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Pathworkings to the Hellenic Primordial Gods

Hecateus Apuliensis
For the Titans, your names be renown!
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The work is based on personal research, experience, speculation, and spiritual belief. The matters
explored in the text should not be taken as professional or medical advice of any kind, and no
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recommend the use of this book in the place of conventional medicine or the field of any other
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A message from the Titans
What is Titans’ magick like?
The power of Gaia
Opening ritual with Gaia
The ritual of pathworking with the Titans
Summary of the Titans’ magick ritual
The pathworkings of the mighty Titans
The Titans of the four Pillars ritual
How a magician who does magick in this system is called
Appendix I: The Goddess above Olympians and Titans
Appendix II: What else can you do with the pathworkings?

elcome to this second book of the series “Pathworking for Magick”.

W If you already know me as an author, you may have read my first
book of this series of which the topic were the Olympians gods, the
main 12 deities of the Greek Pantheon, who were later adopted by Romans
who assimilated them with their own gods.
In mythology the Titans were the first generation of gods ruling the Universe,
and they were born from the first deities who came into being when the
Cosmos was created. In Greek cosmogony the first deities were the main
forces of the Universe, so they didn’t really have a human shape (although
they could take one when needed); some of these deities were Chaos, Gaia,
and Uranus among others. From Gaia and Uranus we had Kronos who
became the first ruler of the ordered Universe after taking away his father’s
throne, and his wife Rhea, goddess of the fertile earth (Gaia was the Earth as
a whole, representing both nurturing and destructive powers of Nature). This
first divine couple started ruling together with other Titans, the first
generation of gods. This kingdom lasted for billions of years until Kronos'
youngest son Zeus decided to take the throne for himself, defeating his father
with the help of his siblings and becoming the new king of gods and mortals,
he who started the era of the Olympians.
After this succession, Zeus decided to relinquish his father and the other
Titans in the Tartarus, a region thought to be in the deepest part of the
Underworld. Later on, many myths tell us how Zeus set free many if not all
the Titans, allowing them to retrieve their old positions or assigning them
new ones.
Of course the myth is telling us something more, if we are keen to interpret it
beyond what it literally tells us.
The first deities to come around were primordial forces who created the first
generation of gods, who gave a defined structure to the Universe. After this
generation, a new one comes and establishes a new order, being the latter one
even more powerful than the former generation. Greeks thought the
Olympians were just in their administration of Earth and it was under their
blessing that humanity could thrive. What we can see here is how the original
potential or power of the Universe started a process of refinement passing
through different steps until they took the ultimate shape we call Olympians.
But what about the Titans from a historical point of view? Who were they?
Following some studies of archaeologists and academics of ancient
religions[1], the Titans were the native gods of the Greek peninsula. These
were the deities that the original tribes of Hellas worshipped before some
Indo-European tribes brought their own gods, who culturally replaced the old
ones. The myth of the Titanomachy (the war of the Titans) would be an
inheritance of that period where the two cultures merged later on in an unique
pantheon and corpus of myths and legends.
Just to be complete, I have to mention that there is also another theory that
says Titans were gods taken from the near Middle East (Mesopotamia) with
the main intent to justify the origin of the Greek deities. By comparison, we
can actually see many similarities between the Titanic pantheon and the
Mesopotamic gods; many academics nowadays tend to accept this theory as
more valid than the one I previously mentioned.
Romans used to say veritas in medio stat, “the truth is in the middle”. Even if
we accept this alternative theory, it doesn’t mean that at some point the
Hellenic people weren’t worshiping the Titans, before that the Olympians’
cult became more widespread.
Personally I think that Titans were used to make people understand better
how the Olympians came to be, but this doesn’t mean that they (or at least
some of them) weren’t worshipped in some way. I think that many native
gods of Greece merged with the ones brought there by the Indo-European
people, as they probably had in common many characteristics. In a second
moment then, Titans appeared to explain the “genealogy” of the Olympians
and themselves merged with some aspects of older gods.
Hecate’s cult would be an example, as she is a Titan goddess that kept her
role and powers even after Zeus’s victory. Something similar happened to
Helios and Selene who were the titanic gods of the Sun and the Moon
respectively. Even Aphrodite was technically born as a Titan, being accepted
later among the Olympians.
Besides, later myths narrate how Zeus freed some Titans like his own father
Kronos to whom he asked to rule the Island of the Blessed (kind of paradise
for heroes and noble souls). This and other similar myths show us how Titans
were present in the Greek pantheon.
At school or when reading a book about Greek mythology we have the
impression that these Titans were kind of bad folks and for that reason, Zeus
fought them until he could lock them away in the most inaccessible regions
of the Underworld. It’s true that the myth of this war has meanings if we look
at it as an archetypal story, but these were later values that were given by the
Greeks themselves afterward; we don’t have to forget that the corpus of
myths were at first transmitted only orally, starting to be written in later
times. This is why many versions of the same myth exist, as they had enough
time to change and vary depending on the geographical area and the
traditions of the people who followed a specific deity.
The interesting thing though, is to notice how the Titans were not considered
something “evil”. The concept of good versus evil is a concept developed and
used by Christians who always had different views. Before their arrival, in
the ancient world, the ethical concept of good or evil when referring to gods
was not so defined.
Many Olympians took the role previously held by a Titan (e.g. the goddess of
wisdom Athena replaced Metis, a titan goddess with the same attribute), but
other titanic entities actually kept their own roles, as I have already
mentioned. According to the myth, some Titans decided to ally with Zeus
during the war and for this reason, they were rewarded with a position under
the new divine regime. Hecate is an example as according to some myths,
she’s a titan goddess who helped Zeus, and the king of gods himself highly
respected this goddess because of her great power over the sea, the earth, and
the sky.
Another example of this coexistence is the two Titans Prometheus and his
brother Epimetheus who created respectively humans and animals to populate
the Earth, after Zeus asked them to do so.
Finally it’s interesting to learn when reading some classics like the Homeric
hymns dedicated to the gods, that on some occasions the Olympians
summoned Titans’ power to produce prodigies they couldn’t do without their
For instance, the queen of Olympus Hera, decided to give birth to a new god
without the assistance of her husband. In her Homeric hymn, we read how
she called on the Titans in order to conceive a new god through their power
and without the need of having an intercourse with Zeus. This is how the god
Hephaestus was born.
Religious belief back then was not so organised and united as it is today, it
varied depending also on the population who practiced the cult to some
specific deities. There is some evidence that the Titans were venerated in the
privacy of people’s homes, along with the Olympians. The main difference is
that Olympians were the gods publicly recognised and celebrated, but each
person or family beside worshiping these gods, was also honouring other
entities and deities, and as it happens in polytheistic religions, there were
many to choose depending on someone’s feelings or needs.
Even in modern times, modern pagans tend to follow the Olympians if they
choose the Greek pantheon for their spirituality, and just a few of them
decide to approach a Titan. Don’t forget that some Titans were considered to
be Olympians after they joined their ranks, although their nature descended
from a different generation of deities.
From my point of view, each Titan and Olympian are different aspects of the
same divine concept, one representing the evolution of the other during
historical and cultural changes. Because of this I decided to dedicate a
grimoire to them where people will be able to perform magick using the
technique of the pathworking, just as I explained in my previous book
“Olympians’ Magick: pathworkings of the 12 Hellenic Gods”.
Titans’ power is even older than Olympians’, and of course it “tastes”
different, having another type of vibe. Through working with them you will
notice the difference, and if you’ll end up working with both types of deities
using my two books, you will be able to understand how you may prefer
Titans’ power for a situation and Olympians’ for another.
In my first book about pathworking I explained my relation with these deities
and that a key factor for any magician who desires to work with the
Olympians is to show respect at all times, Titans are not different and they
too deserve your respect.
Respect, attention dedicated to the deity, and the right effort to create the
means through which your magick will be able to manifest are key points to

isten to us, oh mortals, we have been in existence since the beginning of

L the Universe, and we were old even before the new gods came to
conquer the world, before they built their palaces on the peak of
We are the first voice of the Cosmos, the true roar of the forces who made
order and cast the unspeakable shadows back in the Darkness, the mother of
all. We are Nature’s rulers, and we are the Science derived for what you
barely understand. The mountains are our bones, the winds are our breaths,
the sun, the moon and all the stars are our eyes through which we see all.
We know what was and what shall be, and we are the power that feeds the
new gods so that the cycles of the world can carry on until when the divine
father Chronos will put an end to it, and Gaia will claim a new era for the
species to come.
We are Titans and we teach humanity and any other being who desires to
learn. We are the fire that originated your beginning, your source from which
the young gods drank in order to offer you the non-perishable gift. We are
Titans, the first most divine and powerful gods the Earth knew, the first to fix
the path of the stars. We walk on the border of reality, and we are reality
Our breath is magick and power without limits, and the breeze originated
from it came into you, an energy you called pneuma[2] in the language of
those who first recognised our divinity in the Universe.
When the wind strikes and you can hear it howling, when you’re cold or
warm; we’re there showing the beauty of existence, the beauty of the true
mystery you have called life and death.
We are Titans, we are primordial, and you’re the second offspring of the
Earth who also gave birth to us, our great mother Gaia. We will guide you if
you show courage, we will elevate you and make you feel the power of all the
gods and the miracles of which you’re capable of, only if you accept your
true nature.
From the Tartarus in the roots of the mountains we have been sent, we flow
in the veins of the soil like the lymph that runs under a trunk bark. From the
underworld to the Ether, we are anywhere and nowhere. Seek us in every
place you wish but only when your heart is open.
We’re the Titans and many other things as they called us in different worlds,
respect us and your magick will shine brighter than a diamond, the young
Olympians will make you heroes, and we will make you demigods. We’re
Titans, we’re here listening to humans. Speak our names, and you shall be
rewarded if your Will remembers the same origin where we all came from.

These words were “sent” to me from Titans themselves. I wouldn’t say they
were channeled but they were more inspired by the first generation of deities.
In the first book of the pathworking series I didn’t insert such a thing, rather I
added a chapter with the myth of human creation and how Athena gave the
gift of spirit to the human race created by Prometheus, the source of our
spiritual and intellectual skills.
While I was thinking of doing something similar in this book, I had the
instinct to type something a bit different and so this piece came to light.
Titans want to work with you and these words want to encourage you to
approach them, as they were often forgotten by many even during the
neopaganism renaissance we’re assisting nowadays.
Also, you can use it as an offering once you get what you requested to prove
your gratitude. By reading it, you will be remembering their spiritual identity
as they described themselves through their message to me, and from me to
you. Even reading it before performing a ritual can align you with their
essence, helping you to feel them closer. Definitely it’s a good text to
meditate a little on Titans’ nature and what their description could mean for

