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I declare that this research proposal is my original and authentic work and has not been presented
to any institution for any purpose of academic for award of certificate, diploma or degree. It
should also not be reproduced by any means of duplication or reproduced without prior
permission .


This research proposal has been submitted for examination with my approval as the university

………………………… Date: …………………………





I would like to dedicate this work to my parents, Mrs Koech And Mr Charles Cherutich who
laid the foundation for my education and whose efforts and selfless contribution have seen me
upto to where I am ,I also dedicate it to my child Adrian and to my able Instructor Dr Wayongo
whose efforts have made me confident and bold to conduct this reserch.

I would like to acknowledge the assistance of those who made the completion of this work
possible First and foremost I appreciate My lectures, Including Dr Ishenyi Polycarp who took
his and devoted his time to guide me on specific areas on educational research also I would like
to recognize the effort of my able supervisor. Dr Wayon'go who has always been available and
ready to read my work, correct it and give me the necessary advice and assistance.

Thanks to my friends and colleagues with whom we sat and discussed our work, We gave each
other the moral support we needed to complete this courseI would also like to thank thoose who
assisted in ensuring that my work was always typed and ready when I needed it , also
acknowledge my family for the encouragement and support helped me to go through good and
bad times.



This chapter explains the background of the study , the statement of the problem, purpose of the
study, research objectives, research questions, significance of the study , limitations of the study,
scope of the study, Theoretical framework and lastly Definition of operational terms.


The generation entering university have grown up entirely with the world of social Media,having
in mind that being interactive with followers show multiple campus culture. Institutional brand
identity and image communicates well theough values , reputation,quality and emotion this stirs
up positive perception on the institution. According to Charles Darwin,"It is not the strongest of
the species that survive nor the most intelligent that survive ,it is the one that is most adaptable to
change, therefore strategic university advertisement conveys strength and value to a prospective
students with an intetion to enrollment.

To measure university brand image Sung Yang(2008)proposed university reputation,existence

prestige and it's brand personality. Student behavior plays an important role in motivation
towards enrollment to the institution.Interaction of students on social media influences university
personality and enrollment.

Most of the studies have looked at student behavior and motivation towards enrollment to
programs as well as creation of a sustainable picture of Bomet university on social media.
Social network sites such as Facebook, blogs and YouTube are most common mediums. This has
enabled students and universities in reaching out quicker. Through this gaining competitive
advantage on improving and enhancing the brand image componets towards behavioural
enrollment intention.
Institutions of higher education are facing increasingly competitive environment in which they
must find ways to differentiate their story therefore a brand promise based on academic offerings
student experience and a brand that develop strategies bthat reflect the emotions and
psychological dynamics of an educational institution.

According to International confrence on information and communication Technology (ICICT)

(2019), Satisfaction is increased through strong brand identity, students play an important part in
co-creation of values through their behaviour which is important for a better excellence,
performance and growth as well as how the institution is perceived.


University education has become a universal service and efforts to ensure adequate provision of
education is key for development of a country ,both socially and economically. Universities have
adopted effective strategies in providing information about their programs to potential students
so as to increase enrollment intake.From the past decade the rise of sustainability and social
media have improved interaction and changed the way to view success.

Forbes 2011, on social media campaigns on targeting instances of corporate irresponsibility and
enforce transparency recommended a collective co-operation towards creatio. Of a collective
voice that influence others to hain a more powerful base and inspire change.Thus creating a
brand image towards viewing the success of Bomet University.


The purpose of the study is to determine the impact of socila media on Bomet university brand


This study is concerned with impacts of social media on Bomet university personal brand
towards enrollment, reputation towards the institution and measures of creating a better brand .


(i)To examine the Impacts of social media towards motivation on enrollment to Bomet
University on prospective students.

(ii)To examine the reputation created by students on social media in communicating Bomet

(iii)To examine constructive measures on how students work in order to create a better brand of
Bomet university when using private information on investment of full potential of social Media


(i)What arw the impacts of students use of social media towards motivation on enrollment to
Bomet University?

