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Barros Albie Keen Q.

BEED 3-2

1. State the 7 Principles of Design and define each. (2 pts. each/

The seven principles of design are balance, rhythm, pattern, emphasis, contrast, unity, and

◽ Balance is used to illustrate the visual weight of an image. It can either unite a photograph or
create division. A carefully balanced image lends a sense of stability to a photograph. An
unbalanced image creates disunity or unrest.

◽ Rhythm In many ways, composition in music is very similar to composition in photography.

The photographic concept of rhythm borrows heavily from music theory. Just like a musician
reading the notes on a sheet of music, subjects in a space regulate the way we view a
photograph. The rhythm dictates the recurring or organized (or disorganized) distribution of
visual elements in an image.

◽ Pattern makes sense of the visual world through regularity. From man-made objects to
organic material and abstraction. Elements of design can be organized in a predictable manner
to form a pattern. Put simply, patterns are repetitions of the elements of art and design. These
work in unison within a single frame.

◽ Emphasis shapes the center of interest in an image. Color, space, texture, and line work
together to determine the focus of an image. There are many ways to create emphasis in a
photograph. Spatial emphasis involves the orientation of a subject within the photographic

◽ Contrast is created when two or more opposing elements are present in a photograph. Light
against dark, warm against cool. But contrast includes physical elements too. Texture is
another way to utilize the principle of contrast in photography. Including two or more textures in
a photograph not only introduces tactility but also creates a sense of place.

◽ Unity describes the visual relationship between elements in a photograph. It helps create a
cohesive image. Using similar colors or tones, concepts or elements cultivates a sense of unity.

◽ Movement the term movement in photography often describes the relationship between the
camera’s shutter speed and a subject. When it comes to art and design, movement refers to the
path the viewer’s eye takes while reading a photograph.

2. Give atleast 5 Elements of Arts. (5pts. total)

◽ Shape
◽ Line

◽ Space

◽ Form

◽ Texture

3. Define ARTS (by the letters it is spelled) (2pts.each/8pts. total)

A- Artworks

R- Realistic

T- Techniques

S- Skills

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