ince you bought this book, my guess is that you’re interested in Titans
S for a reason. Maybe, you have a thing for the entire Greek pantheon and
you want to work magically with all kinds of spirits, demigods, and gods
belonging to it.
It doesn’t matter what was the cause that made you buy this book; you want
to cast spells asking aid to the mighty Titans and that’s what I’m going to do.
I offer you a way to just do that.
First thing first, I’d like to specify how the Titans’ energies are more chthonic
than Olympians, even if Titans have a domain over things not strictly related
to Earth, like stars, the sky, and so on. I believe this is due because the Titans
originated mainly as earth deities[3], while most of the Olympians (being of an
Indo-European origin) have their essence related to the sky and light. This
kind of imprint remained well-kept in the names and main powers of the
Olympians, but on the other hand Titans kept this special and primordial link
with earth; any magician will definitely perceive a different vibe when
working with these older deities.
Another thing to keep in mind is that at their origin Titans were gods who
ruled over the natural world but also the practical side of life that derives
from the necessity of humans to learn how to cooperate with their
environment in order to live and proliferate. While each Olympian can cover
different aspects of a concept or a natural element, Titans are more specific,
and this is something that can turn in your favour when you’d like to cast
spells for really defined needs. Because of this, manifestation through Titan’s
magick can sometimes happen more quickly, but causing bigger or less subtle
changes. Don’t be afraid though, those changes won’t be drastic (unless that
is the only way to get what you ask), just different.
If you think about it, this makes sense as the Titans were the first generation
of gods to give structure not only to the Universe but also to life on earth,
being the first ones to develop knowledge and science that were later shared
with the first humans. In the following pages, you will see that there are more
deities in this grimoire than the Olympians’ Magick book. Every Titan has
powers mostly over a unique field and what is related to this field as you shall
As said above, despite what the Titanomachy myth tells us, people didn’t
abandon the Titans’ worship; you can bet that many rituals and spells of the
goetes (the Greek term for a person who practiced magick, and that possibly
was closer to the figure of a conjurer during an earlier period of Greek
history) reached out for Titans’ help.
While you’re reading these lines, you might be thinking why you should
choose to do magick with a Titan rather than an Olympian, especially if you
want something that both can help you achieve? Well, the first answer that
comes to mind is about your feelings. If you sense that a Titan fits your
situation more than an Olympian, then follow your intuition and work with
said entity in order to change reality according to your Will. In other cases
you can even receive a message or omen from an Olympian god telling you
to work with a Titan instead, whatever the reason, and in this case, it’d be
wise from your end putting into practice such a suggestion if you’ll ever
receive it. Finally, you simply could feel more comfortable with Titans, as
they are not so explored magically as other deities, and also for this, I decided
to write this book. I’m a chaos magician among other things. I know that
there are people more inclined to some types of magick than others, and
having different options at your disposal can just improve your possibilities
to manifest your magick using something you like and to which you feel
strongly drawn to. There are magicians who decide to work with both angels
and demons, then there are others who decide to work with just one group of
these entities. The same applies when deciding to work with Titans and/or
I also need to add that Titans sometimes cover powers and offices that
Olympians don’t have and in the myth, they are the first ones to consult the
Titans when their primordial knowledge and power is needed. If Zeus was
able to make his father Kronos vomit his offspring was thanks to Metis, the
titanic goddess of wisdom and knowledge who gave Zeus a special potion.
When you need more direct powers to make your magick happen, Titans
could be the best option. Of course, you also need to keep in mind another
thing, since Titans have a specific field of action, so to speak, they also may
be limited in a few cases. This doesn’t mean that magick used through them
for something not directly related to their powers won’t manifest, but it could
just take longer. This is the real difference between working with the
Olympians and the Titans; the former are more adaptable when it is time to
do magick (because oftentimes they’re associated with more abstract
concepts), while the latter not so much.
What I’ve just said doesn’t mean you are somehow “forced” to work with
both Olympians and Titans if you don’t feel like it. What this means is that
you’d need to decide what Titan is the right match for the situation you want
to change (and since there are more Titans than Olympians, choosing the
right deity is going to be pretty easy) in order to increase your chances of
success. If you’d choose a Titan that doesn’t resonate with the kind of
manifestation you’re asking, your magick could still manifest although in a
weaker way, or could even fail, in which case you should start over your
magical work but with a different deity.
If you’re not sure which Titan is the best choice to help you, you can work
first with those Titans associated with divination so as to let them guide you
in making the right choice.
What I’m trying to do with this chapter is to inform you about what
characteristics this magick has, but just as any other magick out there, if you
will use it wisely and with an open mind, I’m sure you will obtain what your
heart truly desires.
I think it’s important to highlight the differences between the magick acted by
the Titans and the one acted by the Olympians as described in my previous
book because at the end, they belong to the same system. I hope these lines
helped you.
Before moving on to the next chapter be aware that the Titans’ vibes may be
quite intense, and when working with them you could feel a strong current of
energy that shakes your inner self. In case this happens don’t worry because
that means you forged a contact with the chosen Titan deity. This kind of
event can happen with Olympians too, but with them the sensation you may
experience is gentler and not always you will feel it, even if they’re listening
to you. Olympians are more keen to make you aware of their presence or to
have listened to your request through omens, dreams and signs, while Titans
tend to manifest boldly using your emotions. If this happens, don’t be afraid
and accept the experience because that means that the primordial gods are
enlivening your powers, bringing forward your primordial potential. Of
course, don’t take what I’m saying here as something set in stone.
We are all different, and how magick takes place in our lives will depend on
many personal factors. What I’ve described here are general lines, but your
direct experience then may differ a lot from what I said here; that is fine too!
Titans are chthonian deities who acquired power over the rest of the elements
including stars, sky and so on, while Olympians are light and more abstract
gods. This last line resumes what I’ve explained in this chapter.

s we have said in the previous chapter, Titans originated from Earth

A and they have a special bond with this element. Her mother is Gaia, the
deification of Earth itself, and the primordial goddess who gave birth to
Titans themselves along with other divine creatures. Gaia is the primordial
force of Life, and her power cannot be really described. Because of these
associations, before performing the pathworking of the chosen Titan for your
magick, you will need to perform an opening ritual that will grant you Gaia’s
authority and blessing.
The opening ritual you’re about to learn will work on your aura, temporarily
modifying its vibes to help you get closer to the Titans. Another effect this
ritual will have is to stimulate your magical power helping you to recognise
your true and innate potential, which is going to be useful when doing any
kind of magick. This ritual must be performed every time you need to work
with a Titan; it will calibrate your mind-frame for the magical work ahead.
Additionally, it can be used as a meditation you can do regularly every day or
following a schedule adapted to your needs in order to deepen your link with
Earth’s energies. If you want, it can be performed together with the other two
rituals you can find in the first book of this series, Olympians' Magick.
Furthermore this ritual can work as a grounding technique, an exercise used
in many witchcraft traditions and magick groups to balance your energies or
discharge them if you have accumulated too much energy during a ritual. Just
perform the ritual as it is described, knowing that at the end of it your
personal energy will be balanced out.
Find a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed. Dim the lights in your room
if you’re indoors and sit on the ground in a comfortable position. If you want
to practice this ritual while standing, you can do it.
Now take 2 or 3 deep breaths and try to calm your mind. Focus on yourself
only, and if some distracting thoughts come to you, don’t pay attention to it
and let it simply float away.
Feel your body and its weight, feel how gravity pulls it toward the ground
allowing you to be anchored to this world we call Earth. While feeling your
weight, feel also your bones by moving your attention first to your legs and
arms, and then to your chest.
Before proceeding you need to tell out loud (if you can’t you can say it
ἱὼ Γαὶα[4]
Ηio Gaia
(Heeaw Gahyah)
At this point you need to visualise yourself starting to become a rock.
Imagine your body being petrified thanks to the connection you’re having
with the Earth. Stay as still as you can, but don’t worry if you’re moving a
little. If you can’t really stay still, just say to yourself you are.
Now that you’re a rock, a product of the Earth, you will see some cracks
appearing all over your body and a shining light is coming out of those
Once all your body is covered with these cracks, the light will start to become
more and more intense until finally your body isn’t made out of rock
anymore, you’re made completely of light.
To conclude the ritual, you will say the words following:
Σύνοιδα τὴν δύναμιν ἐμαυτήν[5]
Sínoida ten dínamin emautén
(Seénaweedah tehn deenahmeen ehmawtén)
After saying these words, let the image of your body of light fade away
slowly. Even without keeping this picture in your mind, Gaia has already
granted you her authority to call on the mighty Titans. If your eyes were
closed, you can now open them and proceed with the chosen pathworking for
your magick using the ritual that I’ll describe next.

Before writing about the ritual of Titans and how you will use their
pathworkings to cast a spell, I’d like to spend a few more words on this
opening ritual.
About the sentences in Ancient Greek, you don’t have to use them if you
don’t want to, as you can use the translations I provided. Nevertheless you
should think a little about this, apparently, simple decision. Why don't you
want to use the sentences in Ancient Greek? If the answer is because of
laziness I need to tell you that’s not a good one. Magick requires effort from
a magician, and even in a grimoire like this where I propose a very simple
way of doing magick, effort has to be present nonetheless.
If you’re not going to pronounce them because you feel lazy, how can you be
able to do what it takes in the real world to manifest your spell? Modern
Magick can give you a lot using very little, but this is no excuse to be lazy
even when the ritual you’re using is a simple one. Whatever method
magicians use, whether it is by a ceremonial or an eclectic approach, you
need to work on the ritual you are willing to experiment. Intent is key when
we want to change our reality, and if that means making a little effort to learn
how to pronounce some words in a different language, you should spend
some time doing it. Besides, this is the language used by Greeks for centuries
to pray and do rituals, which in turn created an energetic link that still exists
today. Use it!
On the other hand, your decision can be due to something else. It could be
you don’t feel right using those sentences, maybe you can’t connect with
them, or you feel them too distant from your personal reality. I understand
that not everything works for everybody, so if you tried and you felt the use
of Ancient Greek as problematic because of your magical personality and
views, it is okay to use only the translations in English or in your native
language. Point of views are to be respected, and I know some witches and
wizards don’t feel okay using words of power from other languages, while
some others do.
If you choose to use the sentences in English because this way you work
better, feel free to proceed. Gaia herself is an understanding Mother, she
won’t blame you for using something that helps you better to connect with
your magick and hers. On the other hand, people who will not even try it just
because they won’t spend a few minutes reading the pronunciations, well…
let’s just say Gaia probably will ignore them.
I’m sorry if this happened to be a little too harsh, but I do believe that magick
is for those who are eager to try new things, and dive into a method or ritual
when they find one they like. People who approach magick to have all that
they desire with lack of effort or without some basic studying, won’t go that
far as magicians. And this is true whether you follow chaos magick, modern
witchcraft, or any other path.

inally in this chapter you will learn how the ritual to contact the Titans is
F done. If you read my first book of pathworking it will be familiar to you.
If this is the first book of mine you’re reading with this technique, then
you’ll see that overall the ritual is very easy.
As I’ve written in the previous section, the ritual with Gaia must be done
every time before performing the main ritual to contact a deity of this
grimoire. I will add a summary at the end of this chapter to make sure you
learn all the steps needed to perform this type of magick.
My personal definition of pathworking as it’s used in magick is the
A pathworking in magick is a series of images that are related to a spirit or
deity. The images have the vibes of the entity we want to contact, and when
used in the right way will “morphe” your personal energies and the ones of
your space to ease contact with the desired entity.
Using a pathworking will allow you to communicate with the Titan in an easy
way. No evocation is meant with this kind of ritual, because their function is
to summon energetically the presence of an entity, by creating the right
working environment. Don’t worry too much about the pathworking itself as
you will need only to read the images described in it, one by one.
If you’re one of those who thinks to not be able to visualise, let me tell you
you actually can. When people say the word visualisation, they think it
means to see pictures in your head like visions, but to be honest it doesn't
necessarily work that way. Our brains work in a very complex manner. If I
tell you a word, you understand what is being said because you have an idea
of a concept, so if I describe a star, you know what that is as you have an idea
associated with the word star.
When using a pathworking, if you think you are not able to picture in your
head what is written, don’t worry. As long as you’re reading with
concentration and you understand what is written, the pathworking is already
That being said, let's see how the ritual with the Titans has to be done.

