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4 Basic piping support elements

Subject ............................................................................................................................................................................... 2

3.4.1 Introduction to pipe supports .................................................................................................................................. 3 Importance of pipe support design in the stress analysis ................................................................................. 3 Purpose of pipe supports................................................................................................................................... 4 Standards and codes that apply to pipe support design ................................................................................... 5 Pipe support standards ...................................................................................................................................... 6

3.4.2 Intepretetion of a stress isometric ........................................................................................................................... 9

3.4.3 Types of restriction ................................................................................................................................................. 11

3.4.4 Pipe support standard ............................................................................................................................................ 16

3.4.5 Pipe support design ................................................................................................................................................ 19 Basic supports .................................................................................................................................................. 19 Trunnions and floor stands .............................................................................................................................. 24 Structural elements ......................................................................................................................................... 25

3.4.6 Flexible supports ..................................................................................................................................................... 28 Variable load springs ....................................................................................................................................... 28 Constant load springs ...................................................................................................................................... 37

3.4.7 Bibliography ............................................................................................................................................................ 42

InIPED STRESS COURSE. Mod. 3.4. Basic piping support elements. (K. Oliver & J.C. Mazzocchin)
The objective of this section is to introduce the basic elements of pipe supports, its purpose and
the selection procedure.

During the development of the module the importance in stress analysis of the pipe support
designer will be indicate. We will examine the interpretation of a stress isometric, the support
elements most commonly used in an industrial complex, its functionality and the technical
considerations to be taken into account to select the appropriated support.

The contents of this module are essential for the development of the course and for the
professional knowledge of the pipe support designer and stress analyst. So it is recommended to
the student, review the material carefully.

InIPED STRESS COURSE. Mod. 3.4. Basic piping support elements. (K. Oliver & J.C. Mazzocchin)
3.4.1 Introduction to pipe supports
One of the main objectives of the piping design and stress analysis, is to ensure the structural
integrity of the pipes. Such integrity is achieved by proper selection of the thickness (schedule) of
the pipe and the proper selection of the pipe supports.

Proper selection of the pipe supports are required to:

 Support the weight of the pipe (weight of the pipe itself, the fluid weight, insulation and
 To control the movements of the pipes
 To resist loads product of external forces such as earthquake and wind
 To protect sensitive equipment such as pumps or compressors
 To increase system rigidity and vibration control.

Considering that in an industrial complex there can be thousands of pipe supports, the design,
construction and assembly of the pipe supports are critical activities in the development of an
industrial complex and must be done carefully. Importance of pipe support design in the stress analysis

As explained in Chapter 1, the stress analyst is the main person responsible for performing the
stress analysis of a piping system and validate the loads on the equipment connections, as well as
identifing the required supports.

Once the stress analysis of a line has been done, the support designer using the stress isometric,
designs and materializes the indicated restrictions into real supports.

InIPED STRESS COURSE. Mod. 3.4. Basic piping support elements. (K. Oliver & J.C. Mazzocchin)
The job of the support designer, it is vital to the correct operation not only of the piping system, but
also of the entire complex.

A poor pipe support design or a misinterpretation of the restrictions in the stress isometric, may
result in failures in the piping system or excessive loads on equipment connections or on
structures, all of which can lead to the failure of the system.

No matter whether the stress analysis was done correctly, it is the support designer job to design
and convert the restrictions to real supports, so the correct operation of the system is responsibility
of the pipe support designer. Purpose of pipe supports

The design, calculation and selection of pipe support elements, must be focused to meet the
following minimum objectives:

 Avoid over stresses in the piping system

 Avoid flanges leakage.
 Control the loads on equipment connections.
 Avoid resonance of the system due to induced vibrations from connected equipments or
from the fluid itself.
 Control the thermal expansion of the system
 Avoid the excessive use of supports, especially the use of support that does not work on all
load scenarios, for example supports were the pipe does not rest (a piping support without
contact with the resting element) .
 The location and selection of supports must guarantee the integrity of the system.

InIPED STRESS COURSE. Mod. 3.4. Basic piping support elements. (K. Oliver & J.C. Mazzocchin) Standards and codes that apply to pipe support design
The design and calculation of pipe supports, is primarily based on particular company's standards,
basic principles of strength of materials, experimental data and requirements included on the
client´s standards and codes.

