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Source: Bulletin of the American Geographical Society , 1912, Vol. 44, No. 12 (1912), pp.
Published by: Taylor & Francis, Ltd.

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Bulletin of the American Geographical Society

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rev. Denotes Reviews; n. Short Notices and Commen

*Bibliographical Entry.
Maps are indexed under their respective Countr

A des regions traversees par le chemin

Aar: qlAaregebiet von den Quellen bis de fer de Djibouti a Addis Abbeba.
zum Bieler-See, 875* E. de Felcourt, 931*
Abary Creek, Trip up the. C. W. E. Achin: qlAcheen and the Ports on the
Humphreys, 230* North and East Coasts of Sumatra. J.
Abbate-Pacha, 0., 870* Anderson, 939*
Abbe, C., 126, 396* Acker, P., 630*
Abbott, W. J. L., 714* Adamawa: q Geschichte Adamauas
Abd-el-Kuri, Geologie der Inseln nach mundlichen Uberlieferungen. K.
Sok6tra, Semha und. F. Kossmat, 312*Strumpell, 312*
Abel, C., 939* Adamello-Presanella, Sui ghiacciai
Abele, C. A., 788* dell'. L. Marson, 395*
Aberdeenshire. A. Mackie, 144* Adamovic, L., 926*
Abitibi, Au lac. Le premier missio- Adams, C. C., 194, 229*
naire de la region de l'Abitibi. M. de Adams, C. F., 550*
Bellfeuille, 550*; Une Expedition dans Adams, G. I. and Pratt, W. E., 554*
1'-. I. Caron, 470* Addis Abeba, De Khartoum a. J. Par-
Abor Expedition, Results of, 773 mentier, 630*
Abyssinia. See also Ethiopia: q Abys- Adelaide, S. Australia: ]lSixty-First
sinien. R. Hartmann, 943*; Beitrage Annual Report of the-Chamber of
zur Ethnographie und Anthropologie Commerce, 474*
der Somal, Galla, Harari. P. Paul- Adriatic Sea: jDie Adria. A. Merz,
itschke, 945*; Beitrage zur Landes- 554*; Bericht fiber die zweite Kreu-
kunde von Abessinien. C. Rathjens, zungsfahrt Najade in der Hochsee
71*; Le chemin de fer francais der Adria, 1911, 233*; Die meeres-
kundliche Literatur fiber die Adria
d'Ethiopie, 791*; Le Ghimirra. G.
Montandon, 631*; Der Handel Abes- mit besondecer Beriicksichtigung der
siniens, 71*; Journey in Southern. C. Jahre 1897-I909. A. Merz, 554*
W. Gwynn, 71*; De Khartoum a AddisAeolian Geology: See under Geology.
Abeba. J. Parmentier, 630*; Lungo Aeronautics: Airship in Exploration.
Anseba e sull'altipiano abissino. Lungo H. Hergesell, 125; Aeronautische
le pendici dell'altipiano abissino e Meteorologie. F. Linke, n., 224; Carte
in Dancalia. G. Dainelli, n., 308; et reperes a6ronautiques. C. Lalle-
Mission en Ethiopie (1901-1903). Jean mand, 876*; Charts of the Atmosphere
Duchesne-Fournet. H. Froidevaux, O. for Aeronauts and Aviators. A. L.
Collat, and Others, rev., 58; Narra- Rotch and A. H. Palmer, rev., 86i;
tive of the British Mission to Theo- Compte-Rendu du Congres tenu a
dore, King of Abyssinia. H. R ssam,Monaco . . . Commission scientifique
946*; The New Ethiopia. F. A. Ed- internat. d'aerostation. E. Massany,
wards, 631*; Les possibilites economi- 315*; Highest Flight on Record, 774;
ques de l'Ethiopie. R. Ferry, 471*; International Air Map and Aeronau-
Au Sidamo et chez les Gallas A- tical Marks. C. Lallemand, 315*;
roussi. H. Latham, 791*; Traversee Internationale Luftschifferkarte. K.
du massif 6thiopien du )esert Somali Peucker, 395*; Landschiffahrt und
a la Plaine du Soudan I909-1911. G. Landkarte. Ein Umblick in der Frage
Montandon, 791*; Valeur economique der Luftschifferkarte. K. Peucker,

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950 Index

876*; Luftfahrten zu wissenschaft- Engell, n., 476; Verbreitung und

lichen Zwecken. H. Hergesell, 7I6*; Haufigkeit des Lowen. M. C. Engell,
Verfahren zur Herstellung farben- n., 476
plastischer Darstellung, insbesondere Central Africa: qlDie Bantu-Ne-
Karten (Flugkarten). K. Peucker, ger. M. Buchner, 931*; Herzog Adolf
395* 4Map: Index Diagram showing Friedrich zu Mecklenburg uber seine
for France the Sheet lines of the Air "Inn,er-Afrika Expedition, 9Io0/II,"
Map, 8o* 631*; Les Negrilles du Centre Afri-
Afghanistan: J Among the Wild cain. L. Poutrin, 931*
Tribes of the Afghan frontier. T. L. Central Africa Protectorate: See
Pennell, 945*; The Buffer State. GreatNyasaland
Britain and Russia in Central Asia. East Africa: La Costa orientale dell'-
G. Lyons, rev., 215; The Kingdom of. (Phases of Development along
Historical Sketch. G. P. Tate, rev., the east coast). P. Pasi, 312*; H.
215 q Maps: Afghanistan, Map, n., Meyer's Expedition, 121; Ost-Afrika
478; Perse, Afghanistan et regions im Aufstieg. P. Miillendo,rff, rev., 682
limitrophes, n., 238 North Africa: qZur Anthropologie
Africa: 4IAfrica of To-Day. J. K. der nordafrikanischen Juden. S. Weis-
Goodrich, 779; L'Afrique Noire. O. senberg, 791*; Ein Ausflug nach dem
Meynier, n., 466; Aufteilung Afrikas. franzosischen Nordafrika. M. M. v.
F. Hinsch, 870*; Catalogue of Fresh- Weber, 948*; Changes of Climate with-
Water Fishes of-in the British Mu-
in Historic Times in. H. Leiter, 772;
seum. A. Boulenger, 71*; Les chem- Esquisse d'une histoire de la Con-
ins de fer trans-africains. A. J. Wau- quete et de l'administration romaines
ters, 631*; Un chemin der fer trans- dans le nord de l'Afrique. G. Bois-
africain. E. de Renty, 791*; Climate siere, 940*; European Reconquest of.
of the Continent of. A Knox, rev., A. C. Coolidge, 791*; G6ographie
300; Description de l'Afrique par un comparee de la Province Romaine
geographe arabe anonyme du sixieme d'Afrique. C. Tissot, 947*; Der Hel-
siecle de l'Hegire. A. de Kremer,944*; lenismus in Kleinafrika. Der Griech-
Der gegenwartige Stand der Heiden- ische Kultureinfluss in den Romischen
Missionen, 870*; L'industrie du sel Provinzen Nordwestafrikas. W. Thiel-
en Afrique, 392*; Islam und die Kolo- ing, 947*; Oberflachentemperatur des
nisierung Afrikas. P. Acker, 630*; nordwest-afrikanischen Auftriebge-
Isotherms for. J. I. Craig, 71*; Kol- bietes, 312*; Zwei Wanderungen
loquium iiber afrikanischen Sprachen durch das n6rdliche Afrika. C. La-
am Seminar fur orientalische Sprachen verrenz, 944* (jMaps of North Af-
zu Berlin. B. Struck, 874*; Les rica: ljFour maps of northeastern
marches en Afrique d'apres la loi et Africa showing normal Rainfall in
la coutume indigenes.. J. Plas, 71*; June, July, August and September, n.,
Naaukeurige Beschrijvinge der Afri- 78; 8 maps:-Oberflachen Tempera-
kaensche Gewesten. 0. D,apper, 942*; tur an der Nordwest-afrikanischen
Opening Up of Africa. H. H. John- Kiiste, 60o*
ston, n., 466; Die Pflanzenwelt Afri- South Africa: qJDie Bantu-Neger.
kas insbesondere seiner tropischen M. Buchner, 931*; Berichte uber meine
Gebiete. Vol. I. A. Engler, rev., 920; Reise nach Siidafrika. 1907-o9. R.
La politique des chemins defer afri ains, Poch, 931*; Du Cap au Lac Nyassa.
148*; Problems in Exploration. F. R. E. Foa, 942*; Die Eingeborenen Siid-
Cana, 312*; Project de chemin de fer Afrikas. G. Fritsch, 942*; Geogra-
transafricain. R. Doucet, 791*; Un- phical Factors in Development of. W.
occupied Mission Fields of-and Asia. M. Davis, 71*; History and Ethno-
S. M. Zwemer, n, 390; Verbreitung graphy South of the Zambesi, 1505-
und Haufigkeit des Elefanten und 1795. G. G. McCall Theal, rev., 696;
Lowen in Afrika. M. C. Engell, 71*; Uber die Kunst der Buschmanner. R.
Verkehrsfrage- auf den innerafrikan- Poch, 931*; Monkeyfolk of. F. W.
ischen Seen. P. Rohrbach, 148* E Maps Fitzsimons, n., 143; Die Pfannen formi-
of Africa: Nigritia. E. Banse, n., 240; gen Hohlformen der siidafrikanischen
Progress of Exploration, n., 78; Rain- Steppen. S. Passarge, 148*; Physical
fall maps of, n., 317; Verbreitung und Geography in South African Schools.
Haufigkeit des Elefanten. M. C. A. L. du Toit, n., 626; Reisen im In-

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Index 951

nern Siidafrikas zum Studium der Bus-teau. A. C. Hoey, 71*; The Suk:
chmanner, 1907 bis I909. R. Poch, Their Language and Folklore. M.
931*; The Stone Ages of South Africa W. H. Beech, rev., 299; qjMaps of
as represented in the Collection of British East Africa: Mombasa-Vic-
South African Museum. L. P6ringuey, toria Railway, n., I56; Suk Country, n.,
148*; Sudafrika. G. Fritsch, 942*; 78
Sudafrikanische Werkzeuge aus ver- British South Africa: See Union of
schiedenen Perioden. R. Poch, 931* South Africa.
West Africa: qIslam as a Factor in French Colonies in Africa: Afrique
West African Culture. G. W. Ellis, du Nord et Politique Coloniale. L.
71*; Niger and the West Sudan, or Say, 946*
West African's Note Book. A. J. N. French Equatorial Africa: qL'ac-
Tremearne, rev., 858; Pioneers in. croissement de la Mortalite et la
Sir Harry Johrston, n., 466; Protection Diminution de la Natalite chez les
de la faune sauvage en Afrique Occi- indigenes du Congo Francais. E. Vi-
dentale. J. Meniaud, 312*; Der dal, 392*; Afrique Equatoriale Fran-
Weltteil Afrika (Afrikas Westkiiste).caise, 871*; Les chemins de fer du
J. Falkenstein, 942*; The Travels Gabon
of et du Congo francais, 792*;
R. & J. Lander into the InteriorDeclinations
of observees en Afrique equa-
Africa for the Discovery and Termi- toriale francaise et essai de carte des
nation of the Niger. From Unpub- isogones au Ier Jan., 1908. G. Bruel,
lished Documents, etc. R. Huish 944* 932*; Das deutsch-franz6sische Kam-
British East Africa: QAnnual Re- erun-Kongo-Abkommen vom 4. Nov.
port for year ending March 31, 1912. 1911. H. Wichmann, 631*; Franco-
G. S. Knox, 792*; Africa Protector- German Territorial Arrangement,
ate. A. Davis, i;-and German East 63 *; N6gociations Franco-Allemandes
Africa. Their economic and commer- relatives au Congo, 552*; A propos
cial Relations. H. Brode, rev., 132; de l'accord franco-allemand. E. Hu-
Le climat du Kikouyou et la culture lot, 630*; Franz6sisch-Aequatorial-
du caf6ier. J. Soul, 631*; Country Afrika im Jahre I9II, 631*; Mission
between Juba R. and Lake Rudolf. L. hydrographique Congo-Oubangui-
Aylmer, 71*; Distribution of PlantsSanga. H. Roussilhe, 631*; Ce qu'il
in. E. Battiscombe, 71*; Elephant faut faire dans le nord du Gabon.
Hunting in Equatorial Africa. C. G. Nzamba, 392*; Ce qu'il faut faire
E. Akeley, 392*; Ethnology of A- sur le littoral du Gabon. G. Nzamba,
Kamba and other East African 631*; Mon Voyage au Continent Noir.
Tribes. C. W. Hobley, rev., 300; E. Trivier, 947*; Le project de che-
Fish Culture in-. D. E. Hutchins, min de fer franco-allemand du Kame-
792*; John Boyes, King of the Wa-run a l'Ubangi, 631*; La region du
Kikuyu. By Himself, n., 708; Linde- Bahr-Sara. Maistre, 944*; Reveil de
quistsche Bericht uiber Britisch- und l'Afrique equatoriale francaise. M.
Deutsch-Ostafrika als Siedlungsgebiet Merlin, 312*; Le transcongolais et
fur Europaer. Gallus, 791*; Man andle transsaharien d'Alger a l'embou-
Beast in Eastern Ethiopia. From Ob-chure du Congo, 871* eMaps of
servations made in British East Afri- French Equatorial Afrika: L'Afrique
ca, etc. J. Bland-Sutton, n., 535; Man-Equatoriale d'apres l'accord Franco-
Eaters of Tsavo and other East Afri- Allemand, n., 157; La "Coupure" pro-
can Adventures. J. H. Patterson, jetee en Sept. I911, n., 157; Franco-
n., 866; Nairobi, 932*; Notes on the German Agreement, n., 157; Four
Customs and Beliefs of Wa-Giriama, Maps accompanying "Accord franco-
etc. W. E. H. Barrett, 932*; Plateau allemand du 4 Nov., 1911 relatif au
of British East Africa and its Inhabi- Congo," n., I57; Sketch Map showing
tants. G. L. Collie, 321, 687, 791*; Cessions of Territory in-provided
Sage.n, Mythen und Sitten der Masai. for by Franco-German Treaty of
H. Fuchs, 942*; Den svenska zoolo- Nov., 1911, 157*; Kamerun-Kongo-
giska expeditionen till Ostafrika. E. Abkommen zwischen dem Deutschen
Lonnberg, 312*; Karianduss Deposits Reich und Frankreich vom 4. Nov.,
of the Rift Valley. C. W. Hobley, I9II, n., 156
71*; Notes on the Haunts and Habits French West Africa: qjL'Afrique
of the Elephant on Guas Ngishu Pla- Occidentale Francaise en I910. Gov.-

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952 Index

Gen. Ponty, 149*; Le Fouladou. R. Zum Fortbau der ostafrikanischen

Legrand, 931*; La frontiere Franco- Zentralbahn zum Tanganjikasee. E.
Liberienne. L. Peyrissac, 630*; Le Zimmermann, 472*; Wichtigkeit der
marche du caoutchouc en 1911 et les Bewasserungin Deutsch-Sudwestafrika
caoutchoucs de l'Afrique Occidentaleund Deutsch-Ostafrika. Schmick, 630*;
franqaise. F. Faucher, 871*; Pro- Der Weiterbau der ostafrikanischen
gres de. L. Sonolet, 312*; Les Socie- Zentralbahn zum Tanganjikasee,
tes de prevoyance dans, 71*; Nou- 472*; Zusammenstellung der Monats-
veau Voyage dans le Pays des Ne- und Jahresmittel aus dem Jahre I909
gres. A. Raffenel, 946*; Proposed an 48 Beobachtungsstationen. P.
railway Extension and Port Improve- Heidke, 231* q Maps of German
ments in, 71* qfMaps of French West East Africa: Ethnographische Uber-
Africa: Carte des chemins de fer de sichtskarte des Nil-Kongo-Zwischen-
l'Afrique Occidentale Francaise, I57*;gebietes. J. Czekanowski, n., 238;
Itin6raire du voyageur, n., 157 Frontiere Germano-Belge dans l'Afri-
German Colonies in Africa: q Der que Occidentale, n., 317; Die neue
Handel der Schutzgebiete in Afrik, deutsch-belgische Grenze im Kiwu-
631* Gebiet, 78*
German East Africa: ql Afrique orien- German Southwest Africa: qlAus
tale. C. Martin, 932*; Arbeiterfrage Deutsch-Siidwestafrika. Ingenieur v.
in Deutsch-Ostafrika. O. Stollowsky, Zwergern, 231*; Notes on geological
231*; Aussichten fur Viehzucht im formation of portions of. W. Versfeld,
Muansa-Bezirk, 792*; Uber den Bau 72*; Owatschimba im nordlichen Kao-
der Erdkruste in Deutsch-Ostafrika. kofeld. J. Kuntz, 933*; Sud-Ouest.
E. Kohlschutter, 472*; British and C. Martin, 933*; Topography and
German-. Their Economic and Cori- Geology of the German South Kali-
mercial Relations. H. Brode, rev., hari. P. Range, 792*; Wichtigkeit
132; Le chemins de fer de l'Afrique der Bewasserung in Deutsch-Siidwest-
Orientale Allemande, 871*; Costru- afrika und Deutsch-Ostafrika. Schmick,
zioni ferroviarie nell'Africa Orientale 630*; Zur wirtschaftlichen Erschlies-
Tedesca. A. Corsi, 149*; Deutsch- sung von. H. Wolf, 72*
Ostafrika. J. Wagner, 948*; Ent- German West Africa: See Kamerun
stehungsgeschichte des unteren Rufiji. and Togo.
J. Pfeil, 932*; Geographische Forsch- Italian Colonies in Africa, Map:
ungen im abflusslosen Gebiet vom. F. EjMar Rosso e Possedimenti Italiani
Jaeger, 932*; German East Africa in Africa, n., 719
Central R. R. Completed to Tabora, Portuguese East Africa: q] Portuguese
452; Der Handel Deutsch-Ostafrikas Nyasaland. W. B. Worsfold, 948*
I9I0, 72*; Untere Kreide von. E. Portuguese West Africa: q Chemin
Krenkel, n., 866; Landschaften Issansu de fer portugais de Lobito vers le Ka-
und Iramba. E. Obst, 632*; Land- tanga, 870*
wirtschaftlichen Verhaltnisse des Be- Union of South Africa (British
zirks Moschi. Mickel, 72*; Linde- South Africa). See also Natal, Trans-
quistsche Bericht uber Britisch- und vaal, etc.: q Annual Report, Mines
Deutsch-Ostafrika als Siedlungsgebiet Dept. of, I912, 933*; Some Aspects of
fur Europaer. Gallus, 791*; Von Geological Work in South Africa.
Mkalama ins Land der Wakindiga. E. T. Mellor, 793*; Diamond Rush to
E. Obst, 632*; Neu-Langenburg und Mooifontein. W. Blane, 711*; Dairy-
das Deutsche Nyassa-Seegebiet, 871*; ing in South Africa. J. D. T. Wiese
Aus neuen Wegen durch Ruanda und and R. Ronaldson, 472*; Fifteenth
Urundi. H. Meyer, 632*; Ost-Afrika Annual Report of Geological Com-
im Aufstieg. P. Miillendorff, rev., 682; mission, 910o, 632*; Fruit Exports,
Question des chemins de fer dans 369; Maize Industry. J. Burtt-Davy,
l'Est Africain allemand, I49*; Regions 632*; Science teaching in. Address
voisines de la frontiere orientale by P. D. Hahn at the Meeting of S.
du Congo B.lge du Tanganyka au A. Assoc. for Adv. of Sc., 149*; Suda-
Lac Albert. M. J. Maury, 870*; frika. E. v. Drygalski, I49*; Wool
Reiseberichte von Prof. Dr. H. Meyer
Industry of, 472*
aus, 792*; Sagen, Mythen und SittenAgassiz, Alexander, I835-1910. A. G.
der Masai. H. Fuchs, 942*; Tabora. Mayer, 397*

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Index 953

Agnew, Andrew G., Obituary, 9I8 ka. A. H. Brooks, 927*; Coal Prob-
Agraz, J. S., 70* lems. W. L. Fisher, 549*; Geography
Agriculture: qlSome Geographic Re-in Development of Alaska Coal De-
lations illustrated in the Practice of posits. A. H. Brooks, 549*; Geology
and Coal Fields of the Lower Mata-
Agriculture. R. E. Dodge, 277; Prin-
ciples of Rural Economics. T. N. nuska Valley. G.C.Martin and F.J.
Carver, rev., 621 Katz, 549*; Geology and Mineral Re-
Aiken, J., 230* sources of Parts of. W. W. Atwood,
Air: See Atmosphere. 310*; Geology and Mineral Resources
of Nizina District. F. H. Moffit and
Ajmere-Merwara: q4Sketch of Mair-
wara. C. J. Dixon, 942* S. R. Capps, 311*; Gold Deposits of
A-Kamba and Other East African the Seward-Sunrise Region. B. L.
Tribes, Ethnology of. C. W. Hobley, Johnson, 927*; - near Valdez. A. H.
rev., 300 Brooks, 927*; Gold Placers of the
Akeley, C. E. 392* Yentna District. S. R. Capps, 788*;
Akerblom, F., 714* Headwater Regions of Gulkana and
Susitna Rivers. With accounts of Val-
Alabama: ElAgriculture. Census I9Io, dez Creek and Chistochina Placer Dis-
311*; Fayette Gas Field. M. J. Munn,
869*; Petroleum and Natural Gas. trict. F. H. Moffit, 928*; Mining and
Water Supply of Forty-mile, Seventy-
M. J. Munn, 868*; Population, Census
mile, Circle, and Fairbanks Districts,
I9IO, 229*, 929*; Statistics of Min- I911. E. A. Porter & C. E. Ellsworth,
eral Production, I9Io. C. A. Abele, 788*; Notes on Mining in Seward
788* qjMaps of Alabama: Birming- Peninsula. P. S. Smith, 788*; The
ham Quad., Areal Geology, Economic Ruby Placer District. A. G. Mad-
Geology Structure Sections, 153*; Map dren, 788*; Sitka Mining District. A.
of Fayette District, 557*; Map of Knopf, 229* qlMaps of Alaska: Cop-
faulted areas in the vicinity of Pratt per Mountain and Vicinity, 74*;
City and Thomas, 154*; Sketch Map Gletscher des unteren Kupferflusses.
of northwestern Alabama showing lo- L. Martin, 935*; Maps of Hugh Mil-
cation . . . Fayette Gas Field, gen- ler Inlet, Head of Reid Inlet, N. part
eral structure, etc., 557* of Muir Inlet, 316*; Tiefenkarte von
Alaska: q Alaska-Canada Boundary, Port Wells. L. Martin, 935*; Topog-
769; Annual Report... Game Law for raphy of Kasaan Peninsula, 397*;
191I. W. E. Clark, 627*; Birds and Geologic Map of Alaska Pen. n., 154,
Mammals of the I909 Alexander Ex-
Cape Douglas and Vicinity. R. W.
pedition. H. S. Swarth, n., 624; Con- Stone, 154*; Chignik Bay, Herendeen
ditions among the Natives. G. J.
Bay and Unga Island Region. W.
Emmons, 549*; Some Details of Mr.
W. Atwood, 154*; - H. M. Eakin,
Stefansson's Geographical Work in,
660; Fur Seal Fisheries of-in I9Io, 154*; Outline Map of Southwestern,
550*; Geologic Reconnaissance of the n., 154; Portiol. of Prospect Bay show-
Iliamna Region. G. C. Martin and ing the form of harbor and location
F. J. Katz, 868*; Mountain Climbing of copper prospects, I54*; Shore fea-
in. First Expedition to Mount Black- tures near the head of Balboa Bay,
burn. D. Keen, 868*; Population, Cen- 154*; Shore features near north and
sus 1910, 229*; Progress of Topo- south entrance to Baralof Harbor,
graphic Surveys (U. S. Geol. Surv.). I54*; Charts: Bays and Anchorages,
R. H. Sargent, 481; Rampart and Hot South Coast of, 636*; Northern Part
Springs Regions. H. M. Eakin, 788*; of Cook Inlet, 636*; Harbors on South
Statistics of Manufactures, Census East Coasts, 236*
1910, 929*; Report of the Eruption of Alatna-Noatak Region, Alaska. P. S.
Katmai Volcano. I. M. Dailey, 641; Smith, 788*
Resources of. F. L. Hess, 927*; Survey-Albania: llAlbanien, Eine militargeo-
ing the 14Ist Meridian. T. Riggs, Jr.,graphische Studie. O. v. Kreutz-
788* q Glaciers: Glaciers and Glacia- bruck, 714*; Albanien und die Alba-
tion of. R. S. Tarr, 549*; Tarr and L. nesen. P. Siebertz, rev., 62
Martin in, 46; Glaciation of the Alas- Alberta: qAccount of Its Wealth and
ka Range. S. R. Capps, 788*; Glaciers Growth. L. Thwaite, rev., 693; Big-
East of Wrangell Mt., 365 qlM'inerals horn Coal Basin. G. S. Malloch, 311*;
and Mining: Alaska Mining Industry Chinook in southern-and Tempera-
in I9II and Railway Routes in Alas- ture Inversions at Sulphur Mountain,

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954 Index

Banff. R. F. Stupart, 230*; Railroads Voyages dans le Sud de. A. Berbrug-

in, 286; Report of the Commission to ger, 940*
investigate Turtle Mt., Frank, 550*; Allardyce, W. L., 148*
Studying Big Game in, 609 j Maps of Allen, C. F., 939*
Alberta: Cereal Map of - showing Allen, E. T., 142*
acreage under crop in each townshipAllen, G., 787*
in wheat, tarley and flax, n., 716; Ma-Allen, R. C., 76*, 77*; - and W. N.
ligne Lake, Jasper Park, n., 558; Smith, 77*
Maps of Northern and Southern Al-Allen, W. N., 715*
berta, showing disposition of Lands,Allingham, W., 926
797* Allix, A., 872*
Aldrey, J. G., 392* Almagia, R., 454, 874*
Aleutian Islands: qlDr. Jochelson's Almeida, W. B. d', 939*
Work in the, 521; Notes on Birds... Alonso, C. G., 396*
during a brief visit to the-and Ber- Alps: q Die Alpen. H. Reishauer,
ing Sea in I9II. A. C. Bent, 627* n., 867; Les Alpes de Provence. Guide
Alexander the Great, Book of: The du Touriste, du Naturaliste et de l'-
Sikandar Nama, e Barf. By Abu ArchCologue. G. Tardieu, n., 867; Les
Muhammad bin Yusuf bin Mu, Ayyid-
Alpes de Savoie. Les massifs entre
i-Nizamu-'d-Din. Translated by H. l'Arc et l'Isere. Guide pour l'Alpin-
W. Clarke, 941*
iste. E. Gaillard, 926*; Alpine Plants
Alexandrian Library: Observations
sur le sort de la Bibliotheque d'Alex- of Europe together with cultural
andrie en reponse a Sa Beatitude hints. H. S. Thompson, n., 143; Alpin-
Kyrillos Macaire. M. Bey, 396* ist und Alpenflora. C. C. Hosseus,
Algeria: qjAbout Algeria, Algiers, 633*; Architecture and Origin of the.
Tlemcen, Constantine, Biskra, Tim- J. Geikie, 73*; Bericht iiber das Erd-
gad. C. Thomas-Stanford, rev., 535; beben in den Alpen vom 13. Juli
L'Afrique du Nord et Politique Colo- I910. J. Schorn, 875*; Die bewohnten
niale. L. Say, 946*; Application du und unbewohnten Areale der Ost-Al-
"dry farming" a l'Algerie. V. De- pen. N. Krebs, 794*; Entwicklung
montes, 312*; Colonisation francaise der Pflanzengeographie der Ostalpen
dans l'Afrique du Nord. Algerie-Tu- in den letzten zehn Jahren. J. Stadl-
nisie-Maroc. V. Piquet, rev., 533; mann, 794*; Die Formen alpiner
Campagne d'Afrique, Alg6rie-Tuni-Hochtaler, insbesondere im Hohen
sie-Maroc. V. Piquet, 946*; Les con- Tauerngebiet, und ihre Beziehungen
fins Algero-marocains. A. Montell, zur Eiszeit. L. Distel, 873*; Grundt-
552*; Documents r6latifs a la missionliche und warhaffte Beschreibung der
diriigee au sud de l'Algerie. M. A. uralten Alpischen Rhetie [Grisons
Choisy, 941*; Die Eingeborenen Al- and Tirol.] Tschudi, (I560), 947*;
geriens, 552*; De 1'etablissement des Uber die Kalkalpen zwischen dem
Francais dans la Regence d'Alger. M. Almtal und dem Traungebiet. G.
Genty de Bussy, 943*; Frontiere al- Geyer, 73*; Klubhutten-Album des
gero-marocaine: L'Amalat d'Oudjda. Schweizer Alpen-Club, n., 145; Uber
Commandant de Choulot, 472*; die Lavinen der Alpen. F. Frech,
Mceurs, Coutumes et Institutions des 554*; Report on an Investigation of
Indigenes. Lieut.-Gen. Villot, 948*; the Geological Structure of the Alps.
Les Monts Berberes. Kabylie et Aures.
B. Willis, 394*; Richard Lepsius
Les Tribus et les paysages. M. Bois- uber die Einheit und die Ursachen
nard, 871*; Narrative of a Campaign
against the Kabailes of. D. Borrer, der diluvialen Eiszeit in den Alpen.
940*; Notes sur las culture du coton A. Penck, 633*; Service des grandes
en Algerie. E. Layer, 871*; Note forces hydrauliques dans la region
concernant les Aoulad-Daoud du des Alpes, 633*; Verteilung der Kul-
turen und die Volksdichte in den
Mont Aures. E. Masqueray, 944*;
Oran et Alg6rie en I887, 940*; Les 6sterreichischen Alpen. N. Krebs,
ports de l'Afrique francaise du Nord. 794*; Waldgrenzstudien in den 6ster-
E. Gallois, 871*; Questions algerien- reichischen Alpen. R. Marek, 73*
nes (Agriculture and commerce). G. Alpes, Hautes: See Hautes-Alpes.
de Contenson, 472*; Population, Cen- Alsace-Lorraine: qjDeutsche Grenz-
sus 1911, 530; Quelques 6tapes en - mark Elsass-Lothringen. H. T. Luks,
et au Maroc. General Bernard, 471*; 944*

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Altermann, R., 709* North America: I Bibliography of

Altitude Tables. F. Ball, n., 145 N. A. Geology for I910. J. M. Nickles,
Alzonne, C., 555* 391*; Climatic Limits of Wheat Culti-
Amaral, B. do, 931* vation, with Special Reference to. J.
Amavet, E., 72* F. Unstead, 627*; The Birds of North
Amazon Basin: qjIn the Amazon Jun- and Middle America. R. Ridgway,
gle. A. Lange, n., 466; Developpement 549*; Fixite de la c6te Atlantique de
economique de l'Amazone. V. Cayla, l'Amerique du Nord. D. W. John-
790*; Les langues guaranies du Haut- son, 868*; Forester's Manual of For-
Amazone. P. Rivet, 311* est Trees of Eastern North America.
Amazon R., Maps: Sections from Maps E. T. Seton, n., 547; Geologic Map of.
showing the mouth of the Amazon: rev., 40; Ice age in-and its Bearings
Egerton Map, Juan de la Cosa Map, upon the Antiquity of Man. G. F.
Diego Ribeiro, (1529), 80* Wright, rev., 129; Immigrant Races
America. qjThe Americas: EqBeit- in North America. P. Roberts, 306*;
rage zur Charakteristik der ilteren Norsemen in America. F. Nansen,
Geschichtsschreiber iiber Spanisch- 39I*; North American Deserts. D.
Amerika. F. Weber, rev., 533; Cen- T. MacDougal, 391*; Occurrence of
tenario do Descobrimento da America, Coral Reefs in the Triassic of-. J.
941*; Distribution and Origin of Life P. Smith, 391*; Some Physical and
in America. R. F. Scharff, rev., 707; Biological Features of North Ameri-
The Egerton Map of Early American can Deserts. D. T. MacDougal, 868*
Discoveries. O. A. Derby, 315*; qjMaps of North America: America.
Forestry in the American Tropics. GreaterJ. California. E. Banse, n.,
Gifford, 74*; Geography Notes on 240; Countries and Seas discovered
Non-British America. J. C. Chute, by Norwegians and Icelanders, 160*;
226*; Gesammelte Abhandlungen zur Geologic Map of - compiled by U.
Amerikanischen Sprach- und Alter- S. G. S., Geol. Survey of Canada and
thumskunde. E. Seler, 947*; The Inst. Geol. de Mexico, I55*; n., 40;
History of the American Race. F. Map of North America, n., 796; North
Boas, 788*; Influence of the Presence, America, n., 399; Sketch Map to illus-
Discovery and Distribution of the trate a paper on N. American Deserts.
Precious Metals in America on Mi- F. Shreve, n., 475; Stamford's Library
gration of People. G. D. Hubbard, Map of, n., 797
South America. 4[jAbnormal
97; Kindlier Light on Early Spanish
Rule in America. E. H. Thompson, Weather in-during I911. R. C.
628*; Pan American Union. J. Bar- Mossman, 551*; Andean Land. C. S.
rett, n., 211; The problem of Unity or Osborn, n., 57; Description of South
Plurality and the Probable Place of American Locust, 471*; Entwicklung
Origin of American Aborigines. J. der Fabrikindustrie in lateinischen
W. Fewkes and A. Hrdlicka, 710*; Amerika. Von Gemmingen, n., 307;
Systematic Geography of America, Some Factors of Geographical Dis-
G. W. Webb, rev., 63 tribution in. J. D. Haseman, 790*;
Central America: qj Agricultural, [Following the Conquistadores] Along
Industrial, and Commercial Develop- the Andes and Down the Amazon.
ment of-Imports and Exports of Each H. J. Mozans, rev., 297; Land of the
State. J. J. Macfarlane, 470*;- and Southern Cross. C. W. Currier, rev.-,
West Indies. A. H. Keane, n., 389; 132; Meine Reise durch Sud-Amerika
Les cinq r6publiques de l'Amerique im Jahre I9I1. E. Seler, 930*; Mis-
Centrale. M. de Perigny, n., I42; Er- sion du Service Geographique de l'-
gebnisse einer Forschungsreise in Mit- Arm6e pour la mesure d'un Arc du
telamerika und Mexico 1907-9. W. Meridien Equatorial, I899-I906, Tome
Lehmann, 551*; tber den Kulturwert 3, Fasc. 2: Compensation des Angles-
der verschiedenen Landschaftstypen Calcul des triangles, Tome 9, Fasc. 2:
in den Tropen, insbesondere in Mit- -Zoologie, 930*; Notes de Voyage
telamerika. K. Sapper, 789*, 870*; dans l'Amerique du Sud. Argentine-
Mission dans l'Am6rique Centrale Uruguay-Bresil. G. Clemenceau,
1909-1910. M. de Perigny, n., 466 625*; Observations and Impressions.
qjMap: Mapa de America Central, J. Bryce, rev., 919; Primitive man in,
n., 797 687; South America To-Day. G.

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956 Index

Clemenceau, rev., 455; South Ameri- Anderson, R., 310*

can Problems. R. E. Speer, rev., Anderson's (R. M.) Return from the
694; Trade. C. M. Pepper, n., 57; Arctic, 917
The Ten Republics. R. P. Porter, Anderson, T., 314*, 396*
n., 143; Wirtschaftsgeographisches Andes,
ausFuel Resources of the Central,
Suidamerika. A. Beyer, 471* q287 Maps
of South America: Amazonia. An- Andrade, V. de P.,. 392*
dina. E. Banse, n., 240; Map accom- Andree, Dr. Richard, Obituary, 294
panying "Along the Andes and Down Andrew, W. P., 939*
the Amazon, 317*; Map for Robert-Andrews, E. C., 234*, 554*
son's History of South America. T. Andrews, J., 940*
Kitchen. 1777, (Facsimile), I6o* Anfossi, G., 474*
American Association for the Advance- Angier, A. G., 940*
ment of Science. J. Zeleny, 475* Angola: 4 Chemin de fer portugais de
American Geographers: See Associa- Lobito vers le Katanga, 870*; Lobito
tion of. Railroad, 609 ~4Maps of Angola:
American Geographical Society: q An- Esbo;o da Carta de Angola, n., 637
nual Meeting of the, ii6; Attendance Anhalt, Sachsen und Brandenburg,
at Lectures, 448; Award of Cullum Salzflora und Tektonik in. 0. v.
Medal to Dr. Charcot, II8; DalyLinstow, 151*
Medal to Amundsen, 364, 914; Ani,
Bulle-Skizze der Ruinenstadt, (Map),
tin Index, 915; Charter of Incorpora-
tion, vii, Amended Charter, ix, By- Animals: 4jAnimals and the Man.
Laws of the, xii, Officers and Coun- Elementary Textbook of Zoology and
cilors, 1911, v; Correspondence, 126, Human.,Physiology. V. L. Kellogg n.,
432; Election of E. S. Balch a Coun- 145; Beasts and Men. C. Hagenbeck's
cillor, 915; The Library, 518; Society's Experiences Among Wild Animals,
Geographical Collection, 5i8; Special n., 226; Heredity in Relation to Evo-
Meeting, 914; Society's Exhibition of lution and Animal Breeding. W. E.
Photographs, 448, 684, 915; Trans- Castle, 390*; Primitive Animals. G.
actions, 44, ii6, 203, 285, 364, 914; Smith, 309*
Transcontinental Excursion, 201, 664, Animal WVorship: 41 Animal Sanctuaries
426, 848; Works purchased for the in Labrador. W. Wood, 550*
Society in 1912, 939 Annam: 1 La cite annamite. Les
American Philosophical Society, Gen- sedentaires. C. Briffaut, n., 866; On
eral Index to the Proceedings of-hell and Off Duty in. G. M. Vassal, rev.,
at Philadelphia for Promoting Useful 859
Knowledge, 629* Annapolis Harbor, Chart, 236*
Americanists, Eighteenth International Annoni, A. M., 792*
Congress of, 124, 772 Anseba, Lungo l'-e sull'altipiano abis-
Amerind: See Indian, American. sino. G. Dainelli, n., 308
Ampferer, O., 876*; - and W. Ham- Antarctic. See also Polar: I American
mer, 71 3*
Discoveries of the - Continent. Maj.-
Amundsen, R., 903; Personal, 203, Gen. Greely, 525, 555*; Antartida
364, 448, 529, 6i2, 914; ]lAmundsen's Americana. L. R. Patron, 555*; Ant-
Antarctic Explorations. R. N. R. arctic Names. E. S. Balch, 56i; Im-
Brown, 555*; - Expedition to the pressions Antarctiques. C. Alzonne,
South Pole, 822; - och Scotts farder 555*; Antarctic Nature. As Illus-
til sydpolen. 0. Nordenskjold, 876*; trated by a Description of North-
- am Siidpol. H. Singer, 714* West Antarctica. 0. Nordenskj6ld,
Amurath to Amurath. (Asiatic Tur- 74*; Uber die Fortsetzung des Ant-
key). G. L. Bell, rev., 134 arktischen Festlandes zwischen Ender-
Anatolia: See Asia Minor. byland, Coatsland und Grahamland
Andaman Islands, Geology of-with sowie das Vorhandensein von Neu
Reference to the Nicobars. G. H. Siidgr6nland. W. S. Bruce, 795*;
Tipper, 150* Recent - Discoveries. E. S. Balch,
Andavakoera, Les mines d'or de la Ix6x e Expeditions: Antarctic Expedi-
region d'. A. Bordeaux, 72*; Map, 78* tions of 1911-12. H. R. Mill, 555*;
Anderson, D., 788* Australasian Antarctic Expedition, I22,
Anderson, J., 939* 555*; -1911. W. S. Bruce, 523; Dr.

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Index 957

Mawson's--Expedition, 918; British Blick in die Anfange menschlicher

- Expedition, 122, 714*; Scott's Second Geistesbestitigung. K. Weule, 868*;
Antarctic Expedition. E. S. Balch, Glacial Man. R. S. Lull, 876*; The
270; German: Deutsche Antarktische Mind of Primitive Man. F. Boas,
Expedition. Bericht des Expeditions- rev; 64; Prehistoric Man. W. L. H.
leiters. W. Filchner, 555*; Filchner Duckworth, n., 467; The present State
Expedition, I22, Forschungsgebiet der of our Knowledge concerning the
deutschen, usw. H. Singer, 475*; Three linguistic Stocks of Tierra del
Japanese Antarctic Expedition, 690 Fuego. A. F. Chamberlain, 70*; Die
q Explorations and Scientific Results tierische Abstammung des Menschen.
of: Allgemeiner Bericht iiber die Ar- K. Ungar, 234*; Ursprung des Men-
beiten der Deutschen Siidpolar-Expe- schen oder die gegenwartigen An-
dition und denen Verwertung. (1901- schauungen iiber die Abstammung des
3). E. v. Drygalski, I52*; Amundsen's Menschen. A. Schmitt, 391*; Zwerg-
Antarctic Explorations. R. N. R. volker und Zwergwuchs. R. Poch,
Brown, 555*; E. v. Drygalski Polar- 876*
werk "Zum Kontinent des eisigen Antilles, Greater, Map, 237*
Suidens." H. Wagner, 152*; Enfor- Anti-Taurus, Map: qjKarte des Anti-
schung des Siidpolargebietes. E. v. taurus. Auf Grund der Itinerarauf-
Drygalski, 152*; Ozeanographische nahmen . .. von H. Grothe, 318*
Arbeiten der Deutschen Antarktischen Antwerp: qlLe port d'Anvers, 474*
Expedition. W. Brennecke, 152*; Re- Anz, W., 717
view of Results of Twenty Years of Aoste et ses environs, 144*; Vallee d'
- Work orignated by the Royal IGeog. -vue a vol d'oiseau. C. Thomasset,
Soc. C. R. Markham, 714*; Die n., 144
Schwedische Siidpolar-Expedition und Apalachicola R. Basin. M. R. Hall
ihre geographische Tatigkeit. O. & J. G. Mathers, 927*; River-Bank
Nordenskiold, rev., 514 (jMaps: Ant-Vegetation of the Lower-and a New
arctic. E. Banse, n., 240; South Polar Principle illustrated thereby. R. M.
Regions . . . showing land discovered Harper, 310*
since 1900, 560* Apennines: EiContributo alla Climato-
Antelope District, Nev., Notes on the.logia dell'Appennino Ligure. La pi-
F. C. Schrader, 928* oggia nell' alta valle del Gorzente.
Antelope Valley, Cal., Water Re- G. Anfossi, 474*; Neue Untersuchun-
sources of. H. R. Johnson, 469* gen und offene Fragen uiber die Mor-
Anthropogeography. See under Geo- phologie des Zentral-Apennin. R.
graphy. Almagia, 874*; Studien in den Kalk-
Anthropology. See also Man: qlAn- massiven des Appennin. A. Riihl,
cient Hunters and their modern Re- 395*
presentatives. W. J. Sollas, rev., Apolima, Die deutsche Samoinsel. K.
702; Anthropology. R. R. Marett, n.,Wegener, 474*; Map, 239*
467; Archiv fur Anthropologie, I866- Appalachian Mountain Club, Register
1908, 948*; Beitrage zur Ethnographie of - for 1912, 629*
und Anthropologie der Somal, Galla,Appalachian States, Copper Deposits
Harari. P. Paulitschke, 945*; Bulle- of. W. H. Weed, 628* E Maps:
tin de la Societe d'Anthropologie de Northern part of Appalachian Prov-
Paris. I860-I905, 941*; Catalogo de ince showing its physiographic divi-
la Secci6n Anthropol6gica der Museo sions and its relation to the Coastal
de la Plata. R. Lehmann-Nitsche, Plain, 154*; Relief map of Appalach-
870*; Congres Intern. d'Anthrop. ian valley ridges, 155*
et d'Arch6ologie prehistoriques, I24; Arabia: EjArabie. N. Desverges, 942*;
The Golden Bough. Study in Magic Arabic Self-Taught. A. Hassam,
and Religion. J. G. Frazer, part 1-3, 146*; Arabian Desert and Human
rev., 543; part 5, 787*; Head-Hunters Character. E. Huntington, 393*; Be-
of Northern Luzon. D. C. Worcester hind the Veil in Persia and Turkish
873*; Journal of AnthropologicalArabia.
In- M. E. Hume-Griffith, 943*;
Bibliographie des ouvrages arabes ou
stitute of Great Britain and Ireland,
I871-1907, 948*; Kulturelementerelatifs
der aux Arabes, publiCs dans
Menschheit. K. Weule, rev., 702; l'Europe chr6tienne de i8io-I885. V.
Die Kultur der Kulturlosen. Ein Chauvin, 941*; Expedition of the

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958 Index

Royal Danish Geogr. Soc. to Arabia. North. Story of Polar Exploration

Preliminary Report. B. Raunkiaer, from Earliest Times to the Discovery
657; Hedschiizbahn. M. Blackenhorn, of the North Pole. H. S. Wright, n., 63;
393*; Kongelige danske geografiske Human Life in the Arctic. R. S. Tarr,
Selskabs Ekspedition til Arabien. B. 555*; Hunters and Hunting in the.
Raunkiaer, 872*; The Land of Uz. Duke of Orleans, n., 548; M'Clintock's
Abdullah Mansuir (G. Wyman Bury), Famous Yacht, 775; Ice Condition in
rev., 380; List of Works Relating to the-in 1911, 208; Remarkable Summer
Arabia and the Arabs, 393*; Die ReiseJourney in Arctic Seas. D. F. Gis-
des Arabers Ibn Batufita durch Indien
bert, 288; Technique of Arctic Win-
und China. (14. Jahrhundert.) Bear- ter Travel. V. Stefainsson, 340 4Ex-
beitet von H. v. Mzik, n., 866; Studien peditions: American Arctic Enter-
zur Laut-und Formenlehre der Mehri-
prises, 917; Crocker Land Expedi-
Sprache in Siidarabien. II. Zum Ver- tion, I89, 288, Revised Plans of the,
bum. M. Bittner, 872*; Traversata 429; Geplante danische Expedition
del deserto Arabico da Chena a Cos-
nach K6nigin-Luise-Land und quer
seir. E. Cortese, 393* qjMaps of iiber das Inlandeis Nordgronlands
Arabia: Arabie, n., 3I8; Arabie du
1912/r3. J. P. Koch, 555*; Danmark-
nord est. Itineraire du Capitaine G.
Ekspeditionens Kort. J. P. Koch,
E. Leachman, 318*; The Land of Uz.
634*; Die geplante Polarunterneh-
399*; B. Raunkiaers Reiseweg im mung mit Zeppelinluftschiffen. W.
nordostlichen Arabien, 936* Sievers, 475*; Unsere geplante - Eine
Arago, Francois, Correspondence d'AI- Entgegnung auf Prof. Sievers' kriti-
exandre de Humbolt avec. T. T. sche Betrachtung. H. Hergesell, 475*;
Hamy, rev., 385 The German Arctic Expedition, 77 ;
Narrative of an Expedition in H. M.
Aragon, Levantamientos hipsometricos
en el Alto-, 395* S. Terror. Capt. Back, 940*; Report
Aral Sea. E. Markov, 393* of Canadian Government Expedition
Aran Islands. J. M. Synge, n. 548 to Arctic Islands and Hudson Strait
Ararat, L'Ascension du Mont. L. Sey- on Board the Arctic 1908-9. J. E.
laz, 232* Bernier, 74*, 925*; Return of R. M.
Araujo, O., 925* Anderson, 917; Stefinsson's plans, 917
Arc (Maurienne), Carte du glacier des Ei Explorations: Some Details of Mr.
sources de. P. Girardin, 319* Stefansson's Geographical Work, 66o0;
Dr. Nansen on North Polar Explora-
Archaeology: q Accidents of an An-
tiquary's Life. D. G. Hogarth, rev., tion. C. R. Markham, 555*; In North-
ern Mists. Arctic Exploration in
139; Annuaire de la Societe Arche-Early Times. F. Nansen, rev., 462;
ologique de la Province de Constan-
Peary's Nordpolarfahrt. E. v. Dry-
tine 1853-62. Receuil des Notices et
galski, I52* j Maps of the Arctic:
Memoires, etc. 1863-I896, 948*; An- Arctic. E. Banse, n., 240; Arctic Dis-
tiquities of Mesa Verde National Park.
coveries and Explorations up to July,
J. W. Fewkes, 69*; Archaeological
Report, 1910-II. Egypt Exploration I853, n., i6o; Discoveries in the Arc-
tic Sea. With additions and Changes
Fund, etc. E. L. Griffith, 711*; Index to I909 by J. Bernier, n., 159; Die fur
to Reports of the - 1890-1909. W. L.
1912-14 geplanten Nordpolarforschun-
Nash, 945*; Archaologischer Wegwei-
ser durch das Viertel ober dem Wie- gen, 720*; Maps of Expedition to the
Arctic Islands and Hudson Strait on
ner Walde von Nieder-Osterreich. E.
the "Arctic." J. E. Bernier, 159*;
v. Sacken, 946*; Congres Internatio-
Map of Northern Islands of Canada,
nal d'Anth,ropologie et d'Archeologie
n., 159; Map of southern portion of
prehistoriques, 124; Herkunft der Ger- Melville Island, n , 159; Charts; Fac-
manen. Zur Methode der Siedlungs- simile Chart of Behring Strait, 1852,
archaologie. G. Kossinna, 228* I6o*; - Track Chart H.M. Sledge
Arcimis, A., 234* Success, Barrow Strait, i851, i6o*;
Arctic. See also Greenland, Spitzbergen, Portion of Chart showing Morin's and
etc.: qf Arctic Prairies. Canoe-Journey Green's Tracks to Banks Land and
. . . Region North of Aylmer Lake. E. Victoria Voyage of "Arctic" . . .
T. Seton, rev., 295; Cyclonic Move- 1908-9, 159*
ments in the Arctic. E. Vincent, 690; Arctowski, H., 598, 745; Personal, 370,
Eskimos of Davis Straits in I656. D. 69I
MacRitchie, 875*; The Great White Ardaillon, Lieut., 472*

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Index 959

Ardennes, Handbook to Belgium in-

J. P. Henry, 943*; Results of Spirit
cluding the - and Luxemburg 867*
Leveling in, I896-I909, inclusive. R.
Ardgoil, Plant Geography of. T. B. Marshall, 69*; Wood-Using Indus-
Nisbet, 234* tries and National Forests of. J. T.
Ardouin-Dumazet, V. E., 926* Harris and F. Kiefer, 788*
Arechavaleta, Prof. Jose, Obituary, 691Arldt, T., 396*
Arequipa, Peru, The "Solar Constant" Armenia: ElAround the Black Sea, Ar-
and the Variations of Atmospheric menia, Asia Minor, etc. W. E. Cur-
Temperature at-and some other Sta- tis, 389*; Durch Armenien, eine Wan-
tions. H. Arctowski, 598 derung, und der Zug Xenophons bis
Arey, A. L., Bryant, F. L. and others, zum Schwarzen Meere. E. v. Hoff-
384 meister, rev., 783; Turkish Armenia.
Argentina: iJLos Aborigenes de la H. F. Tozer, 947* qjMaps accompany-
Republica Argentina. F. F. Outes y ing Hoffmeister's "Durch Armenien,"
C. Bruch, rev., 299; Agricultural Sta- n., 400
tistics, 1910-II, 790*; Boletin del Min- Arminjon, P., 871*
isterio de Agricultura, 1911, 3II*; Arno, The Val d'-as it once was,
Argentina in 1910, 70*; Argentine. Map, n., 400
Past, Present and Future. E. L. Cor- Arnoux, J., 537
thell, 551*; La chasse dans la Pampa Aroroy District, Masbate, Geology and
de l'Argentine. G. Daireaux, 551*; Mineral Resources of. H. G. Fergu-
Commerce for I9I1, 790*; Cotton son, 554*
growing in. H. G. Mackie, 869*; Aruwimi River. R. L. Reid, 148*
Cultivation of Cotton in, 70*; French Asia: qlAsia. F. G. Carpenter, 227*;
Delimitation Commission, 915; Mete-Asien. W. Sievers, 947*; Ausbreit-
orological Service, 851; Republique ung kalter Luft in Russland und Nor-
Argentine. A. Merchier, 551*; Uni- dasien. H. v. Ficker, 73*; Beitrage
versities in. E. E. Brandon, 551*; zur Geologie Ost-Asiens und Austra-
Wheat-Growing in Canada, the U. liens, 308*; Climatic Changes in the
S. and the Argentine. W. P. Rutter, Nearer East. A. T. Olmstead, 432,-
rev., 372 (jMaps of Argentina: Atlas A Reply. E. Huntington, 440; The
Hist6rico de la Repiblica Argentina. Far East Revisited. A. G. Angier,
Recopilado y redactado por J. J. 940*; Fortschritte der Landerkunde
Biedma y dibujado por C. Beyer, rev., des asiatischen Orients 90o8-o0. E.
880; Six Maps showing the habitat Banse, 232*; Fortschreiten der Erwar-
of its aborigines, 317* munigen in Russland und Nordasien.
Arica-La Paz R.R.: Another Link from H. v. Ficker, 795*; La geologie et les
La Paz to the Sea. G. Fortescue, richesses min6rales de l'Asie. L. de
930" Launey, rev., 535; Irrigation in west-
Arizona: qlAgriculture, Census I9I0, ern. A. P. Davis, 632*; Laying Em-
311*; Arizona a State, 203; Irriga- phasis in Teaching Geography in. R.
tion and Agricultural Practice in. R. H. Whitbeck, 149*; Letters from the
H. Forbes, 710*; Irrigation, Farms Far East. Sir Charles Eliot, 942*;
and Acreage irrigated, etc., Census Life in the Moslem East. P. Pona-
I910, 929*; Manufactures, Census fidine, rev., 302; Meine Vorderasien-
1910, I47; Mineralogy of. F. N. expedition 1906 und 1907. Band I,
Guild, rev., 54; Population, Census Teil I. Fachwissenschaftlichen Ergeb-
1910, 229*; Results of Spirit Lev- nisse. H. Grothe, rev., 302; Les soies
eling I899-I909. R. B. Marshall, dans l'extreme Orient et dans les
69*; Turquoise Copper-Mining Dis- colonies francaises. H. J. de Cor-
trict. F. L. Ransome, 869* EjMaps of demoy, 941*; The Soul of the Far
Arizona: Flagstaff Quad., 933*; East. P. Lowell, 866*; Travels and
Roosevelt Quad., 933*; Map of South-Studies in the Nearer East A. T.
western, n., 797; Miami Copper Belt, Olmstead, B. B. Charles and J. E.
556*; Ray and Vicinity, 556* Wrench, 625*; Unoccupied Mission
Arkansas: ElAgriculture, Census 1910, Fields of Africa and Asia. S. M.
869*; Arkansas State Supplement. R. Zwemer, n., 390; Die weitere Entwick-
Bland. Tarr & McMurry's New lung der Kautschukkultur in Sud-
Geographies, n., 866; Birds of. A. H. ostasien. E. Helferich, 632* qjHistor-
Howell, 469*; Statistics of Manufac- ical: Asia and America. Historical
tures, Census 1910, 550*; Population, Disquisition concerning the Ideas
Census I910, 229*, 929*; Resources of. which former geographers had about

This content downloaded from on Sun, 23 Apr 2023 21:17:59 UTC
All use subject to
960 Index

Geographical Relation and Connec- von M. v. Oppenheim, 79*; Sketch

tion of the Old World and New Map to show approximately Railways
World. J. G. Kohl, 632*; Ge- in, n., 937
schichte des 6stlichen Asiens. J. H.Central Asia: EICentral Asian Ques-
Plath, 945*; Histoire geographique tion. D. C. Boulger, 941*; Durch
des Seize Royaumes. Transl. from the Central-Asien. H. Moser, 945*; Ruins
Chinese and annotated by A. des Mi- of Desert. Cathay. Narrative of Ex-
chels, 945*; Foe Koue Ki ou Rela- plorations in Central Asia and West-
tion des Royaumes Bouddhiques. Tra- ernmost China. A. Stein, rev., 537;
duit du chinois par A. Remusat. Ouv- Sven Hedins Anteil an der Erfor-
rage Posthume. Complete par Cla- schung Zentralasiens. M. Rieger,
proth et Landresse, 946*; Memoir on n., 467 4qMap: Asie Centrale, n., 238
the Euphrates Valley route to India. Russian Central Asia: Russia in
W. P. Andrew, 939*; Receuil des Central Asia. H. Stumm, 947* EMap:
Traites conclus par la France en
Map illustrating Russian Advance in
Extreme-Orient (1684-1902). L. de
Central Asia, 157*
Reinach, 390* qlMaps of Asia: Asie
Orientale, n., 238; The Farther East Asphalt, What is- ? 7I6*
[Ostasien]. E. Banse, n., 240; Asia; Aspinall, A. E., 551*
Assada, I., 632*, 875*, 927*
Geographical Divisions, n., 318; Map Assam: jTarikh-i-Asham. Recit de
illustrating Russian Advance in, 157*;
Region of the Mediterranean and the l'Expedition de Mir-Djumlah au pays
d'Assam. Traduit sur la version
Near East, n., 400; Routes of Bacot,
Fergusson and Weiss, 3i8*; Verbrei- Hindoustani de Mir-Hu~aini par T.
tung und Intensitat des Reisebaus in Pavie, 945*; Les tribus de frontiere
Asien. C. Wachmann, n., 320 et la penetration anglaise du Haut-.
Asia Minor: q Around the Black C. E. Bonin, 313* qjMap: Carte du
Haut-Assam, 1., 400
Sea, -Armenia, etc. W. E. Curtis,
389*; Die Hedschazbahn. M. Blanck- Association of American Geographers,
enhorn, 393*; Principal Ruins of. C. Annals of the-, Vol. I, 1911, rev.,
Texier & R. P. Pullan, 947*; Reisen531; Eighth Annual Meeting of, Ix8
und Forschungen im westlichen Klein-Assyria: 4 Ancient-. C. H. W. Jones,
asien. lonien und das westliche Ly- 867*; Aspects of Religious Belief in.
dien. A. Philippson, 313*; Uber Babylonia and -. M. Jastrow, Jr.,
Meerschaum und Meerschaum-Fund- rev., 216; Geschichte Babyloniens und
statten bei Eskischehir in Kleinasien. Assyriens. F. Hommel, 943*
A. Reinhardt, 473*; Notes on the Astronomy: j Astronomische Erdkunde.
Troad. W. Leaf, 793* fi Maps of O. Hartmann, n., 228; Le ciel et P'-
Asia Minor: Geologische Karte des atmosphere. L. Houllevigue, rev., x40
westlichen Kleinasien. A. Philippson, Athens: q Athen und Attika. A. Struck,
n., 559; The Troad after Kiepert andn., 309; Greek Commonwealth. Poli-
Philippson with corrections by W.tics and Economics in Fifth-Century
Leaf, 798*
Athens. A. E. Zimmern, 787*; Topo-
Asiatic Turkey. See also Ottoman graphic von Athen. W. Judeich, 944*
Empire: qlAmurath to Amurath. G. Atlantic Ocean: q4Ergebnisse einer
L. Bell, rev., 134; La France dans le ozeanographischen Forschungsreise in
Levant. V. Berard, 713*; Die jiing- dem Atlantischen und dem S. O.
ste Forschungs-Expedition des Frei- Stillen Ozean. R. Liitgens, 715*;
herrn Max von Oppenheim in der Neue Forschungen in nordlichen At-
Asiatischen Tiirkei, 553*; De Mos- lantischen Ozean. (The Michael Sars
soul a Bagdad. Une mission neces- Exp.) B. Helland-Hansen, 315*; Uber
siteuse. J. Drure, 712*; Palestine Meeresstromungen zwischen Kap Horn
und La-Plata Miindung. J. Klaehn,
and Syria, with Routes through Meso-
potamia, Babylonia and Cyprus. 315*; Notes on North Atlantic Currents
Handbook for Travellers. K. Bae- as deduced from the Course of Dere-
licts. A. Hautreux, 529; Observations
deker, n., 866 4jMaps of Asiatic Tur-
key: Maps accompanying "Biblical meteorologiques du "Francois Arigo"
Geography and History," n., 320; Map au large du Terre Neuve. H. Baulig,
illustrating "Zug des Xenophons bis 152*; Salinity of the. A. Voeikov,
zum Schwarzen Meere, 400*; Zweite 209; Temperaturschwankungen der
Reise in der Asiatischen Tiirkei 1899 Meeresoberfliche von Ouessant bis St.

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Index 961

Paul-Fels. H. Liepe, I52* QfMaps of and A. H. Palmer, rev., 86i; Le Ciel

Atlantic Ocean: Hypothetische Dar- etl'Atmosphere. L. Houllevigue, rev.,
stellung der Verteilung der magneti- 140; Estudios relativos a la atmosfera
schen Abweichung im Atlantischen terrestre. C. Flammarion, 235*; Free
Ozean um das Jahr 1500. F. Nan- Air Data at Mount Weather for Oct.,
sen, 240*; Ocean Atlantique et Ocean Nov., and Dec., 910o. W. R. Blair,
Indien, n., 320; Reiseweg und Lotun- 475*; Origin of Centers of Action of
gen der Deutschen Antarktischen Ex- the Atmosphere. W. J. Humphreys,
pedition zwischen den Azoren und 526; Uber den Warmeaustausch zwi-
Pernambuco, 80*; School Wall Map, schen der Erdoberflache und der dar-
n., 240 iiber fliessenden Luft, usw. F. M.
Atlases: q4Atlas classique. France et Exner, 397*
Colonies. Cartes geologiques, physi-Attica: qlAthen und Attika. A. Struck,
ques hypsometriques et politiques. n., 309
Schrader et Gallouedec, n., 800; At- Atwood, W. W., 154*, 310*, 468*,
las classique. G. Niox M. Fallex, et 593, 627*; - and K. F. Mather, 927*
E. Darsey, n., 880; Atlas of Coun- Aubry, J., 472*
ties of New York State, n., 316; AtlasAudemard, L., 79*, 232*
zur Geschichte der Kartographie derAures. qlLes Monts Berberes. Kabylie
Pananischen Inseln, nebst dem Hol- et Aures. Les Tribus et les paysages.
landischen Journal der Reise Mathys M. Boisnard, 871*; Note concernant
Quasts und A. J. Tasmans zur Ent- les Aoulad-Daoud du Mont Aures.
deckung der Goldinseln im Osten von E. Masqueray, 944*
Japan I. D. J. I639. Transl. P. Teleki, Australasia: EHistory of, from Earl-
rev., 459; Atlas Hist6rico de la Re- iest Time to the Present Day with a
publica A,rgentina, Recolpilado y redac- Chapter on Australian Literature. A.
tado por J. J. Biedma y dibujado por C. W. Jose, n.,787 qjMaps of Australasia:
Beyer, rev., 880; Atlas photographique Bacon's Excelsior Map of, n., 720;
des formes du relief terrestre. Docu- Greater Australia, E. Banse, n.,-240
ments morphologiques, etc., rev., 94; Australia: Australian Glaciation.
Atlas Universel de Geographie. L. W. Howchin, 554*; Australien und
V. de St. Martin et Fr. Schrader, rev., Neuseeland. R. Schachner, 308*;
799, New Edition of, n., 856; Century Beitrage zur Geologie Ost-Asiens und,
Atlas of the World. B. E. Smith, rev., 308*; Building of Eastern. H. I.
863; Citizen's Atlas of the World. Jensen, 794*; Flowing Wells of Cen-
Edited by J. G. Bartholomew, rev., tral. J. W. Gregory, 232*; Fort-
880; Deutsche Handatlanten. A.Penck, schritte der geographischen Forschun-
876*; Justus Perthes' Taschen-Atlas. gen in Australien und Ozeanien, I9I0.
H. Habenicht and H. Wichmann, n., N. Krebs, 232*; Geographical Unity
800; New School Atlas of Modern of Eastern - in Late and Post Ter-
History. R. Muir, n., 800; Peip's tiary Time, with Applications to Bio-
Taschenatlas von Berlin und weiterer logical Problems. E. C. Andrews,
Umgebung, n., 800; Philips' Chamber 554*; Some Impression of. Earl of
of Commerce Atlas, n., 800; Pratt's Dudley, 554*; L'industrie beurriere
Road Atlas of England and Wales, en Australie. O. Sergoynne, 554*;
n., 800; Rand, McNally & Co's New Marriage and Descent in North and
Imperial Atlas of the World, n., Central. A. R. Brown, 793*; Min-
800; School Atlas of English History, ing Laws of Australia and New Zea-
n., 800, 942*; Stufenatlas fur hohere land. A. C. Veatch, 473*; Native
Lehranstalten. Herausgegeben von H. Tribes of South East. A. W. Howitt,
Fischer and M. Geistbeck, rev., 879; 943*; Official Year Book of the Com-
Tabularum Geographicarum contrac- monwealth of - Statistics for 9go1-
tarum. Libri Septem. (Edition tres ii and Corrected Statistics for 1788
augmentee du petit Atlas de Bertius). to Igoo. G. H. Knibbs, 308*; n., 926;
(16I8). P Bertius, 940* Le non peuplement de l'Australie.
Atlas Mountains, Map: Schematische C. Cilvanet, 150*; Physiography of
Darstellung der Hauptiibergangeiiber Eastern. G. Taylor, 554*; Popula-
den westlichen Hohen Atlas, 78* tion, Census 1911, 530; Rainfall of,
Atmosphere: qf Charts of the-for 853; Romance of -, its Discovery
Aeronauts and Aviators. A. L. Rotch and Colonization. Edited by H.