As usual when you have decided with which Titan you wish to work, find a
quiet place where you won’t be disturbed for the duration of the ritual.
Perform the Gaia’s opening rite to prepare yourself for the magick to come.
This step is vital, don’t forget it.
Now, after Gaia awakened your power and helped you enter the right mood
for magick, you will need to perform the chosen Titan’s pathworking.
Before starting the ritual you need to do a traditional gesture, used in
antiquity when people or even the Olympians used to call on the Titans. That
is, you need to touch the ground with your hand until this part of the ritual is
In case you cannot physically perform this gesture for some reason or you
prefer to keep physicality at a minimum, you can imagine it. In the latter case
you can use this line as a starting image before using the Titan’s
You’re at the root of a high mountain. You touch the ground with your hand.
Perform now the Titan’s pathworking reading every image described in it.
After you imagined the last picture, wait a few seconds to see if you
experience a change in your emotions and feelings (if it happens that would
be a response from the deity). If you feel anything negative that would mean
the moment is not right for the ritual.
In this case you should raise your hand from the ground, say thank you to the
Titan and try another time. If you were imagining having your hand on the
ground, just see with your inner eye how you raise your hand from it while
the picture of the mountain fades away.
On the other hand, if you feel positive emotions you can carry on the ritual.
In case you don’t feel much during this step, you can proceed anyway.
Say out loud the name of the Titan, then state your request to the deity. Make
it simple and don’t try to justify what you’re asking as that isn’t necessary.
One or two sentences that sums up what you want to accomplish by magick
is enough.
Now that your request has been made, feel gratitude for the Titan and if you
want, you can say thank you out loud or mentally if you cannot speak.
Take a couple of deep breaths and your ritual is done. Go back to your
mundane life and don’t think about the magick you’ve just done.

As you can see the ritual is very simple, but don’t be fooled by its simplicity
as Titans are mighty and divine beings indeed.
It’s very possible you feel strong emotions during the ritual itself, but this
effect can vary depending on your own sensibility. The first time you start
using this method and work with these deities, you could see signs of their
presence in your daily life, or you could even start to dream about them.
I’m not quite sure why this is so, but Titan are eager to communicate through
dreams even more than Olympians. As they are chthonic gods, they are
probably closer to humans’ subconscious mind and for this reason, they could
have an easier access to it through dreams. Of course, if after a ritual with a
Titan you don’t dream anything, it doesn’t mean your magick isn’t working.
As I said, psychic perceptions vary from one another; how something works
for one, it works differently for others.
Be confident that your magick is working from the very moment you
announce the request to the Titan. Manifestation is already on its way from
the moment you made your magical statement.
As promised I’m going to give you now a short summary of the ritual. Make
sure to read the full description of it as described above first, so you’re aware
of the full structure. The summary is only to help you out in case you’d like
to copy it on a piece of paper and have it at hand when performing the ritual
Summary of the Titans’ magick ritual
1. Find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed. Perform Gaia’s
ritual before proceeding with the summoning of the chosen Titan.

2. Touch the ground using your hand. If for whatever reason you
can’t, you can imagine doing it (use the image as given in the
previous section).

3. Perform the pathworking of the Titan, waiting then a few seconds

to see if the deity communicates with you through emotions.

4. Say out loud (or mentally depending on the circumstances) the

Titan’s name and then state your request using one or two

5. Feel gratitude towards the Titan, and/or say out loud thank you.

6. Do something mundane to get back to your daily life and not think
about your spell.

ow that you know how the ritual has to be done, you will learn who the
N Titans are and what powers they have. Remember that Gaia will be the
one to open the ritual, as she’s the one to grant you the authority and
the right to call the Titans and work your magick through them.
Here there are the pathworkings of the Titans.
Prometheus is the first protector of humanity and the one who sacrificed his
freedom to grant humans a better condition of life.
You can call this Titan to receive general help in any activity whether being
professional or sorting out those little problems you may face daily. Also,
you can count on his power to protect your freedom when unjustly threatened
by someone more powerful than you.
If you’d like to find a new job or improve your professional situation to
obtain a promotion or excel at work, count with the power of this Titan.
Prometheus was the first deity to share his knowledge with humans, so he can
assist you when you need to learn new skills, especially those that require a
lot of memorisation and mental process. He’s also a deity of craftiness so he
can help as well in learning how to create things with your hands.
Prometheus' name means “the one who has foresight”, meaning he can use
his mind and logic to foresee future events by analysing the circumstances
creating them. He can share this power with you as well. You can also ask the
Titan to boost your intuition that you can then apply at work (e.g. the stock
market) or use this intuition for your benefit, for example developing a
marketing strategy, planning a campaign, and so on.
A lit torch shining in the darkness.
Fresh clay with a handprint on it.
The smell of roasted meat.
The gentle heat of fire on the skin.
He’s the brother of Prometheus, the main difference from his brother is that
he has affection for all kinds of animals rather than humans. Because of this
main power you can summon his presence to help you domesticate or tame
your pet or animals.
If you’re camping in a natural place with the presence of a dangerous species,
you can ask Epimetheus to keep away wild beasts.
Another power he has is to remember perfectly all what happened in the past.
Because of this he can help retrieve past memories you have forgotten, or
remember where you placed an object. For this last power keep in mind that
he helps when you just don’t remember where you put something, if you lost
it for good you should ask another Titan to help. You can ask him to help you
remember past lives and he could show them to you through meditations or in
a dream.
Another power of this Titan is to delay somebody, so if you need to earn
some time in a business competition or any other context, you can count on
Epimetheus. Furthermore, you can ask the deity to push someone to make a
mistake at their jobs or when doing something you want them to fail at. He
can help you come up with excuses, or help you to understand if someone is
making one.
Finally, another useful power of Epimetheus is to help analyse data or events
once they have come to pass. Through this power you can understand why
they occurred and what their actual meaning is.
The mark of a claw on a tree trunk.
A lion looking at a flock of birds flying in the sky.
A papyrus sheet written in Greek.
A black box with a broken red wax seal.
She’s a Titan goddess connected with the stars and the night sky. As such she
can help with having good dreams while keeping away nightmares, especially
if you’re going through a tough period of your life.
Because she’s associated with the night, if you had a peculiar dream that you
think to be important, you can meditate on it asking Asteria’s help. She will
offer guidance so you can understand what that dream means as she is a
specialist in oneiromancy.
Another power of this deity is to send prophetic dreams or visions, and
answer any question the magician may have.
Asteria can assist you with divination in general, helping you learn any
method of divination you’d like to explore. Through her power over dreams
you saw that she’s a goddess with the gift of prophecy, but she can also help
you to awaken and improve your psychic talents and improve your inner
sight. She can also help improve your visualisation skills to be used
magically or in a creative field.
If asked, Asteria will protect you from any threat or danger that may reach
you during the night time. Her protection lasts only during the night, when
the stars are visible in the heavens, and this means that her wards fade away
with the arrival of the dawn.
If you’re afraid that some kind of entity is trying to approach you only by
night, she can protect you and/or your home.
Another useful power of this Titan is to physically protect you during the
night. If you need to walk home after work, and you don’t feel safe, call on
her before stepping on the road and her protection will surround you.
A dark sky filled with stars.
A shooting star crosses the dark sky.
A sweet voice fills the air around you.
In the sky you see a constellation resembling a woman.
As you can imagine from his name, similar to Asteria, he also is a Titan
associated with the stars and heavens.
He’s the deity associated with astrology and any occult science related to the
secrets of the planets, as such, he can help in any operation of planetary
magick too.
Besides being able to assist the magician, he can help teach you how to apply
planets’ energies in a practical way for rituals or spells. If you’d like to
understand how things, herbs or spirits relate to the planets, Astraios can
teach you through direct communication or sending your way signs and
Astraios was the one who fixed the heavens and established the orbits of stars
and planets, which is why he has this strong association with astrology and
similar matters. This Titan is the power of the measured time, something that
became possible after Astraios decided how the celestial bodies had to move.
Because of this, the Titan deity can assist when you have to complete a task
during a short period. He can also help you to manage your time in general so
you can schedule ahead, especially when you have many things to do at the
same time.
The planets rotating around the Sun.
A sundial under the sunlight.
The shadow of the sundial’s needle is moving back and forth.
Intense winds coming from all the four directions.
The main domain of this titanic goddess is fame, but also unfamity. You can
call on her powers to help your name to be renown and make people notice
You can ask her to be noticed at work, or in social events depending on your
circumstances and desires.
Remember that she can increase someone’s fame no matter what the field of
action. You can be an actor or actress, a business person, an artist or anything
else. She can help your talent to become famous.
At the same time, she can apply the opposite power and make people fall out
from the spotlight. In this regard, through Clymene you can curse someone so
they make terrible mistakes and lose their fame and reputation.
Clyemen can help you stop slanders and gossip around you by directly
attacking the person or group who started creating rumours about you, or she
can just stop those rumours to keep spreading if that is what you desire.
A mirror hit by the sunlight
Your name written in a beautifully crafted parchment.
A piece of gold turning into a perfect coin.
A crown made of olive branches.
He’s the Titan of rational Intelligence. By extension he also rules the sciences
and everything that requires logic, for example geometry and math.
By his power, you can boost the mind when you need to study a subject that
requires a lot of mental effort or that is really technical.
Even if it could seem a bit strange, he’s the titanic god to associate with
philosophy as for Greeks this was the best manifestation of rationality in the
human being. Koios’ help can come handy when you want to approach any
philosophical current, or if you have a sincere question about one.
The Titan helps you understand better whatever is that you want to learn, and
can improve the understanding process, especially if you’re lacking focus for
some reasons.
If you want to have a winning strategy or you need to plan your next move
rationally you can bet this Titan will come through. As you can see, he’s a
deity that represents intellect from both a passive and active point of view. He
can help you with developing your intelligence to its best potential, and
applying it in a practical way (e.g. he can help you learn to play chess).
A piece of papyrus with numbers from 1 to 10 on it.
A perfect greek column standing in front of you.
An old man with a squared rule looking at the sky.
The Greek letter pi[7] written in gold ink.
This Titan embodies time as a major force in the Universe. As such, his
power can bend time at your advantage, whether speeding it up or slowing it
With some creativity, this power can be applied virtually in infinite ways
depending on what the magician wants. You can call on Kronos to make a
situation reach its natural conclusion quicker, or extend the duration of
something so it can last longer.
Kronos has the power to reverse the effects of time affecting a person or a
situation. This kind of change is something working on a spiritual level,
although it could bring some physical results as a side effect of the magick.
If a person is old, this power can make them feel as if they were young again.
Another example would be to renovate someone’s motivation; imagine
you’re studying for a degree and you lost your original passion, by Kronos’
power you can reverse that effect and feel again like when you began[8].
If you’re going through a difficult period, Kronos can help to accelerate the
healing process or learning what you need, while bending time so the period
can reach its conclusion earlier.
Kronos has also the power to banish or to set free, a power you can use freely
depending on your starting situation, and that can be interpreted by the
magician who will decide when this power can be needed.
Related to this power is the ability of Kronos to increase someone’s wealth
within due time, or to decrease it if you want to curse someone who wronged
Time in Nature is a force that sets boundaries, so you can summon Kronos to
understand what yours are or what limits a situation has. From a more active
side, the Titan king can help you set up new boundaries or remove them as
you see fit.
A sickle with blood stains on its blade.
A stone turning into sand.
A clepsydra containing golden dust arises from the sand.
An island on the horizon, with a blessed halo surrounding it.
This Titan goddess has power over the deep intellect, which means that she
can boost your intuition and psychic skills.
With Dione you can learn how to use these skills in your daily life and spread
light on what is unknown to you on a subconscious level.
Dione can help the magician to purify body, soul and mind when negative
thoughts are haunting them. She can also purify your divination tools
regularly, or clean them spiritually before their first use.
The Titaness can offer you the power to speak the truth and make those who
doubt you believe your word. This power is not about convincing someone of
your version of the facts, but rather to keep them open to accept the real truth
that is being spoken through you. The truth can come from what the magician
sees through divination, or just by knowledge. Dione will make sure people
listen to you for real.
This titan goddess was among the first divine seers, and she can help the
magician to see the future if asked. Her answer will come through dreams or
visions, or simply through your intuition. As a goddess seer, Dione can be
summoned for assistance everytime you need to do divinations for yourself or
somebody else, making sure your reading will be as clear as possible.
You enter a cave and find yourself in full darkness.
A white light comes from the deep of the cave.
A blue sky with white clouds crossing it.
A winged being with a woman's look, touches your forehead.
Among the Titans, this goddess can be quite “controversial” as according to
some myths she was the first queen of the Universe before Rhea took her
place together with her husband Kronos (who replaced Ophion, the former
divine king of the Universe created by Eurynome herself)[9].
This Titaness is associated with the original power of creation and she was
the one to create the first Ophion, which in Ancient Greek means serpent or
dragon in some other contexts. As such, Eurynome is a primordial force of
creation and nursing, a representation of the Great Mother associated also
with the waters as a symbol of fertility and creation.
You can summon this Titaness to ask assistance in your spiritual journey, to
understand the mysteries of the Universe and the true power you have within.
Among the entities I present in this book, Eurynome is the one less practical
as her powers can help your magick to grow, and help you advance
spiritually. My suggestion is to ask her directly what powers she can offer
you and learn from her answers how she can intervene magically in your life.
Another power she has is to assist the outcasts and take care of those people
who are not understood by society or their close relatives/friends. She’s a
spiritual and divine nurse that takes care of you, if you will ask her to do so.
When you feel drained or you’re living a difficult period of your life, you can
summon her to heal your wounds and get ready to face life with new
A wide meadow covered in green, encircled by two rivers.
A black and golden snake surrounds an egg with its body.
A deep blue ocean with lights coming from the abyss.
From the ocean appears a woman with two fishtails instead of legs.
This Titan rules the air and is one of the youngest among these gods. His
main power is to move unseen. You can thus call on his powers to move
unnoticed or to put a veil of secrecy on a location, an object you need to hide
or something that you don’t want to be discovered by others.
By extension he’s the Titan of secrets and he can assist in keeping something
secret as long as you want.
Another of his powers is to shield you from other magicians so they won’t
know of your powers, and he can protect from psychic intrusions; in other
words he can cover you up so that others are incapable of using divination on

