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Aging, Neuropsychology, and

Cognition: A Journal on Normal and
Dysfunctional Development
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Adult Age Differences in Tower of

Hanoi Performance: Influence From
Demographic and Cognitive Variables
Michael Rönnlund , Martin Lövdén & Lars-Göran Nilsson
Published online: 09 Aug 2010.

To cite this article: Michael Rönnlund , Martin Lövdén & Lars-Göran Nilsson (2001) Adult Age
Differences in Tower of Hanoi Performance: Influence From Demographic and Cognitive Variables,
Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition: A Journal on Normal and Dysfunctional Development, 8:4,

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Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition 1382-5585/01/0804-269$16.00
2001, Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 269±283 # Swets & Zeitlinger

Adult Age Differences in Tower of Hanoi Performance:

In¯uence From Demographic and Cognitive Variables
Michael RoÈnnlund1, Martin LoÈvdeÂn2, and Lars-GoÈran Nilsson2
Department of Psychology, UmeaÊ University, and 2 Department of Psychology, Stockholm University, Sweden
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We examined performance in a ®ve-disk version of the Tower of Hanoi (TOH) puzzle, assumed to re¯ect
executive functioning, in population-based samples ranging in age from 35 to 85 years (N ˆ 2798).
Univariate analyses revealed signi®cant age effects across three TOH measures as re¯ected by an age-related
increase in moves to solution, a gradual slowing of performance, and an increase in rule violations with
advanced age. The age-related in¯uence was eliminated, or reduced considerably, when controlling for
demographic and cognitive background variables. Across the dependent measures, Block Design and a
measure of episodic memory (recall) were the consistent predictors. No effects of education were detected,
while signi®cant gender differences, favoring males, were observed for two TOH measures. Taken together,
the results suggest that age-related de®cits observed in TOH performance re¯ects an age-related impairment
in visuospatial ability in addition to impairments in executive functions.

One of the best known problem-solving tasks in the capacities subsumed by the term `executive
the psychological literature is the Tower of Hanoi function' (Denckla, 1996; Lezak, 1995; Tranel,
(TOH) puzzle (Ewert & Lambert, 1932; Kotovsky, Anderson, & Benton, 1994). Within models
Hayes, & Simon, 1985; Simon, 1975). The task, postulating a supervisory cognitive system (Bad-
which was probably invented by the French deley, 1992; Norman & Shallice, 1986), executive
mathematician EÁdouard Lucas and marketed as processes are assumed to control and connect
a toy in 1883 (Gardner, 1959), involves three pegs information ¯ow between cognitive subsystems,
and a number of disks of varying size. In the monitor inputs and to coordinate planning
starting position, the disks are placed on top of activity. Although some of the abilities compris-
each other in a pyramidal shape on the ®rst peg. ing executive functions may be associated with
The goal is to reproduce this formation on another other brain areas, these processes are typically
peg, with the restrictions that: (a) only one disk held to be mediated by the (pre)frontal lobes
may be moved at a time, and (b) no larger disk (Tranel et al., 1994).
may be placed on top of a smaller one. The The assumption that TOH tap frontal lobe
minimal number of moves required to solve the sensitive processes is substantiated by ®ndings
task is 2nÿ1, where n represents the number of that patients with frontal lesions exhibit poor
disks. baseline performance in TOH and a related disk-
The ability to solve TOH is widely considered transfer task called the Tower of London1 (TOL;
to re¯ect planning ability, which is central among Goel & Grafman, 1995; Morris, Miotto, Feigen-

This task involves three pegs and three colored disks (or beads) that are to be moved one at a time to match a goal
state, without restriction of order of placement of the disks.
Address correspondence to: Michael RoÈnnlund, Department of Psychology, UmeaÊ University, S-90187 UmeaÊ,
Sweden. E-mail:
Accepted for publication: November 24, 2000.

baum, Bullock, & Polkey, 1997; Owen, Downes, (TOL, Shallice, 1982). This effect was only
Sahakian, Polkey, & Robbins, 1990; Shallice, apparent when the task involved four, but not
1982). Other clinical groups assumed to suffer three disks, however. Considering the relative
from speci®c impairments in executive function, lack of evidence, and the fact that extant results
such as schizophrenic patients (Bustini et al., are mixed, the issue of age differences in Tower of
1999), children with early-treated phenylketo- Hanoi performance clearly needs to be subjected
nuria (Welsh, Pennington, Ozonoff, Rouse, & to further empirical scrutiny.
McCabe, 1990), children with attention de®cit Few studies of executive function measures
disorder (Pennington, Groisser, & Welsh, 1993), (but see Heidrich & Denney, 1994), and none of
and women with fragile-x syndrome (Mazzoco, the TOH studies above, have examined the age
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Hagerman, Cronister-Silverman, & Pennington, effects in relation to a broader set of background