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962 Index

Strang, 308*; Settlement by "Whites" Aviation: See Aeronautics.

of Tropical Australia. J. M. Creed, Avignon, The Story of. T. Okey, n.,
793*; White Colonization in Austral- 709
ian Tropics. A. W. Tilby, 554*; Avignon, The Story of. T. Okey, 709*
Second Report by Director on FishingAylmer, L., 71*
Experiments carried out by the En- Aymard, A., 553*
deavour, 1909-10, 473*; Die totemist-
Ayme, L. H., 230*
ischen Kulte der Aranda- und Loritja-Ayr, Geographical Description of the
Stamme. C. Strehlow, 625*; Trade in County of. T. M. Steven, 795*
the Future. H. S. Gullett, 313*; Ayres, P. W., 788*
Trade and Irrigation in. N. Nielsen,Ayrton, E. R. & W. L. S. Loat, 940*
554* j Maps of Australia: Rain Map
Aztec Calendar: El calendario Azteca
of - I9IO, 798*; Verbreitung der o la piedra del sol, con la interpre-
Speerschleuder in Australien. F. taci6n de sus figuras. P. Gonzalez,
Graebner, n., 478 630*
South Australia: ljPopulation, Cen- B
sus 1911, 530 Babb, C. C. See Barrows, H. K.
Western Australia: qAnnual Pro- Babylonia: q Aspects of Religious Be-
gress Report Geological Survey for lief in-and Assyria. M. Jastrow,
1910, 473*; A British State in the rev., 216; Geschichte Babyloniens und
Making. N. J. Moore, 3I4*; Mining Assyriens. F. Hommel, 943*
Industry of. E. Thomas, 232*; Notes Bachmann, C., 795*
on some Tribes of. R. H. Mathews, Back, Capt., 940*
150*; Some Notes on Principal Geo- Backman, A., 314*
logical Features of the Kalgoorlie Bacon, E. M., 468
Goldfield. C. G. Gibson, 473*; Popu- Bacon, Francis McNeil, Obituary, 918
lation, Census 1911, 530; Progress andBacon, G. W., 720
Prospects of Mining in. A. Mont- Baden: q Ortsverzeichnisfur das Gross-
gomery, 73*; Report by the Surveyor herzogtum Baden auf Grund der
General for I9II, Ending June 30th, Volkszihlung .. 905, 151*; Statis-
633*; Results of Boring for Artesian tisches Jahrbuch fiir das Grossherzog-
Water on the Eucla Plateau. A. G. tum Baden, 1910-II, 314*
Maitland, 473* Baedeker, K., 68*, 146*, 390*, 866*,
Austria-Hungary: qAustria-Hungary, 926*
with Excursions to Cetinje, etc. Bagagem
Hand-and Agua Suja, Diamond-
book for Travellers. K. Baedeker, Bearing Deposits of-in Minas Geraes.
68*; In the Carpathian Mountains. D. Draper, 551*
L. Phillimore, 787*; La Geographie Baganda, The. Account of Their Na-
en Allemagne et en Autriche. F. tive Customs and Beliefs. J. Roscoe,
Kraentzel, 554*; Uber die Kalkalpen rev., 456
zwischen dem Almtal und dem Tra- Bagdad: QjDe Mossoul a. J. Drure,
ungebiet. G. Geyer, 73*; Mitteilun- 712*; Bagdad Railway and Why it
gen des k u. k. Militargeogr. Insti- is of Interest to the United States. A.
Gleaves, 793*
tutes, 1911, 394*; Die Osterreichisch-
ungarische Monarchie in Wort und Bahia: q Aggraded Limestone Plains
Bild, 940*; Der Romische Limes in of the Interior of-and Climatic
Osterreich. M. v. Groller & E. Bor- Changes suggested by them. J. C.
Branner, 70*; Fundaca o da Bahia. B.
mann, 943*; Verteilung der Kulturen
und die Volksdichte in den 6sterreich- do Amaral, 931*; Geography of North-
ischen Alpen. N. Krebs, 794*; Wald- eastern. J. C. Branner, 71* eqMap:
grenzstudien in den osterreichischen Plan of Bahia. Arrival of the portu-
Alpen. R. Marek, 73* 4lMaps of Aus- guese [sic] fleet. . . I625, to chase
tria-Hungary: Extracts from "Gen- the Dutch. After a dutch [sic] en-
eralkarte von Mitteleuropa," sheet graving, 320*
Trient, n., I60*; Karte der Raxalpe,Bahr-el-Ghazal, Lo sviluppo economi-
Karte der Lechtaler-Alpen, n., 719; co del. P. Tappi, 148*
Ubersicht der Arbeiten an der Gen- Bahr-Sara, La Region du. Maistre, 944*
Baikal Lake, Sailing Directions and
eralkarte, n., 479 ; Ubersicht derArbei-
ten an der Spezialkarte, n., 478; Umge-Sketch of Physical Geography of.
bungskarte der Drosendorf, 80* [In Russian], 227*

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Index 963

Raikie, J, 382 Bandelier, F, 940*

Bailey, E. H. S., 69* Bangweolo: qlLe - et la frontiere
Bailey, F. M., 559*, 632* anglo-congolaise au sud de ce lac,
Bailey, W. S., 75*, 76* 631*; .Bangweulu Swamps and the
Baillie Grohmann, W. A., 940* Wa-Unga. F. H. Melland, 149*
Baker, C. L., 468* Banse, E., 232*, 240*
Baker, O. E. See Whitson, A. R. Bantu: qjBantu-Neger. M. Buchler,
Balboa Bay, Sketch Map of shore fea- 931*; Siedelungsverhaltnisse der. A.
tures near the head of, 154* Schachtzabel, 392*
Balch, E. S., 16i, 270, 56i, Personal, Barbarich, E., 634*
915 Barich, C. See Pilhofer, G.
Baldacci, A., 312*, 314*, 688, 933* Baring-Gould, S., 383
Baldwin, A. L., 549* Baring, M., 218
Baldwin, Kan., Results of Observations Barkow, E., 235*, 715*
made at the Coast and Geod. Sur. Barnes, C. A. A., 553*
Magn. Observ. at-1907-9. D. L. Barnes, John S., Obituary, 52
Hazard, 69* Barnett, V. H., 788*
Balearic Islands: qjBau und Boden der Baroda, A Year with the Gaekwar of.
Balearischen Inseln. H. Praesent, n., E. St. Clair Weeden, n., 860
309 Barrell, J. and Laughlin, G. F., 549*
Balkan Peninsula: q Donau; Bulgarien Barrett, J., 211
und der Balkan. F. Kanitz, 944*; Barrett, W. E. H., 932*
Notes sur la mission Senn dans les Barrows, H. K., 310*, 468*, 469*;
Balkans,. F. Senn, 233* <EMap: Schau-
and C. C. Babb, 627*; - C. C. Cov-
platz eines zukiinftiges tiurkisch-bul-
ert and R. H. Bolster, 391*
garischen Konfliktes, n., 239 Barth, J., 712*
Eall, F., 145 Barthold, F. W., 940*
Ball, J., 792* Bartholdy, K. Mendelssohn, 940*
Pall, J. D., 783 Bartholomew, J. G., 880
Ball, L. C., 394*, 560* Bartlett, D., 795*
'allivian, A., 226* Bartschi, E., 396*
Balliviin, M. V., and Pinilla, C. F., Baschin, 0., 235*
307* Basden, G. T., 553*, 559*
Ballooning: q Hilfsmittel und Metho- Basilica'ta, La malaria in .(Map), 879*
den zur Bestimmung der geographi- Bass, R. P., 229*
schen Lage des Ballonortes bei Fahr- Bassenne, M., 873*
ten iiber und in den Wolken und bei Basutoland Records (1883). G. M.
Nacht. P. Kahle, 315* Theal, 947* 4EMap: Basutoland, n.,
Balta, J., Personal, 293 798
Baltic Regions: EJDas Ostseegebiet. Batavia: q Windverhaltnisse in den
G. Braun, 467*; Storstaderna vid Os- oberen Luftschichten nach Ballonvis-
tersjon. [Large Cities on the Baltic.] ierungen zu Batavia, nach Dr. van
S. De Geer, 554* Bemmelen. P. Perlewitz, 715*
Baltic Sea: jiEisverhiltnisse des Win- Battiscombe, E., 71*
ters I9o0/1I in den ausserdeutchen Batum, 393*
Gewassern der Ostsee sowie an der Bauer, L. A., 549*; -and Peters, W.
hollandischen Kuste, I51*; Erdmag- J., 152*;-'s Magnetic Work, 119, 293
netische Stbrungen im Ostseegebiet. Baulig, H., 152*
W. Krebs, 152* EJMap: Tiefenkarte Bavaria: q Die bayrischen Hochseen.
der Beltsee. H. Spethmann, n., I60 J. Reindl, 713*; Jahresbericht der
Baltistan: Q Der Tschochogletscher in. Staatseisenbahn - Verwaltung, 91o0,
K. Oestreich, 393* 233*; Ostbayerische tberschiebung
Baluchistan: Earthquake of 21 Oct., und die Tiefbohrungen bei Straubing.
1909, A. M. Heron, 149* j Map of A. Rothpletz, 554*; Topische Geogra-
Baluchistan, n., 478 phie von Bayern. F. W. Walther,
Bananas: qBananenkultur, geograph- 948* (qMaps of Bavaria: Fourteen
isch, wirtschaftlich and kulturhistor- Sketch Maps entitled: Mittlere Jahres-
isch betrachtet. R. Rung, 234* und Monatstemperaturen der Schwab-
Bancroft, H., 69*; See also Irving J. D. isch-Bayerischen Hochebene, 479*
Bandelier, A. F., 630* Bavier, E. de, 940*

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964 Index

Bay Psalm Book. Being a Facsimile Ben Nevis Observatories, Meteorology

Reprint of the first Edition printed of the. J. Hann, 875*
by Stephen Daye at Cambridge, New Bent, A. C., 627*
England in 1640, 868* Benton, P. A., 227*
Bayley, W. S. and C. R. Van Hise, 75* Benue River: EqLa voie de la Benoue.
Bayly, M., 203* Capt. Mercier, 710*
Bazancourt, C. Baron de, 940* Berard, V., 713*
Baxter, M. E. See Beckwith, F. Berbrugger, A., 940*
Beach-La-Mar. Jargon or Trade Berger, H., 940*
Berici Hills, Physiographic Notes on
Speech of Western Pacific. W. Church-
ill, n., 60 the, 774
Beak, M., 148* Bering Strait, Facsimile Chart of-
Bealby, J. T., 466* 1852, I60*
Bear River Range, Notes on Lead and Berkey, C. P., 549*
Copper Deposits in. R. W. Richards, Berkshire. (Cambridge County Geo-
69* graphies). H. W. Moncton, 390*;
Beaufort Harbor, N. C., Chart, 236* Place names of. W. W. Skeat, 144*;
Beazley, C. R., 396* qlMaps of Berkshire: Geological
Bebb, E. C., 76* Map, Physical Map, 319*
Bebber, H. v., 73* Berlin, Peip's Taschenatlas von-and
Beck, R., 146* weiterer Umgebung, n., 800
Becker, A., 634* Bernard, G6enral, 471*
Beckett, H. W., 351 Bernhard, H., 554*
Beckwith, F., M. E. Macauley and M. Bernier, J. E., 74*, 159*, 925*
S. Baxter, 146* Berry, A. J., 625*, 864
Beddoe, J., 940* Berry, E. W. See Clark, W. B.
Bedouins: EEltudes sur le Folklore Be- Berry, H. M. See Pratt, J. H.
douin de l'Egypte. E. Klippel, 472* Bertel, R., 315*
Beech, M. W. H., 299 Bertius, P., 940*
Beirut: I]La Faculte francaise de med- Bews, J. W., 872*
icine de Beirouth, 393* Bey, M., 396*
Belgium: <1 Commerce ext6rieur de la Beyer, A., 471*
Belgique en 1910, 73*; La densite de Beyer, C. See Biedma, J. J.
la population de la Belgique, 874*; Bibbins, A. B. See Clark, W. B.
Handbook to, including the Ardennes Biblical Geography and History. C.
and Luxemburg, n., 867; The Land of F. Kent, rev., 781 QjMaps: Bibelatlas
Art. Its History, Legend, etc. W. in 20 Haupt-und 28 Nebenkarten. H.
E. Griffis, n., 867; Le sviluppo eco- Guthe, n., 782; Main Highways of
nomico e l'evoluzione industriale del Ancient Semitic World, The Old Tes-
Belgio. A. Guarneri, 874* qlMaps of tament World, Main Highways of the
Belgium: Carte des chemins de fer, Roman Empire and the Scenes of
routes & voies navigables de la Bel- Paul's Work, 320*
gique, n., 639; Tableau d'assemblage Bibliographies. See also Catalogues
des cartes de la-avec liste alphabe- and Indexes; qlBibliographie des ouv-
tique des noms des communes, n., 639 rages arabes ou relatifs aux Arabes
Bell, A. F. G., 382 .. I8o-I885. V. Chauvin, 941*; List
Bell, G. L., 134 of Works Relating to Arabia and the
Bell, J. M., 794* Arabs, 393*;-Geographique Annuelle
Bell, L. L., 712* (xxe) I910, n., 547; Bibliography of
Bell, W., 548* Ascents of Mont Blanc from 1786 to
Bellefeuille, M. de, 550* 1853. H. F. Montagnier, 394*; -of
Belmar, F., 630* North American Geology for 9Io0.
Beltran y Rozpide, R., 471*, 551* J. M. Nickles, 391*; - of Wisconsin's
Benadir, Attraverso il. T. Carletti, participation in the War between the
n., 227 States. Compiled by I. S. Bradley,
Benezet, A., 940* 142*; Dictionnaire bibliographique
Bengazi: qlBengnsi e dintorni. G. Peides a, ouvrages relatifs a l'Empire Chin-
149*; e Map: Plan von Bengasi, n., ois. H. Cordier, 942*; List of Works
238 relating to the Isle of Man. G. F.
Benjamin, G. G., 940* Black, 395*; Notice sur les Tra-

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vaux scientifiques de E. A. Martel,Bland-Sutton, J., 535

397* Blane, W., 711*
Bidart, R., 234* Blassneck, M. F., 867*
Biddulph, J., 940* Blatchley, R. S., 417
Biedma, J. J. & Beyer, C., 880 Bleek, W. H. I. and Lloyd, L. C., 534
Bighorn Coal Basin, Alberta. G. S. Boas, F., 64, 788*
Malloch, 311* Boers: qjBei den Buren. R. Poch,
Biloxi and Ofo Languages, Dictionary870*; La langue des Boers. A. Lode-
of the. J. O. Dorsey and J. R. Swan- wyckx, 71*
ton, 549* Boerschmann, E., 793*
Bingham, H., 20, 451, 552* Boese, E., 549*
Bingham, J., 940* Boga Lake, Victoria, Aborigines of. A.
Biot, E., 940* C. Stone, 314*
Bird, J., 940* Bohemia: q Die historische Geographie
Birdseye, C. See Henshaw, H. W. B6hmens bis zum Beginne der deutsch-
Birge, E. A., 235* en Kolonisation. W. Friedrich, 633*;
Birkinbine, J. L. W., 307 Topographia Bohemia, Moraviae, et
Birot, J., 716* Silesiae. M. Merian (1650), 945*
Bishop, A. L., ro, 550*; Personal, 291 Bohol, Chart of Western, 237*
Biskra: QlAbout Algeria . . . Biskra, B6hringer, C., 872*
Timgad. C. Thomas-Stanford, rev., Boisnard, M., 871*
535 Boissiere, G., 940*
Bismarck Archipelago: iqDie fossilen Bokhara: jqEmir of Bokhara and his
Foraminiferen des Bismarckarchipels Country. 0. Olufsen, rev., 304 qlMap
und einiger angrenzender Inseln. R. of Emirate of, n., 157
Schubert, 712*; Wissenschaftliche Bolivia: qBolivia in 1910, 230*; Gen-
Ergebnisse einer amtlichen Forsch- eral Data, 1909, 931*; - and the
ungsreise nach dem - im Jahre I908. opening of Panama Canal, 870*; Bo-
G. Friederici, rev., 923 livia's New Connection with the Paci-
Bittencourt, F. P., 307* fic, 687; Datos para la busca del
Bitterroot Valley, Mont., The Mam- Vanadium en -. P. A. Blanco, 148*;
mals of-in their Relation to spotted French Delimitation Commission in,
Fever. H. W. Henshaw and C. Birds- 915; Fuel Resources of the Central
eye, 69* Andes, 287; Information about -,
Bittner, M, 872* 870*; Informe del Director General
Bizerta: qjLe port de Bizerte. E. Gal- de Obras publicas A. Capriles. I9I0-
lois, 393* 1 , 630*; El Laudo Argentino. In-
Black, G. F., 395* aceptablejpara Bolivia. Inconveniente
Blackburn Mount, Alaska, First Expe- para el Peri. A. Ballivian, 226*;
dition to. D. Keen, 868* Monografia de la Industria de la
Blackfeet Indians: qlBlackfoot Lodge Goma Elastica en-. M. V. Ballivian
Tales. G. B. Grinnell, 943* y C. F. Pinilla, 307*; Monografia de
Black Sea: IAround the Black Sea, la industria Minera en. P. A. Blanco,
Asia Minor, Armenia, etc. W. E. 551*; Railways, 471*; Reisen in Boli-
Curtis, 389*; Durch Armenien, eine vien und Peru. R. Hauthal, rev.,
Wanderung ... . bis zum Schwarzen 614; Search for the Apex of America.
Meere, E. v. Hoffmeister, 783* High Mountain Climbing, etc. A.
Blackwelder, E., 627* S. Peck, rev., 298; tbersetzung des
Blagden, C. 0. See Skeat, W. W. Berichtes iiber Bolivianische Zinnpro-
Blair, W. R., 475*, 627*, 927* duction, 471* qlMaps of Bolivia: Les
Blanchard, A. H. and H. B. Drowne, Explorations de r9I0 dans la Bolivie,
621 etc., n., 317; Mapa demostrativo des-
Blanchard, C. J., 549* arollo de los Ferrocarriles en Bolivia,
Blanchard, R., 314* n., 798; Position of River Heath, n.,
Blanche-Bucht (Neupommern), mit den 156; Reiseroute von R. Hauthal, n., 78
Vulkanen Ghaie und Raluan, (Map), Bolster, R. H. See Freeman, W. B. &
79* Barrows, H. K.
Blanckenhorn, M., 393* Bolton, H. E., 6o*
Blanco, P. A., 148*, 551* Bombay and Hyderabad, Map, n., 478
Bland, R., 866* Bonacina, L. C. W., 221

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966 Index

Bone, J., 701 Deutschen Reich und Frankreich vom

Bonillas, Y. S., 392* 4 Nov., 191, n., 156; Sketch Map
Bonin, C.-E., 234*, 313*, 553*, 539 showing Cessions of Territory in
Bonnefond, 72* Equatorial Africa provided for by
Bonney, T. G. and others, 787* Franco-German Treaty of Nov., I9I1,
Bonsteel, J. A., 788* I57*; Die neue deutsch-belgische
Book Reviews and Notices, 53, 127, Grenze im Kiwu-Gebiet, 78*
211, 295, 37I, 455, 531, 613, 693, 777, Bourgogne, Franche Comte, Narbon-
857, 9I9 naise. W. M. Fullerton, 942*
Booth, J., 872* Boutwell, J. M., 927*
Bordeaux, A., 72* Bower, F. 0., 228*
Bordeaux, Le port de. J. Laroze, 633* Bowie, W., 691*, 391*, 927*; See also
Borghesani, G. A. R., 634* Hayford, J. F.
Bormann, E. See Groller, M. v. Bowler, L. P., 377
Borneo: qNotes on Sea Dyaks of. E. Bowman, I., 127, 552*, 88i; Personal,
H. Gomes, 313*; Borneo's Wester- 291
Afdeeling. P. J. Veth, 948* Boyd, C., 231*
Borrer, D., 940* Boyes, John, King of the Wa-Kikuyu.
Bortoli, L., 233* Written by Himself, n., 708
Borup, George, Death of, 429 Bradley, A. G., 614
Bosnia and Herzegovina. Maps: Stra- Bradley, I. S., 142*
tegische Eisenbahnen und Eisenbahn-Brady, Wm., 941*
plane in, 8o* Brahmaputra, Sangpo - Problem, 122
Boston, Sheet North K. 19, Intern. Map Brandenburg: qPreussische und Bran-
of the World, 934*; n., 843; Chart denburgische Reichs- und Staats- Geo-
of Boston Harbor, 235* graphie. C. Abel, [1735], 939*
Bosworth, G. F., 390* Brandon, E. E., 551*, 791*
Bouchette, E., 311* Branner, J. C., 70*, 71*
Boulder, Co., Col., Main Tungsten Area Braun, F., 635*
of. R. D. George, 469* Braun, G., 414*, 467*, 713*, 873*
Boulenger, G. A., 71* Brauzzi, A., 473*
Boulger, D. C., 940*, 941* Bravo, E., 394*, 552*
Boulogne-sur-Mer, Chambre de Com- Brazil: 4 All-Rail Route between
merce de -, Statistiques, 1910, 73*, Montevideo and Rio de Janeiro, 471*;
19iI, 874* Almanaque Brasileiro Garnier, 19II,
Boundaries: Accords Franco-Alle- 55I*; Alto Brasile. Missione e Colo-
nie, etc. Notizie storiche, geografiche,
mands et les n6gociations Marocaines.
A Terrier, 392*, 472*; Frenchetc. P. T. Zani da Brescia, n., 925; In
mitation Commission in Bolivia,the
915;Amazon Jungle. A. Lange, n., 466;
Brasilianische Rassenfrage. 0. Can-
Frontiere Algero-marocaine: L'Ama-
statt, 551*; Brazil in 1910, 71*; Le
lat d'Oudjda. Commandant de Chou-
lot, 472*; Idaho-Washington Boun- Bresil et son caoutchouc: Le Para.
dary, Ix9; Peru-Bolivia Boundary. P. Le Cointe, 551*; British Guiana
El Laudo Argentino. Inaceptable and Brazil to Mount Roraima. H. E.
para Bolivia. Inconveniente para el Crampton, 471*; Catalogo de la Sec-
Peri. A. Ballivian, 226*; Study of ci6n Antropologica del Museo de la
the Question of Boundaries between Plata. R. Lehmann-Nitsche, 870*;
Peru and Ecuador. V. Santamarfa Compendio de corographia do Brasil
de Paredes, rev., 857; Les Turcs en de Acc6rdo com o Programma do
Afrique Centrale. La frontiere Gymnasio Nacional. F. B. Bitten-
franco-tripolitaine. M. Cortier, 231*court, n., 307; Espansione Coloniale e
qjMaps of Boundaries: L'Afrique Commierciale dell'Italia nel Brasile.
Equatoriale d'apr&s l'accord Franco- P. Ubaldi, rev., 57; Les Francais au
Allemand, n., 157; Four Maps ac- Bresil et en Floride (1530-1568). E.
companying "L'accord franco-alle- Gu6nin, 308*; Geographia, Geologia,
mand du 4 Nov., I9II relatif au Supprimento d'Agua, Transportes
Congo," n., 157; La "Coupure" pro-Norte do Brazil, Ceara, Rio Grande
do Norte, Parahyba. R. Crandall,
jetee en Sept: 9IgI,n., 57;Franco-Ger-
man Agreement, n., 157; Das Kamer- 227*; Higher Education in. E. E.
un-Kongo-Abkommen zwischen dem Brandon, 551*; Madeira & Mamor6

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Index 967

R. R., 230*; Maynas. Breve Noticia British Columbia: q Development in

Geogrificae Historica. R. Beltran y Western Canada, 450; Economic
Rozpide, 471*; Meteorological Inter- Prospects of New -. F. A. Talbot,
est of a Voyage in. R. DeC. Ward, 167; Future of New British Columbia.
551*; Natural Riches and Industries, F. A. Talbot, 147*; Geology and Ore
re-v., 374; 'Notable Brazilian Diamond. Deposits of Phoenix Boundary Dis-
(. A. De;by, 551*; Railroad Around trict. 0. E. LeRoy, 930*; New Dia-
the Upper Madeira, 48; Routenauf- mond Locality in Tulameen Dist. C.
nahme von Dr. E. Snethlage vom Camsell, I47*; The New Garden of
Xingu zum Tapajoz. M. Mayr, 870*; Canada. F. A. Talbot, n., 372; Prince
Rubber Industry in, 287; Sugar in, Rupert, 550*; Studying Big Game,
551*; Thousand Miles in a Dug-Out: 609; Year Book of-and Manual of
Narrative of Investigation ... Indians Provincial Information, 19II. R. E.
of Central Brazil. F. C. Glass, n., 925; Gosnell, n., 624 q Maps of British
A Visit to the Coffee Country. R. Columbia: Map of New - showing
DeC. Ward, 230*; In den Wildnissen Line of Grand Trunk Pacific R. R.
Brasiliens. Bericht und Ergebnisse and F. A. Talbot's Route from Wolf
der Leipziger Araguaya-Expedition Creek to Prince Rupert, 399*; Tongue
I908. F, Krause, rev., 779 JqMaps of Sir Sandford Glacier showing posi-
of Brazil: Captaincy of S. Vicente tion of stones for determining ice
in 1553, 320*; Map accompanying flow. H. Palmer, n., 878; Vancouver
"Along the Andes and down the Island and adjacent Islands, n., 797
Amazon," 3 7*; Iriri-Curua-Jam- British East Africa: See under Africa.
an;chin. E. Snethlage & M. Mayr, British Empire: 11Britain on and Be-
n., 717; Mappa dos Estados do Ceara, yond the Sea. C. H. Crofts, n., 227;
Rio Grande do Norte e Parahyba com British Cotton Growing. J. H. Reed,
parte dos estados limitrophes pelo 234*; Historical Geography of the
Servicb Geol. e Mineral. do Brasil, British Empire. Vol. v. J. D. Rogers,
I!., 476;. De Rio Negro a Bogoti. It- rev., 55; Imperial Telegraphs. C.
in6raire de Hamilton Rice, 317*; Bright, 152*; Kiustenverteidigung des
.Seven facsimile maps of places figur- Britischen Weltreichs. W. Staven-
ing in Brazilian history, 320*; Vol- hagen, 713*; Mapping by the British
kerkarte des Gebietes am oberen Rio Ordnance Survey, 854; Products of
Negro und Yapura mit besonderer the Empire. Rubber. E. Salmon,
Beriicksichtigung der Aruakstamme. 875* qjMaps: British Empire. Four
T. Koch-Griinberg, 78* School Wall Maps, n., 720
Breckenridge District, Col., Geology British Guiana: See under Guiana.
and' Ore Deposits of. F. L. Ransome, British Isles: See-under'United King-
470* dom.
Breconshire (Cambridge County Geo- British Museum., Its History and Treas-
graphies). C. H. Evans, 709* ures. H. C. Shelley,n., 144
Breker, C. S., 630* British Post Office, History of the. J.
Bremen: Jahrbuch . .. Zur Statistik C. Hemmeon, n., 548
des Schiffs-und Warenverkehrs, I9Io,Brittany. q Cook's Tourists' Handbook
233*; I9I1, 633* for - and Normandy, 68*; Cornwall
Brennecke, W., 152* and Brittany. T. Hodgkin, 233*
Brenner Pass: jZur Entwicklungsge- Brives, A., 552*
schichte der Brennergegend. J. Solch, Broadalbin Quadr., Fulton-Saratoga
874* Counties, N. Y., Geology of the. W.
Brentnall, H. C. and C. C. Carter, 926* J. Miller, 868*
Breton, 941* Broadway: jI The Greatest Street in the
Briart, P. 148* World. Story of - Old and New,
Brice, G., 941* from Bowling Green to Albany. S.
Briffaut, C., 866* Jenkins, rev., 533
Briggs, J., 941* Brode, H., 132
Brigham, A. P., 152* Personal 370 Broek, A. J. P. van den, 150*
Bright, C., 152* Brooks, A. H., 53, 549*, 927*
Britain: See under Great Britain. Brotterode, Das Glimmerschiefergebiet
British Association, Meteorology at von, the, (Map), 639*
235* Brown, A. R., 793*

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968 Index

Brown, J. H., 941* Burchard, E. F., 629*

Brown, J. M., 794* Burchard, 0., 692
Brown, J. R., 548* Burketown, Queensland, Mineral Field
Brown, M. W., 626* in. L. C. Ball, 394*
Brown, R., 787* Burlington, Vt., Flora of-and Vicin-
Brown, R. G., 712* ity. N. F. Flynn, 391*
Brown, R. M., 645, Personal, 291 Burma: EBurma. Handbook of Prac-
Brown, R. N. R., 555* tical Information. Sir J. George Scott,
Brown, S. G., 315* rev., 303; Burma the Cinderella. J.
Brown, W. C. and P. H. Johnson, 309* G. Scott, 393*; Burmese Self-Taught.
Browne, C. M., 232* R. F. St. A. St. John, rev., 66; The
Browne, E. C., 941* Coming of the Great Queen. Nar-
Bruce, R. I., 941* rative of Acquisition of Burma. E.
Bruce, W. S., 523, 794*, 795*; Bruce's C. Browne, 941*; History of. Sir A.
Spitzbergen Expedition, 775 Phayre, 946*; Through India and
Bruch, C. See Outes, F. F. Burmah with Pen and Brush. A. H.
Bruckner, E., 876* Fisher, rev., 922; The Tamans of Up-
Bruel, G., 932* per Chindwin. R. G. Brown, 712*;
Brun, W. v., 867* Volkerkundliche Notizen aus Ober-
Bryant, F. L. See Arey, A. L. birma. Die Maring. L. Scherman,
Bryant's, (H. G.), Expedition to Lab- 712* IMaps of Burma: Der letzte
rador, 849 Teil des Reisewegs. .. ermordeten
Bryce, G., 311* Dr. Brunhuber und K. Schmitz, n.,
Bryce, J., 919 238; Sketch Map of Burma-China
Buber, L., 228* frontier, n., 559; Upper and Lower
Buchanan, J. Y., 635*, 875 Burma, n., 79
Bucharest, Map: qJPlanul Orasului Burnett, C. S., 559*
Bucuresti, n., 799 Burnett, F., 540
Buchler, M., 931* Burns, F., 927*
Buckbee, A. See Monroe, WV. S. Burr, G. L., 627*
Buckinghamshire. A. M. Davis, 626* Burrard, S. G., 555*, 844
Budapest: Monatshefte des BudapesterBurtt-Davy, J., 632*
Communal-Statist. Bureaus, x9o0, Busch, P., 234*
151* Bushmen: qijber die Kunst der Busch-
Buddhist Countries: Foe Koue ki ou manner. R. Poch, 931*; Reisen in
Relation des Royaumes Bouddhiques Innern Sudafrikas zum Studium der
(transl. from the Chinese). A. Re- Buschmanner in den Jahren 1917 bis
musat, 946* I909, R. P6ch, 931*; Specimens of
Buduma, The-of Lake Chad. P. A. Bushman Folklore. Collected by W.
Talbot, 7 1* H. I. Bleek and L. C. Lloyd, rev., 534
Bues, C., 552* Busk, H. G., 228*
Bugey, Jura meridional: itude de geo-Butte, Mont: qjWhy is Butte? A. N.
graphie physique specialement adaptee Winchell, 70* q4Map: Geologic Map
au. J. B. Martin, 394* of Region surrounding the Butte Dis-
Bulgaria: jqDie Bulgaren. A. Strausz, trict, 796*
947*; La Bulgarie. Le pays, son Butts, C. T., Dale, N. and Others, 310*
peuple, etc. S. Jolly, 395*; Bulgarien Buzzards Bay, Chart, 236*
und Ost Rumelien. S. Gopcevic, Byzantine Empire: q Geschichte der
943*; Educational Statistics in, 1907- Byzantiner und des Osmanischen Rei-
8, 151*; Mouvement de la population ches. G. F. Hertzberg, 943*; History
pendant l'annee I906, 314*; Situation of - and Greek Empires from 7r6 to
economique de la, 151*; St?tistique I453. G. Finley, 942*
agricole, I909, 395* ElMaps of Bul-
garia: Bevolkerungsdichte. C. Kas-
sner, n., 80; Schauplatz eines zukiin- Cabaton, A., 217
ftigen tiirkisch-bulgarischen konfliktes, Cabeza de Vaca, Alvar Nufiez, The
n., 239 Journal of. F. Bandelier, 940*
Cables: See under Telegraphy.
Bulletin de la Societe d'Anthropologie
de Paris, I860-1905. 941* Cabot, W. B., 311*, 531
Bundschuh, J. R., 941* Cacao: q Cacao of the World, 396*;

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Index 969

Wereldproductie, - verbruik en voor- Kalifornien und an der Kueste von

raden van-190o, 152*; Welternte undGuerrero, Mexiko. E. Boese, 549*
Weltverbrauch von Kakao, 19I0, 396*;elJMaps of California: Biggs Quad.,
World's Production and Consumption556*; Bridgeport Quad., 398*; Browns
of, 396* Valley Quad., n., 397; Buena Vista
Cactus, Influence of Low Temperatures Lake Quad., 933*; Butte City Quad.,
on the Distribution of the Giant. 556*; Clear Creek Quad, 556*; Coal-
F. Shreve, 528 ing Quad., 933*; Dry Creek Quad.,
Cadell, H. M., 795* 877*; Gilsizer Quad, 74*; Gridley
Caen, Port de-et les mines de fer de Quad., 556*; Grimes Quad., 75*; Hon-
Basse-Normandie. Y. Lemarec, 874* cut Quad., 556*; Ivanpah Quad., 877*;
Cairo Oriental -. City of "Arabian Keefers Quad., 877*; Landlow Quad.,
Nights." D. Sladen, n., 308 n., 397; McKittrick Quad., 877*; Mari-
Caithness, Vegetation of-considered inposa Quad., 933*; Meridian Quad.,
Relation to Geology. C. B. Cramp- 556*; Mills Quad., 75*; Mt. God-
ton, 714* dard Quad., 556*; Nelson Quad., 877*;
Caix, R. de., 792* Newhard Quad., 877*; Nord Quad.,
Cajamarquilla, The Dead City of. C. 934*; Oroville Quad., 877*; Ostrom
W. Currier, 870* Quad., 75*; Randsburg Quad., 556*;
Calabar et sa Mission. R. P. Lejeune, Sanborn Slough Quad., 556*; Singer
553* Creek Quad., 877*; Sutter Quad., 75*;
Calabri , Maps: Carta Corografica Tisdale Weir Quad., 556*; Eight
della Provincia di Reggio, n., 719; Geologic Maps accompanying "Ter-
La malaria in, 879* tiary Gravels of Sierra Nevada," n.,
California: ' Agriculture, Farms, Live 75; Reconnaissance Geologic Map of
Stock, etc., Census I910, 869*; White Southern End of San Joaquin Valley,
Wheats of. G. W. Shaw and A. J. Gaum- 557*; Top. Map of Sacramento Valley,
nitz, 70*; Arc of Primary Triangula- n., 75; Yuba City Quad., 75*; Charts:
tion. W. Bowie, 927*; Biennial Re- Greenwood to Fort Bragg, Los Angeles
port of the Board of State Harbor Harbor, Monteray Bay, Santa Monica
Commissioners for 1908-91o0, 929*; Bay, 236*; San Francisco to Point
Discovery of Gold in. E. E. Dunbar, Arena, 796*
942*; Bull. Cal. State Mining Bureau, California, Gulf of: Terderfeet on
showing Mineral Production for 9I0o, Tiburon. Trip that exploded the Old
470*; California under Spain and Myth of a Race of Bloodthirsty Can-
Mexico. 1535-1847. I. B. Richman, nibals in the, etc. M. Williams, 147*
rev., 371; - History and Romance. California, Lower: q La Baja Cali-
J. S. McGroarty, rev., 777; Irrigation.fornia, un pals desierto y seco. C.
Farms and Acreage Irrigated, Cost ofS. Breker, 630*
Construction, etc., Census I9I0, 929*;Calkins, C. G., 392*
Mineral Production of -for Twenty- Calkins, F. C. See Umpleby, J. B.
four Years, 311*; Pacific Coast in. Calldorf, Lippe, Umgebung der Sol-
VV. B. Clapp, F. F. Henshaw and H. quellen von (Map), 560*
D. McGlashan, 927*; Phonetic Con- Calvert, W. R. See Pepperberg, L. J.
stituents of the Native Languages of. Calvin, S., 391*
A. L. Kroeber, 69*; Population, Cen- Cambage, R. H. See Maiden, J. H.
sus 1910, 70*; Portola Expedition of Camel Cavalry: See Meharists.
1769-1770. Diary of M. Costanso. Cameroons: See Kamerun.
Edited by F. J. Teggart, 234*; Campbell, W., 941*
Diary of Vicente Vila. Edited by R. Campton Oil Pool, Ky. M. J. Munn,
S. Rose, 315*; Results of Spirit Level- 470*
ling in-1907 to 910o, Inclusive. R. Camsell, C., I47*
B. Marshall, 69*; The Silva of -. Cana, F. R., 312*
W. L. Jepson, rev., 613; Statistics Canada:
of fqArctic Prairies. Canoe-
Manufactures, Census 1910, 929*; Journey . . . Region North of Aylmer
Surface Water Supply of-i9o9. W. Lake. E. T. Seton, rev., 295; Canada
B. Clapp and F. F. Henshaw, 469*; A. G. Bradley, rev., 614; Canada's En-
Gazetteer of Surface Waters of -. larged Provinces, 608; Die erweiter-
B. D. Wood, 929*; Ueber die Ursache ten Provinzen von Kanada. H. Wich-
der letzten grossen Erdbeben von mann, 629* qCanadian Rockies: As-

This content downloaded from on Sun, 23 Apr n Thu, 01 Jan 1976 12:34:56 UTC
All use subject to
970 Index

cents in the. V. A. Fynn, 789*; As- cal: British North America, 1763-1867.
cent of Mt. Sir Sandford. H. Palmer, A. W. Tilby, rev., 532; A Colony of
770* -: New and Old Trails. A. Emigres in Canada, 1798-1816. L. E.
P. Coleman, rev., 9I9; - north of Textor, 930*; Der erate Kolonisations-
Mount Robson. J. N. Collie, 629*; versuch in Kanada (1541-1543). R.
Cariboo Mountains. J. N. Collie, 205 Hapke, 930*; History of the Domin-
q Canadianization of Western. G. ion of. W. P. Greswell, 943*; His-
Bryce, 3II*; Some Details of Mr. torical Geography of the British Colo-
Stefansson's Geographical Work, 660; nies. Vol. V. J. D. Rogers, rev.,
Geographical Conditions Affecting the 55; Pioneers in Canada. Sir Harry
Development of. W. L. Grant, 147*; Johnson, 389*; Les pionniers de
Glacial Great Lakes in. J. W. Gold- l'Ouest canadien. M. de la Verendrye.
thwait, 205; The Golden Land. Story G. Dugas, 629*; Review of Historical
of Present Day Occupation of the Publications Relating to Canada, 91o0-
Great West.. A. E. Copping, 389*; iI, n., 624 qIPlace Names: Place-
Growth of a New Canadian Town, Names in Northern. J. White, 230*;
771; Lovell's Gazetteer of. Latest Geographic Board of Canada, Decis-
descriptions cf cities, towns, etc., to-ions, 230*, 550*, 629*, 789*; Ninth
gether with Newfoundland, n., 142;Report.of the - for 1910, 470*, Tenth
Magnetic Observations, 19II. 0. Report, 191 , 1789* q Maps of Canada:
Klotz, 930*; Making of the Great Bacon's Excelsior Map of, n., 720;
Canadian R.R. F. A. Talbot, rev., Geological Sketch Map of Northern
211; Marine Biological Stations of. Islands, n., 159; Gray's New Railway
E. E. Prince, 311*; Observations on System Map, etc., n., 155; Two Maps
Glaciers in I909. G. Vaux, Jr., 789*; to illustrate "Climatic L:mits of Wheat
Peeps at Many Lands. J. T. Bealby, Cultivation, with Special Reference
466*; H. V Radford in Northern to North America," n., 637; North-
Canada, 46, 205, 6o8; Statistics of west Territories: Plan of Churchill
the Dominion of, 230*; The Tahltan Harbour. Chart of York Roads. A.
Indians. G. T. Emmons, 929*; Tide R. Gordon, 155*; North America.
Tables for the eastern Coasts of - Sheet North K. I9: Boston, Intern.
I912, 629*; - for I913, 930*; - Map of the World, 934*; Part of
for the Pacific Coast of - 1912, In-Rocky Mountains North of Yellow-
cluding Fuca Strait, Strait of Georgia
head Pass, n., 558
and Northern Coast, 550*; Methods Canary Islands: QlCaracter de la Con-
of Investigation of Tides and Cur- quista y Colonizaci6n de las Islas
rents. W. B. Dawson, 311*; The Canaries. R. Torres Campos, 947*;
United States-Canada Survey, 607, Cinq annees de s4jour aux Iles Cana-
769; Surveying the I4Ist Meridian. ries. R. Verneau, 948*; Gomera, die
T. Riggs, Jr., 788* q Economic: Waldinsel der Kanaren. W. May,
Canadian Coal Resources. D. B. n., 866
Dowling 789*; Development in Canstatt,
West- O., 551*
ern, 450; Mineral Production in Canterbury, Post-Glacial Climate of.
I9I1, 550*; Petroleum Industry of. R. Speight, 234*
N. L. Turner, 629*; Whe?t-Grow- Canto, J. P., 695
ing in-, the U. S. and the Argentine. Capart, J., 941*
W. P. Rutter, rev., 372; Development Cape Ann to Block Island with Geor-
of Wheat Production. A. L. Bishop, ges Bank, Chart, 235*
Io; Hudson Bay Route: New Outlet Cape Breton: Les Ecossais du Cap-
for Canadian Wheat. A. L. Bishop, Breton. E. Bouchette, 311*
550* Q Government Reports: Annual Cape Cod Bay, Chart, 236*
Report of Topographical Surveys Cape of Good Hope, Province of the:
Branch I9I0-11, 789*; Prel. Report History and Ethnography of Africa
on Clay and Shale Deposits of the South of the Zambesi. Foundation of
Western Provinces. H. Ries & J. Cape Colony, etc. G. McCall Theal,
rev., 696; History and Ethnography
Keele, 789*; Report on Immigration,
of Africa South of the Zambesi. From
1911, 3II*; Report on Hydrographic
the Settlement of the Portuguese 1505
Surveys. W. J. Stewart, 629*; Sum-
mary Report Geol. Survey Branch to the Conquest of Cape Colony by
the British 1795. G. M. Theal, rev.,
Dept. of Mines, 1911, 930* j Histori-

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696; Du Cap au Lac Nyassa. E. Foa, tenprojektion zur Darstellung der erd-
942*; Geology of Worcester, Robert-magnetischen Elemente. H. Wehrer,
son and Ashton Districts. R. H. Rast- 240*; Aus der Geschichte der Karto-
all, 933*; Notes on Ngamiland. A. graphie. W. Wolkenhauer, 395*; Zur
G. Stigand, 711* EIMaps: Geological Geschichte der Gothaer Kartographie.
Map of. Sheet 19. Nieuwerust. A. H. Wagner, 555*; Index Diagram
W. Rogers, n., 717; Sheet 26. Dor- showing for France the Sheet Lines
drecht- Barkly East. A. L. Du Toit, of the Air Map, 80*; Wie ich Karten
n., 717; Ngamiland. P.rismatic Com- lesen lernte. K. C. Rohte, 876*;
pass Sketch Map of Routes between Kartenkunde. A. Becker, 634*; Uber
Tsau and Simati's Village. A. G. neue Methoden zur Verfeinerung des
Stigand, 558*; Sketch Map showing geologischen Kartenbildes. O. Amp-
ferer, 876*; Plane table in detailed
position of Le Vaillant's Grotto, 156*
Capps, S. R., 788*; See also Moffit, geologic mapping. D. F. Higgins,
F. H. 876*; Projection for International
Capriles, A., 630* Map of the World, 634*; The Plane-
Caputo, Col. E., 451 Table in detailed Geologic Mapping.
Cardonnel, A. de, 941* F. L. Ransome, 634*; Tables for the
Cariboo Mountains. J. N. Collie, 205Projection of Graticules for Maps on
Carle, G., 149* the Scale of I: I,000,000, 627* q4Carto-
Carletti, T., 227* graphical Map: Neue geomorpholo-
Carnarvon, Earl of, 941* gische Kartendarstellung einer Ideal-
Carnarvonshire, Wales. J. E. Lloyd, landschaft. H. Gehne, n., 939
390* Carver, T. N., 621
Carnegie Institution, Annual Report Cary, John, Engraver and Map-Seller,
for I911, 929*; Scope and Organiza-- 1769-I836. Sir Herbert G. Fordham,
tion, 929* 293
Carney, F., 146*, I53*, 291, 310* Casablanca: J1 Notice conomique et ad-
Carnier, K., 552* ministrative. Commandant Dessigny,
Carniola: EjRomische Strassen und Be- 393* IMap: Plan de Casablanca et
festigungen in Krain. A. v. Premer-de ses environs, 399*
stein and S. Rutar, 946* Casati, G., 941*
Caron, I., 470* Cascade Range: q Avalanches and For-
Carpathians: QIDie glazialen Ziige der
est Cover in the Northern Cascades.
Rodnaer Alpen und Marmaroscher T. T. Munger, 928*
Karpaten. L. R. v. Sawicki, 314*; Castle, W. E., 390*
In the Carpathians. L. Phillimore, Catalogues. See also Bibliographies
n., 787 and Indexes: q]Catalogo de la Sec-
Carpentaria, Expedition to the Gulf of. ci6n Anthropol6gica del Museo de la
J. P. Thomson, I50* Plata. R. Lehmann-Nitsche, 870*;
Carpenter, F. G., 227* Catalogue of flowering plants and
Carr, J. F., 307 ferns of Connecticut growing without
Carrara und seine Marmorbriiche. F. Cultivation. C. B. Graves, E. H.
Mielert, 151* Eames and Others, 710*; Descriptive
Carriere, L., 239*, 315* Catalogues of Maps. Sir Herbert G.
Carruthers, D., 318*, 638*, 793*; Per- Fordham, 468*; List of Work relat-
sonal, 370 ing to the West Indies, 870*; Orbis
Carter, C. C. See Brentnall, H. C. Latinus- Oder Verzeichniss der wich-
Carthage, Tunis, Kairouan and-. G. tigsten lateinischen Orts- und Lander-
Petrie, 945* namen. J. G. Th. Graesse, 943*;
Cartography. See also Maps: qJAel- Price List of Philippine Photographs
teres kartographisches Material in for sale by the Bureau of Science, 873*
deutschen Bibliotheken. W. Ruge, Catanzaro, Carta Corografia della Pro-
234*; Anleitung zur Kartenzeichnen. vincia di, n., 719
K. Kretschmer, rev., 622; Bergzeich-
Cateaux, A., 553*
nung auf den alteren Karten. J. Catholic Encyclopaedia, Vols. XII and
Roger, 626*; Emil von Sydow and theXIII, 948*
Development of German School Car-Catskill Aqueduct: l Overcoming dif-
tography, 846; Uber Farbentheorien. ficulties in building the new water
J. G. Rothaug, 634*; Geeignete Kar- supply system for New York City. J.

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972 Index

F. Springer, 628*; Storm King Cross- Talbot, 711*; Chad Lake. P. A. Tal-
ing of the Hudson R. J. F. Kemp, bot, 72*; New Tilho Mission to, 852
685; - Water Supply for New York Chad Territory: qlEntre le Niger et
City. C. P. Berkey, 549* le Tchad et a l'est et au Nord-est du.
Cattaro, Sulla Morfologia delle Bocche G. Garde, rev., 780; La France au
di. L. de Sawicki, 795* Tchad. L. Kieffer, 932*; Le territoire
Cattle: Tuberculose Bovine. R. Bidart, militaire du Tchad. Labatut, 631*
234* Pacification et le delimitation du. A.
Cauca Valley, Colombia. V. F. Sea- Terrier, 932* 4lMap of Chad Terri-
well, 551* *tory: Route de la Benoue au Tchad,
Caucasus: I] Around the Black Sea 156*
... Caucasus, etc. W. E. Curtis, 389*; Chamberlain, A. F., 70*
Casuals in the -. A. Herbert, n., Chamberlain, J. F. & A. H., 309*
217; The-and its Monuments of In- Chamberlain, R. T., 473*
tellectual Culture. N. J. Marr, 874*; Chamberlin, T. C., 315*
Neue Kaukasische Reisen und Studi- Chandler, S. E. See Freeman, W. G.
en. C. v. Hahn, 925*; De Zariut- Chaoua Chaouia Chaouia M!arocaine. A.
Choch in der westlichen Kasbekgruppe. G. P. Martin, 393*; Les Terres agri-
W. Fischer, 395* coles de la. Moreau, 792* A Travers
Cave, H. W., 941* la-avec le Corps de Debarquement de
Cavoleau, J. A., 941* Casablanca. Capt. Grasset, rev., 376;
Cayla, V., 790* 4jMap: La Chaouia. Capitaine Gras-
Ceara. E(Maps: Mappa do Estado do, set, 399*
n., 476; Mappa dos Estados Ceara, Chapman, C. E., 396*
Rio Grande do Norte e Parahyba comCharcot, Dr. J., Personal, II8, 370
parte dos estados, etc., n., 476 'Charles, B. B. See Olmstead, A. T.
Cebu: Fourteen Charts of Harbors in, Charleston Harbor. Chart, 236*
237* Charts: q Alte und neue Seekarten.
Celebes: qJDie Sunda-Expedition des M. Groll, 634*; Charts of the Atmos-
Vereins fuir geographie und Statistik phere for Aeronauts and Aviators. A.
zur Frankfurt am Main. Vol. I. L. Rotch and A. H. Palmer, rev., 86i;
J. Elbert, rev., 923 qlMap: Central Portolan Charts, Their Origin and
Celebes showing Explorations Characteristics,
of E. with Descriptive List
C. Ab-ndanon, 1909-o0, n., 157 of those belonging to the Hispanic
Celtic Life and Art, Types of. F. R. Society of America. E. L. Stevenson,
M. Hitchcock, 943* rev., 545; Charts, U. S. Coast and
Central America: See under America. Geodetic Survey, 236*, 796*
Central Africa Protectorate: See Nyasa- Chauvin, V., 941*
land. Chavanne, J., 941*
Century Dictionary and Cyclopaedia,Chekiang, Map of, 399*
191:Z, 948* Cheltenham, Md., Results of Obser-
Cepede, C., 396* vations made at the Coast and Geod.
Ceylon: q Ceylon in 1893. J. Fergu- Survey Magnetic Observatory at. D.
son, 942*; Einfiihrung in die Tro- L. Hazard, I907-9, 69*; for 1909-o0,
penwelt. Erlebnisse, . . . eines Na- 868*
turforschers auf Ceylon. K. Giinther, Chemin-Dupontes, P., 231*
n., 467; Historical Relation of - to- Chemulpo: q Chemerupo oder-, 394*
gether with somewhat concerning Sev- Chesapeake Entrance, Va., Chart, 236*
erall Remarkeable passages of my life Chester R., Chesapeake Bay, Chart,
that hath hapned since my deliverance 635*
out of my Captivity [1681]. R. Knox, Chicago: 4 Chicago's Waterways in
their Relation to Transportation. G.
rev., 380; Kautschuk und andere Pro-
A. Zinn, 629*; Water Transportation
dukte in Ceylon, 1911. C. B6hringer,
between - and the Mississippi, 685
872*; Pearl Fisheries of. H. M. Smith,
Chickahominy R., Va., Chart, 236*
712*; Report of Surveyor-General for
Chicoutimi et Lac St.-Jean. Le passe
19o0-II. R. S. Templeton, 712* 4 Maps
of Ceylon: Map of -, n., 158; A. et le present. E. Rouillard, 70*
New Map of the Kingdom of Candy Chiesi, G., 941*
Uda in, 400* Chifu, Map: Das Hinderland von
Chad Lake: qlBuduma of -. P. A. Tschifu. W. Anz, n., 717

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Chignik Bay Region, Alaska, Map of.pris dans l'Empire Chinois. E. Biot,
H. M. Eakin and W. W. Atwood, 940*; The Far East Revisited. Essays
154*; Chart: Anchorage and Mud on Political, etc. Conditions in Mal-
Bays, 636* aya, China, Korea and Japan. A. G.
Chihuahua, Map of the State of. H. Angier, 940*; La grande artere de la
A. Horsfall, n., 797, 935 Chine. Le Yangtseu. J. Dautremer,
Chile: l[jAnuario Estadistico de la rev., 699; Half a Century in. A. E.
Republica de - 1910, 790*; Anuario Moule, rev., 538; Lecture on. C. F.
Estadfstico. 910o. Movimento Mari- Gammon, 285*; Letters from the Far
timo, 630*; Territorio, Poblaci6n, In- East. [China & Japan.] Sir C. Eliot,
struccion, etc., 630*; Estadistica Com- 942*; China. List of Lighthouses,
mercial de ... . . 11, 790*; Anuario Light-Vessels, Buoys, and Beacons on
del Servicio Meteorolojico de la Di- the Coast and Rivers of China, 19I2,
reccion del Territorio Maritimo, 231*;553* Les palais imperiaux de la
Chile in I910, 148*; Chile. An Ac- Chine. G. Combaz, 94x*; Present
count of its Wealth and Progress. J. Conditions in. F. McCormick, 473*;
P. Canto, rev., 695; - and her People Progress of India, Japan and China
of To-Day. N. 0. Winter, 389*; The in the Century. Sir R. Temple, 947*;
Climate of. R. C. Mossman, 231*, Religion in. Universism: A Key to
55x*; Cuarta Memoria . . . Oficina the Study of Taoism and Confucian-
de Mensura de Tierras ... 9. 9, ism. J. J. M. de Groot, n., 926; Se-
790*; Etudes anthropologiques au pultures Imperiales de la Chine. G.
Chile. C. E. Porter, 231*; Zur geo- Combaz, 941*; Social and Economic
graphischen und geologischen Landes- Conditions, rev., 782; Von Tsingtau
aufnahme der Republik Chile. J. nach Nanking. J. Schulze, 872*;
del C. Fuenzalida & H. Polakowski, From western China to the Golden
630*; History, Development, Natural Gate. R. Sprague, rev., 137 e Com-
Features, etc. G. F. S. Elliot, rev., munications: Les grands courants com-
57; Independence of. A. S. M. Chis- merciaux du Far-West chinois et notre
holm, n., 786; New Chilean Hist. and chemin de fer du Yunnan. Dr. Le-
Geogr. Soc., 451; New Chilean Pub- gendre, 472*; Les postes en chine.
lication, [Economic], 851; Population J. Simon, 553*; Report on Working
of-19Io, 771; A Society to Study the of the Imperial Post Office, 91o0,
Folk Lore of, 367 e[Maps of Chile: 232*; Situation des chemins de fer
Mapa de Chile. Centenary Edition, en Chine, 191i. J. Lapeyriere, 232*
n., I56 q Economic and Commercial: Far-
China: JAmong the Tribes in South- mers of Forty Centuries, or, Perman-
west China. S. R. Clarke, rev., 135; ent Agriculture in China, Korea und
Baukunst und Landschaft. E. Boer- Japan. F. H. King, rev., 360; Les
schmann, 793*; Le canal de Sseu-ngen.soies dans l'extreme Orient et dans
P. A. Lapicque, 872*; China in Dis- les colonies francaises. H. J. Corde-
tress. C. F. Gammon, 348; China und moy, 941*; China Maritime Customs.
seine Entwicklung. G. Wegener, Special Series. Silk (I88I), 941*;
872*; La Chine en miniature. Breton, China. Commerce. Returns of Trade
941*; La Chine moderne. E. Rottach, and Trade Reports, Port Trade Statis-
n., 143; La Cina Contemporanea. G. tics and Reports, 1910, 72*, 232*; 1911,
de Luigi, n., 787; China in Transfor- 872*; Abstracts of Statistics and Report
mation. A. R. Colquhoun, rev., 783; on Foreign Trade, 1910,72*, I9I , 872*,
The Changing Chinese. Conflict of Analysis of-for 1910, 473*; Visit to
Oriental and Western Cultures. E. China: Report of Commercial Commis-
A. Ross, rev., 136; The Chinese at sioners... etc. Chambers of Commerce
Home or the Man of Tong and his of the Pacific Coast, 1910, 313* l[His-
Land. J. D. Ball, rev., 783; The torical: L'Arrivee des Portugais en
Coming China. J. K. Goodrich, rev.,Chine. H. Cordier, 72*; Atlas Chi-
379; Chinese Frontiers of India. A. nensis. Being a Second Part of A
Rose, 712*; Dictionnaire bibliographi-
Relation of Remarkable Passages in
que des ouvrages relatifs a l'Empiretwo Embassies from the East India
Chinois. H. Cordier, 942*; Diction- Company. . . and to Emperor of
naire des noms anciens et modernes China and East-Tartary, etc., etc. A.
des villes et arrondissements com- Montanus. Englished by J. Ogilby,

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974 Index

(1671), 945*; Expedition de Chine de Choisy, M. A., 941*

1857-8. H. Cordier, 942*; Les Ex- Cholnoky, E. v., 475*
peditions de Chine et de Cochin-Chine. Chorolque, Map: qlSkizze der Umge-
Baron C. de Bazancourt, 940*; Francebung des, 78*
et Chine. L'abbe 0. Girard, 943*; Choulot, Commandant de, 472*
Les premiers voyages franSais a la Chree, C., 626, 706
Chine. Cl. Madrolle, 944*; Foe Koui Chudeau, R., 871* - and Gautier, E.
Ki ou Relation des Royaumes Boud- F., 696
dhiques. (transl. from the Chinese).Churchill Harbour, Plan of. A. R.
A. Remusat, 946*; Histoire generaleGordon, 155*
de la Chine, ou annales de cet Empire Churchill, W., 60; -'s Polynesian
traduites du Tong-kien-kang-mou. Work, J. 853
J. A. de Moyriac de Mailla. Suppl. Chusan: q Ein alter Plan der beiden
Volume by l'abbe Grosier (1777- Hauptstidte des Ehemaligen Koni-
I783), 945*; Histoire geographique greiches Chusan. E. Simon, 632*
des Seize Royaumes. (transl. from Chute, J. C., 226*, 227*
the Chinese), and annotated by A. Cilvanet, C., 15o*
des Michels, 945*; Dell'Historia delIa Cisneros, C. B., 552*
China. (1590). J. Gonzalez de Cities: q4Quelques etudes de villes.
Mendozza, 945*; History of China. Vienne-Grenoble-Dijon. L. Gallois,
D. C. Boulger, 940*; Historical and 873*
Descriptive Account of China. H. Civilization, Origin of: 'qDie Kultur
Murray, 945*; Imperial History of der Kulturlosen. Ein Blirk in die An-
China. J. Macgowan, 944*; An Old fange menschlicher Geistesbestitigung.
History of China, 553*; Letters. [On K. Weule, n., 868
the Provinces of China. 1870-1872]. Claiborne, J. H., 226*
F. v. Richthofen, 946*; Narrative of Claparede, Arthur de, Obituary, 2o1
an Expedition to. J. Bingham, 940*; Clapp, C. H., 929*
Die Reise des Arabers Ibn Batita Clapp, E. J., 467*, 860*
durch Indien und China (14. Jahr- Clapp, W. B. and F. F. Henshaw,
hundert). Bearbeitet von H. v. Mzik, 469*, 549*; - & H. D. McGlashan,
866*; Relacam do Estado Politico e 927*
Espiritual do Imperio da China pellos Clarence Strait, Charts, 236*
annos de 1659 ate o de I666. P. F. Clark University's Work in Geogra-
Rogemont, (1672), 946*; Ruins of phy, 47
Desert Cathay. Personal Narrative Clark, V. A. See True, A. C.
. . . Westernmost China. A. Stein, Clark, W. B., 627*; - A. B. Bibbins
resv., 537 qPopulation: Das Ergebnis and E. W. Berry, 627*
der zweiten allgemeinen Volkszah- Clarke, F. W., 315*
lung in China nach Familien, 473*; Clarke, H. W., 941*
Population de la Chine. C. E. Tan- Clarke, J. M., 70*, 927*
ant, 632*; The 191o Census of the Clarke, S. R., 135
Population. W. W. Rockhill, 668 Clay, Natural History of. A. B. Searle,
EMaps of China: Aufstandsgebiete 468*
und europaische Interessen in China, Clem, H. M., 469*
n., 238; Carte provisoire du Yangtsen Clemenceau, G., 455, 625
Kiang, etc. Audemard, Chine, n., Clendennin, W. W. See Arey, A. L.
318; Chinese Empire, 318*; Compass Climate. See also Meteorology: Cli-
Route Traverse between Hsi-ning Fu matic Control (Black's School Geog-
and Kan-chou Fu by 0. R. Coales, n., raphy). L. C. W. Bonacina, rev.,
478; Map showing itinerary of E. J. 221; Frost Forecasting and Protec-
Dingle's travels, 1909-10, 79*; Sketch tion, 6x1; Gut und schlecht Wetter.
Map to illustrate paper on Chinese R. Hennig, rev., 68; Schneegrenze in
frontiers of India, n., 559; Production verschiedenen Klimaten. V. Pasch-
Map of China, n., 798; Sketch show- inger, 715*; Studies on Climate and
ing F. K. Ward's route through Lutzu Crops. The "Solar Constant" and
courrtry to Menkong, n., 638; Sketch the Variations of Atmospheric Tem-
Map of Burma-China frontier, 559* perature at Arequipa and some other
Chisholm, A. S. M., 786* Stations. H. Arctowski, 598, 745;
Chisholm, G. G., 74*, 397* Verinderungen des Klimas seit dem

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Index 975

Maximum der letzten Eiszeit. E. v. 31*; - as an Agricultural State. W.