The major international codes and regulations that govern the design of pipe supports are:

• ASME B31.1 Power Piping (only used on nuclear and power plants)

• ASME B31.3 Process Piping

• AISC: American Institute of Steel Construction

• PFI: Pipe Fabrication Institute

• ANSI: American National Standard Institute

• MSS: Manufacturers Standardization Society (Standard Practice)

MSS-SP-58 Pipe Hangers & Supports

MSS-SP-69 Pipe Hangers and Supports Selection and Application

MSS-SP-77 Pipe Support Contractual Relationships

MSS-SP-89 Pipe Hangers & Supports. Fabrication & Installation

MSS-SP-90 Terminology for Pipe Hangers & Supports

Additionally, there are companies that make pipe support elements such as springs, clamps,
snubbers, etc., and include in their own catalogs the calculation methods and selection of each of
the elements.

InIPED STRESS COURSE. Mod. 3.4. Basic piping support elements. (K. Oliver & J.C. Mazzocchin)
Among the major pipe support manufacturers worldwide are:

• PSS: Pipe Support System (

• PSL: Pipse Support Limited (

• Lisega (

• Pihasa (empresa española) (

• Grinnell (

• Carpenter & Paterson ( Pipe support standards

Most engineering companies and clients, such as, Cepsa, Repsol, Shell, BP, Galp, Aramco, Sabic,
TR, Fluor, Foster Wheeler, Kellogg, etc. have developed their own pipe support standards, which
have been based on international standards and codes and the companies’ know how.

The most common practice is to use the pipe support standards of each company or client, for the
design of the basic supports of a piping system and use the vendors’ catalogs, for the flexible
elements such as springs, snubbers, expansion joints, etc.

The pipe support standards, typically include the most often used supports indicating the
restrictions of use, such as, pipe sizes, materials, maximum dimensions and loads. When
selecting a support, the general procedure is to select the required support which is identified with
a unique code, verify compliance with usage restrictions in terms of materials, pipe diameters and
loads specified in the standard and define the constructive parameters required by the standard.

Although each company or client has their own standard, generally all are handled using the same
philosophy and support types, so they tend to be simple to use, taking into consideration that the
support designer knows the basic types of support and general technical considerations required
to select and design a pipe support.

InIPED STRESS COURSE. Mod. 3.4. Basic piping support elements. (K. Oliver & J.C. Mazzocchin)
The supports included in these standards are commonly known as "standard supports" and
typically represent 80% of the supports used in an industrial complex. The advantage of using
these supports, is that there is no need to make calculations or fabrication drawings for each of
them and this allows standardization of the supports of the plant, facilitating the design and

In some cases, there is a requirement for a support that is not included in the standards, for which
its design must be carried out, the calculation and detail fabrication drawing. This type of supports
are called "special support".

Also, there is another family of supports called "structural supports," which are those supports that
due to the dimensions and / or loads that must support, cannot be calculated using basic concepts
and should be designed by the civil/structural department of the company. In this case the
dimensions and loads are transmitted to the structural designer, who will be the responsible
person for the calculation and detail design of the support.

InIPED STRESS COURSE. Mod. 3.4. Basic piping support elements. (K. Oliver & J.C. Mazzocchin)
During development of the course, the Pihasa’s catalog will be used for selecting variable load and
constant hangers, Teflon or Lubrite plates and snubbers.

For standard supports, will be used a standard created specifically for the course, which will allow
quick and easy selection of the basic support elements. This standard is included on section 3.4.4.

InIPED STRESS COURSE. Mod. 3.4. Basic piping support elements. (K. Oliver & J.C. Mazzocchin)
3.4.2 Intepretetion of a stress isometric
Once the stress analysis of a line is done, the analyst represents the required restrictions in an
isometric to inform to the support designer of the type and location of the supports that should be

The stress analyst should represent in the stress isometric with the minimum the following

 Type and location of the restriction (1)

 Allowed gaps on guides, stops and anchors (2)
 Loads on the supports (normally if the loads are less than 1000 Kg there is no need to
included on the isometric) (3)
 For the spring hangers, the stress analyst must include: operational load (hot load),
displacement and direction of the movement (4)
 If it is required a specific stiffness for a support, the maximum displacement allowed must be
included on the isometric (5)

In the following images is shown the symbology used to represent the restrictions on a stress

NOTE: the restriction “support” is used to sustain a portion of the weight of the piping system and
other superimposed vertical loads. However, a support is specifically referred to as the device
acting from underneath the pipe. As noted before, “pipe support” is also used as the generic term
for all supports and restraints combined.