1992), tend to show de®cits in TOH performance variables. This is the case even though the
as well. Furthermore, solving the TOL task has importance of examining age differences in
been associated with increased activation in neuro cognitive performance in relation to other individ-
imaging studies (Morris, Ahmed, Syed, & Toone, ual difference variables has been widely recog-
1993; Rezai et al., 1993). It should be noted, nized in the last decade. A few cognitive
however, that patients with lesions in other brain correlates of TOH performance have been
areas, such as the right temporal lobe (Morris reported in non-aging studies, though. General
et al., 1997) and the cerebellum (Grafman et al., intelligence and working memory capacity con-
1992) have also been found to exhibit de®cits in stitute two potentially in¯uential factors. As
solving the TOH. regards IQ, only a moderate association with
Of primary concern here, normal aging has TOH performance has been observed in most
been associated with frontal/executive impair- studies (Ewert & Lambert, 1932; Vernon &
ments (West, 1996). Speci®cally, age-related Strudensky, 1988; but see Welsh, Pennington,
de®cits have been observed across a variety of & Groisser, 1991). However, Carpenter, Just, &
neuropsychological tests assumed to tap these Shell (1990) observed a substantial correlation
functions, including the Wisconsin Card Sorting (0.77) between number of moves to solution and
Test (Heaton, Chelune, Talley, Kay, & Curtiss, ¯uid intelligence (Raven's Matrices), using parti-
1993), the Porteus Maze Test (Daigneault, Braun, cipants pre-trained on a solution (goal-recursion)
& Whitaker, 1992), the Stroop Test (Verhaeghen strategy. They hypothesized that these variables
& De Meersman, 1998), and the Trail Making shared variance due to the fact that both tasks
Test (Kennedy, 1981). On this basis, one might basically re¯ect working memory capacity. No
expect poorer TOH performance with advanced independent working memory measure was used
age. Very few studies, have addressed this issue though, and a recent study by Lehto (1996; see
directly, however. In the latest edition of Neuro- also Welsh, Satterlee-Carmell, & Stine, 1999)
logical Assessment, Lezak (1995) referred to failed to ®nd any signi®cant associations be-
control group data from a patient study by tween TOH performance and a variety working
Glosser and Goodglass (1990) to suggest that memory measures. Given the intimate relation
TOH performance is age invariant in the range between the constructs of executive function and
40±79 years. Whereas Schmidtke, Handschu, and working memory (Pennington, Benetto, McAleer,
Vollmer (1996) reported a similar result, at least & Roberts, 1996), this result is somewhat
three studies devoted to skill learning/procedural surprising. Thus, studies examining the relations
memory (i.e., improvements across multiple test between TOH performance and measures of
trials), are consistent with an overall age de®cit in intelligence and working memory capacity in
TOH performance (Davies and Bernstein, 1992; young adults have yielded somewhat inconclusive
Vakil, & Agmon-Ashkenazi, 1997; Vakil, Hoff- results.
man, & Myzliek, 1998). Finally, Brennan, Welsh The aim of the present study was to examine
and Fisher (1997) observed age-related perfor- age differences in TOH performance in relation
mance de®cits across a series of TOH problems to a select set of demographic and cognitive

variables of theoretical interest. One variable A measure of episodic memory (Tulving,

considered was education. In Sweden, as is true 1983) was also included in the present study.
for most Western countries, there are marked Episodic memory is generally considered to be
differences between younger and older adults separate from executive functidon (Pennington
with respect to mean number of years of formal et al., 1996), and has long been associated with
education, in favor of the young. It is also well- medial temporal and diencephalic brain areas. A
known that education is positively related to a number of studies suggest that, in addition, the
variety of abilities within the domain of cognitive frontal lobes are critically involved (Cabeza &
functioning (Inouye, Albert, Mohs, Sun, & Berk- Nyberg, 1997; Moscovich and Winocur, 1995).
man, 1993). It should be noted, though, that Few studies have examined the relation
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Glosser and Goodglass (1990) failed to ®nd between episodic memory measures and TOH
effects of education upon TOH performance. performance directly, but evidence that amnesics
Concerning sex differences in performance, one tend to show performance de®cits (Morris et al.,
study has reported an advantage for males in 1997) suggests that episodic memory de®cits
number of moves and fewer illegal moves (LeÁon- hampers TOH performance. Schmidtke et al.
CarrioÁn et al., 1991). (1996) moreover found that memory (as assessed
Still another variable we considered was by the Wechsler Memory Scale) and TOH
visuospatial ability, as measured by Block Design performances were correlated in amnesics (unfor-
(Wechsler, 1981), a test which is known to be tunately, no memory data were reported for the
highly age-sensitive (Lezak, 1995; Wechsler, control subjects). On the other hand, results by
1981). Presumably, the processes underlying Mazzocco et al. (1992) revealed a dissociation
TOH performance may include a spatial compo- between episodic memory (paired-associate
nent, in addition to a planning (executive) recall) and TOH performance, such that their
component. Several lines of evidence are sugges- patient group (fragile-x women) showed impaired
tive of this. Effects of secondary task performance TOH performance despite evidence of enhanced
upon solving the TOL and TOH tasks indicate recall as compared with controls. Thus, whereas
that visuospatial rehearsal is critically involved poor TOH performance is not necessarily asso-
(Phillips, Wynn, Gilhooly, Della Sala, & Logie, ciated with de®cits in episodic memory, it may be
1999; Welsh, Cicerello, Cuneo, & Brennan, an important factor to consider, especially as
1995). Moreover, Schmidtke et al. (1996) found episodic memory is associated with sizeable age-
an association between visuospatial ability related impairments (see Kausler, 1994 for a
(a composite score of the Block Design and review).
Object Assembly tests), and TOH performance in Finally, we included measures of word ¯uency.
a group of amnesic patients. These test perfor- Word ¯uency tasks are commonly assumed to
mances were unrelated in healthy controls, re¯ect frontal/executive function (Stuss & Ben-
however. Also in support of the notion of a spatial son, 1986). A high degree of association between
task component, Rezai et al. (1996) found this measure and TOH performance should hence
increased blood ¯ow in the right parietal lobe be indicative of convergent validity of the
area during TOL performance, in addition to the measures. A signi®cant correlation between word
increased frontal activation. A similar ®nding was ¯uency and TOH has been reported in amnesics
reported by Baker et al. (1996), who in addition to (Schmidtke et al., 1996) and in children (Gnys
prefrontal activation found activation in structures and Willis, 1991). As concerns age effects in word
normally associated with spatial working memory ¯uency performance, there is evidence of moder-
tasks. Thus, to evaluate the hypothesis that ate differences in favor of young individuals
potential age differences in TOH performance (Ardila & Roselli, 1989; Schaie & Willis, 1993;
are caused by a de®cit in executive processes it but see Daigneault, Braun, & Whitaker, 1992).
was considered important to include a measure to A hierarchic regression methodology was
control for differences in visuospatial ability employed. Simple regression analyses were con-
(Shallice, 1982). ducted to see if there was an age effect for the