Cholnoky, 475*; -. W. R. Eckhardt,
E. Pabor, 945*; - Front Range. A
235* Study in Physiographic Presentation.
Climbs: See Mountaineering. W. M. Davis, 469*; - Geological
Cline, M., and J. B. Knapp, 788* Survey, I908, 550*; Geology and Ore
Cl6ssner, J. See Linke, F. Deposits of Breckenridge District. F.
Coahuila, Map of the State of. H. A. L. Ransome, 470*; Geology of Gray-
Horsfall, n., 935 back Mining District. H. B. Patton,
Coal: EFormation of Coal Beds. J. J. C. E. Smith and Others, 869*; Guide-
Stevenson, 315*; Output of certain book to. E. Parsons, n., 307; Irriga-
Minerals and Metals of the World, tion. Farms and Acreage Irrigated,
234*; World's Coal Production in etc., Census I910, 929*; The Main
1910, 122 Tungsten Area of Boulder Co. R. D.
Coast and Geodetic Survey of the George, 469*; Montezuma Mining
U. S.: (qMagnetic Observations made District. H. B. Patton, 869*; Mica
between I910-II R. L. Faris, 391*; in Idaho, Colorado, etc. D. B. Ster-
Present Activities of the. 0. H. Titt- rett, 928*; Occurrence and Origin of
mann, 257; for Charts of the -, See Nitrates in - Soils, some of their
under Charts. Effects, and what they Suggest. W.
P. Headden, 391*; Population, Census
Coasts: q Erosion sur le c6tes anglaises.
I. Assada, 875*; Les c6tes de Pro- 1910, 229*; Number of Inhabitants,
etc.; Composition and Characteristics,
vence. Notes de morphologie c6tiere.
R. Blanchard, 314*; Royal Commis- 929*; Preliminary Report on Geology
of the Monarch Mining District. R.
sion on Coast Erosion. J. S. Owens,
315*; Sand Strand Flora of the Ma- D. Crawford, 627*; Quarternary De-
posits in, 365; Results of Spirit Level-
rine Coasts. P. Olsson-Seffer, 315*
ing, I896 to I910. R. B. Marshall,
'toates, W. H., 3o0*
146*; Water Supply of. C. W. Com-
Cobb, C., 314*, 475*
stock, 627* qjMaps of Colorado. De
Cobham, C. D., 941*
Beque Oil Field, 75*; Creede and
Cochin China. See also Indo-China, Vicinity, 556*; Engineer Mountain
French: qConsideration sur la situa-
Quad. Areal Geology, Structure Sec-
tion 6conomique de la Cochinchine
tions, 153*; Montrose Quad., 398*;
apres un demi siecle d'occupation. G.
Mt. Jackson Quad., 398*; Geol. Map
Gaillard, 232*; Les Expedition de of Southern Portion of Lake City
Chine et du Cochine-Chine. Baron C.
Quad., I24*; Top. Map of S. Portion
de Bazancourt, 940*
of Lake City Quad. showing approxi-
Cockayne, L., 60. See also Speight, R. mate locations of patented mining
Cocoa: See Cacao.
claims, 154*; Index Map of portion
Coco-Nut Palm: q(Kultur der Kokos-
of - showing location of mining re-
palme. H. Zeapernick, 152* gions, 154*; Top. Map of Region
Coffee Industry, 396* around Lake San Crisvobal, 154*
Cold Storage: qiL'industrie du froid Colorado R. Basin. W. B. Freeman and
dans ses rapports avec l'agriculture. R. H. Bolster, 469*; Lower-Drainage
Ripert, 715* Basin. W. B. Clapp and F. F. Hen-
Cole, G. A. J., 468*, 626, 795* shaw, 469*
Coleman, A. P., 789*, 919 Colquhoun, A. R., 783
Collet, L. W., 315*, 715* Columbia, District: See District of Col-
Collie, G. L., 321, 687, 791* umbia.
Collie, J. N., 205, 550*, 629* Columbia R. Drainage Basin. J. C.
Collins' Triangulation of Teram Kan- Stevens and Others, 470*
gri. T. G. Longstaff, 872* Combin, Der Grand-. A. Frank, 395*
Colombia: I Die Apostol. Priifektur Commerce: EiCommerce of the VWorld
Choc6. W. M. Peitz, 630*; Colombia in 1910, 396*; Geschichte der Hand-
in I9I0, 148*; Means of Communica- lung und Schiffahrt der Alten. P. D.
tion in, 850; Trade for I907, 930*; Huet, 943*; Les progres du commerce
QIMap of Colombia: De Rio Negro a international des denrees perissables.
Bogota. Itineraire de Hamilton Rice, H. Hitler, 715*; Statistics of Com-
317* merce, 310*; System der Welthandel-
Colorado: qAgriculture, Census 9Io0, slehre. J. Hellauer, n., 64

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976 Index

Commercial Geography: See under EqMaps of Belgian Congo: Ethnogra-

Geography. phische tUbersichtskarte des Nil-Kongo-
Comstock, C. W., 627* Zwischengebietes. J. Czekanowski, n.,
Conder, C. R., 941* 238; Frontiere Germano-Belge dans
Confucianism and Taoism, A Key to l'Afrique Orientale, n., 317; Itimbiri R.
the Study of. (Universism.) J. J. and country between Welle. and Aru-
M. de Groot, n., 926 wimi Rivers, n., 156; Leopoldville, en
Congo: q Congo Life and Folklore. 1889, en 191o, Stanley-Pool, 156*;
J. H. Weeks, rev., 377 Neue deutsch-belgische Grenze im
Belgian Congo: q Amelioration et le Kiwu-Gebiet, 78*
developpment des cultures vivrieres French Congo: See French Equa-
et industrielles ainsi que de l'elevage torial Africa.
du gros et du petit betail. Dr. Drye- Congo River: l Comment s'est creus6
pondt and E. de Wildeman, 312*; De le cours du Congo dans la region des
Banana au Stanley-Pool I887-1911. chutes. A propos des rapides
Col. Thys, 148*; Les Bapopoie. C. d'Yelala, 553*; Development of Steam-
Delhaise-Arnould, 871*; Les Belges ship services on the, I48*; La Navi-
au Congo. Notices biographiques. E. gation du haut - et de ses affluents,
Janssens and A. Cateaux, 553*; Les 472
chemins de fer du bassin du Congo, Congresses: q Compte-Rendu du Con-
631*; - du Matadi au Stanley-Pool, gres tenu a Monaco . . . Commission
71*; Chemins de fer du Congo, 553*; Internationale d'a6rostation. E. Mas-
Les communications par chemin de sany, 315*; Congres Internat. d'An-
fer et par voie fluviale au Congo thropologie et d'Arch6ologie prehis-
Belge. Ingenieur Goffin et M. Drye- toriques, I24; Eighteenth Internat.
pondt, 791*; Colonisation belge au Congress of Americanists, 124, 772;
Congo et l'initiative privee, 553*; On Highway Engineering as presented at
certain physical Characters of the the Second International Road Con-
Negroes of - and Nigeria. A. Keith, gress, Brussels, I9IO. A. H. Blan-
931*; Produits vegetaux. E. de Wilde- chard and H. B. Drowne, rev., 621;
man, 932*; Le Congo. A quoi il doit Official Proceedings of Eighteenth
nous servir, etc. C. Morisseaux, 932*; National Irrigation Congress held at
D:croissance de la population et la Pueblo, Col., 19Io, 229*; Tenth In-
polygamie. C. Delhaise, 553*; Ex- ternat. Geographical Congress, 124,
ploration de riviere Lukuga. J. 370; Der I8. deutsche Geographentag
Schwetz, 932*; Les forces hydrau- in Innsbruck. E. Scheu, R. Reinhard
liques du bas Congo. R. Thys, 932*; and F. Jaeger, 874*; Die I8. Tagung
Forces hydraulique, etc. A. J. Wau- des Deutschen Geographentages zu
ters, 871*; Future Rubber Industry, Innsbruck in der Pfingstwoche 1912.
231*; La houille blanche au Congo. P. Langhans, 874*; The XIIth Intern.
[Water power between Matadi and Congress of Geology, 691; Le XXXe
Leopoldville], 553*; Land and Peoples Congres National des Societes Fran-
of the Kasai. M. W. Hilton-Simpson, caises de Geographie, 314*
rev., 457; Mortality in the, 368; Connecticut: j1 Agriculture, Census
Notes on experimental cultivation of191o, 3ii*; Catalogue of flowering
cacao, coffee and cotton, 312*; Organ-Plants and Ferns of-growing with-
isation territoriale de la colonie, 932*;out Cultivation. C. B. Graves, E. H.
Le probleme du lac Kisale. Capt. Eames and Others, 710*; Financial
Mauritzen, 631*; Les produits exploit- History of-from 1789 to I86I. H.
ables. R. Vauthier, 871*; Regions F. Walrath, 628*; Gabbros and asso-
voisines de la frontiere orientale du ciated Rocks at Preston. G. F.
Congo BeIge du Tanganyka au Lac Loughlin, 628*; Granites of. T. N.
Albert. M. J. Maury, 870*; C. A. Dale and H. E. Gregory, 469*; His-
and A. E. H. Reid's Surveys in north- tory of. Th. Dwight, Jr., 942*; Sta-
ern Congo basin, 631*; Survey of thetistics of Manufactures Census I910,
Northeastern Boundary of the, 852; 550*; Population, Census I90o, 147*
Der Tofoke. E. Torday, 553*; Mon qjMaps of Connecticut: Preliminary
Voyage au Continent Noir. E. Tri- Geologic and Economic Map of, n.,
vier, 947*; White Population of the, 557; Five Charts of North Shore of
852; WTireless Telegraphy in the, 369 Long Island Sound, 236*

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Connecticut River: qE--Drainage Basin. etc., 930*; Costa Rica in 1910, 471*;
H. K. Barrows and Others, 310*; Geological Notes on the Peninsula of
Charts of Connecticut R., 236* Nicoya. J. Romanes, 789*; Geology
Connelly, W. E., 941* of a Part of. J. Romanes, 789*;
Conner, E. T. See Griffith, W. Kostarika. Beitrage zur Orographie
Connor, J. E., 712* und Hydrographie. H. F. Pittier,
Conrad, V., 394* 789*; Society for Seismological Ob-
Conservation: q Checking the Waste. servation in, 85o q[lMap: Mapa de
A Study in -. M. H. Gregory, rev., Costa Rica, n., 797
924; Fisheries. An example of the Costume, A manual of-as illustrated
Attitude Toward Resources. R. M. by Monumental Brasses. Druitt, 942*
Keir, 582 Cottes, A., 697
Constantin: qjAnnuaire de la Societe Cotton, World's Consumption of -
Archeologique de Ia province de- Trade, and Manufactures for selected
1853-62. Receuil des Notices et Me- countries, 396*
moires de la Societe Archeologique deCotton, C. A., 794
la Province de - I863-1896, 948* Cotton, Sir A. T., 942*
Contenson, G. de, 472* Cousin, Commandant, 313*
Continents: qIEntstehung der Konti-Covert, C. C. See Barrows, H. K.
nente. A. Wegener, 715* Cox, A. J., 232*
Cook, F. A., 390* Cox, G. H., 69*
Cook's Tourists' Handbook for Nor- Cox, W. T., 927*; See also Price, 0. W.
mandy & Brittany, 68* Craig, E. H. C., 787*
Cooke, J., 152* Craig, J. I., 71*, 78*, 148*, 235*, 71x*,
Cookson, C. E., 711* 792*, 870*
Coolidge, A. C., 791* Crampton, C. B., 714*
Coombe, F., 540 Crampton, H. E., 471*, 790*
Copper: q Output of Certain Minerals Crandall, R., 227*
and Metals in the World, 234* Crater National Forest, etc. F. Burns,
Copping, A. E., 389* 927*
Coquimbo, Karte des suidwestlichen Crater Lake, Transcontinental Excur-
Teiles der Provinz-in Chile, n., 935 sion at. J. H. Cuntz, 769
Coral Reefs, Physical Conditions Crawford,
under R. D., 627*
which Paleozoic-were Formed. T. Creed, J. M., 793*
W. Vaughan, 235* Creighton, M., 942*
Cordemoy, Dr. H. J. de, 941*Crete, The Sea-Kings of. J. Baikie,
Cordier, H., 72*, 942* rev., 382
Corea: See Korea. Crimea: lCrimea. E. N. Orlowska,
Cornwall and Brittany. T. Hodgkin,
626*; Manners and Customs of the
233* Crim Tartars. M. Holderness, 943*
Coropuna' Mt., Ascent of. H. Bing- Crocker Land Expedition, I89, 288,
ham, 451 429, 917
Corrasion: q-- by Gravity Streams Crofts, C. H., 227*
with Application of Ice Flood Hy- Croll, Dr., A Plea for -. (Glacial
pothesis. E. C. Andrews, 234* Phenomena.) J. R. Donald, 715*
Corsi, A,. 149* Crosby, W. W. 627*
Corsica: 1qLa Corse. V. E. Ardouin- Cross, F. C., 926*
Dumazet, 926* Cross, W. See Schultz, A. R.
Cortese, E., 393* Crow and Village Indians, Some Prob-
Cortesi, F., 792* lems in the Ethnology of the. R. H.
Corthell, E. L., 551* Lowie, 628*
Cortier, M., 149*, 231* Crowell, B., and C. B. Murray, 56
Cosmogony: qLe ceil et l'Atmosphere.Crowfoot, W. J., and F. L. Griffith,
L. Houllevigue, rev., 140 942*
Cossar, J., 474* Cuba: qfBoletin oficial de la Secretaria
Costanso, M., 234* de Agricultura Comercio y Trabajo,
Costanzo, G. and Negro, C., 145* 1911-I2, 789*; Cuba and her People
Costa Rica: l Anuario Estadistico, of To-Day. F. Lindsay, 307*; Cuba
1910, 471*; Resumenes Estadisticos. in 1910, 230*; Erzlagerstitten der
1883 a I9Io, Commercio, Agricultura,Vereinigten Staaten . . Cuba, usw.

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978 Index

C. L. Henning, rev., 613; Memoria de

Dailey, I. M., 641
la Administration del Presidente . . .
Dainelli, G., 308*
Cuba Mayor Gen. Jose Miguel Gomez,Daireaux, G., 551*
Dairen (Dalny). Manchuria's Great
I9o1, n., 786 qBMap: Map of Cuba pre-
pared in War College Division, n., 935
Southern Port, 49
Cufino, L., 933* Dakar, Le port de: son role econom-
Culbreth, D. M. R., 142* ique. J. Goulven, 932*
Cullum Medal, Award of the-to Dr. Dalchow, 0., 151*
Charcot, 118 Dale, N. See Butts, C. T.
Cumberland Valley, Relief Map of, n., Dale, T. N., 627*; - and H. E. Gre-
I55 gory, 469*
Cunaeus, Joan, Journal der Reis van Dall, W. H., G. M. Dawson, & W.
den Gezant der 0. I. Compagnie- Ogilvie, 942*
naar Perzie in I65I-I652z Gehouden Dalmatia: 4]Pflanzenwelt Dalmatiens.
door Cornelis Speelman, 467* L. Adamovic, n., 926; Die physisch-
Cunningham, A. Botanical, Topogra- geographischen VerhIltnisse. N.
phical and Geological Notes on some Krebs, 794* q Map: Sketch of Neigh-
Routes of-. J. H. Maiden and R. H. borhood of Kerka Falls, n., 80
Cambage, 150* Dalrymple, A., 942*
Cuntz, J. H., 769 Daly Medal, Awarded to R. Amundsen,
Curacao, Improvements in the Harbor 364, 914
of, 771 Daly, R. A., 612
Current Geographical Papers: See Dampier (William), Pirate, Explorer,
Geographical Papers, Current. and Author. J. R. Spears, 234*
Currents: See under Tides. Dan River, N. C., Coal on. R. W.
Currier, C. W., 132, 870* Stone, 788*
Curschmann, F., 626* Daniels, H. K., 144*
Curtin, J., 460 Dannenbaum, R., 874*
Curtis, G. C., 291 Danube: 4 Donau, Bulgarien und der
Curtis, W. E., 389*, 390* Balkan. F. Kanitz, 944*
Cushing, S. W., 232* Danube Region: q Das Donaugebiet.
Cuzco: ' Contribuci6n a la Geograffa
W. Gbtz, 943*
del Departamento del. F. L. Herrera,
Dapper, 0., 942*
552*; Discovery of Pre-Historic Re-
Darbishire, B. V., 720
Dardanelles, Map: D:e Befestigung des
mains near. H. Bingham, 552*; Geo-
westlichen Dardanellen-Eingangs. D.
logic Relations of the Cuzco Remains.
I. Bowman, 552* A. Janke, 480*
Cyprus: '4Excerpta Cypria. Materials
Dardano, A., 238, 717
Dar-es-Salaam: j Daressalam als Aus-
for a History of Cyprus. Translated
and Transcribed by C. D. Cobham, fuhrhafen, 231*
941*; Cypern. Landesverhaltnisse Darsey, E. See Niox, G.
. . politischer und wirtschaftlicher Darss, Skizze der Entwicklung des
Beziehung. D. Trietsch, n., 390 (Map), 158*
Cyrenaica: q Importanza delle vie Darton, N. H., 710*
carovaniere in - ed in Tripolitania. Darwin, L., 7I6*
G. Pera, 632*; Tripolitania e Cire- Darwin, Sir George H., Personal, 370
naica. P. Vigoni, 632* Q Maps of Dautremer, J., 699
Cyrenaica: Carta della TripolitaniaDauzat, A., 634*
e -. A. Dardano, n., 238; Le Nuove Davidson, George, Obituary, 50, 51
Provincie Italiane, etc. A. Dardano, Davis, A., I
n., 717 Davis, A. M., 626*
Czekanowski, J., 238 Davis, A. P., 393*, 632*
Davis, C. A., 629*
Davis, H. W. C., 309*
Dachnowski, A., 927* Davis, J. A., C. H. Wegemann and D.
Dahkotahs: 4 Once Their Home, or E. Winchester, 927*
Our Legacy from the. F. C. Holley,
Davis Straits, Eskimos of-in r656. D.
943* MacRitchie, 875*
Dahomey: 4IDelimitation du - et du Davis, W. M., 71*, 469*, 716*, 908,
Togo, 931*; Le Dahomey, 940* Personal, 612

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Index 979

Davison, C., 626* Languages. J. 0. Dorsey & J. R. Swan-

Dawson, G. M. See Dall, W. H. ton, 549; Geogr.-Stat. Topograph.
Dawson, W. B., 311*, 396*, 555* Lexicon von Franken. J. R. Bund-
Day, D. T., 629* schuh, 941*; Diccionario Geografico
Day, P. C., 856 del Uruguay. 0. Araujo, 925*; Diction-
Dead Sea, Around the-by Motor nair Bibliographique des Ouvrages
Boat. J. E. Spafford, 393* Relatifs a l'Empire Chinois. H. Cor-
Debrand, 312* dier, 942*; Meyers Grosses Kon-
Deeken, R., 233* versation-Lexikon, 391*
Defant, A., 713* Diemer, W., 73*
De Geer, G., 939 Diest, W. v., and Groll, 400*
De Geer, S., 554* Dietrich, B., 394*
Deninger, J. W., 942* Diguet, L., 869*
Deladrier, E., 148* Dijon, Vienne-Grenoble - Quelques
etudes de villes. L. Gallois, 873*
Delagoa Directory: See LourenCo Mar-
ques. Diller, J. S., Larsen, E. S., & Others,
Delaware: 4 Agriculture. Farms and 391*
Farm Property, Live Stock, etc.,Dimo,
Cen- H. A., 6io
Dingle, E. J., Map showing -'s travels
sus 1910, I47*; Narratives of Early,
etc. A. C. Myers, 945*; Notes on in
the the Chinese Empire, 1909-10, 79*
Clays of. G. C. Matson, 868*; Popu- Dirr, A., 874*
lation, Census 1910, 147* Dismal Swamp of Virginia. A. Hol-
Delaware Bay: q Chart of Leased lick, 927*
Cvster Bottoms, 237* Distel, L., 873*
Delaware R. Drainage Basin. H. K. District of Columbia: I Agriculture,
Barrows and Others, 468* Census 1910, 311*; Population, Cen-
Delaware Valley, Archaeology of. E. sus 1910, 929*
Volk, 311* Dixon, C. J., 942*
Delhaise-Arnould, C., 553*, 871* Djibouti: (IValeur economique des re-
De'-i: 4 Delhi and the Durbar. J. gions travers4es par le chemin de fer
Fianemore, 548*; Capitale de l'Em- de-- Addis Abbeba. E. de Felcourt,
pire des Indes, 553*; The New Capi- 931*
tal of India, 208; Le transfert a - de Dob:ynin, B. See Lepeszynski, A.
la capitale, etc. C. E. Bonin, 553* Dodge, R. E., 277, Personal, 291
Della Cella, P., 941* Dominian, L., 714*, 914*
Deloncle, F., 394* Dominican Republic: See Santo Do-
Deranche, G., 152* miago.
Demange, Mgr., 873* Donald, J. R., 715*
Demangeon, A., 634* Dorsey, J. 0. &,Swanton, J. R., 549*
Demontes, V., 312* Doucet, R., 791*
Deniker, J., 942* Doughty, C. M., 370
Denis, P., 148* Douglas Fir, Properties and Uses of.
Denmark: qJDer deutsch - danische M. Cline and J. B. Knapp, 788*
Krieg. W. Riistow, 946*; Geschichte Douglas, James, Journals and Reminis-
des K6nigreichs Danemark. C. F. cences of. Edited by his Son, n., 225
Allen, 939* Dowling, D. B., 789*
Dennet, R. E., 149* Dracopoli, I. N., 316*, 512; See also
Denuce, J., 220, 555* Lumholtz, C.
Denver: ' The io5th Meridian in- Draper, D., 551*
and Its Mile High Level. H. A. Dreher, 0., 151
Howe, 469* Droogmans, H., 312*
Derby, O. A., 315*, 551* Drosendorf, Umgebungskarte von, n.,
Dessigny, Commandant, 393* 8o
Desverges, N., 942* Drowne, H. B. See Blanchard, A. H.
Deustua, R. A., 791* Druitt, 942*
De Vos, R., 232* Drure, J., 712*
Dew, Measurements of, 612 Druses of the Lebanon, Recollections
Dictionaries: q Concise Oxford - of of the. Earl of Carnarvon, 941*
Current English. H. W. and F. G. Dryepondt, Dr., et Wildeman, E. de,
Fowler, 548*; Dict. of Biloxi and Ofo 3x2*; See also Goffin.

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980 Index

Dryer, C. R., 235*, 383 la Terre. Vol. 3, (transl.). E. Suess,

Drygalski, E. von, 149*, 152*, 875*; rev., 706; Forms of Terrestrial Re-
Drygalskis Polarwerk "Zum Kontin- lief, 94; Future Habitability of the.
ent des eisigen Siidens". H. Wagner, T. C. Chamberlin, 315*; Gliederung
152* der Erdteile. P. Seyferth, 715*; On
Dubois, F., 212 the Magnetic Field of the. L. Steiner,
Duchesne-Fournet, Jean. Mission en 715*; Notes on Defective Effect of
Ethiopie (1901-I903). H. Froidevaux, Earth's Rotation as shown in Streams.
O. Collat, and Others, rev., 58 C. Cobb, 475*; Physik der Erde. M.
Duckworth, W. L. H., 467 P. Rudzki, rev., 222; A Propos de la
Duclos, Lieut., 472* forme de la Terre. P. Testard, 397*;
Dudley, C. R., 64 Recent Progress in Geodesy. A. R.
Dudley, Earl of, 554* Hinks', 315*; La Terra (trattato popu-
Dugas, G., 629* lare di geografia universale). G.
Duluth, Geographical Study of. E. Marinelli, 944*; Unsere Kenntnis der
Van Cleef, 401, 493 Erde. L. Carriere, 315*; Unser Wis-
Dumfriesshire. (Cambridge Co. Geog.) sen von der Erde. A. Kirchhoff,
J. K. Hewison, 709* 944*; Vergleichende Mond- und Erd-
Dunbar, E. E. 942* kunde. S. Gunther, rev., 707; Der
Dunes: See Sand Dunes. Wasservorrat unserer Erde. W.
Dunn, S. O., 703 Halbfass, 475*; What is Terra Fir-
Dunstan, J., 233* ma? Review of Current Research in
Dupuy, E., 794* Isostasy. B. Willis, 315*
Earthquakes. See also Seismology:
Duran, Fray Narciso, Diary of-Ex-
qBaluchistan Earthquake of 21, Oct.,
pedition on the Sacramento, etc. Edi-
ted by C. E. Chapman, 396* 1909. A. M. Heron, 149*; Bericht
Durango, Map of the State of. H.iiberA. das Erdbeben in den Alpen vom
Horsfall, n., 935 13. Juli I9Io. J. Schorn, 875*;
Durig, A., 394* Earthquakes in Italy, 369; Elastic-
Dutch East Indies: See East Indies, Rebound Theory of. H. F. Reid,
Dutch. 315*; Erdbebenkatastrophen. E.
Dutton, Major Clarence Edward, Obit- Scheu, 235*; Geophysikalische Zusam-
uary, 124 menhange und kulturelle Lehren der
Dwight, T., Jr., 942* Erdkatastrophen Siiditaliens und Sizi-
Dyaks, Notes on the Sea - of Borneo. liens. W. Krebs, 874*; The New
E. H. Gomes, 313* Madrid Earthquake. M. L. Fuller,
Dzungaria: q Exploration in-and N. 203, 7Io*; Origin of Earthquakes. C.
Davison, n., 626; Ueber die Ursache
W. Mongolia. D. Carruthers, 793*;
Aus den wiss. Ergebnissen der Merz-der letzten grossen Erdbeben von
bacherschen Tian-Schan-Expedition. Kalifornien und an der Kueste von
Geol. Untersuchungen im Chalyktau, Guerrero, Mexiko. E. Boese, 549*
Temurlyktau, Dsungarischen Alatau. qlMap: Part of Jamaica showing the
K. Leuchs, 553* EMap: Sketch map Relation of Earthquake damage to
to illustrate paper on Exploration Erosion
in of Land, n., 935
Mongolia and Dzungaria. D. Car- East India Company: Q Court Minutes
ruthers, 638* of the. Vol. 3. E. B. Sainsbury,
946*; Atlas Chinensis: Being a Sec-
ond part of A Relation of Remark-
Eakin, H. M., 154*, 788* able Passages in two Embassies from
Eames, E. H. See Graves, C. B. the-- .. to Konchi Emperor of
Earle, A. M., 708* China, etc. A. Montanus. English'd
Earth: EAstronomische Erdkunde. O. by J. Ogilby, 945*; Trade of the-
Hartmann, n., 228; Changeful Earth. from I709 to 1813. F. P. Robinson,
Introduction to the Record of Rocks. n., 310
G. A. J. Cole, 468*; Data of Geoche- East Indies, The Old "Country Trade"
mistry. F. W. Clarke, 3I5*; Earth of the. W. H. Coates, 310*
Features and Their Meaning. Intro- East Indies, Dutch: Jaarverslag van
duction to Geology. W. H. Hobbs, den Topographischen Dienst in
rev., 384; Erdrelief und Tetraederhy- Nederlandsch-Indie over 1910, 712*;
pothese. T. Arldt, 396*; La face de Java, Sumatra and Other Islands of

This content downloaded from on Sun, 23 Apr 2023 21:17:59 UTC
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Index 981

the Dutch-. A. Cabaton, rev., 2I7 Fund: General Index to the Archaeo-
qIMaps of Dutch East Indies: Atol- logical Reports, I890 to I909. W. L.
vormige Riffen, Barriere-Riffen en Nash, 945*; Archaeological Report
Atollen, etc., Overzichtskaartje aange-91o0-II. E. L. Griffith, 711*; Egypt as
vende Barriere-Riffen en Atollen Described by Great Writers. Collected
nabij, n., 158 by E. Singleton, n., 786; Erwachende
Echigo, Preliminary Note on the Agrarlander.
Geo- S. Strakosch, rev., 212;
logy of - Oil Field. T. Iki, I5o* Etudes sur le folklore Bedouin de 1'-
Eckert, M., 314* Plgypte. E. Klippel, 472*; Guide du
Eckhardt, W. R., 235*, 397* Nil au Jourdain par le Sinai et Petra.
Eclipse, Solar-of April 17. Annular B. Meistermann, 68*; List of Maps
Eclipse observed near Chavenay. W. and Plans published up to March,
J. S. Lockyer, 716*; Results of Mag- 910o, 631*; List of Publications is-
netic Observations made by U. S. sued up to Dec. I, I909, Survey Dept.,
Coast and Geod. Survey at the Time 631*; Meteorite of El Nakhla el
of Solar Eclipse of April 28, I9II. Baharia. J. Ball, 792*; New Light on
O. H. Tittmann, 715* Ancient. Sir G. Maspero, 944* Nilen
Economic Geography: See under Geog- och dess betydelse for Egypten. V. E.
raphy. Lilienberg, 312*; Die Nillander. R.
Economics: 'J Geology and. J. F. Kemp, Hartmann, 943*; Primitive Art in.
152*; New Periodical on International J. Capart, 941*; Principles and Ob-
Eonomics, 856; Principles of Rur ,l jects of Geology with special Refer-
Economics. T. N. Carver, rev., 621 ence to the Geology of. W. F. Hume,
Ecuador: EEcuador in 19I0, 231*; n., 390; Rainfall in Lower. J. I.
Study of the Question of BoundariesCraig, 792*; Remaking of Egypt. Nile
between Peru and. V. Santamaria Irrigation Project. W. N. Sterns,
de Paredes, rev., 857; Trip from 631*; Survey of. H. G. Lyons, 368;
Quito to the Napo R. E. H. Pound, Les Terrains alcalins en Egypte et
870* leur traitement. V. M. Mosseri, 792*
Eddingfield, F. T. See Smith, W. W. qjMaps of Egypt: Die neue Mariut-
Eddy, J. R., 549* Eisenbahn von Alexandrien bis Mar-
Edinburgh: qj- Revisited. J. Bone, sa Matruch.' G. Kaiser, n., 477; Seven-
n., 701 teen Sheets of the Topographic Map
Edinburgh District: 9 Explanatory of Egypt, n., 879; Six Index Maps of
Guide Book and Outline Catalogue. Various Standard Maps of Survey
P. Geddes & F. C. Mears, 474*; Mid- Dept of Egypt, n., 558
lothian. A. McCallum, 626*; Notes Eider Region: Q Die Seen der Eiderge-
on the Geography of the. J. Cossar, bietes. G. Wegemann, 874* EQMaps:
474* qjMaps of Edinburgh District: tUberishctskarte, des Eiderseengebietes,
Density of Population, etc., 159*; Dis- n., 639; Die Seen des Eidergebietes.
tribution of Population, etc., 159*; (0o maps). G. Wegemann, n., 639
Topography, Geology, Hydrography, Elba, A. Riihl, 634*
159*; Borthwick dry valley, 159*; Elbert, J., 923
Esk near Polton, 159*; Mean Annual Eldridge, M. O. See Pennybacker, J.
Rainfall, I59* E., Jr.
Edmonton, Alberta. The City that Elgon Mt., Ascent of, 452
Owns Itself. C. Love, 930* Eliot, Sir Charles, 942*
Edmundson, G., 144* Elliot, G. F. S., 57
Edson, Alberta, Rapid Growth of, 450Elliott, R. S., 942*
Edwards, A., 374 Ellis, G. W., 71
Edwards, F. A., 631* Ellsworth, C. E. See Porter, E. A.
Egypt: q Ausdehnung und Ertrage der El Mahasna, Predynastic Cemetary at.
Baumwollkultur in Agypten, I895- E. R. Ayrton and W. L. S. Loat, 940*
1909, 631*; Notes on Cotton Statistics. El Nakhla el Baharia, The Meteorite
J. I. Craig, 711*; Eastern Desert of. A. of. J. Ball, 792*
Wade, 631*; Denkmaeler aus Aegyp- El-Tounsy, Ibn-Omar, 947*
ten und Aethiopien. C. R. Lepsius, El Obeid, Railroad at, 119
948*; L'Egypte actuelle, aperous de Emerson, F. V., 674, 761; Personal, 530
geographie sociale et economique. E. Emin Pacha, Le Retour de, et l'Expedi-
Mercinier, 392*; Egypt Exploration tion Stanley. (Dix Annees en Equa-

This content downloaded from on Sun, 23 Apr 2023 21:17:59 UTC
All use subject to

toria.) G. Casati, 941*; Emin Pasha's Etheridge Goldfields, The Oaks and
Unpublished Scientific Memoirs, 688 the Eastern Portion of. E. 0. Marks,
Emmons, G. J., 549* 394*
Emmons, G. T., 315*, 929* Ethiopia: 4 Denkmaeler aus Aegypten
Emmons, W. H. See Paige, S. und Aethiopien. C. R. Lepsius, 948*;
Encyclopaedias: (jThe Catholic Encyc-Man and Beast in Eastern Ethiopia.
lopaedia. Vols. XII and XIII, 948*; J. Bland-Sutton, rev., 535
Century Dictionary and Cyclopaedia, Ethnogeography: See Under Geo-
1912, 948*; - of Religion and Ethics. graphy.
J Hastings, 948*; Geography in the Ethnological Analysis of Culture. W.
Encyclopaedia Britannica. A. J. H. R. Rivers, 234*
H[erbertson], 74*; Negro Year Book Eucla Plateau, Results of Boring for
and Annual -, 19x2, 787* Artesian Water on the. A. G. Mait-
Engell, M. C., 7I*, 476* land, 473*
Engeln, 0. D. von, 469*; Personal, 612 Euphrates Valley, Memoir on the-
England: See also Great Britain and route to India. W. P. Anderson, 939*
United Kingdom: 4qAn Itinerary of Eurasia: qjAusbreitung kalter Luft in
the Sixteenth Century. La Guide des Russland und Nordasien. H. v.
Chemins d'Angleterre. [i579]. H. Ficker, 73*
G. Fordham, 716*; Sketch of EnglishEurope: q Alpine Plants of - toget
Life and Character. M. E. Mitford, with cultural hints. H. S. Thomps
n., 138; Variations in the English Cli- 143*; Altweibersommer die Warm
mate during thirty years, 188I-1910. riickfalle des Herbstes in Mitteleur
W. Marriott, 234* ElMaps: England A. Lehmann, 554*; Canaux de l'Eur
and Wales, Annual Rainfall, 319*; Centrale, 713*; Cliff Castles and C
Pratt's Road Atlas of, n., 800; School Dwellings of. S Baring-Gould, rev
Atlas of English History, n., 800 383; Complete Pocket-Guide to Eu
Engler, A., 920 ope. E. C. Stedman,; n., 68; E;inige
Equinoctial Storms, Are There-? J. gebnisse entwickelungsgeschichtlic
H. Morrison, n., 709 Studien an europaischen Flachland
Erie Canal. C. T. Macfarlane, 628* kiisten und ihren Diinen. G. Braun
Eritrea: 4 Cartografia Coloniale. A. 3r4*, 873*; L'Europe, La France. F.
Mori, 471*; Lungo l'Anseba e sull' Schrader and L. Gallouedec, 309*;-
altipiano abissino. G. Dainelli, n., 308; A supplementary Geography. J. F.
Railroad in Eritrea, 48 q Maps of Chamberlain and A. H. Chamberlain,
Eritrea: Carta dimostrativa della 309*;-and the Mediterranean Region.
Colonia -e delle Regioni adiacenti, J. B. Reynolds, n., 63; Europa's Child-
n., I56; Index Maps of Eritrea, n., hood and Growth. A. J. Berry, n.,
156 625; History of the Moorish Empire
Erithraean Sea, The Periplus of the. in. S. P. Scott, 946*; Medieval
Travel and Trade in the Indian Europe. H. W. C. Davis, n., 309; Les
Ocean by a Merchant of theRaces Firstde 1'Europe-La taille en Europe.
Century. Transl. from the Greek and 942*; Richesse et l'avenir
J. Deniker,
Annotated by W. H. Schoff, rev., de. L. 224
F. Viala, 233*; Die Slaven.
Erkes, H., I52*; H. & E., 74* Ein Urvolk Europas. M. Zumkovic,
Erosion: tjUber die Abtragung durch rev., 305; Student's Handbook of
Wasser, Temperaturgegensatze und Stratigiaphical Geology. A. J. Jukes-
Wind, ihren Verlauf und ihre End- Browne, rev., 863; Statistiques des
formen. S. Passarge, 715* Peches maritimes des pays du Nord.
Erskine, C. F., 397* H. M. Kyle, 73*; Sudwesteuropiische
Erskine, J. K., 231* Megalithkultur und ihre Beziehungen
Eskimos: EqAmong the - of Labrador. zum Orient. G. Wilke, 228*; Trans-
S. K. Hutton, n., 624; - of Davis portation in. L. G. McPherson, rev.,
Straits in x656. D. MacRitchie, 875*; 785; Das vorgeschichtliche Europa,
Chez les Esquimaux du Keewatin. R. Kulturen und Volker. H. Hahne, n.,
P. A. Turquetil, 930* 62 q4Maps of Europe: Blatteinteilung
Estancia Valley, N. M.: Ej Geology and der tUbersichtskarte von Mitteleuropa,
Water Resources of-with notes on n., 479; Countries and Seas discovered
ground-water Conditions in Adjacent by Norwegians and Icelanders, 60o*;
parts of Central. O. E. Meinzer,Europe. 3x1* E. Banse, n., 240; Karte der

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Index 983

Haufigkeit der Schwankungen um den Fawcett, W., and A. B. Rendle, 392*

Frostpunkt. P. Schr6der, 719*; Two Fay, C. E., 44*
maps of west-central Europe: Princi- Fayette Gas Field, Ala. M. J. Munn,
pal Settlement Areas of the Beaker 869* qjTwo Maps, 557*
People; Distribution of Gold Lunulae Fehlinger, H., 396*
of the Early Bronze Age, 938*; Felcourt, E. de, 931*
Philips' Comparative Series of WallFenneman, N. M., Personal, 291
Atlases: Europe, n., 640; Das skan- Fenner, H. M., 226*
dische Senkungsgebeit mit Randhe- Ferguson, H. G., 554*
bungszentren. G. De Geer, n., 939; Ferguson, J., 942*
tUbersicht der Arbeiten an der neuen Fernald, M. L., 550*
Ufbersichtskarte von Europa, n., 479; Ferry, R., 471*
Ulebersichtsblatt zur topographischen Fewkes, J. W., 69; -, Hrdlicka, A.
Specialkarte von Mittel-Europa, n., and Others, 710*
479; Western Europe. Outlines for Fez: j Insurrection des tribus de la
Weather Map. B. V. Darbishire, n., region de. H. Gaillard, 312*; Fez.
720 Capt. Schneider, 393*; Vers Fez. J.
Evans, C. H., 709* Lavoix, 792*
Evans, G. W., 927* Ficker, H. v., 73*, 795*
Evans, H. A., 390* Fiegel, M. D., 307*
Everglades: q- and other Essays Filchner, W., 555*
Relating to southern Florida. J. Gif- Finlay, G., 942*
ford, n., 547; Truck Farming in the. Finnemore, J., 548*
W. Waldin, n., 547 Finnland: 'qHydrographie und Mete-
Ewart, A. C., 930* orologie Finnlands und der benach-
Exner, F. M., 397* barten Meere. J. Petersen, 714*; Die
Exploration, Airship in. H. Hergesell, nirdliche Steinzeitkultur in Finnland,
125 Norwegen und Schweden. A. M.
Explorers: qjLes Exmplorateurs. P. Hansen, 554*
Foncin, n., I45; On the Personal Char- Fippin, E. 0., 555*, 710*
acteristics of the Great Explorers. L. Fir, Douglas-. Properties and Uses
Darwin, 716* of. M. Cline and J. B. Knapp, 788*
Eydoux, D., 874* Fisch, R., 308*
Eyles, F., 711* Fischer, F., 932*
Fischer, H., 312*; - and Geistbeck,
M., 879
Fages, Pedro, Diary of. Expedition to Fischer, P. D., 634*
San Francisco Bay in 1770. Edited by Fischer, W., 395*
H. E. Bolton, 69* Fisher, E. J., 547
Fairchild, D., 234* Fisher, W. L., 549*
Falckner's Curieuse Nachricht von Fisheries. An Example of the Atti-
Pensylvania. A Reprint of thetude Edi-Toward Resources. R. M. Keir,
tion of 1702, amplified, etc., by 582 J. F.
Sachse, 946* Fitzgerald, J. E., 942*
Falconer, J. D., 458, 466*, 932* Fitzsimons, F. W., I43*
Falkenstein, J., 942* Flammarion, C., 235*
Falkland Islands. W. L. Allardyce, Fleming, J. A., 152*
148*; Whaling in, 526 q1Map of, I56*Fletcher, A. C. and La Flesche, F., 69*,
Fallex, M. See Niox, G. 77*
Fall River, Mass., History of. H. M. Fletcher, F. W. F., 625
Fenner, n., 226 Fletcher, R. S., 308*
Faris, R. L., 152*, 391*, 469* Fleury, E., 795*
Faroe Island, Map: q Die Faeroer. Flora: See Plants.
Nach den Vermessungen des dinischen Florence, Maps: 4 Florence in her Ele-
Generalstabs, 479* ments, 400*; Trade Routes leading to,
Fashoda: qlFachoda. Le partage de 400*
l'Afrique. G. Hanotaux, rev., 133 Florida: ' Agriculture. Farms, Live
Fassig, 0. L., 230*, 771; Personal, 370 Stock, etc., Census 1910, 869*; Ever-
Faucher, F., 871* glades and Other Essays Relating to
Fauchere, Inspecteur, 231* southern. J. Gifford, n., 547; Expedi-

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984 Index

tion to the Everglades of - by J. W. Foster, J. H. See Hodson, E. R.

Harshberger, 449; Truck Farming in Foster, W., 866*
the Everglades. W. Waldin, n., 547; Fougeres, G., 68*
Les Francais au Bresil et en Floride Fouladou, Le. (Senegal). R. Legrand,
(1530-1568). E. Guenin, 308*; Lands 93I*
of Leon. J. H. Reese, 229*; Prelim- Foureau, F., 942*
inary Report on Peat Deposits of. R.Fournier, E., 314*
M. Harper, 710*; Population, Census Fouta-Djallon, Un sejour au. F. Pobe-
I90o, 229*; Production of Phosphate guin, 932*
Rock during I911. E. H. Sellards, Fowle, F. E., 635*
Fowler, A. T., 76*
869*; Results of Spirit Leveling, 1911.
R. B. Marshall, 788*; Statistics of Fowler, F. G., and H. W., 548*
Manufactures, Census 1910, 550* Fowler, H. W., 548*
qlMaps: State of Florida, n., 796; Fowler, J. S., and W. Marriott, 862
Charts: Sand Key to Rebecca Shoal, Fowler, W. W., 467*
796*; Sapels Is. to Amelia Is., 236* Foxburg Quadrangle, Penn., Coal, Oil,
Florida Keys, Completion of the Rail- and Gas of the. E. W. Shaw and M.
road across the. R. M. Harper, 90; J. Munn, 311* q Geol. Maps, 878*
Erratum, 521 Fox Indians, Notes on the. W. Jones,
Flynn, N. F., 391* 549*
Foa, E., 942* France: qJEssai politique sur le revenu
Fohn: See under Winds. public des peuples de l'antiquite, . . .
Follansbee, R., 710* siecles modernes, et sp6cialement de la
Foncin, P., 145* France, etc. Ch. Ganith, 942*; La
Fontainebleau, L'erosion des gres de. France. (Text-book). F. Schrader
E. A. Martel, 474* et L. Gallouedec, 309*; France et
Forbes, R. H., 710* Chine. L'abbe 0. Girard, 943*; Die
Forch, C. & P. Zanetti, 706 franzosischen Handelshafen. A. Op-
Fordham, Sir Herbert G., 293, 468*, pel, 713*; Geographie ancienne his-
716*, 875* torique et compar6e des Gaules cisal-
Forests: ElZur Anthropogeographie des pine et transalpine. Baron Walcke-
Waldes. R. Marek, 876*; Effects of naer, 948*; La Geographie en France.
-upon Stream Flow, 607; Forest F. Kraentzel, 474*; Le XXXe Congres
Physiography . . . Principles of Soils National des Soc. Franq. de Geog.,
in Relation to Forestry. I. Bowman, 314*; Notes prelim. sur les gisements
rev., 127; - and Utilization of Land. de mollusques comestibles des cotes
F. Roth, 74*; Principles of Handling de -. Les Anses de la c6te occiden-
Woodlands. H. S. Graves, rev., 622; tale du Finistere et l'archipel de Sein.
-Resources of the World. R. Zon, J. Guerin-Ganivet, 713*; Service des
876* grandes forces hydrauliques dans la
Formosa: l Formosa under the Dutch. region des Alpes, 633*; Terres Fran-
W. Campbell, 941*; Japanese Ad- qaises. W. M. Fullerton, 942* q Maps
ministration in. G. W. Mackay, 72*; of France: Atlas classique. France
Materials for a Flora of. B. Hayata, et Colonies. Cartes geologiques,
232*; Report on the Control of the physiques, hypsometriques et politi-
ques. Schrader et Gallouedec, n.,
Aborigines in, rev., 921; Special Popu-
lation Census of, 1905, rev., 59 qIMaps8oo; Carte aeronautique, n., I58; Carte
of Formosa: Taiwan, n., 318 des glaciers du Mulinet, etc., - du
Forrest, G. W., 942* glacier de l'Arc. P. Girardin, 3I9*'
Fort Berthold Indian Reservation, N. Index Diagram Showing for France
D., Lignite in the-north of Missouri the Sheet Lines of the Air Map, 80*;
River. M. A. Pishel, 928* Cartes des gisements de coquilles-
Fort-de-l'Ecluse (Ain), Le defile de. comestibles de la partie de la c6te de
Contributions a l'histoire de la vallee la Manche entre Havre de St. Ger-
du Rh6ne a l'epoque pleistocene. W. main et l'Anse de Vauville; - entre
Kilian, 474* l'Anse de Vauville et Saint-Vaast.
Fortescue, G., 230*, 392* L. Joubin, n., 560 EqFrench Colonies:
Fort George, Canada, Growth of, 771Les chemins de fer coloniaux franqais.
Forth, The Story of the. H. M. Cadell,R. Godfernaux, rev., 862; Recueil des
795* Traites conclus par la France en Ex-

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Index 985

treme-Orient (1684-I902). L. de Funke, M. R., 150*

Reinach, 390*; Les soies dans l'ex- Furbach, P., 789*
treme Orient et dans les colonies Furlong, C. W., 118*, 311*
francaises.. H. J. de Cordemoy,Furneaux,
94I*; J. H., 942*
Statistiques des chemins de fer des Fusan: jIFusan oder Pusan, 72*
colonies francaises jurqiua l'annee Fynn, V. A., 789*
19Io, 395* G
Franche Conte, Bourgogne, Narbon- Gabun: Les chemins de fer du Ga-
naise. W. M. Fullerton, 942*
bon et du Congo francais, 792*; Ce
Francis, H. N., 210
qu'il faut faire sur le littoral du Ga-
Franck, H. A., 6i
bon. G. Nzamba, 631*; Ce qu'il faut
Franconia: q Geographisches Statis- faire dans le nord du. G. Nzamba,
tisch-Topographisches Lexikon von 392*; Gabon et Moyen-Congo: etude
Franken. J. R. Bundschuh, 941*
sur le pays Koudou-Djouah. De-
Fran onian Jtra: 4jRecherches spele-
brand, 312*
ologiques et hydrologiques dans le Gadow, H., 131
Jura Franc-Contois. E. Fournier, 314*
Gagel, C., 151*
Frank, A., 395* Gaillard, E., 926*
Franklin, G. E., 461 Gaillard, G., 232*
Fraser, A., 470* Gaillard, H., 312*
Fraser, J., 942* Galapagos, Les fles-et le Canal du
Fraser, M., 633* Panama. P. Walle, 148*
Frazer, J. G., 543, 787* Gale, H. S., 469*
Frech, F., 393*, 554* Galicia: q Die Galizisch-Podolische
Freeman, W. B. and R. H. Bolster, 69*, Schwarzerde, ihre Entstehung, usw.
469*; - and J. G. Mathers, 469*, L. Buber, 228*
710*; See also Lamb, W. A. Galla: 'qBeitrage zur Ethnographie
Freeman, W. G. and S. E. Chandler, und Anthropologie der - Harari,
545 Somal. P. Paulitschke, 945*
Freer, P. C., 712* Galle, P. H., 635*
Fremont, E. B., Recollections of - Gallois, E., 393*, 871*
Daughter of the Pathfinder Gen. J. C. Gallois, L., 873*, 874*
Fremont, etc. Compiled by I. T. Mar- Gallou6dec, L., 219; See also Schra-
tin, n., 786 der, F.
French Colonies: See under France. Gallus, 791*
French Equatorial Africa: See under Galti6, L., 87I*
Africa:-Guiana: See under Guiana; Gammon, C. F., 285*, 348
-Guinea: See under Guinea;-Indo- Ganges: Q Une ancienne carte des
China: See Indo-China;-West Africa:sources du Gange. C. E. Bonin, 234*
See under Africa. Ganith, Ch., 942*
Friederici, G., 784, 793*, 923 Gannett, F., 710*
Friedlaender, I., 793* Gannett, H., 399
Friedrich, W., 633* Garbutt, H. W., 711*
Fritsch, G., 942* Garcia, P., 72*
Garde, G., 780
Frobenius, L., 72*
Gardiner, S. R., 942*
Froidevaux, H., Collat, O., and Others,
Garibaldi, Giuseppe: q Garibaldi's De-
fense of the Roman Republic; - and
Frost: q Frost Cartridges, 125; Frost the Making of Italy; - and the
Forecasting and Protection, 6II Thousand. G. M. Trevelyan, 947*
Friih, J. See Maurer, J. Garlanda, F., 228*
Frye, A. E., 146* Garrett, A. O., 142*
Fryer, J. See Roe, Sir T. Gascony, Landes und Dunes of. C.
Fuchs, H., 942* Cobb, 314*
Fuenzalida, J. del C., & H. Polakowski, Gaul: qj Geographie ancienne historique
630* et comparee des Gaules cisalpine et
Fuji Mt., Vegetation of. B. Hayata, transalpine. Baron Walckenaer, 948*
227* Gaumnitz, A. J. See Shaw, C. W.
Fuller, M. L., 203, 710*; See also Gautier, E. F. and Chudeau, R., 696
Hall, C. W. Geddes. P. and Mears, F. C., 474*
Fullerton, W. M., 942* Geer, T. T., 778

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986 Index

Gehne, H., 939 Asia, 72, 149, 232, 313, 393, 472, 553,
Geiger, L. See Zoeppritz, K. 632, 712, 793, 872
Geikie, J., 73*, 715* Australasia and Oceania, 73, 150,
Geistbeck, M. See Fischer, H. 232, 3I3, 394, 473, 554, 632, 712, 793
Gelder, A. van, 396* Europe, 73, 151, 233, 314, 394, 474,
Gelder, J. K. van, 633* 554, 633, 7I3, 794, 873
Gemmingen, v., 307 Polar Regions, 74, I52, 475, 555, 634,
Geneva, Maps: q Hydrographie du 714, 795, 875
Bassin de Geneve. Capture de Theiry. Anthropogeography, 395, 876
C. Rabot, 8o* Anthropology, 234
Gennep, A. van, 871* Economic Geography, 74, I52, 234,
Genthe, M. K., 27 396, 475, 795, 876
Gentil, L., 552* Cartography, 395, 876
Genty de Bussy, M., 943* Educational Geography, 153, 234,
Geochemistry, The Data of. F. W. 396
Clarke, 315* Ethnography, 396
Geodesy, Recent Progress in. A. R. Historical Geography, 234, 3I5, 396
Hinks, 315* Physical Geography, 152, 234, 315,
Geographi latini minores. A. Riese, 396, 475, 555, 635, 715, 795, 876
946* General, 74, 315, 397, 475, 7I6
Geographic Board of Canada: Deci- Geographical Record, 44, xI6, 203,
sions, 230*; Ninth Report: 4-I91o0, 285, 364, 448, 518, 607, 684, 769, 848,
470*; - of the U. S.: Decisions, 311*,
550*, 789*, 929*; See also Place- Geographical Magazine, Vols. f, II.
Names. (1782-3). W. F. Martyn, 944*
Geographical Bibliography: XXe Bib- Geographical Material Destroyed by
liogr. Geogr. Annuelle I9I0, n., 547 Fire, 522
Geographical Collection: 1 Galleria Geographical Publications, New: EBul-
Geografica des Vatikans. E. Schmidt, letin of the Servian Geog. Soc., 855;
397* La Geografia, 776
Geographical Congresses. q(Tenth In- Geographical Societies: New Chilean
ternational Geographical Congress, Geog. & Hist. Soc., 451; - in Mint;e-
sota, 119; Geogr. Soc. of Wisconsin.
124, 370; Der I8. deutsche Geograph- 608
entag in Innsbruck. E. Scheu, R.
Reinhard and F. Jaeger, 874*; Die Geographical Surveying, Instruction
x8. Tagung des Deutschen Geograph- in. I. N. Dracopoli, 512
entages zu Innsbruck in der Pfingst-Geographische Abhandlungen, 6o0, 918
Geography. j Comment on Col. Close's
woche 1912. P. Langhans, 874*;
Address on the Purpose and Position
Eighteenth Meeting of German Geog-
raphers, 453; Die erste schweizer- of Geography. M. K. Genthe, 27;
ische Geographielehrertag. E. Bar- Il contributo degli Italiani . . . agli
tschi, 396*; Le XXXe Congres Na- studi geografici, etc. G. Riechieri,
tional des Societes Francaises de 794*; Geografia Generale. Capt.
Geographie, 314* Giannitrapani, n., 391; La geographie
Geographical Dictionaries: q Diccion- en France. F. Kraentzel, 474*; Geog-
ario Geosrifico dLl Uruguay. O. raphy at the British Association,
Araujo, 925* Portsmouth Meeting, I9II. A. J.
Geographical Literature and Maps: Herbertson, 397* The Meeting of the
Accessions to the Library, 53, 127, 221, British Association, 397*; - in the
295, 371, 455, 531, 613, 693, 777, 8<7, Encyclopaedia Britannica, A. J. Her-
919 bertson, 74*; Home - and Type
Geographical Papers, Current: Studies. A. E. Frye, 146*; Some re-
North America, 69, 146, 229, 310, cent Contributions to. G. G. Chisholm,
391, 468, 549, 627, 710, 788, 868, 927 397*; Relations of - to Geology.
Central America and West Indies, vV. M. Davis, 908
70, I47, 230, 392, 470, 550, 630, 70o, Geography Teaching: qJZur Behar d-
789, 870, 930 lung der Polarforschung in hbheren
South America, 70, 148, 230, 311, Schulen. F. Schulze, 153*; Clark
392, 471, 551, 630, 790, 869, 930 University's Work in Geography, 47;
Africa, 71, 148, 231, 312, 392, 471, Courses on the Geography of the
552, 630, 710, 791, 870, 931 Orient, 6o1; Ensayo de analisis y

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Index 987

sintesis y geograficas. C. G. Alonso,Berry, rev., 864; An Essay in Histor-

396*; La ensefianza superior de la ical Geography: 'The Making of
geograffa. S. Tellez, 153*; La Geog- Scotland. W. R. Kermack, 875*;
raphie en Allemagne et en Autriche. Etude de geographie historique:
F. Kraentzel, 554*; Uber geograph- Spitsberg dans l'histoire diplomatique.
ischeCharakterbilder. K. Huttl, 716*; A. Raestad, 875*
Geographische Unterricht in nicht- Mathematical Geography: q Com-
deutscher Sprache an den Hochschu- pendium of Mathematical, Physical
len Mittel- und Nordeuropas im Win- and Political Geography (In Yidish).
tersemester, I911/12, 234*; Geograph- A. Harkavy, rev., 704; Mathemat-
ische Reisen als Gegenstand einer ische Geographie. H. J. Klein, rev.,
Vorlesung an der Universitat. W. 864
Ule, 234*; Laying Emphasis in Teach- Military Geography: q Outlines of
ing Geography in Asia. R. H. Whit- Military Geography. A. C. McDon-
beck, 149*; Neue Bahnen fur den erd-nell, rev., 865
kundlichen Unterricht an deutschen Physical Geography: fIICourse in
Schulen, 233*; Some Points to Em- Meteorology and Physical Geography.
phasize in Teaching Geography of C. R. Dryer, 235*; Field Work in
Africa. C. W. Hotchkiss, 396*; The Physical Geography. C. R. Dryer,
Present Status of Geography Teach- 235*
ing. E. M. McMillan, 234*; Report Political Geography: ElPolitische Ge-
of a Conference on the Teaching ofographie. E. Sch6ne, n., 709
Geography in London Elementary School Geography: 4q Climatic Con-
Schools, 229*; Value of the Physical
trol (Black's School Geography). L.
vs. the Human Element in SecondaryC. W. Bonacina, rev., 221; Commer-
School Geography. F. Carney, 153* cial Geography:-C. C. Adams, 229*;
Anthropogeography: qlZur Anthro- -. J. W. Redway, rev., 221; -
pogeographie des Waldes. R. Marek, General and Regional. J. F. Unstead
876*; Einfluss der Wasserfillen auf
and E. G. R. Taylor, n., 309; - of
die Ansiedelungen der Menschen. F.
the British Isles. A. J. Herbertson,
Kyaw, 228*; Les genres de vie dans
229*; Elementary Geography. C. F.
la geographie humaine. P. Vidal de
King, 309*; Elementary Physical Ge-
la Blache, 395*; Neuere Beitrage
zur Landeskunde von Hessen: Anth-
ography. Outline of Physiography.
J. W. Redway, 229*; Exercises in
ropogeographie. W. Diemer, 73*; Practical
Kli- Geography on the British
maschwankungen und Volkerwander- Isles. C. R. Dudley, rev., 64; Fifth
ungen im I9. Jahrhundert. E. Bruck-
year geography of N. Y. State, 145*
ner, 876* Hight School Geography. Physical,
Comparative Geography: j Statis- Economic, and Regional. C. R. Dryer,
tique annuelle de Geographie humaine rev., 383; The New Outlook Geog-
comparee. J. Birot, 716* raphy. W. C. Brown and P. H.
Economic Geography: 4Die deutsch- Johnson, 309*; Physical Geography
en Seestadte an der Nord und Ostsee. for South African Schools. A. L. du
Ein wirtschaftsgeographischer Ver- Tcit, n., 626; Systematic Geography
gleich. A. Oppel, 395*; Some Geo- of America. G. W. Webb, rev., 63;
graphic Relations illustrated in the Teachers' Geography. Man and Cli-
Practice of Agriculture. R. E. Dodge, mate. M. Jefferson, rev., 622; World
277; Grundriss der Allgemeinen Geography. R. S. Tarr and F. M.
Wirtschafts- und Verkehrsgeographie. McMurry, 229*
J. Stoiser, n., 709; Measurement in Geologen-Kalender, I9I1. W. Quit-
Economic Geography: Its Principle zow, 946*
and Practice. B. C. Wallis, 396*; Geology: EIGeology and Economics. J.
Notes on Economic Geography. A. F. Kemp, 152*; Earth Features and
P. Brigham, 152*; Wirtschaftliche their Meaning. An Introduction to
Abhangigkeit Rheinland - Westfalens Geology. W. H. Hobbs, rev., 384;
vom Boden. Eine wirtFchaftsgeo- History of Geology. H. B. Wood-
graphisch-heimatkundliche Studie. M.ward, rev., 66; Principles and Ob-
Eckert, 314* jects of-with special Reference to
Ethnogeography: j System der Eth-Geology of Egypt. W. F. Hume, n.,
no-Geographie. W. Pessler, 396* 390; Relation of Geography to - W.
Historical Geography: Qj Association M. Davis, 7I6*; Revision of the Pal-
of History and Geography. A. J. eozoic Systems. E. O. Ulrich, 235*;

