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Technical Training Program

Pharmacy Training Department
By the end of training you will be able to understand
 Complete sales solution for beauty cases
 Beauty tips
 Complete sales solution for everyday essentials cases
 Complete sales solution for health and wellness OTC cases
 Patient education required for most common OTC cases
 Impulse selling opportunities at each category
 Cross selling opportunities with main care programs
Skin care
Sales Programs
Skin Cleansing Program

1. Cleanser
– Wet
– Dry
2. Exfoliator
3. Toner
4. Eye make up removal
Skin Cleansing Program
Skin Moisturization Program
1. Cleanser
– Wet
– Dry
2. Exfoliator
3. Toner
4. Moisturizer
– Water compensation
– Lipid barrier compensation
5. Sun screen
Skin Moisturization Program
Sun Care Program
Sun Screen Suntan After Sun
• Skin type
• Age
• Site of application

• Lipstick

Counseling tips
Sun Care Program

Physical (sensitive skin) Children Tinted Fluid (Oily skin) Milk (Body)
‫للبشرة الحساسة‬ ‫لالطفال‬ ‫ملون للجلد‬ ‫فلويد للبشرة الدهنية‬ ‫حليب للجسم‬
Sun Care Program
Skin Whitening Program
1. Cleanser
– Wet
– Dry
2. Exfoliator
3. Toner
4. Whitening cream
5. Sun screen
Skin Whitening Program
Wrinkle Care Program
1. Cleanser
– Wet
– Dry
2. Exfoliator
3. Toner
4. Skin matrix enhancer
– Retinoid
– Hydroxy acids
– Polypeptides
5. Fillers
– Collagen
– Hyaluronic acid
6. Eye zone dark circles and fine lines preparation
7. Sun screen
Wrinkle Care Program
Body Care Opportunities
Anti Stretch mark Anti cellulite
• Pregnancy • Treatment of cellulite
• Teenagers • Slimming
• Body builders
Body Care Opportunities
Hair care
Sales Programs
Dry and Damaged Hair Care Program
Colored and relaxed Hair
1. Shampoo for dry and damaged hair
2. Instant conditioner for dry and damaged hair
3. Leave on conditioner
– Cream
– Oil
– Oil replacement for dry and damaged hair
– Serum
4. Deep conditioner
– Hot oil
– Mask
5. Detangling comb
Dry and Damaged Hair Care Program
Colored Hair Care Program
1. Shampoo for colored hair
2. Instant conditioner for colored hair
3. Leave on conditioner
– Cream
– Oil
– Oil replacement for colored hair
– Serum
4. Deep conditioner
– Mask for colored hair
5. Detangling comb
Colored Hair Care Program
Hair Dryer Selling Points
Hair Dryer Cross sales
1. Shampoo for damaged hair
2. Instant conditioner for damaged hair
3. Leave on conditioner
– Serum for thermal hair treatment ( before hair drying)
– Cream
– Oil
– Oil replacement for damaged hair
4. Deep conditioner
– Hot oil
– Mask
5. Detangling comb
6. Round brush
7. Styling foam or spray
Hair Dryer Cross sales
Hair loss management programs
Androgentic Telogen Effluvium
• Shampoo for hair loss • Cure the cause
• Minoxidil ( 2% F, 5% M) – Anemia (Lab test)
– Hypothyroidism (Referral)
• 5 alpha Reducatse inhibitor
• Hair stimulant
– Finasterid for male
– Vichy dercoss for male
– Spironolactone for female
– Vichy dercoss for female
• Hair Stimulant • Systemic supplement
– Chronostim – Priorin tablet
• Shampoo for hair loss (Cysteine, biotin and vitamin B 5)
• Systemic supplement – Iron in case of anemia
– Priorin tablet • Shampoo for hair loss
Hair loss management programs
Alopecia Areata management
1. Increasing follicular blood supply (Minoxidil)
2. Topical corticosteroids to induce hairsutism
3. Scalp irritation (Rubificient gel)
4. Keratolytic ( Salicylic acid)
5. Systemic supplementation
( Cysteine, methionine,zinc,biotin and Vitamin B complex)
Alopecia Areata management
Dandruff management programs
Dry Dandruff Oily Dandruff
• Anti fungal • Anti fungal
• Anti hyper proliferative • Anti hyper proliferative
• Keratolytic
• Seboregulator
Dandruff management programs

