022
5-Jan-2022 11-Jul-2022 6-Jan-2022 12-Jul-2022
6-Jan-2022 12-Jul-2022 6-Jan-2022 12-Jul-2022
7-Jan-2022 13-Jul-2022 7-Jan-2022 13-Jul-2022
8-Jan-2022 14-Jul-2022 8-Jan-2022 14-Jul-2022
9-Jan-2022 15-Jul-2022 9-Jan-2022 15-Jul-2022
1-May-2022 1-Jun-2022 1-Jul-2022 1-Aug-2022 1-Sep-2022

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