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988 Index

La science geologique. L. de Launey, graphischen Bedeutung. E. Schmidt,

944*; Student's Handbook of Strati- 73*, 15 r* Eisverhaltnisse an den deut-
graphical -. A. J. Jukes-Browne, schen Kiisten. 0. Steffens, 234*; Ent-
rev., 863; Die Trogfrage. R. Lucer- stehung und Bau der deutschen Mit-
na, 397*; The XIIth International telgebirge. R. Reinisch, rev., 6i;
Congress of, 69I Geol. Aufbau und die Oberflachen-
Aeolian Geology: 4JAn Aeolian City. gestaltung N. W.-Deutschlands. K.
V. A. Obruchev, 916; L'erosion eoli- Olbricht, 73*; iUber die Gliederung
enne et ses effets dans les regions de- der Glazialbildungen Norddeutsch-
sertiques. C. Velain, 315* lands und die Stellung des - Rand-
Geomorphology: El Entstehung der Kon- losses. F. Wahnschaffe, 233*; Die
tinente. A. Wegener, 7I5*; Forms of Lage der Grosstadte. A. Penck, 713*;
Terrestrial Relief, rev., 94; Notes on Nordost-Deutschland. Handbuch fur
the Description of Land Forms. W. Reisende. K. Baedeker, 390*; Some
M. Davis, 908; Repeating Patterns in Notes on Forestry. W. H. Miller,
the Relief and in Structure of the
233*; Die Slawen in Deutschland.
Land. W. H. Hobbs, 235*
Geophysics: Physik der Erde. M. P. F. Tetzner, 947*; Statistches Jahr-
buch fur das Deutsche Reich, 1911,
Rudzki, rev., 222
George, R. D., 469* 73*; Vierunddreissigster Jahresbe-
richt iiber die Tiitigkeit der Deutsch-
Georgia: ] Agriculture. Farms, Live
Stock, etc. Census 1910, 869*; The en Seewarte, 1911, 555*; Vergleich-
Georgia Annual, 1912,, 708*; Popu- ende Untersuchungen fiber die Vege-
lation, Census 1910, 229*; Prel. Re- tationsformationen des inneren Nord-
port on Geology of the Coastal Plain westdeutschland, usw. P. Thor-
of. 0. Veatch and L. W. Stephenson, meyer, 309*; Volkstamme und Land-
628*; Report on Limestones and Ce-schaften. 0. Weise, 709*; Wiisten-
ment Materials of Northern. T. P. formen in Deutschland? S. Passarge,
234*; q1 Historical: Die Chronologie
Maynard, 928*; Statistics of Manu-
der iiltesten Bronzezeit in Nord-
factures, -Census 1910, 550* E4Maps
of Georgia: Milledgeville Quad., Deutschland und Skandinavien. 0.
556*; Charts: Ossabaw Sound, Ver- Montelius, 945*; Der deutsch-diin-
non and Ogeechee Rs.; from Sapelo ische Krieg. WV. Riistow, 946*; Die
I. to Amelia I, 236* Herkunft der Germanen. G. Kos-
German Colonies: See under Germany; sinna, 228*; Der Krieg von x866 in
German East Africa and German Deutschland und Italien. W. Rius-
Southwest Africa: See under Africa; tow, 946*; Neuwe Chorographia und
German New Guinea: See under New Histori Teutscher Nation. Jacob
Guinea. Schopper (1582), 947* IlMaps of
Germany: qI Die aussersten Jungend- Germany: Deutsche Ansiedlung in
moranen in Norddentschland und der Ostmark, Jan., 1911, n., 80o; ber-
ihre Beziehung zur Nordgrenze und sicht der Neuausgabe von Vogels
zum Alter der L6ss. E. Werth, Karte des Deutschen Reichs, usw.,
633*; Beitriige zur morphologischen 239*; Ubersichts-Blatt zu der Karte
Entwicklungsgeschichte der Nordsee- des Deutschen Reiches, n., 479; tUber-
kiiste mit besonderer Beriicksichtung sichtsblatt zur topographischen Ober-
der Diinen tragenden Inseln. W. sichtskarte des Deutschen Reiches, n.,
Ordemann, 874*; Diinenbuch. F. Sol- 479 {] German Colonies: l Arbeiter-
ger, P. Graebner, and others, rev., frage in den Kolonien, 876*; Baum-
617; Sandbainke an der Kiiste der wollunternehmungen. K. Supf, 713*;
Deutschen Bucht der Nordsee. H. Die deutschen Kolonien. A. Heilborn,
Poppen, 794*; Bewegung der Bevolke-
n., 390; Deutschland's Kolonien. K.
rung im Jahre 1909, 151*; Deut-
schen Ortsnamen im Nordostdeut- H assert, 943*; Entwicklung, Metho-
den und Probleme der Geographie
schen Kolonialgebiet. F. Curschmann,
der. C. Uhlig, 233*; German Col-
n., 626; Comparative Study of Imports
onies, I909-10. J. Dunstan, 233*;
and Exports of Great Britain, Ger- Gesundheitvethaltnisse. P. Kuhn,
many and the U. S. in the Last Thirty
Years. J. J. Macfarlane, 628*; Die 713*; Jahrbuch iiber die deutschen
deutschen Seestiidte an der Nord undKolonien, 1911, n., 39I, 1912, n., 867;
Ostsee. Ein wirtschaftsgeographischerZum neuen Jahr [Summary oi the
Vergleich. A. Oppel, 395*; Deutsch- present industrial and commercial
lands Grenzen in ihrer verkehrsgeo- status, I9I0]. 0. Warburg, 7I3*;

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Index 989

Pflanzungen der Europaer unserer Sandford Glacier, I911. H. Palmer,

tropischen Schutzgebiete, 910o. F. 550*; Phenomena Associated with
Stuhlmann, 794*; Stand des Eisen- Glacier Drainage and Wastage, with
bahnbaues in den Schutzgebieten, 713* special reference to observations in
Germein Bay: j Germein-Bucht mit Yakutat Bay Region. O. D. von En-
Port Pirie, I50* geln, 469*; Survey of the Siachen
Germete bei Warburg, Die Umgebung Glacier. F. B. Workman, 897; Der
der Mineralquellen von (Map), 560* Tschochogletscher in Baltistan. K.
Geyer, G., 73* Oestreich, 393*; Variations p6riodi-
Ghadames: 4j L'importanza dell'Oasi di ques des Glaciers. C. Rabot, 235*
Gadames. A. M. Annoni, 792* EjMaps: Carte du glacier des sources
Ghaie und Raluan, Tatigkeit der Vul- de l'Arc. P. Girardin, 319*; Carte
kane. K. Sapper, 150* des glaciers du Mulinet, du Grand
Ghimirra, Le. G. Montandon, 631* Mean et des tvettes. P. Girardin,
Ghisleri, A., 534 319*; Gletscher des unteren Kupfer-
Giannitrapani, L., 151*, 391* flusses. L. Martin, 935*; Four maps
Gianno, S., 149* to illustrate glaciation of Wisconsin,
Gibbs, H. D., 313* Michigan, Minnesota, 77*; Karte
Gibson, C. G., 473* des Inn- und Salzachgletschers, 480*;
Gifford, J., 74*, 547* Seven Maps illustrating Pleistocene
Gigas, E., 396* glaciation of Superior Lake Region,
Gilchrist, C. A., 313* 77*; Tongue of Sir Sandford Gla-
Girard, A., 315* cier. H. Palmer, 878*; Verlauf der
Girard, 0., 943* Endmiranen zwischen Storchnest und
Girardin, P., 319* der Oder, 639*; Verlauf der Lissauer
Gironcourt, G. de, 631* Endmoranen von Dolzig bis zur rus-
Gisbert, D. F., 288 sischer Grenze, 639*
Glacial Epoch: I Eiszeit und Urge- Glacier National Park, Mont. Topo-
schichte des Menschen. H. Pohlig, graphic Map of, n., 398
n., 709; Wurde die Eiszeit durch eineGlass, F. C., 925*
Temperaturerniedrigung hervorgeru-Gleaves, A., 793*
fen oder nicht? F. N6lke, 635* Gloucestershire (Cambridge County
Glaciation and Glaciers. qAustralian Geogranhies). H. A. Evans, n., 390
Glaciation. W. Howchin, 554*; Beo- Gmelin, Johann Georg-I709-1755. Der
bachtungen iiber die Einwirkung der Erforscher Sibiriens, n., 467
Strahlung auf das Gletschereis. J. Godavari, India, Geography of. S.
Y. Buchanan, 635*; Corrasion by W. Cushing, 232*
Gravity Streams, with Applications of Godfernaux, R., 862
Ice Flood Hypothesis. E. C. An- Godfrey, S. H., 872*, 936*
drews, 234*; Die Entstehung der Goes, K., 699
Trogtaler zur Eiszeit. E. v. Dry- Goffin, l'Ingenieur, et Dryepondt, M.,
galski, 875*; Die Trogfrage. R. 791*
Lucerna, 397*; Glacial Geology of Gold: EIGold and Silver Mining and
Schenectady Quadrangle. J. H. Stol- Reduction Processes as Responses to
ler, 628*; Glaciations quaternaires Geographic Conditions. G. D. Hub-
dans la Siberie meridionale et la Mon- bard, 234*; Influence of Gold and
golie occidentale. A. Allix, 872*; Silver Mining upon the Characters of
A Plea for Dr. Croll [Glacial phe- Men. G. D. Hubbard, 396*; Output
nomena]. J. R. Donald, 715*; Revue of fine Gold, 234*
de Glaciologie, 1903-1907. C. Rabot, Gold Coast: q Cocoa Industry. C. E.
rev., 385; Glaciation of the Alaska Cookson, 711*; Kakaokultur an der
Range. S. R. Capps, 788* J Glaciers: Goldkiiste, 711*; Gold Coast Palaver.
Glaciers and Glaciation of Alaska. Life on the. L. P. Bowler, rev., 377;
R. S. Tarr, 549*; Glaciers East of Kulturelle Wandlungen an der Gold-
Mt. Wrangell, 365; In and Around kiiste im I9. Jahrhundert. F. Fischer,
the Morteratsch Glacier: Study in 932*
the Natural History of Ice. J. Y. Goldthwait, J. W., 147*, 287
Buchanan, 875*; Kurze Ubersicht Gomera, die Waldinsel der Kanaren.
iiber die Gletschergebiete siidlichen
W. Mav, 866*
Norwegens. J. Rekstad, 395*; Ob- Gomes, E. H., 313*
servations on Glaciers in 1909. G. Gomme, Sir Laurence, 625
Vaux, Jr., 789*; Observations onGonzalez,
Sir P., 630*

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990 Index

Goode, J. P., 8i, Personal, 292 Haverfield, n., 926; Types of British
Goodrich, J. K., 379, 779 Vegetation, n., 144 Q Maps of Great
Gopcevi6, S., 943* Britain: Maps accompanying "The
Goplo Lake, Map: Tiefenkarte des Distribution of Early Bronze Age
Goplo-Sees (Preussischer Anteil). H. Settlements in Britain," 938*
Schutze, n., 938 Great Lakes: q Highways and Byways
Gordon, A. R., and Tyrrell, J. W., of. C. Johnson, rev., 55; The Use of
155* the Great Lakes. R. R. McCormick,
Gorzente, La pioggia nell'alta valle 628*; Uses of the. G. S. Villiams,
del -. Contributo alla climatologia 629*
Greece: q Beschleunigter Reiseverkehr
dell'Appennino Ligure. G. Anfossi,
474* mit Griechenland. R. Hennig, 151*;
Gosling, W. G., I29 Grece. (Guides-Joanne). G. Fou-
Gosnell, R. E., 624 geres, 68*; Geschichte der wissen-
Gotha: EZur Geschichte der Gothaer schaftlichen Erdkunde der Griechen.
Kartographie. H. Wagner, 555* H. Berger, 940*; Geschichte Griechen-
Gotland: E(Hufvuddragen af Gotlands-lands von der Eroberung Konstanti-
nopels im Jahre 1453. bis auf unsere
fysikt-geografiska untweckling efter
istiden. H. Munthe, 395* Tage. K. Mendelssohn Bartholdy,
Gotz, W., 943* 940*; Greek Commonwealth. Poli-
Gould, C. N., 69* tics and Economics in Fifth-Century
Gouldsbury, C., and H. Sheane, 458 Athens. A. E. Zimmern, n., 787; His-
Goulven, J., 792* tory of Greek and Byzantine Empires,
Graebner, F., 478* from 716 to 1453. G. Finley, 942*;
Graebner, P. See Solger, F. Les Katavothres de Grece [sink holes].
Graesse, J. G. Th., 943* N. A. Siderides, 233*; Prehistoric
Grand Mountain (Selkirk Range), Thessaly. Being account of recent ex-
First Ascent of. H. Palmer, 629* cavations, etc., in North-Western
Grandidier, A., 943* Greece from Lake Kopais to the Bor-
Grant, U. S., Personal, 612 ders of Macedonia. A. J. B. Wace
Grant, W. L., I47* and M. S. Thompson, 626*; Versuch
Grass, The Wire-. R. M. Harper,396* einer Darstellung der griechischen
Grasset, Capt., 376, 399* Windverhaltnisse und ihrer Wirkungs-
Gratacap, L. P., 466* weise. A. Stange, 713*
Graves, C. B. & E. H. Eames, 710* Greely, A. W., 525, 555*
Graves, H. S., 74*, 229*, 3 10*, 622, Greene, F. V., 455
788* Greenland: qjDanmark Ekspeditionen
Gravier, G., 714* til Gr4nlands nordostkyst 1906-8, 634*;
Gravitation, Theorie der. G. Jau- Auf Eisbaren und Moschusochsen. R.
mann, 876* Kmunke, n., 627; Greenland again
Gravity: q Effect of Topography and crossed, 689; Meddelelser orm Grzn-
Isostatic Compensation upon the in- land, I9II, 634*; Mikkelsen's Return
tensity of Gravity. J. F. Hayford & from East, 690; A. New - Expedi-
W. Bowie, rev., 464; The Force of tion, 289; Dr. de Quervain's Trip
Gravity and Methods of Measuring across the - Ice-Cap, 855; Eastern
it. C. H. Swick, 183 and Western Settlements of Green-
Grayback Mining District, Col., Ge- land, 160*; Uber den Untergang der
ology of. H. B. Patton, C. E. Smith alten islandischen Kolonie auf Gron-
and Others, 869* land. G. Meldorf, 74* qlMaps of
Great Basin Drainage. W. B. Clapp Greenland: Eastern Settlement, West-
and F. F. Henshaw, 549* ern settlement, n., x60; Kartenskizze
Great Britain: See also England, Scot- der Umgebung von Karsuarsuk, Nord-
seite der Halbinsel Nugsuak, N. W.
land, Wales, & United Kingdom:
qlBeautiful Britain. J. E. Morris & Grbnland. A. Heim, 560*; Nord-
G. E. Mitton, 867*; British Place- boruii:er i Julianehaab Omegn, n.,
Names in their Historical Setting. E. 560; Das skandische Senkungsgebiet
McClure, n., I44; Cambridge County mit Randhebungszentren. G. Geer,
Geographies, n., 390, 626*; Races of n., 939; Sketch of area investigated
Britain. J. Beddoe, 940*; The Ro- for plankton during "Danmark-Ex-
manization of Roman Britain. F. pedition," 1906-8, 640*; Sketch map

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Index 991

of the east coast of N. E. - between to Mount Roraima. H. E. Crampton,

80? and 81? N. L. showing position 471*; My Journey from Kalacoon to
and extension of carboniferous rocks, the Orinoco. M. McTurk, 471*;
640* Some of the preventable Diseases of
Gregory, H. E. See Dale, T. H. -and what we can do to prevent
Gregory, J. W., 232*, 235* them. A. T. Ozzard, 230*; Synopti-
Gregory, M. H., 924 cal View of the Mosquitos of, 230*;
Gregory, R. E., 69* Trade for I907, 930*; Trip to the
Greifswald, Das Klima von. C. Hahn- Abary Creek. C. W. E. Humphreys,
dorf, 73* 230* qjMaps of British Guiana: The
Greim, G., Partsch, J., and Others, Daily Chronicle Map of, n., 476
795* Dutch Guiana: EjTrade for I907,
Grenfell, W. T., 2II 930*; Verslag der Corantijn-Expedi-
Grenoble, Vienne, Dijon. Quelques tie 1910-11. C. C. Kayser, 791*
etudes de villes. L. Gallois, 873* ElMaps of Dutch Guiana: De Coran-
Greswell, W. P., 943* tijn, n., 798; Overzichtskarte van
Grevel, W., 314* Suriname, n., 798
Grierson, G. A., 860 French Guiana. Q]Guyane francaise.
Griffis, W. E., 227*, 867*, 943* Production miniere en 1909, 392*
Griffith, E. L., 711* Guild, F. N., 54
Griffith, F. L. See Crowfoot, W. J. Guillain, M., 943*
Griffith, W., and E. T. Conner, 710* Guillotel, F., 469*
Griffiths, A., 787* Guimaras, West Coast of: Chart of
Grinnell, G. B., 943* Santa Ana Bay, 636*
Grisons: qfGrundtliche und warhaffte Guinea: q Short Account of that Part
Beschreibung der uralten Alpischen of Africa Inhabited by the Neg;oes
Rhetie. Tschudi, (I560), 947* . .. and the Manner by which the
Groll, M., 634* See also Diest, W. v. Slave Trade is carried on. A. Bene-
Groller, M. von & E. Bormann, 943* zet (1772), 940*; Vejledning til Akra-
Groot, J. J. M. de, 926* Sproget pa Kisten Ginea. R. Rask,
Grosier, L'abbe. See Moyriac de 946*
Mailla, J. A. A. de. French Guinea: qlChemin de fer de
Groth, B. H. A., 627* Guinee et la Navigation du Niger,
Grothe, H., and Others, 302, 318* 312*; Les frontieres de la Guinee
Gsell Fels, Th., 867* Franqaise, de Sierre Leone et du
Guarneri, A., 874* Liberia. A. Terrier, 931*; Guinee
Guas Ngishu Plateau, Notes on the Francaise, 932*; Un Sejour au Fouta
Haunts and Habits of the Elephant Djallon. F. Pobeguin, 932*
on. A. C. Hoey, 71* Portuguese Guinea: qlSketch map
Guatemala: q Guatemala in I9I0, 230*; showing routes of P. H. G. Powell-
Statistical and Commercial History of
Cotton & C. S. Burnett, 559*
the Kingdom of. (I823). D. Juarros,
Spanish Guinea: q Guinea Espafiola,
Guayule, The Story of. (A source of
rubber), 715* Guinnes, G., 943*
Gu6nin, E., 308* Gujarait, Political and Statistical His-
Guerin-Ganivet, J., 713* tory of. J. Bird, 940*
Guerrero: IjEstudio sobra la ciudad de Gulf Stream: qlThe Gulf Stream. J.
Sta. Maria de Chilapa. V. de P. E. Pillsbury, 928*; Le - dans les
Andrade, 392*; Ueber die Ursache mers de l'Europe occidentale. C.
der letzten grossen Erdbeben von Cepede, 396*
Kalifornien und an der Kueste von. Gulkana and Susitna Rivers, Head-
E. Boese, 549* water Regions of. F. H. Moffit, 928*
Guggisberg, F. G., 143* Gullett, H. S., 313*
Guiana, British: l Americans of the Gunnison, J. W., 943*
Interior of. J. Williams, 790*; Boun- Gunther, K., 467*
daries of British Guiana. J. A. J. de Gunther, S., 707
Villiers, 790*; In the Guiana Forest. Gutenberg, B. See Zoeppritz, K.
J. Rodway, n., 466; Gold and Dia- Guthe, H., 782
mond Industries, 551*; - and Brazil Gwynn, C. W., 71*

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992 Index

H Hautes-Pyrenees, Utilisation industri-

Habenicht, H., and Wichmann, H., elle des torrents de montagne dans
800 les. D. Eydoux, 874*
Haeberle, A. T., 630: Hauthal, R. H., 78*, 614
Hagenbeck, C., 226 Hautreux, A., 529
Hahn, C. v., 233*, 925* Haverfield, F., 926*
Hahn, F., 73* Hawaii, Territory of: Population, Cen-
Hahn, P. D., 149* sus 910o, 229* q Chart, 237*
Hahndorf, C., 73* Hayata, B., 227*, 232*
Hahne, H., 62 Hayden, H. H., 150*
Haillot, Commandant, 227* Hayes, Sir John, A Forgotten Navi-
Haiti: q Haiti in I9I0, 147* gator and His Voyage of I793. I.
Halbfass, W., 315*, 475* Lee, 234*
Hale, A., 471*, 931*
Hayford, J. F. and W. Bowie, 464
Hazard, D. L., 69*, 471*, 790*, 868*
Hall, C. W., 0. E. Meinzer & M. L.
Fuller, 69*
Headden, W. P., 391*
Hall, E. H., 624
Heath River, 311* (IMap: Position of
the, n., I56
Hall, M. R. and J. G. Mathers, 710*,
Heaton, E. W., 3o0*
Hebard, G. R., 142*
Hall, R. N., 477*
Hall, S. C., I38 Hebrides, Map (International), 400*
Hall, W. L. and Maxwell, H., 788* Hedin, S., 468, 548*
Hallstr6m, G., 395* Heidke, P., 231*, 711*
Heilborn, A., 390*
Hamberg, A., 397*
Hamburg: EjHundert Jahre Hamburg- Heim, A., 560; Heim's Ascent of
Smeroe, 453
ischen Suidfruchthandels (1790-I890).
Heim, F., 795*
R. Dannenbaum, 874*; Port of Ham-
Hein, C., 233*
burg. E. J. Clapp, rev., 860
Hammer. M., 793*
Hejas, E., 151*
Heldring, 0. G., 633*
Hammer, W. See Ampferer, O.
Helferich, E., 632*
Hamy, E. T., 385 Helland-Hansen, B., 315*
Handel-Mazzetti, H. v., 937*
Hellauer, J., 64
Hann, J., 875*
Hemmeon, J. C., 548
Hannig, Capt., 313* Henderson, B., 151*
Hanotaux, G., 133
Henglein, M., 876*
Hansch, F., 870*
Henkel, F. W., 305
Hansen, A. M., 554* Hennig, R., 68*, 151*, 873*
Hapke, R., 930* Henninig, C. L., 613, 788*
Harari: l Beitrage zur Ethnographie Henrici, E. 0., 397*, 47I*, 710*
und Anthropologie der -, Somal, Henry, A. J., 310*, 927*
Galla. P. Paulitschke, 945*
Henry, J. P., 943*
Harbort, E., 151* Henry of Portugal, Prince-and His
Harkavy, A., 704 Political, Commercial and Colonizing
Harper, R. M., 90, 310*, 396*, 635*, Work. C. R. Beazley, 396*
71o* Henshaw, F. F. See Clapp, W. B.*
Harris, J. T. and F. Kiefer, 788* & Lamb, W. A.
Harshberger, J. W., 449 Henshaw, H. W., 868*;-and C. Birds-
Hartmann, 0., 228*
eye, 69*, 469*
Hartmann, R., 943*
Haseman, J. D., 790* Henson, M. A., 548
Haslehust, E. W. See Thomas, E. Herbert, A., 217
Herbertson, A. J., 74*, I23, 229*, 397*
Hassam, A. and Odeh, N., I46*
Hassert, K., 943* Herbette, J., 150*
Hassinger, H., 713*
Heredity in Relation to Evolution and
Animal Breeding. W. E. Castle, n.,
Hastings, J., 943*
Hausa Sayings and Folk-Lore with a 390
Vocabulary of New Words. Com- Herendeen Bay and Unga Island, Re-
connaissance Topographic Map of,
piled by R. S. Fletcher, 308*
Haushofer, K., 232* 154*
Hautes-Alpes, Histoire, topographie, Hergesell, H., 475*, 7I6*
antiquites, usages, dialects des. J. C. Herit, G., 233*
F. Ladoucette, 944* Hermannsson, H., 151*

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Herodotus, Commentary on. Introduc- Myres, 310* qMaps: A New School

tion and Appendices by W. W. How Atlas of Modern History. R. Muir,
and J. Wells, rev., 704 n., 800
Heron, A. M., 149* Hitchcock, F. R. M., 943*
Herre, P., 943* Hitier,, H., 715*
Herrera, F. L., 552* Hittites: 'f Hittites in Africa. J. K.
Herring, Report on International Erskine, 231*
Investigations during 1910, 396* Hjuler, A., 793*
Herrmann, R., 232* Hobbs, W. H., 235*; 384, Personal, 292
Hertzberg, G. F., 943* Hobley, C. W., 71*, 300
Herzberg, F., 943* Hochepied Larpent, G. de, 793*
Herzegovina, Map: q1 Strategische Hodge, F. W., 392*
Eisenbahnen und Eisenbahnplane in Hodgkin, T., 233*
Bosnien und der, n., 80 Hodson, E. R. and J. H. Foster, 788*
Hess, F. L., 927* Hoel, A. and 0. Holtedahl, 875*
Hesse: qlGeologischer Fiihrer durch Hoey, A. C., 71*
das Grossherzogtum Hessen. R. Lep- Hoffmeister, E. v., 400*, 783
sius, G. Klemm and Others, 151*; Hogarth, D. G., I39
Neuere Beitrage zur Landeskunde Hohe Tauern, Die Formen alpiner
von-. Anthropogeographie. W. Die- Hochtaler, insbesondere im - gebiet,
mer, 73*; Neuere Literature zur und ihre Beziehungen zur Eiszeit. L.
Landeskunde :-Physikalische Geogra- Distel, 873*
phie. F. Markert, 73* IM:aps of Hokkaido, Ubersichtskarte von West-,
Hesse: Ubersicht der Hohenschichten- n., 937
karte . . . Hessen, ,39* Holderness, M., 943*
Hettner, A., 875* Holderness, Sir T. W., 308*
Hewison, J. K., 709* Holdich, T., 553*
Higgins, D. F., 876* Holley, F. C., 943*
Highways: See Roads. Hollick, A., 927*
Hill, A. J., & Lewis, T. H., 532 Holm, 0., 372
Hill, B., 629* Holmes, J. S., 549*, 927*
Hilf, H., 233* Holmsen, G., 309*
Hill, J. J., 296 Holsche, A. C. v., 943*
Hill, J. M., 927* H6lscher, G., 699
Hilton-Simpson, M. W., 457 Holt, W. E., 549
Himalayas: I Journeys in the-and Holtedahl, 0. See Hoel, A.
factors of Himalayan Erosion. A. Holy Land: See Palestine.
Neve, 149*; Latest - Explorations ofHommel, F., 943*
the Workmans, I7; On the Origin of Honduras: 4l - in 1910, 147*; Visit
the. A Consideration of Geodetic to the Department of Olancho, A. T.
Evidence. S. G. Burrard, 844; Haeberle, 630*
Stalks in the Himalaya. E. P. Steb- Honeoye-Wayland Quadr., Geology of
bing, rev., 381; Survey of the Sia- the. D. D. Luther, 628*
chen Glacier. F. B. Workman, 897 Hooker, Sir Joseph Dalton, Obituaryy
Himalayan States: Les Royaumes des 124
Neiges (Etats Himalayens). C.-E. Hoosac Valley. Its Legend and Its
Bonin, rev., 539 History. G. G. Niles, n., 925
Hindu Kush: qITribes of the Hindoo Hopi, Brief Miscellaneous - Papers.
Koosh. J. Biddulph, 940* H. R. Voth, 628*
Hindus: q Antiquity and Originality ofHopkins, C. G., J. G. Moser and
Hindu Civilization. J. B. Keith, Others, 868*;-and J. H. Pettit, 868*
232*; Who are the Hindus? J. B. Hopwood, C. H., 714*
Keith, 232* Horn, A. v., 235*
Hinks, A. R., 315* Horsfall, H. A., 935
Hirayama, S., 313* Hosseus, C. C., 473*, 633*, 793*
Hispanic Society of America, 475* Hotchkiss, C. W., 396*
Historical Geography. See under Geog- Hotchkiss, W. O., 77*
raphy. Hot Springs, Ark., and Vicinity, Map,
History: q Association of History and n., 933
Geography. A. J. Berry, rev., 864; Hottentots: q Volkscharakter und Fa-
Beginnings of History. E. M. Mc- beln der Hottentotten. H. Fischer,
Dougall, n., 787; The Dawn of. J. L. 312*

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994 Index

Houllevigue, L., 140 Generalkarte des Komitates Tur6cz

Houston Ship Channel, Chart, 236* Szt. Mirton mit den Nachbargebie-
Hovey, H. C., 786* ten, n., 319; Lignes de fracture dans
How, W. W. and J. Wells, 704 la partie occidentale du grand bassin
Howchin, W., 554* hongrois d'apres de Loczy, 8o*
Howe, H. A., 469* Hunsriick,, Map: ElLageplan des "Hun-
Howell, A. H., 469* nenringes in siidlichen -. P. See-
Howitt, A. W., 943* haus, 239*
Hrdlicka, A., 522, 781. See also Hunt, A. S., 145*
Fewkes, J. A. Hunt, H. A., 473*, 794*
Hsi-ning Fu (Sining), Route Traverse Hunters, Ancient-and their modern
between - and Kan-chou Fu by 0. R. Representatives. W. J. Sollas, rev.,
Coales, Map, n., 478 702
Huascarin: ' Determination de l'alti- Huntington, E., 393*, 440, 8oi; Per-
tude du Mont Huascaran executee
sonal, 292
en 1909, etc., 625* eqMap: A. S. Huron Indians, I615-I65o. Report of
Peck's Route, n., 3i7 Bureau of Archives, Ontario, 1908.
Hubbard, G. D., 234*, 396*, Personal,A. Fraser, 470*
292 Hutchins, D. E., 792*
Hubert, H., 72*, 393* Hutt, M., 50o*
Huibner, D., 393* Huttl, K., 716*
Hudson Bay: E Drainage Area in the Hutton, S. K., 624
U. S. R. Follansbee and Others, Hyderabad and Bombay, Map, n., 478
710*; La Baie d'Hudson. L. A. Hydrographic Surveying. Commander
Prud'homme, 470*; - Route: New Stuart, rev., 224
Outlet for Canadian Wheat. A. L. Hydrographical and Meteorological
Bishop, 550* Phenomena, Connection between. 0.
Hudson Bay Co., Examination of the Pettersson, 876*
Charter of Proceedings of the. J.
E. Fitzgerald, 942*
Hudson R.: q--Drainage Basin. H. Iberian Peninsula: q]Beobachtungen
K. Barrows and Others, 468*; Pre- eines reisenden Geographen auf der
Glacial Course of the Upper. W. J. Iberischen Halbinsel. G. Braun, 7I3*
Miller, 69*; The Storm King Cross- Ibn-Omar-el-Tounsy, 947*
ing of the Hudson R. (Catskill Iceland: EAncient Laws of Norway
Aqueduct). J. F. Kemp, 685 EiChart: and Iceland. H. Hermannsson, 151*;
Hudson R.: New York to Haver-
straw, 236*
Folktro pa Island [Popular super-
Huebner, G. G. See Johnson, E. R. stitions in]. A. Backman, 314*; Das
islandische Hochland zwischen Hofs-
Huet, P. D., 943*
Hulbert, A. B. and W. N. Schwarze, jokull und Vatnajbkull. H. Erkes,
868* 152*; Lecture on. W. S. C. Rus-
Hulot, E., 630* sell, 364*; Melrakkasljetta, Islands
Humboldt, Alexandre de, Correspond- n6rdlichste Halbinsel. H. and E.
ence d'-avec Francois Arago. E. T. Erkes, 74*; Varme Kilder Paa Island
Hamy, rev., 385 deres Fysisk-Geologiske Forhold og
Hume, W. F., 390* Geografiske Udbredelse. Th. Thor-
Hume-Griffith, M. E.,943* oddsen, 228*
Humphreys, C. W. E., 230* Idaho: j Idaho-Washington Boundary,
Humphreys, W. J., 527 119; Retracement of Boundary Line,
Hunfalvy, P., 943* from Junction of Snake and Clear-
Hungary. See also Austria-Hungary: water Rivers, N. to Intern. Boundary.
q Deutsche Sprachgebiet in Siidun- R. B. Marshall, 470*; Irrigation.
garn. R. v. Pfaundler, 73*; Geog- Farms and Acreage Irrigated, etc.,
raphische Verteilung der Gewitter in Census, 1910, 70*; Lead and Copper
Ungarn. E. Hejas, 151*; Hungary. Deposits in the Bear River Range.
A. & M. Stokes, 947*; Konigreich R. W. Richards, 69*; Manufactures.
Ungarn. A. v. Matlekovits, 944*; Statistics for 1909, 70*; Mica in
Ungarn. P. Hunfalvy, 943*; Verb-
reitungsgebiet der deutschen Sprache Idaho, etc. D. B. Sterrett, 928*;
in Westungarn, 73*; Voyage en Au- Population, Census 1910, 70*, 929*;
tomobile dans la Hongrie pittoresque. Prel. Report on Phosphate Reserve.
P, Marge, 143* E]Maps of Hungary: R. W. Richards and G. R. Mansfield,

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Index 995

470*; Results of Spirit Leveling, 1896 in. T. Morison, rev., 539; The For-
to I909. R. B. Marshall, 147* qMaps ward Policy and its Results. Thirty-
of Idaho: Cataldo Quad., 398*; Mont- five Years' Work Amongst the Tribes
pelier Quad., 75* on our North-Western Frontier. R.
Idenburg R., Map: Schets van den loop I. Bruce, 941*; Gates of India. T.
der Idenburg-rivier, n., I58 Holdich, 553*; Glimpses of. J. H.
Iki, T., 150* Furneaux, 942*; Das heutige Indien.
Iliamna Region, Alaska, Geologic Re- Grundlagen und Problemen der brit-
connaissance of the. G. C. Martin isch-indischen Herrschaft. G. Wege-
and F. J. Katz, 868* ner, 232*; India and the Durbar, rev.,
Illinois: QAgriculture. Census 9I0o, I37; Eight Lectures on. H. J. Mac-
311*; Clay County Soils. Moultrie kinder, 143*; India in I880. Sir
County Soils. C. G. Hopkins, J. G. Richard Temple, 947*; Peoples and
Moser and others, 868*; Fertility in Problems of. Sir T. W. Holderness,
-Soils. C. G. Hopkins and J. H. 308*; Progress of India, Japan and
Pettit, 868*; Status of Soil FertilityChina in the Century. Sir Richard
Investigations, 929*; Geology and Temple, 947*; Public Works. Sir A.
Mineral Resources of Peoria Quad- T. Cotton, 942*; Results of the Abor
rangle. J. A. Udden, 628*; New Expedition, 773; Sport on the Nil-
Base Map of, 686; Petroleum Fields. ginris and in Wynaad. F. W. F.
R. S. Blatchley, 417; Population, Cen- Fletcher, 625; Through India and
sus 1910, 70*; Results of Spirit Level- Burmah with Pen and Brush. A. H.
ing I909-Io. R. B. Marshall, 628*; Fisher, rev., 922; Mineral Production,
Statistics of Manufactures, Census 190o, I910. H. H. Hayden, 150*; Native
929* qlMaps of Illinois: Base Map States of India. Sir William Lee-
of-, n., 399; Canton Quad., n., 934; Warner, rev., 58; The New Capital
Elizabeth Quad., 398*; New Athens of, 208 q Historical: Antiquity and
Quad., 556*; State of Illinois, n., 796; Originality of Hindu Civilization. J.
Provisional Geologic Map of, n., 935 B. Keith, 232*; Who are the Hindus?
Ilo;lo Strait and Harbor, Chart, 636* J. B. Keith, 232*; British-India, I600-
Ircas: qjAnotaciones a la "Historia 1828. A. W. Tilby, rev., 700; Early
I-dica" del Capitan Pedro Sarmiento History of. V. A. Smith, 947*; Eng-
de Gamboa. H. Steffen, 227*; Incas lish factories in.,--637-1641. Cal-
o. Peru. C. R. Markham, rev., 858 endar of Documents, etc. W. Foster,
Index Mining District, Wash., Geo- n., 866; History of the Protestant Mis-
logy and Ore Deposits of the. C. E. sions in India. M. A. Sherring, 947*;
Weaver, 628* History of the rise of the Mahomedan
Indexes. See also Bibliography and Power in India. J. Briggs, 941*; Ox-
Catalogues: ] lClassified List of ford India Reader. Vols. I-IV. W.
Smithsonian Publications available Bell, n., 548; Political History of.
for distribution, 1912, 929*; General Sir John Malcolm, 944*; Die Reise
Index to Archaeological Reports of des Arabers Ibn Batuta durch Indien
the Egypt Exploration Fund, I890- und China (14. Jahrh). Bearbeitet
I909. WX. L. Nash, 945*; Finding von H. v. Mzik, n., 866; Rulers of India,
List of Books in Science, Medicine, 14 Vols. 948*; Selections from Letters,
Agriculture, Technology, Military and etc. Foreign Dept. of the Govern-
Naval Science, 716*; General Index ment of India, 1772-85. G. WV. For-
to the Proceedings of Amer. Phil- rest, 942*; ql Surveys: General Re-
osoph. Soc. held at Philadelphia, Vols. port of Geol. Survey of, for I910. H.
1-50, 629* H. Hayden, 150*; General Report on
India: qjAdministration and Progress. the Operation of the Survey of-, I909-
Sir John Strachey, rev., 217; Bevol- 0o, 232*; List of Officers in the Sur-
kerung von Indien. H. Wichmann, vey, corrected to ist July, 1911, 473*;
553*; Chinese Frontiers of. A. Rose, Magnetic Survey. R. H. Thomas,
712*; Cities of. G. W. Forrest, 942*; 313*; Tidal and Leveling Opera-
Die indischen C-osstadte. K. Goes, tions, 1908-09. C. F. Erskine, 397*;
n., 699; Collins' Triangulation of Triangulation in. C. M. Browne,
Teram Kangri. T. G. Longstaff, 232* EjlMaps of India: Greater India.
872*; Conditions in India, 1910. J. E. Banse, n., 240; India and Adja-
P. Jones, 72*; Economic Transition cent Countries, n., 478; Map showing

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996 Index

route of German Crown-prince, I910- Tribe. A. C. Fletcher and F. La Fles-

11, and of Dr. Wegener in I898 andche, 69*; Some problems in the Eth-
1910-11, 158*; Railway and Canal nology of Crow and Village Indians.
Map of, n., 478; Standard Map of R. H. Lowie, 628*; Tahltan Indians.
India. Eighteen Sheets, n., 717; G. T. Emmons, 929*; Thousand Miles
Sketch Map to illustrate paper on in a Dug-Out: Narrative of a Jour-
Chinese frontiers of India, n., 559; ney. . . among Indians of Central
Sketch Map of Capt. F. M. Bailey Brazil. F. C. Glass, n., 925; Uit6to-
through South Eastern Tibet and the Indianer. Weitere Beitrage zu ihrer
Mishmi Hills, n., 559 Sprache. T. Koch-Griinberg, 552*
Indiana: IgPopulation, Census I9Io, q Maps: Country known to the Omaha,
229*, 929*; Statistics of Manufactures, n., 77; Omaha Reservation. H. L.
Census 1910, 929* qlMap: Prospect Keefe, 77*
Quad., 877* Indo-China, French: qlChemins de fer
Indian Ocean: ql Magnetic Chart Indochinois. G. Sale, 72*; Forgotten
Errors and Secular Changes in the. Ruins of. J. E. Connor, 712*; Geo-
L. A. Bauer and W. J. Peters, 152*; logie de l'Indo-Chine. M. A. Petiton,
Navigation of the-and Eastern Seas. 945* qMaps: Karte des Sudostlichen
A. Dalrymple, 942*; L'ocean Indien, Asiens nach Ptolemaus, Kartenbild
d'apres Sir John Murray. L. W. Col- des Ptolemaus mit den heutigen Na-
let, 715*; The Periplus of the Eri- men, Siidost Asien, n., 480
thraean Sea. Travel and Trade in
Inn and Salzach Map: qlKarte des
the Indian Ocean, by a Merchant Inn-ofund Salzachgletchers, 480*
the First Century. Translated, etc.,
Innsbruck: j--. Eine geographische
by W. H. Schoff, rev., 224 qlMaps of H. Hassinger, 713*; Der
Indian Ocean: Planisphere. Ocean Innsbrucker Fohn. R. Klein, 314*;
Atlantique et Ocean Indien, n., 320; Das Klima von-mit besonderer Riick-
Steamship routes between Durban and sicht auf den Fohn. A. Defant, 713*
Nagasaki or Yokohama, 160*; SchoolInouye, K., 150*
Wall Map of, n., 240; Wind und Instituto Historico e Geographico Bra-
Stromverhaltnisse auf der Fahrt von
zileiro, Geographical Material of
Singapore nach Friedrich-Wilhelms- Destroyed by Fire, 522
hafen . . . I9I0, I60* Ionia: qIonien und westliche Lydien.
Indians, American: Q Blackfoot Lodge
A. Philippson, 313*
Tales. G. B. Grinnell, 943*; Brief
Miscellaneous Hopi Papers. H. R. Iowa: qf Agriculture, Census 9Io0,
Voth, 628*; Comparative Sketch of31I*; Diary of a Journey from the
the Menomini. A. Skinner, 470*; Netherlands to Pella, Iowa in 1849,
Conquest of Coeur d'Alenes, Spok- 929*; Iowa. A Reprint from the
anes and Palouses. Expeditions . . "The Indian Record," etc. W. H.
against the "Northern Indians," 1858.Miner, 142*; Iowan Drift. S. Calvin,
B. F. Manring, rev., 777; Farming and391*; Manufactures, Census 1910,
Stock Raising among the Indians. J.550*; Population, Census 1910, 147*
R. Eddy, 549*; Huron Indians, Ix65- qjMap: Knoxville Quad., 398*
Ireland. See also United Kingdom:
1650. Reportof theBureau of Archives,
Ontario. A. Fraser, 470*; Incas of q Census of-for I9II. Preliminary
Peru. C. R. Markham, rev., 858; Report, 315*; History in the i8th Cen-
Anotaciones a la "Historica Indica" tury. W. E. H. Lecky, 944*; Popula-
del Capitan Pedro Sarmiento de tion, Census 1911, 49; Tales of Irish
Gamboa. H. Steffen, 227*; The Man- Life and Character. S. C. Hall, n.,
hattan Indians. A. Skinner, 928*; I38; Types of Celtic Life and Art.
Maynas. Breve noticia geografica F. e R. M. Hitchcock, 943* E Maps:Ba-
hist6rica. B. Beltran y R6zpide, 551*;con's Excelsior Map of Ireland with
Micmac Indians of Nova Scotia. H. Adjacent Coasts of Great Britain. G.
Piers, 930*; Notes on the Fox Indians.W. Bacon, n., 720; Bartholomew's
W. Jones, 549*; Once their Home. "Quarter Inch to Mile" Map, n., 719
Our Legacy from the Dahkotahs. His- Iron: Output of Certain Minerals and
torical, Biographical, etc. F. C. Hol-Metals of the World, 234*
ley, 943*; Pueblo Indians of New Irving, J. D. and H. Bancroft, 868*
Mexico. F. C. Wilson, 629*; Omaha Irving, R. D. and C. R. Van Hise, 77*

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Index 997

Isanotski Strait, Chart of Southern part228; New Italian Forest Policy. G.

of, 636* A. R. Borghesani, 634*; Nuova Carta
Islam: q[A Challenge to Faith. S. M. d'Italia al Ioo,ooo, Inst. Geogr. Milit.
Zwemer, n., 310; De l'etat present et L. Giannitrapani, 151*; Southern
de l'avenir de l'Islam. E. Montet, Italy, Sicily, etc. Handbook for
rev., 67; Islam as a Factor in West Travellers. K. Baedeker, n., 926; La
African Culture. G. W. Ellis, 71* Tusca Romana. E. Barbalrich, 634*;
Isle of Man. J. Quine, 390*; Isle of Die wirtschaftlichen Zustande der
Man. J. E. Morris, n., 867; List of sudlichen Provinzen Italiens. A.
Works Relating to the. G. F. Black, Ruhl, 474* Italian Colonies: Carto-
395* grafia coloniale. A. Mori, 471*; Ital-
Isle of Pines: qlA Caribbean Island. ian Colonial Expansion: Its Origin,
G. Fortescue, 230* ElMap of the Isle Progress and Difficulties. A. Baldacci,
of Pines, 156* 314* EIMaps of Italy: Maps showing
Isle of Wight. G. E. Mitton, n., 867; reg:ons affected by malaria, n., 879;
-. E. Thomas, and E. W. Haslehust, Quadro d'Union dei Fogli della
926* Carta d'Italia, - della Granda Carta
Isostasy: q Effect of topography and Topografica, etc., della Carta Coro-
isostatic compensation upon the inten- grafica, 159*; Trade Routes leading
sity of gravity. J. F. Hayford apd W. to Florence, 400*; Twelve sheets of
Bowie, rev., 464; Isostasy and the various editions of the Map of Italy
Mountain Ranges. G. F. Reid, 354; published by the Istituto Geog. Mili-
Isostasie und Peneplain. A. Ruhl, tarte, n., 319
235*; Isostasy and Mountain Ranges.Itimbiri R. and Country between the
H. F. Reid, 354; Les lignes de frac- Welle and Aruwimi Rivers, Map, n.,
ture de la crouite terrestre. A. Pecsi, 156
235*; Theory of Isostasy. H. Lewis, Ivory Coast: QIC6te d'Ivoire, 792*; Ce
235*; What is Terra Firma? Re- que produit la Cote d'Ivoire. J.
view of Current Research in Isostasy. Goulven, 792*; Guide du Commerce
B. Willis, 315* et la Colonisation a la, n., I43; La
Israelites: See Jews. pacification de la. A. Terrier, 392*
Issansu und Iramba, Die Landschaften.l]Maps of Ivory Coast: Colonne du
E. Obst, 632* Yaro. Lieut Ferrand, n., 238; Col-
onne du Haut-Bandama, n., 238
Italian Colonies: See under Italy.
Italy: qfAnnuario Statistico, I9II, J
634*; Bevolkerungsprobleme Altita-
liens. R. v. Scala, 795*; La guerre Jackson, A. V. W., 698
Italo-Turque et ses consequences, Jadrinzew, N., 944*
393*; Tripoli and Young Italy. C. Jaeger, F., 932*. See also Scheu, E.
Lapworth and H. Zimmern, rev., Jaja, G., 632*
921; Earthquakes in, 369; GaribaldiJamaica: EIFlora of Jamaica. Vol. I.
and the Making of. G. M. Trave- Orchidaceae. W. Fawcett and A. B.
lyan, 947, -'s Defense of the Ro- Rendle, 392* ElMap: Part of Jamaica
man Republic. G. M. Travelyan, showing Relation of Earthquake dam-
947*; Geographie ancienne historique age to Erosion of Land, 935*
et comparee des Gaules cisalpine et James River Basin. M. R. Hall and
transalpine. Baron Walckenaer, 948*; J. G. MIathers, 710* elCharts of
Geophysikalische Zusammenhange und James R., 236*, 635*, 636*
kulturelle Lehren der ErdkatastrophenJanke, D. A., 480*
Siiditaliens, und Sizilier-s. W. Krebs,Janssen, J., Monument to, 523
874*; Italien als Mittelmeermacht. Janssens, E., 553*
P. D. Fischer, 634*; Der Krieg von Japan: l Climatic Changes in-since
i866 in Deutschland und Italien. W. the Pliocene Epoch. M. Yokoyama,
394*; The Far East Revisited. Es-
Riistow, 946*; Materiali per la cli-
says on Political, Commercial Condi-
matologia d'Italia. La pioggia nella
tions, etc. A. G. Angier, 940*; Far-
regione ligure, 713*; Movimento com-
merciale Italo-Australiano. L. Mer- mers of Forty Centuries, etc. F. H.
catelli, 314*; The New Italy. Dis- King, rev., 360; Full Recognition of.
cussion of its Present Political and Account of Economic Progress, etc.
Social Conditions. F. Garlanda, n., R. P. Porter, rev., 301; Geographischen

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998 Index

Grundlagen der japanischen Wehr- Jews: q Justice to the Jew. M. C.

kraft. K. Haushofer, 232*; Govern- Peters, 229*; People of Israel; Their
ment Railways, I909, n., 625; Rail- Numbers, Distribution, and Charac-
ways of, n., 625; Die Japaner in der teristics. V. Dingelstedt, 876*
Weltwirtschaft. K. Rathgen, n., 709; Jimenez, C. P., 870*
Kina och Japan. A. Strindberg, n., 866; Jochelson, W., His Work in the Aleu-
Letters from the Far East. [China
tian Islands, 521
and Japan]. Sir C. Eliot, 94i*; Joerg, Min- W. L. G., 838
eral Resources,-I9o8. K. Inouye, 5o0*C., 55
Nachrichten fiber den Ausbruch des
Johnson, B. L., 927*
Vulkans Usu, I9Io. H. Simotomai, Johnson, D. W., 868*, Personal, 292
394*; Le Peuple Japonais. Le vieux Johnson, E. R., 790*; - and G. G.
Japon, le Japon actuel. J. Arnoux, Huebner, 6I9
rev., 537; Prehistoric -. N. G. Johnson, H. R., 469*
Munro, 945*; Prel. Note on the Geol- Johnson, P. H. See Brown, W. C.
ogy of the Echigo Oil Field. T. Iki, Johnson, S. V., 944*
150*; Progress of India, Japan and
Johnston, Sir Harry, 389, 466*
China in the Century. Sir Richard
Jolly, S., 395*
Temple, 947*; Results of Harmonic Jolo Island and Vicinity, Chart, 237*
Analysis of Tidal Observations made Jones, C. H. W., 867*
at Various Ports. S. Hirayama, 313*; Jones, E. L. See Umpleby, J. B.
Sericulture au Japon. E. de Bavier, Jones, H. 0., 874"
940*; Uber Tarumai-Ausbruch in - Jones, J. P., 72*
I909. H. Simotomai, 793*; tUber Usu Jones, J. W., 468
und Hokkaido und uber einige andere
Jones, W., 549*
Vulkane mit Quellkuppernbildung. I. Jose, A. W., 787
Friedlaender, 793* Useful Notes and Josephson, A. G. S., 145*
Itineraries for Travelling in, 227* Joubin, L., 560*
ElMaps of Japan: Geological Map of Journal of Anthropological Institute of
Echigo Oil Field, 79*; Uber einige Great Britain and Ireland, x871-1907,
Japanische Vulkane, n., 937; Karten- 948*
skizze des Usu, n., 937; Maps of Har- Journal of the Royal Asiatic Soc. of
bors equipped with tidal observa- Great Britain and Ireland, Nos. 1-15,
tories, n., 79; Three sheets of the 948*
topographic Map of, n., 718; SketchJuarros, D., 944*
Map, 318* Judeich, W., 944*
Japanese Empire: qlAtlas zur Ges- Jukes-Browne, A. J., 218, 863
chichte der Kartographie der Japani-Jumelle, H., et H. Perrier de la Bathie,
schen Inseln, Nebst dem Hollandi- 72*
schen Journal der Reise Mathys Jungfrau: qjLes chemins de fer de
Quasts und A. J. Tasmans zur Ent- montagne dans les Alpes vers le
deckung der Goldinseln im osten von sommet de la. A. Dauzat, 634*;
Japan I. D. J. 1639 und dessen deut- Jungfrau Railroad, 523
scher Uberzetzung. P. Teleki, rev., Jungk, A., 73*
459 qjMaps: Japanese Empire, n., 318Jura: E Jura meridional. ttude de
Mineral Distribution of Japanese Em- geo,;raphie physique specialement
pire, n., 718 adaptee au Bugey. J. B. Martin,
Jastrow, M. Jr., 216 394*; Recherches speleologiques t
Jaumann, G., 876* hydrologiques dans le Jura Franc-
Java: q]Life in Java. W. B. d'Al- Comtois. E. Fournier, 314*; Aus dem
meida, 939*; Java, Sumatra and Other Schweizer Jura. A. Hettner, 875*
Islands of the Dutch East Indies. Jus, H., 944*
A. Cabaton, rev., 217 qlMap: Sedoe- Jutson, J. T., 313*
lang-Eilanden (Noordkust van Java) K
in I884, 158*
Jefferson, M., 622 Kabylia: q Les Monts Berberes. Kaby-
Jenkins, S., 533 lie et Aures. Les tribus et les pay-
Jensen, H. I., 794* sages. M. Boisnard, 871*; On Ran-
Jepson, W. L., 613 dall-MacIvers' and J. L. Myres'
"Toudja Series" of Kabyle Pottery.
Jesus Christ, The Life of Our Saviour.
J. J. Tissot, 947* A. van Gennep, 871*

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Index 999

Kahle, P., 315* des Marokko-Abkommens, n., 637;

Kairouan, Tunis, and Carthage. G. Route de la B6noue au Tchad, n., I56;
Petrie, 945* Sketch Map showing Cessions of Ter-
Kaiser, G., 477 ritory . . . Franco-German Treaty
Kaiser Wilhelms Land. See also New Nov., 1911, I57*; Stromgebiete des
Guinea, German: jqReisen in Kaiser- Mungo, Wuri, und Dibamba, n., 637;
Wilhelmsland. O. Schlaginhaufen, Zone frontiere Anglo-Allemande en-
rev., 617 4jMaps: Karte der Durch- tre la riviere Cross et Yola, n., 317
querung des Hinterlandes von Fin- Kandy and Peradeniya. H. W. Cave,
schhafen. G. Pilhofer, Fliert and H. 941*
Meier, 79*; Reise von Finschhafen Kanin and Timan Tundras, Coloniza-
nach dem Markhamfluss. G. Pilhofer tion and Industrial Development in
& C. Barich, n., 938 the, 875*
Kaiserin Augusta, R. Map: Loop der Kanitz, F., 944*
Keizerin Augusta-rivier bij de grens Kano. An Old Hausa City. The
van het Ned. gebied, n., 158 Market Place at, 149*
Kalahari: q Ethnographische und geo- Kansas: qJAgriculture. Census 19o0,
graphische Ergebnisse meiner Kala- 311*; The Conquest of. W. Phillips,
harireisen. R. Poch, 791*; Topog- 946*; Kansas Conflict. C. Robinson,
raphy and Geology of the German 946*; Population, Census 1910, -47*;
South Kalahari. P. Range, 792* Prel. Report on Stream Pollution by
4JMap: Die Kalahari mit ihren Vol- Mine Waters in Southeastern. E. H.
kern und Handelsrouten. R. P6ch, S. Bailey, 69*; Quality of Water Sup-
n., 936 ply of. H. N. Parker, 69*; Relations
Kalgoorlie, Some Notes on Principal of Missouri R. Loess Mantle and
Geological Features of the - Gold- Kansan Drift-Sheet. C. R. Keyes, 469
field. C. G. Gibson, 473* Kansu, Map: ElItineraires du Dr. Stein
Kamchatka: ElKamtschatka (West- et de R B. Lal Singh et R. S. Ram
kuste). Capt. Hannig, 313*; Prel. Singh, n., 318
Report on the Survey of the Waters Kanuri Reading, including Facsimiles
of - in 1908-9. V. N. Lebiediev, 873* of MSS., Transliteration, etc., also
Kamerun: EjAstronomische Orstbestim- . . . Vocabulary. P. A. Benton, 227*
mungen in. Leut. von der Leyen, Kars, Skizze des Gefechtsfeldes bei,
312*; Bericht uiber den Stand der 400*
geologischen Erforschung von - im Karst: EDie landeskundliche Literatur
Mai I9I0. 0. Mann, 71*; Le Camer- der sterreichischenKarstlander, 1 905-
oun en I9I0-11. C. Martin, 231*; 08. N. Krebs, 633*
Das deutsch-fr nzosische Kamerun- Karst Phenomena: qlHet Kamaka
Kongo-Abkommen, I911. H. Wich- Wallar, een Karstmeer op Nieuw-
mann, 631*; Franco-German Terri- Guinea. J. F. Niermeyer, 150*
torial Arrangement, 631*; Negocia- Kasai, Land and Peoples of the. M.
tions . . . relatives au Congo, 552*; W. Hilton-Simpson, rev., 457
Entwicklung des Exports in Togo und Kasaan Pen., Topography of (Map),
. E. Kiemer, 149*; Ergebnisse der 397*
Regenmessungen, 1910, 393*; Manen- Kasbeck: qlDer Zariut-Choch in der
gu)a-Hochland. F. Thorbecke, 393*; westlichen Kasbekgruppe. W. Fischer,
Mission Cottes au Sud-Cameroun 395*
(1905-8). Capt. A. Cottes, rev., 697; Kashmir. Sir F. Younghusband, 948*
Project de chemin de fer franco-alle- Kashmiri Language, Manual of the-
mand du Kamerun a l'Ubangi, 631*; comprising Grammar, Phrase-Book
Tikar. Bericht von der Forschungs- and Vocabularies. G. A. Grierson,
reise der Deutschen Kolonialgesell- rev., 860
schaft nach Kamerun. J. Thorbecke, Katanga: q Chemin de fer portugais
711* IjMaps of Kamerun: La "Cou- de Lobito vers le, 870*; Chemins de
pure" projetee en Septembre 1911, fer du Katanga, 312*; Colonisation
n., 157; Franco-German Congo Agree- agricole au, 791*; Le commerce du.
ment, n., 157; Kamerun-Kongo-Ab- M. Beak, 148*; Exploitation miniere,
kommen . . . vom 4 Nov., I9II, n., 791*; Les Kundelungu. E. Deladrier,
I56; Manenguba-Gebirge, n., 637; Die 148*; Situation au Katanga. H.
Neugestaltung Kameruns auf Grund Droogmans, 312*

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'1000 Index

Katmai Volcano, Report of the Erup- Kibo: qEEine-Besteigung. M. Lange,

tion of. I. M. Dailey, 641 932*
Katz, F. J., 868*; See also Martin, G. Kiefer, F. See Harris, J. T.
C. Kieffer, L., 932*
Kayser, C. C., 791* Kiel Canal, Widening the, 855
Keane, Augustus Henry, 389; Obituary, Kilian, W., 474*
Killebrew, J. B., 944*
Keefe, H. L., 77* Kimberley: j--und seine Diamanten-
Keele, J. See Ries, H. gruben mit besonderer Beriicksichti-
Keele, T. W., 152* gung der Entstehung der Diamanten-
Keen, D., 868* lagerstatten. E. 0. Rasser, 149*
Keewatin, Chez les Esquimaux du. R. King, C. F., 309*
P. A. Turquetil, 930* King, F. H., 360
Keir, R. M., 582 King, W. J. H., 313*, 477
Keith, A., 776, 931* Kinney, G., 914*; - & D. Phillips,
Keith, J. B., 232* 789*
Kellas, A. M., 872* Kirchhoff, A., 944*
Kellog, R. S. See Price, 0. W. Kisale, Le Probleme du lac. Capt.
Kellogg, V. L., 145 Mauritzen, 631*
Kemp, J. F., r52*, 685, 868* Kitchen, T., I60*
Kemp, P. H. van der, 393* Klaehn, J., 315*
Kennard, H. P., I44; - N. Peacock, Klaproth: See Remusat, A.
626 Klein, H. J., 864
Kenngott, C. F., 389 Klein, R., 314*
Kensington, W. C., 233* Klemm, G. See Lepsius, R.
Kent, C. F., 781 Klippel, E., 472*
Kentucky. 4 Agriculture, Farms, LiveKlotz, 0., 930*
Stock, etc., Census 9Io0, 869*; Camp-Kmunke, R., 627
ton Oil Pool. Oil and Gas Develop- Knapp, J. B. See Cline, M.
ment. M. J. Munn, 470*; PetroleumKnibbs, G. H., 308*, 926*
and Natural Gas in. M. J. Munn, Knieriem, F., 554*
868*; General Account of the Com- Knight, E. F., 944*
monwealth of, 940*; Kentucky Moun-Knopf, A., 229*
tains. Transportation and Commerce, Knowles, F. A., 71*
1750 to 1911. Study in the Economic Knox, A., 300
History of a Coal Field. M. Verhoeff,Knox, G. S., 792*
rev., 779; Mammoth Cave of. With Knox, R., 380
an Account of the Colossal Cavern. Koch, J. P., 555*, 634*
H. C. Hovey, n., 786; Statistics of Koch-Griinberg, T., 78*, 552*
Manufactures, Census I910, 550*; Kodiak Island, Charts of Anchorages,
Population, Census 1910, 229*, 929* 636*
qjMaps of Kentucky: Gilbert Quad.,Koehler, C. See Rohbock, L.
557*; Kosmosdale Quad., 556*; Pros- Kohistan, Panjkora: q Summer Ex-
pect Quad., 877*; Map of Campton ploration in. S. H. Godfrey, 872*;
Oil Field, 558*; Sketch Map of Knox Map to illustrate route of, n., 936
County showing location of Oil and Kohl, J. G., 632*
Gas Pools, 558*; Topography of Jef- Kohlschiitter, E., 472*
ferson County, n., 877 Kola Peninsula: qKolalapparnas ho-
Kerguelen Island, Map to illustrate tade existens. G. Hallstrom, 395*
notes by T. Ring, n., 879 Kordofan: q Le chemin de fer du,
Kermack, W. R., 233*, 875* 871*; Railroad connecting El Obeid
Kermadec Islands, Geology of. W. R. with the Nile South of Khartum, Ig9
B. Oliver, 314* q4Map: Kordofan d'apres les travaux
Kessner, C., 80* anglais les plus recents, 317*
Keyes, C. R., 469* Korea: qAnnual Reports on Reforms
Kharga Oasis, Natives of the. A. and Progress, 1907-o0, 632*; The Far
Hrdlicka, 522; rev., 781 East Revisited. Essays . . . Condi-
Khartum; De Khartoum a Addis-Abe- tions in Malaya, China, Korea and
ba. J. Parmentier, 630* Japan. A. G. Angier, 940*; Farmers
Kiaer, A. N., 716* of Forty Centuries, etc. F. H. King,

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rev., 360; Flora Koreana. T. Nakai, Laing, Major Gordon, and the Cir-
873*; The Hermit Nation. W. E. cumstances attending his Death. B.
Griffis, 943*; Pour les M6zieres, 397*
Mgr. Demange, 873*; The Story Laing, R. M., See Speight, R.
of Korea. J. H. Longford, rev., 59 Lake City, Col., Geology and Ore De-
qMaps of Korea: Chosen and south- posits near. J. D. Irving and H. Ban-
ern Manchuria, n., 318; Map of croft, 868*; Maps to illustrate, 154*
Korea, 158*; The three "Han," The Lakes: qlAn Unregarded Factor in
Three Kingdoms (about 6oo A. D.), Lake Temperatures. E. A. Birge, 235*;
n., 160 Dichtunterschiede und Temperatur-
Kossinna, G., 228* verteilung hauptsachlich der Binnen-
Kossmat, F., 312* seen. A. Hamberg, 397*; Lebensge-
Koudou-Djouah (Gabon et Moyen- schichte eines Strandsees. W. Halb-
Congo), Etude sur le pays. Debrand, fass, 315*; Neuere Daten zur Kennt-
312* nis der Warmen Salzseen. Bericht
Kozlov, P. K., 318* uber die physikalische und chemische
Kraentzel, F., 474*, 554* Untersuchung des Erwarmungspro-
Krain: See Carniola.
zesses der Siebenbiirger Salzseen. M.
Kraiss, A., 151* R6zsa, 474*
Kranz, W., 634* Lal Singh, R. B., 318*
Krebs, N., 232*, 633*, 794*, 874*
Lallemand, C., 315*, 876*
Krebs, W., 152* Lamb, W. A., Freeman, W. B., and
Kremer, A. de, 944* Henshaw, F. F., 146*, 627*;- Free-
Kremer, E., 149* man, W. B., and Others, 469*
Krenkel, E., 866* Lander, R. & J., The Travels of-into
Kretschmer, K., 395*, 622 the Interior of Africa for the Dis-
Kreutzbruck, O. v., 714* covery of the Course and Termina-
Krischtafowitsch, N., 795* tion of the Niger. From unpublished
Kriwoschein, A. W. See Stolypin, Documents
P. A. . . . Prefatory Analysis of
Kroeber, A. L., 69* Travels of Park, Denham, etc. R.
Kuchinka, G., 159* Huish, 944*
Kuhn, P., 713* Land Forms: See Geomorphology.
Kummel, H. B., 928* Landresse. See Remusat, A.
Kundelungu, Les. E. Deladrier, I48* Landscape: jI11 paesaggio come Ele-
Kuntz, J., 933* mento geografico. A. Tedeschi, 228*
Kurdistan, Maps: Reisen in Kurdistan Laney, F. B. See Paige, S.
I90o (Three Maps). H. v. Handel- Lange, A., 466*
Mazzetti, n., 937 Lange, M., 932*
Kurile Islands: q(Aperqu sur les Isles Langhans, P., 874*
Kouriles. M. Hutt, 150* Languages: JDie Hauptsprachen un-
Kyaw, F., 229* serer Zeit. Mit einer Einleitung
Kyle, H. M., 73* "Die wichtigsten Sprachen der Ver-
L gangenheit," usw. L. H. Schiitz, n.,
787; Idiome Huichol. Contribution
Labatut, A., 471*, 631* a l'etude des langues mexicaines. L.
Labrador: q Among the Eskimos of. Diguet, 869*; Kanuri Readings, in-
S. K. Hutton, n., 624; Animal Sanctu- cluding Traiisliteration, &c. P. A. Ben-
aries in. W. Wood, 550*; Botanical ton, 227*; Kina och Japan. Studier
Expedition to Newfoundland and af. A. Strindberg, n., 866; Das Kollo-
Southern. M. L. Fernald, 550*; The quium uber afrikanische Sprachen tm
Bryant Expedition to, 849; Labrador: Seminar fur orientalische Sprachen
Its Discovery, Exploration, and Devel- zu Berlin. B. Struck, 874*; La langue
opment. W. G. Gosling, rev., 129; des Boers. A. Lodewyckx, 71*; Lan-
Down North on the. W. T. Grenfell, guages spoken in Western Pamir
n., 2II; Labrador, and Why one Goes (Shugnan and Vakhan). A. Hjuler,
There. W. B. Cabot, 311*; In North- 793*; Studien zur Laut- und Formen-
ern. W. B. Cabot, rev., 531; Through lehre der Mehri-Sprache in Siid-
Trackless. H. H. Prichard, rev., 130 arabien. M. Bittner, 872*; Uit6tb-
Ladreit de Lacharriere, J., 792* Indianer. Weitere Beitrage zu ihr r
La Flesche, F. See Fletcher, A. C. Sprache. T. Koch-Griinberg, 552*