Table 1. Summary Statistics for Independent Measures Across Age Groups (M, SD).

Age group Education Block Design Fluency A Fluency B Recall SPT Recall VT
(gender: F/M) max ˆ 51
M (SD) M (SD) M (SD) M (SD) M (SD) M (SD)

35 (49/51) 12.9 (2.5) 34.8 (9.1) 12.8 (4.4) 5.0 (2.0) 10.9 (2.4) 6.2 (2.8)
40 (148/144) 13.6 (2.9) 34.4 (9.0) 13.2 (4.5) 5.2 (2.0) 10.5 (2.4) 6.7 (2.8)
45 (151/137) 13.6 (3.4) 31.3 (9.1) 12.8 (4.8) 5.1 (2.3) 10.4 (2.6) 6.3 (2.8)
50 (151/137) 12.2 (3.8) 31.8 (8.8) 12.7 (4.6) 5.4 (2.3) 9.8 (2.4) 5.4 (2.7)
55 (161/128) 10.6 (3.6) 28.8 (9.4) 11.8 (4.6) 5.0 (2.2) 9.4 (2.6) 5.4 (2.6)
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60 (161/128) 9.6 (3.7) 26.7 (8.4) 11.7 (4.9) 4.9 (2.2) 8.5 (2.7) 4.9 (2.4)
65 (159/133) 8.3 (3.0) 23.4 (8.2) 10.5 (4.7) 4.6 (2.4) 7.8 (2.6) 4.2 (2.2)
70 (170/113) 7.6 (2.8) 20.3 (8.4) 9.9 (4.7) 4.0 (2.0) 7.0 (2.6) 3.8 (2.0)
75 (164/115) 7.8 (3.4) 19.0 (8.2) 9.1 (4.2) 3.8 (2.1) 6.1 (2.9) 3.3 (2.2)
80 (159/113) 7.2 (2.6) 15.4 (8.2) 8.1 (4.3) 3.2 (1.9) 5.2 (2.8) 2.5 (1.9)
85 (83/43) 7.1 (2.6) 13.1 (7.8) 7.2 (4.7) 2.9 (2.0) 3.9 (2.6) 1.9 (1.5)

Note. SPT: subject-performed tasks, VT: verbal tasks.

three dependent measures considered. In a second 1993±1995. The total sample involved 874 returnees
step, the demographic (sex, education) and from the ®rst measurement occasion (T1), 5 years
cognitive variables (Block Design, Word ¯uency, earlier, as well as 1985 individuals from two
additional samples. The latter individuals were
Recall) were entered before age, in order to tested for the ®rst time at T2 (see Nilsson et al.,
determine whether an age effect remained after 1997 for a full description of the design). It should be
considering the in¯uence of the background noted that the TOH-task was administered for the
variables (West, Crook & Barron, 1991; Nyberg, ®rst time at T2. Participants could be divided into 11
BaÈckman, Erngrund, Olofsson, & Nilsson, 1996). age cohorts (35, 40, 45, . . . , 85 years at date of test)
The data on which this study is based emanate and were randomly drawn from the population
from an ongoing longitudinal study on memory registry in UmeaÊ, a city of about 100,000 inhabi-
tants, in Northern Sweden. Participants that were
and health, the Betula study (Nilsson et. al., tested for the ®rst time were all screened for
1997). The data were from the second wave of dementia during the recruitment phase, as were
data collection (1993±1995), in which the TOH those from the re-tested sample at T1 (see Nilsson
task was administered for the ®rst time. Hence, et al., 1997 for further details concerning recruitment
the data reported are cross-sectional. A ®ne- and exclusion criteria adopted in the Betula study).
grained examination of age differences was From the re-tested sample, data for individuals with
possible by including a broad range of age groups a dementia diagnosis were consequently excluded.
In addition, data for 45 participants were excluded
(35±85 years; N ˆ 2798). The sample was from the present study due to the fact that they, for
population-based in that the participants were various reasons, had not attempted the TOH task.
randomly selected from the general population. Hence the ®nal number of participants considered
As such, the results should be of value as for the present study was 2798. Their distribution
normative data for future studies. across age cohorts and gender is presented in Table 1.

