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2022 Cycle 2 Report

Deyu MAO
Year 10 – Form 10.5

Subjects studied
English - Myths and Legends
Extension Mathematics
German Pathway 1

Student Manager
Mr S Billings and Ms C Dwyer
Year 7 to 10 Report Explanations

Subject Descriptor – a description of

what was studied this cycle.
Indicative Progress – this graph shows
how the student has progressed in each
cycle to date. The shaded area
indicates the expected level of
achievement. The legend at the bottom
of each page contains the explanation
of the 1 to 5 scale.

Assessment Tasks – the tasks that the

student will undertake during the year
(or semester in the case of semester
long units) are listed. Tasks that have
yet to be assessed will be indicated by
Not Yet Commenced.

Work Habits – the graphs indicate the

student's level of effort and their
standard of behaviour in the classroom
each cycle, to date, on a continuum
moving from red to green.

Recommendations – these are based

on the student's work for the cycle.

Assessment Task Grades

A+,. A … E+, E , A 10 point scale indicating the level of achievement for each assessment task, where A+ is the highest possible achievement
and E indicates that the minimum required standard has been met
Ungraded The work is completed by the student on time but it does not meet the criteria associated with the task OR the assessment
task was submitted after the deadline. It has been awarded an S but cannot be graded for a level of achievement
Not Assessed Indicates that the task was not undertaken or submitted

Work Habits
Please see details on the next page. This is the guide used by teachers to inform their judgements.
Work Habits
The continuum is an indication of your child’s level of effort and their standard of behaviour in the classroom. We encourage students to operate in the
green end of the scale. Students whose rating appears toward the red end are encouraged to reassess their approach to learning with the support and
advice of their teachers and student managers.

Effort Indicates student approach and commitment to their learning

Always engaged in meaningful activity in lesson time.
Consistently organised; uses time well; completes all class work and homework with care.
(dark green) Actively involved in lessons and classroom discussions.
Always demonstrates persistence and to extend skills independently.
Displays initiative and consistently implements teacher advice on strategies for improvement.
Frequently engaged in meaningful activity in lesson time.
Organised most of the time and usually completes all class work and homework with care.
(pale green) Frequently involved in lessons and generally contributes to class discussions.
Usually demonstrates persistence and occasionally seeks to extend skills independently.
Strives to improve and implements teacher advice on areas in need of improvement.
Usually engaged in meaningful activity in lesson time.
Organised most of the time, occasionally completes class work and homework with care.
(white) Usually involved in lessons and classroom discussions.
Seeks a challenge when prompted and usually persists.
Shows signs of trying to improve and usually implements teacher advice.
Frequently not engaged in meaningful activities in lesson time.
Sometimes organised and attempts some homework.
(pale red) Sometimes listens carefully and contributes to class discussion.
Occasionally avoids challenging tasks.
Shows some motivation to improve but lacks focus and persistence.
Rarely engages in learning and often seeks alternative activities.
Rarely arrives prepared for lessons and frequently does not have homework or equipment.
(strong red) Rarely contributes to class discussions and collaborative work.
Often chooses the easiest option and rarely embraces challenges in learning.
Rarely displays motivation to improve or seek teacher assistance.

Behaviour Indicates general student behaviour – bringing materials to class, arriving on time, communicating and interacting respectfully
with others
Actively contributes to a positive classroom environment by encouraging others to behave appropriately.
Consistently follows teacher’s instructions without delay and accepts responsibility readily.
(dark green)
Consistently punctual, respectful and listening politely.
Consistently considers others’ right to learn, avoids behaviours which distract from teaching and learning.
Contributes to a positive classroom environment, occasionally encourages others to behave appropriately.
Consistently follows the teacher’s instructions and accepts responsibility.
(pale green)
Consistently courteous and listening respectfully.
Consistently considers others’ right to learn, avoids behaviours which distract from teaching and learning.
Usually behaves appropriately and avoids lateness.
Generally follows the teacher’s instructions without reminders.
(white) Usually respectful and courteous, accepting teacher’s corrections.
Generally mindful of others’ right to learn and listens respectfully.
Reflects upon inappropriate behaviours and self-corrects.
Struggles to self-regulate behaviour which interferes with positive and productive classroom environment.
Repeatedly arrives late for class.
(pale red)
Relies on teacher to identify behaviours which disrupt learning for self and others.
Repeatedly needs to be reminded to behave appropriately or use appropriate language.
Frequently displays behaviour which disrupts learning for self and others.
Frequently needs to be reminded to behave appropriately.
(strong red)
Does not accept responsibility for own behaviour readily and may be argumentative if corrected.
Often uses inappropriate language or displays disrespectful behaviour.
Student Report – 2022 Cycle 2
Deyu MAO
Year 10 – Form 10.5

