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Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests, and dear friends,

Today, I stand before you with a heavy heart and a burdened soul, to express a sentiment that has
been haunting my thoughts and weighing on my conscience. It is a sentiment that, I believe, many of
us have experienced at some point in our lives. The words that echo in my mind are, "I don't like who I
am becoming."
Throughout our journey in life, we embark on a constant quest for personal growth, seeking to better
ourselves and find our purpose. We strive to become the best versions of ourselves, guided by our
values, ambitions, and the desire to make a positive impact on the world. However, there are times
when we find ourselves veering off this path, losing sight of our true essence, and becoming someone
we no longer recognize.
The realization that we are becoming someone we do not like can be a painful awakening. It may
stem from a variety of reasons: succumbing to negative influences, compromising our values, or
simply losing touch with our authentic selves. We may find ourselves trapped in unhealthy patterns,
indulging in harmful habits, or engaging in actions that go against our moral compass. In these
moments, we may feel a profound sense of disappointment, guilt, and even shame.
But let me tell you, acknowledging this unsettling truth is a crucial first step towards reclaiming our
authenticity. It takes courage to confront our flaws and acknowledge the areas where we have
strayed from the person we aspire to be. Recognizing that we don't like who we are becoming is a
powerful catalyst for change, a call to action that should not be ignored.
Embracing this introspection, we must embark on a journey of self-reflection and self-discovery. We
must reevaluate our values, reexamine our choices, and reconnect with our true passions and
dreams. It is essential to take a step back from the noise of the world and listen to the whispers of our
hearts, to rediscover the essence of who we are and who we aspire to become.
We must be willing to make difficult choices, to let go of unhealthy relationships and habits that hold
us back. Surrounding ourselves with positive influences and seeking support from those who uplift us
is crucial on this transformative path. We must learn from our mistakes and commit ourselves to
personal growth, embracing the lessons that come from our missteps.
Remember, change is not instantaneous. It is a gradual process, requiring patience, perseverance, and
self-compassion. It is important to be gentle with ourselves as we navigate this intricate path of self-
improvement. Celebrate the small victories along the way and learn from the setbacks, for they serve
as reminders of our humanity and the resilience within us.
As we strive to become the person we truly admire, let us remember the power of forgiveness.
Forgiving ourselves for the mistakes we have made is essential to move forward with clarity and
purpose. By extending this compassion to ourselves, we can heal and begin to build a better future.

Lastly, let us never forget that change is a continuous journey. It is not a destination we can reach and
then rest upon our laurels. As we grow and evolve, new challenges and opportunities will arise, and
we must be ready to face them with openness, adaptability, and a commitment to our authentic
So, my dear friends, if you, like me, find yourself saying, "I don't like who I am becoming," know that
you are not alone. Embrace this realization as an opportunity for growth and transformation. Trust in
your ability to change and rediscover the person you want to be. Believe that by staying true to
yourself and your values, you can navigate this journey with grace and emerge stronger, wiser, and
more fulfilled.
Thank you.

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