The Titan Lelantos can help you go unnoticed without drawing anyone else’s
attention, or you can ask him to be not observed/noticed more specifically
from someone in particular or a category (e.g. not to be spotted by pickpocket
Trees moved gently by a sudden breeze.
A green leaf flying with the wind.
Murmurs travelling through the air.
A transparent cloak covering a silver globe, making it disappear.
This Titan is the patron of heavenly light and all powers associated with light
can be summoned through the assistance of Hyperion.
You can summon him to find out the truth about a situation or a person, and
to understand when somebody is lying to you. Hyperion can add a halo of
power that will make for other people lying in your face more difficult if not
impossible, especially if you will be looking at them straight in their eyes.
Since the element of this Titan is the sky light in its purest form, his power
can assist you in exorcising unwanted energies from your life, or from a
specific place.
Hyperion is the father of Helios, Selene and Eos, three titan gods respectively
associated with the Sun, the Moon and the Dawn, three elements used since
ancient times to measure the time. Because of this, you can summon this
Titan to make predictions that rely on timing. In other words, Hyperion can
let you know when something is going to happen (although it is unlikely he
will reveal you a specific date and hour, he will tell you within what period of
the year or of the week something is going to take place).
This last power is not necessarily something associated with divination
although it could be, but rather it relies on your skill to analyse a situation
and make a prediction based on the circumstances. The practical use of this
power can be found for those fields that need a decision to be done based on
something logical, as the stock market, harvesting, etc.
A light blue sky being crossed by rays of light.
The sun and the moon shine at dawn, at the same time.
A path enlightened by the sunlight.
A spark of light flashing in the darkness of the Universe.
This Titan is the god of mortality and the primordial ancestor of humankind
(one of his sons, Prometheus, created the human race). For this reason you
can work with him when you need to honour your own ancestors or to do
magick through the assistance of those who preceded you.
Iapetos is also the patron of life-span, so he can help to make changes in
these fields. Through this power the Titan god can intervene to empower
healing from illnesses affecting someone’s body so as to lengthen one’s life-
span when threatened.
He can also delay aging or help people to get through the old age with
stunning inner force and preserving as much as possible good health
From a spiritual point of view he can assist in removing someone’s fear to get
old and eventually die, helping to accept the cycle of life. By extension, he
can teach you what human limits are and how they can be integrated in your
life to be used at your advantage.
As he rules the span-life of all mortal creatures, you could curse someone
through his powers in order to end someone’s life (doesn’t matter if that’s an
animal, a plant or a person). Now, this power can strike hard on a target and
of course, once unleashed it would be difficult to stop if you changed your
I’m describing this power in order to be complete but I strongly don’t
recommend to engage with this power, because the price to extinguish
someone’s life can be very high. If you want to curse someone to teach a
lesson, other Titans in this grimoire will be able to assist you without causing
terrible consequences.
Consider to use this power only if someone is seriously threatening your life
and there is no other way to save yourself. You’ve been warned.
A spear thrown in the air, pierces a piece of leather.
A thread is held by a baby from one end and an old man from the other end.
The sun sets down behind some mountains in the west.
Two bones forming an X are laying on the ground surrounded by flowers.
This Titan goddess protects children and young people when they are going
through a period of vulnerability. Of course Leto can protect children and
youngsters from danger coming from adults or in general from situations that
can cause harm. [11]
Leto can assist in any issue related with motherhood whether it is an issue
with your offspring, or if you are having issues for your pregnancy as this
Titan goddess can keep the danger away from the future mothers. She can
assist mothers in labour to endure the pain and deliver their babies the easiest
way possible.
The goddess Leto is also the patroness of modesty, and she can be summoned
to teach someone what modesty is in a practical way. Although originally this
is something that referred especially to women, nowadays modesty is
something that can be taught to anyone despite one’s gender. If somebody is
being very arrogant with you, through Leto you can remind someone how to
be modest and humble, and thus improve your relationship with that person.
She can also teach kindness and soften those stone-hearted.
Since Leto is the mother of Artemis and Apollo, she can teach you to balance
day and night in your life; in other words she can help you balance your life
when you feel you lack stability. Thanks to Leto’s power, the magician can
produce light from the darkness from a spiritual perspective. From a more
practical view, this Titaness can help find the positive side of things when
you’re in a really bad moment.
A little white mouse.
A woman with a veil on his face, radiating beauty.
A little boy and girl holding hands with an adult woman.
A little rocky island floating on the sea.
Through the power of this Titan you can cause anger in your enemies which
will rush them into taking action without a second thought, leading them to
making a mistake. Due to the character of this Titan god, he’s very useful for
baneful magick.
Another thing you can ask this Titan is to make others look or become
insolent, something that can be useful if you need an enemy to mess it up in
front of your boss or someone in charge.
Greeks thought that without moderation humans were destined to self-
destruction, that is why the might of this Titan was kind of doomed (as his
name suggests), but even so, sometimes you need a sudden strength to get
through a personal battle. When that time comes, you can ask Menoites to
lend some of his might to you or you can ask him to wake up the one you
may have deep within.
Don’t underestimate this power, and when you want to use it, make sure in
your request that you’re going to ask for this power only for a defined period
of time.
This Titan is the manifestation of pride, arrogance, egocentrism and so on.
He’s an incarnation of all human feelings brought to their extreme, exceeding
the balanced conduit you should have. Greeks used to use one word to
convey the meaning of this concept which was hybris. Sure, you can ask him
to assist you to curse someone with all of this, but you can also ask him to
help you recognise if some of your feelings are exceeding. Menoites can
reveal to you if you are being too arrogant or showing any other negative
emotions, so you can acknowledge them and get rid of them through the help
of other Titans. In other words, he can help for your shadow work.
You hear heartbeats pounding fast.
A violent fire burst out from a bunch of rocks.
A lightning bolt hits the ground and forms a circle around the bunch of
The fire in the bunch of rocks flares up a little.
This Titan goddess is the patroness of wisdom, cunning and prudence and
he’s the mother of Athena who inherited these characteristics from her. Metis
can help you out in any situation where you need to think of a plan, or when
you need to act with prudence in a situation. She can guide others too, if you
think they need to take delicate decisions in their lives.
Metis will help you develop your inner wisdom and cunning abilities whether
you’re going to use them for your career, at work or in your academic
studies. The benefit of this Titaness will show in all aspects of your life,
assisting you in making the right decision at the right moment. If you ask her,
she can help to devise a strategy to reach your goals, whatever they be.
The goddess Metis has also an association with magical cunning, or how we
process magick in our minds and souls playing also the part of trickster.
Because of this, she can assist you when you need to trick someone or
challenge authority, especially if this is misbehaving towards you. With
Metis you can create illusions and glamours to appear in a different way.
If asked, Metis can share her knowledge about magick and let you discover
your magical potential.
A beautiful voice comes from a vast ocean.
A flask with a potion glowing inside.
A winged woman sitting on a rock while pondering her thoughts.
A drop of water falling into a river.
This goddess has a power over memory, so you can ask her assistance when
you need to memorise new subjects at work or at college; her power can be
used in any other contexts where memory is necessary[13].
If asked, through visions and dreams Mnemosyne can help to remember your
past lives or she can reveal the past of someone, especially if this someone is
hiding something you’d like to know.
If you need something but you don’t remember where it is, ask Mnemosyne
to help you remember where you placed it.
This Titaness is the inventor of language and words, so you can ask her help
to learn a language and she can help you make a difference especially in
learning the new vocabulary. From a more occult side, Mnemosyne can offer
you words of power or assist you in creating verbal spells and conjurings you
can use in your rituals.
Mnemosyne is a goddess of time, and for this reason you can ask her to tell
you anything about the Universe, the gods themselves, or any other subject
you’d like to know about. She will tell you how things were and how you can
apply that knowledge in your daily life. She doesn’t affect time itself as other
Titans can do for the magician, but she can reveal to you anything you’d need
to know as she remembers every single event of the cosmos, even more than
Epimetheus whose knowledge of the past is limited only to Earth.
From a more practical level, Mnemosyne can help to compose a speech or
strengthen your skills to speak in public, in order to deliver a good oral
Finally, a very important power of this goddess is to help people remember
who they are. Sometimes in life, we lose our focus even forgetting who we
really are. There may be many distractions out there, but Mnemosyne can
help remembering what is your real goal and who is the real You.
You stand in a vast library full of papyri and parchments.
The word Mneme appears on a wall, a writing made of light.
A silver river is flowing in a cave.
A shrine with a closed book on it.
This Titan was the first god of warcraft and the virtue to be shown in battle.
As such, the magician can call on his powers to receive the strength to fight
back when your freedom is threatened by others, especially if those people
are in a higher position than you. He’s a warrior god whose role was taken
afterward by Athena and Ares, but the good thing of this Titan is that he
embodies the essence of both these Olympian gods.
Summon Pallas whenever you are facing troubles or personal battles that you
need to win, and it doesn’t matter if they are in a court or anywhere else.
Pallas can teach you to discover your inner warrior and learn what are your
natural “weapons” that you can use in your daily life to advance towards your
goals. Naturally he can help at work or to create a campaign of sort, as his
powers can be used metaphorically.
Another power the Titan can give you, is granting you protection and
defending yourself or who is dear to you. Keep in mind that Pallas will assist
you in defending other human beings rather than objects, or he will help
protecting your natural rights and freedom if they are at risk.
A spear arises from a meadow covered with flowers.
A chariot covered in bronze.
Shooting stars in the sky.
A gray goat looking up in the sky.
This Titan is a god of destruction but it was renowned for his immense
wisdom too by Hesiod. Because of this we understand that the power of
destruction here is not meant as a blind force that destroys everything it
Rather, Perses can help you to destroy anything you don’t need in your life or
that is harmful for your wellbeing, and can definitely help to fight back
depression, deconstruct bad habits or eliminate negative connotations from
within yourself, a place or even an object.
Destruction for this Titan means preparation for rebirth or just transmutation,
and this power was passed on to her daughter, the goddess Hecate, who
became even more powerful than any other god.
Perses is not super loving when is about to assist the magician, in other words
he will assist you in your cause in a straightforward manner, and sometimes
his energies can feel like “rude” but this isn’t something negative. If you
want to change something that is not benefiting you, count on the mighty
Perses to destroy it so as to leave room in your life for the arrival of new
On the other hand, this titanic divinity has the power to bring destruction in
your enemies’ life, and if you would like to do so, please remember that the
effects of the magick performed with this Titan will be very strong. Perses
also represents the violence of the elements and the destructive power of
storms, and as it’s said above, he’s not keen to sugar coat. If you decide to do
baneful magick with this Titan, the consequences on the target will be
tremendous, so you’ve been warned[14]. With Perses you can decide if aiming
a specific area of your target’s life or bring general destruction, in case they
really deserved it.
Perses can also help you in taking down an enemy and increase your earnings
from his/her defeat or replace your enemy position.
The constellation Canis Major in a night sky with no moon.
A black dog howling alone has a star shaped spot on his forehead.
Shooting stars in the sky.
A storm raging on the horizon.
This Titaness was among the first Queens of the gods, wife of Kronos and
mother of Zeus. She embodies the natural and calm flowing of time and the
generations that were and will be. Her powers can help the magician to bring
harmony in their lives, allowing everything to flow with ease. Rhea can assist
you in making sure that everything goes as planned during a project of your
life, keeping possible issues at bay or finding a solution if they are inevitable.
The Titaness can help you to understand what is your position in life or
where are you right now, in your spiritual journey.
Rhea is a goddess of comfort and ease, so you can be creative in applying
these powers in your daily life or to help others, especially if you are going
through a tough period of your life. She can comfort you so you can find a
new inner strength to keep going. She is a goddess who can console you
anytime you feel vulnerable or hurt. Put in other words, this Titaness is a
spiritual healer of the soul and mind.
Rhea is a mother goddess linked to the feminine, the birth waters and
women's natural cycles. She can help in any area where a woman could
struggle because of gender discrimination, and can assist in exploring the
mysteries of the feminine. She also rules female fertility.