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1002 Index

Lankester, Sir E. Ray, 865 Leiter, H., 772

Laos: 4 Au-et au Siam. M. Bassenne, Leith, C. K and Hall, C. H., 76*;
873*; Etude sur le Laos. Command- and Z_pofe, C., 76*; See also Van
ant Cousin, 313*; Le Laos. L. de Hise, C. R.
Reinach, rev., 615 Lejeune, R. P., 553*
La Paz, Another Link from - to the Lemarec, Y., 874*
Sea. G. Fortescue, 930* 4lMap: Um-Lemoine, P., 72*, 785
gegend von La Paz, 78* Lempriere, W., Souvenirs du Chirur-
La Perouse [Jean-Francois de Gal- gien -. Le Maroc il y a cent ans.
oup], Native Account cf Meeting Annotes
be- . . . A. Savine, 143*
tween - and the Tlingit. G. T. Leon, Fla., The Lands of. J. H. Reese,
Emmons, 315* 229*
Lapeyriere, J., 232* Leonard, A. G., 69*, 469*
Lapicque, P. A., 872* LUopoldville, Maps: q--en I889, en
Laplanders: q(Kolalapparnas hoiade 1910, 156*
existens. G. Hallstr6m, 395* Lepeszynski, A. and B. Dobrynin, 626*
La Plata Estuary: j Uber-Meeresstrom- Leppla, A., 151*
ungen zwischen Kap Horn und der Lepsius, C. R., 948*
la Plata-Miindung. J. Klaehn, 315* Lepsius, R., Klemm, G., and Others,
Lapworth, C., and Zimmern, H., 921 151*
Laroze, J., 633* LeRoy, 0. E., 930*
Larsen, E. S. See Diller, J. S. Leuchs, K., 553*
La Sal Mts., Notes on the Northern. Leucite Hills, Wyo., Potash-Bearing
J. M. Hill, 927* Rocks of the. A. R. Schultz and W.
Laska, V., 397* Cross, 869* jqMap: Location of Pot-
Latham, H., 791* ash Rocks and topographic relief of,
Latter Day Saints: See under Mormons. (io maps), 636*
Laughton, A. M., 143* Lewis, H., 235*
Launay, L. de., 535, 944* Lexicons: See under Dictionaries.
Lautensach, H., 794* Leyen, Leut. von der, 312*
Laverrenz, C., 944' Liberia: l La frontiere Franco-Libe-
Lavoix, J., 792* rienne. L. Peyrissac, 630*; Les fron-
Layer, E., 871* tieres de la Guin6e Franqaise, de
Lead: Output of Certain Minerals and Sierra Leone et du. A. Terrier, 931*;
Metals in the World, 234* Une tournee en Liberia. P. Garcia,
Leaf, W., 793*, 798*, 937* 72*; Dr. Volz. Reise durch das Hin-
Leary, L. G., 548 terland von - im Winter I906-7.
Leathes, S. See Ward, A. W. Nach seinen Tagebuchern bearbeitet
Leavenworth and Vicinity, Map, 398* von R. Zeller, rev., 378 qjMaps of
Lebanon, Recollections of the Druses of Liberia: Croquis montrant la fron-
the. Earl of Carnarvon, 941* tiere franco-liberienne, 3r7*; Explora-
Lebesgue, P., 474* tions de M. XV. Volz et C. Braith-
Lebiediev, V. N., 873* waite-Wallis, 317*
Lecky, W. E. H., 944* Libya, Italian: See Tripoli.
Leclercq, J., 390* Libyan Desert: IqA Journey in the.
Le Cointe, P., 551* G. Sykes, 721; Libyan Desert. W. J.
Lee, I., 234* H. King, 313* E Map: Part of the
Lee, L., 633* Desert from route surveys of VW. J.
Lee, Robert Edw rd, Life and Letters H. King, n., 477
of-Soldier and Man. J. W. Jones, Lichtenheld, G., 475*
n., 468 Liepe, H., 152*
Lee, W. T., 627*, 928* Liger, E., I45*
Lee-Warner, Sir William, 58 Liguria: ELa pioggia nella regio-Ie li-
Leffingwell, E. DeK., Personal, 689 gure, 713*
Legendre, Dr., 158*, 472*, 473*, 553* Lilienberg, V. E., 312*
Legrand, R., 931* Limnology: See Lakes.
Lehmann, A., 554* Lindgren, W., 69*, 908*
Lehmann-Nitsche, R., 870* Lindsay, F., 307*
Lehmann, W., 551* Lindsay, G. A., 928*
Leighton, M. 0., 392* Linke, F., 224; - & J. Clossner, 703

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Linstow,.O. v., 151* Lowe, F., 795*

Lowell, Mass: qlThe Record of a City.
Lipari Islands: QJDie aolischen Inseln.
A. Wurm, 314* A Social Survey of Lowell. G. F.
Lippe, Maps: q Umgebungder Mineral- Kenngott, n., 389
quellen von Germate bei Warburg, Lowell, P., 866*
560*; Umgebung der Solquellen von Lowie, R. H., 628*
Calldorf in Lippe, 560* Lucas, E., 393*
Lissa, Posen, Maps illustrating "Uber Lucerna, R., 397*
den Verlauf der Endmordnen bei- Ludwig Salvator, Archduke, 315*
zwischen Oder und russischer Grenze,"Luigi, G. de, 787*
639* Lukis, E. du B., 552*
Livingstone Channel, Opening of, 849 Luks, H. T., 944*
Lloyd, A. R., 143* Lukuga, Exploration de la riviere -,
Lloyd, J. E., 390* emissaire du Tanganika. J. Schwetz,
Lloyd, L. C. See Bleek, H. I. 932*
Loat, W. L. S. See Ayrton, E. R. Lull, R. S., 876*
Lobito Railroad, 609 Lumholtz, C. and I. N. Dracopoli, 930*
Lockyer, W. J. S., 716* Liineburg: (Liineburger Heide. K.
Lodewyckx, A., 71* Olbricht, 233*
Logan, W. N., 627* Lutgens, R., 235*, 551*, 715*
Loir, A., 933* Luther, D. D., 628*
Loire: qlLa-: Etude de Fleuve. L. Lutzu, Through-Country to Henkong.
Gallouedec, rev., 2I9 F. K. Ward, 872*; Map showing
Lombardy, Oldest Map of. R. Alma- route of, n., 638
gia, 454 Luxemburg, Handbook to Belgium in-
London: qjHot July and August of cluding Luxemburg, 867*
I9II in, 395*; The Making of. Sir Luzon: q[Additional Notes on the
Laurence Gomme, n., 625; The TowerEconomic Geology of the Baguio Min-
of London. C. H. Hopwood, 714*; eral District. W. D. Smith and F. T.
East London, (Cambridge County Eddingfield, 554*; Geologic Recon-
Geographies). G. F. Bosworth, 390* naissance of S. E. Luzon. G. I. Adams
qlMap: Electric Railways of London, and W. E. Pratt, 554*; Head-Hunters
n., 798 of Northern Luzon. D. C. Worcester,
Longford, J. H., 59 873*; Seismotectonic Lines in South-
Long Island Sound: qj Notes on an ern, 873*; Theory on the Formation
Early Chart of-and its Approaches of Central - Plain. R. Herrmann,
(circa 1720). C. H. Townshend, 948* 232* E Charts of Harbors and ports,
QICharts: Three Charts of North on the S. E. and W. Coasts, 237*
Shore of, 236* Lyell, Sir Charles, 944*
Longstaff, T. G., 872* Lyons, G., 215
Lonnberg, E., 312* Lyons, H. G., 368, 787*
Lorentz, H. A., 150*
Los Angeles Harbor and Vicinity, M
Chart, 236*
Lotschberg Tunnel: q(Durchschlag des Macalister, R. A. S., 625*
L6schbergtunnels, 74* McAtee, W. L., 229*
Loughlin, G. F., 628*; See also Bar- McCallum, A., 626*
rell, J. Macauley, M. E. See Beckwith, F.
Louisiana: q Agriculture. Farms, Live MacClintock, S., 313*
Stock, etc., Census I9Io, 869*; Popu- McClure, E., I44*
lation, Census I910, 229*; Results of McCord, J. B., 472*
Spirit Leveling, I896 to I909, In- MiacCormac, E. I., 396*
clusive. R. B. Marshall, 69*; Statis- McCormick, F., 473*
tics of Manufactures, Census for McCormick, R. R., 628*
I910, 869* ljMaps of Louisiana: LakeMcDonnell, A. C., 865
Providence Quad., 398*; Charts, 236* Macdougal, D. T., 391*, 868*
LourenSo Marques: qlDelago Direc- McDougall, E. M., 787*
tory, I9II, n., 58 Macedonia: .qMakedonien und Alt-
Love, C., 930* Serbien. S. Gopcevic, 943*
Lowe, E. N., 628* Macfarlane, C. T., 628*

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Macfarlane, J. J., 392*, 470*, 628*, tectonique de l'Ouest, n., 78; Les
788*, 795*, 928* mines d'or d'Andavakoera, 78*
McGee, G. R., 309* Maddren, A. G., 788*, Personal, 530
McGee, W J, 146*; Obituary, 691 Madeira & Mamore, R.R., 230*; Pro-
McGlashan, H. D. See Clapp, W. B. gress on, 48
Macgowan, J., 944* Madrolle, CI., 944*
M'Gregor, W. L., 944* Maeso, C. M., 375
McGroarty, J. S., 777 Magdalena, Rio: See Rio de la Mag-
Machatschek, F., 872* dalena.
Mackay, G. W., 72* Magellan, Strait of: jThe Toll of the
Mackay-Little, D. & W. S., Route and Straits. Stories of Storms and Casta-
Exploration of - in Southern New way Crews in the Fuegian Archipel-
Guinea (Map), n., 80
ago and the Patagonian Channel. C.
Mackie, A., 144*
W. Furlong, 311*
Mackie, H. G., 869*
Mackinder, H. J., I43* Magic and Religion: qjThe Golden
Bough. Study in Magic and Religion.
McKinley Mount: See Mount McKinley.
J. G. Frazer, Part I, rev., 543; Part
McLaughlin, A. C. and Van Tyne, C. V, 787*
H., 226*
Magnetism, Terrestrial: QAard-Mag-
McMillan, E. M., 234* netisme, 716*; Annales de l'Observa-
Macmillan's (D. B.) Arctic Plans, 917 toire Physique Central Nicolas, I908,
McMurray, F. M. and R. S. Tarr, 874*; Annual of the Meteor. and
229*, 866* Magn. Observatory of the Imp. Univ.
McNab, R., 540, 944* at Odessa, I910, 874*; Comparisons
McPherson, L. G., 785 of Magnetic Observatory Standards
MacRitchie, D., 875* by Carnegie Institution. J. A. Flem-
McTurk, M., 471* ing, 152*; Magnetic Survey Work of
Madagascar: I Culture du manioc. the -, 291; Distribution of Magnetic
Inspecteur Fauchere, 231*; La culture Declination in the U. S. for Jan. I,
du riz a. L. Galtie, 871*; Developpe- I9I0, with Isogonic Chart and Secular
ment economique de-depuis l'occupa- Change Tables. R. L. Faris, 469*;
tion francaise. P. Chemin-Dupontes, Erdmagnetische Storungen im Ostsee-
231*; Documents sur l'histoire, la gebiet. W. Krebs, 152*; Erdmagne-
geographie et le commerce de la tismus, ein Stiefkind des geographi-
partie occidentale de. M. Guillain, schen Unterrichts. O. Baschin, 235*;
943*; Guide-annuaire du gouverne- Magnetic Chart Errors and Secular
ment general de - et Dependences, Changes in the Indian Ocean. L. A.
708*; Histoire physique, naturelle et Bauer and W. J. Peters, 152*; On the
politique de. A. Grandidier, 943*; Magnetic Field of the Earth. L.
La houille blanche a. Bonnefond, Steiner, 715*; Peculiar Magnetic Dis-
72*; Madagascar en 1910, 711*;turbances of Dec., 28-31, I908. R. L.
Madagascar et Dependences, Statis- Faris, 152*; Report .. the Sixth
Meeting of Commission for Terres-
tiques, 231*, 87I*;- et ses habitants.
A. Grandidier, 943*; Mines d'or de trial Magnetism and Atmospheric
la region d'Andavakoera. A. Bor-Electricity, 716*; Studies in Terres-
deaux, 72*; Notes sud des recherches trial Magnetism. C. Chree, n., 626,
d'eau dans le Sud-Ouest. G. Carle, rev., 706; q Coast and Geodetic Sur-
149*; Notes sur la vallee permo-tri- vey: Results of Magnetic Observa-
tions made bv the. 9Io0-11. R. L.
asique et le contact des terrains meta-
morphiques et des terrains sedimen-Faris, 391*; Results of Observations
taires dans l'Ouest de. H. Perrier de made by the - at Magn. Obs. at
la Bathie, 149*; Le palmier a huile de. Baldwin,. Kan., 1907-1909. D. L.
Hazard, 69*, for I909-o0, 868*; at
H. Jumelle et H. Perrier de la Bathie,
Vieques, Porto Rico, 1907-8. D. L.
72*; Rapport sur le fonctionnement du
Service des Mines en I909 a, 231*;Hazard, 471*, 1909-10, 700*, at the
Le service G6ographique de Mada- Time of Solar Eclipse of April 28,
gascar suspended, 452 qjMaps -of I9I . 0. H. Tittmann, 715* elMap:
Madagascar: Bassin inferieur de la Hypothetische Darstellung der Ver-
Mamba, 78*; Esquisse d'une carte teilung der magnetischen Abweichung

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im Atlantischen Ozean um das Jahr an Account of the Colossal Cavern.

x500. F. Nansen, 240* H. C. Hovey, n., 786
Mahogany: '[Die Mahagonisorten des Man. See also Anthropology: qlAni-
Handels geordnet nach den einzelnen mals and Man. Elementary Text-
Produktionsgebieten und ihrer botan- book of Zoology and Human Physi-
ischen Abstammung. P. Busch, 234* ology. V. L. Kellogg, n., 145; Anti-
Maiden, J. H. and R. H. Cambage, quity of Man. A. Keith, 776; Eiszeit
150* und Urgeschichte des Menschen. H.
Maine: Q Agriculture. Farms, Live Pohlig, 709*; Evolution of man. G.
Stock, etc., Census I9I0, 147*; Clay E. Smith, 876*; Glacial Man, 876*;
in the Portland Region. F. J. Katz, Influence of Gold and Silver Mining
868*; Population, Census I9Io, 147*; upon the Character of Men. G. D.
Statistics of Manufactures, Census Hubbard, 396*; Kulturelemente der
1910, 929*; Water Resources of Pen- Menschheit. K. Weule, rev., 702;
obscot R. Basin. H. K. Barrows and Die Kultur der Kulturlosen. K.
C. C. Babb, 627* '[JMaps of Maine: Weule, n., 868; The Mind of Primi-
Kezar Falls Quad., 398*; Livermore tive. F. Boas, rev., 64; Prehistoric
Quad., 877*; Map showing Penobscot Man. W. L. H. Duckworth, n., 467;
Die tierische Abstammung des Mensch-
Drainage Basin, n., 796; Charts: Cape
en. K. Ungar, 234*; Uomo secondo
Neddick Harbor to York River, 796*;
le origini, l'antichita, le variazioni e
Monhegan Island to Cape Elizabeth, la distribuzione geografica. G. Sergi,
635*, Penobscot Bay, 235* n., 926; Der Ursprung des Menschen,
Mairwara, Sketch of. C. J. Dixon, usw. A. Schmitt, n., 391; Zwerg-
942* volker und Zwergwuchs. R. Poch,
Maistre, 944* 876*
Maitland, A. G., 473* Man, Isle of: See Isle of Man.
Majorca: qEDie Felsenfesten Mallorcas. Manabi, Antiquities of. M. H. Saville,
[Archduke Ludwig Salvator], 315*; 625*
Voyage a l'fle Majorque. J. Leclercq, Manchuria: f--'s Great Southern Port,
n., 390 49 qIMap: Chosen and Southern
Malaria, Campaign against. R. Ross,
Manchuria, n., 318
234* Manhattan Indians. A. Skinner, 928*
Malay Archipelago: ElBarriere-Riffen Manila Bay to Formosa, Chart, 237*
en Atollen in de Oost-Indiese Archi- Manila Central Observatory, Bulletins
pel. J. F. Niermeyer, 313*; Zoogeog-of the-for Jan.-Dec., I911, 793*
raphy of East Indian Archipelago.Manitoba, Municipal History of. A.
P. N. Van Kampen, 72* {EMaps: KarteC. Ewart, 930* 4 Map: Grenzerweiter-
des Sudostlichen Asiens nach Ptole- ungen der Provinzen Quebec, Ontario
maus, n., 480; Siudost Asien, n., 480; und Manitoba, n., 934
Sixteen Maps entitled "Barriere- Rif-Mann, O., 71*
fen en Atollen in den Oost-Indischen Manning, V. H., 76*
Archipel, n., 158 Manouchi, M., 944*
Malay Peninsula: q Expansion of Brit- Manring, B. F., 777
ish Influence in the. T. H. Reid, Mansfield, G. R. See Richards, R. W.
394*; Pagan Races of the. W. W. Mansir, A. (G. W. Bury), 380
Skeat and C. O. Blagden, 947* Manti National Forest, Conditions in
Malay States: jJThe Far East Revis- -Grazing and Floods. R. V. R. Rey-
ited. Essays on . . . Conditions of nolds, 928*
Malaya, China, etc. A. G. Angier, Maori: IqThe-and the Moa, 233*;
940* Wirtschaftsorganisation der Maori
Malcolm, Sir John, 944* auf Neuseeland. W. v. Brun, n., 867
Malcorra, A. Z. de, 944* Maps. See also Atlases, Charts, and
Mallet, Capt., 399 Cartography: q Descriptive Cata-
Malloch, G. S., 311* logues of Maps. Sir Herbert G. Ford-
Mallorca: See Majorca. ham, n., 468; Handschriftliche Karten
Mamberamo, Expedition zur Erfor- der Pariser National-Bibliothek. K.
schung des-in Hollandisch Neu- Kretschmer, 395*; Wie ich Karten
Guinea. M. Moszkwoski, 794* lesen lernte. K. C. Rothe, 876*; L6s-
Mammoth Cave of Kentucky. With
ung des Zweihohenproblems in der

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1006 Index

Karte. A. Wedemeyer, 395* Maps andEducational, 240, 640, 720

Map-making. C. C. Adams, 194; Map Historical, 8o, i6o, 240, 320, 400,
Reading. H. N. Francis, 21o; Plane 480
table in detailed Geologic Mapping. Oceanographical, 80, i6o, 240
D. F. Higgins, 876*; Oxford Out- Mar caibo, Lake and City of. R. J.
line Maps, n., 720; Das Prinzip der Totten, 552*
Beleuchtung unserer Landkarten. J. Maravanu, Das Ende des - Ausbruchs
G. Rothaug, 634*; Representation of auf Savaii. K. Sapper, 394*
Relief on Maps. H. G. Lyons, 787*; Marchetti, R., 944*
Stumme Karten und Kartenskizzen. Marc-Schrader, L., 871*
J. G. Rothaug, 634*; Thermal Maps. Marek, R., 73*, 876*
A. J. Herbertson, I23; Vogelsch-j- Marett, R. R., 467
bildund Karte. J. G. Rothaug, 634*; Marge, P., 143*
Wirtschaftsgeographische Karten. K. Marinelli, G., 944*
Preissler, 634* qI Aviation Maps: Carte Markert, F., 73*
et reperes aeronautiques. C. Lalle- Markham, Sir Clements R., 555*, 714*,
mand, 876*; Internationale Luftschif- 858
ferkarte. K. Peucker, 395*; Luftschif- Markov, E., 393*
fahrt und Landkarte. K. Peucker, Marks, E. 0., 394*, 794*
876*; Verfahren zur Herstellung far- Marlborough Country. Notes Geogra-
benplastischer Darstellung, insbesond- phical, Historical and Descriptive.
dere Krten (Flugkarten). K.Peucker, H. C. Brentnal and C. C. Carter,
395* 4 Historical Maps: Egerton Map n., 926
of Early American Discoveries. O. Marr, N. J., 874*
A. Derby, 315*; John Cary, En- Marriott, W., 145*, 234*; See also
graver and Map-seller, I769-I836. Fowler, J. S.
Sir Herbert G. Fordham, 293; Nord- Marshall, R. B., 69*, 146*, 147*, 310*,
westlicher Teil der Karte des Juan 311*, 470*, 628*, 788*, 928*
de la Cosa aus dem Jahre 1500, 240*; Marson, L., 395*
Teil der Karte des Pedro Reinel, 240*; Martel, E. A., 234*, 31I*, 474*; -
Oldest Map of Lombardy (I556). R.Notice sur les Travaux scientifiques
Almagia, 454; Sections from three de, 397*
maps showing the mouth of the Ama- Martin, A. G. P., 393*
zon: Egerton Map, Juan de la Cosa Martin, C., 231*, 932*, 933*
Map, Diego Ribeiro (I529), 80* q In- Martin, E. E., 69*
tern. Map of the World: Development Martin, G. C. and F. J. Katz, 549*,
and State of Progress of the United 868*
States Portion of the. W. L. G. Joerg, Martin, I. T., 786*
838; Projection for International Map Martin, J. B., 394*
of the World, 634* Martin, L., 935*, - in Alaska, 46
Maps, New: Martin, P. F., 455
North America, 74, 153, 235, 316, Martinelli, G., 626*
397, 475, 556, 635, 746, 796, 878, 933 Martonne, E. de, 944*
Central America and West Indies, Martyn, W. F., 944*
156, 237, 399, 797, 935 Maryland: [JAgriculture, Census I9I0,
South America, 78, I56, 3I7, 476, 7I7, 3II*; Lower Cretaceous Deposits of.
798, 935 W. B. Clark, A. B. Bibbins and E. W.
Africa, 78, 156, 238, 317, 399, 476, Berry, 449, 627*; Manufactures, Sta-
558, 637, 717, 798, 879, 936 tistics, 191o, 869*; Population, Cen-
Asia, 79, 157, 238, 318, 399, 478, 559, sus 1910, 147*; Prince George's Coun-
638, 717, 798, 936 ty, 629*; Report on Lines of Equal
Australasia and Oceania, 79, I58, Magnetic Declination in-for 191o.
239, 478, 560, 638, 7I8, 798, 879, 938 L. A. Bauer, 549*; Summary Final
Europe, 80, 158, 239, 319, 400, 478, Report on the Work the Highway
560, 639, 719, 798, 879, 938 Division of Md. Geol. Surv. x898-
Polar, I59, 480, 560, 640, 720, 879 191o. W. B. Clark, 627*; Report on
World and Larger Parts, 80, i6o, Iron Ores, with account of Iron In-
239, 320, 400, 640, 719, 799, 938 dustry. Singlewald, J. T., 450, 628*;
Atlases, 799, 879 Third Report on State Highway Con-
Cartographical, 8o, i6o, 240, 939 struction, 90o8-o1. W. W. Crosby,

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627* qlMaps of Maryland: Choptank Meade, General Sir Richard. T. I.

Quad., 878*; Hagerstown, Quad., Thornton, 947*
934*; Drainage Map of Pawpaw and Mears, F. C. See Geddes, P.
Hancock Quads., showing the "trellis" Mecca, Pilgrimage to, 369
arrangement of the streams, 398*; Re-Mecking, L., 876*
lief Map of Cumberland Valley, Ap-
Mecklenburg, Duke Adolphus Fred-
palachian Valley ridges, etc., n., 155;
erick of, 631*
Charts 236*, 635*
Masai: Q Sagen, Mythen, und Sitten Mecklenburg, Map: qjDie Mecklen-
der. H. Fuchs, 942* burgische Schweiz, 319*
Masbate: q Geology and Mineral Re- Mediterranean Region: q Europe and
sources of Aroroy District. H. G. the. J. B. Reynolds, n., 63; Der
Ferguson, 554* q Charts of Harbors Kampf und die Herrschaft im Mittel-
on the Coast of, 237* meer. P. Herre, 943*; The -. Its
Storied Cities and Venerable Ruins.
Maspero, Sir G., 944*
Masqueray, E., 944* T. G. Bonney, H. D. Traill, and
Massachusetts: qlAgriculture, Census, Others, n., 787; Mediterranean. E. W.
1910, 3II*; - of To-Day. T. C. Heaton, 30o*; Seaports and Sea
Quinn, 946*; Statistics of Manufac- Routes including Madeira, Canary
tures, Census I9I0, 929*; Supplemen- Islands, etc. Handbook for Trav-
tary Notes on Commercial Granites ellers. K. Baedeker, n., 146 qlMaps:
of. T. N. Dale, 627* iCharts: Five Mediterranean Region and the Nearer
Charts of Bays and Harbors, 236* East, Maps, n., 320; Region of the
and Near East, n., 400; Tripolis und
Massany, E., 315*
das ostliche Mittelmeer, Schauplatz
Massignon, L. 945*
des italienisch-tiirkischen Konfliktes,
Matanuska Valley, Alaska, Geology
and Coal Fields of the Lower. G. C. n., 320
Meharists: qfLes Meharistes en Miuri-
Martin and F. J. Katz, 549*
tanie. Lt.-Col. Patey, 231*
Matavanu: Ql-auf Sawaii am 9. April
Meier, H. See Pilhofer, G.
I9II. W. Gievel, 314*; Matavanu
Volcano Quiescent. K. Sapper, 208 Meinzer, 0. E., 69*, 311*; See also
Mather, Cotton, Diary of, 945* Hale, C. W.
Mather, K. F. See Atwood, W. W. Meister, A. K., 873*
Mathers, J. G. See Freeman, W. B. Meistermann, B., 68*
& Hall, M. R. Melanesia: IJIslands of Enchantment.
Mathews, R. H., 150* Many-Sided Melanesia. F. Coombe,
Matlekovits, A. v., 944* rev., 540 qjMap: Melanesia to illus-
Matson, G. C., 868* trate Paper by H. R. Rivers, n., 879
Matthes, F. E., 334 Melbourne, Port Philip mit den Hafen
Matto Grosso, Map: qlLes explorations - und Geelong, 633*
de I9xo dans la Bolivie et le Matto Meldorf, G., 74*
Grosso, n., 317 Melland, F. H., 149*
Mau, A., 945* Mellor, E. T., 393*, 793*
Maurer, J., and J. Friih, 635* Melrakkasljetta, Islands n6rdlichste
Mauretania: EqContribution a la carte Halbinsel. H. and E. Erkes, 74*
de Mauritanie. R. Chudeau, 871*; Melville Island, Sketch Map of south-
Les M6haristes en -. Lt.-Col. Patey, ern portion of, I59*
231*; Les resources agricoles de la. Melville, Rear-Admiral George W.,
R. Chudeau, 871* Obituary, 370*
Mauritzen, Capt., 631* Menam River, Survey of the Mouth of
Maury, M. J., 553*, 870* the, 609
Mawson's Antarctic Expedition, 918 Mendozza, J. Gonzalez de., 945*
Maxwell, H. See Hall, W. L. Meniaud, J., 312*
Maxwell, Sir Herbert, 467* Menkong, Through Lutzu Country to.
May, W., 866* F. K. Ward, 872*
Mayer, A. G., 397* Menomini, Comparative Sketch of the.
Maynard, T. P., 928* A. Skinner, 470*
Maynas: ql Breve notica geografica Menzel,
e H., 151*
hist6rica. B. Beltran y R6zpide, 551*Mercatelli, L., 314*
Mayr, M., 870*;-& E. Snethlage, 717 Merchant Marine, History of: lqGe-

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1008 Index

schichte der Handlung und Schiffahrt Report of the Ninth Meeting of In-
der Alten. P. D. Huet, 943* tern. Meteor. Comm., etc., 716*; Are
Merchier, A., 551* there Equinoctial Storms? J. H. Mor-
Mercier, Capt., 7I0* rison, 709*; Thermal Maps. A. J.
Mercinier, E., 392* Herbertson, 123; Tratado de Meteoro-
Merian, M., 945 logica. A. Arcimis, 234*; Vorlauf.
Merlin, M., 312*. Bericht iiber die meteor. Beobachtun-
Meroe, The Island of: EMeroitic In- gen der Deutschen Antarktischen Ex-
scriptions. W. J. Crowfoot and F. L. ped. auf der Fahrt von Hamburg bis
Griffith, 942* Buenos Aires. E. Barkow, 715*; Der
Merriam, J. C., 147* wetterkundliche Unterricht. F. Linke
Merriam, W. N., and W. O. Hotchkiss, and J. C16ssner rev., 703; Witterungs-
77*; - and M. H. Newman, 76* charakter an der Gauss-Station und
Merrimac R. Drainage Basin. H. K. die Fragen der siidhemisphirischen
Barrows and Others, 468* Zirkulation. L. Mecking, 876*; Wind-
Merton, H., 922 blown Trees. O. Burchard, 692
Merz, A., 554-, 713*, 874* Mettrier, M. H., 874*
Mesa Verde, Geographic Study of. W. Mexico: jLas aguas subterraneas en
W. Atwood, 593, 627* el borde meridional de la cuenca de.
Mesa Verde National Park, Antiquities J. D. Villarello, 70*; Arbeiterver-
of. J. W. Fewkes, 69* haltnisse in den Kaffeeplantagen Siid-
Mesopotamia: EIrrigation of. Sir W. Mexikos. P. Furbach, 789*; Beyond
lillcocks, rev., 701; Osterreichische the-Sierras. D. Wallace, n., 56; Bol.
Expedition ... 9ro0. V. Pietschmann, de Estadfstica fiscal 91o0-II, 630*;
149*; Studie zu Dr. Pietschmanns Commerce of--1911, 789*; Etats-Unis
Photogrammetrischen Aufnahmen in du Mexique. M. de Perigny, rev., 373;
-190o. I. Tschamler, 313* e Map: -. A Gene;al Sketch, 142*; Mexico
Lower Mesopotamia. Sir W. Will- in 1910, 70*; Memoria ... presenta a
cocks, n., 937 la Sociedad Mexicana de GeografIa y
Metals, Influence of the Presence, Dis- Estadistica . . . I90 a I9II. F. Bel-
covery and Distribution of the Pre- mar, 630*; Aus Mexiko. 0. Holm,
cious-in America on the Migration of rev., 372; Idiome Huichol. Contribu-
People. G. D. Hubbard, 97 tion a l'etude des langues mexicaines.
Meteorites: Q Meteorite of El Nakhla L. Diguet, 869*; Through Southern.
el Baharia. J. Ball, 792* H. Gadow, rev., 131; Une traversee
Meteorology. See also Atmosphere, du Mexique meridionaI. L. H.
Climate, Temperature, Weather, etc: Quarles van Ufford, 789* ElMaps of
1 Aeronautische Meteorologie. F. Mexico: Five State Maps. H. A.
Linke, n., 224; Connection between hy- Horsfall, n., 935; Gray's New Rail-
drographical and meteorological Phe- way System Map of the U. S., Can-
nomena. 0. Pettersson, 876*; Cyclonic ada, and Mexico, n., 155; Karte der
Movements in the Arctic. E. Vincent, Bevolkerungsdichte. E. Wittich, 78*;
690; Drought and Buildings, 293; Mexique, n., 399
"Frost Cartridges," 125; Frost fore- Mexico, Gulf of: EWestern -, I909.
casting and protection, 6ii; Hints to W. B. Freeman and R. H. Bolster,
Meteorological Observers. W. Mar- 469*; in I910. W. B. Freeman and
riott, 145*; Klimaschwankungen und J. G. Mathers, 469* 4 Charts of the
Volkerwanderungen im I9. Jahr- Coasts, 236*, 796*
hundert. E. Bruckner, 876*; Meas- Meyer, C., 945*
urements of Dew, 612; Meteorologia Meyer, H., 632*
Agricola. G. Costanzo and C. Negro, Meyers Grosses Konversation-Lexikon,
n., 145; - and Physical Geography. New Ed. Vol. 23, 391*
WA'. N. Allen, 715*; -. Text-Book Meynier, 0., 466*
on the Veather, Causes of its Changes,
Mezieres, B. de, 397*
and Weather Forecasting for the Stu- Michels, Abel des, 945*
dent and General Reader. W. I. Mil- Michigan: qlAgriculture, Census 9Io0,
ham, rev., 463; - at the British Asso-311*; Iron Ore Reserves of, 286;
ciation, 235*; Obstacles to the Pro- Population, Census I910, 147*; Rail-
gress of. C. Abbe, 396*; Photograph- roads, Industries and Distribution of
ing Red Snow in Natural Colors, 293; Population in. A. E. Parkins, 147*;

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Statistics of Manufactures, Census Mindanao: q Geologic Reconnaissance

I910, 929* lJMaps of Michigan: Geo- of - and Sulu. W. D. Smith, 554*
logic Maps: Dead River Area. A. E. qEMaps of Mindanao: Geologic Re-
Seaman, 76*; Calumet District. C. connaissance Map, n., 937; Charts
K. Leith, W. S. Bailey, & Others, 76*; of Anchorages on North Coast of,
Crystal Falls District, etc., n., 76; Iron 237*; Six Charts of Bays on South
River District. R. C. Allen, 76*; Coast, 636*
Keweenaw Point District, 76*; West Mindoro, Charts: q Anchorages in
end of Marquette District. W. N. southeastern-and Tablas I., 237*;-
Merriam and M. H. Newman, 76*; and Vicinity, 237*
Menominee Iron District. E. C. Bebb, Miner, W. H., 142*
A. T. Fowler, and Others, n., 76; Peno- Minerals and Metals, Output of Cer-
kee-Gogebic District. C. R. Van Hise tain-in the World, 234*
and R. D. Irving, n., 77; Maps accom- Minnesota: Aborigines of. Report
panying "Geology of Lake Superior based on Collection of J. V. Brower,
Region," 75*; Mason Quad., 556*; Field Surveys of A. J. Hill and T. H.
Glaciated Valley of Portage Lake on Lewis. N. H. Winchell, rev., 532;
Keweenaw Point . . . with hanging Agriculture, Census 19I1, 311*; Geol-
valley of Huron Creek, 77*; Lake ogy and Underground waters of. C.
shore escarpment of Archean schists W. Hall, O. E. Meinzer and M. L.
and Huronian quartzite near Mar- Fuller, 69*; Minnesota in Three Cen-
quette, 76*; Perch Lake District show- turies. W. Upham and Others, 947*;
ing Distribution of Outcrops. Van H. Population, Census 1910, 229*; Pro-
Manning, 76*; Outcrop Map of Swan- ceedings of a Council with the Chip-
zy District, 76*; Sketch map to show pewa Indians.. (Purchase of Pine
general relations of iron-bearing Lands), 470*; Statistics of Manufac-
rocks, principally upon Huronian in tures, Census I9I1, 929* EjMaps of
Crystal Falls, etc., 76*; Typical Mono-Minnesota: Characteristic Muskeg and
clinal ridge topography, Isle Royal, Ground Moraine topography in glaci-
76* ated area of, etc., 77*; Drainage of
Michigan Lake, Map: qlGrays Reef St. Louis and Mississippi headwa-
Passage showing new Shoal and ters before the stream captures alo..g
amended sailing Courses, 77* Duluth escarpment, etc., 76*; Duluth
Mickel, 72* escarpment and even upland of pene-
Micmac Indians of Nova Scotia. H. plain on Duluth gabbro, etc., 76*;
Piers, 930* Geologic Maps: Mesabi District. C.
Middleton, J., 629* K. Leith, n., 76; Pigeon Point. W. S.
Midlothian: See Edinburgh. Bailey, 76*; Vermilion Iron-Bearing
Mielert, F., 151* District. C. R. Van Hise, 76*; Cen-
Migration of Peoples: l Klima- tral- including Cuyuna District. C.
schwankungen und Volkerwanderun-K. Leith, 76*; Part of Cuyuna Iron
District. C. K. Leith, 76*
gen im I9. Jahrhundert. E. Bruckner,
876* Mirabeau, Comte de, 945*
Mikkelsen's Return from East Green- Mirkhond, M., 947*
land, 690 Mishmi Hills, Journey through a por-
Milham, W. I., 463 tion of S. E. Tibet and the -. F. M.
Military Geography: See under Geog- Bailey, 632*
raphy. Mississippi: E Population, Census 191o,
Milk R. Drainage Basin. W. A. Lamb, 229*; Preliminary Study of Soils of.
W. B. Freeman and F. F. Henshaw, E. N. Lowe, 628*; Report of State
146* Geologist on Iron Ores of Marshall
Mill, H. R., 138, 314*, 555* and Benton Counties, 929*; Results
Miller, B. L., 928* of Spirit Leveling, 1896 to I909, In-
Miller, W. H., 233* clusive. R. B. Marshall, 69*; Stat.
Miller, W. J., 69*, 868* of Manufactures, Census 1910, 550*;
Milwaukee, Caspar's Guide and Map Structural Materials. W. N. Logan,
to the City of, 548* 627*; Third Biennal Report of the-
Minas Geraes: 'l Diamond-Bearing De- Geol. Survey Comm., 1909-1911, 929*
posits of Bagagem and Agua Suja in. Mississippi R.: qExpedition of Zebu-
D. Draper, 551* Ion Montgomery Pike to the Sources

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1010 Index

of the. E. E. Martin, 69*; - Flood Mombasa-Victoria Railway, (Map),

of I9I2. R. M. Brown, 645; Lower n., 156
Mississippi Basin. W. B. Freeman Monaco, Le Musee Oceanographique
and R. H. Bolster, 69*; - and J. G. de. J. Richard, 555*
Mathers, 710*; Prel. Statement Con- Monaco, Prince Albert I of, 876*
cerning a New System of Quartern'ry Monarch Mining District, Col., Pre-
Lakes in the - Basin. E. W. Shaw. liminary Report on Geology of. R.
311*; Upper-Drainage Basin. R. D. Crawford, 627*
Follansbee and Others, 710* QMaps: Moncton, H. W., 390*
Drainage of the - headwaters be- Mongolia: q Ethnological Explorations
fore the stream capture; - after the in, 453; Exploration in North-West
stream capture, etc., 76*; Chart: -and Dzungaria. D. Carruthers,
From the Passes to Grand Prairie, 793*; Les glaciations quaternaires
236* dans la Siberie meridionale et la
Mississippi Valley, Origin of the Lead Mongolie occidentale. A. Allix, 872*;
and Zinc Ores of Upper. G. H. Cox, Tibet, Tartary and-. H. T. Prin-
69* sep, 946* q Maps of Mongolia:
Missouri: ql Agriculture, Census I91o, Itineraire de l'Exp. Kozlov, 318*;
3II*; The New Madrid Earthquake. Mongolia. E. Banse, n., 240; Map to
M. L. Fuller, 203, 710*; Population, illustrate paper on Exploration in-
Census 1910, 70*; Statistics of Manu- and Dzungaria. D. Carruthers, 638*
factures, Census I9o1, 550* QMaps of Mongols: lqHistoires des Mongols de
Missouri: State of - I19I, n., 796; la Perse par Raschid-Eldin. Persian
Rolla Quad., 557* Text with translation, notes, and
Missouri R. Basin. W. A. Lamb, W. memoir in French. M. Quatremere,
B. Freeman and Others, 469*; -. W. 946*
A. Lamb, W. B. Freeman & F. F. Hen- Monico, A., 712*
shaw, 627*; Life along a Graded Monmouthshire. (Cambridge Co. Geog-
River. F. V. Emerson, 674, 761; Mis- raphies). H. E. Evans, n., 390
souri River Proper. W. A. Lamb, Monroe Co., N. Y., Plants of. F.
W. B. Freeman & F. F. Henshaw, Beckwith, M. E. Macauley and M. S.
146*; Relation of-Loess Mantle and Baxter, 146*
Kansas Drift-Sheet. C. R. Keyes,
Monroe,W. S., and Buckbee, A., 229*
469* Montagnier, H. F., 394*
Mitford, M. E., 138 Montana: QAgriculture. Farms, Live
Mitla. L. H. Aime, 230*
Mittenwald: qlVom Bau der Mitten- Stock, etc., Census 1910, 31*; Coal
walderbahn und ihre Zukunft. R. W. Fields in. L. J. Pepperberg and W.
R. Calvert, 928*; Cretaceous and
Polifka, 151*
Tertiary Formations of W. North
Mitton, G. E. See Morris, J. E.
Dakota and E. - A. G. Leonard,
Mobile R. Basin. M. R. Hall & J. G.
469*; Geology and Ore Deposits of
Mathers, 927*
Butte District. W. H. Weed, rev.,
Moero, Le Lac -, 791*
693; Population, Census 1910, 229*;
Moffit, F. H., 928*; - and Capps, S.
Results of Spirit Leveling, 1896 to
R., 311*
191o. R. B. Marshall, 147*; Rock
Mohave Desert: qlNotes on Later
Phosphate near Melrose. H. S. Gale,
Cenozoic History of the-Region. C.
469*; Statistics of Manufactures, Cen-
L. Baker, 468*; Potash in the, 286
sus for I9Io, 869* q Maps of Mon-
Mohawk R. Drainage Basin. H. K. tana: Blackfood Quad., n., 398; Catal-
Barrows and Others, 468* do Quad., 398*; Cut Bank Quad.,
Moh wk Valley, Geographic Influences 557*; Thibedeau Lake Quad., 877*;
in the Development of Manufacturing Zurich Quad., 934*; Geol. Map of
Industry of. G. B. Roorbach, 869* Region surrounding Butte District,
Moluccas: ql Het herstel van het Neder- 796*; Geol. and Vein Map of Butte
landsch gezag in de Molukken in Dist., 796*; Top. Map of Glacier Na-
1817, naar oorspronkelijke stukken. tional Park, n., 398
P. H. van der Kemp, 393*; Forsch- Montandon, G., 631*, 791*
ungsreise in den Siidostlichen Moluk- Montanus, A., 945*
ken (Aru-und-Kei-Inseln). H. Mer- Montavon, Das - mit dem Oberen
ton, rev., 922 Paznaun. O. v. Pfister, 228*

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Index 1011

Mont Blanc: 4 Bibliography of Ascents,(1907-1908). Capt. Grasset, rev.,

1786 to I853. H. F. Montagnier, 394*;376; Colonisati n fran$aise, etc. Al-
Mont-Blancs et ses voies d'acces. F.
gerie-Tunisie-Maroc. V. Piquet, rev.,
Deloncle, 394*; - and the Grepon 533; Les confins algero-marocains.
in I911. H. O. Jones, 874*;-vu de A. Montell, 552*; Frontiere algero-
Dijon. H. H. Mettrier, 874* marocaine: L'Amalat d'Oudjda. Com-
Moietelius, O., 945* mandant de Choulot, 472*; French
Montell, A., 552* Scientific Expedition to, 851; La geol-
Montenegro: qJLe Royaume de Monte- ogie du - et la genese de ses grandes
negro. M. C. Verloop, n., 62 chaines. L. Gentil, 552*; Zur Kar-
Montero y Tirado, M. G., 311*
tographie Nordmarokkos. P. Schnell,
Monte Rosa: qjPhysiologische Ergeb- 552*, 792*, 933*; Le Maroc il y a
nisse der im Jahre 1906 durchge-
fiihrten - Expedition. A. Durig and cent ans. Souvenirs . . .W. Lempriere.
Others, 394* Annotes, etc., par A. Savine, 143*;
Montessus de Ballore, F. de., 623 Le Maroc (Hier et aujourd'hui).
Montet, E., 67 Commandant Haillot, 227*; - and
Montezuma Mining District. H. B. its Future. A. G. Ogilvie, 792*;
Patton, 869* Morocco in Diplomacy. E. D. Morel,
Montgomery, A., 73* 925*; Navigabilite de l'oued Sebou
Monumental Brasses, A Manual of de l'Ocean Atlantique a Fez en canot
Costume as illustrated by. Druitt, automobile. Gen. de Torcy, 552*; Le
Maroc dans les premieres annees 'du
Moody, F. B., 311* XVIme Si&cle. L. Massignon, 945*;
Moon: qIVergleichende Mond- und Notice economique. Ch. Rene-Lec-
Erdkunde. S. Giinther, rev., 707 lerc, n., 925; L'oeuvre francaise au.
Moors: q4Das Moor. C. A. Weber, R. de Caix, 792*; Une page d'histoire
397" marocaine. A. Brives, 552*; El
Moore, N. J., 314* proyectado ferrocarril de Tanger a
Moorish Empire in Europe, History of Alcazar, 152*; Results of Segonzac
the. S. P. Scott, 946* Expedition, 851; Quelques etapes en
Moravia: fITopographia Bohemia Mo- Alg4rie et au Maroc. General Ber-
raviae et Silesian. M. Merian (I650), nard, 471*; Le Ras el oued Sous. J.
945* Ladreit de Lacharriere, 792*; De
Moravian Records. Vol. II. Diaries Taourirt a la Mouloya et a Debdou.
of Zeisberger relating to the L. Voinot,
first Mis- 552*; Reise durch Marokko.
sions in the Ohio Basin. Ed. by A. G. Rohlfs, 946*; Les relations de
B. Hulbert and W. N. Schwarze, 868* l'Espagne et du Maroc pendant le
Moreau, 792* i8me et I9me Siecles. E. Rouard de
Morel, E. D., 858, 925* Card, 94I* 4JMaps of Morocco: La
Mori, A., 471* Chaouia. Cap. Grasset, 399*; Four
Morison, T., 539 Maps to illustrate paper by A. G.
Morisseaux, C., 932* Ogilvie. Geomorphology, Relief,
Mormons: qI Handbook of Reference Rainfall, Population, Railways, n.,
to the history of the Latter Day 638; Hohenschichtenkarte des Atlas-
Saints, 940*; The Mormons or Latter vorlandes. R. Zietz, n., 638; Maps
Day Saints. J. W. Gunnison, 943*; illustrating "Zur Kartographie Nord-
The Mormon's Own Book. T. W. marokkos." P. Schnell, n., 157, 936;
P. Taylder, 947* Maroc. Service Geog. de l'Armee,
Morocco: ILes accords Franco-Alle- Two sheets, n., 477; Philips' Map of
mands et-les Negociation Marocaines.Tripoli, Morocco, etc., n., 640; Secteur
A. Terrier, 392*, 472*, 552*; L'aubeRabat-Sale d'apres la carte du bureau
du Protectorate Marocain, 933*; Cam-top,.des troupes au Maroc,, 238*; Zones
pagnes d'Afrique: Algerie-Tunisie- d'influence Espagnols du Projet de
Maroc. V. Piquet, 946*; La carretera I902,-d'apres le traite de 19o4, 157*
de Rio Martin a Tetuan, 231*; Carto- Morphology: qfPhysiblogische Mor-
graphic Work in, 915; La Chaouia phologie. S. Passarge, 635*
Marocaine. A. G. P. Martin, 393*; Morrey, W. T. See Arey, A. L.
Les Terres agricoles de la. Moreau, Morris, J. E., & Mitton, G. E., 867*
792*; A travers la - avec le Corps Morrison, J. H., 709*
de Debarquement de Casablanca Morteratsch Glacier: qf Study in the Na-

This content downloaded from on Sun, 23 Apr 2023 21:17:59 UTC
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1012 Index

tural History of Ice. J. Y. Buch- Ranges. G. F. Reid, 354; Lecture

anan, 875* on "The Majesty of the Mountain."
Moselle R., Das Diluvium der Mosel. C. E. Fay, 44*
A. Leppla, 151* Moyriac de Mailla, J. A. A. de, et
Moselle Valley: q Siedelungen des l'abbe Grosier, 945*
Moseltales in ihrer Abhangigkeit vonMozans, H. J., 297
den morphologischen Verhiiltnissen. Muir, J., 778
B. Dietrich, 394* Muir, R., 800
Moser, H., 945* Mulert, F. E., 308*
Moser, J. G. See Hopkins, C. G. Mullendorff, P., 682
Mosquitos, Synoptical View of the- Muller, H., Personal, 453
of British Guiana. J. Aiken, 230* Muller, R. E., 73*
MossSri, V. M., 792* Mumm, A. L., 789*
Mossman, R. C., 231*, 551* Munger, T. T., 928*
Mossoul, De-a Bagdad. J. Drure, Munn, M. J., 470*, 868*, 869*; -&
712 * Wegemann, C. H., 392*; see also
Moszkowski, M., 794* Shaw, E. W.
Mothersole, J., 62 Munro, N. G., 945*
Mougin, P., 314* Munthe., H., 395*
Moule, A. E., 538 Murihiku and the Southern Islands.
Mount Arrowsmith District, N. Z.: R. McNab, 944*
Study in Physiography and Plant Murphy, T. D., 857
Ecology. R. Speight, L. Cockayne and Murray, C. B. See Crowell, B.
R. M. Laing, 150* Murray, H., 945*
Mt. McKinley: ElExpedition to, 364; Murray, Sir John, 715*
Parker Expedition to, 45, 230*, 686 Museo de la Plata: lqCatalogo de la
Mt. McKinley Region. A. H. Brooks, Secci6n Anthropl6gica del. R. Leh-
rev., 53 mann-Nitsche, 870*
Mount Robson: q Expedition to. A. Myers, A. C., 945*
L. Mumm, 789*; Geology and GlacialMyers Creek Mining Dist., Geology
Features. A. P. Coleman, 789*; To and Ore Deposits of the. J. B.
the Top of Mount Robson. G. Kinney Umpleby, 470*
and D. Phillips, 789* Myres, J. L., 310*
Mt. Sir Sanford, Ascent of. H. Pal- Mzik, H. v., 866*
mer, 770 N
Mount Tacoma. W. B. Wetmore, 210
Mount Weather Observatory: Free Nadir Shah, History of. J. Fraser,
Air Data for Oct., Nov. and Dec., 942*
I910. W. R. Blair, 475* Nagasaki, La Citta di. A. Monico,
Mountaineering: qj Ascents in the 712*
Canadian Rockies. V. A. Fynn, 789*; Nairobi, capitale de l'Afrique orien-
Bibliog. of the ascents of Mont Blanc, tale anglaise, 932*
I786 to 1853. H. F. Montagnier, Nakai, T., 873*
394*; My Climbing Adventures in Nakcun, Les ruines de. M. de Pe-
Four Continents. S. Turner, rev., rigny, 790*, 870*
140; Damenkletterei. P Preusz, Nanking, Von Tsingtau nach -. J.
716*; Jahrbuch der Schweizer Al- Schulze, 872*
Nansen, F., 240*, 391*, 462
penclub, 191o-11, 714*; Mont-Blanc
et ses voies d'acces. F. Deloncle,394*; Nantucket Harbor, Chart, 236*
Physiologische Ergebnisse der im Napier, Lieut.-Gen. Sir W., 945*
Jahre '906o durchgefuhrten Monte Napier, Sir Charles, History of -'
Rosa-Expedition. A. Durig and Administration of Scinde. Sir W.
Others, 394*; Wanderungen in den Napier, 945*
Pyrenaen. Hauptgipfel. C. Tauber,Naples: 'qVulcanismus und Tektonik
394*; Search for the Apex of Ameri-im Becken von Neapel. W. Kranz,
ca. High Mountain Climbing in 634* IlMaps of Naples: Six Geologi-
Peru and Bolivia. A. S. Peck, rev., cal sketch Maps of the vicinity of,
298 qlMap: Huascaran. Map show- 480*
ing A. S. Peck's Route, n., 317 Nash, W. L., 945*
Mountains: q Isostasy and Mountain Natal: q(Colonia dell' Orange e it

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Index 1013

Natal. P. Pasi, 71*; Descriptive Ghai und Raluan. K. Sapper, I50*

Guide and Official Hand-Book. Edi- qiMap: :Skizze der Blanche-Bucht
ted by A. H. Tatlow, 786*; Distribu- mit den Vulkanen Ghaie und Raluan,
tion of Temperature, 472*; Mines 79*
Department Annual Reports for 9Io0, Nevada: qAgriculture, Census 9Io0,
711*; Vegetation of. J. W. Bews, 311*; Frost Prevention in, 520; Irri-
872* gation. Farms and Acreage Irri-
Natural Bridges, Some Small - in gated, etc., Census I9I0, 929*; Manu-
Eastern Wyoming. V. H. Barnett, factures. Census I910, 147*; Notes
788* on the Antelope District. F. C.
Nautical Almanach, Brown's n., 548 Schrader, 928*; Population, Census
Navigation: q Geschichte der Hand- 910r, 229*; Reconnaissance of Jar-
lung und Schiffahrt der Alten. P. D. bidge, Contact and Elk Mt. Mining
Huet, 943*; Manual of Navigation Districts. F. C. Schrader, 869*; Re-
Laws. Historical Summary of the sults of Spirit Leveling, 1897 to 1910.
Codes of Maritime Nations. E. M. R. B. Marshall, 147*; Tertiary Mam-
Bacon, n., 468; The New-. Presented mal Beds of Virgin Valley and Thou-
in a familiar Way. . . Merchant sand Creek in northwestern. J. C.
Service. F. C. Cross, n., 926; Weath- Merriam, 147* elMaps of Nevada:
er Signs and How to read them at Bridgeport Quad., 398*; Ivanpah
Sea. W. Allingham, n., 926 Quad., 877*
Nebraska: JAgriculture. Farms, Live Neve, A., 149*
Stock, etc., Census 9Io0, 869*; Popu- Nevins W. S. See Webber, C. H.
lation, Census 1910, 229*; Provisional New Brunswick: (qClay and Shale De-
Government of - and the Journals posits of Nova Scotia and Portions
of William Walker. W. E. Connelly, of. H. Reis and J. Keele, 230*
941*; Statistics of Manufactures, Cen- Newell, F. H., 470*, 612*
sus for g19o, 869* New England: jq- and Its Neighbors.
Negro, C. See Costanzo, G. C. Johnson, 786*; New England's
Negroes: Q Negro Year Book and An- Place in the History of Witchcraft.
nual Encyclopedia, 1912., n., 787; The G. L. Burr, 627*; Scenic - Tour
Negro in Pennsylvania. Slavery- Book. R. Beck, 146* elMap: North
Servitude-Freedom, I639-I86I. E. R. K 19: Boston, 934*, n., 843
Turner, n., 547; A Short Account of Newfoundland: QJBotanical Expedi-
that Part of Africa inhabited by the tion to-and Southern Labrador. M.
Negroes . . . the Manner by which L. Fernald, 550*; Lovells's Gazetteer
the Slave Trade is Carried on, the ... latest descriptions, including New-
Iniquity of the Trade, etc. E. Benezet, foundland, n., 142; Physiography of.
(1772), 940* W. H. Twenhofel, 230* Q4Maps of
Negros, Charts of Harbors in, 237* Newfoundland: Humber Drainage,
Nelson, W. A., 229* 316*; Map from Rev. Harvey's Text
Nemry, L., 554* Book of Newfoundland History, 316*
Netherlands: qJ Anglo-Dutch Rivalry New Guinea: 4IJExploratie van Nieuw-
During the First Half of the Seven- Guinea. H. A. Lorentz, 150*; Mac-
teenth Century. G. Edmundson, I44*; kay-Little Expedition in Southern,
Wat de Haagsche Waterleiding ons 314*; Zwergstammen in Zuid Nieuw-
leert aangaande den Hydrologischen Guinea. A. J. P. van den Broek, 150*
Toestand der Duinen. A. H. Pareau,
British New Guinea: See Papua.
315*; Naturlijke Histoire van Neder- Dutch New Guinea: l--. Central
land. Staring, Luboch and Others, Range, 314*; Expedition zur Erforsch-
948*; Vaderlandsche Historie. J. ung des Mamberamo in Hollandisch
Wagenaar, 1788-I801, 948*; - Ver- New-Guinea. M. Moszkowski, 794*;
volge von Wagenaar's, 948* q[Maps Exploratie van Ned. Nieuw-Guinea,
of the Netherlands: Duinen tusschen 15o*, 633*; Explorations in. C. G.
Scheveningen en Katwijk, n., 159; Rawling, 73*; Het Kamaka Wallar,
Northern-showing plan adopted for een Karstmeer op Nieuw-Guinca. J.
the reclamation of Zuyder Zee, 8o* F. Niermeyer, 150*; Noord Nieuw-
Neu-Langenburg und das Deutsche Guinea. F. J. P. Sachse, 394*; Oor-
Nyassa-Seegebiet, 871* sprongs-en Afstammings-legenden van
Neu Pommern. See also Bismarck den Marindinees. J. Viegen, 633*;
Verslag omtrent eene geologisch? ver-
Archipelago: q Tatigkeit der Vulkane

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1014 Index

kenning van de Mamberamo-Rivizr. E. Ilolt, 549* 4qMaps of New Mexico:

J. K. van Gelder, 633*; Zuidkust van Geol. Map of Vicinity of Burro Mts.,
Nieuw-Guinea. O. G. Heldring, 633* 77*; Magdalena District, 934*; Map
q Map: Schets van den loop der of the State of, n., 796; Maps Accom-
Idenburg-Rivier, n., 158 panying "Leading Facts of New Mexi-
German New Guinea: See also can History," 316*, 320*; Mogollon
Kaiser Wilhelms Land: EBeitrage Quad., 934*
zur Volker- und Sprachenkunde vonNew River Inlet, N. C., Chart, 236*
Lcutsch-Neuguinea. Wiss. Ergebnisse New South Wales: qIAnnual Report
Einer amtlichen Forschungsreise nachof Department of Mines for 9I0o,
dem Bismarck-Archipel, 90o8. II. G.150*; Botanical, Topographical and
Fiiederici, rev., 923; Exploration of,Geological Notes on some Routes of
853 Allan Cunningham. J. H. Maiden and
New Hampshire: qAgriculture. Farms R. H. Cambage, 150*; On the Climate
and Farm Property, Live Stock, etc. of Yass-Canberra District. H. A.
Le G. Powers, 69*; Population, Cen- Hunt, 794*; Notes on Physiography of
sus 1910, I47*; Statistics of Manu- southern Tableland. C. A. Sussmilch,
factures, Census for 9Io0, 869* 150*; Official Year Book, I909-o0. J.
4]Map: Kezar Falls Quad., 398* B. Trivett, n., 709; Population, Cen-
New Jersey: 'qAgriculture, Census sus I911, 530
1910, 311*; Annual Administrative New York City: q4Annual Report of
Report of State Geologist for I9o0, Art Commission - for I910, 629*;
549*, for I911, 929*; New Jersey Catskill Water Supply for. C. P.
as a Royal Province, 1738 to I776. Berkey, 549*; Geology of the City of
E. J. Fisher, n., 547; Mineral Industry, New York. L. P. Gratacap, 466*;
for I9II. H. B. Kummel, 928*; Nar- The Greatest Street in the World.
ratives of Early Pa., West New Jer- Story of Broadway, Old and New, etc.
sey, etc. A. C. Meyers, 945*; Statis- S. Jenkins, rev., 533; Overcoming
tics of Manufactures, Census I9o0, Difficulties in Building the new water
929* q Maps of New Jersey: Tren- supply system for. J. F. Springer,
ton Quad. Areal Geology, Structure 628* 4 Maps of New York City:
Sections, 153*; Charts: Shrewsbury Williams' Maps of the Boroughs of,
R., 236* n., 637
Newland, D. H., 69*, 928* New York State: 4 Agriculture of.
New Madrid Earthquake. M. L. E. O. Fippin, 710*; Agriculture. Cen-
Fuller, 203, 7o0* sus I910, 3II*; Comparative Sketch
of Precambric Geology of Sweden
Newman, M. H. & Merriam, W. N.,
76* and New York. J. F. Kemp, 868*;
New Mexico: 4 Agriculture. Farms, Fifth Year Geography of, 145*; Geol-
Live Stock, etc., Census I9Io, 869*; ogy of the Broadalbin Quad., Ful-
Extinct Volcanoes of northeastern. ton-Saratoga Counties. W. J. Miller,
W. T. Lee, 627*; Geology and Re- 868*; Geology of the Honeoye-Way-
sources of Estancia Valley with Notes land Quad. D. D. Luther, 628*; Some
on Ground-water Conditions in Ad- Geological Rambles near Vassar Col-
jacent Parts of Central. O. E. Mein- lege. G. B. Shattuck, n., 466; Larger
zer, 311*; Graphite near Raton. W. Physiographic Features of. R. S. Tarr,
T. Lee, 928*; Irrigation. Farms 628*; Glacial Geology of Schenec-
and Acreage Irrigated, etc., Census tady Quad. J. H. Stoller, 628*; The
1910, 929*; Leading Facts of - His-Manhattan Indians. A. Skinner, 928*;
tory. R. E. Twitchell, rev., 295; MicaMining and Quarry Industry. D.
in New Mexico, Idaho, etc. D. B. H. Newland, 69*; Population, Census
Sterrett, 928*; Pueblo Indians of. 1910, 147*; Some Practical Features
F. C. Wilson, 629*; Population, Cen- of - Geology. D. H. Newland, 928*;
sus I910, 229*; Recent Stream Trench- The Greatest Street in the World.
ing in Semi-Arid Portion of South- The Story of Broadway Old and New
western. J. L. Rich, 311*; Results from Bowling Green to Albany. S.
of Spirit Leveling, 1902 to 1909, In- Jenkins, rev., 533; Results of Spirit
clusive. R. B. Marshall, 69*; Sta- Leveling, I906 to I9II. R. B. Mar-
tistics of Manufactures, Census 19I0, shall, 928*; Statistics of Manufac-
869*; Underground Waters of. W. tures, Census 910o, 929* iJMaps of

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All use subject to
Index 1015