(ii)What reputation is created by students on social media in advertising Bomet University?

(iii)What are the constructive measures that students require in order to create a better brand
when using private information on investment of full potential of social media tools?


This study has greater significance towards contribution of knowledge to existing social media
brand personality models,theories,research methods and findings benefitfuture knowledge
creation for research in this research area

This study as well will assist the management to appreciate social networking relevant to the
university brand that atteact prospective students.

This research as well is beneficial to students in terms of utilization of communication

channnels.This is for their academic benefits as well as building and strengthening decision
making process for the benefit of institutions programs.

1.8.ASSUMPTIONS OF THE STUDY.The study assumes that;

(i) Students perception of social media use in Branding Bomet University is Similar to the rest of
the students.

(ii)All students are competent to use of social media for branding the institutions personality.

(iii) Respondents will ne honest and will give honest responses with terms in the questionnaire.


(i)The study is mainly rooted on students use of social media.It does not consider other

(ii)The sample to be collected will be limmited and restricts to a number of students mainly final
year students thus making this research to require wider nature for future research.

(iii)Respondents may be unwilling to answer to the questionnaires thus withold information.


From the Maslow's hierarchy of needs, Individuals focus on the needs first, the lower level needs
must be first met and later focus shifts to the need in the next level. Individuals posses a unifying
directional tendency towards self mastery. Maslow preffered to focus on set human potential
believing that humans strive to express capabilities fully and this is the basis for happiness.

Maslow's legacy in order of needs progressing with basic needs and psychological needs ending
with need for self actualization which calls for utilizing abilities and talents to the fullest in area
a person chooses, reproduction of goals as well as well being tha t motivates . Maslow's theory of
needs serve the organism and help in grlenerating wants, deaires and strivings that motivate
whatever behavior necessary for life maintainance and growth.

Fredrick Herzberg extended the work and proposed Herzberg's Motivation hygiene, he says that
opposite of satisfaction is not dissatisfaction but rather todays moticators are tomorrow's hygiene
.One hygiene may be the motivator of another.From the Maslow's theory understanding drives
towards a goal is motivation.
Therefore self actualizing institurions embrace facts and realities , generation of ideas in
execution of actions as well as being creative in solving problems and importantly feel close to
human condition.


Brand personality:it is the human characteristics that consumers assoiate with the brand.

Studentd behavioural intention: Is a student's perceived likelihood that will engage in a given


University brand image:Is symbolic constrict created in students mind. consisting of

expectation and information associated with university services and products.

Measures: Are those activities that are returning value,can be achieved by use of current

Motivation: The desire to act in servive of a goal and it is the reason why person behaves.

Enrollment: The act of signing up for specific classes of a particular school granted after a
student complete the process of admission in a particular school.

This chapter will review literature related to the research area to the chapter; includes impacts of
social media towards motivation on enrollment, reputation created by students in communicating
Bomet University and the constructive measures by students to creation of better brand using
private information on investment of full potential of social media tools.


Social network sites are networked communication platforms whereby participants articulate
connections and interact with streams af user-generated content provided by their connection.
Elison and Boyd (2013);argue social networks have dominated lives allowing users to develop
personal communications , entertainment, seek self status and achieve information.

Liu etc Al (2010)have shown than intrinsic motivation is influenced by the challenge, curiosity,
control, fantasy and relatedness. Popular and emerging technologies are often used to create
learning environment In hopes of including this elements in circililar experience, for instance
Facebook allow volunteers get into conduct with people and through them get access to
knowledge they could not otherwise have.

According to Dr Rick Newberg (2009);The factors that influence enrollment include vision,and
school improvement, reputation and price and competition. According to Bur-Nelt, Lucas and
waters (2009) websites offer a place for the worldd to learn about an organization in one way
information gathering manner. Social media tool by design offer two way communication


Through brand management principles according to Balmer and Gray (2009) communicate the
institutions values , acts as means of differentiation from competitors and enhance the esteem
and loyalty felt by stakeholders and effect judgement from society. Through the help of social
media, students as well as parents access the schools social media tools and they can begin to
understand the culture of thee school based not only on what the school says it offers but by what
the information and feedback school give to families, students and community using social
media tools.


