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Technological University of the Philippines. Probability and Statistics. Introduction to Statistics.

March 2022

Probability and Statistics

Technological University of the Philippines. Probability and Statistics. Introduction to Statistics. March 2022

An Overview of
Technological University of the Philippines. Probability and Statistics. Introduction to Statistics. March 2022

What is Statistics?
science of collection, presentation, analysis, and reasonable interpretation of

Statistics presents a rigorous scientific method for gaining insight into data.
For example, suppose we measure the weight of 100 patients in a study.
With so many measurements, simply looking at the data fails to provide an
informative account. However, statistics can give an instant overall picture
of data based on graphical presentation or numerical summarization
irrespective to the number of data points. Besides data summarization,
another important task of statistics is to make inference and predict
relations of variables.
Technological University of the Philippines. Probability and Statistics. Introduction to Statistics. March 2022

Statistics is the science of collecting, organizing, analyzing, and interpreting

data in order to make decisions.

Data consists of information coming from observations, counts,

measurements, or responses.

A population is the collection of all outcomes, responses, measurement, or

counts that are of interest.

A sample is a subset of a population.

Technological University of the Philippines. Probability and Statistics. Introduction to Statistics. March 2022

Population vs. Sample

The entire group of individuals is called the population.
For example, a researcher may be interested in the relation between
class size (variable 1) and academic performance (variable 2) for the
population of third-grade children.
Usually, populations are so large that a researcher cannot examine the
entire group. Therefore, a sample is selected to represent the population
in a research study. The goal is to use the results obtained from the
sample to help answer questions about the population.
Technological University of the Philippines. Probability and Statistics. Introduction to Statistics. March 2022
Technological University of the Philippines. Probability and Statistics. Introduction to Statistics. March 2022

In a recent survey, 250 college students at TUP – Manila were asked if they
smoke cigarettes regularly. 35 of the students said yes. Identify the
population and the sample.
All students at TUP

Student in the survey

Technological University of the Philippines. Probability and Statistics. Introduction to Statistics. March 2022

A parameter is a numerical description of a population characteristic.

Parameter Population

A statistic is a numerical description of a sample characteristic.

Statistic Sample
Technological University of the Philippines. Probability and Statistics. Introduction to Statistics. March 2022
Technological University of the Philippines. Probability and Statistics. Introduction to Statistics. March 2022

Decide whether the numerical value describes a population parameter or a
sample statistic.
a.) A recent survey of a sample of 450 college students reported that the
average weekly income for students is ₱325.

Because the average of ₱325 is based on a sample, this is a sample


b.) The average weekly income for all students is ₱405.

Because the average of ₱405 is based on a population, this is a population
Technological University of the Philippines. Probability and Statistics. Introduction to Statistics. March 2022

Practice Exercises
1. For each statement, identify whether the numbers underlined are statistic or
a. Of all Philippine kindergarten teachers, 32% say that knowing the alphabet
is an essential skill.
b. Of the 800 Philippine kindergarten teachers polled, 34% say that knowing
the alphabet is an essential skill.
2. Of the Philippine adult population, 36% has an allergy. A sample of
1200 randomly selected adults resulted in 33.2% reporting an allergy.
a. Who is the population?
b. What is the sample?
c. Identify the statistic and give its value.
d. Identify the parameter and give its value
Technological University of the Philippines. Probability and Statistics. Introduction to Statistics. March 2022

3. Select 90 students currently enrolled at TUP and ask how many years they’ve
attended the university, how old they are, and if they live on campus
a. What is the population?
b. What is the sample?
4. Determine whether the numerical value is a parameter or a statistic (and
a. A recent survey by the alumni of a major university indicated that the
average salary of 10,000 of its 300,000 graduates was 125,000.
b. The average salary of all assembly-line employees at a certain car
manufacturer is ₱33,000.
c. The average late fee for 360 credit card holders was found to be ₱56.75
Technological University of the Philippines. Probability and Statistics. Introduction to Statistics. March 2022

5. Administrators at Riverview High School surveyed a random sample of 100 of

their seniors to see how seniors at the school felt about the lunch offering at
the school's cafeteria.
Identify the population and sample in this setting.

6. A safety inspector conducts air quality tests on a randomly selected group

of 7 classrooms at an elementary school.
Identify the population and sample in this setting.
Technological University of the Philippines. Probability and Statistics. Introduction to Statistics. March 2022

7. Identify the population and the sample:

a. A survey of 1353 Philippine households found that 18% of the
households own a computer.
b. A recent survey of 2625 elementary school children found that 28% of the
children could be classified obese.
c. The average weight of every sixth person entering the mall within a 3-hour
period was 146 lb.
Technological University of the Philippines. Probability and Statistics. Introduction to Statistics. March 2022

Two areas of statistics:

Descriptive Statistics: collection, presentation, and description of
sample data.
Inferential Statistics: making decisions and drawing conclusions
about populations.
Technological University of the Philippines. Probability and Statistics. Introduction to Statistics. March 2022

The study of statistics has two major areas: descriptive statistics and
inferential statistics.

