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BY :

NURUL FITRIA (12010421359)








Nurul Fitria, Ririn Maisya Taqydaria, Taufiqul Hakim Waliyuddin

Department of English Education Faculty Of Tarbiyah And Teacher Training State

Islamic University Of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau

Pekanbaru, Indonesia

Abstarct-Brown's (2007) framework of EFL teaching consists of twelve

principles of CLT and motivation, as well as Krashen's ideas of acquisition and
learning, and Schumann's notion of acculturation. This framework is designed for
understanding and working with the complexity and multidimensionality of second
language teaching. Brown's book "Principles of language learning and teaching",
(2007) conveys contemporary pedagogical thinking into the EFL context and ESL
thinking. Brown offers one of the best-known current accounts of pedagogical
principles and methods of second language learning and acquisition. Brown (2007)
classified the twelve principles into three sets of principles: Cognitive Principles,
Socio-affective Principles and Linguistic Principles. They have permeable boundaries
which mean it is difficult to keep each category in complete isolation. These
principles form an interactive approach to language teaching.

Keywords: EFL, instructional, principles

Abstrak-Kerangka pengajaran EFL Brown (2007) terdiri dari dua belas

prinsip CLT dan motivasi, serta gagasan Krashen tentang perolehan dan
pembelajaran, dan gagasan akulturasi Schumann. Kerangka kerja ini dirancang untuk
memahami dan bekerja dengan kompleksitas dan multidimensi pengajaran bahasa
kedua. Buku Brown "Principles of language learning and teaching", (2007)
menyampaikan pemikiran pedagogis kontemporer ke dalam konteks EFL dan
pemikiran ESL. Brown menawarkan salah satu akun paling terkenal tentang prinsip
pedagogis dan metode pembelajaran dan akuisisi bahasa kedua. Brown (2007)
mengklasifikasikan dua belas prinsip ke dalam tiga perangkat prinsip: Prinsip
Kognitif, Prinsip Sosio-afektif dan Prinsip Linguistik. Mereka memiliki batas
permeabel yang berarti sulit untuk menjaga setiap kategori dalam isolasi lengkap.
Prinsip-prinsip ini membentuk pendekatan interaktif untuk pengajaran bahasa.

Kata kunci: EFL, instruksi, prinsip

1. Introduction
1.1 Principle of EFL Instruction

For most EFL Learners, the English lesson is their only opportunity to
practice English. Once they leave the class, they have no opportunity to speak or
communicate in English. That’s why the teacher should dedicate enough time during
the class to teach and develop their speaking skills giving them as much time as
possible to speak and communicate orally using English

In this respect, a teacher should consider the following princples when taching
and developing speaking in his/her students. The elements of efl learning consist of :

 Learners
A learner is someone who is learning about a particular subject or
how to do something.
 Teacher
A teacher, also called a schoolteacher or formally an educator, is a
person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence, or
virtue, via the practice of teaching.

Students are people who participate in the learning process. According to

Nasution, learner is an activity of collecting and adding to the amount of knowledge
and knowledge, while the learner is the culprit while According to Sinolungan
(1997), the definition of a learner in a broad sense is everyone who is involved with
the educational process to acquire knowledge throughout their lives. Whereas in a
narrow sense, the definition of a learner is every student who studies at school.

According to Gage (1963), “Teaching is a form interpersonal influence aimed

at changing the behaviour potential another person”. A teacher is a person who helps
others to acquire knowledge, competences or values. Teacher is a designation for the
office, position, and profession for someone who devotes himself in the field of
education through patterned educational interaction, formal and systematic.

Several things that may affected to learners in comprehending EFL learning

 Languange levels
 Learner differences
 Age
 Motivation

The Educational Functional Level (EFL) Descriptors for Literacy/English

Language Arts are intended to guide both teaching and assessment for adult learners.
They are divided into six EFLs: Beginning Literacy; Beginning Basic; Low
Intermediate; High Intermediate; Low Adult Secondary; and High Adult Secondary.

The term 'learning differences' refers to the diverse ways all students learn
and the rates at which they learn. Learning differences take into account individual
learning motivators; learner aspirations, interests, experience and cultural
background; and individual students' strengths and needs.

What are the age groups in language teaching?

 We focus on four main groups of learners:

 Preschool (from 3 – 5 years of age)
 Elementary / Primary School (6 – 12 years)
 High School Learners (13 – 17 years) and.
 Adult Learners (18+ years).