In addition use of social media; sometimes false information comes out quickly, but through the
use of institutions websites, the coordinator at the school has the responsibility to make sure what
gets posted using social media tool is accurate and meets the organizations acceptable use policy
this provision of accurate information about an institution is made possible this prospective
students get to know the true information concerning the institution.


Private institutions operate as business , revenue can be distributed by the agency board , puplic
and non-profit institutions all surplus revenue most be reinvested in the institution. While there is
considerable variation in programs across the profit sector, most programs focus on career
preparation with prescribed course taking and a few to no general educational requirements, this
is according to Bearer (2009),for profit institutions they rely more on tuition revenue than do
puplic institutions, for profit institutions range is type and size from exclusively from certificate
granting to doctorate granting institution and from very small local institution to very late
national chains.

For prospective students to enroll to a program,the socio-economic status is important.

According to Okpala (2002);factors that a school is able to control such as educational level and
teaching experience have little impact of students performance but socio-economic factors
present in the school seem to significantly influence the students ability to succeed.

Education require high amount of capital investments so to recover these , investment managers
most place the schools position in market and offer a reasonable price to compete with the
similar institution, activity based costing involves the activities in the school , defined costs are
assigned to each activity cost pool, cost allocation base for each pool determined and all primary
activities allocated. Through this it provides support in decisions on parents after analysis of
pricing and competition to enroll students to the preferred institution.



Sustainable achievement building struggle globally as well as meaningful and long standing
association is key towards corporate visual identity, co-creation and reputation. According to
Wilkins and Juinsman (2015),the decision making process of students is a complex task that is
subject to multiple influencers . Higher education institutions have recognized the importance of
branding corporate communication and reputation as strategic priorities.

Reputation is created through shaping a great culture , this is whereby individuals bahave
constructively and being responsible on ones actions since it sends strong message to others.
Students who feel connected to their institution work harder and motivate others through useful
information sharing based on system policies and practices.

Student engagement is strength of mental and emotional connection towards their studies ,
institution and their course. Engagement begins with content creation, social media can offer a
chance to get creative with institutional unique selling points , this include connecting ones
school and it's values as more than just business and dialogue around current events.



Constructive measures are measures which encourage positive experiencea, some of the best
measures students can engage in increases potential value by enabling the personalization of
interests, goals and preferences in terms of participation online, this is according to Haythorn
Twaite (2016).

Young people have countless opportunities to engage with social media. It gives opportunity to
engage virtually with bigger word around them. Students use social media in different ways,
depending on their interest, communities, friends and family. Creating, posting and sharing
content creating opportunity experience online.

Students can engage towards the creation of better brand using their private social media tools in
the following ways; Engaging in Livestream campus life , creation of hashtags for student behind
online, engaging in local and global activism and using social media as a message board to Cater
for new students.


Institutions seize opportunities to gain momentum for the upcoming term attracting new
prospects by showcasing what your institution has to offer and four social media is the ideal tool.
For instance TikTok and Instagram reels are user friendly effects for quickly and easily creating
highly sharable videos one can create truly compelling visual impressions of campus life at the
institution for example campaign behind the scene tours showcase aspects that might be missed
or underrepresented on a institutions websites with video tours for example on athletics teams ,
activities and clubs offered. The institution has an opportunity to be presented passively through
showing off various locations of institutions indirectly while viewers are entertained. In addition
collaboration with student ambassadors makes an impression with peer groups substantial, it is a
great idea to let student influencers talk about your institution in order to help capture attention
of a much wider audience, in addition influencers can also showcase school events and activities
through regular posts.