InIPED STRESS COURSE. Mod. 3.4. Basic piping support elements. (K. Oliver & J.C. Mazzocchin)
The graphic symbolism used by the stress analyst to represent the restrictions is included in the
figure 3.4.1.

The restrictions shown above, can be combined to create more support combinations, as is shown
on the following image:

InIPED STRESS COURSE. Mod. 3.4. Basic piping support elements. (K. Oliver & J.C. Mazzocchin)
3.4.3 Types of restriction
Pipe supports can be categorized according to the function and restriction made to the pipe
element and can be classified as: supports, guides, stops, anchors and flexible supports.

To understand how work each of the types of supports, we should remember that every point of a
piping system has six (6) degrees of freedom: three (3) translations and three (3) rotations.
Without any restrictions, any element of pipe can move in the x, y, z and rotate around the axes x,
y, z.

Each of the supports mentioned above, is characterized by one or more restricted degrees of
freedom of a pipe element, being precisely that degree or degrees of freedom restricted, which
characterize each support.

The following describes the operation of each type of support, using as reference the coordinate
system shown in the attached image.


Restriction used to sustain a portion of the weight of the piping system and other superimposed
vertical loads. Restricts the movement of the pipe in the “+y” direction.

Below is shown the stress isometric representations and the support in CAEPIPE and a real
example of this type of restriction.

InIPED STRESS COURSE. Mod. 3.4. Basic piping support elements. (K. Oliver & J.C. Mazzocchin)

Restriction used to control the lateral movements of the pipe in only one direction or in both

Below is shown the stress isometric representations and the support in CAEPIPE and a real
example of this type of restriction.


Restriction used to control the axial movements of the pipe.

Below is shown the stress isometric representations and the support in CAEPIPE.

InIPED STRESS COURSE. Mod. 3.4. Basic piping support elements. (K. Oliver & J.C. Mazzocchin)

Restriction used to prevent movement of the pipe on a specific point. This type of support
restricts the 6 degrees of freedom at the point of application. Examples of this support are the
connections to equipment, which prevent the movement of the pipe in its 6 degrees of freedom.

Below is shown the stress isometric representations and the support in CAEPIPE.


Are restrictions that can withstand the load on a certain point, while allowing the movement of
the pipe in the direction of application of force. Examples of this type of support, are the springs
and snubbers.

Below is shown the stress isometric representations and the support in CAEPIPE and a real
example of this type of restriction.

InIPED STRESS COURSE. Mod. 3.4. Basic piping support elements. (K. Oliver & J.C. Mazzocchin)
It should be noted, that a flexible support is not only achieved using springs or shock
absorbers, it can also be built using "flexible” beams. On figure 3.4.2 is shown an example of
use of flexible beams. The image a) shows the piping system in cold condition (not in
operation) and image b) shows the piping system in hot condition (in operation).

It can be appreciated, that the beam can support the load of the system while allowing its

InIPED STRESS COURSE. Mod. 3.4. Basic piping support elements. (K. Oliver & J.C. Mazzocchin)
Figure 3.5.3 shows the Von Mises stresses and displacements. It can be seen as greater
stress are concentrated at the union to the pipe and the union to the support base.

In the case of displacements, it is clear that the union point with the pipe represents the greater

InIPED STRESS COURSE. Mod. 3.4. Basic piping support elements. (K. Oliver & J.C. Mazzocchin)
3.4.4 Pipe support standard
In Section 3.4.1 we identified the types of supports that can be found in a industrial complex,
standard supports, special supports and structural supports.

This section will focus on the definition and selection of standard supports, using a standard
support catalog created especially for the course.

The standard shows the most used pipe supports and are represented in a simple manner that
allows the student to become familiar with pipe support standards.

It is important to remember that, the selection and design of pipe supports must be done according
to client or engineering company standards. The standard presented in the course, has been
simplified and obviates certain constructive parameters, since the main objective of this module is
that students become familiar with different types of support and the restrictions they impose to the
piping system.

