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Infinite Plane
Initial uniform temperature and at t=0, the temp of 1
the surfaces changes suddenly to
We introduce the variable ≡ so

The boundary conditions, 0, 0 2

0 at 0, 2 and 0

We assume we can separate the 0

variables , , so

In order to satisfy the boundary conditions it is necessary that 0, the solution becomes
cos sin

From 0 at 0, 0 and from 0 at 2 we get that sin 2 0, so



The final series form of the solution is therefore, sin

Thermal and Magnetic Properties of Materials

Infinite Plane


Using the boundary condition at 0, 0 2 we arrive to,


Which is very similar to the sine part of a Fourier series, so the constants are given by,

1 4

The final series solution is therefore,

4 1 ⁄

Thermal and Magnetic Properties of Materials
Thermal Diffusion Equation
Spherical Chicken 2 1 sin ⁄ ⁄

∝ ⁄
0, 2 1 ⁄ ∝

Cookery book – 40 min per kg plus 30 min

Thermal and Magnetic Properties of Materials
Lumped-Heat-Capacity System
Systems that may be considered uniform in temperature
The heat lost by convection from the body is evidenced
as a decrease in the internal energy of the body,

With the conditions at 0, the equation can be easily solved, giving

Time constant,

Biot and Fourier Numbers

Surface-convection resistance is large compared with the internal-conduction resistance 0.1
If we take ⁄ ≡ as a characteristic dimension of the solid, ≡ Biot number Bi

And the Fourier number Fo

The solution for the lumped-heat-capacity system can now be re-written

⁄ ⁄
Thermal and Magnetic Properties of Materials
Transient Heat Flow in a Semi-Infinite Solid

1 ,0
with boundary conditions,
0, 0

This problem may be solved by the Laplace-Transform technique,

And erf is the Gauss error function, erf (Tabulated the Appendix)

The heat flow at any x position may be obtained from,

Performing the partial differentiation of the solution,

2 ⁄ ⁄

So at the surface (x=0), the heat flow is

Thermal and Magnetic Properties of Materials
Transient Heat Flow in a Semi-Infinite Solid
Constant Heat Flux on a Semi-Infinite Solid

We expose the surface to constant surface heat flux / ,

The boundary conditions are now,
for 0
The solution for this case is,
2 ⁄ ⁄
1 erf

Energy pulse at the surface

Instant pulse of energy, /

Temperature response,

Example.- A large block of steel [k=45 W/mºC,

D=1.4×10−5 m2 /s] is initially at a uniform temperature
of 35◦C. The surface is exposed to a heat flux (a) by
suddenly raising the surface temperature to 250ºC and
(b) through a constant surface heat flux of 3.2×105
W/m2 . Calculate the temperature at a depth of 2.5 cm
after a time of 0.5 min for both these cases. 6
Thermal and Magnetic Properties of Materials
Transient Heat Flow in a Semi-Infinite Solid
Convection Boundary Conditions
The new boundary conditions for a semi-infinite solid can be expressed by,
Heat convected into surface= Heat conducted into surface

If you are bored, find how to solve it in: Schneider, P. J. Conduction Heat Transfer. Reading,Addison-Wesley,1955.

1 erf exp 1 erf where, ≡


Thermal and Magnetic Properties of Materials
Transient Heat Flow in a Semi-Infinite Solid
Convection Boundary Conditions Semi-infinite solid


Thermal and Magnetic Properties of Materials
Transient Heat Flow in a Semi-Infinite Solid
Convection Boundary Conditions
The new boundary conditions for a semi-infinite solid can be expressed by,
Heat convected into surface= Heat conducted into surface

If you are bored, find how to solve it in: Schneider, P. J. Conduction Heat Transfer. Reading,Addison-Wesley,1955.

1 erf exp 1 erf where, ≡


Solutions for other geometries have been worked out: [Heisler, M . P. “Temperature Charts for
Induction and Constant Temperature Heating,” Trans. ASM E, vol. 69, pp. 227–36, 1947]

(1) Plates whose thickness is small in comparison to other dimensions

(2) Cylinders where the diameter is small compared to the length Heisler Charts
(3) Spheres

(2) (3) 9
Thermal and Magnetic Properties of Materials
Heisler Charts
Definitions, Temperature at the center
Uniform initial temperature of the solid
Environment temperature
≡ , or ≡ ,

-If a centerline temperature is desired, only one chart is required to obtain and
-To determine an off-center temperature, two charts are required to calculate the product

The heat losses for the infinite plate, infinite cylinder and sphere are given in the plots of overheads 12
and 13 where represents the initial internal energy content of the body in reference to the
environment temperature
Note the units of and are Joules. Do
not confuse with the units of and ,
In the charts is the actual heat lost by the body in time t heat flow, which are in Watts