Hashtags help identify and connect with your organization and campaigns and it is a great way to
grow audience and strengthen individual relationship. According to Ali-Choundury et Al
(2009),a brand comprises of various symbolic elements and since the service of a university are
mostly intangible in nature they represent a particularly important component of a university
brand. Waeraas and solbakk (2009),also assert that slogans are the integral and central aspect
since people are made to form opinion about the institution and convey important message about
the university.

Hooks (1994) argue that student activism is a form of holistic, life long learning that reflects
engaged pedagogy and radical love. Student activism is an avenue through which students can
develop skills of leadership, civic engagement and community involvement. There are positive
roles of students activism which include increase in social agency , civic awareness and
leadership skills. According to Benedicto (2015), individuals become empowered actors through
participation and gain influence over their social environment, students can carry out lobbying,
counseling and campaigning.

Social media is important tool used for mobilization and highlighting issues and material
conditions, achieved through student movements. According to Bannister and Connolly
(2012),the use of digital technologies has contributed to political participation, civil engagement
and governance process in twenty first century. Digital infrastructure such as e-democracy, e-
governance and online politics have been employed to boost citizen involvement. Students
utilization of social media raise consciousness among themselves , through organization of
awareness programs to raise consciousness for political, economic and social transformation, at
individual and institutional level as well as in society at large.


People increasingly look to social media for real time updates and information, therefore socila
media should be a key part of communication plan. Creation of a social media groups for
example fecebook groups for house seeking, Twitter handles for collecting inputs for the purpose
of sourcing experiences from international students is important. This create a base of wide
ranging topics , interests and experiences. This bring together students as well as who are
looking for community service and activism opportunities.


This chapter highlights procedures and strategies to be used to identify, select , process and
analyze information about the topic of research.

The area consists of the research design , area intented , the target population, sple and sampling
techniques , data collection tools and procedures, validity and reliability of instruments and data
analysis methods.


The study will utilize explanatory case study research approach, the usefulness of discovery of
reasons for a success or failure of a program is the urge that motivated me as a researcher and
through explanatory case study research it gives a quarantee usefulness in determining successjor
failure. According to Yin (1990),he suggested that in an explanatory case study , competing
explanation for dynamics or events of interest should be posed and tested for best fit. Thus a
properly designed and executed explanatory case study can produce highly credible and
generalizable conclusion after the research process is over. The case study research approach is
best applicable in the qualitative research to be carried out.

The research will asses the impacts of social media on instutional brand personality in Bomet
University a Constituent of Moi University. This is for the purpose of improving institutions
brand personality.


The target population of the study will be final year students who are students at Bomet
University persuing undergraduate programs. The undergraduate programs include:

(I)The school of arts and social sciences.

(Ii)The school of pure and applied sciences.

(III)The school of Business and entrepreneurship.

(IV)School of education.

The target population is essential in setting clear directions on the scope and objective of
research and data types. The individuals qualify the study as well as provide the scope of the
total population.


To avoid the challenge caused by stratification, that is selection of sample from a strata ,
purposive sampling deems the best , since focus is on characteristics of a population that are of
interest, which will enable to answer the research questions. According to Palton(1990) and
Kuzel (1999), homogeneous sampling is a purposive sampling technique that aims to achieve
homogeneous sample , whose units share the same characteristics and traits.

Therefore the sample choosen is according to specific address to characteristics of particular

group of respective academic programs. A total of twenty students will be privileged to take part
in the research whereby a questionaire will be presented to them.


Data collection tools are tools employed to gather data from research participants. According to
Yin (2014),data collection tools are multiple they include observation and questionaires. In case
study the data collected are qualitative but also quantitative, Questionaires as well as observation
will be used both open ended and closed ended questions will be generated to respective


Validity relates to the appropriateness of research values , tools and techniques and process
including data collection and validation this is according to Mohamed ez Al (2015).It establishes
the soundness of methodology, sampling process, data analysis process and conclusion of the
study. Validity will be established through consultation from the supervisor who then will help
scrutinies it in order to overcome for example personal bias . Validity as well will be established
using respondent validation whereby testing initial result with participants is carried out to see if
the result is still true.