InIPED STRESS COURSE. Mod. 3.4. Basic piping support elements. (K. Oliver & J.C. Mazzocchin)
InIPED STRESS COURSE. Mod. 3.4. Basic piping support elements. (K. Oliver & J.C. Mazzocchin)
InIPED STRESS COURSE. Mod. 3.4. Basic piping support elements. (K. Oliver & J.C. Mazzocchin)
3.4.5 Pipe support design
This section will describe the design of the supports indicated in the support shown standard in
section 3.4.4. Basic supports

The basic supports are those used most frequently during the engineering development of an
industrial complex and represent the main rigid elements used to materialize support, guides and

Below are the supports that form the basic supports:


The cradles are support elements made from a piece of pipe of 120 ° and a length determined
by the support designer. They are used in the following cases:

- In thin pipes, the cradles are used with the objective of strengthening the support area or the
point where the force or moment will be trasmitted, for example in the union of a trunnion
with a vertical pipe. At the beginning of a project, the stress leader and the material leader,
will have made the calculation of which pipes require cradles in terms of diameter and
material specification.
- In stainless steel or alloy pipes, which require to be in contact with carbon steel, the cradles
are used to prevent corrosion between the different materials and its main function is to
serve as a transition element.

InIPED STRESS COURSE. Mod. 3.4. Basic piping support elements. (K. Oliver & J.C. Mazzocchin)
In standard support show on section 3.4.4, the cradle is indicated by the support C1. In this
support the length of the cradle should be indicated (by default is 300mm, which can be
modified by the support designer if is required) and material: CS (carbon steel), AS (alloy); SS
(stainless steel).


The shoes are made from steel profiles (for example half profile IPN 100) or from plates. The
shoes are used primarily in the following cases:

- Support pipes with slope. In this case the height of the shoe changes according to the slope
of the line.
- Support insulated pipes. In this case the thickness of insulation must be taken into account
to ensure that there is no interference between the insulation, the shoe and the support
surface. Generally, the height of the shoes is standardized according to the insulation
thickness, to facilitate the design, construction and assembly.
- Support pipes that are elevated with respect to the supporting surface, no more than 300
mm (note: this criteria may vary depending on the requirements of the support specification
used). If the difference in elevation is greater than 300 mm, it is necessary to use an
additional structural element.

In the support standard to be used in the course, the shoe is indicated by the supports Z1 and
Z2. In these supports it is necessary to indicate the height of the shoe, which is standardized
according to the insulation thickness, however, if the designer deems it necessary the height of
the shoe can be modified.

InIPED STRESS COURSE. Mod. 3.4. Basic piping support elements. (K. Oliver & J.C. Mazzocchin)
The support Z2 should only be used for galvanized pipe.

Note that in the case that the pipe to be supported is of stainless steel or alloy, so it is
necessary to include a cradle of the same pipe material as an element of transition between the
pipe and the shoe, to prevent corrosion.


The guides are elements made from metal plate or structural shapes, which have as their main
function to control the lateral movement of the pipe at a given point.

The guides used in the support standard of the course are represented by the following

- G1 … guide to be used with shoes or floor stands.

- G2 … guide to be used on pipes directly resting on the surface or pipes with cradles.
- G3 … guide to be used on pipes that does not required a support.

InIPED STRESS COURSE. Mod. 3.4. Basic piping support elements. (K. Oliver & J.C. Mazzocchin)

Anchors are elements made from metal plates and structural shapes, which have as their main
function to control the axial movement of the pipe at a certain point. Can restrict only the axial
movement (stop) or all degree of freedom (anchor).

The stops used in the support standard of the course are represented by the following

- S1 … this standard can be used directly on the pipe if the material and thickness allowed or
to the cradle or shoe.
- S2 … this standard is used on pipes with floor stand.

To make an anchor, you can combine stops and guide standards.


The clamps are made from metal plates and are used when is necessary to avoid welding the
supporting element directly to the pipe, for example supports on galvanized pipe.

The standards for clamps on the support standards are: Z2 and H2.

- Z2 … this support consists on a shoe with clamps, used to support galvanized pipes.

- H2 … this support consists on a hanger with clamps, used to support galvanized pipes from
above or thin wall pipes.

InIPED STRESS COURSE. Mod. 3.4. Basic piping support elements. (K. Oliver & J.C. Mazzocchin)

The hangers consist of basically three elements: the connecting element to the structure (1);
the rod (2) and the connecting element to the pipe (3).

