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Test 9 Study Guide

You must have this complete in order to be able to use your packet on your test.

1. Define the following words

a. Evaporation

b. Transpiration

c. Producer

d. Consumer

e. Decomposer

f. Competition

g. Food web

h. Food chain

i. Predator

j. Prey

k. Omnivore

l. Herbivore

m. Carnivore

n. Pioneer species

o. Biological magnification

p. Density independent limiting factor

q. Density dependent limiting factor

2. ***From sunlight to producers, from producers to consumers, from consumers to

decomposers, energy flows through an ecosystem in one direction.

3. How is nitrogen gas converted to a solid form and placed in the soil for plants to


4. What role do plants play in the carbon and oxygen cycles?

5. What two processes cycle carbon and oxygen through the atmosphere?

6. Define photosynthesis.

7. Define cellular respiration.

8. As the human population continues to increase, what negative impacts are

happening to the biosphere?

9. Differentiate between biotic and abiotic factors.

10. What process removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere?

11. What are greenhouse gases?

12. What do greenhouse gases do?

13. What is happening negatively with greenhouse gases?

14. Where does all energy originate from on earth?

15. What are some things we can do to help the environment?

16. Define symbiosis.

17. List the levels of ecological organization from smallest to largest.

18. Define each level of ecological organization.







19. List the 3 types of symbiosis and DESCRIBE them.




20. How much energy is transferred from one level to the next as you go through

the trophic levels?

a. Where is the most energy?

b. Where is the least amount of energy?

21. What do lichens do as a pioneer species?

22. Define succession.

23. Differentiate between primary and secondary succession.

24. Give an example of primary succession.

25. Give an example of secondary succession.

26. What is exponential growth?

27. What is logistic growth?

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