Tarea Ingles

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Blanca has traveled for the first time to Cozumel island with her brother but she

has already been very seasick on the ship since she came aboard also she has
eaten paella on a boat, she has already been lost in Cozumel with her brother
but she has not been able to travel with her brother for 6 months.

Blanca has also traveled to sonora to see her family also she has already
traveled to the palenque waterfalls un Chiapas since last month and she has
gone to a camp in Chiapas for 4 days after Blanca has gone to the ruins of
Poza Rica.

Blanca has already to punta de Mita in Nayarit for nine months and she has
lived in Canadá for the 15 days but she has never a traveled by train.

Blanca has already broken her nose playing on a bicycle since four years also
she has ever run and fell into the cake. Blanca hasn't ever finished her english
test because she's talking always and she has not arrived early for her classes
for one week.

Blanca has ever eaten something spoiled and has been sick since last week
that ´s why she has never eaten cold food no matter what food it is therefore
she has never wanted to try armadillo because it disgusts her for as long as
she can remember and she hasn't won an eating contest since last month.

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