Descriptive Inferential
statistics statistics
Involves the Involves using a
organization, sample to draw
summarization, conclusions about a
and display of data. population.
Technological University of the Philippines. Probability and Statistics. Introduction to Statistics. March 2022

In a recent study, volunteers who had less than 6 hours of sleep were four
times more likely to answer incorrectly on a science test than were participants
who had at least 8 hours of sleep. Decide which part is the descriptive
statistics and what conclusion might be drawn using inferential statistics.

The statement “four times more likely to answer incorrectly” is a

descriptive statistics. An inference drawn from the sample is that all
individuals sleeping less than 6 hours are more likely to answer science
question incorrectly than individuals who sleep at least 8 hours.
Technological University of the Philippines. Probability and Statistics. Introduction to Statistics. March 2022

Technological University of the Philippines. Probability and Statistics. Introduction to Statistics. March 2022

Data sets can consist of two types of data: qualitative data

and quantitative data.

Qualitative Quantitative
Data Data
Consists of Consists of
attributes, labels, numerical
or non-numerical measurements or
entries. counts.
Technological University of the Philippines. Probability and Statistics. Introduction to Statistics. March 2022

The grade point averages of five students are listed in the
table. Which data are qualitative data and which are
quantitative data?
Student GPA
Sally 3.22
Bob 3.98
Cindy 2.75
Mark 2.24
Kathy 3.84
Qualitative data Quantitative data
Technological University of the Philippines. Probability and Statistics. Introduction to Statistics. March 2022

Practice Exercises:
Technological University of the Philippines. Probability and Statistics. Introduction to Statistics. March 2022

Practice Exercises:

Classifying Data by Type Determine whether the data are qualitative or

quantitative. Explain your reasoning.

4. telephone numbers in a directory

5. heights of hot air balloons
6. body temperatures of patients
7. eye colors of models
8. lengths of songs on MP3 player
9. carrying capacities of pickups
10. player numbers for a soccer team
11. student ID numbers
Technological University of the Philippines. Probability and Statistics. Introduction to Statistics. March 2022

The level of measurement determines which statistical

calculations are meaningful. The four levels of
measurement are: nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio.

Levels Lowest
Ordinal to
Measurement Interval highest

Technological University of the Philippines. Probability and Statistics. Introduction to Statistics. March 2022

Data at the nominal level of measurement are qualitative

Nominal A nominal
scale is an
Levels Calculated using names, labels, unordered set
of categories
of or qualities. No mathematical identified only
Measurement computations can be made at by name.
this level. Nominal
only permit you
Colors in Names of Textbooks you to determine
whether two
the Phil students in your are using this individuals are
flag class semester the same or
Technological University of the Philippines. Probability and Statistics. Introduction to Statistics. March 2022

Data at the ordinal level of measurement are qualitative

or quantitative.

of Ordinal An ordinal
scale is an
Measurement Arranged in order, but ordered set of
differences between data categories.
entries are not meaningful. Ordinal
tell you the
Class standings: Top 50 songs direction of
freshman, played on the difference
between two
sophomore, radio individuals.
junior, senior
Technological University of the Philippines. Probability and Statistics. Introduction to Statistics. March 2022

Data at the interval level of measurement are quantitative.

A zero entry simply represents a position on a scale; the An interval scale is
entry is not an inherent zero. an ordered series
of equal-sized
Levels categories.
of Interval
Measurement Interval measurements
Arranged in order, the differences identify the
direction and
between data entries can be calculated. magnitude of a
difference. The
Temperatures Years on a Atlanta Braves zero point is
timeline World Series located arbitrarily
victories on an interval
Technological University of the Philippines. Probability and Statistics. Introduction to Statistics. March 2022

Data at the ratio level of measurement are similar to the A ratio scale is
interval level, but a zero entry is meaningful. an interval scale
where a value of
zero indicates
A ratio of two data values can be none of the
formed so one data value can be variable. Ratio
expressed as a ratio. measurements
Measurement identify the
direction and
Ratio magnitude of
differences and
allow ratio
Ages Grade point Weights comparisons of
averages measurements.
Technological University of the Philippines. Probability and Statistics. Introduction to Statistics. March 2022

Determine if
Put data Arrange
Level of Subtract one data value
in data in
measurement data values is a multiple of
categories order
Nominal Yes No No No
Ordinal Yes Yes No No
Interval Yes Yes Yes No
Ratio Yes Yes Yes Yes
Technological University of the Philippines. Probability and Statistics. Introduction to Statistics. March 2022

Practice Exercises
1. The following items appear on a physician’s intake form. Identify the level of
measurement of the data.
a. Temperature
b. Allergies
c. Weight
d. Pain level (scale of 0 to 10)
2. The following items appear on an employment application. Identify the level
of measurement of the data.
a. Highest grade level completed
b. Gender
c. Year of college graduation
d. Number of years at last job
Technological Universityofofthe
thePhilippines Probabilityand
Philippines. .Probability andStatistics
Statistics. .Introduction March 2022
IntroductiontotoStatistics. 2021
Technological University of the Philippines. Probability and Statistics. Introduction to Statistics. March 2022
Technological University of the Philippines. Probability and Statistics. Introduction to Statistics. March 2022

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