Applicability of the Heisler Charts,

Fo 0.2
Thermal and Magnetic Properties of Materials
Heisler Charts

Midplane temperature for an infinite plate of thickness 2L

Thermal and Magnetic Properties of Materials
Heisler Charts

Center temperature for a infinite cylinder of radius

Thermal and Magnetic Properties of Materials
Heisler Charts

Center temperature for a sphere of radius

Thermal and Magnetic Properties of Materials
Heisler Charts

Temperature as a function of centre temperatures

Infinite plate of thickness 2 Infinite cylinder of radius Sphere of radius



Thermal and Magnetic Properties of Materials
Heisler Charts
Dimensionless heat loss ⁄

Infinite plate of thickness 2

Infinite cylinder of radius

Thermal and Magnetic Properties of Materials
Heisler Charts
Dimensionless heat loss ⁄

Sphere of radius

Thermal and Magnetic Properties of Materials
1.- A solid sphere of steel of diameter 10 cm (see also relevant data at the end) is initially at a uniform
temperature of 500ºC. Then it is suddenly placed in a fluid at 100ºC being the convection coefficient 10 W/m2 ºC.
Calculate the time required for the ball to cool down to a temperature of 150ºC. c=0.46 kJ/kgºC, k=35 W/mºC,
 =7800 kg/m3 .
2.- A 20×20×10 cm slab of copper is at a uniform temperature of 300 ºC. Then it is suddenly exposed to a
convection of h=100 W/m2 ·ºC with the temperature of the fluid 20ºC. Find the time at which the center
temperature becomes 100ºC. ρ=8900 kg/m3 , c=0.38·103 J/kg·ºC, and k=370 W/m·ºC.

3.- An Iron beam measuring 20×16×80 cm is initially at 500ºC and it is suddenly exposed to free convective heat
transfer at T=0ºC with h=100 W/m2 K. Calculate the time at which the cooling rate is exactly 0.1 ºC/s and the
temperature of the Iron beam at that particular time. ρ=7874 kg/m3 , c=0.452·103 J/kg·ºC, and k=80 W/m·ºC.

4.- A sacrificed pig can be taken as a cylinder of radius 0.15m and 1.7m long (main properties listed at the end).
The temperature at the time it is sacrificed is 37ºC. Then it is immediately placed in a fridge at -20ºC with a
convection of h=8 W/m2 ·ºC. At 5 pm a technician measures that the body temperature of the pig is 15ºC.
Estimate if the lumped heat capacity approximat ion is applicable. Even if the approximation is not applicable, do
use it to estimate the time at which the pig was sacrificed and placed in the fridge. k=0.617 W/m·ºC,  =996
kg/m3 , c=4178 J/kg·ºC.
5.- A semi-infin ite plane of stainless steel is hit by a pulse of radiation of 20 MJ/m2 . The init ial temperature of the
plane is 20ºC. Estimate the temperature at the surface and at a depth of 2.0 mm after a time of 2 s. ρ=7800 kg/m3 ,
c=460 J/kgºC, and D=0.44×10−5 m2 /s.

6.- A large slab of a metal with k =300 W/mºC, D=5·10-5 m2 /s is at a uniform temperature of 250ºC suddenly has

its surface temperature lowered to 50ºC. What is the total heat removed from the slab per unit surface when the
temperature at a depth 5 cm has dropped to 80ºC?

Thermal and Magnetic Properties of Materials

7.-What is the maximum edge dimension of a solid aluminium (k=206 W/m·K) cube subjected to a convective heat
transfer with h=25 W/m2 ·K for a lumped heat capacity approximation to be applicable?
8.- A large plate of a metal (k =300 W/mºC, D=5·10-4 m2 /s) 5.0 cm thick and initially at 250ºC is suddenly exposed
to a convection of h=400 W/m2 K and 20ºC. Calculate the temperature at a depth of 2 cm fro m one of the
faces 60 s after the plate has been exposed to the convection. How much energy has been removed per unit area
from the plate in this time? c=1000 J/kgºC,  = 3000 kg/m3 .
9.-A long metallic cylinder (k =300 W/mºC, D=5·10-4 m2 /s) 5.0 cm in diameter and initially at 250ºC is suddenly
exposed to a convection at 20ºC and h=400 W/m2 ºC. Calculate the temperature at a radius of 2 cm and the heat lost
per unit length 60 s after the cylinder is exposed to the convection. c=1000 J/kgºC,  = 3000 kg/m3 .

10.- An egg is roughly a sphere of radius r0 =2cm and its properties are  =1100 Kg/m3 and κ=100 Wm-1 K-1 . When
dropped straight from the fridge (Ti =4ºC) to boiling water (T =100ºC), the center temperature of the egg reaches
T0 =90ºC in only 2 minutes (although it takes longer to hard boil the egg). Assuming a thermal conductivity of the
egg is the same for all its layers and constant with the temperature, calculate the specific heat of the egg using the
Heisler charts and the value of h for boiling water h=5000 Wm-2 K-1 .

Thermal and Magnetic Properties of Materials

Thermal and Magnetic Properties of Materials

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