Being called Mother of the Gods[15], Rhea is the Titaness who can teach you
about the gods and their mysteries, or she can teach you how you can
integrate the essence of the gods in your spiritual life. Of course, she can
teach the magician how to do magick with the gods themselves. As Queen of
the older gods, she can teach you more and more about Titans or the
Primordial Gods (Chaos, Nyx, etc.), and as Mother of the Gods she can help
you understand the Olympians.
A stone wrapped up like a baby.
The smell of recently moved soil.
Two lions sitting at the sides of an oak tree.
A blaze comes out of a cave, illuminating a crown at its entrance.
Magically speaking, Theia can assist the magician to help with issues related
to physical sight, like eye infections and other eye illnesses. Besides, she can
protect someone’s eyes or reduce the effect of sight fatigue.
Another power she has is to make you be noticed by someone, and draw
someone else’s attention to you. Also, Theia can help to draw others’ interest
to a project of yours or to something you’d like to make more visible like a
piece of art, a product and so on. She can add brilliance to anything you do or
create, so that people won’t miss it.
Theia can increase your insight too, your inner vision so you can better see
what is that you want. For magicians this Titaness can help improve your
visualisation skills and learn how to receive visions from the spirits’ world.
In order to find out the truth about a situation or a person, Theia can help the
magician to see the real person behind a mask, and she can help others to
open their eyes so they can know the truth about somebody or something.
Through her you can see through lies and “walls”.
On the other end of the spectrum, she can hide at sight something or create
illusions if the magician will need it.
A bright blue sky crossed by rays of light.
A globe of gold and one of silver shining in the darkness.
Two eyes drawn on a huge stone.
A magnifying lens.
She’s the Titaness of the Divine Law and Justice[16], she can thus teach the
magician everything he or she needs to know about the sacred laws that rule
our lives, and how they interact in your magical path.
You can call on Themis when you need to learn about what offerings or
rituals could be effective when working with a deity or any other spirit, she
also can teach you how a ritual can be performed at its best to get exactly
what you desire through the assistance of a chosen entity.
Themis is the goddess of morality and rules of conduct suggested by the
Divine source so we can advance spiritually. You can ask her to understand
what your best conduct can be, helping you to become the best version of
yourself. Furthermore, through her you can help others to reflect on their
actions and understand what mistakes they made. This power can be very
helpful if you want to help somebody who is always making the same errors
but are willing to change that, for their own sake. She won’t change their
minds, but she will “slap” them if necessary in order to wake up and realise
what they’ve been doing.
This Titaness is also the goddess of natural law, those laws that are intrinsic
to human nature and that go beyond social and cultural norms. Natural laws
are those that are common to all of us as human beings, those rights we
possess as soon as we are born. Whenever someone is having these rights
questioned or abused, Themis can intervene to grant someone’s rights and
freedom. It doesn’t matter if you’re black, an immigrant in another country,
gender fluid or part of the LGBTQ+ community, she will assist you whenever
your freedom is at stake, punishing the wrong doer if wanted or necessary.
At last, Themis was the first deity to teach what justice is to humans, so she
can definitely help in any legal problem you may have, to make sure the
outcome is fair and just. Please, bear in mind that she won’t make any
distinction between you and the adversary, if you are not completely clean,
you will be affected too, keep that in mind when asking for Themis’ help.
Also, the Titaness can help when you feel you’re being mistreated in your life
(in the office, at school, etc), allowing you to be treated with equity again and
revealing who is being abusive against you, so that this person can be
prosecuted accordingly.

A beautiful scale made of bronze.
A sword made of marble, but as sharp as steel.
A sweet voice coming from the earth itself.
A woman with a veil covering entirely her face.
This Titan is the personification of endurance and effort. You can call on this
deity’s power whenever you’re having a difficult situation that you need to
endure. Sometimes life can be really hard, and the best course of action is just
to face whatever obstacle appears on our path. Atlas will help you to keep
going and bite the bullet, as they say.
Other Titans can help you have strength or change a situation according to
your will, and combined with Atlas’ power, you can obtain amazing results.
When you feel tired, almost at the edge, count on Atlas to find again your
potential force and use it until the end. You can call on this deity to get help
for a competition or during your personal fights, whether they’re caused by
depression or more generally by lack of will (e.g. those who want to be
consistent at the gym).
Atlas can also teach you the virtue of patience, and from a magical point of
view he can teach you to not lust for results, and comply with your rituals and
magical routines when you have to. Endurance is a big thing for magicians,
so Atlas can be a powerful ally for any practitioner of the occult.
Also, Atlas will help you accept your duties and make sure you will fulfill
them to the best of your abilities. For this reason he can be the best option for
students in college/university or for those who run a business.
Two gigantic pillars stretching to the sky, having no end.
A sailing ship following a star in the night sky.
A sphere floating in darkness and containing many stars.
Four columns at the quarter of a circle and a dead snake with 7 heads.

n this chapter I’m going to describe to you a powerful ritual that will call
I on four Titans who were considered to be the pillars of the Universe, the
roots on which the Cosmos was based and that contributed to the balance
of all the elements that compose Reality.
With this ritual you create a space that represents the entire Universe in scale;
a symbolic microcosm in which you as a magician act like a creator, and
applying the esoteric concept of as above, so below. By doing so, your space
will become a reflection of the Macrocosm itself. Your divine spark will
come to the surface and because of your Will, you can act as the god or
goddess of your personal universe who can change your reality as you
experience it day by day.
You may ask now, what is the purpose of this ritual, then? Is this similar to
the ritual of the four winds found in the Olympians’ Magick book? No, it is
When you’re living in a really difficult situation that is a complete mess, a
situation so complicated where you don’t even know where to start magically
in order to change it for the better, that is the moment where this ritual should
be used.
When you’re in a storm, the ritual of the titanic pillars will summon order and
balance, calming the storm and undoing the hurricane that is tormenting your
life. Usually, when a problem arises, as magicians you choose a ritual or spell
to change it and shape reality, but sometimes things are more confusing.
Whether you’ve been struggling for quite some time before realising you
needed to act, or things just got messy altogether, this ritual has the power to
straighten the wrinkles of your existence.
Bear in mind that most of the time we can fix our issues using basic magick,
you don’t have to magically move mountains if not needed. This ritual is not
a shortcut for quick success! The ritual of the titanic pillars must be used
when you need a “wow factor” or when other rituals have already failed for
whatever reason, especially if you think that you may have inner blocks
sabotaging your magick.
This ritual aims at shaking a given situation, pushing so that energies can
switch, and unblock the situation you’re currently in.
As you may already know, sometimes in order to achieve something by using
magick, we need to develop a full plan addressing our issues from different
angles. This usually means using different spells (for this grimoire this means
to work eventually with more than one Titan) to remove those obstacles
standing between you and your goal. The ritual I’m presenting in this chapter
doesn’t replace that process, so refrain from using it thinking that it could be
a quicker solution.
If you’re only lusting for results, it’s better to work with the Titan Atlas to
reinforce your Will and patience as a magician, rather than using this ritual
out of impatience.
Another context that justifies the use of this ritual is an emergency. If
something happens and you don’t have much time before acting, you can use
this ritual to impose order in your life. The four Titans here called will stop
disturbing energies and/or people so you can take a breath and earn some
extra time to decide what to do next. It’s easier to navigate the sea under calm
weather instead of a stormy one.
The four Titans summoned during the ritual are Koios in the north, Hyperion
in the west, Iapetos in the east and Krios in the south. As the myth says, after
Zeus won the governance of the Universe, these Titans were sent to the
underworld region of Tartarus where the roots of sea, sky and earth were
found. They were the guardians of the pillars on which the Cosmos stands.
The ritual itself isn’t too complicated, but don’t underestimate it. As I’ve said
earlier in this grimoire, Titans’ energies are more chthonian than Olympians’,
and already working with one Titan alone, can make you feel intense
energies. Working with four Titans at a time could leave you a little drained
(especially if you’re new to magick), which is another reason why you should
engage with this ritual with moderation.
Just as the method presented in this book, no tools will be needed for the
ritual. You just need your focus and a place where you won’t be disturbed.

