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28/2/23, 20:07 SCORM play page | Cambridge LMS


Lesson A I love watching game shows. Show Dashboard Lesson C I'm recording a documentary. 1/3
28/2/23, 20:07 SCORM play page | Cambridge LMS

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Lesson B I don't really agree.

1. Choose the correct words to complete the conversation. Available points: 5

Score: 5 out of 5

Tim: I think cartoons are great!

Aisha: I agree . They’re funny!


Wendy: I don’t really agree , Aisha. Cartoons aren’t funny.

They’re boring.

Aisha: Wendy, don’t you like soap operas?

Wendy: Yes, I do. Why?

Aisha: Well, I think soap operas are boring!

Wendy: I disagree . They’re interesting!


Tim: I’m afraid I  disagree with you, Wendy. They are pretty

Wendy: Well, what do you think of reality shows?

Tim: Oh, they’re great . . . interesting and funny!

Aisha: I agree with you, Tim!


Wendy: Hey, I think so, too. Let’s watch a reality show.

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2. Drag and drop the correct sentences to complete the Available points: 4


Score: 4 out of 4

A. Tim:  I think cartoons are great.

  Aisha:  I think so, too. They’re funny.

You:  ✓ I agree! They're funny.

Wendy:  I think cartoons are boring.

You:  ✓ I'm afraid I disagree with you, Wendy! They're not boring.

B. Aisha:  Do you like soap operas?

Wendy:  Yes! I think they're very interesting!

You: ✓ I disagree They're terrible 2/3
28/2/23, 20:07 SCORM play page | Cambridge LMS
You:  ✓ I disagree. They re terrible.

Tim:  I think soap operas are boring!

You:  ✓ I agree with you, Tim.

Clear all answers 3/3

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