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Year 11 Biology: The excretory system

Part 1: Complete the definitions in the table below

Term Definition
Excretory organ organs that sperate waste substances from the body through excretion

Excretion the process of eliminating or expelling waste

Renal artery large blood vessels that supplies blood to kidneys from the aorta

Rena Vein main blood vessel that carries blood from kidney to the heart

Cortex the outer organ

Medulla inner region of an organ or tissue

Nephron one of the functional units of the kidney that filters the blood and selectively
reasorbs substances

Glomerulus a bundle of capillaries that act as the filtering unit of the kidney

Bowmans capsule part of the nephron that forms a cup-like sack surrounding the glomerulus

Collecting duct extends from a long, twisting tube and collects urine from the neprons

Filtration the process in which solid particles in a liquid or gaseous fluid are removed
by the use of a filter medium in which will permit fluid to pass through while
retaining the solid particles
Reabsorption reabsorption happens when the kidney selectively reabsorbs substances already secreted
into the renal tubules, such as:

Osmoregulation process of maintaining osmotic pressure of fluids and eletrolytic balance in


Antidiuretic hormone hormone that helps:

- blood vessels constrict
- kidneys control the amount of water and salt in the body
therefore, control the blood pressure and amount of urine that is made

Dialysis procedure to remove waste prodcuts and excess fluids from the blood in
moments of kidney failure

Bozeman Science: The urinary system

Part 2: Label the diagram of the human excretory system below using the following the terms

Right kidney Aorta Vena Cava Renal Artery Renal Vein

Left kidney Ureter Urinary tract Urethra

Part 3: Label the diagram below of the kidney using the following the terms

Nephron unit Medulla Cortex collecting duct

Part 4: Label the diagram below of a nephron unit using the following the terms

Glomerulus capillary network Bowman’s capsule from the renal artery from the renal vein

Capillary network Collecting duct to ureter loop of Henley

Part 5: Nephron structure and function

(a) Complete the table below on the parts of the Nephron unit

Parts of the Nephron Structure Function Diagram

specialized bundle of the thin walls of the
capillaries situates glomerulus allow
between the smaller molecules,
Bowman's capsule wastes and fluid to
pass into the tubule

Bowmans capsule
two-walled pouch that participates in the
covers the glomerulus filtration of blood from
the glomerular

Tubules (includes proximal

and distal convoluted extensions of the cell returns nutrients, fluids,
tubules) membrane that and other substances
penetrate into the that have been filtered
centre of the skeletal from the blood, but the
and cardiac muscle body needs, back to the
cells blood

The composition of fluids in blood, filtrate and urine

A Filtrate Urine
Cells urea ions and molecules
Proteins water inorganic salts
Water 99% vitamins water 95%
Salts 0.72% fatty acids creatinine 0.1%
Glucose 0.10% glucose uric acid 0.03%
Amino acids 0.05% nitrogen ammonia
Urea 0.03% salts urea 2%

(b) Above is a table showing the composition of the blood stream.

(i) What solutes and solvents may form the filtrate when filtration occurs in the nephron?

(write the contents in the filtrate table)

(ii) What makes up the urine once reabsorption of the filtrate has occurred?

(write the contents in the urine table)

(c) What processed are used in the nephron unit to reabsorb:

active transport
(i) glucose and amino acids. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why?
(ii) salts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Why?
(iii) water ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Why?

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