Before starting you will need to perform Gaia’s opening ritual as instructed at
the beginning of this book, in order to be granted her authority and blessing
to work with Titans.
Take some deep breath and when you feel relaxed and focused enough, you
can start the core part of this ritual. If possible, make sure to face the North, it
shouldn’t be difficult since nowadays all smartphones have a compass. If
you’re practicing indoors, make sure to be facing north as much as possible.
You can stand up during the ritual or sit, as you prefer.
Close your eyes[17] if you want and say slowly the following words:
παρίσθι ὦ Koῖε[18]
parísthi[19] o Koie
Imagine a disk made of white light appearing on the ground in front of you.
The circle won’t touch the ground, and it will be floating a few centimetres
above the ground. Keep the image for a few seconds before to proceed with
next step.
Now, without turning your head, bring your inner attention to your right and
once more. Say the words:
παρίσθι ὦ Ἰαπετέ[20]
parísthi o Iapeté
Another disk of light appears, this time on your right. Keep the image for a
little and then move your attention at your back, in the south. After a
moment, continue the ritual saying the following:
παρίσθι ὦ Κριέ[21]
parísthi o Krié
While keeping the mental image of the two previous disks, imagine a third
disk appearing in the space behind you, shining as bright as the others.
Finally move the attention of your inner self to the west, and keep imagining
the three disks you have summoned so far. In case you have trouble keeping
the picture of the three disks, don’t worry. Just pretend, and remind yourself
they are right there.
Now you have to call the last Titan:
παρίσθι ὦ Ὑπερίων[22]
parísthi o Hyperion
The last disk of light appears on your left. After a moment visualising all the
disks you have summoned. At this point imagine that a beam of light starts
from each disk reaching for the sky (if you’re doing the ritual indoors just
imagine that light passing through the ceiling and to the heavens) and
forming a pillar of light.
You are now surrounded by four columns of power and brightness that
represent the four quarter Titans themselves. Feel the energy of these pillars,
knowing that that power is soaking into your life, your microcosm.
The Titans are giving you the power to establish balance and order in your
life, doesn’t matter how messy it is now. Just acknowledge it!
After keeping the picture of the four pillars in your mind for a moment,
imagine a star appearing in your chest, shining with a blue colour. This star is
your own power.
Now, imagine the four pillars starting to move towards you, attracted by the
force of the star in your chest. If you’re sitting the disks and their pillars will
move under your derrière and in case you’re standing, they will move under
your feet.
One by one, the four pillars will fuse together and when all four of them have
joined beneath you, they will form a bigger pillar that encircles your body.
You are now the core of this big pillar stretching to the sky and shimmering
with intense light. In this moment of the ritual you could feel different
emotions, or you could feel the Titans’ power flowing in your body. If it’s so,
just enjoy the feeling for as much as you want before moving to the final part
of the ritual.
Finally, imagine the pillar surrounding you starting to shrink and being
absorbed by your body. See the energy and light being absorbed by your
body first, that will direct this immense power to the star in your chest.
Once the pillar is completely absorbed by the star, this will emit an expansion
wave that expands itself from yourself to the Universe. See how the wave
travels from you into the space around you and keeps expanding in the
Universe itself, entering the very fabric of the Universe, your reality.
To end the ritual, say the following words:
ἡ διάταξις ἐν τῷ ὄντι μοι ἐκφανής[23]
he diátaxis en to onti moi ekfanés[24]
After saying these words let the image of the star in your chest fade slowly
away. Take a last deep breath and open your eyes if you have closed them
during the ritual. All is done.

After you perform this ritual, you may feel a little drained or very excited. It’s
not uncommon you could also feel full of fresh energy, and that’s wonderful.
Of course, these feelings depend on your magical sensitivity, so don’t worry
if you didn’t feel much during the ritual, because its effect is already starting
to act in your life.
As I said at the beginning of this chapter, this ritual shouldn’t be abused. It’s
a powerful tool indeed to bring order when your life is about to become a
disaster, and you need something really strong to get back on track. That
being said, everyone knows that life can get messy very quickly and
unexpectedly, even if you're a magician who does some spells oftentimes to
keep everything possible under control.
Although this ritual was designed to be used when your need is real, it can be
performed once a year or once every 6 months in order to make sure your life
keeps being harmonious. Using the ritual with these gaps of time will make
sure its power is spread evenly without the risk of causing a blackout in your
circuit, so to speak.
The ritual will make sure unwanted forces and possible accidents stay away
or will diminish their negative effect at least. If you have other spells and
magick already in place, the ritual will strengthen them by clearing the way
so they won’t be disturbed by adverse energies.
Now, once again I need to remind you that this ritual isn’t a way to back up
any of your spells just because you feel uncertain about your witchy abilities.
There is a big difference in using the ritual because you’re stuck and previous
attempts to fix things didn’t land, and use it because you're feeling lazy to do
other rituals. I won’t get tired of repeating that the ritual of the four pillars
shouldn’t be misused. The energy this ritual brings is huge, and you need to
understand that most of the time the best results you obtain are from rituals
that work more gently. Would you use a hammer to put a candle on a
birthday cake?
I tried to explain when to use this ritual, but since I’m not sure I achieved it
as clearly as possible, I will sum up for the last time on which occasions you
should use it.
● Every 6 months or once a year to help you keep balance in your life,
and if you are inclined to do other rites to keep odds at bay, this ritual
will reinforce them.
● During an emergency and/or when you’re living in a very complicated
situation. The ritual will clear off the path and you will be able to
decide what action to take next (magically or mugglely).
● Use it if after different attempts you feel like your magick is stuck,
whether it is others’ fault or because of blockages you have. The ritual
will unblock your magick to let it flow again, and allow you to work
with other rituals and spells as you please to address the issue
A side note about the use of Ancient Greek in this grimoire
Now that you know when you’re going to use the ritual of the four pillars and
their Titans, I’d like to clarify one more thing. In this piece of magick I used
Ancient Greek as language of power, just as I did for the other two rituals in
my previous book.
The choice was made out of intuition, but also as a way to honour the Titans
with a language that people used for centuries when they had to address all
sorts of gods. Besides, the (little) effort you will need to learn the
pronunciation of those words and sentences will please the Titans, as it will
be a proof of Will and dedication as a magician. Think of this effort as an
offer to the Titan you’re about to work with.
For each of these sentences of power I added a translation in the footnotes,
and if you don’t feel comfortable using another language except your native
one, you can definitely use your mother tongue. All magicians and witches
are different, and I know that not everybody feels okay using ancient
languages when it’s time to cast a spell. Still, there are lots and lots that do
like using a language that feels magical, and others who don’t mind and are
just okay with adapting themselves to the system. Just in case you don’t want
to use these words in Ancient Greek because you feel lazy, think again.
Laziness is not something a magician needs, and if you don’t feel motivated
enough to learn just some words, how will you do then all that it takes to
allow your magick to change your reality? Ban laziness from your life,
because it doesn’t have a place neither in this system nor in any other existing
If I chose to use Ancient Greek in this series that works with deities from
Greece, it is because I wanted to use a language that sounded familiar to
them. Of course, gods and spirits in general don’t rely on humans’ way of
communication. They can communicate just with their minds, and they can
speak any language as they can make their thoughts come through our minds
that will apply some “filters” like for instance a language we understand. I
know, sometimes people can get messages in languages they don’t speak, but
that’s another story that happens for different reasons. Ancient Greek in some
of my rituals just clicked for me, and I feel they are meant to be there.
I hope you can accept this little challenge in order to unlock all the benefits
and gifts that Titans can offer[25].

abels are not really necessary in the magical community, as they tend to
L put one’s practices in a box. If I should label myself[26] I'd need to use
different tags but it is something I do rarely, and only to other
practitioners as they can understand what those tags actually mean. That is
the reason why I call myself a witch when I speak about my spiritual path to
Naming something in a certain way is useful though, to remind yourselves
and others how you identify your persona when doing magick and it can help
to expand your thoughts about your witchy identity. This is the second book I
have published that treats the Greek deities using the pathworking technique
to perform spells. Through these powerful entities, and some extra rituals that
can be adapted for different situations by whoever decides to rely on during
certain occasions I developed a full system. Because of this, I think that a
term to identify the practitioner of the system I’ve created can help you to
describe yourselves to others and hopefully help you more easily find other
practitioners who perform the same type of magick.
Honestly, when I first started writing this series I was not thinking about
creating a defined system of magick, but that is what happened anyway. By
the powers of Titans and Olympians you have enough material to change
your life and grow both in the material world and spiritually. You may want
to work with other systems too (something I always encourage as you will
learn lot of new things), but what I offered in my books about Hellenic
Magick is a complete kit and I know that some people out there could end up
using only my method for any magick they may need in the future. Actually
that is something I hope, as that would cause a lot of people to get closer and
closer to the Olympians and Titans, helping them to be honoured again as
they deserve.
Besides, many magick books are about working with the spirits of the
medieval and renaissance grimoires, while the only books that magically
work with pagan gods are those about witchcraft; and many of them are from
a religious point of view. Of course there is nothing wrong with that, being a
pagan myself. Still, I wanted to offer a magical system that works with pagan
deities, but that could be used also by those who don’t define themselves as
pagans but still would prefer to work with these deities rather than angels or
So, what term should we use to call a magician who mostly uses the magick I
exposed in my books? Well, since we’re talking about Hellenic Magick (as I
intend it in this context) I would search a term in Ancient Greek of course.
There were back then different words to describe a magician and I’m going to
show you the most important ones. Looking at the different words you will
also understand how magical belief was in Ancient Greece.
Epodos, ἐπῳδός: this was a person who sang magick songs and used the
voice as main tool for casting spells. Oftentimes poets were called this way as
people believed they had magical skills and thus it shouldn’t surprise us that
Orpheus was addressed with this title.
Farmakeus, φαρμακεύς: you can surely recognise the root of this word as it
gave us the modern English word pharmacy, related to farmakon meaning
medication or drug. This term referred to those who knew how to prepare
potions, elixirs and filters to enchant others or poison them. They were
healers who mixed the knowledge of herbs properties with magick and
prayers to the gods, although the summoning of gods wasn’t always
Goês, γόης: the root of this word gave us today the word Goetia, that literally
means witchcraft or wizardry. The goês were similar to exorcists who
wandered Greece to help people who had troubles with upset ghosts,
ancestors or spirits. They could help those ghosts to reach the afterlife, or ban
them if needed. The original root of this word comes from a verb meaning to
sing, to mutter, as once more the voice was the main tool used by these
magicians. They knew spells and rituals and this term was the most
commonly used to identify magicians. It’s still used in Modern Greek
although the next term has become the most commonly used. Thinking about
the meaning of the original verb that gave this word, I think these magicians
were into spirit magick and evocation as well, as when manifesting spirits can
cause noises and “sing” (i.e. talk).
Mago, μάγος: this is a word that entered Ancient Greek during the Persian
dominance in Greece and that stayed even after Persians were defeated. The
magos was a priest of Zoroastrianism who knew about astrology, astro
magick, and spirits. As Greeks thought they had indeed mystical powers, the
term tended to replace the word goês, arriving up to the modern time giving
us magician, mage, magick and so on. Especially during the Middle Age this
word was generally used to talk about magicians, but specifically it meant
someone who dealt with spirits and knew about the influence of the stars.
Iatromantis, ἰατρόμαντις: these were the shamans of Greece, they were
healers as the word iatrós indicates (it means healer or doctor) who practice
the technique of incubation in order to reach a different state of
consciousness to receive guidance from the daimones and gods, so they could
heal people. In this case there is a visionary factor in their form of magick, as
indicated by the other root of this word which is mantis, meaning seer. They
had knowledge about herbs and other natural medicines but relied on the
divine to receive additional power to cure diseases. They could also work as
seers and foresee the future for who requested this service.
Here, these are among the most common words in Ancient Greek to describe
a magician. Which one should I use to describe someone who does magick
with the Hellenic deities and through the pathworking, then? My choice
would fall upon the word iatromantis and I’m going to briefly explain why.
This type of magicians used the shamanic trip and form of meditation in
order to use their powers, and a pathworking is something similar to a
meditation if you think about it. It helps to put you in a state of mind where
the contact with a spirit becomes easy allowing you to channel the entity’s
powers. Of course we need to understand healer here as a wider concept not
limited only to doctors as we mean it today. If you’re suffering from poor
wealth, you want to use magick to heal your wealth so it can thrive, isn’t it?
Healing in the ancient world could mean to repair what is broken, whether
that was something material or spiritual. Because of these reasons this word
could be adapted as a magician who practices magick through the technique
of pathworking, and we can consider it like a modern evolution of the word
meaning as used in modern time.
But this word could be used by anybody who uses pathworking for doing
magick, doesn’t matter if they use my pathworkings or others from different
books that work with different types of spirits. If people will start to use
iatromantis to describe themselves honestly it would be amazing. But as I
said, I’d like to offer a term you can use to describe yourselves as
practitioners of the system I made, specifically.
What could that word be? The key element of this system is the use of the
mind as the main tool to communicate and contact the gods, through which
magick happens. That is why the word I newly made to describe a magician
who practices magick as thought in this system is going to be called a
theomantis (θεόμαντις).
This compound word is made of mantis referring to the magician’s inner
sight used for the pathworking, and the word theos (ο/η θεός) that in Ancient
Greek meant both god or goddess[27]. A seer of the gods, that is.
There is also a little word game in this word, as the word θέα (notice the
change of the stressed syllable) means sight, so the word theomantis could
also mean seer with sight, highlighting once more the mind as main tool to do
magick with Titans and/or Olympians. Finally you need to know that the
word mantis is related with the English word mind and latin mens, from the
Indo-European root *men- to think, mind, thought. A type of magick
intrinsically connected with your mind as main tool of your magician power.
What should you do now that you can label yourself as theomantis? Well, if
you are going to speak with other people who used the magick I presented in
these two books of mine, you can identify yourself with this term. It will be a
help to find other people who practice the same system and that could share
their experiences with you, so you can learn even more about the potential
that this system and the Hellenic deities can give.
Shall you use it at all times? Of course not! If you’re not into being called
with an etiquette, don’t do it. You can keep calling yourself a magician, witch
or just a practitioner. I created this word just to offer an extra tool to help a
community to be born, if that is going to be. After all is just a word, and your
identity as a magician depends on your true self, words are tools only, and it
will also stay that way.
If you are using my books because you are a pagan, you can keep calling
yourself a pagan witch/wizard/magician. If you started to practice magick
with my books about Hellenic Magick, you can call yourself a theomantis,
someone who practice theomancy (pathworking with the gods).
I know this chapter was a bit too philological, maybe. But Magick can be
used from different viewpoints and selecting the right words to describe a
practice can be helpful. Besides, I hope you enjoyed the explanation of what
kind of magicians lived in Ancient Greece and how they were called. Take
this section as a fun fact chapter.