Materials and Procedure

METHOD The Tower of Hanoi puzzle was constructed from a
rectangular block of wood (29.5  102 cm). Three
Participants wooden pegs (9 cm high) were inserted to the base
Participants were from the Betula prospective cohort 9 cm apart. Five disks made of wood and graduated
study (Nilsson et al., 1997). The data were collected in size were used (8, 7, 6, 5, and 4 cm in diameter,
as part of the second measurement occasion (T2) in respectively).

The task was administered at the second of the Education

two visits each subject made to ful®ll their parti- Self-reported number of years in formal education
cipation in the study. The ®rst visit was primarily served as the measure of education. A few missing
devoted to medical examination and collection of values (1.8%) were noted. For returnees, missing
questionnaire data, and the second visit mainly values were replaced with the corresponding T1 data
involved testing of various cognitive functions. The (n ˆ 19).2
task was presented after approximately 70 min from
the beginning of the test session. Block Design
In the starting position the ®ve disks were placed Participants underwent the Block Design Test
on the leftmost peg, with the largest disk at the (Wechsler, 1981), and in the following analyses the
bottom and the smallest on top. The experimenter obtained raw scores were used.
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told the participant that the goal was to duplicate

this formation on another peg. Hence, the right as Word Fluency
well as the middle peg served as the goal peg In the ®st task participants were asked to say aloud
(Butters, Wolfe, Martone, Granholm, & Cermak, as many words as possible with an initial A
1985). (¯uency A), in 1 min. In the second task they were
The disks could be moved to any peg given three requested to generate as many professions as
restrictions: (a) one disk only could be moved at a possible with an initial B (¯uency B), in 1 min.
time, (b) a larger disk could not be placed on a The measure used in the following analysis was a
smaller disk, and (c), a disk to be moved always had composite score of the two ¯uency tasks, computed
to be placed on a peg (i.e. a disk could not be by averaging the z-scores.
removed entirely from the puzzle). Participants were
requested to solve the task in as few moves as Recall
possible, and as fast as possible. With ®ve disks the Two lists of 16 sentences (e.g. roll the ball, lift the
minimum number of moves is 31. book) were presented to the participants at study
The experimenter recorded the number of moves together with instructions to memorize them. During
on a response protocol. If the participant made an study of one of the two lists the participant was
illegal move, violating any of the rules (a)±(c) as requested to perform the appropriate action (SPT;
described above, the experimenter pointed out the subject performed task), whereas before presentation
error directly, recorded it, and the disk-state prior of the other list no speci®c instructions was given
to the illegal move was reinstated. A maximum of (VT; verbal task). Following presentation of the last
20 min was allotted for completing the task. In some item in each list, participants were requested to
cases a participant wanted to give up the problem orally recall as many of the imperatives as possible,
before the time had run out. In such cases the experi- in any order. A composite measure, computed by
menter encouraged the subject to complete the task averaging the z-score of number of recalled
without giving any hints as to the way of solving the sentences for the two lists, was used.
problem (e.g. ``It would be good if you would give it Table 1 provides a summary of the individual dif-
another try, you still have time left''). In a certain ference variables across age groups. All of the cog-
number of cases, the participant nevertheless wanted nitive variables were negatively associated with age
to quit the task. In such cases the time was recorded, ( p < .01).
as well as the ®nal position of the disks. In still other
cases, the time ran out without the participant being
able to complete the task. In such cases, the ®nal RESULTS
position was recorded. The way these categories of
cases were treated in further analyses is outlined
below. Preliminary Analyses
Participants may be divided into three categories
with respect to performance on the TOH: (a) those
Predictors who managed to reach the solution within the
time-limit, (b) those who did not manage to solve
Gender the task before the time limit had elapsed, (c)
Participants within each cohort were sampled so that
the gender distribution would approximate that in
the total population. As a consequence, there were 2
In the subsequent analyses, the few cases containing a
more women (n ˆ 1556) than men (n ˆ 1242) in the missing value for this, or any of the other predictor
total sample. variables, were dropped.

Table 2. Percentage of Participants Solving and Not For the number of moves-to-completion mea-
Solving the TOH Task in Time Across Age sure, the following analyses will include data for
the ®rst participant category only (i.e., solvers). In
Age Solved Not solved Broken off the analyses of time to completion and number of
group within time within time illegal moves, on the other hand, ratio measures
limit limit (time/total number of legal moves, illegal moves/
total number of legal moves) were used. The
35 92.0 1.0 7.0
40 94.5 1.4 4.1
advantage of correcting for moves is twofold.
45 93.8 1.7 4.5 First, it should allow for the latency- and illegal
moves data to be analyzed independently of
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50 94.8 1.0 4.2