Reliability according to Russell (2014)includes diverse paradigms where the aspect is knowledge
intuitive. It is used to determine the level of consistence a research instrument yield on results.
Reliability for the research will be established by constant testing and comparison of data which
is recorded on tables. The purpose is to organize data formally and establish it's authenticity as
well as support the claim of reliability.

Therefore validity and reliability of the research will be achieved through decision of important
tools and techniques in research, effective assessment of literature as well as techniques in
research process to be carried out to confirm the research objective.


In the research study the data collected will be qualitative but also quantitative data analysis will
be used whereby data is presented in descriptive form and used to highlight characteristics of
each study .Bar charts will be used to present each characteristic and findings of each study in
otlrder to discover connection between the variables.qualitative content analysis will be used
whereby the percentage of idea presented on tables.

Arifin (2018),claims that due to in+ depth nature of qualitative study,ethical questions take on a
special reasonance.The protection of human subjects through the application of appropriate
ethical principles is important in the research.

The important ethical issues that will be considered in the research include; Anonymity and
confidence whereby participants will not reveal their nest and identity while filling the
Questionaires, through this it tries to eliminate any potential for identifying values on responses
that could be limited to a participant.

Informed consent and voluntary participation is another ethical consideration whereby

respondents will be adequately informed about the research whereby they will comprehend the
information and have their freedom of choice weather to participate, they are as well free from
body or psychological harm, they are free to decline and they will be required to provide written
informed consent and given appropriate time to adress the required information from the
guidelines given. They can as well withdraw from the study at any time even after the informed
consent has been signed.



This chapter will discuss data presentation, interpretation and discussion of the impacts of social
media on institutional brand the case of Bomet University College, Discussion will majorly deal
with the impacts of social media towards enrollment of prospective students to the institution ,
the reputation created by students while interacting in social media towards the institution and
lastly the constructive measures that students can engage in order to market Bomet University
College using their personal social media tools.

Descriptive qualitative data analysis always used to present data based on Likert scale
Questionnaires presented and quantitative data analysis is used to interpret the data . percentages
were calculated for various items and included in tables.


The return rate for students Questionnaires was Fair good because 20 students who participated
returned the issued Questionnaires filled .

4.3 Impacts of social media towards motivation on enrollment of prospective

students to Bomet University College.

Table 1 presents raw data on factors that motivate students towards enrollment to BOMET


1 Valuable information on tuition scholarship, admission 2 3 1 6 8

time and dates and centered services are shared on
social media institution platforms and websites

2 Community housing and costs information on social 7 1 2 5 5

media platform helps prospective students to make
informed decisions

3 University website provide information about tuition 1 3 1 7 8

fees and scholarship work-study program

4 There are plenty institutions accounts that are geared to 2 4 1 6 7

alumni relations.

5 Utilization of social media increases individual intrinsic 1 3 1 6 9

motivation; social media by students invest in academia

Table 2; Shows percentage of frequencies AF responses on factors that motivate students

towards enrollment.


1 Valuable information on tuition scholarship, admission 10% 15% 5% 30% 40%

time and dates and centered services are shared on
social media institution platforms and websites

2 Community housing and costs information on social 35% 5% 10% 25% 25%
media platform helps prospective students to make
informed decisions

3 University website provide information about tuition 5% 15% 5% 35% 40%

fees and scholarship work-study program

4 There are plenty institutions accounts that are geared 10% 20% 5% 30% 35%
to alumni relations.

5 Utilization of social media increases individual 5% 15% 5% 30% 45%

intrinsic motivation; social media by students invest in

From the table, 40% of students agree that the institution shared information on scholarship ,
admission time and dates and center services are shared on institutions platform and websites,
this exposes prospective students to access valuable information in order for them to make
decisions towards enrollment.

Concerning the community housing costs information on social media platform 38%of the
students had a view on inadequate information concerning housing cost on social media
platform. This seems that there was inadequate information on social media concerning costs due
to lack of adequate housing on the institution.

