SYM 2 U01 Test

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A 1.1 Listen to a man talking about a story of amazing coincidences. Complete the sentences.

1 The story is about two men who were adopted when they were .
2 After they were adopted, they didn’t meet until they were almost years old.
3 Both men had a named ‘Toy’ when they were younger.
4 Without knowing it, they both went to the same Florida on vacation.
5 Both men were from a woman named Linda and later married a woman named Betty.

A Choose the best answers (a, b, or c) to complete the sentences.
1 If you emigrate, you …
a move to a different country.
b travel for your job.
c go somewhere on vacation.

2 When you look up to someone, you …

a don’t admire them.
b become a good role model.
c think they are a good role model.

3 If you focus on something, it means you …

a pay more attention to it.
b don’t want to do it.
c admire it a lot.

4 A person who reveals something …

a makes something better.
b tells a secret.
c achieves other people’s admiration.

5 A successful actor is one who …

a works very hard.
b does very well.
c takes part in a movie or a play.

B Choose True or False.

1 You’re glad to get home after a difficult day. True / False

2 You’re thrilled when you hear good news. True / False
3 You’re worried about something bad happening. True / False
4 You’re confused when you know exactly what to do. True / False
5 You’re disappointed if you get good grades. True / False

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1 LEV E L 2 – UNI T T E S T

C Choose the best answers (a, b, or c) to complete the email.

Hi Phil,
Thanks for your email. It was great to hear all about your family. I’m 1 , so my parents
aren’t my real parents, but they’re all I have! I’m a(n) 2 child, too. I sometimes think
it would be nice to come from a(n) 3 family with lots of brothers and sisters like you.
I visited my mom during my vacation. My parents are 4 —that happened years ago, so
for most of my childhood my mom was a(n) 5 parent. I see my dad less often because he
lives in the US. Maybe you can meet them one day. Anyway, I’m looking forward to your visit.
Let me know what day you arrive.

1 a divorced b adopted c engaged

2 a single b twin c only
3 a large b only c single
4 a engaged b adopted c divorced
5 a only b single c twin

A Choose the best answers (a, b, or c) to complete the sentences.

1 When Jacqueline came home, her children … a surprise dinner for her.
a were cooking b was cooking c cooking

2 I can remember what I … exactly one year ago today!

a were doing b was doing c been doing

3 Thank you! I … a present!

a not expected b weren’t expect c wasn’t expecting

4 Jack … emails all morning.

a were writing b writing c was writing

5 What … when I called you?

a you were doing b were you doing c you doing

B Choose the correct answer to complete the sentences.

1 I remembered / was remembering the meeting after I arrived home.
2 Helen phoned me when I worked / was working, but it wasn’t a problem.
3 I lived / was living in Texas when I met my wife.
4 Simeon saw / was seeing an accident while he was driving to work.
5 Alexandra cried / was crying when I told her the news.

Published by Macmillan Education, a division of Springer Nature Limited. © Springer Nature Limited, 2020.
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1 LEV E L 2 – UNI T T E S T

C Complete the sentences with the correct past progressive or simple past form of the verbs in parentheses.

1 I (watch) the match when I heard the news.

2 Did you meet Bob while you (work) in Canada?
3 When you (phone) me I was taking a shower.
4 In the photo, the man (hold) a puppy.
5 She (feel) disappointed when she saw her poor grades.

A Read the text. Choose the best answers (a, b, or c).

What makes a role model?

When we are very young, we don’t really have a social life, so our family is our whole world. For this reason,
we usually choose our parents as role models. As we grow older, we focus on other people, such as stars
in the worlds of sports, movies, and music. We want to look up to our role models, so we naturally choose
people who are successful. Ideally, teenagers want to be like their heroes. When you ask teenagers about
their role models, they often mention someone who makes them want to improve and develop as a person.

The problem is that, although we would be thrilled to be like our favorite singer or football player, this isn’t
always possible. Not for all of us anyway. We are also sometimes disappointed with the things our heroes do,
and the media are happy to tell us when they get divorced or get into trouble with the police. And of course,
one day these people aren’t famous anymore, so young people look somewhere else for role models.

Another interesting thing happens as we get older—the age gap between us and our chosen role models
gets smaller, so that they are often the same age as us. In the 18 to 30 age group, people often admire
business figures. But why is this? Well, they have power—something many of us would like to have. Of
course, most people would also be glad to be rich and successful. But recent research revealed that most
people would prefer to have success doing something they love. This, they said, was better than money.

1 The writer says that parents become role 4 Older people …

models because … a choose role models of their own age.
a they show us good behavior. b choose businesspeople as role models.
b we mostly go out with them. c admire people who are aged 18 to 30.
c young children don’t know many people.
5 The writer believes that in the end most
2 Teenagers choose athletes and entertainers as people want …
role models because … a money and success.
a they usually enjoy sports more than other activities. b success and fame.
b they want to be famous and successful, too. c success and happiness.
c they believe that music can change their lives.

3 According to the writer, most teenagers …

a need better role models.
b are not like their heroes.
c become successful like their heroes.

Published by Macmillan Education, a division of Springer Nature Limited. © Springer Nature Limited, 2020.
This page may be photocopied and used within the class.

1 LEV E L 2 – UNI T T E S T

A Write about an interesting story you heard. Write at least 200 words.

A Complete the conversation with the correct sentences. There are two extra answers.

Jan: When did you meet Juliana? a Who started the first conversation?
Paul: We met about ten years ago. 1 b I was looking for a book and she came to help me.
Jan: How did you meet? 2 c I was studying then.
Paul: No, she wasn’t. 3 d She was working in the college library.
Jan: 4 e What were you doing when you met?
Paul: I’m not sure, but I think she did! 5  f Was she studying, too?
Jan: And after that? g No, I wasn’t.
Paul: After that, I spent a lot more time in the library!

Published by Macmillan Education, a division of Springer Nature Limited. © Springer Nature Limited, 2020.
This page may be photocopied and used within the class.

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