55 90.7 3.1 6.2 number of moves. Speci®cally, the number of
60 86.9 2.4 10.7 moves and time to completion measure were
65 88.0 2.4 9.6
70 85.2 3.2 11.7
substantially associated (r ˆ .66 for the two
75 77.4 4.7 17.9 measures), such that a mean increase in number
80 64.0 7.7 28.3 of moves may almost inevitably lead to a mean
85 54.8 4.8 40.5 increase in time to completion. A higher inci-
Total 85.1 3.0 11.9 dence of rule violations might in a similar vein be
expected as the total number of moves increases.
Second, using the ratio measures allows for
analyzing data for, in principle, all of the
those who gave up the task before the time limit participants3, and not only those who managed
had elapsed. Table 2 presents the frequency of to solve the task. Given that non-solvers scored
persons within each of the categories, across age lower than solvers on the background variables,
groups. In line with the predicted age effect, the and given the fact that task-rejection rates were
percentage of persons solving the task within the high for the two oldest cohorts, underestimation
time limit decreased with advancing age, whereas of the age effects should presumably be circum-
the opposite pattern was true for the other two vented by using these measures. Parallel analyses,
subject categories, as con®rmed by simple restricted to solvers were conducted for the
regression analyses (p < .01). Various factors move latency and illegal moves data, however,
might explain the fact that some participants and we report cases in which results from the
failed to complete the task or gave up the task. two sets of analyses deviate. For sake of
Lack of motivation and fatigue may have been the comparisons with other studies we also present
reason, at least in some cases. It is also possible means and standard deviations across age groups
that the group of `non-solvers' differed system- for the two other basic TOH measures, time to
atically in cognitive abilities from those who completion and absolute number of illegal moves,
managed the task. in addition to (excess) moves to completion
Table 3 presents values on the background (Table 4).4
variables for participants not solving the TOH
puzzle, across age groups. The education measure
and the measures of the cognitive variables are 3
expressed in terms of standard deviations of the A few cases were detected for which the time had not
recorded for participants who had broken off. Observa-
group that managed to solve the TOH. These tions more than four standard deviations from the
indicate that, across age groups, non-solvers sample mean were furthermore discarded in these
scored lower in each of the cognitive measures, analyses. Nevertheless, data for more than 98% of the
especially Block Design. Mean level of education participants were included.
tended to be lower in non-solvers as well (all 4
Preliminary analyses involving retest status as a
p < .01). Finally, there were more women (69.0%) predictor yielded no overall effect for any of the
in the group of non-solvers than expected from dependent measures, and no interactions with age.
chance (57.9%, p < .01, two-tailed test). Hence, the data were collapsed across this factor.

Table 3. Background Characteristics for Participants Not Solving the TOH Task, Across Age Groups. Values for
Education and Cognitive Measures are Expressed in Terms of Standard Deviations of Participants Solving
the Task.

Age group Education Variable

Block Design Word ¯uency Recall

35 (6/2) ÿ0.29 ÿ0.86 ÿ0.98 ÿ0.37

40 (11/5) ÿ0.01 ÿ0.69 0.14 ÿ0.20
45 (14/4) ÿ0.17 ÿ0.58 ÿ0.37 ÿ0.79
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50 (12/3) ÿ0.50 ÿ0.79 ÿ0.40 ÿ0.31

55 (21/6) ÿ0.54 ÿ1.06 ÿ0.64 ÿ0.34
60 (24/14) ÿ0.46 ÿ0.95 ÿ0.41 ÿ0.70
65 (25/10) ÿ0.20 ÿ0.73 ÿ0.34 ÿ0.25
70 (24/18) ÿ0.21 ÿ0.56 ÿ0.82 ÿ0.59
75 (44/19) ÿ0.27 ÿ0.78 ÿ0.58 ÿ0.52
80 (65/34) ÿ0.20 ÿ0.55 ÿ0.53 ÿ0.53
85 (41/16) ÿ0.25 ÿ0.77 ÿ0.70 ÿ0.50
Weighted M ÿ0.27 ÿ0.72 ÿ0.54 ÿ0.50

Table 4. Summary Statistics for Three TOH Measures all background variables were entered in the
(Solvers) Across Age Groups (M, SD). further analyses.
Age Excess Time to Illegal
group moves completion moves Reliability Estimates
M (SD) M (SD) M (SD) To our knowledge, reliability estimates for the
TOH task have been provided in three previous
35 30.5 (20.6) 313.0 (182.7) 0.7 (1.2) studies. A test±retest reliability estimate of .74
40 31.6 (23.4) 338.8 (195.8) 0.9 (1.4)
45 36.4 (25.6) 377.2 (221.9) 1.0 (1.4)
was provided by Willis (1991), in a study of
50 35.4 (24.8) 376.7 (224.5) 1.3 (1.8) children, using a very brief interval (25 min)
55 35.6 (26.0) 400.4 (219.4) 1.3 (1.6) between trials. Humes, Welsh, Retzlaff, and
60 36.8 (24.5) 424.5 (247.2) 1.5 (2.3) Cookson (1997) reported a split-half correlation
65 39.5 (26.5) 445.6 (240.3) 1.7 (2.3) of .87 in a study in which TOH performance was
70 38.9 (25.6) 479.8 (241.0) 2.3 (2.8)
75 40.7 (27.0) 500.6 (268.6) 2.4 (2.9)
assessed by a series of sub-problems. Lehto
80 38.8 (25.6) 517.2 (230.0) 3.2 (3.9) (1996) reported a Cronbach Alpha of .53, using
a similar way of assessing TOH performance.
In light of concerns as regards the measure-
ment properties of this and related tasks (Lowe &
To check for potential problems with multi- Rabbitt, 1998) we examined stability coef®cients
collinearity among the measures, each of the (test±retest correlations) in a group of participants
independent variables were regressed against (n ˆ 336, baseline age: 40±45) for which 5-year
each other (Nyberg, BaÈckman, Erngrund, Olofs- longitudinal data were available. The results
son, & Nilsson, 1996; West et al., 1991). None of were: r ˆ .20 for moves, r ˆ .27 for illegal moves
the variables predicted each other at a problematic (corrected for moves), and r ˆ .45 for the move
level (R < . 70). Also, an examination of the zero- latency measure. These estimates are clearly
order correlations between the independent and lower than previous estimates, which may have
dependent variables revealed that all of the to do with the way the TOH task was posed (e.g. a
independent variables were signi®cantly related single trial versus a series a sub-problems), and
to at least two of the dependent measures. Thus, the long test±retest interval in the present case.