Kelual DS Fongitar Ionil T Castalia

• Keluamid® (Keratolytic) • Polytar (Keratoreducer) • Salicylic acid
• Ciclopirox olamine (Fungicidal) (Keratolytic) Shampoo
• Zn pyrithione (Fungistatic& Tar (Keratoreducer)
• Zinc pyrithione (Fungistatic & Keratored.)
• Integral
Keratored.) • Piroctone olamine (AF)
• Oleanolic acid (sebum
•White lupin extract
oElu Lipacid lotion.
oLeave on Seboregulator
(Daily use)
Head Lice management Program
• Anti pediculicides preparation
– Shampoo
– Spray
• Comb with or without lens
• Hair conditioner
Head Lice management Program
Everyday Essentials
sales programs
Ideal Shaving Program
• Pre shaving
– Facial wash
– Exfoliator
• Shaving
– Razors
– Shaving preparations
(Gel, foam, serum, cream, oil)
• Post shaving
– After shave preparation
Ideal Shaving Program
‫وسائل نزع الشعرمن الجذر‬
‫‪Epilators Selling Points‬‬

‫ضوء صغير لرؤية الشعر الدقيق‬ ‫تردد عالى لتدليك الجلد‬ ‫رأس ناعمة‬ ‫نزع الشعر أقل من نصف مم‬

‫رأس مرنة‬ ‫على الجلد الجاف والمبلل‬ ‫قابلة للشحن‬ ‫رأس تقشير‬

‫تحكم فى السرعة‬ ‫رأس تقشير‬

‫النبض الضوئي ‪PHILIPS LUMEA‬‬
‫طريقة االستخدام‪:‬‬
‫• يجب حالقة المنطقة المراد معالجتها‬
‫• يتم تعريض الشعر لنبضات لطيفة من الضوء‬
‫• يمتص الميالنين الموجود بالشعر نبضات الضوء‬
‫• يقوم الضوء بزيادة درجة حرارة الشعره وتنتقل الى جذر‬
‫الشعره بالكامل‬
‫• يحدث تحفيز لجذر الشعره وبالتالى توقفها عن العمل‬
‫• نتيجة لذلك تسقط الشعره بشكل طبيعى ويتم منع نمو الشعره‬
‫مرة أخرى‬
‫• يتم استعمال الجهاز لمدة ‪ 4‬أو ‪ 5‬جلسات مع اسبوعين بين‬
‫كل جلسة وأخرى‬
‫• ُتنظف العدسة جيداً بعد االستخدام‬
‫‪PHILIPS LUMEA‬‬ ‫النبض الضوئي‬
‫محظورات استخدام لوميا‬
Oral Care Program
• Brushing
– Tooth brush
– Toothpaste
• Rinsing
– Daily care mouth wash
– Cure mouth wash
• Flossing
• Tung cleaning
Oral Care Program
Cases Management
Sales Programs
Common cold and flu management
Lines of treatment
• Topical decongestant
• Systemic decongestant
• Local sore throat reliever (Lozenges or Mouthwash)
• Analgesic antipyretic
• Cough therapy
• Inhalation of volatile oil in case of horsiness
• Antibiotic in case of secondary bacterial infection
Cross sales
• Immune stimulant
• Topical antiviral in case of H.labialis
• Disinfectant ( hand gel,………..)
Bronchitis management
Lines of treatment
• Systemic antibiotic
• Anti pyretic in case of fever
• Cough preparation
– Mucolytic or mucoregulator
– Expectorant
– Herbal mixture
• Systemic anti histamine
• Bronchdirector
Sore Throat management

