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Repeat Load is a primary load case created using a combination of previously defined
primary load case for which STAAD Pro Analyses The structure. To define this load type,
select Repeat Load node in the left pane of Add new: Load Items dialog box; Repeat
Load page will be displayed in the right pane of the dialog box. In the page, all primary
load cases defined earlier will be displayed in the Available Load Cases list box. To
include a primary load case, first select it from the list box and then choose the
forwarded button ; the load will be shifted to the Repeat load Definition list box.

The REPEAT LOAD differs from the load COMBINATION command in two ways:

1. A REPEAT LOAD is treated as a new primary load. Therefore, a P-Delta analysis

will reflect correct secondary effects. (LOAD COMBINATIONS, on the other hand,
algebraically combine the results such as displacements, member forces,
reactions and stresses of previously defined primary loadings evaluated

2. In addition to previously defined primary loads, you can also add new loading
conditions within a load case in which the REPEAT LOAD is used.

3. The REPEAT LOAD option is available with load cases with JOINT LOADS and
MEMBER LOADS. It can also be used on load cases with ELEMENT PRESSURE
loads and FIXED END LOADS.  

Modal dynamic analysis load cases (Response Spectrum, Time History, Steady
State) should not be used in REPEAT LOAD. It is also not available for loads
generated using some of the program’s load generation facilities such as
MOVING LOAD Generation. However load cases with WIND LOAD may be used


In Seismic loading, instead of individually defining self weight, member weights, joint
weights, and element weights for structural weight, you can define the structural
weight by adding the Reference load.


Reference Loads is a powerful tool in STAAD.Pro that expands users’ options for setting
up load cases and improves their overall efficiency. Reference Loads are useful because
they are not explicitly solved during the analysis, but rather exist only as building blocks
to be included in creating primary load cases. In this sense one can think of Reference
Loads as “load definitions.”
They are particularly helpful for large models, which often contain many load cases that
do not require analysis in their own right, including seismic, wind, or live load acting
alone. Users can create multiple reference loads and then have STAAD.Pro solve only a
limited number of “real” load cases. By limiting the loads examined, the user can
significantly reduce the time required for analysis.

Reference Loads are defined in the General à Load & Definitions page of the Modeling
Mode, which can be accessed by clicking the appropriate tabs on the left-hand side of
the screen (circled in Figure 1):

Figure 1

In the Definitions section, the Reference Loads are listed as follows:

To add a new Reference Load case, select "Reference Load Definitions" in the Load &
Definition dialog box and click Add. Inputting the title for the Reference Load case and
the number is done in the same manner as when creating primary load cases.

Once a Reference Load case has been created, follow these steps to input load items.
This process, too, is exactly the same as for primary load cases:

1. Select a Reference Load to highlight it,

2. Click Add to open the Add New Reference Load Items dialog box,

3. Define the load items, selecting from the list of loads on the left,

4. Assign the load item to the appropriate entities (nodes/members/etc.) in the


At this point the Reference Load definition is complete. The next step is to include the
Reference Loads in primary load cases, as follows:
(i) Select a primary load case and click Add,
(ii) Click the load item Repeat Load à Reference Load.

(iii) Select the required defined Reference Load cases and click [>] to include them
in the current primary load case. Clicking [>>] will include all defined Reference
Load cases. You can add appropriate combination factors for each reference

The format of the definition of a Reference Load (i) in the data file is as follows:



(Load items)



The format of a reference to a Reference Load in a primary load (j) case is as follows:



