May 2023 Proposed Revisions To Bta Constitution and By-Laws

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May 2023 Potential changes to BTA Constitution and by-laws


Article IX: Representative Council

Current language: The Representative Council shall consist of the Executive Board and the
Area Representative Membership Chair and BTAR President or Co-Presidents.

Proposed language: The Representative Council shall consist of the Executive Board, the Area
Representatives, Membership Chair and BTAR President or Co-Presidents.

Why? Duties of the Membership Chair to be split and assumed by the Corresponding Secretary
and the Treasurer. Save $3,141 Membership Chair stipend (as of 2022-2023 year).

Article 1–Meetings

Section B.--Representative Council Meetings

Current language; Representative Council members shall notify the President and Recording
Secretary prior to missing a meeting. Non notification shall result in a missed meeting fee of
$50, deducted from the annual stipend.

Proposed language: Representative Council members shall notify the President and Recording
Secretary at least 24 hours prior to missing a meeting. Non notification shall result in a missed
meeting fee of $50, deducted from the annual stipend. Attendance at meetings in the modality
announced for the meeting, i.e., in-person or remote, is required. Any exceptions, e.g.,
emergency circumstances that impact attendance at meetings in the announced modality, may
be approved by a majority vote of the Executive Board.

Why? Encourage representatives to inform the president in a timely manner of their inability to
attend meetings in the modality communicated in accordance with the by-laws (at least one
week prior to any meeting). Require any representative who will be absent from a meeting to
also inform the Recording Secretary, who is responsible for documenting attendance at
meetings. Disincent Rep Council members from informing the President at the last minute of
inability to attend meetings in the announced modality. Provisions for emergencies are included
in the proposed language.

Section C—Executive Board Meetings

Current Language: Executive Board members shall notify the President and/or Recording
Secretary prior to missing a meeting. Non notification shall result in a missed meeting fee of
$50, deducted from the annual stipend.

Proposed language: Current Language: Executive Board members shall notify the President
and (eliminate or) the Recording Secretary at least 24 hours prior to missing a meeting. Non
notification 24 hours in advance shall result in a missed meeting fee of $100, deducted from the
annual stipend. Attendance at meetings in the modality announced for the meeting, i.e.,
in-person or remote, is required. Any exceptions, e.g., emergency circumstances that impact
attendance at meetings or ability to inform the President and the Recording Secretary, may be
approved by a majority vote of the remainder of the Executive Board.

Why? Encourage executive board members to inform the president in a timely manner of their
inability to attend meetings in the modality communicated, in accordance with the by-laws
(scheduled meeting dates communicated at least one week prior). Require any executive board
member who will be absent from a meeting to also inform the Recording Secretary, who is
responsible for documenting attendance at meetings. Disincent executive board members from
informing the President at the last minute of their inability to attend meetings in the announced
modality. Provisions for emergencies are included in the proposed language.

Article II–Voting

Section B. - Election of Officers

1. Nominations a.
Current language: The election committee will inform and provide to all members a nominating
ballot and the dates of the upcoming elections by mail. This notice will be mailed 6 weeks prior
to the elections itself.

Proposed language: The election committee will inform and provide to all members a
nominating ballot and the dates of the upcoming elections electronically. This notice will be
provided 6 weeks prior to the elections itself. Upon request by any member, a representative or
an Executive Board member will provide the member with a printed copy of the nominating

Why: To save the cost of stamps and all stationery associated with a paper ballot (approx
$265.00 in April 2023); to increase the efficiency of providing members with nominating ballots.
To provide a paper copy to those members who do not have easy access to electronic means of
communication or to printing an electronic document.

4. C. 5.
Current language: The majority of votes tabulated shall determine the election.
a. If no candidate receives the required majority, the two candidates receiving the
highest vote count shall participate in a runoff election.
Proposed language: Eliminate subsection “a.” Replace “The majority of votes tabulated shall
determine the election" with no“The candidate who receives the highest number of votes for the
position wins the election.”

Why? Adopt a more straightforward approach to determining the winner of elections, i.e.,
whoever gains the highest number of votes wins, especially in cases where there are more than
two candidates.

Section D.--Voting Procedures

1a.Current language: “Nominating ballots will be mailed 6 weeks prior to the general election.”

