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SERVICE MANUAL Ol/Weo Ol/W CONTENTS . SPECIFICATIONS ....... . STRUCTURAL DIAGRAM. BLOCK DIAGRAM CIRCUIT DIAGRAM PC. BOARDS ........ . HOW TO DISASSEMBLE HARDWARE SPECIFICATIONS DIAGNOSTICTEST . REFERENCE DATA 10. PARTS LIST PENanawne BRSSaetBe = 1. SPECIFICATIONS Tone generation method : AI square synthesis system ( full digital processing ) Tone generator Keyboard Waveform memory Effects Programs Combinations Sequencer section Control inputs Outputs Floppy disk drive (O1/HFD only) PCN card slot PROG/SEQ card slot MIDL Display Power consumption Dimensions Weight : 82 voices, $2 oscillators(single node) + 16 voices, 82 oscillators(double wode) + 61 notes, with inintial and aftertouch sensitivity : PCW 48 Mbits : two digital multi-effect systems : 200 Programs + 200 Combinations : 10 Songs, 100 Patterns, maximum 48,000 notes (for the 01/¥, 7,000), 16 tracks, 16 timbers (dynamic voice allocation) : Damper pedal, Assignable pedals 1,2 : I/L, 2/R, 3, 4, headphones : 8.5 inch 20D (for Program/Combination/Drun Kit/Global parameters/Sequence data/MIDI data) 2 PCM data : for Program/Combination/Drum Kit/Global parameters /Sequence data 2 IN, OUT, THRU : LOD 64 x 240 dots, full dot matrix, with backlight 2 20H + 1059.5(W) x 334(D) x 115.5(H) mm 2 OL/WFD...13.9ke —O1/#...13. 4k 3X Appearance and specifications are subject to change without notice for product improvement. FOR 01/W & 01/W FD PART HO ‘SCRENS PART CODE A |or Boca x8 718230308 CT B BUC 3x8 715260308, c | PLAX B Buc 3x8 745060308, PART NO PART NAME PART CODE 1 | PANEL FOR 01/¥FO 41022100 PANEL FOR O1/# 841025800 2 | SIDE chassis L 41021100 3 | SIDE CHASSIS R 641021200 4 | SIDE PLATE L 848038400 5 | SIDE PLATE R 646038401 6 | 15-KEY KNOB 620023500, 7 | a-KEY KNOB 620023400, 3 | Lcd nooo 646038500 9 | SLIDE VR FRAME 1 846028200 10 | LCD DNFS005NS-EWL 313002500 11 | SUPPORT RAIL 641021500 12 | PANEL P.C. BOARD KLN-1593 001153300 13 | JOYSTICK ASSENBLY a 14 | JOYSTICK PANEL 646039600 15 | NAME PLATE 16 | SERIAL NO SEAL 17 | JOYSTICK PANEL SUPPORT 841021300 IWVYOVIG TVENLINULS *Z FOR 01/W FD PART NO PART NAME PART CODE SCREWS PART CODE 1 KEYBOARD FS-61 420004000 cr 2MC 3 x 6 718280306 2 KEYBOARD FRONT ANGLE 641020300 cr MC 3 x 8 715230308 3 ‘SUPPORT PLATE A 641020800 cr ZMC 3 x 10 718280310 4 ‘SUPPORT PLATE B 641020900 cr ‘IMC 4 x 10 715280410 5 ‘SUPPORT PLATE C 641021000 cr BZNC 8 x 8 715260308 6 FDD ANGLE 641020500 PLAX B BZNC 3 x 8 745060308 7 FDD COVER 646038600 PLAX B BZNC 3 x 10 745080310 8 FDD DFP423E ( 1MB ) 435000700 TP2G B ZMC 4x 20 725030420 9 SHIELD SHEET 580030400 TS SSE BZNC 4 x 10 715160411 10 POWER UNIT CHASSIS 641020400 u PORER SUPPLY P.C. BOARD KLM-1530 | 001153000 12 WETAL FITTING OF REGULATOR 641020800 13 POWER TRANSFORMER TA~040 400012700 Uy WASHER FOR POWER TRANSFORMER 641022900 15 POWER SW ESB-8213¥ 375007800 16 METAL FITTING OF POWER SW 641021400 7 POWER SW KNOB 620024600 18 INLET SOCKET a 19 L TYPE ANGLE 641019800 20 CARD GUIDE 646039400 21 CARD SLOT 646039500 22 JACK PLATE 641007800 23 WAIN P.C.BOARD KLM-1528 001152800 24 JACK P.C.BOARD KLM-1529 001152800 25 SHIELD FORM 71TS5-3 540018900 26 LUG ¢4 N-3 672001600 27 DATA LINE FILTER ESD-R-250-B 525000100 ‘PART NO. PART NAME PART CODE PART NO ‘SCREWS | PART CODE | 1 KEYBOARD FS-61 420004000 A CT B UNC3x6 715230306 2 KEYBOARD FRONT ANGLE 641020300 B CT B UC3x8 718230308 3 ‘SUPPORT PLATE A 641020800 c cT «BNC 3x 10 715280310 4 SUPPORT PLATE B 641020900 D cT BNC 4 x 10 715230410 5 ‘SUPPORT PLATE C 641021000 E CT «6B BUC 3x 8 715260308 6 METAL FITTING OF JOYSTICK 641020700 F PLAX B BZNC 3 x 8 745060308 7 JOYSTICK UNDER COVER 646039700 G PLAX B BZNC 3 x 10 745060310 8 JOYSTICK SHIELD SHEET 580030500 H TP2G B ZNC 4 x 20 725030420 9 SHIELD SHEET 580030400 1 TS SSE BZMC 4 x 10 715160411 10 POWER UNIT CHASSIS 641020400 u POWER SUPPLY P.C.BOARD KLM-1530 | 001153000 12 METAL FITTING OF REGULATOR 641020600 13 POWER TRANSFORMER TA-040 400012700 4 WASHER FOR POWER TRANSFORMER 641022900 15 POWER SW ESB-8213¥ 375007800 16 NETAL FITTING OF POWER SW 641021400 17 POWER SW KNOB 620024600 18 INLET SOCKET ~ = 19 L TYPE ANGLE 641019800 20 CARD GUIDE 646039400 21 CARD SLOT 646039500 22 JACK PLATE 641007800 23 MAIN P.C.BOARD KLN-1537 001153700 24 JACK P.C.BOARD KLN-1529 001152800 25 LUG ¢4 N-3 672001600 26 DATA LINE FILTER ESD-R-25D-B 525000100 FOR 01/W FD PART NO SCREWS PART CODE A CT «BB BIC 3x8 715260308 B cT B BZWC 4 x 10 715260410 c PLAX B BZMC 3 x 8 745060308 D TS SSE BZMC 4 x 10 715160411 PART NAME PART CODE LOWER CASE 641020200 LeD WINDOW 630015600 SLIDE VR KNOB 620019700 RUBBER FOOT FF-001 500018500 FOR 01/;W B BZNC 3x8 B BZNC 4 x 10 TS SSE BZNC 4 x 10 715260308 718260410 745060308 715160411 PART NAME PART CODE 641020200 630015600 620019700 500018500 7q ! 1 SCREW PLAX B BZWC 3 x 8 745060308 2 X-011/012 JOYSTICK LEVER 846039200 3 X-011/012 JOYSTICK WHEEL 646039300 4 X-011/012 WHEEL SPRING 644006200 5 NUT VN BZMC 9 7730860902 6 X-011/012 WHEEL SUPPORT 646039100 7,8 VR RKI1K1140 ( SPECIAL CURVE B ) 360023600 9 X-011/012 VR PLATE 646039000 10 X-011/012 JOYSTICK COVER 646040000 X-011/012 JOYSTICK FRAME 646038900 OL wlelel 668 [~]wses|—|oree|~] noe [~] vac }> cain} sv : LPF Do MUTE IT SYSTEM BUS mar | | ceu wren | | were) | per SEQ 25 Rom} | Ran mem w= Tetfpower Sureur | [su Léd"vacue Jor stick KEYBOARD o ae OO DAMPER "ASS.PEDAL 1: O1WFD ONLY [ ]:01w WVYOVIG D019 “€ Olof —- — KLM-1528 [1537] cRDsos x4 1¢9+n8eseo00-zorr- aaa 167 tppesso09-2orr= sad 1G0snessaoa0-2orF- Sao TASTER cLock Once this diagnostic test is started, the data in the O1/¥FD ( O1/¥ ) is initialized. If necessary data are memorized in it, please save the data into RAM cards or a floppy disk before starting the test. «Starting the test progran> 1. Connect MIDI IN and OUT with a MIDI cable. 