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Guide to DIY

In our definition, the acronym DIY is making something oneself, especially without professional
guidance. Presents itself usually as trends (slime, cake decoration, home repair) and is an internet genre.
DIY is an instructional non fiction genre.
● Acronym for “Do It Yourself”, closely related to “How to” articles
● “The activity of decorating, building, and making repairs at home by oneself rather than
employing a professional.” (Oxford languages) (Merriam- Webster)
Formats: Video, blog, book
Sub-genres: Home repair, crafts, refurbishment

Conventions: Terminology:
● Title ● Vocabulary
● Introduction: Short background information of the design ● Format
● Materials List, Material image optional ● Main Idea
● Method: Numbered step by step instructions with pictures
● Step Title
● Step Description
● Conclusion: Any problems that you faced, add suggestions, call for
Text example:

How To Write a Great DIY How To.

by DIY Maven on Feb 4, 2008
Although I discovered plenty of how-to-write-how-to’s out there, they weren’t specifically for DIY how to articles.
Ultimately, I incorporated what I found in my research and applied it to my posts. Using this information, coupled
with trial and error, I’ve written dozens upon dozens—hopefully successful—how to’s for Curbly, this being one of
them! What you need: project to post, digital camera, computer

1. Photos first. Even before you begin to write, grab your camera. It goes without saying that the best time to take
your photos is while you’re doing your project. You don’t have to take pictures of each little step, unless they’re
tricky. Of course pictures after big steps are necessary. The great thing about having this pictorial diary of your
project is that the images will jog your memory when it comes time to actually write the how to, as it’s very easy to
forget those little details once the project is done!

2. Titles are important. One of the most popular online titles include “How to”. People search the internet for
information. By including ‘how to’ in your title you let them know exactly what to expect from your post: they are
going to learn something. Other great, eye-catching titles of the how to variety include “6 Easy Steps to….” or even
“5 Ways to….”

3.A picture says a thousand words. Upload a picture of your finished project. Yes, I know, you want it to be a
surprise! Well, forget about it. You need to show your viewer your fabulous outcome to entice them to read the
entire post.

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