Proposed language: “Nominating ballots will be provided electronically 6 weeks prior to the
general election.

Why: To save the cost of stamps and all stationery associated with a paper ballot; to increase
the efficiency of providing members with nominating ballots. To provide a paper copy to those
members who do not have easy access to electronic means of communication or to printing an
electronic document.

Article III–Duties of Officers

Section E.--Duties of the Corresponding Secretary

2 a. Current language: The Corresponding Secretary is not responsible for overseeing and
maintaining the BOCES Teachers’ Association website. The position of webmaster shall be
appointed with the approval of the Executive Board. However, if the Corresponding Secretary
chooses to perform these duties, they shall receive the webmaster stipend.

Proposed language: The Corresponding Secretary is not responsible for overseeing and
maintaining the BOCES Teachers’ Association website. The position of webmaster shall be
appointed with the approval of the Executive Board. (Eliminate: “However, if the Corresponding
Secretary chooses to perform these duties, they shall receive the webmaster stipend.”)

Why? To allow a capable member, other than the Corresponding Secretary, the opportunity to
serve in the appointed position of webmaster.
Article IV–N.Y.S.U.T. Delegates and Alternates

2. Current language: The N.Y.S.U.T. delegates shall represent the Association at the annual
N.Y.S.U.T. Representative Assembly, and will vote in accordance with the general guidelines
pursuant to the Landrum-Griffin Act.

Proposed language: The N.Y.S.U.T. delegates may, upon a majority vote of the Executive
Board, attend the N.Y.S.U.T Representative Assembly for the purpose of representing the
Association, and will vote in accordance with the general guidelines pursuant to the
Landrum-Griffin Act.

Why: Given the constraints of a budget, to provide the Executive Board the discretion of
whether or not to fund the expenses associated with each delegate’s attendance at the annual

3. Current language: The N.Y.S.U.T. delegates shall attend other meetings as deemed

Proposed language: The N.Y.S.U.T. delegates may attend other meetings as deemed

Why: To provide the Executive Board the discretion of whether or not to fund the expenses
associated with a delegate’s attendance at additional meetings organized by NYSUT. This
could include a variety of meetings organized by NYSUT, including the NYSUT Teacher’s
Retirement System (TRS) annual meeting.

Article V–Committees

Section D.--Standing Committees

Current language:
2. Membership Committee
a. Duties of the Chairperson
The Chairperson of the Membership Committee shall:
(1) inform the membership of current dues; if NYSUTor its National Affiliates dues increase then
the local dues will also increase based upon the higher percentage of the affiliates.
(2) provide necessary membership application forms to new members and see that the forms
are forwarded to the BOCES Payroll Department;
(3) complete necessary N.Y.S.U.T. membership application forms and see that they are
forwarded to N.Y.S.U.T.;
(4)Review and reconcile quarterly census. Maintainand update NYSUT membership records.
(5) inform the Treasurer, President, and BenefitsTrust Chairperson of all new members and any
membership changes.
(6) if requested, attend the general meetings.

b. Duties of the Committee

The Membership Committee shall

(1) assist the Chairperson;
(2) solicit members.
(3) Welcome new members to our Association;
(4) coordinate with Area Representatives to see that new members receive and understand
their Contract, benefits, and information about local membership and NYSUT Associations;
(5) keep members apprised of current benefits;
(6) help bring a basic understanding of our system and community to new members.

Proposed language:
Ressign the the still-relevant duties as appropriate to other Executive Board and
Representatives and strike Article V, D. 2 a. and b. (Membership Committee, Duties of the
Chairperson and Duties of the Committee). For example, 2. a.5, “Review and reconcile
quarterly census. Maintain and update NYSUT membership records” would be reassigned and
apportioned between the Corresponding Secretary and the Treasurer. 2 b. (3) “Welcome new
members to our Association” is currently accomplished through the efforts of Executive Board
members and Representatives. This would continue.

There has not been a Membership Committee in many years. A majority of the tasks assigned
to the Chairperson are now completed by other means. Two examples are, first, Payroll is now
informed electronically of completed, signed membership forms. Second, the BTA is informed
on new hires and changes in membership status (e.g., Aide promoted to TA or TA promoted to
teacher) by HR.

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