IT Means Being True To One

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Question: Critically examine and discuss the reasons why the government through the

ministry of education and BUC has put a lot of emphasis in character, moral and integrity
education in training of teachers in Kenya.


Character refers to a collection of traits and qualities that define a person's moral and ethical
values, behavior and personality. It is the sum total of an individual beliefs attitudes and
habits that determine the actions and reaction to different situations. A person's character can
be shaped by a combination of factors such as upbringing, culture, life experience, education
and personal choices. Good character typically includes traits such as honesty, integrity,
kindness, empathy, courage and responsibility, while negative character traits may include
dishonest, selfishness, greed, cruelty and lack of empathy.

Moral refers to principles or standards of behavior that are considered right or wrong in a
given society or culture. These principles or standards are often based on values such as
fairness justice compassion and respect for others and they help individuals make decisions
about what actions or behaviors are accepted or not. Morality can be influenced by various
factors including religion philosophy social norms personal beliefs and cultural traditions.
Ultimately moral behavior is typically characterized by acting in ways that promote the well-
being of oneself and others , while avoiding actions the cause harm or suffering.

Integrity refers to quality of being honest ethical and having a strong moral principles. It
means being true to oneself and maintaining consistency IT means being true to one-self and
maintaining consistency between one’s thoughts, words and actions. A person with integrity
is someone who can be trusted and be relied upon because they are truthful and
trustworthy .They take responsibility for their actions. Follow through on their commitments
and top the right thing even when no one is watching.

Integrity is a Jey component of good character and is valued in personal relationships,

professional setting and in society as all.

Reasons why the government though the ministry of education and BUC has put a lot of
emphasis in the character, moral and integrity education.

Reasons for emphasizing character education in training of teachers

Character education refers to the process of teaching individuals ethical and moral values ,
social skills and positive behavior , with the aim of developing a responsible and productive
citizenry. In Kenya, the ministry of education and Bomet University College has put a ,lot of
emphasis on character education in training of teachers for several reasons

Firstly, character education is essential in promoting positive behavior and attitudes among
learners. Teachers who possess strong moral values and ethical standards are better equipped
to guide students towards becoming responsible and productive members of society.

This in turn, fosters a positive learning environment that promotes academic excellence as
well as emotional and social development.

Secondly, character education is necessary in instilling a sense of civic responsibility among

learners. This is particularly important in Kenya, here the education system has historically
placed a strong emphasis on academic achievement at the expense of social responsibility.
Through character education, teachers are equipped to help students under stance of being
responsible and accountable citizens echo are committed to building a better society.

To reduce crime and violence. The government of Kenya slops believes rat character
education is critical in reducing crime and violence in the country. Teachers who are better
trained in character education are better equipped to help students develop conflict
resolutions skills, which can help reduce instances of violence and crime.

To promote a sense of national identity. Character education is also seen as an essential tool
for promoting a sense of national identity among Kenyan citizens. By instilling values such
as patriotism, love for one’s country, and respect for national symbols , teachers can help in
building a sense of national pride among their students.

Character education helps in teaching how to solve conflicts in training of teachers by

encouraging empathy. Character education promotes empathy and understanding which is
essential for resolving conflicts. Teachers can use this approach to help students understand
the perspectives of others and work towards finding mutually beneficial solutions.

Reasons for emphasizing moral education in training of teachers

The Kenyan government, though the ministry of education and Bomet University Viologen,
has placed significant emphasis on moral education if teacher training. Tricepses can be
attributed to several reasons which we will discuss below.
First, moral education is crucial in ensuring that teachers have the necessary skills and
knowledge to impart moral values to their students. In Kenya, like many other countries,
teachers are seen as the role model for their students. As such, it is essential that they possess
good morals and are capable of installing these values in their students, by providing teachers
training programs that emphasize moral education, the government can ensure that teachers
have the necessary skills to teach morality to their students effectively.