Table 5. Summary of Simple and Hierarchical Regression Analyses for Number of Moves to Completion.

Predictor B Cum. R2 R2 F (total block)

First analysis
Age .104 .011 25.97**
Second analysis
Sex ÿ.015
Education .029
Block Design ÿ.148*
Word ¯uency .012
Downloaded by [Bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal] at 10:46 08 December 2014

Recall ÿ.138* .044 21.48*

Age ÿ.052 .045 .001 18.46*

Note. * p < :0001; a the B-coef®cients are from the equation including age as a predictor.

We will return to this issue in the Section turned out as the only signi®cant predictors of this
``DISCUSSION'' measure.

Regression Analyses Move Latency

Only results at, or below, the alpha-level .001 will Turning to the move latency (time/move) mea-
be reported. The conservative signi®cance level is sure, the data depicted in Figure 1, much in line
motivated by the large sample size. As there was a with the time to completion data (Table 4), show a
trend for distributions to be positively skewed continuous age related slowing of performance.
across the three dependent measures, the data The age effect appears to be magni®ed when
were subjected to a logarithmic transformation considering all of the participants, rather than
(log 10y; Fox, 1991) before each of the following solvers only, much in line with our reasoning
analyses.5 above. A simple regression analysis con®rmed
these impressions (R2 ˆ .136 for the total sample,
Moves to Completion and R2 ˆ .089, when the analysis was restricted to
Inspection of the mean values in Table 4 suggest a solvers). After controlling for the background
tendency for the number of (excess) moves to variables, a marginally signi®cant amount of age-
increase somewhat from the youngest adults (30.5 related in¯uence remained (Fchange(1, 2747) ˆ
for 35-year-olds) to the oldest (37.8 for 85-year- 12.65). This effect hardly captures theoretical
olds). The results of the simple regression interest, however, considering that the amount of
analysis, presented in Table 5, con®rmed the unique age-related variance was less than half a
impression that age was positively associated with percent (i.e., a reduction of the age-related
number of moves. It should be noted, however, in¯uence by approximately 97%). As is seen in
that age only accounted for about 1% of the Table 6, an effect of sex, consistent with faster
variance. The age effect was eliminated when the performance in men was observed. In addition,
other variables were entered before age Block Design, word ¯uency, and recall turned out
(Fchange(1, 2374) ˆ 3.24, n.s.). The total set of as signi®cant predictors of this measure, the total
variables accounted for a little less than ®ve set of variables accounting for about 27% of the
percent of the variance. Block Design and recall variance in performance. As regards the relative
in¯uence of the predictors, and the effect of
5 removing their in¯uence from the age effect, the
Prior to transformation of raw data for illegal moves, a
constant (1) was added to each observation to attain the corresponding analyses for solvers yielded a
requirement that all values should be positive (i.e., pattern of results virtually identical to that above,
0-scores were observed). and hence the data are not reported.
Downloaded by [Bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal] at 10:46 08 December 2014

Fig. 1. Mean time per move across age groups, for solvers and for all of the participants ( SEM).

Illegal Moves. (1, 2752) ˆ 4.34, n.s.), as seen in Table 7. Effects

The data for illegal moves (corrected for total of sex, consistent with better performance (fewer
number of moves) as presented in Figure 2, errors) in men, Block Design, recall, and word
suggest that there is a gradual age-related increase ¯uency were observed for this measure. Again,
in the probability of rule violations. The effect the principle ®ndings were the same in the
appears to be more pronounced when data for corresponding analyses of solvers, and the results
non-solvers as well as solvers are considered as are not reported here.
compared to when only data for solvers are
included. Simple regression analyses showed that
age was associated with a little more than 10% of DISCUSSION
the variance in this measure (eight, in the group of
solvers). The age effect was eliminated when the The purpose of the present study was to examine
other variables were entered before age (Fchange age-related differences in the Tower of Hanoi

Table 6. Summary of Simple and Hierarchical Regression Analyses for Move Latency (time per move).

Predictor B Cum. R2 R2 F (total block)

First analysis
Age .368 .136 431.79**
Second analysis
Sexb ÿ.136**
Education .027
Block Design ÿ.253**
Word ¯uency ÿ.164**
Recall ÿ.124** .264 194.48**
Age .084* .268 .004 164.87**

Note. *p < :001, **p < :0001; a the B-coef®cients are from the equation including age as a predictor; b a negative
coef®cient indicates that men were faster than women.
Downloaded by [Bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal] at 10:46 08 December 2014

Fig. 2. Mean number of illegal moves per move across age groups, for solvers and for all of the participants
( SEM).