New York: Atlas of Counties of N. Nickles, J. M., 391*

Y. State, n., 316; Catatonk Quad.: Nicobars, Geology of Andaman Isl-
Areal Geology, Surficial Geology, ands with reference to the. G. H.
153*; Warren Quad.: Areal Geology, Tipper, 150*
Economic Geology, 154*; Watkins Nicoya Peninsula, Geological Notes
Glen Quad. Areal Geology, Surficial on the. J. Romanes, 789*
Geology, 153*; Canton Quad., 398*; Niederle, L., 396*
Delhi Quad., n., 557; Hammond Nielsen, N., 554*
Quad., 877*; Hartwick Quad., n., 557; Niermeyer, J. F., I50*, 313*
McKeever Quad., 877*; New Berlin Niger: qj Chemin de fer de Guinee et la
Quad., 877*; Ontario Beach Quad., n., Navigation du Niger, 312*; Niger
557; Rochester Quad., n., 557; Roches- and the West Sudan, etc. A. J. N.
ter Special Map, n., 557; Sketch maps: Tremearne, rev., 858; Notre Beau
Glacial Lake Newberry in west-cen- Niger. F. Dubois, rev., 212; Le som-
tral, 155*; glacial deposits of portions met de la boucle du. G. de Giron-
of, 155*; Western New York showing court, 631*; The Travels of R. & J.
morainal Deposits, 155* Lander into the Interior of Africa for
New Zealand: 4lAustralien und Neu- the Discovery of the Course and Ter-
seeland. R. Schachner, 308*; Effect mination of the Niger. From un-
of Disappearance of - Bush. Walsh, published Documents . . .Analysis of
150*; Kauri Gum Mining in. R. A. Previous Travels of Park, etc. R.
F. Penrose, 394*; Mount Arrowsmith Huish, 944*
District Study in PhysiographyNigeria: and q4Annual Reports for the
Plant Ecology. R. Speight, L. Cock- Colony--g9o, n., 708; Anthropologi-
ayne, and R. M. Laing, 150*; Murihiku cal Report on Edo-Speaking Peoples
and the Southern Islands. Historyof. ofN. W. Thomas, n., 697; On cer-
West Coast Sounds, Foveaux Strait, tain physical characters of the Ne-
.etc., from 1770 to I829. R. McNab, groes of Congo Free State and Ni-
rev.., 540; Neuseeland nach seiner geria. A. Keith, 931*; On Horseback
Geschichte und seiner Natur, sowie Through. J. D. Falconer, 466*; Ni-
der materiellen und intellektuellen geria: Its Peoples and its Problems.
Entwicklung. M. F. Blassneck, n., 867;
E. D. Morel, rev., 858; Trade Devel-
New Zealand. L. Lee, 633*; New opment in, 231* qEMaps of Nigeria:
Zealand. Sir Robert Stout and J. L. Northern and Southern Nigeria to
Stout, n., 308; The Maori and the Moa,
illustrate paper by C. L. Temple,
233*; Mining Laws of Australia and n., 936; Zone frontiere Anglo-Alle-
-. A. C. Veatch, 473*;-Plants and mande entre le riviere Cross et Yula,
Their Story. L. Cockayne, rev., 60; n., 317
Lecture on New Zealand. M. Bayly, Northern Nigeria: I Cotton Growing
203*; Official Year Book, I9II. M. in, 207; G6ologie et g6ographie de la
Fraser, 633*; Outlying Islands of. - septentrionale. H. Hubert, 72*;
Lord Plunket, 314*; Recent and Sub- Geology and Geography of. J. D.
Recent Movements of Uplift and of Falconer, 458; Homes for White Men
Subsidence near Wellington. C. A. in, 120; The Making of. C. W. J.
Cotton, 794*; Report of the Depart- Orr, 945*; Northern Nigeria. C. L.
ment of Lands, I9I0-II. W. C. Ken- Temple, 792*;-Tin: Its Occurrence
sington, 233*; Rotomahana and Dis- and Origin. J. D. Falconer, 932*
trict revisited Twenty-three Years q Maps of Northern Nigeria: Axes
after the Eruption. H. Hill, 233*; of Elevation, 317*; Bauchi Plateau
Some - Volcanoes. J. M. Bell, 794*; and Nassarawa Tableland, 318*;
Wirtschaftsorganisation der Maori Distribution of Salt, Tinstone, Gold
auf Neuseeland. W. v. Brun, n., 867; and Galena, 317*; Primary Water-
'qMaps of New Zealand: Bacon's Ex- sheds and River Systems, 3I7*; Topo-
celsior Map of, n., 720; Three Maps graphical and Geological Map of,
to illustrate "Some New Zealand Vol- n., 318
canoes, 938* Southern Nigeria: QlBlue Book.
Ngamiland, Notes on. A. G. Stigand, Colony of Southern Nigeria, I911,
711*, Map, 558* 932*; Calabar et sa Mission. R. P.
Niagara Falls, Preservation of, 789* Lejeune, 553*; Climatology of. C.
Nicaragua: ENicaragua in 19I0, 148* A. A. Barnes, 553*; Colony and Pro-

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1016 Index

tectorate of - I9I0, 149*; Develop- Guyot Quad., 557*; 2 Charts of Har-

ment of Native Government in. R. bors, 236*
E. Dennett, 149*; Handbook of - North Dakota: qIAgriculture. Census
Survey and Text Book of Topogra- I9I0, 311*; Cretaceous and Tertiary
phical Surveying in Tropical Africa. Formations of Western - etc. A.
F. G. Guggisberg, I43*; Notes on G. Leonard, 469*; Lignite in the Fort
the Ibo Country and the Ibo People. Berthold Indian Reserv. north of the
G. T. Basden, 553* QIMap of South- Missouri. R. M. A. Pishel, 928*;
ern Nigeria: Sketch map of part of. Natu,ral Gas' in. A. G. Leonard,
G. T. Basden, n., 559 69*; Once their Home. Our Legacy
Nile: q4Le Canal Abbas II. Esquisse from the Dahkotahs. Historical, Bio-
d'un projet pour rendre navigable le graphical, etc. F. C. Holley, 943*;
grand desert de la Nubie et pour la Population, Census 1910, 229*; Re-
reglementation des eaux du Nil. O. sults of Spirit Leveling, I897 to 19I0,
Abbate-Pacha, 870*; Nilen och dess Inclusive. R. B. Marshall, 69*;
betydelse f6r Egypten. V. E. Lilien- Manufactures, Census for I9I0, 869*
berg, 312*; The Rains of the Nile qMaps of North Dakota: Bismarck
Basin and the Nile Flood of I909. Quad. Areal Geology, 878*; Eckel-
J. I. Craig, I48* of I910, 870* q4Mapsson, Jamestown, & Tower Quads:
of the Nile: Map showing Meteoro- Areal Geology, Artesian Water,
logical,. River and Rain Gauge Sta- I53*; Ray Quad., 398*; Sketch Map
tions, 78*; Rains and the Flood of of Jamestown, Eckelson and Tower
I909. J. I. Craig, 78* Quadrangles, i55*; Sketch map show-
Nile Regions: qDie Nillander. R. ing southern limit of Pleistocene ice
Hartmann, 943* sheets . . . glacial lobe. J. E. Todd,
Niles, G. G., 925* W. Upham and D. E. Willard, 154*
Nilgiris, Sport on the-and in Wynaad. Northern Territory (S. Australia,)
F. W. F. Fletcher, n., 625 Population, Census I911, 530
Nilsson, S., 945* Northamptonshire. M. W. Brown, 626*
Niox, G., M. Fallex et E. Darsey, 880 North Pole: Pole, North.
North Sea Coasts: qlBeitrage zur mor-
Nipigon Lake, Diabases of. A. W.
phologischen Entwicklungsgeschichte
G. Wilson, 450 der deutschen Nordseekiiste mit be-
Nippoldt, A., 555-'
sonderer Beriicksichtigung der Dunen
Nisbet, T., 234*
tragenden Inseln. W. Ordemann,
Nogaians: iDie Nogaier im Gouvern-
ment Stawropol (Ziskaukasien). K. 874*; Sandbanke an der Kiiste der
Deutschen Bucht der Nordsee. H.
v. Hahn, 233*
Nolke, F., 635* Poppen, 794*
Northwest Frontier Province, Map, n.,
Nordenskiold, 0., 74*, 514, 876*
Normandy: qlCook's Tourists' Hand-
Northwest Passage: QNeuesten Polar-
book for - and Brittany, 68*; Evolu- reisen und die Nordwestliche Durch-
tion economique de la Haute-Nor-
fahrt. E. v. Drygalski, 152*
mandie. L. Gallois, 874*; Port de
Caen et les mines de fer de Basse-
Norway: q Ancient Laws of - and
Iceland. H. Hermansson, 151*; Home
Normandie. Y. Lemarec, 874* Life in. H. K. Daniels, 144*; Jahrb.
North, T., 945* des Norweg. Meteor. Instituts, 1905-
North America: See under America.
Io, 634*; Kurze Ubersicht uber die
North Carolina: q Agriculture. Farms,Gletschergebiete sudlichen Norwe-
Live Stock, etc., Census I910, 869*; gens. J. Rekstad, 395*; Man and his
Coal on Dan River. R. W. Stone, Environment in. B. Henderson, 151*;
788*; Forest Conditions in Western. Die nordliche Steinzeitkultur in Finn-
J. S. Holmes, 549*; Forest Fires land, Norwegen und Schweden. A.
during I911. J. S. Holmes, 927*; M. Hansen, 554*; Recents travaux
Mining Industry, 90o8-o0. J. H. geographiques et geologiques dans la
Pratt and H. M. Berry, 869*; Popu- Norvege septentrionale. C. Rabot,
lation, Census 1910, 229*; Water 395*; Whaling Industry, 191I, 634*
Powers of, 686; Manufactures, Cen- qlMaps of Norway: Le Folgefonn,
sus I910, 550* qMaps of North Caro- 319*; Topografisk Kart over Konger-
lina: Lincolnton Quad., 398*; Mt. iket Norge, n., 480

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Index 1017

Nova Scotia: q Clay and Shale De- Oceania: q Fortschritte. der geograph-
posits of-and Portions of N. B. H. ischen Forschungen in Australien und
Ries and J. Keele, 230* Ozeanien, I9Io. N. Krebs, 232*
Novaya Zemlia, Russian Trading Post Oceanography: 4qZur Aerologie trop-
on Northern Island of, 290 ischer und subtropischer Ozeane. A.
Noyes, W., 547 Peppier, 795*; Beobachtungen von
Nubia: EqLe canal Abbas II. Esquisse Oberflichenstrom, Tiefenstrom, und
d'un projet pour rendre navigable le Wind an Feuerschiffen in den Jahren
grand desert de la Nubie, etc. 0. I900-o1. R. Witting, 876*; Beobacht-
Abbate-Pacha, 870*; 'Die Geschichte ungen von Temperatur und Salzge-
Nubiens und des Sudans. G. Roeder, halt an festen Stationen in den Jahren
931*; Nubia and the Berberine. H. I900-10. R. Witting, 796*; Campagne
W. Beckett, 351 scientifique de l'Hirondelle II (19II),
Nyasa Lake: 4qDu Cap au Lac Nyassa. 397*; Ergebnisse einer ozeanograph-
E. Foa, 942* ischen Forschungsreise in dem Atlant-
Nyasa Lake Region: qjNeu-Langen- ischen und dem siidlichen Stillen
burg und das Deutsche Nyassa-See- Ozean. R. Liitgens, 7I5*; Fortschritte
gebiet, 871* der Ozeanographie. Fiirst Albert I.
Nyasaland: q4Baumwollbau in, 231*; von Monaco, 876*; Glaciation des
Geography and Economic Develop- Mers, les conditions de son developpe-
ment of British Central Africa. A. ment et les faits observes. E. v. Dry-
Sharpe, 710*; Native Customs in galski, 152*; Kaysers Physik des
Nyisa. H. W. Garbutt, 711*; Le Meeres. Zweite Auflage neubear-
Nyasaland. M. A. Winnen, 7II* beitet. C. Forch & P. Zanetti, rev.,
1 Map to illustrate "Geography and 706; Lotungen und ozeanographische
Economic Development of British Cen- Beobachtungen S. M. S. "Planet" in
tral Africa," n., 157 der Siidsee 1911, usw. A. C. Rei-
Nzamba, G., 392*, 631* chard, 795*; Mean Sea-Level. E. O.
.Henrici, 397*; Das Museum und In-
0 stitut fur Meereskunde in Berlin. A.
Oaxaca: qlExploration of Certain Iron- Penck, 874*; New Record in Ocean
Ore and Coal Deposits in the State Depths, 611; Note on Mean Sea-
of. J. L. W. Birkinbine, 307*; Recono- Level. S. G. Burrard, 555*; Uber
cimiento de algunos Criaderos de eine Methode zur Messung von Hoch-
Fierro del Estado de. Y. S. Bonillas, seegezeiten. E. Barkow, 235*; Eine
392* mogliche Ursache der Vertiefung der
Oberhummer, E., 393* Meere. W. Trabert, 315*; Musee
Obi: ql Ocean Route to - and Yenisei Oceanogr. de Monaco. J. Richard,
Rivers, 49 555*; Sur une nouvelle methode de
Obituary: recherches qualitatives de la lumiere
Agnew, Andrew G., 9x8 dans des profondeurs differentes de la
Andree, Dr. Richard, 294 mer. R. Bertel, 315*; Oceanograph-
Arechavaleta, Prof. Jose, 691 ical Institute at Paris. W. S. Bruce,
Bacon, Francis McNeil, 918 794*; Die optische Bestimmung des
Barnes, John S., 52 Salzgehalts im Seewasser. F. Lowe,
Claparede, Arthur de, 2Io 795*; Der Salzgehalt der Meere und
Davidson, George, 50, 51 seine Ursachen. A. Voeikov, 555*;
Dutton, Major Clarence Edward, 124 Verdunstung auf dem Meere. R. Liit-
Hooker, Sir Joseph Dalton, 124 gens, 235*; Die Wirkung der grossen
Keane, Augustus Henry, 210 Hitze und Diirrezeit 1911 auf die
McGee, Dr. W J, 691 Seenverdunstung. J. Maurer and J.
Melville, Rear-Admiral George W., Friih, 635* 4lMaps: Uber Meeres-
370 strbmungen zwischen Kap Horn und
Rotch, A. Lawrence, 294 der la Plata-Miindung. J. Klaehn,
Scobel, Prof. Albert, 294 315*; Salzgehalt der Oberflache der
Tarr, Ralph Stockman, 283, 284 Meere im Verhaltnis zur Siisswasser-
Whitehouse, Frederic Cope, 125 zufuhr der Stromgebiete und zur
Young, Robert Evans, 124 Hohe der Randegebirge, ft., 320;
Obruchev, V. A., 873*, 916 Oberflachentemperatur an der Nord-
Obst, E., 632* westafrikaiischen Kiiste, 160*; Wind-

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1018 Index

und Stromverhaltnisse auf der Fahrt Statistics of Manufactures, Census

von Singapore nach Friedrich-Wil- I9I0, 550*; Population, Census 91o0,
helmshafen . . . I9I0, I60* 229* j Maps of Oklahoma: Sallisaw
Odeh, N. See Hassam, A. Quad., 75*; Sansbois Quad., 75*
Odenwald, Verteilung der Siedlungen Olancho Dept., Honduras, Visit to. A.
iiber den. A. Jungk, 73* T. Haeberle, 630*
Oder R. Geographisch-historische Be- Olbricht, K., 73*, 233*
schreibung der Oderstr6ms (I742). Oliver, W. R. B., 314*
C. Schneider, 946*; Hellmann on the Olmstead, A. T., 432
Floods of the. H. R. Mill, 314* Olmstead, A. T., B. B. Charles and
Odessa, Annual of the Meteorological J. E. Wrench, 625*
and Magnetic Observatory of the Im- Olsson-Seffer, P., 315*
perial University at -, 1910, 874* Olufsen, O., 304
Oestreich, K., 393*
Olympic National Forest. F. Burns,
Oeynhausen, C. v., 945* 927*
Ogilby, J., 945*
Omaha Tribe, the. A. C. Fletcher and
Ogilvie, A. G., 792*
F. La Flesche, 69* q Maps accom-
Ogilvie, W. See Dall, W. H.
panying: Country known to the Oma-
Ohio: 4qAgriculture. Census 9Io0,
ha, n., 77; Omaha Reservation. H. L.
311*; Climate of. J. W. Smith, n., Keefe, 77*
693, 928*; Economic Mineral Pro-
ducts. F. Carney, 146*; Geographic Ontario: qIFifth Report of the Bureau
Conditions in the Early History of. of Archives, 1908. [Huron Indians,
F. Carney, 146*; Geographic Influen-
1615-I650]. A. Fraser, 470* qMaps
of Ontario: Geologic Map of Ani-
ces in the Development of. F. Carney,
mikie Iron-Bearing District. W. N.
146*; Geologic Development of. F.
Smith and R. C. Allen, 77*; Grenzer-
Carney, 146*; Glaciation in. F.
Carney, 310*; Moravian Records. weiterungen der Provinzen Quebec,
Diaries of Zeisberger relating to the Ontario, usw., n., 934*; Northern On-
First Missions in the Ohio Basin. tario: Mineral District, n., 399
Oppel, A., 395*, 713*
Edited by A. B. Hulbert and W. N.
Oppenheim, M. v., Zweite Reise in der
Schwarze, 868*; Population, Census
AsiatischenTurkei I899 von-. (M"p),
1910, 70*; Result of Spirit Leveling- n., 79
I909 and 910o. R. B. Marshall, 69*; Oran: 1--et Algerie en I887, 940*
Statistics of Manufactures, Census
Orange Free State Province: f Colonia
19Io, 929*; Successions of Vegetation dell'Orange e Natal. P. Pasi, 71*;
in Ohio Lakes and Peat Deposits. A.
Distribution of Temperature, 472*
Dachnowski, 927*; Transportation in.
Ordemann, W., 874*
F. Carney, 310* qMaps of Ohio: Ordnance Survey: q Mapping by The,
Caldwell Quad., 557*; Cambridge 854; Report of the Progress of, I9II,
Quad., 557*; Canal Dover Quad., 234*; I9I2, 875*
557*; Carrollton Quad., n., 934; Col- Ordofiez, E., 366
umbus Quad.. n., 934; Cumberland Oregon: q Agriculture. Census 91o0,
Quad., 75*; Loramie Quad., 398*;
Laurelville Quad., 877*; Muskingum 31i*; Crater National Forest, etc. F.
Burns, 927*; Fifty years in. Experi-
Co., 877*; Oak Hill Quad., n., 934;
Oxford Quad., 75*; Spencerville ences, observatioi.s, etc. T. T. Geer,
Quad., 75*; Summerfield Quad., 75* 778; Irrigation. Farms and Acreage
Ohio River: 'qRelation between Preci- irrigated, etc., Census 1910, 929*;
pitation over the Watershed of the- Manufactures, Census 1910, 550*;
above the Stream-Flow at Cincinnati. Population, Census 1910, 229*; Short
J. W. Smith, 521 History of. S. V. Johnson, 944*
Oilpalm: q Olpalme am Tanganyika- Orient, Coursee on Geography of the,
See. E. Zimmermann, I52*
Okapi, Monograph of the. Sir E. Ray Orinoco, Rubber Along the Upper, 367
Lankester, rev., 865 Orleans, The Duke of, 548
Okey, T., 709* Orlowska, E. N., 626*
Oklahoma: q Agriculture. Farms, Live-Oroville-Nighthawk Mining Dist., Ge-
ology and Ore Deposits of the. J. B.
Stock, etc., Census I9I0, 869*; Future
of Natural Gas in. C. N Gould, 69*; Umpleby, 470*

This content downloaded from on Sun, 23 Apr 2023 21:17:59 UTC
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Index 1019

Oroya, Gebiet von-(Map). R. Hau- Meistermann, n., 68;History of Civili-

thal, 78* zation in. R. A. S. Macalister, n., 625
Orr, C. W. J., 945* Landes- und Volkskunde Palastinas.
Osborn, C. S., 57 G. Holscher, n., 699; Palestine. G.
Ostriches: qi Uber die Straussenzucht, E. Franklin, rev., 461; Palestine and
Krankheiten der Strausse und ihre Syria, with routes through Mesopo-
Behandlung. G. Lichtenheld, 475* tamia, etc. Handbook for Travellers.
Ottoman Empire. See also Turkey, K. Baedeker, n., 866; The Real - of
and Turkey in Asia: qlGeschichte der To-Day. L. G. Leary, n., 548; Zion-
Byzantiner und des Osmanischen ist Work in. By Various Authorities,
Reiches. G. F. Hertzberg, 943* n., 467 qlMaps of Palestine: Bibelatlas
1 Map: Wand-Karte des Osmanischen in 20 Haupt- und 28 Nebenkarten. H.
Reiches. W. v. Diest, und M. Groll, Guthe, n., 782; Karte des Ostjor-
fn., 400 danlandes. G. Schumacher, n., 399;
Oued Rir', Les Oasis de. H. Jus, 944* Modern Palestine with Ancient Towns
Outes, F. F., and Bruch, C., 299 and Highways, n., 319; Palastina, n.,
Owens, J. S., 315*, 555* 319; Photo Relief Map of. G. Arm-
Oxyrhynchus Papyri. Ed. with Trans- strong, n., 319
lations and Notes by A. S. Hunt. Part Paleozoic Coral Reefs, Physical Condi-
viii, 145* tions under which - were formed.
Ozzard, A. T., 230* T. W. Vaughan, 235*
Paleozoic Systems, Revision of the.
E. O. Ulrich, 235*
Pabor, W. E., 945* Palermo. Storia, monumenti, industria,
Pace, B., 945* etc., n., 867
Pacific Ocean: q Beitrage zur Kennt- Palmer, A. H. See Rotch, A. L.
nis des Oberflachensalzgehaltes im Palmer, H., 241, 550*, 629*, 770, 878*
Stillen Ozean, 153*; The "Deeps" of Palmyra, Die Insel-als nord-ameri-
the-and their Origin. J. Geikie, kanische Kohlenstation, (Map), n.,
715*; Ergebnisse einer Forschungs- 939
reise in dem Atlantischen und dem Pamir, Languages spoken in the West-
sudlichen Stillen Ozean. R. Luitgens, ern. A. Hjuler, 793*
715*; Str6mungen und die Tempera- Pan American Union. J. Barrett, n.,
turverhaltnisse des -n6rdlich von21140?
N. Br. einschliesslich des Bering- Panama: qlDocumentos relativos a la
Meeres. B. Schulz, 715*; Tem- Controversa de limites con la Re-
peratur und Salzgehaltsbestimmungen publica de Panama, 625; Panama in
im siidwestlichen, 153*; Verteilung 1910, 148*; Commerce of-191I, 790*;
der Leitffhigkeit der Atmosphare iiberPanama. The Canal, The Country,
dem Grossen Ozean, nach den Be- and the People. A. Edwards, rev.,
obachtungen der Galilee. A. Nip- 374
poldt, 555* EJMaps: Map of Steam-Panama Canal: EIDer Panamakanal.
ship Routes between Durban and Na- Bedeutung des Kanalbaues, seine
gasaki or Yokohama, I60*; Mass- Technik und Wirtschaft. M. D. Fie-
nahmen der Rand-Grossstaaten des gel, n., 307; Official Handbook. Second
Grossen Ozeans zu seiner Beherr- Ed., 70*; J. Pennell's Pictures of, etc.,
schung, n., 939; Planisphere. Bassin 925*; Present Condition of the [In
Pacifique, n., 320; School Wall Map Japanese]. H. Yamamoto, 551*; Pre-
of, n., 240 sent Progress on-. G. Fortesc e,
Packard, W., 786* 392*; Travaux actuels du canal. P.
Paige, S., Emmons, W. H., & Laney, Denis, I48*; Panama Canal Traffic
F. B., 229* and Tolls. Preliminary Statement.
Palestine: q Biblical Geography and E. R. Johnson, 1912, 790* qjMap:
History. C. F. Kent, rev., 781; Cli- Trade Routes and Distances by exist-
matic Changes in the Nearer East. ing lines and by the Panama Canal,
A. T. Olmstead, 432; A Reply. E. 799*
Huntington, 440; Descriptiones Ter- Panama Canal Zone. C. F. Adams,
ra Sancta. T. Tobler, 947*; Guide 550*
du Nil au Jourdain par le Sinai et Panay, Chart of Harbor, 636*
Petra. Sur les traces d'Israel. B. Panjkora Kohistan, A Summer Explor-

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1020 Index

ation in the. S. H. Godfrey, 872* vorkommen in. E. O. Rasser, 790*;

qJMap to illustrate Route of -, n., Sheep in Patagonia, 367; Viajes de
936 Esploracion i Estudio en la - Occi-
Papacy, History of the. M. Creighton, dental. H. Steffen, 466*
942* Patey, Lt.-Col., 231*
Papua: EqLe Cannibalisme des Papous Patron, L., 555*
de la Nouvelle-Guinee. E. Dupuy, Patton, H. B., C. E. Smith and Others,
794*; Exploration in Papua. M. S. 869*
Smith, 712*; Exploring in. L. L. Paulitschke, P., 945*
Bell, 712*; Handbook of the Terri- Pavie, T., 945*
tory of, n., 6o; Through Polynesia and Pavlovitch, M., 714*
Papua. F. Burnett, rev., 540 4Maps Paznaun, Das Montavon mit dem
of Papua: Central Papua, Route and Oberen-. O. v. Pfister, 228*
Explorations of D. Mackay and W. Peace River Valley, New Farm Lands
S. Little, n., 80; Sketch Map showing in the, 286
Explorations in the Western Division Peacock, N. See Kennard, H. P.
of. S. Smith, n., 560 Pears, Sir Edwin, 461
Para, The Port of. A. Hale, 931* Pearson, H. D., 931*
Paraguay: EJournal of Alvar Nufiez Peary, Adm. R. E., Personal, 370
Cabeza de Vaca. F. Bandelier, 940*; Peck, A. S., 298
Paraguay in I9Io, 148*; -. Versuch Peconic Bay, L. I. Chart, 236*
einer morphologischen Betrachtung Pecsi, A., 235*
seiner Landschaftsformen. K. Car- Peitz, W. M., 630*
nier, 552* qjMap: Paraguay d'apres Pekin: q Pechino e i suoi monumenti.
la carte de F. Ladouce, 317* A. Brauzzi, 473*
Parahyba, Maps: Mappa dos Estados Penck, A., 633*, 713*, 874*, 876*
. . . e Parahyba com parte dos es- Pennell, J., 925*
tados limitrophes pelo Servico Geol. Pennell, T. L., 945*
e Mineral. do Brasil, n., 475; Plan of Pennsylvania: Q Agriculture. Census
-in I634, n., 320 1910, 311*; Coal, Oil and Gas of the
Pareau, A. H., 315* Foxburg Quad. E. W. Shaw and M.
Paredes, R., 870* J. Munn, 311*; Conservation of -
Paris: q Description de la ville de Coal Supplies. E. W. Parker, 869*;
Paris. (1713). G. Brice, 941*; - Conservation of Water. F. Gannett,
et ses Environs. Manuel du Voya- 710*; Falckner's Curieuse Nachricht
geur. K. Baedeker, 68*; Geologie von Pensylvania. The Book that
du Bassin de. P. Lemoine, rev., 785 Stimulated the Great German Emi-
q Map: Environs de Paris dans un gration to Pennsylvania. A Reprint
rayon de 30 kilometres, n., 799 of 1702 Edition. Amplified etc. by J.
Park City Dist., Utah, Geology and F. Sachse, 946*; Narratives of Early
Ore Deposits of. J. M. Boutwell, -, West New Jersey, etc. A. C.
927* qlMaps: Geologic Map of Cen- Meyers 945*; The Negro in Pennsyl-
tral Portion of, 796*; Topographic vania. Slavery-Servitude-Freedom.
Map of-with index showing position 1639-x861. E. R. Turner, n., 547;
of mines, 796* Manufactures, Census I910, 929* Min-
Parker, E. See Wheeler, A. O. eral Pigments of. B. L. Miller, 928*;
Parker, E. W., 629*, 869* Population, Census 19o1, 229* qMaps
Parker, H. N., 69* of Pennsylvania: Burgettstown Quad.:
Parker's (H. C.) Attempt on Mt. Areal Geology, Structure and Econ-
McKinley, 45, 230*, 686 omic Geology, 878*; Unsymmetrical
Parkins, A. E., 147* drainage of Burgettstown and Car-
Parmentier, J., 630* negie Quads., 878*; Carnegie Quad.:
Parsons, E., 307 Areal Geology, Structure and Econ-
Partsch, J. See Greim, G. omic Geology, Oil and Gas, 878*;
Paschinger, V., 715* Chambersburg Quad.: Areal Geology,
Pasi, P., 71*, 149*, 312* Structure Sections, 154* ql Clarion
Passarge, S., 148*, 234*, 635*, 715*,Quad.: Areal Geology, Structure and
872* Economic Geology, Oil and Gas.,
Patagonia: Continental Watershed 878*; Geologic Structure of, 878*;
of. P. D. Quensel, 206; Petroleum- Structure of the oil bearing sands

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Index 1021

and of the rocks at the surface, 878*

Penrose, R. A. F., 394*
qClaysville Quad.: Areal Geology,Peoria Quad., Ill., Geology and Min-
Structure and Economic Geology, eral Resources of. J. A. Udden, 628*
398*; Sketch of - showing conver- Pepper, C. M., 57
gence of the top of Washington lime- Pepperberg, L. J. and W. R. Calvert,
stone etc., 398* qlFoxburg Quad.: 928*
Areal Geology, Structure and Econ- Peppler, A., 795*
omic Geology, Gas and Oil, 878*; Pera, G., 149*, 632*
Geologic Structure of the Foxburg, Peres, B., 873*
Clarion, Kittaning and Rural Valley Perigny, M. de, 142*, 373, 466, 790*,
Quadrangles, 878*; Probable pre- 870*
glacial drainage of the northwestern Peringuey, L., I48*
part of, 878*; Structure of the oil Perlewitz, P., 635*, 715*
bearing sands and o: the rocks of thePernambuco, Map: q Attack on Pern-
surface, 878* IjFranklin Quad., 398*; ambuco by the Dutch in I630 (After
Hagerstown Quad., 934*; Hancock a Dutch engraving), 320*
Quad.: Areal Geology, Structure Sec- Perrier, G., 311*
tions, 398*; Johnstown Quad.: Aerial Perrier de la Bathie, H., 149*; See
Geology, Structure and Economic also Jumelle, H.
Geology, 153*; McCalls Ferry Quad.,Persia: qlBehind the Veil in - and
877*, 934*; Mercersburg Quad.: Turkish Arabia. M. E. Hume-Grif-
Areal Geology, Structure Sections, fith, 943*; De la Caspienne a Tehe-
154* qjPawpaw Quad.: Areal Geol- ran. J. Herbette, 150*; From Con-
ogy, Structure Sections, 398*; Drain- stantinople to the home of Omar Khay-
age Map of Pawpaw and Hancock yam. A. V. W. Jackson, rev., 698;
quadrangles showing the "trellis" ar-History of the Early Kings of.
rangement of the streams, 398* (transl. from the Persian of Mirk-
qlQuarryville Quad., 877* qlSewick- hond). D. Shea, 947*; Histoire des
ley Quad.: Axes of Folds in the Ames Mongols de la Perse par Raschid-
limestone member and the Hundred- Eldin. Persian text with translation,
foot sand in 155*; Convergence Map notes, and memoir. H. T. Quatre-
showing... vertical Distance between mere, 946*; Journaal der Reis van
Ames limestone member and the den Gezant der 0. I. Compagnie
Hundred-foot sand in the, 155* Joan Cunaeus naar Perzie in I651-
Trenton Quad.: Areal Geology Struc- I652. Gehounden door C. Speelman,
ture Sections, 153* EWairren Quad.: n., 467; Reform of. A. C. Yate, 873*;
Areal Geology, Economic Geology, Le Strade di penetrazione e di com-
154*; Structure of the rocks in, 155*; municazione interna in Persia. E.
Bravo, 394*; Trans-Persian Railway,
qjMap showing distribution of glacial
Deposits in Pennsylvania, 155*; Re- 873* [jMaps of Persia: Map of Per-
lief Map of Cumberland Valley, Ap- sia, n., 399; Map of Sven Hedin's
palachian valley ridges, etc., 155*; Route from Teheran to Seistan, n.,
Sketch map showing probable pre- 399; Perse, Afghanistan et regions
glacial drainige of western, 155*; limitrophes, n., 238; Zug des Xeno-
Map showing general structural fea- phons bis zum Schwarzen Meere. E.
tures in southwestern Pa. by contours v. Hoffmeister, n., 400
of horizon of the Pitsburg coal, 398*; Persian Gulf: EqZur Geographie des
Sketch Map showing probable pre- Persischen Meerbusens. M. R. Funke,
glacial drainage of western, 878*; 150*; La situation dans le Golfe Per-
Sketch Map of oil and gas fields of sique et les interets anglais. J. Barth,
western - and adjoining States, 399* 712*
Pennybacker, J. E., Jr. and M. O. Peru: qjLes Acad6miciens au Perou
Eldridge, 928* (I735-1744-). G. Perrier, 311*; Ac-
Penobscot Bay, Chart, 235* count of the Yale-Peruvian Expedi-
Penobscot R. Basin: I Water Re- tion: The Cafion of the Urubamba.
sources of the. H. K. Barrows and I. Bowman, 88i; Anotaciones a la
C. C. Babb, 627*; Penobscot River 'Historia Indica" del Capitan Pedro
Drainage Basin. H. K. Barrows and Sarmiento de Gamboa. H. Steffen,
Others, 391* q Map: Penobscot Drain- 227*; Estadistica minera, r909-o0. C.
age Basin, n., 796 P. Jimenez, 870*; Incas of. Sir Cle-

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1022 Index

ments R. Markham, rev., 858; El Pfandl, L., 396*

Laudo Argentino. Inaceptable para Pfaundler, R. v., 73*
Bolivia. Inconveniente para el Peru. Pfeil, J., 932*
A. Ballivian, 226*; Apuntes sobre elPfister, O. v., 228*
triangulo formado por los Perene, Phalen, W. C., 869*
Putumayo y Pampa Hermosa. C. Phayre, Sir A., 946*
Philadelphia: q Industrial -. J. J.
Bues, 552*; Diccionario politico geog-
rafico del Peru. C. B. Cisneros, 552*; Macfarlane, 628*, 928* qj Chart:
Discovery of Pre-Historic Human Philadelphia Water Front, 236*.
Remains near Cuzco. H. Bingham, Philippine Islands: ] Alcohol Industry
552*; Espansione economica del Peru.of the. Study of some Palms of Com-
E. Bravo, 552*; Irrigation in. C. H. mercial Importance with special ref-
Sutton, 791*; Zur Kenntnis der Be- erence to the Sap and their uses. H.
volkerung der Sierra von Nordperu. D. Gibbs, 313*; Apuntes Interesantes
W. Sievers, 791*; New Authentic sobre las Islas Filipinas, 940*; Bull.
Railway and Mining Map of, 791*; of the Weather Bureau, Manila Cen-
New Lighthouses in, 85I; Peru in tral Observatory, 1910, 313*, for I9I1,
1910, I48*; Peru: its story, people 793*; Colonizacion de Filipinas. M.
and religion. G. Guinness, 943*; Sastr6n, 946*; Le copra aux Iles
Preliminary Report of the Yale-Peru- Philippines. L. Nemry, 554*; Erzla-
vian Expedition. H. Bingham, 20; gerstatten . . . mit Einschluss von
French Delimitation Commission, 915; Philippinen nach Geschichte, Form,
The present conditions of Petroleum usw. C. L. Henning, rev., 613; For-
Industry in. R. A. Deustua, 791*; ests of the. J. P. Goode, 81; Forests
Production of Cocaine in. A. Rabi- of the. H. N. Whitford, 712*; Los
nes, 312*; Provincia litoral de Frailes Filipinos, 940*; Industrial
Tumbes. T. Suarez, 552*; QuiruvilcaEducation in the, 773; Mineral Re-
R.R. with special reference to Coalsources. Production of Commercial
and Mineral Resources. E. du B. Mineral Products in 1910, 473*; Phil-
Lukis, 552*; Salt Industry of. ippine
M. G.Progress, 873*; Price List of
Montero y Tirado, 31r*; Reisen Philippine
in Photographs for sale by
Bolivien und Peru. R. Hauthal, rev., Bur. of Sc., 873*; Recent Volcanic
614; Search for Apex of America. Eruption in the. C. A. Gilchrist,
High Mountain Climbing in Peru and313*; Soils and Some of the Factors
which influence them. A. J. Cox, 232*
Bolivia, etc. A. S. Peck, rev., 298; Study
of Question of Boundaries between - q Government Reports: Ann. Rep. of
and Ecuador. V. Santamaria de the Director of the Weather Bureau,
Paredes, rev., 857 q4Maps of Peru: 1907 Part 2: Meteorological Observa-
Map accompanying "Followingtions themade at Secondary Stations dur-
Conquistadores," etc., 317*; Map ing 1907, 793*; - for I908, Part 3,
showing Huascaran and the Author's 873*; Annual Rep. of the Philippine
(A. S. Peck's) Route, n., 317; Railway Commission, 1911, 712*; Acts of-and
and Mining Map of, n., 798; Reise- Legislature, 712*; Eleventh Ann. Rep.
route von R. Hauthal, 78* of the Director of Education, I9IO-
Pessler, W., 396* 11,554*; Tenth Annual Report, Bur.
Peters, M. C., 229* of SC., 1911. P. C. Freer, 712*
Peters, W. J. See Bauer, L. A. qjMaps of Philippine Islands: Geo-
Petersen, J., 714* logic Reconnaissance Map of Min-
Petiton, M. A., 945* danao n., 937; Charts U. S. Coast
Petrie, G., 945* and Geod. Survey: Central Part of
Petroleum: E Oil-Finding. Introduc- Philippine Islands, 636*; Northern
tion to Geological Study of Petroleum. Part of: Mal.ila Bay to Formosa,
E. H. C. Craig, n., 787; Output of Cer- 237*; Harbors and- Anchorages In
tain Minerals and Metals in the Luzon, Mindanao, Cebu, Samara, etc.,
World, 234* 237*; Harbors in Mindanao & Panay,
Pettersson, 0., 876* 636*
Pettit, J. H. See Hopkins, C. G. Philippson, A., 313*, 553*, 559
Peucker, K., 395*, 876* Phillimore, L., 787*
Peyrissac, L., 630* Phillips, D. See Kinney, G.
Pfilzerwald, Karte des, n., 479 Phillips, W., 946*

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Index 1023

Phoenix Boundary Dist. B. C., GeologyGraves, E. H. Eames, and Others,

and Ore Deposits. O. E. LeRoy, 930* 710*; Distribution of Plants in Brit-
Photography: qJAngewandte Photog- ish East Africa. E. Battiscombe, 71*;
raphie in Wissenschaft und Technik. Entwicklung der Pflanzengeographie
K. W. Wolf-Czapek, n., 468 der Ostalpen in den letzten zehn
Physical Geography: See under Geog- Jahren. J. Stadlmann, 794*; Evolu-
raphy. tion of Plants. D. H. Scott, rev., 14I;
Physical Tables, Smithsonian. F. E. Flora of Murlington and Vicinity.
Fowle, 635* N. F. Flynn, 391*; Flora Koreana.
Physiography: Q Physiography for T. Nakai, 873*; Influence of Low
High Schools A. L. Arey, F. L. Temperatures on Distribution of the
Bryant, and Others, rev., 384; Out- Giant Cactus. F. Slreve, 528; Flora
line of. J. W. Redway, 229*; Study of Jamaica. Orchidaceae. W. Faw-
in Physiographic Presentation. Colo- cett and A. B. Rendle, 392*; Flora of
rado Front Range. W. M. Davis, Racine and Kenosha Counties, Wis.:
469* List of Fern and Seed Plants grow-
Pibor River. H. D. Pearson, 931* ing without cultivation. S. C. Wad-
Pierre, C., 871* mond, 147*; Flora der Umgebung
Piers, H., 930* der Stadt Sao Paulo. A. Usteii, n.,
Pietschmann, V., 149* 307; Links with the Past in the
Pigozzi I. G., 709* Plant World. A. C. Seward, 309*;
Pike, Zebulon Montgomery, Expedi- Materials for a Flora of Formosa.
tion of-to the Sou,rces of the Miss- B. Hayata, 232*; Natural Vegetation
issippi. E. E. Martin, 69* as an Indicator of Possibilities of
Pilhofer, G., Fliert und Meier, H., Land for Crop Production in Great
79*; - and Barich, 938 Plains Area. H. L. Schantz, rev.,
Pillsbury, J. E., 928* 128; New Plant Immigrants. D.
Pine: q Scrub Pine (pinus virginiana). Fairchild, 234*; Plant Geography of
W. D. Sterrett, 788* Ardgoil. T. Nisbet, 234*; Die Pflan-
Pines, Isle of: See Isle of Pines. zenwelt Af,rikas insebesondere seiner
Pinilla, C. F. See Ballivian, M. V. tropischen Gebiete. Vol. i. A. Eng-
Piquet, V., 533, 946* ler, rev., 920; Die Pflanzenwelt Dal-
Pishel, M. A., 928* matiens. L. Adamovi6, 926*; Plant-
Pittier, H. F., 789* Life on Land considered in some of
Place Names: EAntarctic Names. E. its Biological Aspects. F. 0. Bower,
S. Balch, 561; Deutschen Ortsnamen 228*; New Zealand Plants and Their
im Nordostdeutschen Kolonialgebiet. Story. L. Cockayne, rev., 60; Plants
F. Curschmann, n., 626; Place-Names of Monroe Co., N. Y., etc. F. Beck-
in North rn Canada. J. White, 230*; with, M. E. Macauley and M. S.
Place-Names in Quebec. J. White, Baxter, I46*; Relation of Climax
n., 307; British Place-Names in their Vegetation to Islands and Peninsulas.
Historical Setting. E. McClure, 144*; R. M. Harper, 635*; River-Bank
Place-Names of Berkshires. W. W. Vegetation of Lower Apalachicola, a
Skeat, 144*; Orbis Latinus-oder New Ver- Principal illustrated Thereby.
zeichniss der wichtigsten lateinischen R. M. Harper, 310*; Sand Strand
Orts- und Laindernamen. J. G. Th. Flora of Marine Coasts. P. Olson-
Graesse, 943* q See also Geographic Seffer, 315*; Spring Flora of Wasatch
Board of Canada and-of the United Region. A. O. Garrett, I42*; Types
States, Decisions. of British Vegetation, I44*; Vegeta-
Plants: q Account of Economic Plants tion of Caithness considered in Re-
of the World and their Commercial lation to Geology. C. B. Crampton,
Uses. W. G. Freeman and S. E. 714*; Vegetation of Mt. Fuji. B.
Chandler, rev., 545; Alpine - of Hayata, 2,27*; Vergleichende Unter-
Europe together with Cultural Hints.suchungen iiber die Vegetationsfor-
H. S. Thompson, n., I43; Alpinist undmationen des inneren Nordwest-
Alpenflora. C. C. Hosseus, 633*; deutschland, usw. P. Thormeyer,
Beitrage zur Flora Siams. C. C. 309*
Hosseus, 473*; Catalogue of flower- Plas, J., 71*
ing plants and ferns of Connecticut Plath, J. H., 945*
growing without cultivation. C. B. Platte R. Drainage Basin. W. A.

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1024 Index

Lamb, W. B. Freeman and F. F. Hen- Pacific. W. Churchill n., 60; Church-

shaw, 146* ill's - Work, 853; Migrations of
Platte Valley, Neb., Early Settlements Polynesians according to Evidence of
of the. D. Anderson, 788* their Language. J. M. Brown, 794*;
Pliva Falls, Bosnia, Sketch Map of Through Polynesia and Papua. F.
Neighborhood of, 8o* Burnett, rev., 540
Plunket, Lord, 314* Pomerania: qjBeitrage zur Siedlung-
Pob6guin, F., 932* skunde Neu-Vorpommerns und der
Poch, R., I49*, 791*, 870*, 876*, 931*, Insel Riigen. R. E. Muller, 73*; Ges-
936 chichte von Riigen und Pommern. F.
Podolia: q Die Galizisch-Podolische W. Ba,rthold, 940*
Schwarzerde, ihre Entstehung, usw. Pommerol, J., 946*
L. Buber, 228* Pompeii: EqPompeji in Leben und Kunst.
Pohlig, H., 709* A. Mau, 945*
Polakowski, H. See Fuenzalida, J.Ponafidine,
del P., 302
C. Po!nape, Die Insel-vor und nach dem
Poland: jlProject for the Exploration Aufstande. H. Seidel, 712*
of Polish Lakes [In Polish]. L. Sa- Ponty, Gov.-Gen., 149*
wicki, 714*; Versuch einer geognost- Poole, R. L. See Hunt, W.
ischen Beschreibung von Polen, Gali- Poppen, H., 794*
zien und Oest-Schlesien. C. v. Oeyn- Population: 41Bevolkerungsstatistik der
hausen, 945* Lander ohne Volkszahlung. A. N.
Polar Regions: 4jZur Behandlung derKiaer, 716*
Polarforschun, in Hoheren Schulen. Port Augusta, I50*
Porter, C. E., 231*
F. Schulze, 153*; Exp6ditions polaires
depuis I8oo. Liste des 6tats-majo'rs Porter, E. A., & C. E. Ellswo.rth, 788*
Porter, R. P., 143*, 301
nautiques et scientifiques. J. Denuce,
rev., 220, 555*; Inte'r-Polar Commis-Portland Canal, Chart, 236*
Portland Region, Maine, Clay in the.
sion, 6II; Nansen on North Polar
Exploration. C. R. Markham, 555*;F. J. Katz, 868*
Neuesten Polarreisen und die Nord- Port Moller and Herendeen Bay,
westliche Durchfahrt. E. v. Dry- Chart, 237*
Portola Expedition of 1769-1770. Di-
galski, 152*; Polar Meeting at the
ary of M. Costanso. Edited by F. J.
Amer. Mus. of Nat. Hist., 288; Swed-
Teggart, 234*; - Diary of Vicente
ish South Polar Expedition. O. Nor-
denskjold, rev., 514 Vila. Edited by R. S. Rose, 315*
Pole, North: l ]My Attainment ofPorto
the Rico: Climate of. O. L. Fas-
Pole. F. A. Cook, 390*; The Great sig, 77I; Erzlagerstatten . . mit,
White North. H. S. Wright, rev., 63; Einschluss von Porto Rico, usw. C.
Negro Explorer at the North Pole. L. Henning, rev., 613; Manufactures,
M. A. Henson, n., 548 Census for 1910, 869*; Population,
Pole, South: Amundsen's Expedition Census 910o, 629*; Report of the
to the, 822; Amundsens och Scotts Governor of, 1911, 790*; Results of
farder til sydpolen. 0. No,rden- Observations at Coast and Geod.
skjold, 876*; Amundsen am Sudpol. Surv., Magn. Observ. at Viequez. D.
H. Singer, 714*; Eroberung des Siid- L. Hazard, 471*, 790*; Trade Winds
pols. Norwegische Sudpolarfahrt mit in Porto Rico. O. L. Fassig, 230*
dem Fram 91o0-1912. R. Amundsen, Porto-Seguro. H. Praguer, 931*
rev., 903; Sydpol-Forskning. O. J. Port Philip: Q--mit dem Hafen Mel-
Skattum, 876* bourne und Geelong, 633*
Polesie, Militirgeographische Skizze Port Pirie, Germein-Bucht mit, 150*
des (Map). G. Kuchinka, 159* Port Sudan, 688
Polifka, R. W., 151* Portugal: qlBeobachtungen eines reis-
Political Economy: 4qEssai Politique sur enden Geographen auf der Iberischen
le Revenu public des peuples de l'an- Halbinsel. G. Braun, 713*; Kultur-
tiquit6, du Moyen Age, des si&cles geographisches aus Portugal. A.
modernes et sp6cialement de la France Serbin, 713*; Le-et sa mission civili-
et de l'Angleterre. Ch. Ganith, 942* satrice. P. Lebesgue, 474*
Polynesia: 4Beach-La-Mar. The Ja,r- Portuguese East Africa: See under
gon of Trade Speech in the Western Africa.

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Index 1025

Posen: Q iber das Alter diluvialen Prothero, G. W. See Ward, A. W.

Vergletcherung in den ProvinzenProvence:
Pos- qlLes Alpes de Provence.
en und Schlesien. O. Tietze, 151*; Guide du Touriste, du Naturaliste et
Geschichte des Landes. C. Meyer, de l'Archeologue. G. Tardieu, 867*;
945* Les cotes de. Notes de mo,rphologie
Posen, City: qfEntstehung und raum- c6tiere. R. Blanchard, 314*
liche Entwicklung der Stadt. O. Dal- Prud'homme, L. A., 470*
chow, 151* Prussia: q Conchylienfauna der jung-
Posnansky, A., 70*, 142* glazialen Ablagerungen Ostpreussens.
Potash Found in the Mohave Desert, H. Menzel, 151*; Flora de Jung-
286 glazialen Ablagerungen Ostpreussens.
Potato, The Sweet. B. H. A. Groth, J. Stoller, 151*; Uber fossilfuhrende
627* jungglaziale Ablagerungen von inter-
Potomac R. Drainage Basin. H. K. stadialem Charakter im Diluvium des
Barrows and Others, 468* q4Maps: Baltischen Hohenruickens in Ostpreus-
Abandoned Channel of - near the sen. E. Harbort and Others, 151*;
Potomac R., 398*; Mattawoman Creek Geographie und Statistik von West
to Georgetown, Chart, 236* Siud- und Neu-Ostpreussen. A. C. v.
Post Office, British: HisLory of the. Holsche,
J. 943*; Jahirbuch der K6nig.
Preuss. Geol. Landesanstalt zu Ber-
C. Hemmeon, n., 548
Poughkeepsie, Account Book of a Coun- lin, rgo9, 555*; Kaferreste aus Ost-
try Store Keeper in the i8th Cen- preussischem Diluvium. P. Speiser,
tury at-. Records in Dutch and Eng- 151*; De la monarchie prussienne
lish 549* sous Frederic le Grand. Comte de
Pound, E. H., 870* Mirabeau (1788), 945*; Neue Bucher
Poutrin, L., 931* Preussischer Geschichte. L. Ranke,
Powder River Oil Field, Wyo. C. H. 946*; Preussische und Brandenburg-
Wegemann, 470* ische Reichs-und-Staats-Geographie.
Powell-Cotton, P. H. G., 559* (I735). C. Abel, 939*; Salzflora und
Powers, Le G., 69* Tektonik in Anhalt, Sachsen und
Praesent, H., 309* Brandenburg. 0. v. Linstow, I5I*;
Praguer, H., 931* Sud-Preussen und Neu-Ost-Preu3sen.
Pratt, J. H., and H. M. Berry, 869* F. Herzberg, 943*; Zeitschrift des
Pratt, W. E. See Adams, G. J. Konig. Preuss. Statist. Landesamts,
Preble, E. A., 869* 1911, 1-4 Abteil., 633*, i. Abteil.,
Preissler, K., 634* I912, 874* qMaps: Ubersicht der
Premerstein, A. v. and S. Rutar, 946* seit dem Jahre x877 von den Konigl.
Presanella, Adamello-, Sui ghiacciai Preuss. Landesaufnahme . . . Messt-
dell. L. Marson, 395* ischblatter: N. W. Prussia, N. E. -,
Preusz, P., 716* S. E. -, n., 239
Pribilof: q1- Fur Seal Herd and Psalm Book, The Bay-. Being a
Prospects of its Increase. C. H. Facsimile Reprint of the First Edition
Townsend, 152* printed by Stephen Daye at Cam-
Price, O. W., Kellogg, R. S., & Cox, bridge in New England 1640, n., 868
W. T., 928* Ptolemy's Maps, n., 480
Prichard, H. H., 130 Puget Sound Drainage Basin. J. C.
Prince, E. E., 3 11* Stevens and Others, 311* Chart of
Prince Edward Island, Geological Age Puget Sound: Seattle to Olympia, 236*
of. L. W. Watson, 930* Pullan, R. P. See Texier, C.
Prince George's County, Md., 629* Punjab Maps: g4Punjab, etc., n., 478;
Prince Rupert, B. C.: qjThe New PortPunjab and Rajputana, n., 478
of, 287; The Port of, 686; Prince Ru-Purdie, F. B., 550*
pert (British Columbien), 550* Putbus auf Rugen, Feuchtigkeit-ver-
Prince William Sound, Maps: qlTiefen-haltnisse von-I1854-1903. H. v. Beb-
karte von Port Wells. L. Martin, ber, 73*
935*; Charts: Drier Bay, 237*; La-Putumayo, Story of the. [Rubber atro-
touche, Elrington and Prince of cities]. R. Paredes, 870*
Wales Passages, 237*; Western En- Pyrenees: qfPhenomenes meteorolog-
trance to, 237* iques dans les Pyrenees. Leurs conse-
Prinsep, H. T., 946* quences. Le deboisement. L. Ru-

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1026 Index

daux, 394*; Wanderungen in den R. Godfernaux, rev., 862 qlNorth

Pyrenaen. C. Tauber, 394* America: Alaska. . . and the Rail-
Pyrenees, Hautes: See Hautes-Pyre- way Routes in. A. H. Brooks, 927*;
nees. Completion of - across the Florida
Q Keys. R. M. Ha,rper, 90; L'Isthme
et le chemin de fer de Tehuantepec.
Quarles van Ufford, L. H., 789* T. Vuccuni, 392*; Making of the
Quatremere, M., 946* Great Canadian R.R. F. A. Talbot,
Quebec: 4qChicoutimi et Lac St.-Jean. 211; Railroads in Alberta, 286; Rail-
E. Rouillard, 70*; Au lac Abitibi. Le way Library, I910, 867*; - Railways
premier missionaire de la region de. in the United States. S. Sterne, rev.,
M. de Bellefeuille, 550*; Le mouve-
620, Annual Rep. of Statistics, 191o,
ment demographique dans la province
629*; Railroad Traffic and Rates. E.
de. E. Rouillard, 930*; Place-names
R. Johnson and G. G. Huebner, rev.,
in. J. White, n., 307 qjMap: Grenz-
619 q Map : Gray's New Map System
erweiterungen der Provinzen Quebec,
of the United States, Dominion of
usw., n., 934
Canada and Mexico, n., 155 q South
Quebracho, Das-gebiet in Argentinien
America: another Link from La Paz
und Paraguay. R. Lutgens, 551* to the Sea. G. Fortescue, 930*; All-
Queensland: 1 Burketown Mining Rail Route between Montevideo and
Field. Silver-Lead and Zinc Mines.
Rio de Janeiro, 471*; Bolivian-, 471*;
L. C. Ball, 394*; Expedition to the Ferrocarril y Muelle Guanta y Minas
Gulf of Carpentaria. J. P. Thomson, de Carbon de Naricual. J. G. Aldrey,
150*; Notes on Geological Age of392*; Ferrocarril de Santa Barbara
Volcanic Activity in Southeast. E. a Vigia. R. C. Quifiones, 392*; Ma-
0. Marks, 794*; Oaks and Eastern deira & Mamor6 R.R. 48, 230*; Qui-
Portion of Etheridge Goldfields. E. ruvilca Railroad. E. du B. Lukis,
O. Marks, 394*; Population, Census 552* Q4Africa: Chemins de fer au
1911, 530; Statistics of, - for I910. Congo, 553*; - du bassin du Congo,
Compiled by T. Weedon, n., 867 631*; - de Guin6e et la Navigation
qfMaps of Queensland: Sketch Plan du Niger, 312*; du Katanga, 312*;
of Auriferous Area, Oaks Gold Field,
du Kordofan, 871*; du Matadi au
560*; Geol. Sketch Map of Eastern
Portion of Etheridge Goldfield, 560*; Stanley Pool, 71*; de Lobito vers le
Geol. Sketch of Einasl'eigh and Vicin- Katanga, 870*; Lobito R.R., 609; La
ity, 560*; Sketch Map of Burketown politique des chemins de fer africains,
Mineral Field showing lease groups 148*; Les chemins de fer trans-afri-
& limestone areas. L. C. Ball, 560* cains. A. J. Wauters, 631*; Cost-
Quensel, P. D., 206 ruzioni ferroviarie nell'Africa Orien-
Quervain's (Dr. de) Trip across the tale Tedesca. A. Corsi, 149*; Ger-
Greenland Ice-Cap, 855 man East Africa Central R.R. Com-
Quine, J., 390* pleted to Tabora, 452; Tabora. Zum
Fortbau der ostafrikanischen Zentral-
Quinn, T. C., 946*
Quifiones, R. C., 392* bahn zum Tanganjikasee. E. Zim-
Quiruvilca R.R. With special Ref- mermann, 472*; Der Weiterbau der-
erence to Coal and Mineral Resources. 472*; Le projet de chemin de fer
E. du B. Lukis, 552* franco-allemand du Kamerun a 1'U-
Quito, A Trip from-to the Napo bangi, 631*; Proposed railway Ex-
River. E. H. Pound, 870* tension . . . in French West Africa,
Quitzow, W., 946* 71*; La question du Transsaharien en
1910. 0. Rolland, 472*; Railroad at
R El Obeid, Ix9; Railroad in Eritrea,
Rabines, A., 312* 48; Le transcongolais et le trans-
Rabot, C., 235*, 385, 395* saharien d'Alger a l'embouchure du
Radford, H. V., in the Canadian Bar- Congo, 871*; Valeur economique des
ren Grounds, 46, 608 regions travers6es par le chemin de
Raestad, A., 875* fer de Djibouti a Addis Abbeba. E.
Raffenel, A., 946* de Felcourt, 931*; Du Zambese au
Railroads: qRailway Conquest of the Tanganika. Projet anglais, 71*
World. F. A. Talbot, rev., 862; qMaps: Ca.rte des chemins de fer de
l'Afrique Occidentale Franqaise, 157*;
Chemins de fer coloniaux franqais.