R(i) 1.0
Reference Loads are very helpful when creating a seismic load definition. Consider, for
example, a situation in which the dead loads have been defined as Reference Loads.
Instead of manually inputting the dead loads a second time in the seismic definition,
you can simply refer to the Reference Load case, which is listed in the seismic definition
dialog box as seen below.
1. Geometry Creation
2.Giving Member Property
3.Specifying Support Condition
4. Loads (i) Defining Seismic Parameters
(ii) Defining Reference Loads
(iii) Giving Reference Load Combinations & Load list
5.Specifying Analysis Type
6.Post Analysis Print
7.Design Commands
Data :
Building size : 15m x 15m
Height : 33m
Concrete Mix M30 Steel Fe415
Loads: LL =1.50 KN/m2 (For Roof slab) 2.0KN/m2 (For floor slab)
Member sizes : Beam 300 x 450mm; Column 300x 450mm
Slab thickness: 120mm.
Soil type: medium. Zone :III Importance factor=1.50
Steps involved:
1 . Geometry Creation :
New Project à Select ¤ Space à Length =meters; Force=KN;
File Name=Seismic Coefficient by Reference Load method à Next
Select ¤ Open Structure Wizard à Finish.
Change to Frame models from Truss models à Select Bay Frame and double click
on it.
Length X=15.0m No. of Bays =5 Each Bay =3.0m
Height Y=3.0m No. of Bay=1 Each Bay =3.0m
Width Z=15.0m No. of Bays=5 Each Bay =3.0m
àApply àTransfer Model àYesàOk.
Go to front view.
2. Member Property :
Click General à Property àDefine à Rectangle YD=0.45 ZD=0.30 à Add à
à YD=0.45 ZD=0.30 à AddàClose . Highlight 0.45 x 0.30 àMain menuà Selectà
Beam parallel to à X , Select à Beam parallel to à Z à ¤ Assign to selected beam à
Assignà Yes à Highlight 0.45 x 0.30 à Selectà Beam parallel to àY à
¤ Assign to selected beam à Assignà Yes àClose.
Deselect the nodes. Select beam cursor. Select the entire structureàClick Translational
repeat ठY No. of steps=10 Default spacing=3m ¤ Link àOK.
3. Supports :
Go to front view.
Click Support à Create à Fixed àAdd. Highlight support 2 and select bottom most
support nodes by windowing using node cursor ठAssign to selected nodes à
Assignà Yes à Close à De select the nodes and change to beam cursor.
4. Loads :
(i) Defining Seismic Parameters:
Main menu àCommands à Loading à Definitions àSeismic load àIS 1893-2002.
Seismic Parameters appear. Select IS1893-2002 à Click Generate .
IS1893 seismic parameters screen will appear.
Select Zone =III. Z=0.16
Response Reduction Facto (RF) : (For Special RC MRF) = 5
Importance factor (I) =1.5
Rock/soil type (SS) : (For Medium soil)=2
Structure Type (ST) : (For RC Frame Building)=1
Damping Ratio (DM) = 0.05%
Period in X = 0.09 h =0.09 x33 =0.86 sec.
√dx √12
Period in Z = 0.09 h =0.09 x33 =0.86sec.
√dz √12
Generate à Add à Close.
Note: In Seismic analysis always first load case shall be seismic load only.
Click load case details on data areaà Add.
Number 1 Loading type: Seismic
Title: EQ in X +veà Add àClose.
Click Load case detailsà Add.
Number 2 Loading type: Seismic
Title: EQ in X -veà Add àClose.
Click Load case detailsà Add.
Number 3 Loading type: Seismic
Title: EQ in Z+veà Add àClose.
Click Load case detailsà Add.
Number 4 Loading type: Seismic
Title: EQ in Z-veà AddàClose.
Highlight Load case1 àAdd.
Seismic load ¤ X direction Factor: 1àAdd.
Highlight Load case 2àAdd.
Seismic load ¤ X direction Factor :-1àAdd.
Highlight Load case 3 àAdd.
Seismic load ¤ Z direction Factor :1àAdd.
Highlight Load case 4 àAdd.
Seismic load ¤ Z direction Factor :-1àAddàClose.

(ii) Defining Reference Load Command

Click Loads & Definitions à Definitions à Reference Load Definitions à

Number 5 Loading Type : Dead Title: R1 DL à Add.
Number 6 Loading Type : Live Title: R2LL<3KN/m2 à Add.
Number 7 Loading Type : Live Title: R3 ROOF LL à Add àClose.
Select R1 DL àAdd.
Selfweight à Selfweight ¤ Y Factor:-1 à Add.
Member weightà Loading type
Uni □ Weight w1=-12KN/m àAdd. (9” wall load)
w1 =-6KN/m àAdd. (4.5” wall load)
w1 =-4KN/m àAdd. (parapet wall load)
Floor Load Pressure:-4 KN/m2
¤Global Y à Define Y range Mini.=3.0m Max.=33.0m à Add
Highlight Selfweight Y -1 à ¤ Assign to view à Assign à Yes.
Go to Front view  Select Beam parallel toX and Z. Front elevation view. Right
click   New view  Ok. Select only typical floor beams except roof beam  
create new view Ok. Plan view  Highlight w1=-12Select the outer portion of
beams individually one by one (9” wall portion )   Assign to selected beams
Assign Yes.
Highlight Member weight w1=-6KN/m à Cut section . Go to Plan view àSelect inner
portion of the beam ठAssign to selected beams àAssignà Yesà
Go to front view àSelect top portion by windowing àRight clickà New view OK.
Plan view Select outer portion of beam ठAssign to Selected beam à Assignà
Click R2 LL<3 KN/m2 àAdd.
Floor Load pressure :-2 KN/m2
Define Y range Mini.= 3.0m Max.=30.0m à Add à
Click R3 ROOF àAdd à Floor Load Pressure =-1.50KN/m2. Y range Mini=30.2
Max =33.0à Add.
Click Zone 0.16 RF 5 I 1.5 SS 2 ST 1 DM 0.05 0.86 0.86 à Add à
Seismic Definition screen will appear.