2. Insert a PCM card ( XSC-801 ) and a diagnostic test card into each card slot and turn the power ON. At this time the protect switch of the test card must be OFF. 3. When the test program starts, the following tests are automatically carried out. Internal Test #00 ) Internal Test #01 ) LCD RAN Test Internal Test #02 ) TG & DF CPU I/F Test ( Internal Test #03 ) Internal RAM Test = ( ¢ ¢ € Internal Battery Test ( Internal Test #04 ) ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ RAM Card Test Card Battery Test Internal Test #05 ) KIDI Loop Test Internal Test #06 ) PCW RON TG I/F Test ( Internal Test #07 ) PCM Card 1G I/F Test ( Internal Test #08 ) a If any error occurs to the result of the internal test, the error message will be indicated in the LCD and the panel LEDs will go on and off. When the internal test finishes normally, the program proceeds to TEST 1 : SW & LED TEST. Then, when you turn the power ON while pressing "3" and ’RESET’ to start the test mode, you can omit the PCM card test and the MIDI loop test. In case that the protect switch of the RAM card is ON at the internal test #01 : RAM CARD TEST, the following wessage is indicated in the LCD. * Error : Protect In case that an error occurs at the internal test #03 : TG I/F TEST. the following message is indicated in the LCD. 28 1) In case that an error occurs between the TG and the LCD, * Voice flag x TG too long busy ® Voice on flag 2) In case that an error occurs between the DF and the CPU, * VDA * EXC * VDF * PAN In case thet MIDI IN and OUT are not connected with a MIDI cable at the internal test #06 : MIDI LOOP TEST, the following message is indicated in the LCD. x Error : OUT —X—- IN ( no connect ) TEST 2 : PANEL SW & LED TEST> The test of the panel switches and the confirmation of the LED's lighting are carried out. 1, Confirm that all the LEDs light red. 2. Press each switch according to the turn which is indicated in the LCD and confirm that they work correctly. The turn to press the switches is as follows. In case of the 01/¥FD COMBI, PROG, SEQ, BANK, EDIT COMBI, EDIT PROG, GLOBAL, DISK, A. Y. UP, DOWN, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, PAGE+, PAGE-, 7, 4, 1, 10’s HOLD/-, 8, 5, 2, 0, 9, 6, 3, COMPARE, REC/WRITE, START/STOP, RESET In case of the 01/¥ COMBI, PROG, SEQ, INT/CARD, EDIT COMBI, EDIT PROG, GLOBAL, BANK, A. Y, UP, DOWN, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, PAGE+, PAGE-, 7, 4, 1, 10’s HOLD/-, 8, 5, 2, 0, 9, 6, 3, COMPARE, REC/WRITE, START/STOP, RESET As for the switches whose LEDs light, confirm that the LEDs light red when the switches are pressed and then the LEDs light green when the switches are released. 8. When this check is finished to the RESET switch, the test program proceeds to the next automatically. 29 The test of the LCD's indication is carried out. 1, Confirm that all the dots in the LCD light. If nothing is wrong with the LCD, press RESET to proceed to the next. | 2. Confirm that all the dots in the LCD go out. If nothing is wrong with the LCD, press RESET to proceed to the next. NDE and DF88 are checked. Connect an oscilloscope to OUTPUT 1. 1. Confirm that the output waveform of the MDE test is as follows. MDE TEST WAVEFORM If this test is N.G., check the circuit connected with MDE ( ICI7 ) and the analog circuit. If this test is 0.K., press RESET to proceed to the next. 2. Confirm that an explosion sound is output normally at the DF test. If this test is N.G., check the circuit between DF88 ( IC15 ) and MDE ( Ici7 >. If this test is 0.K., press RESET to proceed to the next. 30 TEST 5 : WS TEST> WS is checked with its test waveform. Confirm the following waveform appears when A, B, C or D is pressed. MN i WS TEST WAVEFORM [A] WS TEST WAVEFORM [B] i f WS TEST WAVEFORM [C] WS TEST WAVEFORM[D] Check to the test waveform D and if this test is N.G., check the circuit connected with TG ( ICI2 ) and WS ( ICI3 ). If this test is 0.K., press RESET to proceed to the next. TEST 6 : TG TEST> TG is checked with its test wavefora. Confirm the following waveform appears when one of A~H is pressed. ft E TG TEST WAVEFORM [A] TG TEST WAVEFORM[B) ~[D] TG TEST WAVEFORM[E] ~(H] 31 The waveforms of B~D are different at their output levels. The waveforms of E~H are different at their terms of cycle. Check to the test waveform H and if this test is N.G., check the circuit connected with TG ( ICI2 ). If this test is 0.K., press RESET to proceed to the next. The remaining noise and the output signal level from each output jack are checked. Set the master VR to the MAX and connect an oscilloscope or a noise meter to the OUTPUT jack which is to be checked. 1. Press any of A~F switches and measure the noise level of each OUTPUT jack with a noise ueter. Confirm that the noise level of each OUTPUT jack is less than the regulation. After confirming the noise level of Ph-R of 'F’, press RESET to proceed to the next check. 2. Press any of A~F switches and measure the output signal level of each OUTPUT jack with an oscilloscope. Confirm that the signal level of each OUTPUT jack is less than the regulation and each is the sine wave. Also, confirm that each output signal level changes at OUT-1 and OUT-2 when the master VR is operated. After confirming the output signal level of Ph-R of ’F’, press ’RESET” to proceed to the next. remaining noise | output signal level | frequency OUT-1 -77.0dBu + 4.2 ~ 7.8 Vp-p 488 Hz out-2 -77.0 dBu + 4.2 ~ 7.8 Vp-p 412 Ha out-3 76.0 dBu + 4.6 ~ 8.6 Vp-p 805 Hz + out-4 -76.0 dBu + 4,6 ~ 8.6 Vp-p 244 He Ph-L. 548 Hz Ph-R 610 Hz The regulations of the remaining noise and the output signal level 32 TEST 8 : KEYBOARD & AFTERTOUCH TEST> The contact of the keyboard, the velocity and the aftertouch are checked. 1, Press the keys from the top key ( C7 ) in accordance with the indication in the LCD. When the value of the velocity is between 20 and 100, the test program proceeds to the next key. When the check is finished to the bottom key (C2 ), it proceeds to the aftertouch check automatically. 