Puzzle in a population-based sample of adults moves required for solving the TOH, a gradual
between the ages 35 and 85 years, before and after decrease in speed of performance, and a contin-
controlling for age differences in other demo- uous increase in illegal moves conducted, respec-
graphic and cognitive factors. First, we will tively. Also, the task rejection rate tended to be
consider the overall results with regard to the higher in the oldest cohorts. This was especially
simple and hierarchical regression analyses, then true for the 80-, and 85-year olds, a ®nding which
we turn to the relative in¯uence of the demo- itself is suggestive of an age-related performance
graphic and cognitive background variables. de®cit, especially considering the fact that non-
As indicated by simple regression analyses, solvers were found to perform worse on the
each of the TOH measures considered was cognitive background variables. To this point, our
associated with age-related de®cits. These effects results con®rm that Tower of Hanoi is an age
re¯ected an age-related increase in the number of sensitive task (Brennan et al., 1997; Vakil, &

Table 7. Summary of Simple and Hierarchical Regression Analyses for Number of Illegal Moves per Move.

Predictor B Cum. R2 R2 F (total block)

First analysis
Age .324 .105 323.13**
Second analysis
Sexb ÿ.109**
Education .018
Block Design ÿ.211**
Word ¯uency ÿ.093**
Recall ÿ.184** .206 140.59**
Age .051 .207 .001 118.02**

Note. **p < :0001; a the B-coef®cients are from the equation including age as a predictor; b a negative coef®cient
indicates that men made fewer illegal moves than women.

Agmon-Ashkenazi, 1997), and extend the results tended to solve the task somewhat faster and to
across a wide range of the adult life span. make fewer illegal moves. Also, women tended to
The age effects were quite substantial in be over-represented in the group of individuals
magnitude for the move latency measure and for that did not manage to solve the task. The reason
illegal moves, but for the moves-to-completion for this effect is dif®cult to disentangle within the
measure they were very small (cf., Vakil & scope of the present study.
Agmon- Ashkenazi, 1997, but see Vakil et al., As concerns the cognitive variables, Block
1998). This pattern of results must probably be Design was found to be an especially powerful
interpreted in light of different reliabilities of the predictor of TOH performance. This con®rms that
measures. The moves-to-completion measure, in TOH involve a spatial task component. As regards
Downloaded by [Bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal] at 10:46 08 December 2014

particular, might have less than ideal psycho- age differences, the result suggests that portions
metric properties. It should be pointed out, how- of the age-related de®cits in TOH are attributable
ever, that the low test±retest correlations may to impairments in visuospatial ability, apart from
re¯ect a certain amount of true age-change in an executive or `frontal' dysfunction. A possible
addition to unreliability, as they were based on 5- objection is that Block Design score may be
year follow up data. Also, the relative sensitivity sensitive to frontal lobe/executive function. Spe-
of the TOH measures is most likely not static. ci®cally, the Block Design test has been con-
Speci®cally, one would expect that a certain sidered a central marker of ¯uid intelligence
speed-accuracy trade off to be involved. The (Snow, Kyllonen, & Marshalek, 1984). Other
relative weight assigned to speed or accuracy are such tests, (Culture Fair Test, Raven's Matrices)
in turn likely sensitive to task instructions. have in turn been suggested to rely heavily on
Emphasizing the importance of accuracy, or ef®cient prefrontal functioning (Duncan, Emslie,
setting a ®xed pace of moving disks, might have & Williams, 1996; Prabhakaran, Smith, Glover, &
yielded quite a different pattern of results. It is Gabrieli, 1997). Frontal lobe patients may,
also for future studies to consider if different however, show preserved Block Design (and total
solution strategies (Simon, 1975) tax different WAIS) performance, despite severe de®cits in the
underlying cognitive processes. latter type of ¯uid tests (Duncan, Burgess, &
Having established that TOH is an age Emslie, 1995; see also Criella & Yu, 2000 for a
sensitive task, at least in some its aspects, we critical review of the hypothesis that psycho-
wished to examine the extent to which the age metric g equals executive function). Finally,
effects were predictable from demographic and lesion data and results from a PET study indicate
other, presumably more basic, cognitive variables. that Block Design predominantly re¯ects right
For two of the TOH measures the variance in parietal lobe functioning (Chase et al., 1984;
performance due to age was eliminated comple- Warrington, James, & Maciejewski, 1986), com-
tely when controlling for the in¯uence from the monly associated with visuospatial processes.
background variables. For the third measure Word ¯uency, on the other hand, has been
(move latency), the amount of unique age-related considered to tap frontal lobe/executive function-
variance, albeit signi®cant, was less than half a ing (Stuss & Benson, 1986). Word ¯uency was
percent, which must be regarded as negligible. associated with TOH latency, which possibly
This implies that further knowledge as to the re¯ects the speed-related properties of the two
reasons for the age effects in performance should measures. There was a weak association with the
be sought for by examining how the aging illegal-moves measure, but not with moves to
processes relate to the mediator variables. completion (cf., Schmidke et al., 1996). In neither
Turning to the in¯uence of the demographic case did word ¯uency stand out as the best
factors, we found no effects of education upon predictor. Possibly, this indicates that age differ-
TOH performance, consistent with prior results ences in the various TOH measures and word
(Glosser & Goodglass, 1990). For two dependent ¯uency do not manifest a common age-related
measures, gender effects turned out signi®cant. dysfunction. It is possible, of course that they
Much in line with LeÁon-CarrioÁn et al. (1991), men re¯ect different executive functions (Stuss &