Concerning information about tuition fees and scholarship work study program 40%0f students
agree on the institution having the work study program while on the other hand 5% of the
students disagree this might be the failure of student’s interaction with the work study program
or the institution has failed to come out with proper communication of the scholarship and work
study program.

On existence of accounts that are alumni related, quite a number of students agree that the
accounts exist whereby they can relate and interact with the alumni, 35% of the students agree on
the existence of institutions accounts that are alumni related.

Towards intrinsic motivation, being increased through utilization of social media, 45% of
students agree that social media enhance interest in academia. While 30% where undecided
mainly due to the failure to understand the significance of social media towards academic

4.3.1Factors that motivate students towards enrollment to Bomet University College.

Students have a number of factors that motivate students towards enrollment to Bomet
University College which include, the existence of valuable information on tuition fees,
scholarship, admission time and dates and center services are shared on institutions platform and
websites, in addition university website features tuition and scholarship work study program,
which helped prospective students and their parents make informed decisions towards enrollment
to Bomet University College. In addition, alumni relations account s is available for sharing of
information about the university, last the utilization of social media by students increase interest
in academia, thus utilization of social media improves intrinsic motivation as prospective student
through interaction with continuing students.

4.3.2, Factors inhibiting motivation towards enrollment to Bomet University College on

social media.

Community housing and costs information on social media was reported by students to be
absent on social media platforms, this has been a problem to prospective students to make
informed decisions towards enrollment.

4.4 Reputation created by students on social media in communicating Bomet

University College.

Table 3 .shows raw data on reputation created by students on social media in communicating
Bomet University College.


1 Social Media utilization is essential drive of creativity 3 2 4 6 5

and engagement in academic activity.

2 Students should be careful of individual and their 1 1 1 5 12

negative role impact during academic activities in social
3 Students access to information communication and 2 8 6 3 1
technological ICT infrastructure for collaboration and
communication entire.

4 Having highly sophisticated profile on social media 1 2 1 3 13

platform communicate academic self-identity and

5 The institution in particular arranges training to students 3 5 7 2 3

to avoid negative activities on social media.

Table 4.showing percentage of frequencies of responses on reputation created by students on

social media in communicating Bomet University College.


1 Social Media utilization is essential drive of creativity 15% 10% 20% 30% 25%
and engagement in academic activity.

2 Students should be careful of individual and their 5% 5% 5% 25% 60%

negative role impact during academic activities in
social media.

3 Students access to information communication and 10% 40& 30% 15% 5%

technological ICT infrastructure for collaboration and
communication entire.

4 Having highly sophisticated profile on social media 5% 10% 5% 15% 65%

platform communicate academic self-identity and

5 The institution in particular arranges training to 15% 15% 35% 10% 15%
students to avoid negative activities on social media.

From table 4, students interacted with the statements and gave various views according to their
level of agreement, the following are the data analysis and findings.

Concerning utilization of social media as an essential drive of creativity and engagement in

academic activity 30% of the students agreed therefore from their views each student strives to
be creative band be engaged in academic activity through utilization of social media , from this it
is evident that students engage in social media seeking to be creative and engaged in academic

Concerning individuals’ activities and students’ negative activities , 60% of the students agreed
that being careful of individuals as well as their negative Impacts during academic activities on
social media is essential. This is evident that quite a number of students are careful while
interacting with others as well as while on social media to avoid negative activities that might
Impact their academic activities, as well as tainting the reputation of the institution.

Access to information communication and technological ICT infrastructure for collaboration and
communication online by students is low, this is due to 40% of students disagree, this is evident
that students cannot access information communication and technological infrastructure this
failure to collaborate and communicate online. This leading to lowered reputation created about
Bomet University College.

Students having highly sophisticated profile on social media platform communicate academic
self-identity and aspirations, this is according to 65%of the students coming into agreement,
from the vies it8s evident that students are conversant towards having their profiles on social
media being in line with their academic self-identity and aspirations therefore students have
taken a step on social media towards creating a positive reputation about the institution.

