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Welcome to the English Debating Competition of Se nior High School,

Round ..................................................The motion for this debate is: this house believe that full day
school is the best way to avoid negative environment.

I am................................................................................will be the chairperson and

Mr./Ms .....................................................will be the time keeper.

The Affirmative Team is, there are:

Mr./Ms...................................................................................... as the first speaker.

Mr./Ms the second speaker.

Mr./Ms the third speaker.

The reply speech will be delivered by

The Negative Team, there are:

Mr./Ms the first speaker.

Mr./Ms the second speaker.

Mr./Ms the third speaker.

The reply speech will be delivered by Mr./Ms ...........................

Our adjudicators consist of:

Mr./Mrs ......................................................................from .....................................................

Mr./Mrs ......................................................................from .....................................................

Mr./Mrs ......................................................................from .....................................................

I will give the rule of debate:

• During the debate, please silence your mobile phone or any device that may produce disturbing

• During the course of each speech, the audience is not allowed to come or get out or to talk.

• For Substantive Speeches, the time keeper will knock once at the minute of two to remind the
speaker that the time is one minute left, and will knock twice at the minute of three to show that
time is up, and twenty seconds after that, the time keeper will knock continuously, and the
speaker must stop the speech.

• For Reply Speeches, the time keeper will knock once at the minute of two to remind the speaker that
the time is one minute left, and will knock twice at the minute of three to show that time is up, and
twenty seconds after that, the time keeper will knock continuously, and the speaker must stop the

• The time keeper will announce each speaker’s duration of speech after the speaker has finished the
To open the debate, I would like to invite the first speaker of The Affirmative Team.
Mr./Ms .............................Time is yours.

The first speaker of the Affirmative team spent............................minutes................................seconds)

To begin he case of opposition, I would like to call the first speaker of The Negative Team.
Mr./Ms.....................Time is yours.

The first speaker of the Negative team spent............................minutes................................seconds)

I would like to invite the second speaker of The Affirmative Team. Mr./Ms .............................Time is

The second speaker of the Affirmative team


I would like to call the second speaker of The Negative Team. Mr./Ms.....................Time is yours.

The second speaker of the Negative team spent............................minutes................................seconds)

I would like to invite the third speaker of The Affirmative Team. Mr./Ms .............................Time is

The third speaker of the Affirmative team spent............................minutes................................seconds)

I would like to call the third speaker of The Negative Team. Mr./Ms.....................Time is yours.

The third speaker of the Negative team spent............................minutes................................seconds)

I would like to invite the Reply speaker of The Affirmative Team. Mr./Ms .............................Time is

The Reply speaker of the Affirmative team spent............................minutes................................seconds)

I would like to call the Reply speaker of The Negative Team. Mr./Ms.....................Time is yours.

The Reply speaker of the Negative team spent............................minutes................................seconds)

To the adjudicator(s), please give your verbal adjudication.

The winner of this debate is, with unanimous/ split decision of

The margin of this debate is.................................

The best speaker of this debate is ......................... from

Congratulation to all debaters and thanks to the adjudicators. I, hereby, close this round (knock

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