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In order to mock a call to config.

GetSection() and return a mock

IConfigurationSection, you can use a mocking framework such as Moq. Here's an

using Moq;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;

// Assuming this is your class that depends on IConfiguration

public class MyClass
private readonly IConfiguration _config;

public MyClass(IConfiguration config)

_config = config;

public string GetMySetting()

var mySection = _config.GetSection("MySection");
var myValue = mySection.GetValue<string>("MySetting");
return myValue;

// This is an example test method

public void TestMyClass()
// Create a mock IConfigurationSection
var mockSection = new Mock<IConfigurationSection>();
mockSection.Setup(x => x.GetValue<string>("MySetting")).Returns("test

// Create a mock IConfiguration

var mockConfig = new Mock<IConfiguration>();
mockConfig.Setup(x =>

// Create an instance of MyClass with the mock IConfiguration

var myClass = new MyClass(mockConfig.Object);

// Call the method being tested

var result = myClass.GetMySetting();

// Assert that the expected value was returned

Assert.AreEqual("test value", result);

In this example, we create a mock IConfigurationSection using Moq and set up the
GetValue() method to return a string value. We then create a mock IConfiguration and
set up the GetSection() method to return our mock IConfigurationSection.

Finally, we create an instance of MyClass with the mock IConfiguration and call the
GetMySetting() method. We assert that the method returns the expected value.

This approach allows you to mock the GetSection() method of IConfiguration and
return a mock IConfigurationSect

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