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Larry cienega May 11,2023


Myths of astronomy

Dr. Target went to a lot of universities to learn about astronomy in the

United Kingdom. He was born in the United Kingdom He lived there his whole

life then went to another university here in california. I learned a lot of

things from this stem cafe like pinpointing an asteroid chances are 1 billion. I

also learned that the sun is white because if the sun was yellow everything you

would see would be yellow. Another thing I learned is that a lot of people

think an asteroid is hot but it's not, the meteorite that's on fire is the air

around it. A meteor has been in space for billions of years. If you were to

pick up a meteor you would get a cold burn. Another thing i learned was that

people always wondered if the “ great face on mars “ was an actual person's

face but this is called a phenomenon called “ paredomia “. another thing i

learned from the stem cafe is that a lot of people think the stars twinkle but

in reality stars are very still but when stars light up and it hits our

atmosphere and blinks. I learned a lot from that stem cafe i dont think its

very important but it's very cool to know and understand so next time a star
twinkles at me ik its not actually twinkling it's just the reflection off our

atmosphere honestly i dont think i will every use this information in my daily

life but i think it's a very interesting and cool thing to learn about astronomy.

A team of wisconsin scientists has stitched together a dramatic 360-degree

portrait of the milky way that reveals never-before-seen details of our

galaxy. The new galactic portrait is made up of about 2.5 million infrared

images collected by NASA’s orbiting Spitzer Space Telescope over the last

decade. For the first time astronomers also can now measure the large-scale

structure of the galaxy using stars rather than gas. “ We can see stars being

born “ Churchwell said “ And if we can idenetify stars in the process of

forming, we can start to learn about physics of stars are formed. We dont

really understand the details of how stars are born.”

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