Reciprocal Pronouns

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Reciprocal Pronouns Reciprocal pronouns are one among the seven

types of pronouns. Literally, reciprocal means two way actions and in grammatical

sense reciprocal means expressing mutual action. Reciprocal pronouns only
denote plural nouns because the action has to be shared.

Sometimes, Reciprocal pronouns also take possessive forms i.e. adding of –s (one
another’s, each other’s).

Reciprocal pronouns should be used only under two conditions:

 Two or more people, things or groups should be involved

 Two or more people, things or groups should be doing the same thing
There are two types of Reciprocal pronouns. They are:

1. Each other
Each other and one another are Reciprocal pronouns. Each other is used when only two
people are involved in an action. Each other is used more often than one another as
people prefer using each other even for more than two people while speaking.

Few Examples:

 Romeo and Juliet love each other.

 Why don’t you trust each other?
 We gave each other gifts.
2. One another
One another should be used when more than two people are involved in an action.

Few Examples:

 The five robbers were beating one another.

 The three siblings are laughing one another.
 The ten players were competing with one another.

Indefinite Pronoun Indefinite pronouns are also one of the seven types
of pronouns. The name itself gives us an idea that Indefinite pronouns do not specify
particular nouns. Indefinite means not fixed. Therefore, Indefinite pronouns are largest
groups of pronouns which refer to people, things or amount in general.

Some of the commonly used Indefinite pronouns are as follows:

Singular: everybody/everyone/everything, somebody/someone, anybody,

anyone, little, much, neither, no one, nothing, one, other, each
Many of us tend to think that indefinite pronouns
like everybody/everyone/everything mean many people but it is not so.
Everybody/everyone/everything refers to a person or an object. Also, these pronouns take
singular verb. Indefinite pronouns like some and none can be either singular or plural
depending on its context.

Everybody- Everybody is dancing.
Everyone- Everyone cheered for him.
Everything- Everything will turn out fine.
Somebody- Somebody is making noise.
Someone- Can someone help him?
Anybody- Can anybody volunteer?
Anyone- Can anyone tell me the secret?
Little- I have little patience.
Much- After she died much has happened.
Neither- Neither Harry not Hermione won the game.
Either- You will be either late or early.
No one- No one will suspect you.
Nothing- Nothing can change my love for you.
One- One of the boys was the winner.
Other- The other girl pushed me from the balcony.
Each- Each of the dancer has pair of boots.
Another- Can I eat another chocolate?

Plural: few, many, others, some, several

Few- Few naughty students are repulsive.
Many- Today many women think in a feminist way.
Others- Who cares about others?
Some- Some people are very kind. / Here is some cream.
Several- Several policemen came to the accident site.

Singular or plural: some, most, none, all, any, more

Some- Some dogs are too cute. / Here is some more food.
Most- Most of us is beginners. / After what we lost because of disaster most is gained
None- None of my friends came to help. / None of the criminals have been killed.
All- Are all dancing? / All is taken care of.
Any- Are any students dancing? / Is any cookie left in the jar?
More- More actors are going to the International Film Festival this year. / There is more
jam in the bowl.
Reciprocal Pronouns Sentences (50 Examples)
If you have used each other in your writing, perhaps you may have two persons or things in your mind
otherwise you can use one another.

1. We see each other all the time.

2. They get along with each other well.
3. The two companies are in direct competition with each other.
4. The two of us talk to each other all the time.
5. They are each other‘s biggest fans.
6. The two companies both need each other to grow.
7. After our band broke up, we still love each other.
8. We all have to work together and rely on one another.
9. The players were fighting with one another.
10. A cat who lost her brother and sister would grieve for each other.
11. My wife and I were sitting in a coffee shop when we saw a couple who looked like they loved each
12. The sisters fight with each other a lot.
13. My brother and I like to prank each other.
14. The men are always bickering with each other.
15. The dogs love to play with each other.
16. They compete with each other in a friendly way.
17. Both the girls were very mean to each other.
18. They love one another.
19. You need to learn to get along with one another.
20. It is essential that we treat each other with respect.
21. Get to know one another over a few drinks and maybe a round of cards at the pub tonight.
22. They support one another.
23. They are determined to succeed — they inspire one another.
24. They help one another out.
25. They compliment one another.
26. They are in competition with one another.
27. They make plans together and work together — they help one another to build positive relationships
with their families and coworkers.
28. They take turns entertaining each other.
29. They do favours for one another.
30. They rely on each other for different reasons.
31. They listen to one another.
32. Bob and Jacob help each other with the work around the house.
33. Jon, Bob and their friend are helping one another with the work around the house.
34. They took turns to wash each other‘s cars every weekend.
35. They gave each other a hand with their homework.
36. They supported one another emotionally.
37. They took care of each other when one was tired.
38. They decided to help each other instead of fighting over the same toy.
39. They looked after each other when they were sick.
40. They let each other do whatever they wanted to do.
41. The teammates help one another out.
42. The neighbors care for one another.
43. The students learn from one another.
44. The brothers are close, and help each other out.
45. Jon and Alice help each other out in times of need.
46. The teachers and students in this school are very supportive of one another.
47. We stayed up all night talking about our favorite books and authors; we learned a lot from each other.
48. I was able to solve my problem on my own, without any help from my partner or one another.
49. The two countries are working with each other to improve trade deals.
50. All the engineers of the company have teamed up with one another to solve the issue.