Tonsillitis and Pharyngitis Laryngitis

• Antibiotic • Voice rest
(secondary infection) • Systemic Antibiotic
• Analgesic anti inflammatory (secondary infection)
• Anti septic mouth wash • Volatile oil anti septic
inhalation in case of
• Immune stimulant or MV at hoarseness
the end of treatment course
• Systemic anti histamine
• Volatile oil anti septic • Systemic corticosteroid
inhalation in case of (Prednisolone 1-2 mg/kg/day for
hoarseness 3-5 days)
Acute Sinusitis management
Lines of treatment
• Systemic antibiotic
• Analgesic anti inflammatory
• Irrigation solution (Normal saline)
• Mucolytic
• Systemic decongestant
• Systemic anti histamine
Allergic Rhinitis management
Lines of treatment
• Systemic anti histamine
• Topical anti allergic nasal prep.
( corticosteroid or non corticosteroid)
• Analgesic anti inflammatory
• Systemic decongestant
• Avoid the source of allergen
Irritable Bowel Syndrome management
Lines of treatment
• Spasmolytic
• Digestant
• Anti flatulence
• Fibers
• Probiotics
• Prokinetics
• Anaxyoltics
• Intestinal antiseptic
Sexual dysfunction management
Lines of treatment
• PDE5 inhibitors for ED
• Local anesthetic or SSRI for Premature ejaculation
• Aphrodisc for Loss of libido
• Energetic for Fatigue
Cross sales
• Oral odor control products
• Special condoms
• Lubricant
• Intimate wash
Obesity and over weight management
Lines of treatment
• Appetite suppressant
• Fat absorption interference
• Carbohydrate absorption interference
• Fat burners
Cross sales
• Wight scales
• Artificial sweeteners
• Sauna and electric belt
• Multivitamins
Oral Moniliasis management
Lines of treatment
• Local antiseptic (Mouth wash)
• Local antifungal
• Analgesic anti inflammatory
• Systemic anti fungal in complicated cases
Cross sales
• Multivitamins or
natural source of vitamin B complex (Yeast)
• Immune stimulant (Echinacea)
Oral Ulceration management
Lines of treatment
• Local antiseptic (Mouth wash)
• Local Astringent
• Local anesthetic
• Local corticosteroid as Kenalog orabase
• Analgesic anti inflammatory
Cross sales
• Source of vitamin B complex
Gingivitis management
Lines of treatment
• Local antiseptic (Mouth wash)
• Systemic Antibiotic
• Analgesic anti inflammatory
• Special dental care
– Soft or ultra soft toothbrush
– Specific toothpaste for gingivitis and gum bleeding
(Parodentox, Lacalut aktive,…….)
• Local gum decongestant preparation ( Parodium gel)

Cross sales
• Vitamin C or Rutin
Hemorrhoids management
Lines of treatment
• Local anesthetic
• Local antiseptic
• Local astringent
• Venotonic
• Fiber
• Systemic analgesic anti inflammatory
• In case of bleeding
– Antibiotic
– Stop bleeding by Dycinone
Cross sales
• Sitz bath
• Ring cushion
Low Back Pain management
Lines of treatment
• Local analgesic anti inflammatory
• Systemic analgesic anti inflammatory
• Muscle relaxant
• Neurotonic
Cross sales
• Hot compression
• Supporting belt
• Omega 3
• Massage device
Eczema management
Lines of treatment
• Antiseptic solution as potassium permanganate
or boric acid
• Systemic anti histamine
• Local corticosteroid
• Local antibiotic for infected type
• Calcinurin inhibitor
• Moisturizer for dry types
• Anaxyoltics
Tinea Cruris management
Lines of treatment
• Local antiseptic wash
• Local corticosteroids for few days
• Local anti fungal
– In case of resistance use two different types of
topical anti fungal)
• Systemic anti fungal (Referral)

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