Click Reference Load à Add. Click Repeat Load –Reference Load à

Available Load cases Reference Load cases Factor
R1DL R1 1.0
R2LL<3 > R2 0.25
(iii) Giving Perform Analysis- Change Command:
High Light Load case 2: EQ in X-Ve.
Click Analysis/Print àPerform Analysis à¤Load Data àAdd à Check □ After current

Click Change àAdd à Check □ After current.

High Light Load case 3: EQ in Z+Ve.
Click Analysis/Print àPerform Analysis à¤Load Data àAdd à Check □ After current

Click Change àAdd à Check □ After current.

High Light Load case 4: EQ in Z-Ve.
Click Analysis/Print àPerform Analysis à¤Load Data àAdd à Check □ After current

Click Change àAdd à Check □ After current.

(iv) Defining Load Combination Using Auto Load Combination:
Commands à LoadingàEdit Auto loadsà Select Indian code.
Click New category à
Category name: say EQ
No. of Rule : 4 àOK.

Rule No. Dead Live Seismic

1 1.5 1.5 --
2 1.5 -- 1.5
3 1.2 1.2 1.2
4 0.9 --- 1.5

Click Update Table àClose.

Click Load case details àAdd.
Click Auto load combination àselect code: Indian.
Category: EQ àClick Generate loadsà Check □ create Repeat Load à Addà Close.
(v) Load list:
Main menu à Commands àLoadingàload list à ( Select the required load cases
from 7 to 19 on other side by highlighting and clicking > to take the load comb on
other side.) àOK.

5. Design :
Click DesignàConcreteàCurrent code : IS456à Define
Click Command àDesign BeamàAdd
Design ColumnàAdd. Take offàAddàClose.
Highlight Fck =30000 and Select entire structureà ¤ Assign to selected beam
àAssignàYes .
Highlight Fymain =415000 and Select entire structureà ¤ Assign to selected beam
àAssignàYes .
Highlight Fysec =415000 and Select entire structureà ¤ Assign to selected beam
àAssignàYes .
Highlight Ratio=3% and Select entire structureà ¤ Assign to selected beam
Highlight Design Beam à SelectàBeam parallel to àX à SelectàBeam parallel to
àZ ठAssign to selected beam àAssignàYes.
Highlight Design Column à Select bottom most column in Ground FloorठAssign to
selected beam àAssignàYes .
Highlight TakeoffठAssign to viewàAssign àYesàClose.
6. Analysis Type :
Click Analysis/printठNo print àAdd.
Click Post printàDefine CommandsàAnalysis resultsàAddàClose.
7. Perform Analysis :
From Main Menu à ` Analysis à Run Analysis à
¤ View output file à Done.
8. Results :
¤ Go to post processing mode. Results
Click Deflection icon à Resultsà View ValueàBeam ResultsठDeflection
Click Bending Moment Mz icon à Resultsà View ValueàBeam Resultsà Bending
Moment □ Ends □ Mid SpanàAnnotate.

Click Shear Force Fy iconà Resultsà View ValueàBeam Resultsà Shear Force □ Ends
Click Axial Force Fx iconà Resultsà View ValueàBeam Resultsà Axial Force □ Ends
Note: Before going to another result remove the tick mark in Beam results.
Design Check:
Main menu àSelect àBy specificationàAll failed beams.
Go to modeling mode.
Select Column (at bottom portion) àDouble click the columnàConcrete design. Check
the bottom most storey column. If some columns in GF inner are failed, change the
size of the column for inner portion and again run the analysis, verify the result.
Similarly check the beam by double click the particular beam for find the reinforcement.
If all are passed ok. Otherwise revise the beam section if failed.
Click report set up icon.
Available : Selected:
Input 1. Sections
2. Supports
3. Loadings

Output Beam End Forces

Beam Max Axial Forces
Beam Max moments
Max. Shear forces
Beam Force Details Summary àOk.


Click Report setup icon Click input from available from left side.

Select Sections , Supports, Loadings and sent to Right side by clicking > Select output.

From output select Beam end forces, Reactions, Shear forces, Axial forces, Bending
moments, Beam force detail summary.

To Take picture:

Click take picture icon  Enter the title of the sketch. Then Go to report set up. Select

picture Album. If you want to change the sketch title enter the title in caption. Adjust

the picture size by adjusting height & width. Select □ Full page.

To export Results in word file:

File  Export Report  MS word file. Click save.

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