2. Confirm that the aftertouch value is indicated in the LCD when any key is pressed strongly and the value changes between 0 and 127. When this check is finished, press RESET to proceed to the next. TEST 9 : A/D TEST> The A/D test of the joystick, the VALUE slider, the ASS. pedals 1 & 2, the damper pedal are carried out. 1, Confirm that the X and Y values of the joystick are indicated in the LD and that each value changes when the joystick is operated. When moved to left, Joy-X :~127. When moved to right, Joy-X : 127. When woved away fro you, Joy-Y : 127. When moved toward you, Joy-Y : -127. When not moved, Joy-X, Y : 0. When the check is finished, press RESET to proceed to the next. 2. Confirm that the value in the LCD changes between 0 ( MIN ) and 127 C MAX ) when the VALUE slider is operated. 3. Confirm that the value in the LCD changes between 0 and 127 when an EXP-2 is connected to the ASS.pedal 1 or 2 and it is operated. 4. Connect a damper pedal to the damper jack and confirm that the value becomes ON when the pedal is pressed and that the value becomes OFF when the pedal is released. When all the checks ere finished, press RESET to proceed to the senu screen. MENU SCREEN Selecting any number of 0 - 9 in the LCD with ten keys allows you to test the following. oO: FDD 2 HS 1: A/D Monitor 1G 2: Switch & LED Noise & Level 3: LeD : Keyboard & AT 4: NDE / DF A/D Converter 33 There sre some other functions which correspond to the ’A’, ‘G’, ’H’ switches. : PCM ROM Check Sum : PCN CARD Check Sum ( For XSC-801 ) : SYSTEM ROM Check Sum : END > Refer to Refer to COPY OF THE DIAGNOSTIC TEST CARD> 3 It takes a long tine to complete A : PCM ROM Check Sum and B : PCW CARD Check Sum. Especially, it takes about 6 minutes to complete A: PCM ROM Check Sum. 1, PCM ROM Check Sum The internal PCM ROM is checked. The operation is as follows. When ’A’ is pressed, ‘Wait a minute’ is indicated and the check starts. It takes about 6 minutes to complete this check When it is finished normally, ‘Completed’ is indicated in the LCD. 2. PCM CARD Check Sum The PCN CARD XSC-801 is checked. The operation is es follows. Confirm that @ PCK card is inserted into the PCM card slot. When ‘B’ is pressed, ‘Wait a minute’ is indicated in the LCD and the check starts. It takes about 2 minutes to complete this check. When it is finished normally, ‘Completed’ is indicated in the LCD. 3. SYSTEM ROM Check Sum The internal SYSTEM ROM is checked. The operation is as follows. When 'D’ is pressed, ‘Wait a moment’ is indicated in the LCD and the check starts. It takes only a few seconds to complete this check. When it is finished normally, ‘Completed’ is indicated in the LCD. TEST 0 : FOD TEST> The floppy disk drive is checked.( on the O1/WFD only ) It takes much longer to complete this test than the others. If you don’t need to check it, proceed to FINISHING THE TEST MODE> . 1, Press 0’. 2. Insert the floppy disk for this check into the FDD and press CHECK’ to start the FDD test. The protector of this floppy disk must be OFF at this time. It takes about 3 minutes to complete this test. If it is 0.K., all the LEDs will light and ‘Completed’ will be indicated in the LCD. If it is all the LEDs will go on and off and the error message will be cated in the LCD. 34 3. When the check is finished, press *REC/WRITE’ to proceed to the menu screen. FINISHING THE TEST MODE> 1, When the diagnostic test card and the PCM card are removed from each slot and ‘END’ is pressed, the preload data is loaded automatically and the program proceeds to the normal mode. But in case of the 01/#FD + the sequence data is not loaded. 2. After finishing the test mode, check the sound. COPY OF THE DIAGNOSTIC TEST CARD> The 01/WFD and the 01/® have the copy function of the RAM card for the diagnostic test and the data can be copied into the the other RAM card. Note that the internal data is initialized by using this function as vell as the diagnostic test because this test is in the test mode, The operation is as follows. 1, Insert the diagnostic test card into the PROG/SEQ DATA slot and set the protect switch of the RAM card to be OFF. 2. Turn the power ON while pressing ’3’ and ’RESET’ to start the test node. 3. When the test mode is started, press "REC/WRITE’ to proceed to the menu screen. 4, Remove the diagnostic test card from the slot and insert a new RAN card. Set the protect switch of the card to be OFF. 5. When "CPY’ is pressed, ’Save Start’ is indicated in the LCD and the test date is saved into the new RAM card. When saving is completed, ‘Completed’ is indicated in the LCD. 6. Remove the RAM card and then press "END’ to finish the test mode. INITIALIZING THE INTERNAL DATAD When you turn the power ON while pressing "RESET’ and any of "COMPARE’, "3’, 6’ or '9” together, the version number of the system ROM is indicated in the LCD and the internal date is initialized. Then, if you would like to know the version number of the system ROM only, turn the power ON while pressing only ’RESET’ - you will see the version number in the LCD without initializing the internal data. 35 9. REFERENCE DATA M37450M4-601FP (KSP) PIN ASSIGNMENT S vevstener % 9 oO ~e M37450M4-601FP - CHECK POINT FOR M37450M4-601FP 1.XIN (28pin) PIN FUNCTION PIN WARK PIN WANE vo PIN MARK PIN NAME 0 vec, vss POWER SUPPLY > | P80~PS7 1/0 PORT 5 0 cuss: cass: 1 | Peo~P67 1/0 PORT 6 vo RESET RESET IN 1 | VREF REFERENCE VOLT. | 1 XIN chock IN 1 | ADVREF AD REF. VOLTAGE | 1 XOUT Lock our 0 | DAVREF D-A REF.VOLTAGE | 1 ¢ TINMING OUT 0 jays ANALOG VSS. 5 syne SYNC.SIGNAL OUT | 0 | AVEC ANALOG YC: a Re READ/WRITE o | 0-AI ANALOG OUT 0 STATUS OUT Daz 0 oo~PO7 1/0 PORT 0 1/0 | RD READ SIG. OUT 0 P1O~PI7 1/0 PORT 1 0 | ¥R WRITE SIG. OUT | 0 P20~P27 1/0 PORT 2 1/0 | RESETOUT RESET SIG. OUT | 0 P30~P37 1/0 PORT & 10 | RxD SERIAL DATA IN|} I P4O~PA2 1/0 PORT 4 1} Txo SERIAL DATA OUT | 0 2.RXD (77pin) 2V/5nS div 36 MB87726 (TG88) PIN ASSIGNMENT RN O © KORG MB87726 MB87726 (TG88) PIN FUNCTION PIN NAME [170 FUNCTION VOD. = a VSS = GND SHODE 1__[Sub 1G Wode (WiSub 16 [Waster TO) FAODE T [Sampling Rate Switch (H:48KH2 L:30KHz ) ARESET |" [Low Active Initial Clear CLK T__|Master Clock XCRO ‘System Counter Reset for Sub 1G Chip XCRI 1] System Counter Reset _from Master TC Chip TEsTO-3_| I | Test Mode Selector XCST I [Chip Select XWRT 1 [Write Pulse Input from CPU 1 Read Pulse Input from CPU 1 [Address Input from CPU 1/0 _| Data Input from CPU 1/0 [Data Input for 16bit Data Bus (| CPU I/F Data Bus Syze Select (L:@bit H:lebit ) EWDO-15 [1 | Even-address Wave Data In ( from Wave ROM ) ow00-15_[ I [(Odd-address Wave Data In ( from Wave ROM ) WA0-i9 [0 [Address Bus for Wave ROM or RAW WB0-3 0 [Bank Number Out for Wave ROM ( 16 Banks ) 000-19 [0 [Voice Data Out for External Filters or NDE YNO-4 {0 | Voice Number Out RASO-3_| 0 _| for D-RAM casO-3 | 0 _| for D-RAM OvE0-3 | 0 [Write Enable for MOE OFEF 0 [Write Enable for New Filter Chip ( MB67727 ) 37 CHECK POINT FOR MB87726 1.OWEF (119p in) 2.CLK (111pin) Ua duty cycle of 50% 1-0. 