eading Hesiod’s text Theogony, we learn that Hecate was the daughter
R of the Titans Perses and Asteria, two deities associated with stars and
other aspects as you saw in the sections dedicated to them earlier in this
Hecate is a very powerful goddess and one who is very dear to me. I know a
lot of readers were expecting to find something about Hecate in my previous
book about Olympians, something I didn’t do as she is going to be the main
topic in a future book. Still, I decided to include her in this appendix as she is
a Titaness who later was accepted among the Olympians, and Zeus himself
revered her as a powerful being who had the power to move among the three
realms (sky, sea and earth). A power that not even Zeus had, since he was the
ruler of the sky who could move only from heavens to earth and back.
Hecate is an interesting goddess, who probably has a cultural origin in the
Middle East, and Anatolia. Probably she had some influence from other
similar deities from Mesopotamia, but we can’t be that sure. We know that
she was always present in people’s houses, and that her shrines were common
to see on the crossroads and along the roads to protect the travelers (along
with Hermes’ columns offering protection as well). Mysteric cults started to
worship her greatly, whether she was part of a triad (like in the Eleusinian
mysteries where she was honoured with Demeter and Persephone), or she had
a cult on her own that grew over time like in the Orphic mysteries. We cannot
really know how much she was venerated in people’s private life at home,
but some hints seem to suggest she was a goddess many people loved, she
has many titles representing her numerous aspects and powers. After the
Orphic mysteries came into the game, Hecate became the Anima Mundi, the
World Soul and the one who metaphorically gives birth to the souls on Earth
functioning like a filter that collects, cleans and sends the spirits to their
destination on this realm. Furthermore Hecate was thought to be the one who
distributed the universal energy after absorbing it and balancing it, so it can’t
be dangerous for life equilibrium.
She’s definitely many things at once, and her powers can’t be described in
full in a chapter. People can get an idea about her, but they usually spend a
lifetime trying to really comprehend who this incredible goddess is. It’s no
coincidence that her presence remained even after paganism was banned in
the new christian Roman Empire, although it was demonised. Still, if the
Church felt the need to demonise her, it was probably because many people
still loved her openly, as it happened for Diana (a figure to whom Hecate was
often identified or merged in roman late religion) hence the attempt to shush
her remaining worshippers. Her connection with Magick, necromancy, and
the Underworld is found in ancient times but it was highlighted during the
Middle Age, and because of this lingering link with witchcraft, Hecate made
it until the modern era. Of course I’m not saying that there’s always been a
cult dedicated to her that was passed through generations, that’s very
unlikely. The new witches and worshippers who decide to approach Hecate
(or better said, those who are called by her at some point of their lives) do so
following a modern practice, studying and interpreting at their best the
academic material we have about her, adding then their own gnosis with the
Still she is powerful and very present, and this just confirms the beauty of her
mysteries in my opinion.
Now, with that being said, I have to say that initially I wasn’t too sure if I
wanted to add this appendix in this book. As I said, I want to publish a book
dedicated only to her with a system that is based on her divine essence. My
reticence was also due to the fact that there is nothing she can’t do, which is
why I call her a supreme goddess.
What I’m afraid of, is that people will summon only her after reading this
chapter instead of working with the other Titans I presented in this grimoire,
or the Olympians from my previous book.
Surely if you feel a strong call from Hecate, you should definitely work with
her and see what she has to tell you. If you don't have a spiritual crush for
Hecate, then what? At first I’d say to summon Titans’ power since each one
of them has a specific field and their powers are able to influence all those
subjects related to their main field. As for the system presented in this book
Hecate can be called to organise team work. If you want to magically face a
situation from different angles, you will summon different Titans and Hecate
can make sure they all work together in the most harmonious way possible.
Furthermore, Hecate is a Titaness who was welcomed among the Olympians,
so she is a powerful ambassador who can harmonise Olympians’ and Titans’
energies in case you decide to work with both divine categories through
pathworking and always to touch different angles of the same issue.This is
one reason to ask for Hecate's assistance, but there are others too.
In case you don’t know what to do and you need some guidance and
understanding of what you’re going through, Hecate can help. She will also
suggest to you eventually which god or goddess (Titan or Olympian) is the
best match for manifesting your Will. I know, there are some other Titans
who could offer guidance as in divination, but Hecate aid will be different
and it will touch you at a deeper level. She could offer you real epiphanies
and breakthrough moments that will have a huge impact on you.
Of course, if you’re in an emergency you can call Hecate and do whatever
spell is needed with her. Use her pathworking when you are in the right
environment (and I would say learn it by heart too) but after doing only once
her pathworking you will be heard anytime you’re in serious troubles all of a
sudden, just call her name three times.
Last but not least, there is another power Hecate can offer. At the beginning
of this book I described Gaia’s ritual in order to give you the authority to
work with Titans. Well, Hecate pathworking can replace that ritual. When
you have decided to work with a Titan, use Hecate’s pathworking first and
then ask her to lead you to the chosen deity. Additionally, you can work with
Hecate so she can lead you to the Olympians too, taking the place of Hermes.
Actually Hermes and Hecate are very famous deities in some ancient magical
texts, and Hecate has also a role as a messenger and traveller among the
worlds. For the Olympians you may think of her as a more neutral deity to
lead you to the other deities instead of Hermes, who is one of the 12
Olympians himself. What I’m offering here is a choice, you decide how to
adapt the system I presented in this grimoire and my other using what pleases
you the most. You can leave everything as it is, or decide to work with
Hecate who will be your key to unlock Titans’ powers (and Olympians’ if
you want). Even if you’d prefer to keep Gaia’s ritual, I’d say to try at least
once Hecate’s pathworking instead as an opening ritual and see if you feel
any difference. I do like to offer different options to my readers so they can
decide what works best.
If you already know who Hecate is, it is pointless from my side to tell you to
adapt the pathworking in your own practices with this goddess. If on the
other hand, you like to integrate her within the system I present here, do so by
following my instructions but always remaining a bit open to make space for
some creativity. Hecate could make her presence known to you, pushing you
to summon her powers. If your intuition is telling you so, do her pathworking
and see what she has to say. This is actually one of the main reasons I
decided to include an appendix about her in this grimoire. I felt she wanted
that so others may have the chance to approach her when ready.
She is the Divine Queen who rules and can access the three worlds: Sky,
Earth and Sea. She can teach the magician how to use these three elements
and their correspondences in their magick and how they can be combined.
She’s the true Mother of Witches, and she can empower when casting spells
as thought in the witchcraft lore. Hecate becomes a powerful ally if you’d
like to grow a better acquaintance with the magical tradition of your own
culture and/or family. Hecate can help you understand your truest self and
what your magick is made of. Her pathworking can be used as meditation to
let the goddess guide you and teach you, and in this sense it can be included
in your spiritual routines.
Through Hecate you can coordinate different Titans to work on different
angles to fix a single complicated problem. She can also replace Gaia’s
opening ritual, and you can ask her to be introduced to your chosen Titan. If
you have my other grimoire on the Olympians, you can ask her to lead you to
the chosen deity instead of asking Hermes.
If you want to work with both Titans and Olympians, summon Hecate's
divine power to coordinate both, and you will get a wonderful balance of
energies. Titans are more chthonian and Olympians are more Celestials.
Making them work in pairs through the union of Hecate, will create a perfect
synergy to manifest even more powerfully your Will.
If you use her pathworking at least once, a bond will be forged. If you find
yourself in serious unexpected troubles, it will suffice to call her name three
times to get her attention and magical help; depending on the situation she
might not even need to hear what your request is, she will read your soul and
act upon your feelings. She has all the powers of the Titans and Olympians,
and because of this she can come to your aid when you have an emergency.
She’s the Mother of the World and Soul of the Universe, you can call her to
exorcise places or a person when they are seriously haunted or infested.
You can call her to help the souls of the dead to pass over and arrive safely in
the Otherworld. Her pathworking can be used to summon her presence if
you’d like to honour your ancestors or offer a last goodbye to a beloved who
left this world. She can allow you to talk to someone’s soul in the otherworld
or make a message come through.
One of her epithets is Queen of Daemons and Angels and you can ask her to
grant you divine authority when working with other spirits (including angels
or demons) making her a great substitute to work with other systems such as
Goetia, if you don’t feel comfortable working with the divine names of
YHVH present in there, or you want to perform those rituals from a pagan
Hecate is Magick, Mystery and the true Cosmos potential. Call on her
whenever your heart tells you it’s the right moment to summon her blessed
presence. Keep in mind she will give you something if you deserve it, but if
not, she will make you understand why not.
Hecate can help you to reach your holy daimon and communicate with this
higher being that reflects your inner divinity.
From a rocky cliff you can admire a vast sea and an intense blue sky.
Two lit torches are planted in the ground.
A black she-dog is looking at a bright moon in the night sky.
A silver key shines in the darkness, while a woman's voice says “Hecate”.