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Mombasa Victoria Railway, n., 156; Reed, W. G., 290

Die neue Mariut-Eisenbahn von Alex-Reese, J. H., 229*
andrien bis Marsa Matruch. 0. Refrigeration: q L'industrie du froid
Kaiser, n., 477; IqAsia: Bagdad Rail- dans ses rapports avec l'agriculture.
way and Why it is of Interest to the Ripert, 715*
Uniited States. A. Gleaves, 793*; Regina, (Saskatch.) Rapid Growth of,
Chemins de fer Indochinois. G. Sale,286
72*; Die Hedschazbahn. M. Blacken- Regny, P. v. de, 792*
horn, 393*; Les grands courants com-Reichard, A. C., 795*
merciaux du Fair-West chinois et Reid, H. F., 315*, 354
notre chemin de fer du Yunnan. Dr. Reid, R. L., 148*
Legendre, 472*; Le long du - du Reid, T. H., 394*
Yunnan. A. Aymard, 553*; SituationReinach, L. de, 390*, 615
des - en Chine, I911. J. Lapeyriere, Reindl, J., 713*
232*; Trans-Persian Railway, 873* Reinhard, R. See Scheu, E.
1JMaps: Near East showing railroads -Reinhardt, A., 473*
finished and under Construction. Sir Reinisch, R., 6i
William Willcocks, n., 937; Railway Reishauer, H., 867*
and Canal Map of India, n., 478; Rekstad, J., 395*
Siberian Railways, n., 320; Sketch Religion and Ethics, Encyclopaedia of.
Map to show approximately railways J. Hastings, 943*
in Asiatic Turkey, n., 937 JEurope: Religions of the World and the World-
Von Bau der Mittenwalderbahn und Religion. W. F. Warren, 228* I Map:
ihre Zukunft. R. W. Polifka, xI5*; Religionskarte der Erde, n., 400
Les Chemins de fer de montagneRemusat, . . . A., Klaproth et Land.resse,
vers le sommet de la Jungfrau. A. 946*
Dauzat, 634*; Jungfrau R.R., 523 Rendle, A. B. See Fawcett, W.
qJ Carte des chemins de fer, routes, &Rene-Leclerc, Ch., 925*
voies navigables de la Belgique, n., Renty, E. de, 791*
639; Strategische Eisenbahnen . .. Reunion, 393*
in Bosnien und Herzegovina, n., 80 Reviews and Notices: See Book Re-
Raiilfall: q Cyclonic Unit in Rainfall views and Notices.
( bservations. W. G. Reed, 290; Reynolds, J. B., 63
Vhat can we learn from Rainfall Reynolds, R. V. R., 928*
Records? H. H. Turner, 235* Rhaetia: qlGrundliche und warhaffte
Rajputtana and Punjab, Map, n., 478 Beschreibung der uralten Alpischen
Ram Singh, R. S., 318* Rhetie. (I560). Tschudi, 947*
Randal-MacIver, On-'s and J. L. Rhine: qJThe Navigable-. Develop-
Myres' "Toudja Series" of Kabyle ment of its Shipping, the Basis of the
Pottery. A. van Gennep, 871* Prosperity, and Commercial Traffic in
Ranke, L., 946* 1907. E. J. Clapp, n., 467
Rannie, D., 381 Rhine Province: Wirtschaftliche Ab-
Ransome, F. L., 470*, 634*, 869* hangigkeit Rheinland-Westfalens vom
Rask, R., 946* Boden. M. Eckert, 314*
Rassam, H., 946* Rhode Island: liAgriculture. Census
Rasser, E. 0., 149*, 790* 19I0, 311*; Manufactures, Census for
Rastall, R. H., 933* 910o, 869*; Population, Census 1910,
Rathgen, K., 709* I47*
Rathjens, C., 71* Rhodesia: E Development and Pro-
Raton, N. M., Graphite near. W. T. gress of. G. de Hochepied Larpent,
Lee, 928* 793*; Geography and Economic Devel-
Raunkiaer, B., 657, 872*; -'s Reiseweg lopment of British Central Africa.
im nordlichen Arabien (Map), 936* A. Sharpe, 710*; Hittites in Africa.
Rawling, C. G., 73* J. K. Erskine, 231*; New Day in
Record, Geographical: See Geograph- Rhodesia. C. Boyd, 231*; -Rhodesia
ical Record. and its Prospects. B. Wilson, 231*;
Red Sea, Map: Mar Rosso e Possedi- La Rhodesia. P. Pasi, 149*; - of
menti Italiani in Africa, n., 719 To-Day (1895). .E. F. Knight, 944*;
Redway, J. W., 221, 229* Du Zambese au Tanganika, Projet
Reed, J. H., 234* anglais de chemin de fer, 71*; Zur

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1028 Index

Simbaibye-Frage. R. Poch, 149* q Map Rio Uaupes, Map, 317*

accompanying "Geography and Econ- Ripert, 715*
omic Development of British Central Rivers, W. H. R., 234*, 879*
Africa, n., 157 Rivers: q Concentration Versus Trans-
Northern Rhodesia: .qBangweulu portation a Need of Accurate Meas-
Swamps and the Wa-Unga. F. H. urements of Stream Work. G. B.
Melland, 149*; Great Plateau of Shattuck, 715*; Notes on Deflective
Northern-. C. Gouldsbury and H. Effect of Earth's Rotation as shown in
Sheane, rev., 458; Northeastern and Streams. C. Cobb, 475*; Life along
Northwestern to be known as North- a Graded River (Missouri R.). F.
ern Rhodesia, 207 qEMap: North V. Emerson, 674, 761
Eastern Rhodesia. Map showing Rivet, P., 311*
Native Tribes, n., 318 Road Making: qj Highway Engineering
Southern Rhodesia: qPreliminary as presented at the Second Interna-
List of the Plants of. F. Eyies, 711* tional Road Congress, Brussels, 9Io0.
qJMap: Sketch Map showing the A. H. Blanchard and H. B. Drowne,
routes of R. N. Hall in Mo-Karanga rev., 621
country, 1908, n., 477 Roanoke River Basin. M. R. Hall
Rh6n, Geologische Beschreibung des and J. G. Mathers, 710*
Dammersfeldes in der - und seiner Roberts, P., 306*
siidwestlichen UmgeLung. O. Dreher, Robison, C. H., n., 64
151* Robinson, C., 946*
Rh6ne Valley: l Contributions a l'his- Robinson, F. P., 310*
toire de la vallee du Rh6ne a l'epoque Robson, Mt.: See Mount Robson.
pleistocene, Le d6file de Fort-de- Rochester, N. Y.: q New Map of, 365
l'Ecluse. W. Kilian, 474* IgMap: Rochester Special Map, n., 55
Ricchieri, G., 794* Rockhill, W. W., 668
Rice: q4Der Reis. Geschichte, Kultur Rocks: QIThe Changeful Earth. In-
und geographische Verbreitung, seine troduction to the Record of the Rocks.
Bedeutung fur die Wirtschaft und G. A. J. Cole, 468*; Gabbros and
den Handel. C. Bachmann, 795* associated rocks at Preston, Conn. G.
qlMaps: Verbreitung und Intensitit F. Laughlin, 628*; Rocks and their
des Reisbaus in Asien;-Auf der erde. Origin. G. A. J. Cole, n., 626
C. Wachmann, n., 320 Rocky Mountains: q Ascents in the
Rich, J. L., 3II* Canadian Rockies. V. A. Fynn, 789*;
Richard, J., 555* Canadian Rockies north of Mount
Richards, R. W., 69*; - and G. R. Robson. J. N. Collie, 629*; On the
Mansfield, 229*, 470* Canadian - North of the Yellow
Richman, I. B., 371 Head Pass. J. N. Collie, 550*; Engel-
Richmond, Va., Economic Geology of mann Spruce in the-, growth, volume
- and Vicinity. N. H. Darton, 710* and reproduction. E. R. Hodson and
Richthofen, F. v., 946* J. H. Foster, 788*; Exploration in the
Ridgway, R., 549* - North of the Yellowhead Pass.
Rieger, M., 467* J. N. Collie, 550*; First Ascent of
Ries, H. and J. Keele, 230*, 789* Grand Mountain. H. Palmer, 629*;
Riese, A., 946* Saddle and Camp in the Rockies. D.
Riggs, T., J-r., 788* Wallace, n., 131; Variations in Tem-
Ring, T., 879* perature at Summit and Base Stations
Rio Grande do Norte, Map, n., 476 in Central - Regions. A. J. Henry,
Rio Grande do Sul, Map of-showing 310*; Wanderungen in den Rocky
position of belligerents . . . 1776, etc., Mountains. Im Schatten der Red
320* Beds. C. L. Henning, 788* qlMap:
Rio de Janeiro, Map: Rio de Janeiro Part of Rocky Mts. North of Yellow-
harbour. Position of belligerents . . . head Pass, n., 558
1711 (After an old map), 320* Rodna: Q]Die Glazialen Ziige der Rod-
Rio de la Magdalena, Informe sobre naer Alpen und Marmaroscher Kar-
las aguas del. J. S. Agraz, 70* paten. L. R. v. Sawicki, 314*
Rio Juqueryquere, Exploracao do, 230* Rodway, J., 466
Rio Martin, La carretera de- a Te- Roe, Sir Thos. and Fryer, J., 946*
tuan, 231* Roeder, G., 931*

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Rogemont, P. F., 946* Vivier de Streel, 710*; Einiges iiber

Roger, J., 626 Gewinnung und Bereitung des Kaut-
Rogers, J. D., 55 schuks von Ficus elastica. A. van
Roggeveen, J. Der Reis van - ter Gelder, 396*; The Story of Guayule,
Ontdekking vZn het Zuidland (1721- 715*; The whole Art of Rubber-
1722) verzemeling van stukken . . . Growing. W. Wicherley, n., 787
ontdekkingsplannen van A. RoggeveenRuby Placer District. A. G. Maddren,
(1675-1676) betreffende uitgegeven 788*
door F. E. Baron Mulert, 308* Rudaux, L., 394*
Rohrbach, P., 148* Rudolf, Lake. A. C. Hoey, 71*
Rohbock, L. and C. Koehler, 946* Rudzki, M. P., 222
Rohlfs, G., 946* Rufiji, Die Entstehungsgeschichte des
Rolland, 0., 472* unteren. J. Pfeil, 932*
Romanes, J., 789* Ruge, W., 234*
Romans, The Art of the. H. B. Wal- Riigen: EqBeitrage zur Siedlungskunde,
ters, 948*; Del Comercio de los Ro- usw R. E. Muller, 73*; Geschichte
manos. A. Z. de Malcorra, 944* von Riigen und Pommern. F. W.
Rome: QjRom und die Campagna. Th. Barthold, 940*
Gsell Fels, n., 867; Rome. W. W. Riihl, A., 235*, 395*, 474*, 634*
Fowler, n., 467; Sulle acque di Roma
antiche e moderne. R. Marchetti, 944* Ruhla, Das Glimmerschiefergebiet
Ronaldson R. See Wiese, J. D. T. von, Map, 639*
Rumania: EILa Roumanie. Ses Habi-
Roorbach, G. B., 869*
Roraima, The Latest Journey to. H.tants - son activite economique. L.
E. Crampton, 790* Boartoli, 233*; Rumanischen Wirt-
Roscher, M., 619 schaftsve,rhaltnisse, 714*
Roscoe, J., 456 Rumelia: flBulgarien und Rumelien.
Rose, A., 7I2* S. Gopcevid, 943*
Rose, R. S., 315* Rung, R., 234*
Ross, E. A., 136 Rural Economics, Principles of. T.
Ross, P. H. W., I42* N. Carver, rev., 621
Ross, R., 234* Russell, W. S. C., 364*
Rotch, A. Lawrence, Obituary, 294 Russia: q Annales de l'Observ. Cen-
Rotch, A. L. and A. H. Palmer, 861 tral Nicolas, I908. Observations
Roth, F., 74* meteorologiques et magnetiques, etc.,
Rothaug, J. G., 634* 874*; Annual of the Meteor. and
Rothe, K. C., 876* Magn. Observ. of the Imp. Univ. at
Rothpletz, A., 554* Odessa, I910, 874*; Observations
Ro,tomahana: q- and District revis- meteorologiques faites. .. dans les sta-
ited Twenty-three Years after the tions de 2 ordre en Russie, 1907, 233*;
Eruption. H. Hill, 233* Ausbreitung kalter Luft in Russland
Rottach, E., 143 und Nordasien. H. v. Ficker, 73*;
Rouard de Card, E., 625*, 941* Colonization and Industrial Devel-
Rouillard, E., 70*, 930* opment of-in the Kanin and Timan
Roussilhe, H., 631* Tundras, 875*; Fortschreiten der
Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain Erwirmungen in Russland und Nord-
and Ireland, Journal of the. 1834- aisen. H. v. Ficker, 795*; Geological
i856, 948* and Mineralogical Annual of Russia,
Royal Geographical Society: q[Award I911, 795*; Polare Grenze des Waldes
of Medals by the, 370; Research De- in Russland, nach Untersuchungen in
partment of, 530; Society's New der Tundra der Timan-Samojeden.
Home, 773 G. I. Tanfiljef, I45*; The Russian
Rozis, A. G., 149* People. M. Baring, rev., 218; La
R6zsa, M., 474* Russie et le probleme des chemins de
Ruanda, Auf neuen Wegen durch - fer en Perse. M. Pavlovitch, 714*;
und Urundi. H. Meyer, 632* Russian Year-Book for I9II. H. P.
Rubber: qlLe Caoutchouc. G. Dc- Kennard, n., 144; for 1912. H. P.
manche, 152*; Le- Production, Con- Kennard and N. Peacock, n., 626
Russian Empire: j Cities in the Rus-
sommation, les plantations, etc., 234*;
Le - en Afrique Equatorial. E. du sian Empire with more than ioo,ooo

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1030 Index

Inhabitants, 775; Der Seeweg nach St. John R. Drainage Basin. H. K.

Sibirien. B. Shitkow, 793* Barrows and Others, 469*
Riistow, W., 946* St. John, R. F. St. A., 66
Rutar, S. See Premerstein, A. V. St. Lawrence: qTTwenty-foot Terrace
Ruthven, J. F., 153* and Sea Cliff of the Lower. J. W.
Rutter, W. P., 372 Goldthwait, I47*, 287
Ruwenzori: 4qLa Hauteur du -. The St. Lawrence, Gulf: q Notes on the
Height of. E. O. Henrici, 471*, 7Io* Geology of. J. M. Clarke, 70*. 927*
St. Louis R., Maps: q St. Louis R. at
the stage when it cut its valley and
Saalach: qZur Geologie der Berge emptied directly into Lake Nipissing,
des oberen Saalachtales. F. Hahn, 76*; The present - which has been
73* converted into estuary by post-Nipis-
Sabatier, C., 946* sing tilting,'76*; Drainage of the St.
Sachse, F. J. P., 394* Louis and Mississippi Headwaters,
Sachse, J. F., 946* before the stream captures, - at
Sacken, E. v., 946* present, after stream captures and
Sacramento, (Brazil), Plan of the diversions, 76*
Colony of-in 1777 (After a map of St. Martin, L. Vivien de et Fr.
the time), 320* Schrader, 799
Sacramento River: qf- Basin. B. D. St. Petersburg, Plan of, n., 639
Wood, 929*; Expedition on the- and Sale, G., 72*
San Joaquin Rivers, in 1817. Diary Salem, Mass: EOld Naumkeag. An
of Fray Narciso Duran, Edited by historical Sketch of the City of. C.
C. E. Chapman, 396* H. Webber & W. S. Nevins, 948*
Sacramento Valley, Cal., Map, n., 75Salisbury, R. D., Personal, 691
Saderra Mas6, M., 232* Salmon, E., 875*
Sadowski, B. I., 290 Salt. (Output of certain Minerals and
Sahara: QjAbout . . . Biskra, Timgad, Metals in the World,) 234*
etc. C. Thomas-Stanford, rev., 535; Salvador: qlSalvador in 1910, 70*;
Among the Women of the. J. Pom- - of the Twentieth Century. P. F.
merol, 946*; Contribution a 1'etude Martin, rev., 455
du magn6tisme terrestre dans le. N.Salvator, Archduke Ludwig, 467*
Villatte, 711*; Deux annees dans le-Salween, Ergebnisse der Reise der
Central. Capt. Cortier, 149*; La ermordeten Dr. Brunhuber und
France et la Turquie dans le-Orien- Schmitz zum oberen. M. Hammer,
tal. E. Rouard de Card, n., 625; Ma 793*
Mission de I893-4 chez les Touareg Salzach and Inn, Map: qlKarte des
Azdjev. F. Foureau, 942*; Notes sur Inn- und Salzachgletchers, 480*
les Touareg Ajjer. Aperuu sur l'oasisSamar, Chart of Port and Bay on the
de Djanet et son utilisation. Lieut. N. Coast of, 237*
Ardaillon, 472*; Les Oasis de l'Oued Samoan Is: q Most Important Princi-
Rir'. H. Jus, 944*; La question du ples of Samoan Family Law and the
Transsaharien en 191o. O. Rolland, Laws of Inheritance. E. Schultz,
472*; Rapport de Tournee. In-Salah,233*; Samoanisches Familien-Immo-
Hassi-Boughessa, Fort-Motylinski, e:c.biliar- und Erbrecht. E. Schultz, 633*
Lieut. Duclos, 472*; Sahara Souda- German Samoa: qEDas deutsche
nais. R. Chudeau, rev., 696; Sahara, Schutzgebiet, 394*; Handel Samoas
oder, Von Oase zu Oase. J. Cha- imJahre I9o. R. Deeken, 233* qlMap:
vanne, 941*; Touat, Sahara et Sou- Die Deutsche Samoa-Insel Apolima.
dan. C. Sabatier, 946*; Le transcon- K. Wegener, 239*
golais et le transsaharien d'Alger a American Samoa: qI New Map of the
l'embouchure du Congo, 871*; A tra- American Samoan Islands, 506;
vers le. Du Tidikelt au Niger par United States possessions. Census of
the. 19I2, 689 qjMaps: Nordameri-
Ahaggar. J. Aubry, 472* q Maps:
The Orient: Sahara. E. Banse, n., kanischen Samoa-Inseln. Manua,
Tutuila. K. Wegener, n., 718
240; A travers le Sahara Central,
318* Samoyed (Ya-mal) Peninsula, Map:
Sainsbury, E. B., 946* QS mojedenhalbinsel. B. M. Shitkov,
St. Clair Weede. , E., 86o n., 238

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Sand, Experiments on the SettlementSao Paulo, City: q Flora der Umge-

of - in Running Water. J. S. Owens,bung der Stadt. A. Usteri, n., 307
555* Sapper, K., 150*, 208, 394*, 789*, 870*
Sand Dunes: q(Beitrage zur morphol- Sastr6n, M., 946*
ogischen Entwicklungsgeschichte der Sargent, R. H., 481
deutschen Nordseekiiste mit besonderer Sarmiento de Gamboa, Pedro, Anota-
Beriicksichtigung der Diinen tragen-ciones a la "Historia Indica" del
den Inseln. W. Ordemann, 874*; Capitan. H. Steffen, 227*
Diinenbuch. F. Solger, P. Graebner, Savaii: 4qDas Ende des Mat'vanu-
and Others, rev., 617; Einige Ergeb- Ausbruchs auf. K. Sapper, 394*;
nisse entwickelungsgeschichtlichen Thunderstorms of the Islands of
Studien an europaischen Flachlands- Savaii and Upolu. K. Wegener, 527;
kusten und ihren Diinen. G. Braun, Volcano of Matavanu in. T. Ander-
314*, 873*; Landes and Dunes of son, 314*
Gascony. C. Cobb, 314*; Sandbiinke Savannah River Basin. M..R. Hall
an der Kiiste der Deutschen Bucht and J. G. Mathers, 710*
der Nordsee. H. Poppen, 794* Saville, M. H., 625*
qJMaps: Duinen tusschen Schevenin- Savoy: JjLes Alpes de Savoie. E.
gen en Katwijk, n., 159; Skizze der Gaillard, 926*; La Neige en Savoie.
alteren und jiingeren Dunengenera- P. Mougin, 314*
tionen der Kurischen Nehrung bei Sawicki, L. R. v., 314*, 714*, 795*
Schwarzort, 159*; Skizze der Ent- Saxony: EjDas Konigreich Sachsen. L.
wicklung des Darrs, 158* Rohbock and C. Koehler, 946*
San Francisco Bay: j-- Drainage Say, L., 946*
Basins. W. B. Clapp and F. F. Hen- Scala, R. v., 795*
shaw, 469*; Expedition to- in 1770. Scandinavia: j]Die Chronologie der
Diary of Pedro Fages. Edited by altesten Bronzezeit in Nord-Deutsch-
H. E. Bolton, 69* land und Skandinavien. 0. Monte-
San Francisco to Point Arena, Chart, lius, 945*; Die Ureinwohner des
796* Scandinavischen Nordens. S. Nilsson,
Sangpo-Brahmaputra Problem, 122 945*
San Joaquin R. Basin. D. B. Wood, "Scandinavian Sea," Map: ql Das skand-
929* ische Senkungsgebiet mit Randhebungs-
San Joaquin Valley, Cal.: q Prel. Re- zentren. G. De Geer, n., 939
port on Geology and Possible Oil Re- Schachner, R., 308*
sources of South end of. R. Ander- Schachtzabel, A., 392*
son, 310*; Map to illustrate above, Schantz, H. L., I28
557* Schanz, M., 466*
San Jose de Costa Rica. A. Hale, 471* Scharff, R. F., 707
Schenectady Quad., Glacial Geology
San Juan Dist., Col., Physiographic
of. J. H. Stoller, 628*
Studies in the. W. W. Atwood, 468*
Scherman, L., 712*
San Juan Harbor, Porto Rico, Chart, Scheu, E., 235*
Scheu, E., R. Reinhard and F. Jaeger,
San Juan Mts., Col., Evidence of three 874*
distinct glacial Epochs in Pleistocene Schlaginhaufen, O., 617
History of the. W. W. Atwood and Schleswig-Holstein: l Gliederung des
K. F. Mather, 927* Schleswig-Holsteinischen Diluviums.
San Juan, Utah, Geology of the C. Gagel, I51*; Literatur zur Geol-
Oil Field. E. G. Woodruff, 470* ogie - seit I888. C. Hein, 233*
Sta. Maria de Chilepa, Estudio sobre Schmeckebier, L. F., 928*
la ciudad de. V. de P. Andrade, 392* Schmick, 630*
Santamaria de Paredes, V., 857 Schmidt, E., 73*, 151*, 397*
Santo Domingo: q Brief Statistical and Schmitt, A., 3WI.*
Geographic Review, 1910, 930*; Com- Schneider, C., 946*
merce for 1911, 790*; Dominican Re- Schneider, Capitaine, 393*
public in I910, 70*; La Republique Schnell, P., I57*, 552*, 792*, 933*, 936*
Dominicaine. T. Streitberg, 710* Schoff, W. H., 224
Sao Paulo, Topographic Map of the Sch6ne, E., 709*
State of, n., 476 Schbnebeck, A., 313*

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1032 Index

Schonith, G. W., 227* Scott, Sir J. George, 303

Schopper, Jacob, 947* Scranton, Pa., Mining conditions under
Schorn, J., 875* the City of. W. Griffith and E. T.
Schott Melrir, Oasenverwasserung im Conner, 710*
Becken des. B. W. Sch6nith, 227* Seals: q Fur-Seal Question, 234*;
Schrader, F. and L. Gallouedec, 309*,Making the Fur-Seal Abundant. H.
800oo* M. Smith, 396*; Pribilof Fur Seal
Schrader, F. C., 869*, 928* Herd and Prospects for its Increase.
S'chrader, Fr. See St. Martin, L. C. H. Townsend, 152*
Vivien de Seaman, A. E., 75*, 76*
Schroder, P., 719* Searle, A. B., 468*
Schubert, R., 712* Seattle Harbor, Wash., Chart, 236*
Schultz, E., 233*, 633* Seawell, V. F., 551*
Schultz, A. R. and W. Cross, 869* Sechuan: 4 Exploration dans le Yun-
Schultze. E., 395* nan et dans le Sseu-tch'ouan. A. F.
Schulz, B., 715* Legendre, 553*; Populous and Beauti-
Schulze, F., 153* ful Szechuan. R. T. Chamberlin,
Schulze, F. W. 0. See Solger, F. 473*; Voyage au Sseu-tch'ouan et aux
Schulze, J., 872* marches orientales du Tibet. G. C.
Schumacher, G., 399 Toussaint, 872* qJMaps of Sechuan:
Schiitz, L. H., 388, 787* Itineraire de Yae-si-hien a Fou-lin.
Schiitze, H., 938* Dr. Legendre, n., 158; Itineraire de
Schwa,rze, W. N. See Hulbert, A. B.Yun-nan-fou a Ein-pou-tse. Dr. Le-
Schwarzort, Map: Q]Skizze der flteren
gendre, n., 158
und jiingeren Diinengenerationen der Seelheim, H., 233*
Kurischen Nehrung bei, 159* Segonzac, R. de, Results of his Moroc-
Schwetz, J., 932* can Expedition, 851
Science, A List of Books on the His- Seiches, On Evidence for Temperature.
tory of-. The John Crerar Library.E. A. Birge, 235*
A. G. S. Josephson, 145* Seidel, A., 947*
Scilly Islands: q4The Isles of. J. Seidel, H., 712*
Mothersole, n., 62; Die Scilly-Inseln.
G. W. v. Zahn, 714* Seismology. See also Earthquakes:
Scobel, Prof. Albert, Obituary, 294
OlUber Erdbebenwellen. Konstitution
des Erdinnern, erschlossen aus dem
Scotland: q Density of Population-
Bodenverriickungsverhaltnis usw., und
191I. G. G. Chisholm, 74*; Geogra-
einige andere Beobachtungen fiber
phical Factor in Scottish Independence. Erdbebenwellen. K. Zoeppritz, L.
W. R. Kermack, 233*; The Making
of. Sir Herbert Maxwell, n., 467; The Geiger, B. Gutenberg, 715*; tber
seismische Laufzeitkurven. V. Laska,
making of -: An Essay in Historical
397*; Seismische Registrierungen in
Geography. W. R. Kermack, 875*; Wien . 9o.9. V. Conrad, 394*;
Mean annual rainfall, 1871-I9o0. A. La Sismicita all' Isola di Ustica e il
Watt, 234*; Pre-Glacial Shorelines Periodo Marzo-Aprile 90o6. G. Mar-
in. W. B. Wright, I23; Picturesque
tinelli, 626*; Sismologie moderne.
Antiquities of. A. de Cardonnel, Les tremblements de terre. Comte de
941*; Schottland und seine Bewohner. Montessus de Ballore, rev., 623; Seis-
W. Suck, 144*; Scot in America and motectonic Lines in southern Luzon,
the Ulster Scot. n., W. Reid, 866; Ser-
873*; Society for Seismological Ob-
vice bathymetrique des lacs d'Ecosse.
servation in Costa Rica, 850
L. W. Collet, 315* EjMaps of Scot- Seistan: EMemoir on History, Topog-
land: Map of Glacieluvial Kame near
Polmont, 938*; Bartholomew's "Quar- raphy, Ruins and People of the Coun-
ter-Inch to Mile Map" of, zt., 319; try. G. P. Tate, rev., 616
International Map: North Scotland, Selangor, Federated Malay States,
the Highlands, n., 400 Map, n., 318
Scott, D. H., 141 Seler, E., 930*, 947*
Scott, J. G., 393* Selkirk Mts.: Exploration of North-
Scott's (R. F.), Second Antarctic Ex- ern, 204*; Notes on the Exploration
pedition. E. S. Balch, 270 and Geography of the N rthern Sel-
Scott, S. P., 946* kirks. H. Palmer, 241; Selkirk Moun-

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tains. A. O. Wheeler and E. Parker, Expedition i ach. C. C. Hosseus,

rev., 694 473*; Aus einer mittelsiamesischen
Sellards, E. H., 869* Stadt. C. C. Hosseus, 793*; General
Seminar fur Orientalische Sprachen zuReport on Operations of the Royal
Berlin, Kolloquium iiber afrikanischeSurvey Dept., 873*; Au Laos et au
Sprachen am. B. Struck, 874* Siam. M. Bassenne, 873*; Metric
Senegal: qjNouveau Voyage dans le System in, 208
Pays des Negres. Suivi d'Etudes surSiberia: q Geological Sketch of Gold
la Colonie du Senegal. A. Raffenel, Bearing Regions of. V. A. Obruchev,
946*; Le Fouladou. R. Legrand, 873*; Uber den gegenwirtigen Stand
931*; Le port de Daka&r: son role der Kolonisation Sibiriens, 873*; Les
economique. J. Goulven, 932* glaciations quaternaires dans la Si-
Senn, F., 233* berie meridionale et la Mongolie
Senussi: llDa la confrer;e des Sen- occidentale. A. Allix, 872*; Johann
oussya. Labatut, 471* Georg Gmelin, I709-1755. Der Er-
Serbin, A., 7I3* forscher Sibiriens, n., 467; Journey in
Sergi, G., 926* Southern-. Mongols, Their Religion
Sergoynne, 0., 554* and Their Myths. J. Curtin, rev..
Servia: qlLe developpement econom-460; Die Kolonisation. P. A. Stolypix
ique de la Serbie. G. Gravier, 714*;
& A. W. Kriwoschein, n., 925; Der
Makedonien und Alt-Serbien. S. Seeweg nach Sibirien. B. Shitkov,
Gopcevic, 943*; Population, Census793*; Sibirien. N. Jadrinzev, 944*;
I9I0, 530; Serbien und die Serben.Die Stellung der sibirischen Str6me im
S. Gopcevic, 943* Weltverkehr. R. Hennig, 873*; Si-
Servian Geographical Society, Bul- berian Natives Dying Out. B. Peres
letin of the, 855 873* ljMaps of Siberia: Greater Si-
Seton, E. T., 295, 547 beria. E. Banse, n., 240; Siberian
Seville: Il Renaissance du port de Railways, n., 320
Seville. A. Girard, 315* Sicily: q4I Barbari e i Bizantini in
Seward, A. C., 309* Sicilia. B. Pace, 945*; Geophysika-
Seward Peninsula, Notes on Mining lische Zusammenhange und kulturelle
in. P. S. Smith, 788* Lehren der Erdkatastrophen Sildit-
Seward-Sunrise Region, Gold Depos- aliens und Siziliens. W. Krebs, 874*;
its of. B. L. Johnson, 927* Sicilia. Guide regionali illustrate,
Seyferth, P., 715*, 720* I46*; La Sicilia illustrata. G. Chiesi,
Seylaz, L., 232* 941*; Southern Italy and - Hand-
Shari Territory: qILa Region du Banr- book for Travellers. K. Baedek;r,
Sara. Maistre, 944* n., 926
Shark River Inlet, Report on. C. C. Siderides, N. A., 233*
Vermeule, 789* Siebertz, P., 62
Sharpe, A. 710* Sierra Leone: qlLes frontieres de la
Shattuck, G. B., 466*, 628*, 715* Guinee Franjaise, de-et du Liberia.
Shaw, E. W. & Munn, M. J., 311* A. Terrier, 931*
Shaw, G. W. and A. J. Gaumnitz, 70* Sierra Nevada of Cal., Tertiary Gra-
Shea, D., 947* vels of the. W. Lindgren, 69* rev.,
Sheane, H. See Gouldsbu{ry, C. 908 qlMaps illustrating above, n., 75
Shelley, H. C., I44 Sievers, W., 475*, 791*, 947*
Sherring, M. A., 947* Sikandar Nama, e Bara, or Book of
Shidlowski, A. F., 875* Alexander the Great. By Abu Mu-
Shimek, B., 628* hammed Bin Yusuf Bin Mu, Ayyid-
Shitkov, B. M., 238, 793* I-Nizamu-'d-Din. Transl. by H. W.
Shreve, F., 476, 528 Clarke, 941*
Shrewsbury, R., Chart, 236* Sikhs, The History of the. W. L.
Siachen Glacier, Survey of the. F. B. M'Grego,r, 944*
Workmann, 897 Sikkim: qfMountains of Northern Sik-
Siam: 'jBeitrage zur Flora Siams. C. kim and Ga,rhwal. A. M. Kellas,
C. Hosseus, 473*; Beitrirge zur Flora 872* IqMaps: Northern Sikkim, 936*
von Wang Djao am Ma Ping in Silesia: qjUfber das Alter diluvialen
Mittel-Siam. C. C. Hosseus, 473*; Vergletscherung in den Provinzen
Die botanischen Ergebnisse meiner Posen und Schlesien. O. Tietze, 151*;

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1034 Inldex

Historische und Geographische Be- Smith, H. M., 396*, 712*

schreibung der Herzogthums Schlesien Smith, H. W., 233*
(1741), 940*; Topographia Bohemiae Smith, J. P., 391*
Moraviae et Silesia. M. Merian, Smith, J. W., 521, 693, 928*
Smith, M. S., 712*
(I650), 945*; Versuch einer geognost-
ischen Beschreibung von Polen, Gali-
Smith,' P. S., 788*, 928*
zien und Oest-Schlesien. C. v. Oeyn-
Smith, S., 560*
hausen, 945* Smith, V. A., 947*
Silk, World's Production of-in 1911. Smith, W. D., & Eddingfield, F. T.,
E. R. E. Vica!rs, 876* 554*
Silver: jInfluence of Gold and Silver Smith, W. N., and Allen, R. C., 75*,
Mining upon the Characters of Men. 77*
G. D. Hubbard, 396*; Output of Smithsonian Institution: q Classified
Certain Minerals and Metals in the List of Publications available for
World, 234*; Silver and Gold Mining Distribution, 929*; Expeditions organ-
and Reduction Processes as Responses ized or participated in by the - in
to Geographic Condition. G. D. Hub- I9o0, I9I1, 929*; Proceedings of the
bard, 234* U. S. National Museum, 1912, 789*;
Simon, E., 632* Report for the year ending in June
Simon, J., 553* 1910. C. D. Walcott, 392*; Smith-
Simotomai, H., 394*, 793* sonian Physical Tables. E.E. Fowle,
Sinai: qEDie Sinaifrage. E. Oberhum- 635*
mer, 393* Smyrna: qjSmyrne. Sa situation, son
Sinaloa, Map of the State of. H. A. importance. A. Philippson, 553*
Horsfall, n., 935 Snethlage, Dr. E., Routenaufnahme
Sind: qI History of General Sir Charles von-vom Xing6 zum Tapajoz. M.
Napier's Administration of Scinde. Mayr, n., 717, 870*
Sir W. Napier, 945* Snow: q Photographing Red snow in
Singer, H., 475*, 714* Natural Colors, 293; Schneegrenze
Singleton, E., 786 in verschiedenen Klimaten. V. Pas-
Singlewald, J. T., 628* chinger, 715*
Sink Holes: Les Katavothres de Grece. Sociedad Chilena de Historia & Geog-
N. A. Siderides, 233* rafia, 451
Sinology: q Dictionnaire bibliograph- Soemba Is., Charts, 638*
ique-des ouvrages relatifs a l'EmpireSoils, Practical Classification of. E.
Chinois. H. Cordier, 942* O. Fippin, 555*
Sioux Falls, S. D., Pleistocene of - Sokotra: 4 Geologie der Inseln Sok6-
and Vicinity. B. Shimek, 628* tra, Semha und'Abd el Kfri. F.
Sir Sandford Glacier, Observations on Kossmat, 312*
the--19II. H. Palmer, 550* Solar Eclipse: See Eclipse, Solar.
Sitka Harbor and Approaches, Chart,Solch, J., 874*
236* Solent, Old Course of the, (Map), 80*
Sitka Mining District. A. Knopf, 229* Solger, F., and Others, 617
Skattum, O. J., 876* Sollas, W. J., 702
Skeat, W. W., 144*; - & Blagden, Solotaroff, W., 310*
C. 0. 947* Somali: qlBeitrige zur Ethnographie
Skinner, A., 470*, 928* und Anthropologie der Somal, Galla,
Sladen, D., 308* Harari. P. Paulitschke, 945*
Slavs: 4 Geographical and Statistical Somali Coast French Protectorate:
View of the Contemporary Slav qlChemin de fer francais d'fthiopie,
Peoples. L. Niederle, 396*; Die 791*; Cote franqaise des Somalis,
Slaven in Deutschland. F. Tetzner, 932*; Protectorat de Ia C6te francaise
des Somali. A. G. Rozis, 149*
947*; Die Slaven. Ein Urvolk Euro-
pas. M. Zunkovic, rev., 305 Somaliland, Italian: qjCartografia col-
Smeroe, Java: Studying a Volcano oniale.
in A. Mori, 471*; Il commercio
Eruption, 453 della Somalia Italiana. L. Cufino,
Smith, B. E., 863 933*; Italian--. A. Baldacci, 688;
Smith, C. E. See Patton, H. B. La Somalie italienne. A. Baldacci,
Smith, G., 309* 933*; Southern Italian -. A. Bal-
Smith, G. E., 876* dacci, 312* qjMaps of Italian Somali-

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land: Index Map of, n., x56; Quadro Card, 941* 4jMap of Spain: Estadisti-
d'Unione della Carta Dimostrativa ca de Obras Publicas, n., 938
della Samalia Italiana, n., 159 Spears, J. R., 234*
Sonolet, L., 3 2* Speelman, C., 467*
Sonora: q The Sonora Desert, Mexico. Speer, R. E., 694
C. Lumholtz & I. N. Dracopoli, 930* Speight, R., 234*, - L. Cockayne and
lqMaps of Sonora: Map of S. W. R. M. Laing, I50*
Arizona and N. W. Sonora compris- Speiser, P., 151*; See also Solger, F.
ing the region formerly called Papa-Sperling, Otto, Notes du voyage en
gueria, n., 797; Map of Desert Re- Espagne (I640-41) du medicin-. E.
gion. I. N. Dracopoli, 316*; Map Gigas, 396*
of the State of. H. A. Horsfall, n., Spethmann, H., i60*
935 Spiders. C. Warbuton, 868*
Soul, J., 631* Spitzbergen: qjBeitrage zur Kiisten-
South America: See under America. kunde von West, 875*; Dr. Bruce's -
South Australia: See under Australia. Expedition, 776; Geologischer Aus-
South Carolina: qj Agriculture. Cen- flug nach-veranstaltet vom XI. Intern.
sus 1910, 311*; Manufactures, Census Geo.ogenkongress, I9Io. B. Weigand,
I910, 55o*; Population, Census I9I0, 714*; Gjennem ukjendte strok av
229* q Chart: From Isle of Palms to Spitsbergens indland. En slaedetur
Hunting Island, 236* Kingsbay - Woodbay- Ekmanbay paa
South Dakota: q Agriculture. Census den norske spitsbergenekspedition
19I0, 311*; Coal near the Black Hills. sommeren 191 0. . Holtendahl, 875*;
Glacial Features in - in Relation to
R. W. Stone, 628*; Manufactures,
Census I910, 70*; Once Their Home. Irish Geology. G. A. Cole, 795*;
Our Legacy from the Dahkotahs. Meteorology in, 775; Les Nappes de
Historical, etc. F. C. Holley, 943*; Lave, les Volcans et les sources ther-
males dans les environs de la Baie
Population, Census 1910, 229* 4IMap:
Sketch Map showing southern limit Wood au. A. Hoel and 0. Holtedahl,
of Pleistocene ice sheet and the dis- 875*; Norwegian Expedition, I22;
tribution of Dakota glacial lobe. J. Political Status of, 690; Le Spitsberg
E. Todd, W. Upham, and D. E. Wil- dans l'histoire diplomatique. Etude de
lard, 154* geographie historique. A. Readstad,
South Georgia: 'Q Geologische Be- 875*; Spitsbergens Natur og Historie.
obachtungen iiber Sud-Georgien. F. G. Holmsen, 309*; Spitzbergens Land-
Heim, 795*; Whaling in Southern formen und ihre Vereisung. E. v.
Seas, 526 .IMap: Sketch Map show- Drygalski, 152*; - in Russian His-
ing whaling Grounds and the course tory and Literature. Sketch of Rus-
usually taken by "Humpback" and sian Sailings and Enterprises in -
"Right Whale" from Oct. to March. and a Bibliography of Literature and
J. I. Wilson, n., 159 Archives relating to them. A. F.
South Sea Islands: q4My Adventures Shidlowski, 875* 4 Map: Ice Condi-
Among South Sea Cannibals. . D. tions in the Spitsbergen Seas, I91I,
Rannie, rev., 381; Siidsee Inseln. G. n., 480
Friederici, 793* Sprague, R., 137
South Shetland, Whaling in, 526 Springer, J. F., 628*
Spafford, J. E., 393* Spruce, Engelmann - in the Rocky
Spain: qjEin Beitrag zur ReiseliteraturMountains . . . growth, volume and
iiber Spanien aus einer Handschrift reproduction. E. R. Hodson and J.
der Miinchener Hof und Staatsbiblio- H. Foster, 788*
thek. L. Pfandl, 396*; Beobachtungen Stadlmann. J., 794*
eines reisenden Geographen auf derStange, A., 713*
Iberischen Halbinsel. G. B'raun, Stanley-Pool, Le - commercial. P.
713*; Four Months Afoot in Spain. Briart, 148*
H. A. Franck, rev., 6x; The History Stavenhagen, W., 474*, 555*, 628*,
of the Moorish Empire in Europe. S. 632*, 713*
P. Scott, 946*; The Magic of Spain. Stawropol, Die Nogaier im Gouvern-
A. F. G. Bell, rev., 382; Relations de ment-(Ziskaukasien). K. v. Hahn,
l'Espagne et du Maroc pendant le 233*
i8me et I9me Siecles. E. Rouard de Stearns, W. N., 631*

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Stebbing, E. P., 381 Suarez, T., 552*

Stedman, E. C., 68* Suck, W., 144*
Steeb, C. v., 314* Sudan: q[Kulturtypen aus dem West-
Stefansson, V., 340; - Details ol' hissudan. Auszuge aus den Ergebnissen
Arctic Work, 660; -'s Arctic plans, der zweiten deutschen Forschungsex-
917; Personal, 914 pedition, usw. L. Frobenius, 72*; Le
Steffen, H., 227*, 466* mecanisme des orages au Soudan. H.
Steffens, O., 234* Hubert, 393*; Traversee du massif
Stein, A., 318*, 537 ethiopien du D6sert Somali a la plaine
Steiner, L., 715* du Soudan, I909-Ix. G. Montandon,
Stephenson, L. W. See Veatch, O. 791*
Stereo, 71* Anglo-Egyptian Sudan: q Dix An-
Sterne, S., 620 nees en Equatoria. Le Retour d'Emin
Sterrett, D. B., 928* Pacha et l'Expedition Stanley. G.
Sterrett, W. D., 788* Casati, 941*; England in the Sudan.
Steven, T. M., 795* A. Yacoub Pasha, rev., 134*; Die Ge-
Stevens, J. C., 331*, 470* schichte Nubiens und des Sudans. G.
Stevenson, E. L., 545 Roeder, 931*; Growth of Population.
Stevenson, J. J., 315* Lord Kitchener, 688; Erwachende
Stewart, W. J., 629* Agrarlander. S. Strakosch, rev., 212;
Stigand, A. G., 558*, 711* Agyptischer Sudan, 72*; De Khart-
Stoiser, J., 709* oum a Addis-Abeba. J. Parmentier,
Stokes, A. and M., 947* 630*; Man and Beast in Eastern
Stoller, J., 151* Ethiopa. From Observations . . .
Stoller, J. H., 628* Sudan. J. Bland-Sutton, n., 535; Pro-
Stollowsky, 0., 231* gress in the. C. M. Watson, 931*;
Stolypin, P. A. & A. W. Kriwoschein, Railroad connecting El Obeid with
925* the Nile south of Khartum, 19; Le
Stone, A. C., 314* Soudan Anglo-Egyptien. C. Pierre,
Stone, R. W., 154*, 628* 871*; Le Soudan Egyptien, 71*; Mise
Storm King Crossing of the Hudson en valeur du. L. Marc-Schrader,
R.. J. F. Kemp, 685 87I*; Sudan Almanac, 1912, 709*;
Storms: ' Are There Equinoctial Uganda to Khartoum. Life and Ad-
Sto,rms? Development of the Marineventure on the Upper Nile. A. R.
Barometer in American Waters. J. Lloyd, 143*; La valeulr economique
H. Morrison, 709*; Thunderstorms du Soudan Anglo-Egyptien. P. Ar-
over Tropical Islands, 527 minjon, 871*
Stout, A. P., 313* French Sudan: ElEntre le Niger et le
Tchad et a l'est et au nord-est du
Stout, J. L., 308*
Stout, Sir Robert, 308* Tchad. G. Garde, rev., 780; Mission
Strachey, Sir John, 217 Gironcourt, 631*; Notre Beau Niger.
Strakosch, S., 212 F. Dubois, rev., 212; Le sommet de
Strang, H., 308* la boucle du Niger. G. de Giron-
Strausz, A., 947* court, 631*; Touat, Sahara et Soudan.
Streams, Notes on Deflective Effect of C. Sabatier, 946*
Earth's Rotation as shown in. C. Suess, Ed., 706
Cobb, 475* Suez Canal: qlBusiness of the-in I9II,
Strehlow, C., 625* 122; I1 Canale di Suez. R. Tritoni,
Streitberg, T., 710* 392*
Strindberg, A., 866* Sugar: q World's-Production, 152*;
Struck, A., 309* Zuckererzeugung der Welt, 7I5*
Struck, B., 874* Suk, the: ElTheir Language and Folk-
Strumpell, K., 312* lore. M. W. H. Beech, rev., 299
Stuart, Commander, 224 qJMaps: Map of Suk Country, n.,
Stubicke Toplice, Messungen der Erd- Baringo District showing Tribal divis-
warme bei - in den Jahren I909 und ion, n., Kerio Suk Country, n., 78
91ro. C. v. Steeb, 314* Sulu, Geologic Reconnaissance of -
Stuhlmann, F., 794* and Mindanao. General and Econo-
Stumm, H., 947* mic Geology. W. D. Smith, 554*
Stupart, R. F., 230* Sumatra: qlAcheen and the Ports on

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the North & East Coasts of. J. Ander-servatoire Meteorologique de l'Upsala.

son, 939*; Java, - and Other Islands F. Akerblom, 714*; Compar tive
of Dutch East Indies. A. Cabaton, Sketch of Precambric Geology of
rev., 217; Nord-Suratra. Bericht and New York. J. F. Kemp, 868*;
. . . in den Jahren 1904-6 ausgefuhrte Die nirdliche Steinzeitkultur in Finn-
Forschungsreise. Band II. Gajolin- land, Norwegen und Schweden. A.
der. W. Volz, rev., 304 QfMaps of M. Hansen, 554*; Schwedische Land-
Sumatra: Geologische Karte der Gajo- schaftstypen. G. Greim, J. Partsch
und Alaslander, n., 318; Karte der and Others, 795*; Svenska Turist-
Gajo- und Alaslander nach den Be- Foreningens Arsskrift, 1912, 795*;
obachtungen von Dr. Volz, n., 318; Telegraph and Telephone Statistics
Westkust Sumatra, Singkel tot Sib- for 19I1, 474* EjMaps of Sweden:
olga, 638* Hydrografisk Ofversiktskarta bfver
Sunda Islands. See also Malay Archi- Sverige, n., 4oo; Geologische Skizze
pelago: qJDie Sunda-Expedition des der Umgebung von Kiruna nach H.
Vereins fur Geographie und Statistik Lundbohm, 239*; Das nordliche
zu Frankfurt am Main. Band i. J. Schweden zur Veranschaulichung der
Elbert, rev. 923 Lage der Eisenerzstatten zu den Aus-
Sundt, L., 148* fuhrhafen, 239*
Superior Lake Region: 4q Geology of Swick, C. H., 183
the. C. R. Van Hise and C. K. Leith, Switzerland: lqChemins de fer de
rev., 112; Iron Ores of. B. Crowell and montagne dans les Alpes vers le som-
C. B. Murray, n., 56 q4Maps of Lake met de la Jungfrau. A. Dauzat, 634*;
Superior Region: Generalized topogra- Deutsche und Romanen in der Schweiz.
phic map of, n., 77; Detailed Map of J. Zemmrich, 74*; Jahrb. des Schwei-
Quartzite Ridges of Teal Lake, show- zer Alpenclub, 1910-1I, 714*; Aus
ing faulting and unconformity of Aji- kleinen Stadten der Schweiz. E. V.
bik and Mesnard Qua.rtzites. A. E. Tobler, 74*; Klubhiitten-Album des
Seaman, 75*; Geologic Map. C. R. Schweizer Alpen-Club, n., I45; Le
Van Hise and C. K. Leith, n., 77; parc national suisse et les ligues pour
Geol. Map and Sections of Marquette la protection de la nature. E. Fleury,
Iron Bearing District. C. R. Van 795*; Polhbhen- und Schwerebestim-
Hise and W. S. Bailey, n., 75; Map mungen bis zum Jahre 19Io, 875*;
of Carp River Fault. W. N. Smith, Aus dem Schweizer Jura. A. Hett-
75*; Map of basin designed to show ner, 875*
structure and extent of Keweenawan Sydow, Emil von-and Development of
trough, n., 77; Seven maps illustrating German School Cartography, 846
Pleistocene glaciation of, 77*; Re- Sykes, G., 721
lief Map showing topographic Fea- Synge, J. M., 548
tures, n., 77; Sketch map showing Syria:
iron ELes interets francais en Syrie.
districts, shipping ports and trans- Faculte frangaise de medicine de Bey-
portation lines, 77*; Topographic routh, 393*; Heth and Moab. Ex-
provinces of - with subdivisions of plorations in Syria in i88I and x882.
peneplain, n., 77 C. R. Conder, 941*
Supf, K., 713*
Surinam: See Guiana, Dutch.
Surveying, Instruction in Geographi- Taal Volcano: qjEruption of-Jan. 30,
cal. I. N. Dracopoli, 512 19II. M. Mas6 Saderra, 233*; -
Susquehanna River D.rainage Basin. and its Recent Destructive Eruption.
H. K. Barrows and Others, 310* D. C. Worcester, 554*; Visit to the.
Siissmilch, C. A., 150* S. MacClintock, 313*
Sutton, C. H., 791* Tabora: [lZum Fo.rtbau der ostafri-
Swabia, Maps: qJMittlere Jahres- und kanischen Zentralbahn zum Tangan-
Monatstemperaturen der Schwabisch- jikasee. E. Zimmermann, 472*; Rril-
Bayerischen Hochebene. (14 Sketch road Completed to Tabora, 452*
Maps), n., 479 Tacoma Mount. W. B. Wetmore, 21o
Swanton, J. R. See Dorsey, J. 0. Tahiti, Notes on. H. W. Smith, 233*
Swarth, H. S., 624 Tahltan Indians. G. T. Emmons, 929*
Sweden: q4Bevolkerung Schwedens. H. Talbot, F. A., 147*, 167, 21I, 372, 862
Wichmann, 152*; Bulletin de lOb- Talbot, P. A., 72*, 7I *

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1038 Index

Tamerlane the Great, History of. M. Teleki, P., 459

Manouchi, 944* T.llez, S., 153*
Tanant, C. E., 632* Temperature: qlOn the Evidence for
Tancitaro Peak. E. Ordofiez, 366 Temperature Seiches. E. A. Birge,
Tanfiljef, G. I., I45* 235*; An Unregarded Factor in Lake
Tanganyika: q Comment les eaux du -s. E. A. Birge, 235*; Low Tem-
Tanganika s'ecoulent dans la Lukuga peratures and Vegetation. F. Shreve,
par le col de Mitwanzi, 471*; 01- 528; The "Solar Constant" and Vari-
palme am Tanganyika-See. E. Zim- ations of Atmospheric - at Arequipa
mermann, 152* and some other Stations. H. Arctow-
Tanion Strait, Chart of southern part, ski, 598
237* Temple, C. L., 792*, 936*
Taoism and Confucianism. A Key to Temple, Sir Richard, 947*
the Study of: Universism. J. J. M. deTempleton, R. S., 712*
Groot, n., 926 Tennessee: qlAgriculture. Farms, Live
Tappi, L., r48* Stock, etc., Census I9Io, 869*; Clay
Tardieu, G., 867* Deposits of West. W. A. Nelson,
Tarr, R. S., 46, 549*, 555*, 628*;-and 229*; History of - I663-19II. G. R.
F. M. McMurry, 229*, 866* McGee, 309*; Introduction to the Re-
Tarr, Ralph Stockman, Obituary, 283, sources of. J. B. Killebrew, 944*;
284 Oil and Gas Resources of, 285; Manu-
Tartars: ' Manners and Customs of the factures, Census 1910, 550*; Popula-
Crim Tartars. M. Holderness, 943* tion, Census 1910, 229*; Prel. Report
Tartary, Tibet, and Mongolia. H. T. of Coal Resources of Pikeville Special
Prinsep, 946* Quadr. of Eastern -. W. C. Phalen,
Tarumai Der-Ausbruch, I909. H. 869*; Results cf Spirit Leveling, I9I0-
Simotomai, 793* ii. R. B. Marshall, 928* qlMap: Mt.
Tasmania, Maps: EqBays on the South- Guyot Quad., 557*
East Coast of - from Lieut. Bond's Teram Kangri, Collins' Triangulation
Log, [Facsimile], n., x60; Part of of. T. G. Longstaff, 872*
South-eastern Tasmania, from Hayes's Termicourt, L. H. de, 632*
Chart [Facsimile], n., I60 Terrestrial Magnetism: See Magnetism,
Tate, G. P., 215, 6i6 Terrestrial.
Tatlow, A. H., 786* Terrier, A., 392*, 472*, 552*, 93I*, 932*
Tiuber, C., 394* Tessin: qliUbertiefung des Tessinge-
Taunus, Die Lage der Siedelungen im. bietes. Morphologische Studie. H.
F. Knieriem, 554* Lautensach, 794*
Taurus, Uber die Gebirgsbau des. F. Testard, P., 397*
Frech, 393* Tetzner, F., 947*
Taylder, T. W. P., 947* Texas: q Agriculture. Farms, Live
Taylor, E. G. R. See Unstead, J. F. Stock, etc., Census I9Io, 869*; Five
Taylor, G., 554* Years in. T. North, 945*; Germans
Tea: q Teeproduktion und Verbrauch in Texas. G. G. Benezet, 940*;
in den wichtigsten Landern der Welt, Glimpses of. Wm. Brady, 941*; In-
396* dian Wars and Pioneers of. J. H.
Tedeschi, A., 228* Brown, 941*; Population, Census I9Io,
Teele, R. P., 715* 229*; Results of Spirit Leveling, x896
Teggard, F. J., 234* to I9Io. R. B. Marshall, 3o0*; Texas-
Teheran: E] De la Caspienne a Teheran. California Arc of Primary Triangu-
J. Herbette, 150* lation. W. Bowie, 927*; Triangula-
Tehuantepec, L'isthme et le chemin de tion along the Ninety-Eight Meridian,
fer de. T. Vuccuni, 392* Seguin to Point Isabel. A. L. Bald-
Telegraphy: l Die Kabel des Weltver- win, 549* Q Chart, 236*
kehrs, hauptsaichlich in volkswirt- Texier, C. and R. P. Pullan, 947*
schaftlicher Hinsicht. M. Roscher, Textile Fibers, World's Production of
rev., 6I9; Modern Submarine Teleg-the Leading, 396*
raphy. S. G. Brown, 3r5*; Wireless Textor, L. E., 930*
Telegraphy in the Belgian Congo, 369Theal, G. McCall, 696, 947*
q Maps: Funkentelegraphenkarten. Thessaly, Prehistoric. Being some Ac-
Weltkarte, n., 80 count of Recent Excavations, etc. A.

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Index 1039

J. B. Wace and M. S. Thompson, n.,Meeresstromungen zwischen Kap

626 Horn und der la Plata-Mundung. J.
Thieling, W., 947* Klaehn, 315*; Methods of Investiga-
Thienemann, J. See Solger, F. tion of Tides and Currents. A Re-
Thomas, E., 232*; - & E. W. Hasle- view of the general methods adopted
hust, 926* in new field investigation by Tidal
Thomas, N. W., 697 Survey of Canada. W. B. Dawson,
Thomas, R. H., 313* 311*; Progress of Tide in Deep In-
Thomas-Stanford, C., 535 lets and OrdinaryEstuaries. W. B.
Thomasset, C., 144* Dawson, 555*; Report on Surveys of
Thompson, E. H., 628* Tides and Currents. W. B. Dawson,
Thompson, H. S., I43* 396*; Tide Tables for the Eastern
Thompson, M. S. See Wace, A. J. B. Coast of Canada for 1912, 629*;
Thomson, J. P., I50* Tide Tables for the Pacific Coast of
Thorbecke, F., 393* Can da for 1912, 550*; for I9I3, 930*;
Thormeyer, P., 309* Tides. J. F. Ruthven, I53*
Thornton, T. H., 947* Tierra del Fuego, The Present State of
Thoroddsen, Th., 228* our Knowledge concerning the Three
"huringian Forest: E Maps illustrating Linguistic Stocks of the Region of. A.
"Die Amphibolite des nordwestlichen F. Chamberlain, 70*
Thiiringen Waldes," 639* Tietze, O., 151*
Thwaite, L., 693 Tikar. Bericht von der Forschungs-
Thys, R., I48*, 932* reise der Deutschen Kolonialgesell-
Tiahuanaco, The Ruins at. A. F. Ban- schaft, usw. J. Thorbecke, 711*
delier, 630* Tilby, A. W., 532, 554*, 700
Tian-Shan: qjVorlaufige Mitteilungen Tilho, J. A New - Mission to Lake
Chad, 852
fiber die Ergebnisse einer Studienreise
in den westlichen Tian-schan. F. Timiskaming Lake, Geology of an
Machatschek, 872*; Aus den wiss. Area Adjoining the East Side of. M.
ergebnissen der Merzbacherschen - E. Wilson, 230*
Expedition. Geologische Untersuchun-Tin-Ore: q Entstehung und geogra-
gen im Chalyktau, Temurlyktau, phische Verbreitung der nutzbaren
Dsungarischen Alatau. K. Leuchs, Zinnerzlagerstatten. M. Henglein,
553* 876*; Output of Certain Minerals d
Tibet: ElErgebnisse der Reise der Er- Metals in the World, 234*
mordeten Dr. Brunhuber und Schmitz Tipper, G. H., 150*
zum oberen Salween. M. Hammer, Tirol: qjDas Bauernhaus in - und
793*; Journey through a portion of Vorarlberg. J. W. Deininger, 942*;
southeastern Tibet and the Mishmi Grundtliche und warhaffte Beschrei-
Hills. F. M. Bailey, 632*; Results bung der uralten Alpischen Rhetie.
Abor Expedition, 773; Tibet, Tar- Tschudi, [I560], 947*; Tyrol and the
tary and Mongolia. H. T. Prinsep, Tyrolese. W. A. Baillie Grohmann,
946*; Voyage au Sseu-tch'ouan et aux940*
marches orientales du Tibet. G. C. Tissot, C., 947*
Toussaint, 872* qlMaps of Tibet: Ti-
Tissot, J. J., 947*
bet Oriental et Chine Occidentale, Titicaca Lake: q]El Clima del Alti-
318*; Sketch Map of the route of plano y la Extension del Lago Titi-
Capt. F. M. Bailey through S. E. caca con relaci6n i Tihuanacu en
and Mishmi Hills, n., 559 6pocas prehist6ricas. A. Posnansky,
Tiburon, Tenderfeet on. A Trip that 142*; El Lago Titicaca. L. Sundt,
Exploded the Old Myth of a Race of 148*
Cannibals in the Gulf of California. Tittmann, O. H., 257, 715*
M. Williams, 147* Tobler, E. V., 74*
Tides and Currents: QIEigenschaften Todd, J. E., Upham, W., & Willard, D.
unter dem Einflusse der Gezeiten ste- E., 154*
hender Flusslaufe und deren Regu- Todd, M. L., 921
lierung im Interesse der grossen Schif-Togo: Q Delimitation du Dahomey et
fahrt. A. v. Horn, 235*; (Uber eine du-, 93I*; Entwicklung des Exports
Methode zur Messung von Hochsee- in Togo und Kamerun. E. Krerner,
gezeiten. E. Barkow, 235*; Uber 149*; Handel des Schutzgebietes, 871*;

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1040 Index

Meteorologische Beobachtangen aus.1910, 472*; -, die Siidafrikanische

P. Heidke, 7II*; Nord-Togo und seineRepublik. A. Seidel, 947* q Map:
westliche Nachbarschaft. R. Fisch, n.,Geologic Map of Transvaal: Portions
308; Oberflachengestaltung und geo-of Marico and Rustenburg Districts,
logische Aufbau. S. Passarge, 872*; n., 717
Wirtschaftliches iiber Togo. J. Booth, Transylvania: 4jBericht fiber die phy-
872* sikalische und chemische Untersuchung
Tokyo, Home Life in. (Jukichi In- des Erwarmungsprozesses der Sieben-
ouye). R. De Vos, 232* biirger Salzseen. Neuere Daten zur
Tongass Narrows, Chart, 236* Kenntnis der Warmen Salzseen. M.
Toplice, Stubicke - Messungen der R6zsa, 474*
Erdwarme bei - in den Jahren I909 Trave: qEntstehung des Travetales.
und I9I0. C. v. Steeb, 314* C. Gagel, 151*
Topography: ql lements de Topog- Trees, Shade - in Towns and Cities.
raphie. R. Altermann, 709*; Sur le W. Solotaroff, n., 310
Terrain. Guide pratique de topog- Tremearne, A. J. N., 858
raphie 'a l'usage des eleves-inge- Trevelyan, G. M., 947*
nieurs, etc. E. Liger, 145*; Topografia.Triest, Gulf of: qlHydrographische
I. G. Pigozzi, n., 709; Topology, -, Untersuchungen im Golfe von. A.
and Topometry. F. E. Matthes, 334 Merz, 713*, 874*
Topolje Falls, Sketch Map of Neigh- Trietsch, D., 390*
borhood of, Plan of - Falls, n., 8o Trinidad, Map of the Island of. Capt.
Topology, Topography and Topometry. Mallet, revised, etc., n., 399
F. E. Matthes, 334 Tripoli: 4lBacini minerali della Tripo-
Torcy, G6enral de, 552* litania. I giacimenti di fosfato e di
Torday, E.,-553* zolfo. S. Gianno, 149*; Cenni geo-
Torres Campos, R., 947* logici sulla Libia italiana. P. V. de
Toss Valley: EqWirtschafts- und Siede- Regny, 792*; Geographical Progress
lungs-geographie des T6sstales. H. on the Libyan Coast, 522; La guerre
Bernhard, 554* Italo-Turque et ses consequences,
Totemism: I Geographische Verbrei- 393*; Importanza delle vie carovan-
tung des Totemismus. H. Fehlinger, iere in Tripolitania ed in Cirenaica.
396*; Die Totemistischen Kulte des G. Pera, 632*; Les indig&nes de la
Loritja-Stamme. C. Strehlow, 625 Tripolitaine. A. Loir, 933*; Libya
Totten, R. J., 552* Italica. Terreni ed Acque, Vita e
Toulon, Les grands travaux du port Colture della Nuova Colonia. P.
de, 794* Vinassa de Regny, i., 925; Mapping
Toussaint, G. C., 872* Tripolitania. Col. E. Caputo, 451;
Tower, W. S., Personal, 292 Militirgeographie des tripolitanischen
Townsend, C. H., 152* Hinterlandes. D. Huibner, 393*; Nar-
Townshend, C. H., 948* rative of an Expedition from - to
Tozer, H. F., 947* the western frontier of Egypt. P.
Trabert, W., 315* Della Cella, 941*; L'opera della civi-
Traill, H. D., 787* lita italiana nella Libia, 933*; Per
Transactions of the American Geo- lo sviluppo agricolo della Tripolitania
e della Cirenaica. F. Cortesi, 792*;
graphical Society, 44, x16, 203, 285,
364, 914 - the Gateway to the Sahara. Lec-
Transbaikalia: Q[Transbajkalien. A. ture by C. W. Furlong, Ir8; - and
Schoonebeck, 313* Young Italy. C. Lapworth and H.
Transcaucasia: 4qFrom Constantinople Zimmern, rev., 92I; Tripoli. A. Vischer,
to the Home of Omar Khayyam. Tra-312*; - the Mysterious. M. L. Todd,
vels in Transcaucasia and Northern rev., 921; La Tripolitaine. I. Assada,
Persia. A. V. W. Jackson, rev., 698 632*; L. H. de Termicourt, 632*; Tri-
qjMaps of Transcaucasia: Skizze des politania e Cirenaica. P. Vigoni,
Gefechtsfeldes bei Kars, (nach 632*; Tripolitania e Cirenaica dal
Mediterraneo al Sahara. A. Ghisleri,
Greene), 400*; Skizze der Ruinenstadt
Ani, (nach Lynch), 400* rev., 534; - und der Krieg I9II. W.
Stavenhagen, 632*; Les Turcs en Af-
Transvaal, Province: q Distribution of
Temperature, 472*; Bei den Buren. rique Centrale. Frontiere franco-tri-
politaine. M. Cortier, 231*; Sul valtre
R. Poch, 870*; Director's Report for

This content downloaded from on Sun, 23 Apr 2023 21:17:59 UTC
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Index 1041

economico della Tripolitania. G. Jaja,Province Romaine d'Afrique (Explor.

