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Week 4: Practice Challenge 1 - Formatt

You will need to complete the following tasks on the Shipping Da

Start with a recap of Formulas and Functions.
* Work out the Total Sale (multiply Sell Price by Quantity)
* Work out the Discount (multiply Total Sale by Discount Rate)
* Calculate the Total (subtract Discount from Total Sale)

You now have a few business problems to solve. First, you are con
* Select all the Record IDs
* Go to Conditional Formatting, Highlight Cell Rules and click D
* Sort the data by Record ID on colour
* Delete one of the duplicate rows

Next, Peter Kim has asked you to find out how many Products we
* First we need to unhide the Shipped Date Column (Column F)
* Insert a column to the right of Shipped Date
* In G3 type the heading Days to Ship
* In G4 put in the following calculation =F4-E4 to get the numbe
* Change the Number Formatting of column G to Number (so yo
* Add a filter to only show records for Peter Kim (should be 29)
* Add another filter to show records where the Days to Ship is gre

Well done! Don't forget to save your workbook.

Challenge 1 - Formatting

Week 4 Challenge
omplete the following tasks on the Shipping Data sheet.
of Formulas and Functions.
al Sale (multiply Sell Price by Quantity)
count (multiply Total Sale by Discount Rate)
al (subtract Discount from Total Sale)

w business problems to solve. First, you are concerned there may be duplicates in the data:
cord IDs
al Formatting, Highlight Cell Rules and click Duplicate Values
Record ID on colour
duplicate rows

as asked you to find out how many Products were shipped over 2 weeks late
unhide the Shipped Date Column (Column F)
o the right of Shipped Date
eading Days to Ship
following calculation =F4-E4 to get the number of days between the two dates.
ber Formatting of column G to Number (so you get numbers rather than dates)
ly show records for Peter Kim (should be 29)
r to show records where the Days to Ship is greater than 14 (should be 1)

orget to save your workbook.


e data:
Supa Storz Shipping
Record ID Sales Rep Region Product Dept. Order Date
R10016 Peter Kim SE Housewares 12/26/2015
Ship Date Days to Ship Quantity Sell Price Total Sale Discount Rate
1/10/2016 15 19 $12.99 $246.81 5.0%
Discount Total
$12.34 $234.47

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