Subject Learning Area / Strand

Drama Drama

English - Myths and Legends Reading and Viewing


Speaking and Listening

English - Myths and Legends Critical and Creative Thinking

Extension Mathematics Number and Algebra

German Pathway 1 German

Physics Science

Psychology Science
Student Report – 2022 Cycle 2
Deyu MAO
Year 10 – Form 10.5

Drama Teacher: Ms C Leavey

The course deals with the development of students' dramatic skills through examining prescribed theatrical styles and conventions. The
course includes; establishing character, using the space, interpreting dramatic stimulus, employing imagination and exploring elements of
non-naturalistic theatre. Students undertake solo and ensemble performances which require character transformation and the
development of an actor-audience relationship. Stagecraft is applied to all performance work.

Indicative Progress
Cycle 1 Cycle 2
Indicative Progress for Term 1

Legend: 5 Well above expected level ▪ 4 Above expected level ▪ 3 At expected level ▪ 2 Below expected level ▪ 1 Well below expected level

Assessment Tasks
Assessment Tasks Overall Result E
Performance Analysis Task C
Ensemble Performance D
Ensemble Documentation Ungraded
Examination - Solo Performance Task E

Work Habits
Effort Behaviour
Cycle 1
Cycle 2

To improve future learning Deyu should

▪ be prepared and willing to participate actively in all class tasks and workshops
▪ ensure that class time is used productively and avoid distractions from others
▪ ensure that every effort is made to provide detailed and clear responses in written tasks
▪ experiment with a range of strategies to transform character, place and time in performance tasks

VCE Subject Selection Recommendations

Deyu requires a more conscientious approach to attempt VCE Drama next year
Student Report – 2022 Cycle 2
Deyu MAO
Year 10 – Form 10.5

English - Myths and Legends Teacher: Mr R Walsh

Students analyse how texts construct meaning, convey ideas and values, and are open to a range of interpretations. Students
demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of selected texts through analytical, creative and comparative written responses.
Students analyse the use of language in texts that present a point of view on an issue in the media and construct a sustained point of
view on the issue.

Indicative Progress
Cycle 1 Cycle 2
Indicative Progress for Term 1

Legend: 5 Well above expected level ▪ 4 Above expected level ▪ 3 At expected level ▪ 2 Below expected level ▪ 1 Well below expected level

Assessment Tasks
Assessment Tasks Overall Result B
Analytical Response to Film Study C
Creative Response to Text Study B
Oral Response to Literacy Circles B+

Work Habits
Effort Behaviour
Cycle 1
Cycle 2

To improve future learning Deyu should

▪ maintain a regular reading routine

▪ use more detailed evidence to support an interpretation
▪ develop confidence in the use of metalanguage
▪ use class time productively

Year 10 Subject Selection Recommendations

Deyu is currently performing at a standard indicating the potential to undertake VCE English next year
Student Report – 2022 Cycle 2
Deyu MAO
Year 10 – Form 10.5

Extension Mathematics Teacher: Mr B Loh and Mrs M Zervos

Students develop useful mathematical skills to numeracy across the curriculum, solve practical real-life problems, build up specialist
knowledge that provides further study in the discipline, and strengthen their confidence in their personal knowledge of mathematics. This
course involves skills to prepare students for all VCE mathematics and in particular, Further Mathematics.