632* qlMaps of Tripoli: Carta della scient. de la Tunisie). C. Tissot,
Tripolitania e Cirenaica. A. Dardano, 947*; Das grosste Phosphatbergwerk
n., 238; Croquis de la Frontiere der Welt, 792*; Les ports de l'Afrique
Tuniso-Tripolitaine, 318*; Italienisch- franqaise du Nord. E. Gallois, 871*;
tiirkische Kriegsschauplatz in Tripolis,Tunis, Kairouan and Carthage. G.
n., 238; Nuove Provincie Italiane Tri- Petrie, 941-*; La Tunisie a vol d'oi-
politania e Cirenaica. A. Dardano, seau. E. Lucas, 393* EqMaps of Tunis:
n., 717; Philip's Map of, n., 640; Croquis de la frontiere Tuniso-Tri-
Plan von Tripolis und seiner Oases politaine, 318*; Tunisie, Feuille Souk
mit den Befestigungen, Kasernen und el Kremis, n., 477
Brunnen, n., 238; Sketch Map of Turin: q Guide de la Ville de, 146*;
Tripoli and its Dependencies, n., 79; Guida illustrata della citta di Torino,
Tripolis und das 5stliche Mittelmeer. 146*; Illustrated Guide of, n., 228
Schauplatz des italienisch-tiirkischen Turkestan: -1-. The Heart of Asia.
Konfliktes, n., 320 W. E. Curtis, 390*
Tritoni, R., 392* Chinese Turkestan. Map: QTurkes-
Trivett, J. B., 709* tan Chinois et Kan-Sou. Itineraires
Trivier, E., 947* du Dr. Stein, etc., n., 318
Troad: q Notes on the Troad. W. Russian Turkestan: i Irrigation in
Leaf, 793* EMap: The Troad After Turkestan. A. P Davis, 393*;
Kiepert & Philippson with corrections Fogs. H. A. Dimo, ,6Io; Languages
by W. Leaf, n., 937 spoken in the Western Pamir. A.
Tropical Islands, Thunderstorms over. Hjuler, 793* 4Map: Partie Ouest du
K. Wegener, 527 Turkestan Russe. Itineraire de D.
Tropics: 4qLandbauzonen der Tropen Carruthers, 318*
in ihrer Abhangigkeit vom Klima. Turkey. See a!so Ottoman Empire
W. R. Eckhardt, 397* and Asiatic Turkey: q History and
True, A. C. and V. A. Clark, 928* Geology of Ancient Gold-Fields in.
Tsavo, Man-Eaters of-and other East L. Dominian, 714*; Neuer Geist in
der tiirkischen Volkswirtschaft. G.
African Adventures. J. H. Patterson,
866* Herit, 233*; Saline della Turchia,
Tschamler, I., 313* 74*; Das Tiirkenvolk. H. Vambery,
Tschudi, 947* 948*; Turkey and Its People. Sir
Tsingtau: qlVon Tsingtau nach Nan- Edwin Pears, rev., 461 qEMap: Schau-
king. J. Schulze, 872*; Witterung und platz eines zukiinftlgen tiirkisch-bul-
phanologischen Erscheinungen zu - garischen Konfliktes, n., 239
Dez. I909 bis zum Nov. I910. 150* Turner, E. R., 547
Tuamotu: ElEin Beitrag zur Kenntnis Turner, H. H., 235*
der Tuamotu-Inseln. G. Friederici, Turner, N. L., 629*
rev., 784 Turner, S., 140
Tuaregs: qIMa Mission de 1893-4 chez Turquetil, R. P. A., 930*
les Touareg Azdjev. F. Foulreau, Turquoise Copper-Mining District, Ari.
942*; Notes sur les Touareg Ajjer. F. L. Ransome, 869*
Apercu sur l'oasis de Djanet et ton Turtle Mt., Frank, Report of the Com-
utilisation. Lieut. Ardaillon, 472* mission to investigate, 550*
Tuat: qjTouat, Sahara et Soudan. C. Tuscany, Roman: qjTuscia Romana.
Sabatier, 946* E. Barbarich, 634*
Tuberculosis: qlTuberculose Bovine. Twenhofel, W. H., 230*
R. Bidard, 234* Twitchell, R. E., 295
Tulameen Dist., B. C., A new Diamond Tybee Roads, Ga., Chart, 236*
Locality in. C. Camsell, 147* Tyrol: See Tirol.
Tumbes, Provincia litoral de. T. Tyrrell, J. B., Personal, 530
Suarez, 552*
Tunis: qjCampagnes d'Afrique. Al- U
gerie-Tunisie-Maroc. V. Piquet, 946*; Ubaldi, P., 57
Colonisation franqaise . . Algerie- Uckermiinde: qlUeckermunder Heide.
Tunisie-Maroc. V. Piquet, rev., 533; H. Seelheim, 233*
Exploration scientifique, I885-1909, Udden, J. A., 628*
948*; Geographie Comparee de la Uganda: q Ascent of Mt. Elgon, 452;

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The Baganda. Account of Their Cooke, 152* q4 Historical: Anglo-

Native Customs and Beliefs. J. Ros- Dutch Rivalry during the First Half of
coe, rev., 456; Distribution of GameSeventeenth Century. G. Edmundson,
in. F. A. Knowles, 71*; Elephant n., 144; British Museum: Its History
Hunting. C. E. Akeley, 392*; Man and Treasures. H. C. Shelley, n.,
and Beast in Eastern Ethiopia. Ob- 144; On the Classification of the Brit-
servations... Uganda, etc. J. Bland- ish Stone Age Industries, and Some
Sutton, n., 535; Regions voisines de la New and Little Known well-marked
frontiere orientale du Congo Belge Horizons and Cultures. W. J. L.
du Tanganyka au Lac Albert. M. J. Abbott, 714*; Debates of the House of
Maury, 870*; Trade of - in 19I0-II, Commons in 1774 (From Notes of Sir
711*; Uganda to Khartoum etc. A. H. Cavendish). J. Wright, 948*;
R. Lloyd, n., 143 (IMaps of Uganda: Essai politique sur le revenu public
Ethnographische Ubersichtskarte des des peuples de l'antiquite . . . et
Nil-Kongo-Zwischengebietes. J. Cze- specialement de la France et de
kanowski, n., 238 l'Angleterre. Ch. Ganith, 942*; His-
Uhlig, C., 233* tory of the British Post Office. J. C.
Uit6to: 41 Uit6to-Indianer. Weitere Hemmeon, n., 548; History of England
Beitrage zu ihrer Sprache. T. Koch- in the Eighteenth Century. W. E. H.
Griinberg, 552* Lecky, 944*; History of the Wa.r with
Ule, W., 234* America, France, Spain and Holland.
Ulrich, E. O., 235* (1785-6). J. Andrews, 940*; An Itin-
Umpleby, J. B., 470*; -, F. C. Cal- erary of the Sixteenth Century. La
kins & E. L. Jones, 928* Guide des chemins d'Angleterre. H.
Unga Island, Maps: QIReconnaissance G. Fordham, 716*; Political History
Geologic Map of, Reconnaissance of England, 944* 41Meteorology: Brit-
Topographic Map, Sketch Maps of ish Rainfall, I910. H. R. Mill, rev.,
shore Features near south and north 138; Meteorology of the Ben Nevis
entrance to Ba.ralof Harbor, 154* Obs. J. Hann, 875*; Summaries of
Ungar, K., 234* Results of Geophysical and Meteor-
Union of South Africa: See under ological Observations in I9I0, at Kew
Afrika. Obs., Falmouth, etc., 555*; Variations
United Kingdom. See also England, on the English Climate during thirty
Great Britain, Ireland and Scotland: years, I88I-I9I0. W. Marriott, 234*
j British Isles. Geography Notes. J. 4iMaps of the United Kingdom: Ba-
C. Chute, 227*; British Isles. How con's Map of Ireland with Adjacent
People Live. The Home of Man. W. Coasts of Great Britain, n., 720;
C. Brown and P. H. Johnson, 309*; British Isles: Geographical Divisions,
The Building of British Isles. His- n., 319; - River Systems, n., 319;
tory of Construction and Geological Natural Regions of Great Britain,
Evolution. A. J. Jukes-Browne, rev., 319*; Outlines for Climate Map, n.,
218; Cambridge County Geographies, 720; Pratt's Road Atlas of England
n., 390, 626*, 709*; Commercial Geog- and Wales, n., 800; School Atlas of
raphy of the British Isles. A. J. Her- English History. S. R. Gardiner, n.,
bertson, 229*; Comparative Study of 800, 942* q4 Colonies: Historical Geog-
Imports and Exports of Great Brit- raphy of the British Colonies. J. D.
ain, Germany and the U. S. in the Rogers, rev., 55; Des Zahlenmissige
Last Thirty Years. J. J. Macfar- Anwachsen des englischen Kolonial-
lane, 628*; trosion sur les c6tes ang- reiches. E. Schultze, 395*
laises. I. Assada, 875*; Exercises in United States: ql Development and State
Practical Geography on the British of Progress of the U. S. Portion of
Isles. C. R. Dudley, rev., 64; Navi- the International Map of the World.
gation interieure en Grande-Bretagne. W. L. G. Joerg, 838; La genese des
A. Demangeon, 634*; Notes on British Grandes Plaines aux ttats-Unis. I.
and Irish Itineraries and Road-Books. Assada, 927*; Great Basin Drainage.
H. G. Fordham, 875*; Report of Pro- W. B. Clapp and F. F. Henshaw,
gress of Ordnance Survey to March 549*; L'Hydrologie souterraine aux
31, 1911, 234*,-I9I2, 875*; Mapping Etats-Unis. E. A. Martel, 311*;
by the, 854; Supply of Mutton and Kustenverteidigung der Vereinigten
Wool to-from Outside Sources. J. Staaten. W. Stavenhagen, 628*; List

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Index 1043

of Excursions, Parties, Mountain Stores. Increasing Demand and Di-

Climbs, 1882-1911, 550*; The New minishing Supply Advance Prices -
Madrid Earthquake. M. L. Fuller, Scientific Gathering now Replacing
203, 710*; Our Country and Its Crude and Wasteful Methods. D.
People. Introductory Geographic Bartlett, 795*; Our Mid-Pacific Bird
Reader for the Fourth School Year. Reservation. H. W. Henshaw, 868*;
W. S. Monroe and A. Buckbee, 229*; Three Important Wild Duck Foods.
Our National Parks. L. F. Schmeke- W. L. McAtLe, 229*; Winds of the
bier, 928*; Recent Gravity Work U. in
S. and their Economic Uses. P. C.
the. W. Bowie, 69*; River and Har- Day, 856 4lEconomic Geology: Phos-
bor Improvements, 789*; Second Visit phates. R. W. Richards, G. R. Mans-
to. the. Sir Charles Lyell, 944*; Sta- field, and Others, 229*; Search for
tistical Abstract of the U. S., I910, Potash. H. S. Gale, 469*; Stone. E.
70*, 1911, 550*; Surface Water Sup- F. Burchard, 629*; Structural Mate-
ply 1909. Atlantic Coast. H. K. rials. C. T. Butts, N. Dale and
Barrows, C. C. Covert and R. H. Others, 310*; Survey Publications on
Bolster, 39I*, N. Pacific Coast. J. C. Phosphates and other Mineral Ferti-
Stevens & Others, 470*; Topographic lizers, 392* q Forests and Forestry:
Maps of Counties, 607; Three Won- Effects of Forests upon Stream Flow,
derlands of the American West. T. 607; Forests of the U. S.: Their Use.
D. Murphy, rev., 857 qAgriculture: O. W. Price, R. S. Kellogg and W. T.
Agriculture. By States. Farms and Cox, 928*; - Planting in the North-
Farm Property, Live Stock, etc., Cen- eastern and Lake States, 869*; Forest
sus 19I0, 869*; Experiment Stations. physiography. . . and Principles of
A. C. True & V. A. Clark, 928*; Agri- Soils in Relation to Forestry. I. Bow-
cultural Instruction, in the Public man, rev., 127; Forest Preservation.
High Schools. C. H. Robison, n., 64; H. S. Graves, 310*; Practical Forestry
Corn Crops in the U. S. H. Arctow- in the Pacific Northwest. E. T. Allen,
ski, 745; Cotton Production 1911, 929; 142*; Present Situation in. H. S.
Supply and Distribution of Cotton in Graves, 229*; Progress of. R. P.
1911, 230*; Farming Industries. J. Bass, 229*; Problem of. H. S. Graves,
J. Macfarlane, 788*; Farming and 310*; Properties and Uses of Doug-
Stock Raising among the Indians. J. las Fir. M. Cline and J. B. Knapp,
R. Eddy, 549*; Field Operations of 788*; Protection of Forests from Fire.
the Bur. of Soils I909. M. Whitney, H. S. Graves, 788*; Public Aspect of
470*; Important American Soils. J. Forestry. H. S. Graves, 74*; Refor-
A. Bonsteel, 788*; Natural Vegetation estation of the National Forests. W.
as an Indicator of Possibilities of T. Cox, 927*; Scrub Pine. W. D.
Land for Crop Production in Great Sterrett, 788* Wood and Forest. W.
Plains Area. H. L. Schantz, rev., 128; Noyes, n., 547 qj Government and Other
Wheat-Growing in Canada, the U. Reports: Annual Report on Statistics
S. and the Argentine. W. P. Rutter, of Railways June 1910, 629*; Lobster
rev., 372; Yearbook of the U. S. Dept. Fishery. Special Report Legislature
of Agric. I91, 929* q Conservation of Mass., Comm. of Fisheries and
and Reclamation Service: The Great Game, 19I1, 470*; Report on Progress
American Desert. C. J. Blanchard, and Condition of the U. S. National
549*; Irrigation. Farms and Acreage Museum for 1911, 550*; Report of the
Irrigated, Cost of Construction, etc. Weather Bureau, I9I0-II, 629*; Sec-
Census of 1910, 929*; Making the ond Annual Report on Statistics of
Wilderness Blossom. C. J. Blanchard, Express Companies, 1910, 550*;
549*; Magnitude of Irrigation Inter- Thirty-Second Annual Report U. S.
ests. R. P. Teele, 715*; Official Proc. Geol. Survey, for 1911, 230*; Twenty-
of Eight enth Nat. Irrigation Con- Seventh Annual Report Bur. Amer.
gress, 1910, 229*; 1911, 550*; National Ethnology, 1905-6, 230*; Report of the
Aspect of Swamp Drainage. M. O. Bur. of Amer. Ethnology. F. W.
Leighton, 392*; Progress in Reclama- Hodge, 392*; For Reports on Philip-
tion of Arid Lands in West. F. H. pine Is. and Porto Rico. See Philippine
Newell, 470* qJEconomic: Fisheries.
Is. & Porto Rico 1 Historical: Account
An Example of the Attitude toward Book of a Country Store Keeper in the
Resources. R. M. Keir, 582; Naval I8th Century at Poughkeepsie. Re-

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All use subject to
1044 Index

cords in Dutch and English, 549*; States. W. H. Weed, 628*; Erzlager-

Colonial Opposition to Imperial stitten der Vereinigten Staaten . . .
Authority during the French and In- Alaska, Cuba, Portorico und den
dian War. E. I. MacCormac, 396* Philippinen, rev., C. L. Henning, 613;
Conquest of the Coeur d'Alenes, Spok-Gold and Silver, i9Io. J. S. Diller,
anes and Palouses. Expeditions . . . E. S. Larsen and Others, 391*; Min-
against the "Northern Indians" in eral Resources - 191o, 629*; Natural
I858. B. F. Manring, 777; Diary of Gas. B. Hill, 629*; Mica in Idaho,
a Journey from the Netherlands to New Mexico and Colorado. D. B.
Pella, Iowa in I849, 929*; History Sterrett, 928*; Resources minerales
of the United States for Schools. A. des Etats-Unis. Le Cuivre, le charbo
C. McLaughlin, and C. H. Van Tyne, et le fer. F. Guillotel, 469*; Peat. C.
226*; Pathbreakers from River to A. Davis, 629*; Our Iron and Steel
Ocean. Story of the Great West, etc. Industry in 1910, 45; Petroleum. D.
G. R. Hebard, n., 142; Philipse Man- T. Day, 629*; Our largest Output of
or Hall at Yonkers. E. H. Hall, n., Petroleum, 45; Petroleum and Natural
624; Revolutionary War and the Gas. M. J. Munn, C. H. Wegemann
Military Policy of the. F. V. Greene, and Others, 392*; A Year in the Pe-
rev., 455 4 Indians: See Indians, troleum Industry, 929* q Population
American. q Industries and Com- and Race Problems: Abstract of the
merce: Comparative Study of Imports Twelfth Census of the-I9oo, 549*;
and Exports of Great Britain, Ger- Century of Population Growth from
many and the United States in the first Census of the U. S. to the Twelfth,
Last Thirty Years. J. J. Macfalrlane,I790-1900, 549*; Guida degli Stati
628*; Few Facts as to the Woolen In- Uniti per l'Immigrante italiano. J.
dustry. Manufacture of Worsteds F. Carr, n., 307; Influence of Nations
and Woolens, 929*; Foreign Trade of Europe, especially of the Nether-
by Ports, 550*; Manufactures in Ex- lands, on the Character, Institutions
port Trade. J. J. Macfarlane, 795*; and Development of American Nation.
Manufactulres. Extent and Growth of
T. de Vries, 928*; Negro Year Book
Industry as Revealed by Census of and Annual Encyclopedia of the Ne-
910o. J. J Macfarlane, 392*; Statis- gro, 1912, 787*; Der Neger in den
tics of -, Census for 1910, 550*, Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika.
869*, 929*; Manufactures. Leading M. Schanz, 466*; Population per
Industries in I910. J. J. Macfarlane, Square Mile, by States, 470*; Popu-
928*; Ten-Year Comparison of the U. lation. Composition and Characteris-
S. Exports to and Imports from the tics of the, Census I910, 929*; Total
Principal Countries. J. J. Macfar- Population and Area, by States and
lane, 628*; Use of Commercial Woods Terr., Census I9Io, 229*; Popula-
in the U. S.: Pines. W. L. Hall and tion of Cities, Census 1910, 229*, 518;
H. Maxwell, 310;-Cedars, Cypres- Prospective Population. W J Mc-
ses and Sequoias. W. L. Hall and H.Gee, 146*; Problem of Unity or
Maxwell, 788* 4 Meteorology: An- Plurality and the Probable Place of
nual Rainfall and Temperature of Origin of the American Aborigines/
the. G. A. Lindsay, 928*; Daily J. W. Fewkes and A. Hrdlicka, 710*;
Changes in Temperature up to 4,000 Scot in America and the Ulster Scot.
meters. A. J. Henry, 927*; Free Ai,r
W. Reid, 866* q Smithsonian Institu-
Data. Sounding Balloon Ascensions tion: Classified List of Publications
at Indianapolis, Omaha, and Huron. available for Distribution, 929*; Ex-
W. R. Blair, 627*; Free Air Data peditions organized or participated in
Mt. Weather for Jan., Feb. and by the-in 191o and I911, 929*; Pro-
March, 1912. W. R. Blair, 927* ceedings of the U. S. National Mu-
q Minerals and Metals: Aluminum, seum, 1912, 789* Q Surveys: Survey of
449; Cement. E. F. Bu,rchard, 629*; Northern and Northwestern Lakes
Coal. E. W. Parker, 629*; Our Coal 230*, 869*; Annual Report for 19II,
Production in I9II, 685; Coke. E. W. 789*; The United States-Canada Sur-
Parker, 629*; Clay-Working Indus- vey, 607; U. S. Coast and Geod. Sur-
tries. J. Middleton, 629*; Copper. vey: Distribution of Magnetic Declina-
S. Paige, W. H. Emmons, and F. B. tion for Jan. i, I910, with Iscgonic
Laney, 229*; Copper... Appalachian Chart and Secular Change Tables. R.

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Index 1045

L. Faris, 469*; Magnetic Declination in 838; Map of North America, n., 796;
the, 448; Present Activities of the ... Map of Southern Part of Appalachian
Survey. O. H. Tittmann, 257; Resu tsProvince showing its physiographic
of Magnetic Observations made by, Divisions and its relation to the Coas-
between July I, 1910 and June 30, tal Plain, 154* elU. S. Coast and
I9I1. R. L. Faris, 391*; Results of Geodetic Survey Charts: Atlantic
Magnetic Observations . . . Time of Coast, 235, 635, 796; Gulf, Coast, 236,
Solar Eclipse of April 28, I9II. O. 796; Hawaiian Islands, 237; Pacific
H. Tittmann, 715*; Triangulat'on Coast, 236, 636, 796; Philippine Isl-
along the Ninety-Eight Meridian, Ne- ands, 237, 636; Porto Rico, 236
braska to Canada and Connection Universism: A Key to the Study of
with Great Lakes. W. Bowie, 391*; Taoism and Confucianism. J. J. M.
U. S. Geol. Survey: Classification of de Groot, n., 926
Public Domain by the, ii9; Gaging Unstead, J. F., 627*; - & Taylor, E.
Stations . . .1888-910o and Survey G. R., 309*
Publications relating to Water Re- Upham, W. and Others, 947*; See also
sources. Compiled by B. D. Wood, Todd, J. D.
629*; Topographic Survey of the U. Upsala, Bulletin de l'Observatoire Me-
S., I9II, II9; Topographic Maps of teorologique de 1'-. F. Akerblom,
Counties, 607 I Transportation: 714*
American Transportation Question. Urubamba, The Cafion of the. I.
S. O. Dunn, rev., 703; Bull. of Reve- Bowman, 88i
nues and Expenses and Steam Roads Uruguay: qIAll-Rail Route between
I. I. . 9 and I9II, 549*; Good Roads Montevideo and Rio de Janeiro, 471*;
Party, n., 306; Highways of Progress. Anuario Estadistico . . . 1907-o8 con
J. J. Hill, 296; Mileage and Cost of varios datos de I909 y 19I0, Vol. 2,
Public Roads in the - I909. J. E. Part I, 552*; Part 2, 931*; Diccionario
Pennybacker, Jr. and M. O. Eldridge, Geografico del. O. Araujo, n., 925; El
928*; Railway Library, 18io, n., 867; Uruguay a travis de un Siglo. C. M.
Railroad Traffic and Rates. E. R. Maeso, arev., 375; Uruguay in I9I0,
Johnson and G. G. Huebner, rev., 71*
6I9; Railways. S. Sterne, rev., 620; Usteri, A., 307*
Stage-Coach and Tavern Days. A. Ustica, La Sismicita all'Isola di-e il
M. Earle, n., 708; The Western Gate periodo Marzo-Aprile I906. G. Mar-
. . . new American mercantile ma- tinelli, 626*
rine. P. H. W. Ross, 142*; Water Usu: q(Uber den - und Hokkaido und
Transportation between Chicago andiiber einige andere Vulkane mit Quell-
the Mississippi, 685 ejU. S. Geo- kuppenbildung. I. Friedlaender, 793*
graphic Board, Decisions, 31*, 550*, ElMap: Kartenskizze des Usu, n., 937
789*, 929* qlMaps of the United Utah: Q Agriculture. Census 19o0,
States: Am6rique. Eta d'avancement 311*; Geology and Ore Deposits of
des travaux au 31 D6c., 1909, n., 237; the Park City Dist. J. M. Boutwell,
Bathy-Orographical Map of the. W. 927*; Geology of San Juan Oil Field.
and A. K. Johnston, n., 240; Gray's E. G. Woodruff, 470*; Grazing and
New Railway System Map of the U. Floods: Conditions in the Manti Nat.
S., Canada and Mexico, n., 155; Three Forest. R. V. R. Reynolds, 928*;
Maps of the U. S. Compiled by H.Gan- Ground Water in Juab, Millard, and
net, n., 399; qEBureau of American Iron Counties. O. E. Meinzer, 69*;
Ethnology Maps, n., 77 qBureau of Irrigation. Farms and Acreage irri-
the Census Maps, 155 4[General gated, etc., Census I9I0, 929*; MNanu-
Land Office Maps: Four State Maps, factures, Census I910, 869*; Lead and
n., 797 E U. S. Lake Survey Maps, n.,Zinc. Notes . . . and Copper Depos-
77 ql U. S. Geological Survey Maps, 74,its in the Bear River Range. R. W.
I53, 397, 556, 636, 796, 877, 933; Geo-Richards, 69*; Petroleum and Natur-
logic Map of North America Compiled al Gas' in. E. G. Woodruff, 629*;
by U. S. Geol. Surv. with Coopera- Population, Census I9Io, I47*; Re-
tion of Geol. Surv. of Canada and sults of Spirit Leveling, I897 to 1910.
Inst.'Geol. de Mexico, n., 155; Intern.R. B. Marshall, 147*; San Juan Oil
Map of the World: North America. Field. R. E. Gregory, 69* EMaps of
North K I9: Boston, 399*, 934*, n., Utah: Geol. Map of Park City Dis-

This content downloaded from on Sun, 23 Apr 2023 21:17:59 UTC
All use subject to
1046 Index

trict, 796*; Geol. Map of Central y Minas de Carbon de Naricual. J.

Portion of, 796*; Top. Map of Park G. Aldrey, 392*; Informe de la Com-
City Dist. with index showing positionisi6n sobre el camino de Cumanacoa a
of mines, 796*; Geol. Map and Sec- Maturin y sobre las vias de Communi-
tions of San Juan Oil field, n., 558; caci6n del Estado Monagas, 312*; My
Map of San Juan Oil Field, n., 558; Journey from Kalacoon to the Orino-
Montpeliel Quad., 75* co. M. McTurk, 471*; Rubber along
Uz: Q The Land of Uz. A. Mansur the Upper Orinoco, 367; Trabajos
(G. W. Bury), rev., 380 IjMap, del
399*Cuerpo de Ingenieros, rev., 456;
Trade for 1907, 930*; Venezuela in
1910, 71*
Valdez, Alaska, Gold Deposits near. Verendrye, M. de la. (Les pionniers
A. H. Brooks, 927* de l'ouest canadien). G. Dugas, 629*
Valleys: qJEntstehung des Travetales. Verhoeff, M., 779
Beitrag zur Frage der Talbildung Verloop, M. C., 62
und der postglazialen Landeskunden. Vermeule, C. C., 789*
C. Gagel, 151*; Entstehung der Trog- Vermont: qAgriculture. Census 9Io0,
taler zur Eiszeit. E. v. Drygalski, 311*; Manufactures, Census 9I0o,
875* 550*; Population, Census 1910, 929*
Valparaiso, New Port of, 686 Verneau, R., 948*
Vambery, H., 948* Veroffentl. des Inst. fur Meereskunde
Van Cleef, T., 401, 493 und des Geogr. Inst. an der Univ. zu
Vancouver Is.: q4Treasure Island. Berlin, 6io, 918
Agriculture, Timber, etc., n, 56; Versfeld, W., 72*
Southern Vancouver Island. C. H. Veth, P. J., 948*
Clapp, 929* qlMap of Vancouver and
Viala, L. F., 233*
adjacent islands, n., 797 Vicars, E. R. E., 876*
Van Hise, C. R. and W. S. Bayley, 75*;q Aborigines of Lake Boga.
- J. M. Clements, and Others, 76*; A. C. Stone, 314*; Allgemeine Ver-
- and R. D. Irving, 77*; - C. K. haltnisse der Hafen und an den Kiis-
Leith, 77*, 12 ten des Staates, 473*; On the Climate
Van Kampen, P. N., 72* of Yass-Canberra Dist. H. A. Hunt,
Van Tyne, C. H. See McLaughlin, 473*;
A. Contribution to Physiography of
C. the Yarra R. and Dandenong Creek
Vassal, G. M., 859 Basins. J. T. Jutson, 313*; Popula-
Vassar College, Environment of. G.tion,B. Census I911, 530; Year Book,
Shattuck, 628*; Some Geological I909-0o. A. M. Laughton, n., 143
Rambles near. B. Shattuck, n., 466 qi Maps of Victoria: Average Rainfall
Vatican Galleries: qGalleria Geogra- Map and Isohyets of, 798*; Enlarged
fica des Vatikans. E. Schmidt, 397* Map of Warrandyte Goldfield, 639*;
Vaughan, T. W., 235* Geol. Map of Yarra and Upper
Vauthier, R., 871* Goulburn Basins, n., 638; Outline of
Vaux, G., Jr., 789* the Portion of Yarra R., n., 638; Plan
Veatch, A. C., 473* and section of Yering Gorge, n., 638;
Veatch, 0. and L. W. Stephenson, 628* Sketch map of the parishes of Nillum-
Vegetation: See Plants. bik, Sutton, Warrandyte, n., etc., 639;
Velain, C., 315* Sketch map of Yarra R. and Danden-
Vendee: q Statistique ou Description ong Creek Basins, n., 638; Positions
Generale de la Vendee. J. A. Cavo- of Butter Factories, n., 158; Victoria
leau, 941* classified according to its productive-
Venezuela: qJAnuario Estadistico de- ness, n., 158
1909, 791*; Commerce of, I911, 93I*;Victoria, B. C.: qjThe Naples of the
Coordenadas geograficas determina- North, n., 226
das por el mapa fisico y politico de Victoria Nyanza: q Fishing on Lake
Venezuela, 630*; Education ii. E. E. Victoria, with Notes on Hagedash
Brandon, 791*; Effects of Diminished Ibis. Stereo, 71*
Rainfall, 368; General Descriptive Vidal, E., 392*
Data I911, 93I*; Ferrocaril de Santa Vidal de la Blache, P., 395*
Barbara a el Vigia. R. C. Quifiones, Viegen, J., 633*
392*; Ferrocaril y Muelle de Guanta Vienna: q Seismische Registrirungen in

This content downloaded from on Sun, 23 Apr 2023 21:17:59 UTC
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I. dex 1017

NWien . . . I909. V. Conrad, 394*; Philippines. C. A. Gilchrist, 313*;

Vienne-Grenoble-Dijon. Quelques Report of the Eruption of Katmai
etudes de villes. L. Gallois, 873* Volcano. I. M. Dailey, 641; Studying
qIMaps of Vienna: Gesamtplan von a Vclcano in Eruption (Smeroe, Java),
453; Tatigkeit der Vulkane Ghai und
WVien, n., 719; Neuester Bezirks-Tas-
chen-Plan und Fiihrer von Wien in Raluan. K. Sapper, 150*; Taal Vol-
Buchform, 227*; Plan der Grossge-cano and its Recent Destructive Erup-
meinde von Wien, n., 719 tion. D. C. Worcester, 554*; Erup-
tion of Taal . . . Jan. 30, 9Igr. M.
Vieques, Porto Rico, Results of Obser-
vations made at the Coast and Geod. Maso Saderra, 232*; Visit to the Great
Surv. Magnetic Observ. I907-8. D. L.Taal Volcano. S. MacClintock, 313*;
Hazard, 471*, 1909-10, 790* Tarumai-Ausbruch in Japan, I909.
Vigoni, P., 632* H. Simotomai, 793*; Volcanic Craters
Villarello, J. D., 70* and Explosions. T. Anderson, 396*;
Villatte, N., 711* Uber den Usu und Hokkaido und iiber
Villiers, J. A. J. de, 790* einige andere Vulkane mit Quellkup-
Villot, Lieut.-Gen., 948* penbildung. I. Friedlaender, 793*;
Vinassa de Regny, P., 925* Vulkanismus und Tektonik im Becken
Viicent, E., 690 von Neapel. W. Kranz, 634* ]IMaps:
Virginia: J Agriculture. Census I9I0,Kartenskizze des Usu, n., 937; Skizze
311*; Dismal Swamp of. A. Hollick,der Blanche-Bucht mid den Vulkanen
927*; Ye Kingdome of AccawmackeGhaie und Raluan, 79*; Taupo Vol-
or the Eastern Shore of Virginia in canic Zone, 938*; Topography of the
the Seventeenth Century. J. C. Wise,Tarawera Volcanic Rift soon after
rev., 55; Manufactures, Census I9o0, Eruption of x886, 938*; Tuhua or
929*; Population, Census 1910, 229*;Mayor Island, Bay of Plenty, 938*;
Seventy-Five Years in Old. J. H. Ubersichtskarte von West-Hokkaido,
Claiborne, 226*; University of - n., 937
Memories of her Student-Life etc. D. Volga. A. Lepeszynski & B. Dobry-
M. R. Culbreth, 142* 4lMaps of Vir-nin, 626*
ginia: Gilbert Quad., 557*; Pocahon- Volk, E., 311*
Volz, W., 304
tas Special Quad., n., 557; Point Look-
out Quad., 934*; Charts: From Hog Volz, Dr. Walter, Reise durch das
Is. to Cape Henry, 236*; Chesapeake Hinterland von Liberia im Winter
Entrance, 236*; Chickahominy R., I906-1907. Nach seine Tagebiichern
236*; James R., 3 Charts, 635*, 636*bearbeitet von Dr. R. Zeller, rev., 378
Virgin Valley and Thousand Creek, Vorarlberg, Das Bauernhaus in Tirol
Mammal Beds of. J. C. Merriam, und. J. Deininger, 942*
147* Voth, H. R., 628*
Vischer, A., 3I2* Voyages: 4A Forgotten Navigator:
Vistula: q41jber Landschaftsnatur der Captain (Afterward Sir) John Hayes
deutschen Weichselufer. F. Braun, and His Voyage of I793. I. Lee,
635* 234*; Korte Historiael ende Jour-
Vivier de Streel, E. du, 710* naels acenteyckeninge van verschey-
Voeikov, A., 209, 555* den Voyagiens in de vier deelen des
Voinot, L., 552* wereldits-Ronde, als Europa, Africa,
Volcanoes: 4lDas Ende des Matavanu- Asia, ende Amerika. gedean do3r d.
Ausbruchs auf Savaii. K. Sapper, David Pietersz. de Vries. Edited by
394*; Matavanu Volcano Quiescent, H. T. Colebrander, rev., 705; Jour-
208; Matavanu am 9. April, 1911. naal der Reis van den Gezant der 0.
W. Grevel, 314*; Matavanu in Savaii. I. Compagnie Joan Cunaeous naar
T. Anderson, 314*; Nachrichten iiber Perzie in 165I-1652. Gehouden do-r
den Ausbruch des Vulkans Usu im Cornelis Speelman, n., 467; Notes du
Jahre I9I0. H. Simotomai, 394*; Les voyage en Espagne (x640-4r) du
Nappes de lave, les volcans et les medecin Otto Sperling. E. Gigas,
sources thermales dans les environs 396*; The Periplus of the Erithraean
de la bale Wood au Spitsberg. A. Sea. Travel and Trade in the Indian
Hoel and 0. Holtedahl, 875*; Some Ocean, by a Merchant of the First
New Zealand Volcanoes. J. M. Bell, Century. Translated from the Greek
794*; Recent Volcanic Eruption in the and Annotated by W. H. Schoff, rev.,

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1048 Inidex

224; Portola Expedition of 1769-1770. Ward, F. K., 638, 872*

Diary of M. Costanso. 234*; Di,ry Ward, R. DeC., 230*, 551*, Personal,
of Vicente Vila, 315*; Die Reise 293
des Arabers Ibn Batuta durch Indien Warren, W. F., 228*
und China. (14. Jahrhundert). Wasatch Region, Spring Flora of. A.
Bearbeitet von H. v. Mzik, n., 866;O. Garrett, n., 142
De Reis van Jacob Roggeveen terWashington: I Agriculture. Farms,
Ontdekking van het Zuidland (172I- Live Stock, etc., Census 19Io, 869*;
1722) verzameling van stukken deze
Coal Fields of King County. G. W.
Reis en de daaraan voorafgaande
Evans, 927*; Geology and Ore De-
ontdekkingsplannen van Arend Rog-
geveen (1675-1676) betreffende uitge- posits of Index Mining Dist. C. E.
geven door F. E. Bron Mulert, 308* Weaver, 628*; - of Meyers Creek
Vries, T. de, 928* Mining Dist. J. B. Umpleby, 470*;
Vuccuni, T., 392* - of Oroville-Nighthawk Mining
Dist. J. B. Umpleby, 470*; Irrigation.
Farm and Acreage irrigated, etc.,
Wace, A. J. .B and M. S. Thompson, Census 1910, 929*; Lead and Zinc
626* Deposits in the Metaline Mining Dis-
Wachmann, C., 320 trict. H. Bancroft, 69*; Manufac-
Wadai: jqDonnee geologiques sur le tures, Census for 190o, 869*; The Olym-
Ouadai et les pays limitrophes d'apres pic National Forest, etc. F. Burns,
les renseignements du Capitaine Ar- 927*; Population, Census 910o, 7o*;
naud. P. Lemoine, 72*; Voyage au Retracement of Boundary Line between
Ouaday. Ibn-Omar El-Tounsy, 947* Idaho and -from Junction of Snake
q( Map of Wadai: Carte du Ouadai, and Clearwater Rivers N. to Intern.
n., 798 Boundary. R. B. Marshall, 470*;
Wade, A., 6.3* Washington-Idaho Boundary, II9;
Wadmond, S. C., 147* The Western Gate, or, The maritime
Wagenaar, J., 948* district of W. Washington and a new
Wagner, H., 152*, 555* Amer. mercantile marine. P. H. W.
Wagner, J., 948* Ross, 142* (qMaps of Washington:
Wahnschaffe, F., 233* Beverly Quad., 877*; Moses Lake
Wa-Kikuyu, John Boyes, King of the Quad., 934*; Four Cartograms shovw-
-. Written by Himself, n., 708 ing increase and decrease of popula-
Walckenaer, Baron, 948* tion by Counties, Total population,
Walcott, C. D., 392* Rural Population, Density of by Coun-
Waldin, W., 547 ties, Census I9I0, 155*; Four Charts,
Wales: q North Wales. J. E. Morris, 236*
867* q Map showing Annual Rain- Washington, George. Letters, 948*
fall, 319* Waste, Checking the. A Study in Con-
Walker, William, The Provisional servation. M. H. Gregory, rev., 924
Government of Nebraska and the Jour- Water: q Protection des eaux potables.
nals of. W. E. Connelly, 941* E. A. Martel, 234*; Der Wasservor-
Wallace, D., 56, I31 rat unserer Erde. W. Halbfass, 475*
Wallace, W. S. See Wrong, G. M. Waterfalls: Eq Constructive Waterfalls.
Wallachia: qjLa Valachie. E. de Mar- J. W. Gregory, 235*; Einfluss der
tonne, 944* Wasserfalle auf die Ansiedelungen
Walle, P., 148* der Menschen. F. Kyaw, 228* q Maps:
Wallis, B. C., 396* Plan of Topolje Falls n., 80; Sketch
Walradt, H. F., 628* Map of Topolje Falls, n., 80; Sketch
Walsh, Archdeacon, 150* of Neighborhood of Kerka Falls, n.,
Walters, H. B., 948* 80; Sketch Map of Neighborhood of
Walther, F. W., 948* Pliva Falls, 80*
Warburg: qjDer Warburger Sattel, Watson, C. M., 931*
seine Baustorungen und die vulkan- Watson, L. W., 930*
ischen Durchbruche. A. Kraiss, 151* Watt, A., 234*
Warburg, O., 713* Wauters, A. J., 631*, 871*
Warbuton, C., 868* Weather. See also Climate and Mete-
Ward, A. W., Prothero, G. W. & orology: q1 tude critiques sur la
Leathes, S., 948* methode de prevision du temps di

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Index 1049

Guilbert. P. H. Galle, 635*; Great paw and Hancock Quads. showing the
Weather Cycle. T. W. Keele, 152*; "trellis" arrangement of the streams,
Weather Science. F. W. Henkel, rev., 398*; Holden Quad., n., 934; Madison
305; What will the Weather be? Quad., 398*; Naugatuck Quad., 877*;
Amateur Forecaster's Vade Mecum. Mullens Quad., 877*; Oxbow cut-off
H. G. Busk, 228*; Our Weather. J. in Sleepy Creek at Johnsons Mill,
S. Fowler and W. Marriott, rev., 862; 398*; Pawpaw Quad.: Areal Geology,
Weather Signs and How to Read Structure Sections, 398*; Pineville
them at Sea. W. Allingham, n., 926 Quad., 877*; Pocahontas Special Quad.
Weaver, C. E., 628* n., 557; Pounding Mill Quad., 878*;
Webb, G. W., 63 Welch Quad., 878*; Portions of Mate-
Webber, C. H. & W. S. Nevins, 948* wan and Williamson Quads, n., 934
Weber, C. A., 397* Weule, K., 702, 868*
Weber, F., 533 Whaling Fisheries: qlWhaling in
Weber, M. M. v., 948* Southern Seas, 526
Wedemeyer, A., 395* Wheat: q Climatic Limits of Wheat
Weed, W. H., 628*, 693 Cultivation, with Special Reference
Weeden, E. St. Clair, 860 to North America. J. F. Unstead,
Weedon, T., 867* 627*; Wheat-Growing in Canada, the
Weeks, J. H., 377 United States, and the Argentine, In-
Wegemann, C. H., 470*, 558*, 628*; cluding Comparisons with Other
See Also Davis, J. A. & Munn, M. J. Areas. W. P. Rutter, rev., 372
Wegemann, G., 639*, 874* qEMaps: Two Maps to illustrate
Wegener, A., 715*, 718* "Climatic Limits of Wheat Cultiva-
Wegener, G., 232*, 872* tion with special reference to North
Wegener, K., 474*, 527 America, n., 637
Wehner, H., 240* Wheeler, A. 0. and E. Parker, 694
Weidman, S., 628*;-and P. 0. Wood, Whitbeck, R. H., 70*, 149*
629* White, J., 230*, 307
Weigand, B., 714* Whitehouse, Frederic Cope, Obituary,
Weise, O., 709* 125
Weissenberg, S., 791* White Mountains: q Commercial Im-
Wellington, N. Z., Recent and Sub- portance of the White Mountain For-
Recent Movements of Uplift and of ests. P. W. Ayres, 788*; - Trails.
Subsidence near. C. A. Cotton, 794* Tales of the Trails to the Summit of
Wells, J. See How, W. W. Mount Washington and other sum-
Werth, E., 633* mits of the White Hills. W. Packard,
Western Australia: See under Aus- n., 786
tralia. Whitford, H. N., 712*
West Indies. See also Cuba, Porto Whitney, M., 470*
Whitson, A. R. and 0. E. Baker, 849
Rico, etc. 41 Central America and West
Indies. A. H. Keane, n., 389; List Wicherley, W., 787*
Wichmann, H., 152*, 553*, 629*, 631*;
of Works relating to the West Indies,
870*; Repression of Piracy in the. C.See also Habenicht, H.
G. Calkins, 392*; West Indian Pro- Wiener Wald: IqArchiologischer
gress. A. E. Aspinall, 551* (IMap: Wegweiser durch das Viertel ober
Amerique. (Service Geog. de l'Ar- dem Wiener Walde, usw. E. Sacken,
mee), n., 237 946*
Westphalia: 4jWirtschaftliche Abhan-Wiese, J. D. T. and R. Ronaldson, 472*
gigkeit Rheinland-Westfalens vom Wight, Isle of: See Isle of Wight.
Boden. M. Eckert, 314* Wild Duck Foods, Three Important.
West Virginia: qAgriculture. Census W. L. McAtee, 229*
I910. 3II*; Manufactures, Census Wildeman, E. de, 932*; See also Drye-
for 19Io, 869*; Population, Census 91o0,
pondt, Dr.
Wilke, G., 228*
i47*; Results of Spirit Leveling, I909
to 191o. R. B. Marshall, 311* EqMaps Wilkes, C. qEWilke's Work Endorsed
of West Virginia: Bald Knob Quad., by a British Authority, 523
n., 934; Gilbert Quad., 557*; Han- Willard, D. E., 154*
cock Quad., Areal Geology, Structure Willcocks, Sir W:, 701, 937*
Sections 398*; Drainage Map of Paw- Williams, G. S., 629*

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1050 Index

Williams, J., 790* rising above the peneplain, 76*; Sketch

Williams, M., 147* Map showing Baraboo, etc. . . . pre-
Willis B., 315*, 394* Cambrian areas of south-central, 77*;
Wills, L. J., 390* Sketch map to show general relations
Wilson, A. W. G., 450 of iron-bearing rocks, principally up-
Wilson, B., 231* on Huronian, in Crystal Falls, Iron
Wilson, F. C., 629* River, etc., 76*; Terminal Moraine
Wilson, J. I., 159* and Outwash plain Topography in
Wilson, M. E., 230* glaciated area of western, 77*
Winchell, A. N., 70* Wise, J. C., 55
WVinchell, N. H., 532 Witchcraft: EjNew England's Place in
Winchester, D. E. See Davis, J. A. the History of. G. L. Burr, 627*
Winds: 4 Bestimmung der Windricht- Wittich, E., 78*
ung und Windgeschwindigkeit in der Witting, R., 796*, 876*
Hohe aus den Beobachtungen von Witwatersrand, Geology of a Portion
Pilotballonen. P. Perlewitz, 635*; of Central. E. T. Mellor, 393*
Chinook in southern Alberta, etc. Wolf,
R. H., 72*
F. Stupart, 230*; Das Klima von Inns-
Wolf-Czapek, K. W., 468*
bruck mit besonderer Rucksicht auf Wolkenhauer, W., 395*
den Fohn. A. Defant, 713*; Versuch Wood, B. D., 629*, 929*
einer Darstellung der griechischen Wood, P. 0. See Weidman, S.
Windverhaltnisse und ihrer Wirkungs- Wood, W., 550*
weise. A. Stange, 713*; Wind-Blown Woodruff, E. G., 470*, 629*
Trees. O. Burchard, 692; Wind Move- Woodward, H. B., 66
ment under a Constant Gradient. J. Worcester, D. C., 554*, 873*
I. Craig, 235*;- Winds of the U. S. Worcester County, Mass. History of,
and their Economic Uses. P. C. Day, 948*
856; Windverhaltnisse in den oberen Worcestershire, England (Cambridge
Luftschichten nach Ballonvisierungen Geographies). L. G. Wills, n., 390
zu Batavia, nach Dr. van Bemmelen. Workman, F. B., 897; - and W. H.,
P. Perlewitz, 715* 17

Winnen, M. A., 711 World: q Bevolkerungsstatistik der

Winter, N. O., 126, 389* Lander ohne Volkszahlung. A. N.
Wire-Grass. R. M. Harper, 396* Kiaer, 716*; Century Atlas of the
Wisconsin: qBibliography of Wiscon- World. B. E. Smith, rev., 863; Com-
sin's Participation in the War between.merce - in 1910, 396*; Forest Re-
the States. Compiled by I. S. Bradley,sources of the. R. Zon, 876*; World's
142*; Contrast between Glaciated and Commercial Progress. Descriptive
Driftless Portions of. R. H. Whit- Account of Economic Plants of the
WVorld and of their Commercial Uses.
beck, 70*; Flora of Racine a1.d Keno-
sha Counties. List of Fern and Seed WV. G. Freeman and S. E. Chandler,
Plants growing without cultivation. rev., 545; Korte Historiael ende Jour-
S. C. Wadmond, 147*; Geographic naels aeenteyckeninge van verschey-
Society of, 608; Geography and Agri- den Voyagiens in de vier deelen des
culture in, 204; Manufactures, Census wereldts-Ronde, etc., gedaen door d.
1910, 929*; Population, Census 191o, Pietersz de Vries, rev., 705; Von Pol
147*; Progress of Forestry in. F. B. zu Pol. Sven Hedin, n., 468; - Neue
Moody, 31I*; Reconnaissance Soil Sur- Folge. Vom Nordpol zum Aquator.
vey of part of Northwestern. S. S. Hedin, 548*; Railway Conquest of
Weidman, 628*; Relation of Climate the World. F. A. Talbot, rev., 862;
to agriculture in. A. R. Whitson and Religions of the World and the World-
0. E. Baker, 849 Maps of Wiscon- Religion. W. F. Warren, 228*; World
sin: Characteristic Driftless area Geography. R. S. Tarr and F. M.
topography of northern - showing McMurry, 229* (Maps of the World:
normal mature drainage, 77*; Geol. Atlas Universel de Geographie. L.
Map of Penokee-Gogebic Dist. V. C.deR.
St. Martin et Fr. Schrader, n.,
Van Hise and R. D. Irving, 77*; 799; Citizen's Atlas of the World.
Outcrop map of Florence Iron Dis- Edited by J. G. Bartholomew, n., 880;
trict. W. N. Merriam and W. 0. Coaling Stations of the World, 799*;
Hotchkiss, 77*; Rib Hill, monadnock Division of the world to be discovered

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Index 1051

between the Portuguese and the Span-70*; Petroleum and Natural Gas in.
iards by the treaty of Tordesillas C. H. Wegemann, 628*; Population,
(I494) confirmed by the Pope, n., 320; Census I910, 229*; Potash-Bearing
Flachengliederung der Erdteile. P. Rocks of Leucite Hills. A. R. Schultz
Seyferth, n., 720; Funkentelegraphen- and W. Cross, 869*; Reconnaissance
karten. Weltkarte, n., 80; Geeignete of Phosphate Deposits in Western.
Kartenprojektion zur Darstellung der E. Blackwelder, 627*; Report on Con-
Erdmagnetischen Elemente. H. WVeh- dition of Elk in Jackson Hole in I9II.
ner, n., 240; Geographische Glieder- E. A. Preble, 869*; Some Small Nat-
ung der Erdoberflache. E. Banse, n., ural Bridges in Eastern. V. H. Bar-
240; Indexkarten zum Kartograph- nett, 788* qJMaps of Wyoming: Can-
ischen Monatsbericht, n., 240; Jour- yon Quad., n., 398; Gallatin Quad., n.,
ney Around the World, 320*; Karte 398; Lake Quad., n., 398; Laramie
der Grenzen und der Genauigkeit un- Quad.: Areal Geology, Structure Sec-
serer heutigen Kenntnis vom Relief tions, Artesian Water, I54*; Structure
der Erdoberflache. L. Carriere, n., of Laramie Quad., shown by coutours,
239; Kartenskizze der Kontinental- etc., I55*; Montpelier Quad., 75*;
schollen, 640*; Northern Hemisphere.Sherman Quad.: Areal Geology, Struc-
Isogonenkarte der Nordhemisphire ture Sections, 154*; Shoshone Quad.,
fur die Epoche I500, n., 938; Philips' 75*; Ten Maps accompanying Potash-
Chamber of Commerce Atlas. Survey Bearing Rocks of Leucite Hills, 636*;
of World's Trade with Commercial Map of Powder R. Oil Field. C. H.
Compendium and Gazetteer Index, Wegemann,
n., 558*; Topographic Map
800; Planisphere. Bassin du Pacifique, of Yellowstone Park, n., 557
Ocean Atlantique et Ocean Indien, n.,
320; Religionskarte der Erde. W. v.
Diest & M. Groll, n., 400; Rand, Mc-Xing6: QjRoutenaufnahme von Dr. E.
Nally & Co's new Imperial Atlas of Snethlage vom Xingu zum Tapajoz.
the World, 7., 800; Salzgehalt an der M. Mayr, 870* qlMap: Iriri-Curui-
Oberflache der Meere im Verhiiltnis
Jamanchim (Xingu- und Tapajozge-
zur Siisswasserzufuhr der Stromge- biet). Nach der Routenaufnahme I909
biete und zur Hohe der Randegebirge, von E. Snethlage. M. Mayr, n., 717
n., 320; Tabularum geographicarum Xochicalco. F. B. Purdie, 550*
contractarum libri septem [I6i8]. P.
Bertius, 940*; Trade Routes and Dis- Y
tances by existing lines and by the
Panama Canal, 799*; Verbreitung des Yacoub Pasha, A., I34
abyssischen Sedimente, 640*; Verbrei- Yakutat Bay Region: EPhenomena
tung und Intensitat des Reisbaus auf associated with Glacier Drainage and
der Erde. C. Wachmann, n., 320; Wastage, with especial reference to
World (Oxford Outline Maps). B. observations in the. O. D. v. Engeln,
V. Darbishire, n., 720 469*
Worsfold, W. B., 948* Ya-long R.: qExploration hydro-
Wrangell Mount, Glaciers East of, 365graphique du-et du Yang-tseu Supe-
Wrench, J. E. See Olmstead, A. T. rieur. L. Audemard, 232* qjMap:
Wright, G. F., 129 Carte provisoire . . . et du Cours In-
Wright, H. S., 63 ferieur du Ya-Long. L. Audemard,
Wright, J., 948* 79*
Wright, W. B., 123 Yalu R.: qjDer Amunyoku Kan oder
Wrong, G. M. & Wallace, W. S., 624 Yalu-Fluss und seine Hafen, 313*
Wurm, A., 3I4* Ya-mal Peninsula, Map: q Samojeden-
Wiirttemberg: lljahreshefte des Ve- halbinsel. B. M. Shitkov, n., 238
reins fur vaterlandische Naturkunde Yamamoto, H., 551*
in, 73*; uber WVurttemberos amtliches, Yangtse River: q Exploration hydro-
Kartenwesen. W. Stavenhagen, 474*, graphique du Ya-long et du Yang-tse
555* sup6rieur. L. Audemard, 232*; La
Wyoming: EqAgriculture. Census 191o, grande artere de la Chine. Le Yang-
311*; Coal near the Black Hills. R. tseu. J. Dautremer, rev., 699 EqMap:
W. Stone, 628*; Irrigation. Farms and Carte provisoire du Yang Tseu Kiang
Acreage irrigated, etc., Census I9Io, sup6rieur et du cours inf6rieur du Ya
929*; Manufactures, Census, I91o, Long. L. Audemard, 79*

This content downloaded from on Sun, 23 Apr 2023 21:17:59 UTC
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1052 Index

Yarra River: 'l Contributions to the Yucatan, Peninsula of. E. Huntington,

Physiography of the-and Dandenong 86I
Creek Basins. J. T. Jutson, 313* Yukon Territory. W. H. Dall, G. M.
Yass-Canberra District, On the Cli- Dawson & W. Ogilvie, 942*
mate of the. H. A. Hunt, 473* Yunnan: 4jExploration dans le Yu-
nan et dans le Sseu-tch'ouan. A. F.
Yate, A. C., 873*
Year Books: - Annuario Statistico Ital- Legendre, 553*; Les grands courants
commerciaux du Far-West chinois et
iano, 1911, 634*; Delagoa Directory,
1911, n., 58; Jahrb. fur Bremischen notre chemin de fer du. Dr. Legen-
Statistik, I910, 233*; I9II, 633*; dre, 472*; Le long du chemin de fer
Jahrb. iiber die Deutschen Kolonien, du Yunnan. A. Aymard, 553*; Pene-
1911, 391*; Jahrb. der Konigl. Preuss.tration of Yun-Nan. A. P. Stout, 313*
Geol. Landesanstalt zu Berlin, I9o9, 4 Maps of Yunnan: Itineraire de
555*; Jahrb. des Norwegischen Mete-Yae-si-hien a Fou-lin. Dr. Legendre,
orol. Inst., I905-IO, 634*; Jahrb. derI58*; Itineraire de Yun-nan-fou a
Schweizer Alpenclub, 1910-II, 714*; Sin-pou-tse. Dr. Legendre, 158*;
tbersicht der Reise von Dr. Brun-
Negro Year Book and Annual En- huber und Schmitz von Bhamo durch
cyclopedia of the Negro, 1912, 787*;
New Internationl Year Book, I9II, n., Jiunnan nach Omati, n., 238
548; New Zealand Official Year Book Z
1911. M. Fraser, 633*; - of Com-
monwealth of Australia 191I. G. H. Zaepernick, H., 152*
Zahn, G. . v., 714*
Knibbs, 308*; - of New South Wales
for I909-o1. J. B. Trivett, n., 709; Zambezi: q Progres agricole du delta
du Zambese. E. Amavet, 72*
Statist. Jahrb. fiir das Grossherzog-
Zanetti, P. See Forch, C.
tum Baden, 1910-11, 314*; Statist.
Jahrb. fur das Deutsche Reich I91, Zani, da Brescia, P. T., 925
73*; Svenska Turist-F6reningens Ars- Zappfe, C. See Leith, C. K.
Zeleny, J., 475*
skrift, 1912, 795*; Victorian Year Zeller, R., 378
Book, I909-o1. A. M. Laughton, 143*;
Zemmrich, J., 74*
Vierunddreissigster Jahresb. iiber die
Zietz, R., 638
Tatigkeit der Deutschen Seewarte fur Zimbabwe: <IZur Simbabye-Frage. R.
das Jahr 1911, 555*; Year Book of Poch, I49*
British Columbia and Manual of Pro-
Zimmermann, E., 152*, 472*
vincial Information, 19II. R. E. Gos- Zimmern, A. E., 787*
nell, n., 624; Yearbook of the U. S. Zimmern, H. See Lapworth, C.
Dept. of Agriculture, I911, 929* Zinc: E Output of certain Minerals and
Yellowstone National Park: 4 Improve-
Metals in the World, 234*
ment of the, 789* qlMaps: Canyon, Zinn, G. A., 629*
Gallatin, and Lake Quads., n., 398; Zoeppritz, K., L. Geiger & B. Guten-
Topographic Map of the Yellowstone berg, 7I5*
Park, n., 557 Zon, R., 876*
Yellowstone R. Drainage Basin. W. Zoology: q4Animals and Man. Ele-
A. Lamb, W. B. Freeman and F. F. mentary Textbook of Zoology and
Henshaw, 146* Human Physiology. V. L. Kellogg,
Yenisei Region, Geological Map of n., I45
the Auriferous Region of the. A. K. Zuider Zee, Map of Northern Nether-
Meister, 873* lands showing plan adopted for the
Yenisei River: q Ocean Routes to - Reclamation of, 80*
and Obi Rivers, 49 Zulus, Political and Social Divisions
Yentna District, Gold Placers of the. among the. J. B. McCord, 472*
S. R. Capps, 788* Zunkovic, M., 305
Yokoyama, M., 394* Zurich, Maps: q Uebersichtsplan der
Yonkers, Philipse Manor Hall at. E. Stadt Zfirich, Vermessungsamt der, n.,
H. Hall, n., 624 400
Yosemite, The. J. Muir, rev., 778 Zurich Lake, Map: Q Spezialkarte des
Young, Robert Evans, Obituary, 124 Zurichsees mit Umgebung, n., 640
Younghusband, Sir F., 948* Zwemer, S. M., 310*, 390*
Yucatan, Map, n., 237 Zwergern, von, 231*

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AMERICA the sleeping platform at his cornfield,

British Columbia, Economic Prospects 8II; Indian Hut on the edge of the
of New: {lBulkley River, Salmon Jungle, 806; Indian village, A well
ing on the, I8o; Hudson Bay Moun- in an, 814; Kabah, Detail of the walls
tain and its noble glacier from five of a ruin at, 819; Sayi, Ruins of the
miles distant, 177; Mount Geikie, temple of, 8i8; Tropical Forest, 807;
View of - from the hillside showing Yucatan Village, A House in a, 80o;
the Athabaska and the peaks along- "Volon" or carriage suspended on
side forming Simpson Pass, 172; straps at a sugar estate in Yucatan,
Skeena River, On the, I8I; Stony 815
Creek, Nechaco Valley, Oats and AFRICA
Barley near, 170; Tete Jaune Cache,
174 British East Africa, The Plateau of-
Coast and Geodetic Survey, Present and its Inhabitants: IqMakindu. Na-
Activities of the: q4Wire Drag for tive House in the Making, 327; Mom-
locating Sunken Rocks, etc., 259 basa. In the Native Village, 324;
Katmai Volcano, Report of the Erup- Nairobi, Chicken Peddlers and a Na-
tion of: q Volcanic ash, After two tive Policeman at, 330; Railroad La-
weeks settling by hard rains the - borers on Work Train, 329; Rift Val-
measured 10o2 inches, 643; Volcanic ley. Fault Escarpments, 333; Swahil-
Ash, Trees in front of the Mission is at a Railroad Station, 326, Voi,
covered with, 644 Gneiss Monadnock near, 331
Selkirks, Notes on the Exploration Libyan Desert, A Journey in the:
and the Geography of the Northern: 4qBawitte, Olive-oil mill at, 739;
q Gold River, View west up the main Walled gardens at Bawitte showing
branch of, 248; Gold Stream Mt., human bones from rifled graves, 741;
View south from - showing Mt. Sor- Bir Dikker, Camels drinking at, 736;
cerer on the left and Mt. Holway on Dakhla rim, Ascending the, 729; Fara-
the right, 246; Mt. Holway seen from fra, Well boring at, 738; Milt, Pano-
the northeast across Downie Creek, rama from housetops, 728; Miit, Vil-
252; Mt. Holway, View southeast lage of, 726; Nile Valley, west of
from the summit of-along the Ille- Minia, Dividing line between the des-
cillewaet Range, 253; Mt. Sorcerer ert and fertile ground, 743; Qsar
seen from the southwest across the Baharia, Sand encroachment at, 742;
valley of Downie Creek, 255; Sel- Qsar Dakhi, Mosque minaret at, 724;
kirks, Nameless Peaks of the North- Rashida from a housetop, 732
ern, facing p. 241
Urubamba, The Canion of the: qjMach- ASIA
iganga Indians taking a twenty-fiveManchuria's Great Southern Port:
foot Canoe through one of the smaller 4lDairen, Export Beans on the
Rapids, 890; Ollantaytambo, Portion Wharves of, 49
of the celebrated ruins of, 886; PongoPhilip,pine Islands, Forests of the:
de Mainique, Upper Entrance to the, q Cogon Grassland from which the
895; San Miguel, Cliff Vegetation Forest has been removed by "caingin
near the bridge of - lower end of the making," 83; Narra Tree, Cutting out
granite caiion of Torontoy, 883; Siri- a single piece table top from a buttress
alo rapids, Urubamba R., 887; Toron- of the, 87; Mindoro, A Caingin area
toy, Urubamba Valley, Granite gorge in, 82; Mindoro, Interior of a man-
of. The lower half of a two thou-
grove swamp, 88; Mindoro, Typical
sand foot cliff, 882*; Urubamba, Gen-
lauan forest in, 85
eral or landscape view in the-at the
foot of Sirialo Rapids, 894; Urubamba, GENERAL
Temporary shelter hut on a sand-bar
near the great bend of the, 891 Gravity, Force of - and Methods of
Yucatan, Peninsula of: q'"Cenote," Measuring It: qiGravity Apparatus
The mouth of, 803; Henequen or sisalof the Coast and Geodetic Survey
plant, 820; Indian, An-seated beside used at the present time, I86; Inter-

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1054 Index

dulums, Two old forms of meter -

ferometer apparatus arranged for ob-
compared with the quarter-meter pen-
serving the movement of the case due
to the swinging pendulum, i88; Pen-dulum, I85


AMERICA Illinois Petroleum Fields: qlMap show
Alaska, Map of. Compiled chiefly
ing Illinois Oil and Gas Fields, 419
Katmai Volcano, Report of the Erup-
from Maps of U. S. Geol. Survey,
Coast Line from Coast and Geod. tion of: j Katmai and neighboring
parts of Alaska, Map, 642
Survey Charts, facing p. 560
Mississippi R. Floods of, 19I2: ElMap
Arequipa, The "Solar Constant" and
of Lower -, showing locations of
Variations of Atmospheric Tempera-
Levee Districts and important Points,
ture at - and Some other Stations,
655 ; Departures from Normal Precip-
Diagrams, 6o0, 603, 604, 605, 606
itations, for January, 648, Feb., 649,
British Columbia, Economic Prospects
March, 650
of New: q Sketch Map showing the
route of the "Mountain Section" of River, Life along a Graded: q Mis-
souri R., Map of Part of, 675; Pro-
the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway, I69
file of the - from Three Forks,
California, Diagrams showing Rate of
Mont. to its Mouth, 676; Missouri
Growth of the "Big Trees" of - at
River near Brunswick, Map, 680;
Different Periods, 446
Density of Population in Missouri,
Duluth, A Geographic Study of:
1850, 678; Location of Leading Schools
q Maps: Concentration of railroads
about Duluth, 415; Duluth and Glac-
in, 678; Map showing Area described
ial Soils in the U. S., 405; Duluth
in this paper, 677; Map showing the
Plate, 403; Duluth and Vicinity, 404; neighborhood of Franklin, 679; Popu-
lation of Missouri in I830, 677
Harbor of Duluth, 494; Hungary
superposed on Minnesota and oriented Selkirks, Notes on the Exploration
so as to bring the plains area coinci- and the Geography of: q Sketch Map
dent with the plains of Minnesota,
of Northern Selkirks, B. C., showing
504; Outline Map to show location the Principal Rivers and Passes,
of Duluth with reference to Great
Positions of Peaks above Io,ooo feet
and a Portion of Water-Parting of
Lakes and Vicinity, 402; Principal
Coal and Iron Ore Fields of the U. S., the Range, facing p. 256
411; Principal wheat fields in Central United States, Corn in the: Maps, 750,
and Eastern U. S., 41O; Railway net- 75I, 752, 753, 754, 755, 756, 757, Dia-
work of tne U. S., 413; Territory grams, 746, 760
which is geographically tributary to United States, Development and State
Duluth, 416; Eq Diagrams and profiles: of Progress of the - Portion of the
Average annual Rainfall and tempera- International Map of the World:
ture for Duluth, 407; Diagram show- qjMap showing the Arrangement and
ing low temperature in the morning, State of Progress of the Sheets of the
rapid rise during the day and subse- International Map of the World for
quent fall at night, 409; Diagram the U. S., facing p. 842
Urubamba, The Cafion of the: QRough
showing prevailing wind, 409; Duluth
Sketch Contour Map of the Urubam-
and Superior, Vessel freight received
and shipped, 495; Increase of Popula- ba Valley, facing p. 896
tion, I870-1910, 501; Port Cities and Yucatan, The Peninsula of: Map of
Minnesota, Comparison of per cent. Yucatan, 8o2
of increase in population for, 502; AFRICA
Profile showing successive beach-ter-
races in western part of, 406; Ton- British East Africa, The Plateau of-
nage through Sault Ste. Marie Canals, and Its Inhabitants: EBritish East
498; Variations in absolute maximum Africa, Map, 322
and minimum temperatures for Du- British East Africa Protectorate:
luth for 1901-1o, 408; Vermilion and qjMap, 4
Mesabi ranges, production of iron ore, Libyan Desert, A Journey in the:
4r2 ElCopy of Map of x56I in the British

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Index 1055

Museum showing the Oases of the Samoan Islands, from surveys by K.

Libyan Desert, 724; Outline Map of Wegener, facing p. 507; Tutuila.
Egypt showing position of the "inner From Surveys by K. Wegener, facing
oases" of the Libyan Desert, 722 page 506
Antarctic Names: 4 Chart of Antarc-
Philippines, Forests of the: q Forest tica drawn Feb., I909, Corrections
Map of the Philippine Islands, facing May, I909, May, I9I2, facing p. 580;
p. 8I Chart of Antarctica showing suggested
Siachen Glacier, Survey of the: qMap: Hemispherical Nomenclature, 568;
Siachen Glacier and its Surroundings, Chart of North Eastern West Ant-
899 arctica showing Changes in Nomencla-
ture facing p. 570
Crocker Land Expedition: Q Map
Samoan Islands, American, New Map showing proposed Route of the
of: qMap of Manua Group of the Crocker Land Expedition, I92

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