Benson, 1986). Indeed, results by Welsh et al. our results may perhaps best be regarded as
(1991) indicated that TOH performance loads indicative of age de®cits in both an executive and
on a separate factor when considering inter- a visuospatial task component. Hence, whereas
correlations between various executive function we acknowledge that it would be faulty to think
measures (in children). Either way, to have of the various cognitive measures included here
discriminant validity one should expect executive as `process pure', it is presumably not the
function measures to be more strongly linked with case that the age differences observed in the total
each other than with measures outside this set of variables included, re¯ect an age-related
domain (see also Gnys & Willis, 1991). In this de®cit in a single factor. To examine this further,
respect, the ®nding that especially Block Design we performed a series of supplementary analyses
Downloaded by [Bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal] at 10:46 08 December 2014

proved to be better predictor than word ¯uency is in which we used each of the cognitive back-
notable. ground variables as regressors, and the other
The recall measure was furthermore a con- variables (including the TOH latency measure) as
sistent predictor of TOH performance, supporting predictors. In line with our prediction, Block
the view that episodic memory is related to Design, and recall (Nyberg et al., 1996) was
successful performance. Recall was especially a associated with substantial amounts of unique
prominent predictor of illegal moves. Brennan age-related variance, in contrast with the TOH
et al. (1997) attributed the age-related increase in measures.
illegal moves to declines in executive functioning It may still be considered worthwhile, how-
and more speci®cally to an age-related inability of ever, for future studies to examine the extent to
shifting set, which in turn may re¯ect lack of which the cognitive measures re¯ect age-related
inhibitory control. Problems in remembering the reductions in some general factor, such as that
task instructions, however, may also contribute to indexed by perceptual speed measures (Salthouse,
the age-related increase in rule violations. It Fristoe, & Rhee, 1996). Age-related increases in
furthermore appears likely that recollection of Stroop-interference (Salthouse & Meinz, 1995),
speci®c sequences of prior moves reduces the and de®cits in Trail Making performance (Salt-
number of moves to completion and contribute to house & Fristoe, 1995), constitute examples of
speed of performance, by reducing the risk of `executive' de®cits which seem largely predict-
perserveration (Schmidtke et al., 1996). able from age-related slowing. Also, neuro
Taken together, the present results indicate that imaging might serve as one tool to gain knowl-
age-related de®cits in TOH performance may be edge concerning the neurological underpinnings
associated with impairments in visuospatial of the putative TOH components (i.e., executive
ability, and that episodic memory de®cits may and visuospatial) in relation to the age differ-
be an additional factor. Interestingly, patients with ences.
dementia of the Alzheimer type, who exhibit
profound de®cits in these two capacities, perform
poorly in a disk-transfer task (TOL), even when CONCLUSIONS
the task is very simple (Rainville, Fabrigoule,
Amieva, & Dartigues, 1998). Relatively weak The chief objective of this study was to examine
associations between TOH measures and ¯uency whether the Tower of Hanoi puzzle is an age-
may seem to indicate that de®cits in TOH not sensitive task, something which has not been
necessarily re¯ect a general executive de®cit. On established in previous studies. At least for two
the other hand, our recall measure may also re¯ect aspects of the task, speed of performance and the
executive processes, indirectly. As noted above, probability of conducting rule violations, the data
prefrontal brain areas play an important role in clearly demonstrate that TOH is age sensitive.
recall. Speci®cally, executive function (as Our regression analyses suggest that the age
re¯ected by complex working memory measures) de®cits re¯ect an age-related impairment in
has been considered a determinant of age visuospatial ability in addition to impairments in
differences in free recall (Park et al., 1996). Thus, executive functions.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS memory. Journal of Gerontology: Psychological

sciences, 46, P31±P36.
Criella, F.M., & Yu, J. (2000). Brain mechanisms and
This research was supported by grants to Lars- intelligence. Psychometric g and executive function.
GoÈran Nilsson from the Bank of Sweden Intelligence, 27, 299±327.
Tercentenary Foundation, the Swedish Council Daigneault, S., Braun, C.M.J., & Whitaker, H.A.
for Planning and Coordination of Research in the (1992). Early effects of normal aging on perserva-
Humanities and Social Sciences, and the Swedish tive and non-perservative prefrontal measures.
Developmental Psychology, 8, 99±114.
Council for Social Research. Davis, P., & Bernstein, A. (1992). Age-related changes
We are grateful to Lars Nyberg for helpful in explicit and implicit memory. In L.R. Squire & N.
comments on previous drafts, and to two anon-
Downloaded by [Bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal] at 10:46 08 December 2014

Butters (Eds.), Neuropsychology of memory (pp.

ymous reviewers for constructive criticism. 249±261). New York: Guilford Press.
Denckla, M.B. (1996). A theory and model of executive
function. In G.R. Lyon (Ed.), Attention, memory,
and executive function (pp. 263±278). Baltimore:
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