Hangers are used when it is required to support the pipe and there is no structure beneath that
allow to support the pipe using shoes, floor stands or direct support.

On the support standard, the hangers are represented by the supports H1 and H2.

The hangers have a restriction on the angle of rotation that can be borne. Generally, this
restriction is 15 °, however, it must be verified with the manufacturer's standard or the client´s
the maximum value allowed.

InIPED STRESS COURSE. Mod. 3.4. Basic piping support elements. (K. Oliver & J.C. Mazzocchin) Trunnions and floor stands
The trunnions and floor stands, are made from pipe and used to generate the required support of
the pipe. They are commonly used when it is required to support a pipe at an elbow or on a vertical
section of the routing.

The pipe material used for the trunnions or floor stands, must be compatible with the pipe that they
are supporting otherwise there will be corrosion problems.

These supports with the cradles and shoes, represent the most used supports on an industrial

On the support standard to be used during the course, the trunnions and floor stands are
represented by the supports: T1, T2, T3, F1 and F2.

Following is shown some real examples of trunnions and floor stands.

InIPED STRESS COURSE. Mod. 3.4. Basic piping support elements. (K. Oliver & J.C. Mazzocchin)
The trunnions are commonly use to support vertical sections of pipe, while floor stands are used to
support horizontal sections of pipe and to support directly from the elbow. Structural elements

In many cases the pipes cannot be supported with a single support element, for example with a
shoe or a trunnion, because they are too far from the grade level or the nearest structure.

In these cases it is required to use structural elements to complete the support.

The support standards of engineering companies or their client´s, usually include a variety of
structural element configurations with the indication of maximum allowable load and height that
can borne by each support.

Sometimes the required support is not included in the standards, and will be necessary to create a
special support (designed and dimensioned by the piping department) or a structural support
(designed and dimensioned by civil department) when loads and / or dimensions require a
structural calculation.

The structural elements to be used during this course, are represented by the standards P1 to P12
of the support standard.

InIPED STRESS COURSE. Mod. 3.4. Basic piping support elements. (K. Oliver & J.C. Mazzocchin)
Following is shown some images with real examples of structural elements.

InIPED STRESS COURSE. Mod. 3.4. Basic piping support elements. (K. Oliver & J.C. Mazzocchin)
InIPED STRESS COURSE. Mod. 3.4. Basic piping support elements. (K. Oliver & J.C. Mazzocchin)
3.4.6 Flexible supports
In section 3.4.3 was defined the flexible supports as elements that can withstand the load on a
specific point, while allowing the movement of the pipe in the direction of the force application.

Among the flexible supports are: the variable load springs, constant load springs and shock
absorbers (snubbers).

On the following sections it will be indicated the procedure to select each of these elements. Variable load springs

They are flexible supports where the load varies with the displacement and are used in places
where the displacement is small, for example the Spanish manufacturer PIHASA recommend their
use for displacements up to 75mm. Each manufacturer indicates the maximum displacement for
the use of variable load springs.

There are different types, depending on the magnitude of the movement and different
configurations that allow the proper installation of the support.

On section 3.4.1 was mentioned the main manufacturers of springs and was indicated that for the
course it will be used the Pihasa catalog.

The method of selection of variable springs is similar among all vendors, as they use the same
input parameters. However it is important to follow the procedure and recommendation of each

InIPED STRESS COURSE. Mod. 3.4. Basic piping support elements. (K. Oliver & J.C. Mazzocchin)
When to use a variable load spring?

A variable load spring is used when is required to support a pipe at a specific point which present
movements between the cold (sustained case) and hot condition (operation case), as a result of
thermal expansion or differential settlement.

For example, these supports are often used in vertical sections of hot lines that run on towers, as a
first support after connecting to a storage tank to absorb differential settlement, etc..

a) Data required for variable load spring selection

To select a variable load spring is required the following information:

- Operating Load (Hot Load) (Kg)

- Displacement Magnitude (mm)
- Displacement direction ( “+” if the direction is upward and “-“ if the direction is downward)
- Type of attachment to the structure
- Installation configuration (support type or hanger type)
- Percentage of load variation (%)

The operating load, the magnitude and the direction of the displacement, are values that are
obtained directly from CAEPIPE (or similar software) and should be identified by the stress
analyst on the stress isometric. With this information the support designer is responsible to
select the appropriate hanger and design the complete support.