1uS 2V/0. 6uS div 4.0019 (122pin) 2V/20uS div 38 MB87727 (DF88) PIN ASSIGNMENT MB87727 (DF88) PIN FUNCTION NO. [1/0 J PIN NAME | GROUP NOTE Vss = 2 [1 a0 3 [1 [ar 4 [1 [a2 5 {1 [as eft [M A | CPU ADDRESS 71 |as 8 1 AG of [ar i a Te ee = [1 [49 (CPU_ADDRESS 13 [1/0 [00 A 14 [1/0 _| bi CPU DATA BUS 15_[ 1/0 [02 1e_[ - | vob = 17_| 170 [03 18 | 1/0 | 04 ists B | cPU DATA BUS 20_| 1/0 | 06 2i_| - [vss = 22 [170 [07 23 [1/0 [08 24 [1/0 _| 09 26 {1/0 [ 010 | 26 [1/0 [ou c | cPU DATA BUS 27 [1/0 [biz 28 [1/0 | p13 29 | 1/0_| bid (30 Ti7o [ors 39 NO. [170] PIN NAME | GROUP NOTE 31_| - | vss 5 32_[ 1 | ivno 1 INL Tava, TG VOICE NO. 35 [I | ivn3 36_[ 1 | 1vNa D 37_[ 1 {ivoo 38_| 1 | ior 39 T TVD2 1G VOICE DATA 40 [i | ios 4i_[- [vss 5 42_[ 1 [vba 43 [1] 10s, as E | 1G VOICE DATA 4 [1 [107 46 | - 47 [1 48 [ st TG VOICE DATA 50 [1 o1 | — 62 | 1 63 [i | iis 4 | 1 | ivois 66 | i | ivois. iacenlaienliive16 F | 1G VOICE DATA 7 | 1 [ivoi7 68 | 1 | ivoi8 59 [1 [ivpis 60_[ = | v0 5 e1_| - [vss = 62_| 1] DEN TG VOICE DATA ENABLE 63_[_I__| XRES ‘SYSTEM RESET i PARALLEL OUT FORMAT SELECT 65_[ 1] BSEL CPU DBUS BIT LENGTH SELECT 66_[ 1 | NODEO G a FILTER MODE SELECT 68_| i | irest INCIRCUIT TESTER MODE SELECT eo | I LSI_TESTER MODE SELECT MASTER CLOCK TSELO. CLIP. OUTPUT DATA CLIPER ON/OFF 1 SFTO DATA SHIFT SELECT BITO 1 DATA SHIFT SELECT BITL 78 1 SFT2 DATA SHIFT SELECT BIT2 73 0 POEN PARALLEL OUT VOICE DATA ENABLE 80 o SOD SERIAL OUT DATA 40 NOTE GROUP. ‘SERTAL OUT BIT CLOCK ‘SERIAL OUT DATA ENABLE ‘SERIAL OUT CH NO. BIT2 SERIAL OUT CH NO. BITL ‘SERIAL OUT CH_NO. BITO ‘SERIAL OUT CH DATA ENABLE VOTCE/MIX PARALLEL OUTPUT ourPUT ourPuT OUTPUT PARALLEL OUT VOICE NO. L ‘CPU_RD ENABLE ‘CPU_WR ENABLE (CHIP SELECT a4 CHECK POINT FOR MB87727 1,0VNO~OVN3: (116~113pin) 2.MCK (52pin) 2V/2us div 2V/0.2uS div 3.0D0~0D19 (110~88pin) 2V/0. Ins div CLASSIFICATION OF ‘CLASSIFICATION TERMINALS TERMINALS FOR DF88 CPU INTERFACE BSEL, XCS, XRD, KOR AQ~AS,_DO~DI5, PARALLEL OUT OSEL, OD0~0D19 (MDE! INTERFACE ) | OVNO~OVN4, POEN ‘SERIAL OUT ‘SOD, SCK, SEN CMDE2 INTERFACE ) | SCHO~SCH2, _SCHEN MIXER ‘SFTO~SFI2, CLIP PARALLEL IN TVDO~1VDIS (1G, DF INTERFACE) | 1VNO~IVN4, DEN WASTER CLOCK RESET XRES FILTER MODE MODEO~ MODEL TEST NODE TTEST, LTEST TSELO, TSELI POWER SUPPLY voD1~VDD6 VSS1~VSS12 a2 MB87405 (MDE) PIN ASSIGNMENT @ S ® MB87405 (MDE) PIN FUNCTION PIN NAME | 1/0 | PIN NAME | 1/0 | PIN NAME | 1/0 —|— 80 OE o | sxi, sxaz | 0 cs 1 |v o | poo~ppis | 1 RD 1 |Rao~raz | 0 Joc I wR 1 | Roo~Ro19 | 1/0 | RESET I AO~AZ 1 DAO~DAIS oO XTL I Do~07 1/0 | sHo~sxs | 0 |ts0~tss | 1 RAS. 0 | sa 1 | vovo~vops | --- cas o jo 0 | vsso~vss7 | --- 43 CHECK POINT FOR MB87405 1.XTL (63pin) 2.8X1 (28pin) duty cycle of 50% T=32uS 2V/5uS div 1V/0. 2us div 3.DA4- 4.DAI8. (4pin) 2V/2nS div 2V/10uS div 2V/5uS div HD63265SFP (FDC) PIN ASSIGNMENT HD63265SFP (FDC) PIN FUNCTION PIN NO. | 1/O | TERMINAL NAME PIN NO. | 1/0 | TERMINAL NAME 1 - NC 17 1/0 D4 2 - NC 18 - NC 3 I RESET 19 ~ NC + 4 I EC RD) 20 1/0 DS 5 I RAW CAR) 21 1/0 06 6 TT I cs 22 1/0 07 7 I DACK 23 0 DREQ 8 I RS 24 0 iRQ g - NC. 2 1 DEND 4 10 al NC. 26 - vecd L iW 7 VSSL 27 i CLK 12 - ¥SS3 28 - VSS2 13 1/0 DO 23 - NC 14 1/0 DL 30 - NC 15 1/0 2 31 7 vec2 Mt | _| 16 1/0 DS 32 I RDATA | 45 PIN NO. | 1/0 | TERMINAL NAME | PIN NO. | 1/0 | TERMINAL NAME 3 | - | Ne 49 I READY 34 - NC. 50 - NC | AGATE 51 5 NC 36 0 DATA 52 0 STEP 37 0 LATE [a 0 HDIR 38 EARLY 54 0 HSEL 39 0 ust 55 0 HLOAD 40 0 uso 56 0 FRES al = NC 87 0 Let 42 = Nc 58 es vecl 43 a NC 59 a vec3. neal iNDEX co [1 | NUMI 45 1 TRKO 61 I NUK2 46 1 FAULT 62 I ‘SFORM aT 1 | DSiDE 63 I ifs 48 1 WRT 64 I |e 18” #PD71055GB-10-3B4 (PPI) PIN FUNCTION PIN NAME | 1/0 FUNCTION PIN NAME | 1/0 FUNCTION D7~DO | 1/0 | Data Bus RESET | 1 | Reset cs 1 | Chip Select Po7~Po0 | 1/0 | 1/0 Porto RD 1 | Read Strobe P17~Pi0 [io | 1/0 Port AR 1 | Write Strobe P27~P20 | 1/0 | 1/0 Port2 Msn0 [1 | Address Ic --- | Internally Connected 46 #PD65016GF (MAP260) PIN ASSIGNMENT #PD65016-XXX-3BA (MAP260) PIN FUNCTION PINNO. PIN NAME 1/0 FUNCTION o1 02 03 CASO 0 —coluan address strobe to D_RAM 04 RAS Q row address strobe to D_RAM 05 ROML. 0 lower byte ROM chip select 06 ROMU 0 upper byte ROM chip select 07 AML 0 lower byte S_RAN chip select 08 RAMU 0 upper byte S_RAN chip select 09 ALT 0 address out 10 AIG 0 address out u Als 0 address out 12 ALS 0 address out 18 Ala 0 address out 4 408 0 address out 15 16 407 0 address out 7 409 0 address out 18 PAR 0 —S_RAN write enable ( protectable write ) 19 Pl 0 1/0 chip select out 20 PPI Q PPI chip select low active 21 Foc 0 FDC chip select low active 22, sP2 8 1/0 chip select out 23 SP3 0 1/0 chip select out 24 ALO 0 address out 25 406 0 address out 26 405, 0 address out 27 Az 0 address out 28 23 30 A04 0 address out a7 PIN NO. PIN NAME 1/0 FUNCTION 31 403 0 address out 32 ALL 0 address out 33 A02 0 address out 34 AOL 0 address out 35 400 0 address out 36 MSPI 0 memory chip select out 37 MSP2 0 memory chip select out 38 cKol 0 clock out 39 ckI2 1 clock in 40 4 1 42 G88 0 1688 chip select low active 43 cKo2 0 clock out ah Kos Q clock out ( 1/2 CkI2 ) 45 DF88 0 DF88 chip select low active 46 WDE 0 NDE chip select low active a7 TES3 I TEST mode active high 48 SPI 0 chip select out 49 KOO 0 — clock out 50 KsP 0 serial data out to key scanner (RxD) 51 KSPI I serial data in from key_scanner (TxD) 52 aoa 58 54 SCLK 0 serial clock out to key_scanner (SCLK) 55 XRES I reset_input low active 56 AD00 1 address wultiplex in from V5OFDC 87 DOL I address multiplex in from V50FDC 58 Doz 1 