y now it should be clear that the magick I’ve shown in this book doesn’t
B need tools to be used. You just need a quiet space and your focus.
But it’s true that the system offers a lot of flexibility that allows you to
adapt it as you wish, if you ever decide to use it with other techniques.
What I’m about to say here can be used in general with any magick that
works with pathworking, so of course you can use my tips for Olympians’
Magick too.
The first tip that comes to mind is using the pathworking to call a Titan and
ask him to charge and consecrate something special. The Titans will imbue
the object with their force and you will have a talisman ready.
This talisman could be an object, or a sigil you created on purpose and given
as a gift to somebody who asked for your help. Otherwise, you can keep it if
you are into sigil magick and you want to use Titans’ bless to activate and
launch the sigil. Actually a sigil you make, being a form of self-expression,
can be given also as an offering to the Titan you chose.
An additional suggestion for the creation of sigils, is to create two designs
first. One is going to be your statement sigil, and the second one is going to
be the chosen Titan’s name sigil. When you have both of them ready, fuse
them together to symbolise the union of Titan’s power with your personal
My second tip is using the pathworking as if they were spells. What I mean
with this is that those sentences can be used to cast verbal magick, whether
they are to be addressed to somebody else or yourself. The good thing about
pathworking is that you can obtain results even if you’re not imagining what
you read, as long as you can spell each word with attention, like if you were
speaking for the first time.
To help with this, you can translate the pathworking sentences in a language
you like but that is not your native tongue[28]. It can be an ancient language,
an invented one like Esperanto, Quenya or Valyrian, or just a language you
are learning (if you’re proficient enough to attempt a translation). Just, make
sure you know enough to translate to the target language, and make sure it is
you to do the translation. This way your subconscious will absorb each word
in the ritual language you chose, and thus you will have primed a connection
within those sentences and your magick.
In some cases you could not be able to get a translation that makes much
sense, if that is a real issue for you but you still want to use the pathworking
as spells, then it’s okay to ask somebody to translate. But if you do so, make
sure to ask this person to explain to you how the translation was made and if
words have specific cultural values or meaning.
In this case the power won’t be in the language you chose, but your feelings
about that language. Using ritual/magical language for magick is something
that appeals to many witches and magicians in the world, so if you’re one of
them (like I am) go for it!
Can you still use this trick without translating the pathworking from English
to a different language? Sure, just make sure to focus enough to use the
pathworking as a verbal spell. I hope you can appreciate the chaos magick
touch that inspired this tip as much as I do. But I want to make clear that the
idea for this suggestion comes from older texts of magick like the Greco-
roman papyri, where gods and spirits are summoned, invoked or evoked for
magick using verses and hymns that describe the deity’s sacred animals,
plants, aspects and characteristics. Pathworking are based on deity’s lore and
symbols, so it makes sense to use them as if they were short hymns. Well,
they recall more haiku poetry actually, but I think I made my point clear.
Tip number three is to fuse pathworking with other type of magick, especially
those a little more traditional coming from witchcraft where you use candles,
herbs, potions and so on. As it already happens, in many spells and rituals of
modern witchcraft summon gods’ help to improve the aim of the spell, so to
speak. If you’re into this kind of practice, you can include the pathworking as
you like.
You can use it to call the Titan for your goal, or you can use the ritual to
enhance the ritual through pathworking. Witches that do spells in a more
traditional way but being still open to flexibility and creativity can add my
pathworkings in their spells and rituals. Don’t forget that what I have shown
in the books of this series can also be used to celebrate the gods, give them
offerings or ask for spiritual teachings and more. If for your next Samhain
you’d like to work with Mnemosyne to honour and remember your beloved
who passed away, you surely can!
Last tip is to use the pathworking when you do want to make an offering.
This is a topic we have discussed already in the previous book so I will be
short. The system as it is doesn’t require to do offerings to the Titans (or the
Olympians) since gratitude is included in the ritual presented, and also
because the time you take to read about the deity, the time you’re going to
dedicate to them and the money you spent willingly for buying this book and
work with them, is already a tribute you made. Still, you can feel the need to
do an additional offering, or maybe you just want to be extra nice for a big
favour Titans granted you. In this case just perform the basic ritual as I’ve
instructed and then after performing the pathworking, just say the Titan’s
name and state you’re going to do an offering. You can offer food, incense,
candles’ light, some coins, a drawing, a poetry, a glass of wine, or just
whatever your inspiration tells you in that moment. Since Titans are
chthonian in origin, you should opt to pour a libation (a liquid offer) to the
ground whenever you have the chance.
You could have much more ideas on how to adapt these pathworkings and
the additional rituals in this grimoire into your personal practice. And you can
do it if you like to experiment a bit. The important bit here is to not change
the basic structure of the rituals and the pathwork or they won’t work as
they’re supposed to. To shred apart someone’s work isn’t nice and wouldn’t
be respectful towards the author who spent time and effort to make that
material available for you all. Adapt something doesn’t mean to radically
distort it. I hope that my suggestions will inspire you in taking a step further
and add personality to your way of doing magick.
Before ending this chapter I’d like to remind you that wizardry is a powerful
tool at your disposal, but don’t forget that you need to work on the mundane
side of things in order to allow your rituals to manifest. Your magical efforts
must be supported by your physical action and giving some time for the
magick to manifest. Sometimes your spells can work in less than 48 hours,
and sometimes they can take weeks before to lead to the desired outcome.
When doing sorcery there are many factors involved, including your mindset
which can be your biggest ally or your worst enemy.
If you do a spell to have occasional sex one night, you will need then to go
out to a place where there are chances you meet someone. You do so, and
magick won’t fail you because you will be giving it the room to act and
influence your reality.
Also, pay attention to what you’re asking. Sometimes we think that what we
want is what we need to feel happier, but that’s not always the case. If you
have some doubts on how to express your request or how to address an issue,
just ask a Titan with the power of divination/guidance to let you know, and
meditate a little on the matter. Of course divination and oracles are witches’
best friends, use them (or learn a form of divination if you’re new) to clear up
your mind and have a better understanding of the situation you want to
change, and how you’re feeling about that very situation.

nother book, a new grimoire, comes to an end. As always I do hope

A you enjoyed the ride, this time through the world of the Titans and their
incredible powers. Nowadays there are tons of books that explain
magicians how to use their magick through spirits, angels and demons and
although that’s fantastic (being something I practice too), I know there are
many people who desire to have modern grimoires that deal with different
entities such as the gods.
I was one of those practitioners and that is why I decided to publish my work
after it was conceived a long time ago. I had a hard time finding the material I
was looking for, so by writing this book I hope to contribute to your research
and make it easier.
To be completely honest, the Titan grimoire was the first book I was going to
publish, but then for reasons I won’t detail here, my first book to be
published was a different one. After my first publication, I thought the time
had finally come for the Titans’ magick book, but once more something told
me to change the plans again and publish first the Olympians’ grimoire. I’m
confident this book can offer a lot, and with deities that are not so widely
known but that fascinate other magicians.
The Greek world was mesmerising (and still is), and you can’t imagine how
many other deities, spirits and daimones are present in their culture that we
magicians can explore and use for our magical doings; my intention was to
reduce this “gap” a little. With this grimoire I wanted to put the Titans back
under the spotlight, because they have so much to offer, and still not so many
people who summon them. If with this humble work I will cause more people
to call on these deities more often, I will have accomplished my mission.
This book and Olympians’ Magick are part of a series I called Hellenic
Magick, a full system that alone can allow you to perform magick to shape
your reality and help you accomplish your goals. Who knows how many
theomantis will arise in the near future?!
As I always like to remind people, never forget that your true power comes
from within. Any technique can work wonders if you let the magick happen,
and Titans will help you along the way. Cast your spells, make sure to leave
room for your magick to manifest, and enjoy your new life.
Until the next adventure, stay magical!
Hecateus Apuliensis
More from Hecateus Apuliensis
Liber Astrum
Magick of the Planetary Intelligences
Olympians’ Magick
pathoworkings of the 12 Hellenic Gods
(First book of the series Hellenic Magick)
◆ ◆ ◆

NB: If you enjoyed my book and you found it to be interesting or it helped

you magically, I’d appreciate reading your reviews. Learning about your
experiences will enrich my work even more, and will also help me
economically. Being a college student and working on a book at the same
time isn’t an easy task. I’d appreciate your sincere opinions on Amazon, so
my work can keep reaching those people who may find it interesting for their
magical practices and helping me improve as a young author. Thank you very

A subject I study myself at University
Pneuma or πνεύμα in Greek means literally breath but it was considered also like a spiritual concept
or energy a little similar to the prana found in Indian and Buddhist lore.
After all, they were the offspring of Gaia, the Earth-goddess
In Ancient Greek it means “hail Gaia”.
The translation from Ancient Greek is “I am aware of my own power”
In the first book of this series I explained more in detail how the pathworking works. Refer to it if
you want to know more, and to have a more complete view on the subject. You can find more info also
The letter pi is like this: Π capital, π cursive
This is a practical example to make you understand better how to apply this power, as it can sound a
little too abstract at first.
Later on she appeared also among the Olympians as a lover of Zeus, after the Titans’ era ended.
I learnt this power from her later myths and how she was portrayed there.
In my Olympians’ Magick book you will find out that this power is shared with Apollo (protector of
young boys) and Artemis (protector of young girls), and this is because Leto was the mother of these
two Olympians gods, after she had an encounter with Zeus himself. It’s logical that some of her powers
were passed on to her offspring just as it happened with many other Titans who passed their powers to
the newest generation of gods, as the myths go.
N.B. The pathworking of this Titan has a link to Zeus in order to limit the Titan’s power and make
it easier for the magician to use these powers of Menoites. In the myth, Zeus was the one to send this
Titan to Erebos because of his temper.
Mnemosyne and Metis are a great couple if you’re pursuing a degree, master or PHD.
Personally I prefer to use the positive aspects of Perses’ power, and more generally if I need to curse
somebody I chose to work with the Olympians being more balanced in this regard, rather than working
with Titans as their curses can be really destructive.
As one theory says, Titans could have been taken from Middle East and Mesopotamia into the
Greek Pantheon so to offer a genealogy to the Greek and Pre-Greek gods, following this idea, the
Canaanite equivalent of Rhea would be Asherah, also known as Elat (the feminine of El “god”,
meaning “goddess”).
Her statues represent her as a woman holding a scale and a sword, and you can still see her around
in law courts where justice is applied by judges and lawyers.
If you do, you will need to learn by heart the sentences of power used throughout the ritual.
Pronounced: pahreesthee oh Kawyeh
In Ancient Greek it means “be present o + Titan’s name (in the vocative case).
Pronounced: pahreesthee oh Yahpehteh
Pronounced: pahreesthee oh Kree-eh
Pronounced: pahreesthee oh Hüpehreeawn
Pronounced: Heh deeahtahxis ehn taw awntee mawee ehkfanehs.
The sentence means: the order is manifest in my reality
Don’t worry too much when using Ancient Greek. Your pronunciation doesn’t have to be perfect
and even if you stress the wrong syllable, you will still be heard. Gods understand you and praise your
effort. And if you want to say it perfectly, you can read about Greek pronunciation in Wikipedia to
improve your skills.
I’m a pagan chaos & sigil crafter gray eclectic hecatean witch, if you are curious to know
Archaic Greek tended to distinguish mainly between animate and inanimate grammatical genders,
before developing the animate further, obtaining masculine and feminine. This feature was kept later on
in some words where only the article distinguished the gender, before a new feminine version of the
word arose. From θεός a new word for goddess derived which was η θεά.
Ancient Greek and Latin would be the first choice for many of us out there

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