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Question 1

A 15-year-old will have a higher life expectancy than a baby born today. Explain why this is the case.
(2 marks)


Question 2

Using the graph above, state the leading cause of YLL in youth. (2 marks)


Question 3

In 2017, the mortality rate for young people aged 15–19 was 30.2 per 100 000. Males were two
times as likely as females to die between the ages of 15 and 19 (39.8 per 100 000 males compared
with 20.1 per 100 000 females, respectively) (ABS, 2019).

Outline one possible reason why males were 2.2 times as likely as females to die between the ages
of 15 and 24. (2 marks)

Question 4

Using data, identify one trend from the graph (2 marks)

Question 5

Discuss the impact of mental disorders on the burden of disease for youth. (1 mark)


Question 6

Explain the term ‘disability adjusted life years (DALY)’ (2 marks)


Question 7

Outline the difference between morbidity and mortality as measures of health status. (2 marks)


Question 8

Asthma is a leading cause of burden of disease for both male and female youth. Outline how asthma
is likely to contribute to burden of disease. (4 marks)


Question 9

Injuries are higher for males than females in the youth stage of the lifespan. Suggest a reason for
this. (1 mark)


Question 10

Describe how suffering from obesity could impact two dimensions of youth health and wellbeing.

(4 marks)


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