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116 Professor Golden

Begin answering the questions below to develop your idea:

n In your own words, what is a picture plane?

A picture plane is where one object or thing leaves a plane into another plane. Example: a
painting of a bird but the bird flying out of the painting into a bigger room.

What are the boundaries of our picture plane in Photoshop?

I'm going to assume the our was meant to be your. Anyways the boundaries of mine are the
wacom tablet and tv.

n Take a moment to brainstorm what the project #2 prompt is about. Next, visualize the
space your subject exists in.

Consider what they are doing as they move between planes/realities.

Are they reaching for something beyond their frame?
Are they jumping out of a picture book or television screen?

What is your subject and what are they doing?

Mario is jumping out the tv. While the dragon is poking out of the wacom tablet.

List the three images that make up your subject

1. 3D mario model
2. Dragon
3. n64 console

What is the boundary that confines your subject? (is it a frame, a book, a
movie poster, etc.?
Tv, wacom tablet
List the three images that make up your subject’s picture plane:
GDES 116 Professor Golden

What environment is your subject moving into? (i.e. from a picture frame in a
museum to the museum floor).
Tvs and wacom tablets into wood and wall.
List the three images that will create your environment outside of the subject’s picture
1. Wood table
2. bland wall
3. n64 microphone

n In your own words, what is a Layer Mask?

A layer the is ontop of but not outside of another layer. Aka clipping mask.

How is working with Layer Masks different than separating images

using selections?

How are Layer Masks and Selections similar?

You can cover a similar area with both.

How are Layer Masks and Selections different?

Selections are temporarily. Layer masks are there own layer that can appear
with the eye icon.

n How will your subject interact with their new environment?

By seeing a new room outside their environments. Seeing wood, computers, and even the
very console which on of the subjects is from.
GDES 116 Professor Golden

After you have found the imagery you would like to use to create your
project, follow the following steps to create your project:

n With your high resolution imagery selected and saved to your desktop, bring that same
imagery into one blank Photoshop document. Use the File>Place Embedded command to
bring all of your found imagery into a Photoshop document. Hit enter on your keyboard or
Okay on the option bar as you bring in the imagery one at a time.

n The next step after rasterizing each one of your newly imported layers is to place them,
according to your visualization of how you want your image to look. Organize your layers so
that you can easily see how your imagery will work together when you begin to work with
selections, image adjustments, and transformations.

n As you bring in your found imagery; keep in mind the goal of the project. You are to work
with the idea of the picture plane and how objects that were confined within a set space can
move into another space and vice versa. Please see student examples as well as the sample
project #2 idea folder if this notion still feels too abstract.

n With all your imagery placed in Photoshop and rasterized, begin by isolating the parts of
the imagery you want viewers to see with a mask. These masks should be crafted with
care leaving no unwanted imagery/artifacts floating in your image.

To get to your transform options go to Edit>Transform. Warp will allow you re-shape an
image, distort and perspective will allow you re-orient your image’s bounding box

n Before you begin working with blending modes and filters, which should be a finalizing step,
move your isolated (masked imagery) around your canvas. Experiment with multiple layouts
until you find the one that is not only most pleasing to you, but also, is one that allows you
to communicate your idea in the best way/makes the most sense in fitting with your intent.

n This project requires at least 6-8 hours of solid work. It is very easy to see which projects
were made in haste and which ones were crafted with care. Do your best to create the
image you have in your head.

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