Learner motivation is often defined as being intrinsic, where learners are

interested in the course content, or extrinsic, where learners are interested in earning a
course grade or credit

Other affective domain influences in addition besides that :

 attitude
 motivation
 level of anxiety

Learner motivation is often defined as being intrinsic, where learners are

interested in the course content, or extrinsic, where learners are interested in earning a
course grade or credit

Motivation is not only important in its own right; it is also an important

predictor of learning and achievement. Students who are more motivated to learn
persist longer, produce higher quality effort, learn more deeply, and perform better in
classes and on standardized tests

There are two kinds of anxiety associated with learning: “learning anxiety”
and “survival anxiety.” Learning anxiety comes from being afraid to try something
new for fear that it will be too difficult, that we will look stupid in the attempt, or that
we will have to part from old habits that have worked for us in the group

Meanwhile the role of the teacher includes of :

 as a controller
 prompter
 full participant in providing material to students
 resource for students when asking questions
 at the same time the teacher as a tutor (director / guide) provides
direction in learning

The Controller: The teacher is in complete charge of the class, what students
do, what they say and how they say it. The teacher assumes this role when a new
language is being introduced and accurate reproduction and drilling techniques are

The Prompter: The teacher encourages students to participate and makes

suggestions about how students may proceed in an activity. The teacher should be
helping students only when necessary. When learners are literally 'lost for words', the
prompter can encourage by discreetly nudging students.

The teacher is the planner of materials to ensure that the lesson is appropriate
for the students and the learning purpose. The teacher is also a diagnostician of
her/his students' problems.

A resource teacher is an education professional who provides small-group

instruction for students with special needs. Typically, resource teachers pull students
from their regular classrooms to provide them with small-group instruction in a
resource room

Teacher as a tutor

A tutor is a private teacher who tutors individual students in one-on-one

lessons or small group classes. A teacher teaches more than 20 students at a time at a
school or college. A Tutor may not hold a qualification in teaching. A teacher holds a
pedagogical teaching degree.

2. Disscussion

According to Harmer (2007: 98) states that motivation is essential to success:

that people have to want to do something to succeed at it. Without such motivation
we will almost certainly fail to make the necessary effort. Motivation is one of the
psychological factors that give effect to language learning. It is easy in second
language learning to claim that a learner will be successful with the proper
motivation. Such claims are of course not erroneous, for countless studies and
experiments in human learning have shown that motivation is a key to learning.
Motivation is something that can, like self-esteem, be global, situational, or
task-oriented. Learning a foreign language requires some of all three levels
motivations. For example, a learner may possess high ‘global’ motivation but low
‘task’ motivation to perform well on, the written mode of the language. Motivation is
also typically examined in terms of the intrinsic and extrinsic motives of the learner.
Here are the explanations of both extrinsic and intrinsic motivation.

a) Extrinsic Motivation

Brown (2001: 76) stated that extrinsically motivated behaviors are carried out
in anticipation of a reward from outside and beyond the self. Typically extrinsic
rewards are money, prizes, grades, and even certain types of positive feedback.
Behaviors initiated solely to avoid punishment are also extrinsically motivated, even
though numerous intrinsic benefits can ultimately accrue to those who, instead,
punishment avoidance that can build their sense of competence and self

One type of extrinsic reward can indeed have an effect on intrinsic

motivation: the positive feedback that learners perceive as a boost to their feelings of
competence and self-determination. For example, sincerely delivered positive
feedback in a classroom, seen by students as a validation.

b) Intrinsic Motivation

Maslow (1970, in Brown, 2001: 76) claims that intrinsic motivation is clearly
superior to extrinsic. According to Malow’s hierarchy of needs, people are ultimately
motivated to achieve”self-actualization’’ once the basic physical, safety, and
community needs are met.

Intrinsic motivation in second language classrooms in particular, consider the

activities that capitalize on the intrinsic be appealing to learners’ self determination
and autonomy:

1. Teaching writing as a thinking process in which learners develop their own

ideas freely and openly.
2. Showing learners’ strategies of reading that enable them to bring their own
information to the written word.
3. Language experience approaches in which students create their own reading
material for others in the class to read.
4. Oral fluency exercises in which learners talk what about what interests them
and not about a teacher-assigned topic.
5. Listening to an academic lecture in one’s own field of study for specific
information that will fill a gap for the learner.
6. Communicative language teaching, in which language is taught to enable
learners to accomplish certain specific functions.
7. Grammatical explanations, if learners see their potential for increasing their
autonomy in a second language.

3. Conclusion

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