Reciprocal Pronouns Exercise with Answer

Solve the exercise of reciprocal pronouns by using “each other” or “one another”.

1. Both the friends help ___________ with heavy lifting.

2. The couple shares everything, including a bank account, with ___________.
3. The two groups of friends play games with ___________ at the same time every week.
4. The members of the board share information and opinions with ___________ regularly.
5. .They stick up for ___________.
6. Try hard to not judge ___________.
7. The members of the group help ___________ out in tough times.
8. Both friends encourage ___________ to follow their goals.
9. Be kind to ___________.
10. “John and I had a great time; we enjoyed ___________’s company.


1. each other
2. each other
3. each other
4. one another
5. one another
6. one another
7. one another
8. each other
9. one another
10. each other

Reciprocal Pronoun Worksheet

Which sentence uses a reciprocal pronoun correctly?

Sentence Correct/Incorrect

Bot the brothers love each other dearly. Correct

Julia and Tina are interested in one another’s hobbies and lives.

Do you like each other?

The neighbors are looking after one another‘s pets while they’re on vacation.

Teams succeed when all players support each other.

Sentence Correct/Incorrect

Both the team relies on each other to get to the final.

Reciprocal Pronoun Worksheet

1. Correct
2. Incorrect. (Julia and Tina are interested in each other‘s hobbies and lives.)
3. Correct (here two persons are supposed)
4. Correct
5. Incorrect (Teams succeed when all players support one another.)
6. Correct
Indefinite Pronouns Sentences
1. Anyone can be a better writer by writing these examples of listicles.
2. Anybody who wants to be successful can learn from this example.
3. I see the new software is working well for anyone working in shipping.
4. No one knows when the project will start.
5. Someone must have left the door open or the window open or the window down
because anyone could get in or it was windy outside.
6. Anyone can learn here.
7. Wherever you are, you can start now.
8. Everyone improves all the time, no matter what they do.
9. Everywhere is a good place to start.
10.No one likes failure or being bored.
11.There is no such thing as a perfect anyone.
12.Anyone can do anything.
13.Anybody can get along with anybody.
14.Anytime is a good time.
15.None of this matters.
16.Anyone can do anything if they put their mind to it.
17.Anybody can speak Spanish if stays focused.
18.Anywhere seems like home when the people are the same.
19.Somebody somewhere is an expert in this particular subject.
20.Somewhere out there on the web exists a great piece of information that will help
you with your essay.
21.Whoever wants to know something certainly can find documents or articles on the
internet that help him.
22.Someone is knocking at the door.
23.Somewhere in Berlin, there is a boy.
24.Someone is playing the guitar.
25.Somebody left a note on the door.
26.There’s no point to look for someone.
27.Nobody knows my name.
28.Something was on the table.
29.I thought she was someone I knew.
30.This is not my day or week or month of birth.
31.Somebody left the cake out in the rain.
32.Somebody calls me on the telephone.
33.Somebody is knocking at the door.
34.Somebody will come to our home tonight.
35.Anywhere is nowhere until you get there.
36.I want to tell you about someone who has made a difference in my life and I`m not
afraid that somebody has already said that these things before me.
37.He should do something about it.
38.The task would be better suited for someone else.
39.It’s just not fair to somebody.
40.The man was able to make it to somewhere less hostile.
41.Someone shouldn’t have done that.
42.There is nowhere I’d rather be right now.
43.Nobody knows how to run this company anymore.

Indefinite Pronoun with Examples

1. You can invite anybody to the party. (We do not know exactly who these people
2. Everyone knows it. (The indefinite pronoun “everyone’’ as the subject, takes a
singular verb, even though it refers to more than one person)
3. Anyone knows that he is in trouble. (‘Anyone’ is used as the subject)
4. I have not given anyone their presents yet. (‘Anyone’ is used as the object).

Some more examples of indefinite pronouns are as fellows:

1. One should do one’s duty.

2. There is some tea in the teapot.
3. All is well that ends well.
4. Nobody came to see him.
5. Can anybody solve this sum?
6. Somebody is coming to us.
7. Few of the teachers were present.

Indefinite Pronoun
We use indefinite pronouns when we want to refer to people or things without saying
exactly who or what they are. It is used to mention unspecified things or persons is called
an ‘Indefinite Pronoun”.

Indefinite pronouns are anybody, everybody, nobody, somebody, anyone, everyone, no-
one, someone, anything, everything, nothing, something, and few. The pronouns ending in
“body” and “one” refer to people, and those ending in “thing” refer to things.
It can be hard to determine which indefinite pronoun to choose when talking about
something that might happen in the future. When determining which pronouns to use, it
might help to think about how you would want something to happen.

The indefinite pronoun is sometimes used as a conjunction, though it’s not standard in
English. Due to confusion over when to use it, people often think the indefinite pronoun
refers to something that will be forever. But that’s not what everyone thinks it means.

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