Indicative Progress
Cycle 1 Cycle 2
Indicative Progress for Term 1

Legend: 5 Well above expected level ▪ 4 Above expected level ▪ 3 At expected level ▪ 2 Below expected level ▪ 1 Well below expected level

Assessment Tasks
Assessment Tasks Overall Result A
Linear Algebra A+
Linear Graphs B
Surds and Indices A
Quadratic Algebra and Equations C+
Semester Examination D+

Work Habits
Effort Behaviour
Cycle 1
Cycle 2

To improve future learning Deyu should

▪ purchase a Casio Classpad calculator as it is a necessary requirement for learning of mathematical concepts
▪ start to prepare a reference book that summarises the concepts learnt

VCE Subject Selection Recommendations

Deyu is recommended to study Units 1 and 2 Mathematical Methods next year
Student Report – 2022 Cycle 2
Deyu MAO
Year 10 – Form 10.5

German Pathway 1 Teacher: Ms C Paydon

In Semester One, students consolidate skills learnt in the Junior School, focusing on the four language skills of writing, reading, speaking
and listening. Themes covered include 'me & my world', 'free time and 'holidays and travel'. Key grammar introduced include word order,
modal verbs, the dative case, prepositions and the perfect tense.

Indicative Progress
Cycle 1 Cycle 2
Indicative Progress for Term 1

Legend: 5 Well above expected level ▪ 4 Above expected level ▪ 3 At expected level ▪ 2 Below expected level ▪ 1 Well below expected level

Assessment Tasks
Assessment Tasks Overall Result D
Communicating Term 1 D+
Listening Term 2 C
Writing Term 2 E+
Reading Term 2 D+
Semester Examination E

Work Habits
Effort Behaviour
Cycle 1
Cycle 2

To improve future learning Deyu should

▪ plan more carefully to ensure all criteria for assessment tasks are considered and met
▪ ensure all home study tasks are completed fully and on time, to allow progression in learning
▪ undertake regular, focussed home study to learn key vocabulary and concepts introduced in class
▪ actively seek teacher assistance, both in and out of class

VCE Subject Selection Recommendations

Deyu could continue German at VCE level with an improved work ethic
Student Report – 2022 Cycle 2
Deyu MAO
Year 10 – Form 10.5

Physics Teacher: Mr J Serpant

Students in this subject use a wave model to describe sound. They explore the motion of objects by investigating the interaction of forces
and conversions of energy using the Laws of Physics. Electrical circuits are designed and the various components are manipulated. The
interaction of electricity and magnets is explored in motors. Students identify the major features of the Universe and explain the origin of
the Universe. They complete a self-directed investigation into a chosen aspect of Physics.

Indicative Progress
Cycle 1 Cycle 2
Indicative Progress for Term 1

Legend: 5 Well above expected level ▪ 4 Above expected level ▪ 3 At expected level ▪ 2 Below expected level ▪ 1 Well below expected level

Assessment Tasks
Assessment Tasks Overall Result C+
Sound Test C+
Motion Experiment E+
Motion Test C+
Electricity Test A+
Analysis of an Electromagnetic Device B
Universe Mindmap Not Assessed
Universe test D+
Personal Project E

Work Habits
Effort Behaviour
Cycle 1
Cycle 2

To improve future learning Deyu should

▪ follow the assessment rubric to achieve the key requirements of assessment tasks
▪ adopt a more effective approach to revision to improve test results
▪ develop a revision schedule that allows a continual review of past concepts
▪ ensure a reference sheet is well prepared and brought to topic tests

VCE Subject Selection Recommendations

Deyu has demonstrated the behaviours, skills and knowledge to be able to further pursue this study
Student Report – 2022 Cycle 2
Deyu MAO
Year 10 – Form 10.5

Psychology Teacher: Ms K Angland

In this subject, students will explore Psychology as the study of the mind and behaviour. Students will focus on four major areas of study.
Firstly, the introduction to Psychology, including ethics and the role of various psychologists. Secondly, students will consider educational
and developmental psychology. Later topics include mental illness and finally, forensic psychology.

Indicative Progress
Cycle 1 Cycle 2
Indicative Progress for Term 1

Legend: 5 Well above expected level ▪ 4 Above expected level ▪ 3 At expected level ▪ 2 Below expected level ▪ 1 Well below expected level

Assessment Tasks
Assessment Tasks Overall Result D+
Module 1 Assessment C
Module 2 Test C
Forensic Assignment E
Semester Examination Not Assessed

Work Habits
Effort Behaviour
Cycle 1
Cycle 2

To improve future learning Deyu should

▪ develop a revision schedule that allows for review of past concepts

▪ seek teacher help when unsure of a concept

VCE Subject Selection Recommendations

Deyu has demonstrated the study habits required to undertake VCE Psychology

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