address multiplex in from V5OFDC 59 ADO3 I address multiplex in from V50FDC 60 Dod I address nultiplex in from Y5OFDC 61 ADO5: 1 address in from Y5OFDC 62 ADOs 1 address in from YSOFDC 63 ADOT 1 address multiplex in from Y5OFOC 64 1 address- multiplex in from YSOFDC 65 66 4D09 1 address data multiplex in from YS0FDC 67 ADO 1 address data multiplex in from VS0FDC 68 ADIL [address data multiplex in from V50FDC 69 ADI2 I address data multiplex in from Y50FDC 70 ADIS I address data multiplex in from V50FDC 1 ADS 1 address data multiplex in from YSOFDC 72 ADIS 1 address data multiplex in from V50FDC 73 ‘A16P 1 address in from VSOFDC 4 ALTE 1 address in from V50FDC 5 A18P 1 address in from VSOFOC 76 AISP. 1 address in from VS0FDC 7 RFRQ I from VS0FDC 8 CKIL 1 clock in 9 80 PINNO. PIN NAME 1/0 FUNCTION 81 ASTB I address strobe in from V50FDC 82 UBE 1 upper bank enable in 83 1OWR 1 1/0 write enable in from VS0FDC 84 MAR 1 seuory write enable in from V50FDC 85 ORD 1 1/0 read enable in from V50FDC 86 wRDL 1 mewory read enable in from YSOFDC 87 IN 1 1M D_RAM mode select (low 1M D_RAM) 88 TES! I TEST MODE 89 LYE 0 —-D_RAM lower byte write enable 90 TES2 1 TEST MODE a1 UWE O —-D_RAM upper byte write enable 92 DRAO 0 —_D_RAM address out 93 DRAL 0 —_DLRAM address out 94 DRA2 Q —_D_RAM address out 95 DRA3. 0 —_D_RAM address out 96 DRAS 0 —_D_RAM address out 97 ORAS Q —DLRAN address out 98 DRAG. 0 —D_RAM address out 99 DRAT 0 D_RAM address out 100 CASI 0 column address strobe to D_RAM 49 MB635107 (WS89) PIN ASSIGNMENT MB635107 (WS89) PIN FUNCTION PIN NAME = 1/0 FUNCTION AB~AO. 1 CPU address in b7~D0 1 CPU data in XR 1 CPU write enable CS I CPU chip select 1VD19~IDV0 1 sound data bus frou TG88 IVN4~IVNO 1 voice number from TG88 DEN 1 data enable frow 1688 (OWEF) RAIG~RAO =~“ TABLE_RON address RD7~RDO 1 TABLE_ROW data. XRWE Q —-S_RAM write enable for TABLE_RAM KROE 9 —-S_RAW output enable for TABLE_RAM OVDI9~0VD0 G sound data out to DF88 QVN4~OVNO 0 — voice nusber out to DF88 OWEF 0 data enable to DF88 NCK 1 aster clock XRES 1 system reset TESTI, 2 0 ‘TEST NODE vop +5 vss ND 50 MB635107 (WS89) PIN /O WO. [170_[ PIN NAME [NO PIN WANE PIN NAME [ NO. | 170_| PIN NAME 1_|-— [ss 26 76_|--- [vob F 2 [1 [x0 Tr | 0 [Ras Su)eieeniral 78_{ 0 | RAO 4 tr [a 73_| 0 [RAIL 5 [1 [as 3o_[o | Raiz a a1_|—- [¥ss 71 Tas e2_[ 0 [Rais 8 [== [N.C 3_[0_[RAld 3 | 1_[xwr i a es a 35 [0 [Ral6 i_|-— [vss 36_[0_| ARVE 12 [1 [00 0 _| xR0E 13 D1 o_| over D2 T_[ Testo 1_ [testi VSS ovis ovis 107 ‘ovD17 108 ovo1e 21_|-— [vss VOD ‘OVDIS 22_|170_| R00 1_[ 10s ova | 23_[1/0_[ ROI T_| 1010 [73 ovis | 24 [1/0 | R02 1_[ voit ™ RAT ‘ovi2—_| 25 [1/0 [R03 1 [ivi | 75 RAB. ovo | PIN NAME. 1/0 [PIN NAME[ NO. [170 J PIN NANET NO. | PIN NAME <= | vo0. T_[--— [ss OWNS 0 OvDE 112 OVN2. ‘OVDS, 113 ‘OvDO 11g) OVNI ‘OVNA 120 0) 51 CHECK POINT FOR MB635107 1.0018~0D0 (93~1140in) + 2.0019 (92pin) 2V/5uS div 2V/5uS div 3.08EF (88pin) 4,0VN4~O (115~119pin) wi 3 PLL we [| VNI LI NO — 2g ———> duty cycle of 50% duty cycle of 50% 24/0. 5uS div 52 MB623147U (MAP25) PIN ASSIGNMENT ® Sy % © KorG voszaTy o SS MB623147U (MAP25) PIN FUNCTION No, } 1/0 | PIN NAME} No. | 1/0 | PIN NAME] NO. } 1/0 | PIN NAME] NO. | 1/0 } PIN NAME 1 I TAI a. T TAB 4l 0 OAT 61 0 OALL 2 I TAB 22. L UAT 42 a ‘OAS 82 0 OA 3 I TAIT 23 I TAB 43 0 ‘OAS 63 0 OAS 4 1 TAI6 24 I TAS cry a OAS 64 o OAIS. 5 I TALS. 25 1 TA 45 o ‘OAS 65 o OAld 6 I Ala 26 1 TAB. 46 o ‘OA 66 0 cOWR ft ft [us fer fi fue re 67 | 0 | 1050 8 1/0 | POT 28 1 TAL 48 0 OAO 88 o 10S1 3 1/0 | Pos 23 1 1A0 49 1/0 | 00 69 o 10S2 Lo | 1/0 | PDS 30 qT WREQ 50 1/0 | OL 70 o 1083 an 1/0 | PDs 31 1 WODE 51 Vo Toe a o 1084 12 ooo | WSS. 32, a | VSS 52, --- | VSS 72 a-- | VSS 13 1/0 | PDS 33 ~ DD 53 1/0 | 03 13 voD 14 1/0 | poz 34 T ‘10ST 54 1/0 | Dd 4 oO 1085 15 1/0 | PDL 35, t RW 55 1/0 | 05 acy oO SOO, 16 1/0 | Poo 36 0 WRD 56 1/0 | 08 76 0 SOL 7 I TAL 37 o MAR 57 1/0 | 07 7 0 ‘MSO2 i] 1 fin {38 | o | ror ss | 0 |oocs {7s | o |usos 19 I TALO 33 o 10WR 59 0 OALO 79 0 SOB 20 qT Ag 40 o OA12 60 0 CORD 80 0 SOT —L 53 #PD70216L-10 (CPU) PIN ASSIGNMENT uPDI0216L. mm ~—reruL BIU 4PD70216L-10 (CPU) PIN FUNCTION PIN NAME 1/0 FUNCTION AD15-ADO 1/0 Address Bus/Data Bus A19/PS3-A16/PSO 0 — Address / Processor Status REFRQ 0 Refresh Request HLDRQ 1 Hold Request HLDAK 1 Hold Acknowledge RESET 1 Reset RESOUT 0 — Reset Output READY 1 Ready NMI 1 Non Maskable Interrupt MRD 0 Memory Read Strobe MAR 0 Memory Write Strobe TORD 0 1/0 Read Strobe 1O#R 0 1/0 ¥rite Strobe ASTB 0 Address Strobe UBE 0 Upper Byte Enable BUSLOCK 0 Bus Lock POLL 1 Poll BUFR/W 0 Buffer Read/frite BUFEN 0 Buffer Enable X2-X1 1 Crystal IN CLKOUT 0 Clock Output BS2-BSO 0 Bus Status Qs1-9s0 0 Queue Status TOUT2 0 Timer Output 2 TCTL2 1 Timer Control 2 TCLK I Timer Clock INTP7-INTP1 1 Interrupt from Peripherals INTACK 0 Interrupt Acknowledge TxD 0 Transmit Data RxD I Receive Data DMAACK2-DMAACKO = DMA Acknowledge 2-0 DNARQ2-DNARQO =-'|_—CDMA Request 2-0 END/TC 1/0 End/Termine! Count vob GND Ic 55. CHECK POINT FOR » PD70216L-10 1.INTP3 (39Din) 2.CLKOUT (55pin) On ase MAM t ‘lb Ia eee 2N/20uS div 2V/0.2uS div 3.REFRQ (Spin) 4.UBE (51pin) 2v/20uS div 2N/0.5uS div 5.10WR (59pin) 6. 10RD (61pin) 2V/20uS. 2/0. 