Second, moral education can help to sphere of the issue of indiscipline and unrest in Kenyan
schools. In recent years, there has been a significant increase in cases of student unrest in
Kenyan schools, often fueled by issues such as drug abuse, bullying and disrespect for
authority. By providing teachers with the necessary skills to teach morality effectively, the
government can help to reduce these incidents of indiscipline and unrest in schools.

Third, moral education is critical in ensuring that students grow up to become responsible and
productive members of society. In Kenya, like many other developing countries, there is a
need for citizens who are morally upright, honest and responsible. By emphasizing moral
education in teacher training, the government is investing in the future of the country by
ensuring that the next generation of Kenyans is equipped with the necessary moral values to
become responsible and productive members of the society.

Reasons why government and Bomet University College are emphasizing on integrity
education in training of teachers.

The Kenyan government through the ministry of education and Bomet University, as also
placed significant emphasis on integrity, education in the training of teachers. This emphasis
can be attributed to several reasons, which we will discuss below.

First, integrity education is crucial in ensuring that teachers are ethical and professional in
their conduct. Teachers are expected to be role model for their students, and they are
responsible for instilling values of honesty trustworthiness, and ethical behavior in their
students. By providing teacher training programs that emphasize integrity education, the
government can ensure that teachers understand the importance of ethical conduct and are
equipped with the necessary skills to act with integrity in their professional lives.

Second, integrity education can help to address the issue of corruption in the education sector.
Corruption is a significant problem in Kenya, and the education sector is not immune to this
problem. Teachers are often involved in corruption practices such as taking bribes or selling
exam papers. By emphasizing integrity education in teacher training, the government can
promote a culture of honesty and transparency in the education sector and help to reduce

Third, integrity education is critical in ensuring that students grow up to become responsible
and honest citizens. Students learn by example, and if their parents are not ethical, it is
unlikely that they will grow up to be honest and trustworthy citizens. By emphasizing
integrity education in teacher training, the government is investing in the future of the
country by ensuring that the future of the country by ensuring that the next generation of
Kenyans is equipped with the necessary moral values to become responsible and honest

The government of Kenya has placed a lot of emphasis on character, moral and
integrity education in the training of teacher for various reasons.

In this response we will critically examine some of these reasons.

Enhancing ethics and integrity in teaching. The government recognizes that teachers are role
models and influential figures in the lives of their students. By imparting character, mortal
and integrity education, teachers can instill the right values and principles in their students.
This can help to enhance ethics and integrity in teaching which is essential in promoting good
governance, social cohesion and economic development.

Combating corruption. Corruption is a major problem in Kenya, and the education not
immune to this vice. By training teachers on character, morals and integrity, the government
hopes to reduce the incidence of corruption in the education sector. Teachers who have been
trained to uphold high ethical standards are less likely to engage in corrupt practices, such as
soliciting bribes from parent of students.

Promoting professionalism. Teachers who exhibit high levels of moral, character and
integrity are more likely to be professional in their conduct. They are likely to be punctual
well prepared and committed in their work. This can have a positive impact on the quality of

To prepare teachers for leadership roles. Teachers are not only educators but also leaders
within their communities. By emphasizing character moral and integrity education in teacher
training the Kenyan government aims to prepare teachers for leadership roles that go beyond
the classroom. Such roles could include; mentoring other teachers, serving on school board or
leading community development initiatives.

In conclusion the Kenyan government emphasis on moral character and integrity education in
training of teachers is driven by several reasons including enhancing ethical conduct,
improving teaching quality promoting national cohesion and preparing teachers for leadership
roles. These values are critical for the development of a strong education sector and more
cohesive and prosperous society.

Mwiria, K. (2006). The Kenya education sector support program: Lessons learned.
Washington, DC: World Bank.

Owino, P. (2016). The role of teachers in promoting ethical behavior in Kenya: An

examination of teachers' attitudes towards ethics and integrity. Journal of Education
and Practice, 7(26), 92-100.

Government of Kenya (GOK). (2012). Kenya Education Sector Policy Framework. Nairobi:
Ministry of Education

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