Below is an example of the input and output of CAEPIPE, the data for the selection of the
spring and the representation of this information on a stress isometric.

InIPED STRESS COURSE. Mod. 3.4. Basic piping support elements. (K. Oliver & J.C. Mazzocchin)
The operating load (hot load) must be included on Kilograms (Kg) and the magnitude of the
displacement in millimeters (mm).

It is noteworthy that the CAEPIPE have the option of selecting different spring manufacturers,
so the program automatically selects the appropriated spring indicating type and size.
However, the Pihasa manufacturer is not included in the CAEPIPE’s spring database.

b) Model, Type and size of the hanger

When selecting a hanger it is necessary to indicate the model, type and size.

- Model: the available models from Pihasa are: CVC, CV, CVL and CVLL
When selecting a hanger it must be taken into account that the load variation from the cold
position (sustained load) to the hot position (operating load) is equal to or less than 25%. In
some cases the percentage of load variation is often limited by clients or engineering
companies to a smaller value (e.g. 20%) to decrease the stresses on the pipe.
If the percentage of load variation is not met, we must use a spring with a lower stiffness
and if it happens that there is no variable load spring that meets this condition it is
necessary to move to a constant spring.

InIPED STRESS COURSE. Mod. 3.4. Basic piping support elements. (K. Oliver & J.C. Mazzocchin)
According to this, there is a recommendation of use for each spring model in function of a
displacement range:

CVC … up to 10mm
CV … from 10 to 20 mm
CVL … from 20 to 50 mm
CVLL … from 50 to 75 mm

- Type: the type of the hanger must be selected according to the installation configuration.
The available types on Pihasa catalog are: A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H. The following image
shows the configuration for each type.

- Size: the size of the variable load spring hanger is determined by using the tables at page
37 of Pihasa’s catalog.

When using this table, the area identified as “security zone must not be used”.
Wherever possible, the spring must be selected using the central area of relation
spring hanger travel vs. load.

InIPED STRESS COURSE. Mod. 3.4. Basic piping support elements. (K. Oliver & J.C. Mazzocchin)
c) Spring Hanger Identification
To identified a variable load spring hanger it is necessary to include the following
a) Model
b) Size
c) Type
d) Displacement (mm)
e) Operation Load (Hot Load) (Kg)

InIPED STRESS COURSE. Mod. 3.4. Basic piping support elements. (K. Oliver & J.C. Mazzocchin)
d) Variable load spring hanger selection example
The following is a practical example to show the procedure for selecting a variable load spring
hanger using the Pihasa catalog.

Example 1: select a variable load spring hanger for the pipe shows on the picture for an
operational load (hot load) of 500 Kg and a displacement of – 12 mm.

InIPED STRESS COURSE. Mod. 3.4. Basic piping support elements. (K. Oliver & J.C. Mazzocchin)

1) Spring hanger type selection

According to the scheme shown on the picture, the hanger must be selected is such way that
allows the support of the pipe from the upper structure.

For this configuration the required hanger corresponds to Types B or C. The main difference
between these two types of hangers, is the upper piece used to attach the hanger to the

For this case the type C is selected.

2) Spring Hanger Model Selection

According to the displacement of -12 mm and the procedure indicated on section, the
model CV is selected

3) Spring Hanger Size Selection

The selection of the size is based on the operation load of 500 kg, the model (CV) and the table
of working load and spring characteristic of Pihasa’s catalog at page 37.

Selecting the size of a spring, it is often an iterative process, because once the size is selected,
the installation load (cold load) is calculated and the percentage of variability is checked. If the
variability does not meet the allowed values it will be required to select another size and begin
the process again.

The operation load (hot load) is located on the table, trying to place it in the middle of the table.

InIPED STRESS COURSE. Mod. 3.4. Basic piping support elements. (K. Oliver & J.C. Mazzocchin)
Once the load is located on the table, the size of the spring is read from the upper part of the

It can be appreciated from the table that he sizes that allow loads of 500 kg are between sizes
9 to 12. Sizes 9 and 12 are not recommended because they are very close to the safety zones.

Sizes 10 and 11 are both valid. Whenever possible, select the smaller spring, since it is more
economic and physically smaller.

According to this recommendation the selected size is 10.

