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The 4 forms of inquiry

There are four forms of inquiry that are commonly used in inquiry-based instruction:

Confirmation inquiry

Learners are given a question, as well as a method, to which the end result is already known. The goal is
to confirm the results. This enables learners to reinforce already established ideas, and to practice their
investigative skills.

Structured inquiry

Learners are given the question and the method of achieving the result, but the goal is to provide an
explanation that is already supported by the evidence gathered during and through the investigative

Guided inquiry

Learners are only given a question. The main goal is to design the method of investigation and then test
the question itself. This type of inquiry is not typically as structured as the previously mentioned forms.

Open inquiry

Learners must form their own questions, design investigative methods, and then carry out the inquiry
itself. They must present their results at the end of the process.

Levels of Inquiry

Controlled. In a controlled inquiry, the teacher chooses the topic and identifies materials that students
will use to address their questions. Students are often involved with specific exercises and activities to
meet particular learning outcomes such as retelling stories, evaluating sources, or comparing
approaches. Students often have a specific product such as a Venn diagram, paragraph, or poster.
Guided. In a guided inquiry, student have more flexibility in their resources and activities however they
are expected to create a prescribed final product such as a report or presentation.

Modeled. In a modeled inquiry, students act as apprentice classroom teacher. The student has flexibility
in terms of topic selection, process, and product. The educators and students work side-by-side
engaging in meaningful work.

Free. In a free inquiry, students work independently. They explore meaningful questions, examine
multiple perspectives, draw conclusions, and choose their own approach for presenting their learning.

Types of Inquiry

VIU (2020) presented four types of inquiry that can be used in facilitating classes.

These are:

1. Structured Inquiry- This lets students follow the lead of the teacher as the entire class

engages in one inquiry.

2. Controlled Inquiry- the Teacher chooses topics and identifies the resources that the

students will use to answer questions.

3. Guided Inquiry- the Teacher chooses topics or questions and students design the

product or solution.

4. Free Inquiry- Students are allowed to choose their own topics without any reference to
a prescribed outcome.

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