Concerning the training of students on avoiding negative activities on social media, 35% of
students were undecided, meaning the training itself is least know of, this is evident from the
students’ views , meaning students have rarely interacted in training on social media use and
precautions Majorly with the help of the institution.
4.4.1.Factors that create positive reputation by students on social media in communicating
Bomet University College.

Students’ utilization of social media towards creativity and engagement in academic activity is a
positive reputation communicated by students, thus this goes further to communicate the
institution positively making the institutional brand as well. In addition, students are careful
while at social media as well as while interacting with individuals, thus they are conversant of
the need of being careful while on social media. Lastly students having sophisticated profile on
social media that communicate academic self-identity and aspirations is evident and this is most
important factors that create a positive reputation about the institution.

4.4.2Factors that create negative reputation on social media.

Failure to collaborate and communicate on social media means there is nothing to communicate
at all to those interacting on social media . From the data it is evident that student’s access to
information communication is limited for the purpose of collaboration and communication thus
limiting it , this therefore will make the institution be less communicated outside, this lowering
reputation created on social media.

Concerning student training it is evident that while interacting on social media there is need of
being vigilant and keen , therefore from the study it is evident that students being unaware of
areas of training to be covered lower reputation created on social media negatively thus
communication of the institution on Medi be limited.

4.5 Constructive measures required of students to create a better brand

through utilization of private information .

Table 5.showing raw data on constructive measures required of students to create a better brand
through utilization of private information.


1 The Institution trains students to use the latest and 2 8 5 3 2

popular social media tools for enhancing intrinsic

2 Students publish a regular stream content showcasing 1 2 3 8 6

fun and fleeting imagery of campus life and

3 Students’ negative activities moderate the relationship 1 2 3 8 6

between students’ use of social media and their intrinsic

4 The institution utilizes academic research as a way of 2 9 7 1 1

promoting scholarly knowledge.

Table 6.showing percentage of frequencies of responses on Constructive measures required of

students to create a better brand through utilization of private information


1 The Institution trains students to use the latest and 10% 40% 25% 15% 10%
popular social media tools for enhancing intrinsic

2 Students publish a regular stream content showcasing 5% 10% 15% 40% 30%
fun and fleeting imagery of campus life and

3 Students’ negative activities moderate the relationship 5% 10% 15% 40% 30%
between students’ use of social media and their
intrinsic motivation.
4 The institution utilizes academic research as a way of 10% 45% 35% 5% 5%
promoting scholarly knowledge.

From the table the views of students on institutions training students to use latest and popular
social media tools to enhance their intrinsic motivation for the benefit of their academics 40% of
the students disagree with this, thus rishis clear indication that the institution has not been able to
train students on using their private information tools constructively to promote the institution,
this is an indication that students partially use or even fail completely to utilize their private
information to enhance a better brand personality of the institution. Concerning students
publishing regular stream content showcasing fun and fleeting imagery of campus life and
anniversaries quite a number of students agree on the same. 40% of the students have formed
social media groups showcasing fun and anniversaries vas well as campus life.

Concerning the view on whether students’ negative activities moderate the relationship between
students use on social media and their intrinsic motivation, 40%of the students have an
agreement . This is a clear indication that students understand that having a negative activities on
social media can hinder students’ relationship as well as further affecting intrinsic motivation .
This now gives a view that students are keen and utilize social media platforms well.

On matters concerning scholarly knowledge, whether the institution utilize academic research
done by students as a way of promoting scholarly knowledge, 45%0,of the students gave a
disagreement on the same , this is a clear indication that students are not able to showcase and
present their academic research online which promotes scholarly knowledge. Blogs for instance
help to ease information overload in addition having a search engine optimization tools as well
ease congestion in education research.

In conclusion the Constructive measures students engage in social media should major on use
and utilization of latest and popular social media tools to promote and enhance motivation. I'm
addition regular stream content showcasing fun and imagery of campus life and aniver5 is as
well important this creates a positive picture on social media concerning the institution. Further
students’ negative activities tend to moderate their relationship as students as well as their
academic life this calls for students to be keen and watchful while interacting with social media
tools. Lastly utilization of academic research as one of the ways of promoting scholarly
knowledge is key this as well ease congestion as well as information overload.