4) Installation Load (Cold Load)

The installation load (cold load) calculation is carried out by using the following equation:

InIPED STRESS COURSE. Mod. 3.4. Basic piping support elements. (K. Oliver & J.C. Mazzocchin)

LINST … Installation Load (cold load) (Kg)

LOP … Operation load (hot load) (Kg)

K … stiffness constant (Kg/mm)

D … displacement (mm)

The stiffness constant is obtained from the spring manufacturer’s table based on the size and
model. For a spring model CV and size 10, the stiffness constant is 4.75 kg/mm.

NOTE: the displacement must be included (+) if the displacement is upward and (-) if it is

5) Verification of spring hanger variability

The variability percentage is calculated by using the following equation:

For the select hanger, the variability will be:

6) Spring hanger dimensions validation

Once the spring hanger is selected (size, model and type) it is required to check the physical
dimension of the spring.

The available space to locate the spring hanger according to the picture is 2400 mm (from the
pipe center line to the lower part of the steel member).

The dimension for a spring hanger type C, model CV and size 10 is 375 mm. because the
physical dimension is less than the available space, the selected spring is valid.

For spring hanger types, is recommendable to leave twenty (20) times the rod diameter as a
length of the rod between the structure and the pipe. In this case would be 400 mm.

InIPED STRESS COURSE. Mod. 3.4. Basic piping support elements. (K. Oliver & J.C. Mazzocchin)
However this criteria is used in some engineering companies, so it is recommend to validate
the criteria with the pipe support standard and spring’s manufacturer used in the project. Constant load springs

The constant load spring is a flexible support that allows support of a load by applying a constant
reaction and at the same time allowing free movement in the direction of the application of the
load. This operation is achieved with a very simple mechanical system, based on sets of levers.

Constant load springs are used in systems that require displacements that cannot be accomplish
by variable load springs.

The best example is in reactors, where there is a prohibition to transmit loads to the column walls.
In this case it is necessary to support the piping loads from structures. As the equipment is usually
at high temperature, it expands and also the associated piping, but the structure is always colder
than the equipment. In order to support the pipe from the structure it is necessary to use flexible
elements with a great capacity for movement, this element is the constant load spring.

Constant load springs are more expensive and harder to assemble that variable load springs.

Unlike variable load spring, the selection of constant load spring requires less data, because there
in not different loads for sustained and operation. The load is always the same.

InIPED STRESS COURSE. Mod. 3.4. Basic piping support elements. (K. Oliver & J.C. Mazzocchin)
Although the selection is relatively simple, constant load springs require greater care by the stress
analyst when determining the load and the installation position.

To understand this, take as a reference a system in which a piping system requires a flexible
support and also requires to keep the load at the installation position. If variable load spring is
used, and for some reason the designer has made a small mistake in the loading spring rate,
estimating less load than required, the system will tend to compress the spring and its react by
increasing the load to achieve balance.

If instead a constant load spring is used, and due to a mistake the setting load is less than
required, the spring would use all the travel without stopping and could produce excessive
deformation in the piping system.

However, most manufacturers of constant load springs provide products with the ability to adjust
the setting load up to 20%.

The mechanism employed by constant load springs allows the use the same spring for a wide
range of loads and displacements by varying its configuration. However, the load and
displacement are not decoupled, it is for the same size of spring, when configured to handle a
maximum load its travel will be minimal and vice versa, if configured to handle a maximum
displacement its load will be minimal. This combination of load and displacement can be observed
on the following table.

InIPED STRESS COURSE. Mod. 3.4. Basic piping support elements. (K. Oliver & J.C. Mazzocchin)
For example, a spring size 1, is set for a total travel of 40mm will be able to handle a load of 78kg.
But if it is configured for a travel of 210mm, will be able to handle only 15kg.

Concepts used in the selection of constant springs:

Total Travel: is the maximum displacement allowable by the spring.

Operating Load: is the operating load of the spring. In constant spring there is only one load and
it is also called installation load.

Installation Position: it is installation position of the hanger selected by the stress analyst and
corresponds to the midpoint of the spring travel.

a) Constant spring selection procedure

The procedure to select constant springs is shown below.

1) Calculation of load, total travel and model.

The stress analyst must calculate the operating load and the real travel for the constant
spring as a result of the stress analysis of the piping system. The application point of the
hanger respect to the installation position could be different depending on the operating
scenarios. For example, a system can present operating positions above and below the
installation position. The real travel of the constant spring is the displacement range
between the maximum and minimum operating conditions of the piping system. The real
travel will be represented as: CR.