5uS div 56 7.MHR (60pin) 8.MRD (62pin) 2v/2us div 2V/0.2uS div 2N/0.2us div 57 FOR HARNESSES = 440 (AFT) 4 {BRN 18 1A 2 1:0RG HeP-SHF 1B 1BRN 2B, 2 teyLw PHR-10 ‘33 5480-10 38 1sBL. 2 fo 48 4 HeP-SHF HeP-SHF 58 —HNS-1578_ a ts) 15) 01159 *6 Tete PLT-1M x3 gs25-4 a:GRY sosk== 4 GRY 7: PRP 3s PRP BL 2: BL 5B SA 5:GRN 12 GRN 4:YLW 3:ORG 4 YW 2:RED 3+ ORG 1:BRN 2:RED = 5C BRN R- PHR-® s 250 as2s-4 '* —HNS=1579_ 120 WACKY ——— > 23 12 2 'BRN 6A 6B 2 f 1:WH ' = “3 PHR-12 12P-SBN (FOD) te 1:0RG 7A 21NC 2:RED 3t CJ s:NC «aN H3P-SHF T71822-4 01/W FD ONLY 59 (PANEL) 8 Bs BLK 7. WH 61 BLK WA 51 WH 41 BLK 3s WH 2s BLK ' 1) WH 8825-8 440 3 (LC0) 1 1 sBLK 2:NC 22 16A -35NC 4.WH H4P-SHF = 470 15, CAC) a 3 ev 7A Fi o 1BLk , Oo oo 5195-03 = 240 15 tsu) 4 3 a 184 i=} , O 5195-03 HNS-1592 200 15. (TRANS) 4 3 194 Oo 2 ao lk 5195-03 60 300 be 9A la) oO 1) 98 van LPIN maRcing Lt 5320-20aT2 '5360-20aT —HNS-1595_ 200 (PANEL) oe ve 1PIN MARKING 108 | ® | 108 5320-26aT2 '3360-26AT HNS- 1505 270 (DD) et vv Lrin_nancine 120 dO © 128 —Vv 5320-34AT2 5320-34AT2 01/W FD ONLY 61 10. PARTS LIST FOR 01/W FD PART CODE PART NAME / SPECIFICATION P.C.BOARD NOTE Q’Ty 001151100 P.C.BOARD ASSEMBLY KLM-1511/12 1511/12 JOYSTICK PCB 1 001152800 P.C.BOARD ASSEMBLY KLM-1528 1528 MAIN PCB 1 001152900 P.C. BOARD ASSEMBLY KLM-1529 1529 JACK PCB 1 001153000 P.C.BOARD ASSEMBLY KLW-1530 1530 POWER SUPPLY 1 001153300 P.C.BOARD ASSEMBLY KLM~1533 1533 PANEL PCB 1 139010012 BLOCK R RGLD5X103J 1528 2 139010013 BLOCK R RGLD8X103J 1528 1 139010014 BLOCK R RGLD8X472J 1528 2 1 139010023 BLOCK R RGLD5X471J 1528 140010012 184050220 219401400 248015411 264003456 PPC 100V 5600PF J APSv 1528 4 304000070 TR 2SA812-T1 (M5-7) 1528 1 304020020 TR 2SC2785 T K 1530 1 304020280 TR 2SC3661-TA/TB(3K) 1528 4 304030130 TR FAIAAN-TIB 1528 7 304030140 TR FNIAAN-TIB 1528 5 304060070 FET 2SK433-T12-C 1528 4 310011300 BRIDGE DIODE DBF-20C 1530 1 310011400 BRIDGE DIODE DBF-40C 1530 1 312010700 LED GL3HD43 1533 Ml 312010900 LED GL3ED8 1533 1 313002500 LCD DWF5005NS-EW1 M. PART 1 314000300 DIODE 18-2473 T-77 1533 37 814001400 DIODE RLS-73 TE-11 1528 . 8 314025700 DIODE SRIM-2 TP-B 1530 2 315000500 DOUBLE DIODE MC-2840-T12-1 1528 4 320001261 IC UPD71055GB-10-3B4 1528 PPI i 320001272 IC UPD70Z16L-10 1528 cru 1 320001283 IC UPD65016GF-058-3BA 1528 WAP260 1 320003202 IC TC511664Z~10 1528 DRAM 2 320004132 IC HD63265SFP (64P QFP) 1528 FD CONTROLLER 1 320009078 IC NJN78MIZFA 1530 REGULATOR 1 PART CODE PART NAME / SPECIFICATION P.C. BOARD NOTE = Q’TY. 320009078 IC NJM79MIZFA 1530 REGULATOR 1 320011026 IC M5216L 1528 OP AMP 1 320011100 1C N5MA464AL-12 (ZIP) 1528 DRAN 5 820011141 IC N5M27C2001K-15 1528 EP ROM (2N) 1 320011147 IC N37450K4~601FP (QFP) 1528 KsP 1 920012052 IC MB87405PF (QFP120) 1528 NDE 1 920012072 IC MBG23147PF (QFP80) 1528 MAP25 1 320012084 IC MB87726PF (QFP160) 1528 G88 1 320012085 IC MB87727PF (QFP120) 1528 Des 1 320012082 IC MB635107PF-G-LBND 1528 ws89 1 320012120 IC MBK27C1001~152-G 1528 EP ROM (1M) 1 320013036 IC PQOSRF2 1530 REGULATOR 1 320036005 IC PCMSSHP 1528 D/A CONVERTER = 1 924001006 IC UPD74HCUO4GS-E2 (sop) 1528 HC NOS 1 924001034 IC UPD23C8001EG¥-338-E2 1528 WAVE ROM 1 924001035 IC UPD23C8001EG¥-339-E2 1528 WAVE ROM 1 324004004 IC HD74HC32FPER 1528 HC MOS 1 324004012 IC HD74HCO8FPER 1528 HC NOS 1 924004016 IC HD74HC14FPER 1528 He NOS 1 324004050 IC HD74HC138FPER 1528 HC NOS 1 324004092 IC HD74HC245FPER 1528 HC MOS 1 324004168 IC HD74HC4053FPER 1528 HC MOS 3 924009004 IC NJM7BLO5UA 1528 REGULATOR 1 324009005 IC NJM79LO5UA 1528 REGULATOR 1 324009013 IC NJM2068ND-TES 1528 OP ANP 8 824011002 IC M5223FP-73A (8P SOP) 1528 OP ANP 1 324011005 IC M5238FP-73A (8PSOP) 1528 OP AMP 3 324011006 IC M5218FP-73A (8PSOP) 1528 OP ANP 1 824011010 IC M751271FP (16P SOP) 1528 INVERTER 1 824011013 IC M62021FP-600C 1528 RESET 1 824011015 IC M74HCOSFP-31B (SOP) 1528 HC WOS 1 324012002 IC MB838000-20PF-G-4A7-EF 1528 WAVE ROM 1 324012003 IC MB838000-20PF-G-4A8-EF 1528 WAVE ROM 1 324012004 IC MB838000-20PF-G-4AS-EF 1528 WAVE ROM 1 324012005 IC MB838000-20PF-G-5A0-EF 1528 WAVE ROM 1 324012006 IC MB84256A-10LPF-G-BND-EF 1528 SRAM 2 324013001 IC LHS31AP6 1528 MASK ROM 1 334000500 SB COIL SBT-0260 TF 1528 6 1529 8 334000600 PHOTO COUPLER PC-410K-TP 1528 1 335005500 CRYSTAL OSC. HC-49/U 32WHZ 1528 1 335006000 CRYSTAL OSC. AT-49 20.00MHZ 1528 1 950002347 SEMI FIXED VR RHOGI5C Sd 47K 1528 1 360023600 VR _RKI1K1140(X-011/012) 10KB 1511/12 2 1 365007800 SLIDE VR RS3O111ACOONB 10KB 1533 PART CODE PART NANE / SPECIFICATION P.C.BOARD NOTE = Q’TY 365008000 SLIDE YR RS30112ACOOJB 10KBX2 1533 1 375007800 POWER SW ESB-8213¥ 375010500 CHIP SW EVQ-PACOSK-A 400012500 INVERTER TRANSFORMER TA-042 1530 1 400012700 POWER TRANSFORMER TA-040 W. PART 1 420004000 422006701 KEY TYPE C/F 422006702 KEY TYPE D 422006703 KEY TYPE B/E 422006704 KEY TYPE G 422006705 KEY TYPE A 422006706 KEY TYPE HI-C 422006707 KEY TYPE BLACK 422006800 KEY SPRING AA05543 422007200 KEY CONTACT NBIO711 (FOR 13 POINTS) M. 422007201 KEY CONTACT NB10712 (FOR 12 POINTS) M. PART 422007800 KEY CONTACT ASSEMBLY NB11620 M. 435000700 FDD DFP423E (1MB) MW. PART 1 454004400 PHONE JACK YKB21-5010 464002200 FUSE 125V 1.6A SB1.6 484002800 FUSE 125V 6.3A SB6.3 484021401 FUSE 250V 630MA SB630 464061401 FUSE 250V T250KA PART CODE PART NANE / SPECIFICATION P.C.BOARD NOTE = Q’TY 464061401 FUSE 250V T250MA M.PART © =——-230FR 1 464061901 FUSE 250V T8OOMA M.PART = 240AU 2 M. PART 240AF 2 M.PART =—280SE 2 M.PART = .240GE 2 M. PART 230FR 2 M.PART = 280GE 2 N.PART = 2309 2 W.PART © 240UK 2 M. PART 230SC 2 464062501 FUSE 250Y T3.15A W.PART = 240AU 1 N.PART = 240GE 1 N.PART = 28086 1 M.PART = 240UK 1 M.PART = -280SC. 1 M.PART ——-230SE 1 M.PART = -230GE 1 M.PART =——-280FR 1 M.PART = 240AF 1 471000301 CONNECTOR TOP B3P-SHF-1 1530 471000401 CONNECTOR TOP B4P-SHF-1 1530 471000801 CONNECTOR TOP B8P-SHF-1 1530 1528 471050500 CONNECTOR TOP B5P-VH 1580 471070300 CONNECTOR TOP B3B-PH 1528 471070400 CONNECTOR TOP B4B-PH 1528 471070800 CONNECTOR TOP B8B-PH 1528 471071000 CONNECTOR TOP B10B-PH 1528 471071200 CONNECTOR TOP B12B-PH 1528 471071300 CONNECTOR TOP B13B-PH 1528 471080200 CONNECTOR TOP 5096-02C 1530 474011300 CARD CONNECTOR HGCO338-01-010 1528 474014400 HEADER 20P 5332-2072 1528 474014600 HEADER 34P 5392-3472 1528 474014701 HEADER 26P 5332-2612 1528 474015400 CARD CONNECTOR FCN-S65P068-G/C 1528 475001574 HARNESS HNS-1574 MW. PART 1 475001575 HARNESS HNS-1575 W. PART 1 475001576 HARNESS HNS-1576 WM. PART 1 475001577 HARNESS HNS-1577 W. PART 1 475001578 HARNESS HNS-1578 (BOARD IN) 1511/12 1 475001579 HARNESS HNS-1579 (BOARD IN) 1529 1 475001580 HARNESS HNS~1580 WN. PART 1 475001582 HARNESS HNS-1582 M. PART 1 475001583 HARNESS HNS-1583 (BOARD IN) 1533 1 475001584 HARNESS HNS-1584 (BOARD IN) 1533 1 65 PART CODE PART NAME / SPECIFICATION P.C.BOARD NOTE Q’Ty 475001585 HARNESS HNS-1585 M.PART 1 475001589 HARNESS HNS-1589 M. PART 1 475001590 HARNESS HNS-1590 M. PART 1 475001591 HARNESS HNS-1591 MW. PART 1 475001592 HARNESS HNS-1592 M. PART 1 480001324 IC SOCKET 