This chapter will deal with the summary of the study , conclusion and recommendations and in
addition will further look at areas of further research.


The study carried out aimed at investigating the impacts of social media on institutional brand
personality a case study of Bomet University College. It is undertaken in an effort to establish
the impacts of social media towards motivation and enrollment to Bomet University on
prospective students as well as to establish the reputation created by students on social media in
communicating Bomet University College and lastly is to establish construction measures
required of students to create a better brand personality through utilization of private

A Questionnaires was presented to students on areas posing the impacts of social media on
institutional brand personality , they were required to give their level of agreement on their view
on social media contributing towards motivation to enrollment to the institution by prospective
students, their reputation on the institution while interacting on social media and finally their
Constructive measures that should be employed while using personal social media tools in
communicating Bomet University College

The findings indicates that social media fairly contributes towards the institutional brand
5.2.1:Impacts of social media towards motivation on enrollment to Bomet University
College on prospective students.

Social media has contributed towards enrollment through the help of the institution’s valuable
information on social media institutions platform and websites accessible by prospective students
and parents, in addition the work study program on university website is an important
information about boosting tuition fee, further alumni relations accounts help to communicate
the institution to prospective students.

5.2.2Reputation created by students on social media towards communicating Bomet

University College.

From the findings student’s utilization of social media in realization of creativity and
engagement in academic activity is important. In addition, students being vigilant and keen while
interacting on social media boosts communication of the institution, further students using
sophisticated profiled on social media communicate academic self-identity and aspirations, this
puts the institution in higher academic standards, therefore social media has helped communicate
Bomet University College personality image.

5.2.3; constructive measures required of students to create a better brand through

utilization of private information.

Social media has largely enabled students create a brand through utilization and use of their
private information for instance students moderate their relationship on socialite towards their
motivation to studies and motivation towards studies and academics through minimization of
negative activities .In addition students purplish regular team content showcasing fun and
imagery of campus life and anniversaries this greatly has made students engage in Constructive
activities thus creating a better brand image of the institution.


It is evident from the study that social media has greatly impacted on institutional brand
personality . The institution as well as students strive to make the institutional brand personality
image is communicated through utilization of social media tools, in addition reputation created
enhances motivation towards enrollment to the institution as well as Constructive measures
employed on social media greatly influence the institutions brand image . This is evident from
the study and this is a clear indication that socialite greatly impacted institutional brand
personality that can as well be improved and enhanced by the institution through utilization of
the recommendations provided, since each and every factor interrelate and lead to building and
enrichment of the institutional brand personality image.


From the findings it is evident that social media has fairly contributed to building the brand
personality image of the institution and to boost the status from fair to good all the way to
excellent there are various recommendations which include;

(1)The institution to allow students access the information communication and technological ICT
infrastructure in order to collaborate and communicate , in addition organize training on social
media use with the help of experts to train on effective measure on social media for example
teaching and training on cyber bullying and its impacts.

(2)The institution to work towards developing a community housing and cost platform through
adopting social networking sites as well as online information from the university website.

(3)The institution to utilize blogging as a way of promoting scholarly knowledge, this can be
done through creation of search engine optimization tools to avoid congestion as well as
information overload.

(4) Students are encouraged to create # tags on institutional imagery , this will increase name
brand recognition and this will encourage a wider community around academic knowledge on
productive creativity evident on the content.

(5)The institution to work on work study program captured on institutions operation management
websites in order to provide information on funding and scholarship to parents and prospective


1. Further research be carried out on impacts of user generated content on motivation towards
enrollment to the institution.

2.The impacts of institutions culture communicated on social media towards creation of better
institutional personality brand.

3.Further research be Carried out on impacts of social media on institutional brand personality
basing on bigger sample size e.g., involving other stakeholders to draw different types of
conclusions and to gather more recommendations.

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