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José Faustino Sánchez Carrión National University

Posgraduate School

Dra. Yulliana Escudero Villanueva

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I) Write the adverb of frequency in the correct place in the sentence.

1) Tom rides his motorbike to work. (sometimes) = Tom sometimes rideshis morbike to work.
2) My boyfriend is late. (never) = My never boyfriend is late.
3) The children walk to school. (usually) = The usually children walk to school.
4) I’m hungry. (always) = I´m always hungry.
5) Teachers are stressed. (often) = Teachers often are stressed.
6) I see my uncle and aunt. (hardly ever) = I hardly ever see my uncle and aunt
7) Professional footballers are rich. (usually) = Professional usually footballers are rich.
8) Pilots sleep in hotels. (often) = Pilots often sleep in hotels.

II) Complete the sentences with the words in chart.

stay at home meat sunset take my time

1) I like to take my time ! I don’t like to be in a hurry.

2) I love the sunset .When the sky is Orange and red.
3) Vegetarians don’t eat meat.
4) I don’t want to go out tonight. I want to stay at home.

II) Answer the questions.

1) How many minutes are in an hour? = sixty minutes
2) How many months are in a year? = twelve months
3) How many days are in a week? = seven days
4) How many seconds are in a minute? = sixty seconds
5) How many weeks are in a month? = four weeks
6) How many hours are in a day? = twenty -four hours
7) How many days are in June? = thirty days

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