32P DICF-82CS-E 1528 2 480010200 3P DIN JACK SOCKET YKF51-5046 1528 1 480010340 IC SOCKET PLPS-N68B-T 1528 1 525000100 525000400 DATA LINE FILTER ESD-R-25D-B EMI FERRITE 2643-480102 540007200 540008600 540008601 WIRE BAND PLT-1M SPIRAL CLIP CS-8 SPIRAL CLIP CS-6 540012300 540012400 INLET SOCKET PA~125-BS INLET SOCKET PA~125-CU SHIELD FORM 71TS5-3 240K 240GE 100JP 230SC 11TEX 117CN 2404F 280GE 117us 230FR 230SE 23006 240A 575014600 575014700 580030400 CLIP S-8 LED SPACER LS-18-4 L: LED SPACER LS-15-3 L: X-011/012 SHIELD SHEET 600003200 00003300 AC CORD UC-948-S01 AC CORD UC-953-S01 M. PART M. PART A17EX 1170N PART CODE PART NANE / SPECIFICATION P.C, BOARD NOTE = Q’TY 600003300 AC CORD UC-953-S01 M. PART 1170S 1 600003500 AC CORD SC-304-S01 M.PART = 240AU 1 600003700 AC CORD BH-309-S01 M.PART = 240UK 1 600003800 AC CORD DC-480-SO1 M. PART 100JP 1 600004700 AC CORD EC-651-E05 M.PART = 240GE 1 W.PART «= 280GE 1 M.PART «= 240AF 1 M. PART 23086 1 M.PART == 280SC. 1 M.PART =——-230FR 1 W.PART = 230SE 1 600004800 AC CORD EC-472-S01 620019700 X-631 SLIDE VR KNOB Mu. 2 620023400 X-011/012 8KEY KNOB M. PART 1 620023500 X-011/012 15KEY KNOB M 1 620024600 X-952 PONER SW KNOB M, 1 630015600 X-011/012 LCD WINDOW M. PART 1 640084600 GROUNDING CONTACT 1580 3 X-813A JACK PLATE 641019800 X-952 L TYPE ANGLE 641020200 X-011/012 LOWER CASE X-011/012 KEYBOARD FRONT ANGLE X-O11/012 POWER UNIT CHASSIS 641020500 X-011 FDD ANGLE M. PART 1 641020600 METAL FITTING OF REGULATOR M. PART 1 641020800 X-011/012 SUPPORT PLATE A W. PART 641020900 X-011/012 SUPPORT PLATE B W. PART 1 641021000 X-011/012 SUPPORT PLATE C M. PART 1 641021100 X-011/012 SIDE CHASSIS L M. PART 1 641021200 X-011/012 SIDE CHASSIS R M. PART 1 641021300 X-011/012 JOYSTICK PANEL SUPPORT —M. PART 1 WETAL FITTING OF POFER SW 641021500 X-011/012 SUPPORT RAIL 67 PART CODE PART NAME / SPECIFICATION P.C.BOARD NOTE = Q°TY 641022100 X-O11 PANEL W. PART 1 641022900 X-O11/012 WASHER FOR P.TRNSFORMER —M. PART 2 644006200 X-011/012 WHEEL SPRING MW. PART. 2 646028200 646038400 X-O11/012 SIDE PLATE L W. PART 646038401 X-011/012 SIDE PLATE R MW. PART 1 646038500 X-011/012 LCD HOOD W. PART 1 646038600 X-O11 FDD COVER M. PART 1 646038900 X-011/012 JOYSTICK FRAME |. PART 1 646039000 X-O11/012 VR PLATE |. PART 1 646039100 X-011/012 WHEEL SUPPORT |. PART 1 646039200 X-011/012 JOYSTICK LEVER |. PART 1 646039300 X-011/012 JOYSTICK WHEEL PART 1 646039400 X-011/012 CARD GUIDE W. PART 1 646039500 X-011/012 CARD SLOT W, PART 1 646039600 X-011/012 JOYSTICK PANEL W. PART 1 646040000 X-011/012 JOYSTICK COVER WM. PART 1 649007400 BATTERY HOLDER 1528 1 68 FOR 01/W PART CODE PART NAME / SPECIFICATION P.C.BOARD NOTE = Q’TY 001151100 P.C.BOARD ASSEMBLY KLM-1511/12 1511/12 JOYSTICK PCBs 001152900 P.C.BOARD ASSEMBLY KLM-1529 1529 JACK PCB 1 001153000 P.C. BOARD ASSEMBLY KLM-1530 1530 PORER SUPPLY 1 001153300 P.C. BOARD ASSEMBLY KLM-1533 1533 PANEL PCB 1 001153700 P.C. BOARD ASSEMBLY KLM~1537 1537 WAIN PCB 1 139010012 BLOCK R RGLDSX103J 1537 2 139010013 BLOCK R RGLD8X103J 1537 1 139010014 BLOCK R RGLD8X472J 1587 2 140010012 BLOCK CR CRD604 1537 4 304000070 TR 2SA812-T1 (W5-7) 1537 1 304020020 TR 2802785 T K 1530 1 904020280 TR 2SC3661-TA/TB(3K) 1537 4 304030130 TR FALAAN-T1B 1537 8 904030140 TR FNIAGN-TIB 1537 5 304060070 FET 2Sk433-T12-C 1537 4 310011300 BRIDGE DIODE DBF-20C 1530 1 310011400 BRIDGE DIODE DBF-40C 1530 312010700 LED GL3HD43 1533 ML 312010900 LED GL3ED8 1533 1 319002500 LCD DMFSOO5NS-EW1 314000300 DIODE 18-2478 1-77 1533 37 314001400 DIODE RLS-73 TE-11 1537 8 314025700 DIODE SRIM-2 TP-B 1530 2 315000500 DOUBLE DIODE WC-2840-T12-1 1537 4 320001261 IC UPDT1055GB-10-3B4 1537 PPI 1 320001272 IC UPD70Z16L-10 1537 cru 1 320001283 IC_UPD65016GF-058-3BA 1537 WAP260 1 320003202 IC TC5116642-10 1537 DRAM 1 320009078 IC _NJM78MI2FA 1530 REGULATOR 1 320009078 IC NJMT9MIZFA 1530 REGULATOR 1 320011026 IC MB216L 1537 OP ANP 1 69 PART CODE PART NAME / SPECIFICATION P.C. BOARD NOTE —Q’TY 320011100 IC MBN4464AL-12 (ZIP) 1537 DRAM 5 320011141 IC M5N27C2001K-15 1587 EP ROM (2H) 1 320011147 IC M37450M4-601FP (QFP) 1537 KSP 1 320012052 IC MB87405PF (QFP120) 1537 NDE 1 320012072 IC MB623147PF (QFP80) 1837 MAP25 1 320012084 IC MB87726PF (QFP160) 1537 688 1 320012085 IC MB87727PF (QFP120) 1537 DF8s 1 320012092 —1C MB635107PF-G-LBND 1537 W889 1 320012120 IC MBN27C1O01-152-G 1537 EP ROM 1 320019036 IC PQOSRF2 1530 REGULATOR 1 320036005 IC PCNSSHP 1537 D/A CONVERTER 1 324001006 IC UPDT4HCUO4GS-E2 (soP) 1537 He MOS 1 324001034 IC UPD23C8001EG¥-338-E2 1537 WAVE ROK 1 324001035 IC UPD23CB001EG¥-339-E2 1537 WAVE RM 1 324004004 IC HDTAHC32FPER 1537 HC mos 1 324004012 IC HDT4HCOBFPER 1537 He Mos 1 324004050 IC HDT4HC138FPER 1537 He Mos 1 324004092 IC HDTAHC245FPER 1537 HC Mos 1 324004168 IC HDT4HCAO53RPER 1537 HC Mos 3 324009004 IC NJW7SLOSUA 1537 REGULATOR 1 324009005 IC NJN79LO5UA 1837 REGULATOR 1 324009013 IC NJM2068ND-TES 1537 OP AMP 8 924011002 IC M5223FP-73A (8P SOP) 1837 OP AMP 1 324011005 IC N5238FP-73A (8PSOP) 1587 OP AMP 3 324011008 IC _M5218FP-73A (8PSOP) 1537 OP AMP 1 324011013 IC N62021FP-600C 1537 RESET 1 324011015 IC N74HCO5FP-31B (SOP) 1537 HC MOS 1 324012002 IC MB838000-20PF 1537 WAVE ROM 1 324012003 IC MB838000-20PF- 1537 WAVE ROW 1 324012004 IC MB838000-20PF~ 1537 WAVE ROK 1 324012005 IC NB838000-20PF- 1537 WAVE ROM 1 324012006 IC MB84256A~10LPF~G-BND-EF 1537 ‘SRAM 3 324013001 IC LHBSIAP6 1537 MASK ROM 1 334000500 SB COIL SBT-0260 TF 1529 9 1837 6 334000600 PHOTO COUPLER PC-410K-TP 1537 1 335005500 CRYSTAL OSC. HC-49/U 32MHZ 1537 1 336006000 CRYSTAL OSC. AT-49 20. O0KHZ 1537 1 350002347 SEMI FIXED VR RHOBISC S4 47K 1537 1 360023600 VR RKIIKI140(X-011/012) 10KB 1511/12 2 365007800 SLIDE VR RS30111ACOONB 10KB 1533 1 365008000 SLIDE VR RS30112ACOOJB 10KBK2 1533 1 375007800 POWER SW ESB-8213V M. PART 1 375010500 CHIP SW EVQ-PACOSK-A 1533 37 70 PART CODE PART NAME / SPECIFICATION P.C. BOARD NOTE = Q’TY 400012500 INVERTER TRANSFORMER TA-042 1530 1 422006701 422006702 422008703 422006704 422006705 422008708 422008707 422008800 422007200 422007201 422007800 KEYBOARD FS-61 KEY TYPE C/F KEY TYPE D