2) Calculation of the total travel

The total travel “CT” is calculated according to the following equations:
a) If CR = 125mm; CT is 20% higher than CR
b) If CR 125 mm; CT is CR + 25mm

The final value of CT always must be approximated to multiples of 10mm. For example is
the result is 126mm the final value of CT will be 130mm.

3) Selection of constant spring size

Using the tables on Pihasa catalog (pages 53 to 55), starting with the value of the total
travel (CT) the closed higher load to the operating load is selected and the size of the spring
will be obtained from the information at the left part of the table.
Usually the constant spring vendors offer the possibility to adjust the load on +/-20%.

InIPED STRESS COURSE. Mod. 3.4. Basic piping support elements. (K. Oliver & J.C. Mazzocchin)
4) Definition of the installation position
The definition of the installation position is perhaps the step that requires most attention,
especially when the spring can operate in two directions. The purpose is to distribute the
remaining between the total travel (CT) and the real travel (CR) in such a way that both
movement directions have enough travel prior the mechanical locking of the spring.
Usually the way is to distribute the remaining travel in an equitably way. However in some
pipe support specifications the client or the engineering company establish the use of a
proportional distribution.
The proportional distribution is calculated in terms of a higher surplus (ES) and lower
surplus (EI).

b) Example of contant spring selection

Determine the size and installation position for a constant spring, model C54 PIHASA and
5673 Kg of operating load. The spring has two operating scenarios: the spring moves 13mm
downward or 110 mm upward.


The first step is to calculate the real travel of the spring. In this case because the spring has
two operating scenarios, the real travel is the sum of the two displacements:

CR = 13mm + 110 mm = 123 mm

Because CR is less than 125mm; the total travel will be CR + 25mm:

CT = 123 mm + 25 mm = 148 mm because it is required to approximate the value to a

multiple of 10 mm, the final value of CT will be:

CT = 150 mm

By using the table on page 54 of Pihasa catalog and locating the closed higher load of 5673
kg and using the total travel, the size of the spring is selected.

With a CT of 150mm the closed load is 6176kg the size of the hanger is 42.

In this way the required spring is a Pihasa model C54 size 42.

The installation position is calculated by using the remaining travel between the CT and CR
(CT – CR = 150mm – 123mm = 27 mm).

InIPED STRESS COURSE. Mod. 3.4. Basic piping support elements. (K. Oliver & J.C. Mazzocchin)
By using an equitable distribution, the remaining travel of 27mm is distributed by 13.5mm
upward and 13.5mm downward. In this way the installation position measured from the
lowest part of the total travel, will be:

13.5 mm (tolerance) + 13 mm (downward movement) = 26.5 mm from the lower

mechanical lock of the spring.

If the client or engineering company request a proportional distribution of the remaining

travel (27mm) , the procedure will be to calculate the higher and lower surplus and then
establish the installation position.

The installation position measured from the lowest part of the total travel will be:

3 mm (tolerance EI) + 13 mm (downward movement) = 16 mm from the lower

mechanical lock of the spring.

InIPED STRESS COURSE. Mod. 3.4. Basic piping support elements. (K. Oliver & J.C. Mazzocchin)
3.4.7 Bibliography
[1] ASME B31.3 2010 Process Piping

[2] M.W. Kellog Company, 1956. Design of Piping Systems. John Wiley & Sons.

[3] Timoshenko, Stephen and Gere, James. Mechanis of Materials. Cengage Learning. Fourth

[4] MSS-SP-58 Pipe Hangers & Supports

[5] MSS-SP-69 Pipe Hangers and Supports Selection and Application

[6] MSS-SP-77 Pipe Support Contractual Relationships

[7] MSS-SP-89 Pipe Hangers & Supports. Fabrication & Installation

[8] MSS-SP-90 Terminology for Pipe Hangers & Supports

[9] Parisher, R and Rhea, R. Pipe Drafting and Design. Second Edition. Gulf Professional

[10] Keith, A. Piping and Pipelines. Assessment Guide. Gulf Professional Publishing

[11] Piping support Technology:

InIPED STRESS COURSE. Mod. 3.4. Basic piping support elements. (K. Oliver & J.C. Mazzocchin)

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