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Del Rosario, Jhoana Marie B. BSCoE V-3d REVIEWER IN DBMS Person a.

Common Name - End user - Data Administrator - Database Administrator - Database Designer - System Developer - System Administrator - Application Developer - Sophisticated users - Nave Users - Customer b. Proper Name Larry Ellison John Chen Bachman SALIN(1990) Company Oracle IBM Microsoft Sybase Informix GE Language Data Definition Language (DDL) Data Manipulation Language (DML) Structured Query Language (SQL) Terminology (Sub categories) 1. Database 2. Components of DB 3. Ranges

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

Advantages/Disadvantage DB Devt Process Data Models Business Rules Data Abstraction Data Names and Definition ERD Relational Data Structure Normalization Anomly SQL

1. Database (Sub categories) Data Database Information Metadata Logical data Physical Data Schema DBMS (Database Management Systems) RDBMS (Relational Database Management Systems) Repository Instance CASE Tools 2. Components of DB Hardware Software Procedure 3. Ranges Personal DB Workgroup DB Department DB Enterprise DB Internet/Extranet/Intranet/ Web-based 4. Advantages/ Disadvantages Data Redundancy

Data Integrity Data Dependency Data security Data consistency 4. Database Development Process EDM (Enterprise Data Modelling) Information Engineering Top-Down Planning Organization units Organization location Business Functions Entity Types Information System Functional Decomposition 1. Project Identification and Selection 2. Project Initiation and Planning 3. Analysis 4. Logical OS-DES 5. Physical Design 6. Implementation 7. Maintenance Application Program Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) 5.Data Models Data Model ER Model (Entity-Relationship Model) Record-based logical model 6. Business Rules Business Rule Constraint Scope 1. Declarative 2. Precise 3. Atomic 4. Consistent 5. Expressable 6. Distinct Business Oriented

7.Data Abstraction Data Abstraction Physical Level Conceptual/ Logical Level View Level 8. Data Names and Definition Data names 1. Relative 2. Meaningful 3. Unique 4. Readable 5. Composed of words taken from an approved list 6. Repeatable meaning Data Definition Data Warehouse Terms Fact 9. ERD ERD (Entity Relationship Model) Attribute/s Entity/ies Simple Attribute Composite Attribute Derived Attribute Multivalued Attribute Entity Type Entity Instance Weak Entity Strong Entity 10.Relational Data Structure Relation Attribute Rows Columns Tuple/Record Degree Foreign key Primary key Relational key

Domain Cardinality Relationship Instance Functional Dependencies Determinants Cardinality Constraint Max. Cardinality Min. Cardinality 12. Normalization Candidate Key Normalization First Normal Form (1NF) Second Normal Form (2Nf) Third Normal Form (3NF) 15. Anomaly Well Structured Relation Insertion Anomaly Deletion Anomaly Modification Anomaly 16. Structured Query Language (SQL)

Syntax: SELECT Last Name, First Name FROM Personal Select All Columns Syntax: SELECT*FROM persons Select Distinct Statement Syntax: SELECT DISTINCTcolumn_name(s) FROM Table_name

Using the DISTINCT keyword to select ALL values form the columns named COMPANY Syntax: SELECT Company FROM Orders - To select only DIFFERENT values from the column named COMPANY w/o use a SELECT_DISTINCT Statement Syntax: SELEC DISTINCT Company FROM Order

SQL Data Manipulation Language (DML) Quary and Update Commands together from the DML port of SQL -Update -Delete -Insert SQL Data Definition Language (DDL) - Most Important DDL Statements in SQL -Craeate Table -Alter Table -Drop Table -Creat Index -Drop Index - The SELECT Statement Syntax: SELECT column_name(s) FROM table_name Select Some Columns

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