KEY TYPE B/E KEY TYPE G KEY TYPE A KEY TYPE HI-C KEY TYPE BLACK KEY SPRING AA05543 KEY CONTACT NB1O711 (FOR 13 POINTS) M.PART KEY CONTACT NB1O712 (FOR 12 POINTS) M. PART 464002200 464002800 464021401 464061401 464081901 KEY CONTACT ASSEMBLY NB11620 M. PART PHONE JACK YKB21-5010 1528 8 FUSE 125V 1.6A SB1.6 M.PART 117US 2 M.PART == 100JP 2 M.PART ——-LITEX 2 M.PART = LI7CN 2 FUSE 125V 6.3 SB6.3 M.PART 1170S 1 M.PART ——100JP 1 M.PART ——LI7EX 1 M.PART ——LITCN 1 FUSE 250¥ 630MA SB630 M.PART 1170S 1 M.PART —— 100JP 1 M.PART ——-LITEX 1 M.PART ——LITCN 1 FUSE 250¥ T250MA M.PART = -240GE 1 M.PART ——-280GE 1 M.PART —— 240AF 1 M.PART = -240AU 1 M.PART © -230SE 1 M.PART ——-280SC 1 M.PART —-230FR 1 M.PART = 28096 1 M.PART © -240UK 1 FUSE 250¥ T8OOMA W.PART = -240GE 2 M.PART © -240GE 2 M.PART —240AF 2 M.PART —240AU 2 M.PART —— 230GE 2 PART CODE PART NAME / SPECIFICATION P.C.BOARD NOTE = Q’TY 464061901 FUSE 250V T800MA M. PART 230GE 2 M.PART © -230SE 2 464061901 FUSE 250¥ T800MA W.PART = -230FR 2 W.PART —— 230NG 2 PART 240UK 2 M.PART ——-2805C 2 464062501 FUSE 250V 13. 15A M.PART = -240AU 1 M.PART = -240GE 1 M.PART = -240UK 1 M.PART © -230GE 1 M.PART = 230FR 1 W.PART = 240AF 1 M.PART ——230SC 1 M.PART 23086 1 W.PART = 230SE 1 471000301 471000401 471000801 471050500 471070300 471070400 471070800 471071000 471071200 471071300 471090200 474011300 474014400 474014701 474015400 475001574 475001875 475001876 475001577 475001578 475001579 475001582 475001583 475001584 475001589 475001590 475001591 475001592 CONNECTOR TOP B3P-SHF-1 CONNECTOR TOP B4P-SHF-1 CONNECTOR TOP B8P-SHF-1 CONNECTOR TOP B5P-VH CONNECTOR TOP B3B-PH CONNECTOR TOP B4B-PH CONNECTOR TOP B8B-PH CONNECTOR TOP B10B-PH CONNECTOR TOP B12B-PH CONNECTOR TOP B13B-PH CONNECTOR TOP 5096-020 CARD CONNECTOR HGCO338-01-010 HEADER 20P 5332-2072 HEADER 26P 5332-2672 CARD CONNECTOR FCN-585P068-G/C HARNESS HNS-1574 HARNESS HNS-1575 HARNESS HNS-1576 . HARNESS HNS-1577 W. PART HARNESS HNS-1578 (BOARD IN) 1511/12 HARNESS HNS-1579 (BOARD IN) 1523 HARNESS HNS-1582 WN. PART HARNESS HNS-1583 (BOARD IN) 1533 HARNESS HNS-1584 (BOARD IN) 1533 HARNESS HNS-1589 NM. PART HARNESS HNS-1890 WM. PART HARNESS HNS-1591 MN. PART HARNESS HNS-1592 WM. PART 480001324 IC SOCKET 32P DICF-32CS-E 1587 2 PART CODE PART NAME / SPECIFICATION P. - BOARD NOTE —Q’TY 480010200 3P DIN JACK SOCKET YKF51~5046 1887 480010340 IC SOCKET PLPS-N68B-T 1537 1 500018500 RUBBER FOOT FF-001 515002300 FUSE HOLDER $-N5057 #01 1580 8 520001700 LITHIC BATTERY CR: 525000100 DATA LINE FILTER ESD-R-25D-B M. PART 1 525000400 EMI FERRITE 2643-480102 1830 1 540007200 WIRE BAND PLT-1N M. PART 8 540008600 SPIRAL CLIP cs-8 M. PART 540008601 SPIRAL CLIP CS-6 W. PART 1 540012300 INLET SOCKET PA~125-BS M.PART = -240UK 1 540012400 INLET SOCKET PA~125-CU W.PART = L17US 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 575014600 LED SPACER LS-15-4 L=4 1533 ul 575014700 LED SPACER LS-15-3 L- 1533 1 580030400 X-011/012 SHIELD SHEET WM. PART 1 580030500 X-012 JOYSTICK SHIELD SHEET W. PART 1 600003200 AC CORD UC-948-S01 M.PART = ‘LI7EX 1 600003300 AC CORD UC-953-S01 W.PART = LITCN 1 W.PART 1170S 1 600003500 AC CORD SC-304-S01 W.PART = 240AU 1 600003700 AC CORD BH-309-SO1 WM. PART 240UK 1 600003800 AC CORD DC-480-S01 W.PART = 100JP 1 600004700 AC CORD EC-651-E05 M.PART = 23096 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 PART CODE PART NANE / SPECIFICATION P.C.BOARD NOTE = Q’TY 600004800 AC CORD EC-472-SO1 620019700 X-881 SLIDE YR KNOB 620028400 X-011/012 8KEY KNOB 620023500 = X-011/012 15KEY KNOB 620024600 © X-952 POWER SW KNOB 630015600 X-011/012 LCD WINDOW 640084600 GROUNDING CONTACT 641007800 X-813A JACK PLATE 641019800 X-952 L TYPE ANGLE 641020200 X-011/012 LOWER CASE 641020300 = X-011/012 KEYBOARD FRONT ANGLE 641020400 X-O11/012 POWER UNIT CHASSIS M.PART 1 641020600 METAL FITTING OF REGULATOR N.PART 1 641020700 X-O12 METAL FITTING OF JOYSTICK —_M. PART 1 641020800 X-011/012 SUPPORT PLATE A W. PART 641020900 X-011/012 SUPPORT PLATE B W. PART 1 641021000 X-011/012 SUPPORT PLATE C W. PART 1 641021100 X-011/012 SIDE CHASSIS L W. PART 1 641021200 X-O11/012 SIDE CHASSIS R W. PART 1 641021300 641021400 641021500 641022900 X-011/012 WASHER FOR P. TRANSFORMER XM. PART 2 641025800 X-012 PANEL WM. PART 1 644006200 X-011/012 WHEEL SPRING M.PART 2 646028200 SLIDE VR FRAME 1 M,PART 1 646038400 X-011/012 SIDE PLATE L MW. PART 1 74 PART CODE PART NAME / SPECIFICATION P.C. BOARD NOTE —Q’TY 646038401 X-011/012 SIDE PLATE R M.PART 1 646038500 X-011/012 LCD HOOD M. PART 1 646038900 X-011/012 JOYSTICK FRAME MW. PART 1 646039000 X-011/012 VR PLATE M. PART 1 646039100 | X-011/012 WHEEL SUPPORT WM. PART 1 646039200 X-011/012 JOYSTICK LEVER W.PART 1 646039300 X-011/012 JOYSTICK WHEEL W. PART 1 646039400 X-011/012 CARD GUIDE W. PART 1 646039500 X-011/012 CARD SLOT W. PART 1 646039600 X-011/012 JOYSTICK ‘PANEL N. PART 1 646039700 X-012 JOYSTICK UNDER COVER WM. PART. 1 646040000 X-011/012 JOYSTICK COVER MW. PART 1 649007400 BATTERY HOLDER 1537 1 75 VAROITUS Paristo voi rajahtAa, jos se on vitheellisesti asennettu. Vaihda paristo ainoastaan laitevalmistajan suosittelemaan tyyppiin. Havité kaytetty paristo valmistajan ohjeiden mukaisesti. ADVARSEL! Lithiumbatteri ~ Eksplosionsfare ved fejlagtig handtering. Udskiftning ma kun ske med batteri af samme fabrikat og type. Levér det brugte batteri tilbage til leverand @ ren. ADVERSEL Lithiumbatteri ~ Eksplosjonsfare. Ved utskifting benyttes kun batteri som anbefalt av apparatfabrikanten. Brukt batteri returneres apparatleverand @ ren. VARNING Explosionsfara vid felaktigt batteribyte. Anvand samma batterityp eller en ekvivalent typ som rekommenderas av apparaltiliverkaren. Kassera anvant batteri enligt fabrikantens instruktion. CAUTION Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced Replace only with the same or equivalent type recommended by the equipment manufacturer . Discard used batteries according to manufacturer ‘s instructions, KORG INC. 15-12, Shimotakaido 1-chome, Suginami-ku, Tokyo 168 ©KoRG INC. 1991 0311 CEH. PRINTEDINJAPAN ©

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