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Aggregate demand:

Aggregate demand is the total demand in a country, it measures spending on

goods and services by consumers, governments and overseas consumers and

It is made up of the following components:


Consumer spending
Influences on consumer spending:
- Interest rates
- Consumer confidence
- Wealth effect

Influences on investment:
- The rate of economic growth
- Business expectations and confidence
- Demand for exports
- Interest rates
- Access to credit
- The influence of government and regulations.
Government spending

- The trade cycles.

- Fiscal policy
Exports minus imports
- Real income
- Exchange rates
- State of the world economy
- Degree of protectionism
- Non-price factors
Consumer income might come from wages, savings, pensions, benefits and
investments, such as dividend payments.
A consumer’s marginal propensity to consume is how much a consumer
changes their spending following a change in income. Consumers on low
incomes are more likely to spend.

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