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This chapter presents the background of the study, statement of the problem,

purpose of the research and significance of the study.

Background of the Study

Infection is the invasion and development of microorganisms in the body. It

may include bacteria, viruses, yeasts, fungi, or other microorganisms. The infection
can spread in numerous ways. It contains the habitats of the microorganisms, the
vulnerable individual with a point of entry for the microbes, and the mode of
transmission by which the microbes are transferred to the vulnerable individual. An
individual's health may be seriously weakened by infection, leading to serious
health problems. Because of this, we educators want to use a variety of probiotics
to aid in the prevention and reduction of infections, as well as to offer a simple and
convenient method for eliminating infections.

Probiotic use is critical for eradicating infections, particularly those caused

by helminths that are spread through the soil. Commercial yogurt drinks may be
employed to simplify the process of this investigation into removing soil
transmitted helminths. Applying yogurt drinks will be very helpful in the field of
medicine because they strengthen your immune system and digestive health by
preserving levels of good bacteria. Along with supporting your digestive system,
this will benefit your brain as well. Typically, it is produced with cow's milk. Also,
it has special qualities including the presence of lactic acid bacteria. People who
are lactose intolerant, however, should avoid it. The best course of action is to
consult your doctor first in order to be safe. (Estrada, 2023)

As of today, the prevalence of soil-transmitted helminths remains a serious

public health issue. Many acquire the disease mostly by stepping barefoot on soil
that has infected larvae or by eating infected oocytes. Among school-aged children,
soil helminth infections are one of the major causes of physical and intellectual
impairment. Additionally, it may result in intestinal obstruction, chronic dysentery,
rectal prolapse, respiratory issues, iron deficiency anemia, malabsorption
syndrome, malnutrition, particularly in children, poor weight gain, and intestinal
obstruction. This situation necessitates the use of quick and practical solutions for
eradication. We have attempted to address the problems by examining the efficacy
of utilizing probiotics, which are found in the commercial yogurt beverage. It is a
highly nutritious food that is rich in probiotics, which are characterized by a
bacterial culture that includes lactic acid-producing bacteria. (Ojha et al., 2014).

In the human body, probiotics play a significant role. It is formed of healthy,

living bacteria that is present in our body. The modification of the gut microbiota
was originally utilized to enhance the health of both people and animals. The
positive effects of consuming probiotics include improving intestinal health by
regulating the microbiota, stimulating and developing the immune system,
synthesizing and improving the bioavailability of nutrients, easing the symptoms of
lactose intolerance, and lowering the possibility of particular disorders. The
potential efficacy of probiotics in the treatment and prevention of GI infections and
disorders has garnered most of the clinical interest. The rationale for probiotic
therapy is the control of an unbalanced native microbiota since variations in the gut
microbiota have been linked to an increased risk of developing certain diseases.
(Parvez et al., 2006).

The word "helminth" refers to a parasitic worm. Soil-transmitted helminths

refer to intestinal worms that infect humans and are spread through contaminated
soil. There are three helminth diseases spread by soil: Trichuris trichiura, Ascaris
lumbricoides, and hookworm (Ancylostoma duodenale and Necator americanus).
According to WHO, it is known as the "Unholy Trinity." They are common in
impoverished populations with inadequate hygiene in tropical climate as well as in
temperate rural regions. Anemia, starvation, stunted growth, and cognitive
deficiencies are all brought on by helminth infestations, which can contribute to
low performance and attendance in school. There is a demand for more treatment
options due to the widespread distribution of soil-transmitted helminths and the
existing resistance. (Roach, 2019)
Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to determine the efficacy of probiotics (found in

commercial yogurt drinks) in preventing soil-transmitted helminths.

Specifically, this study did the following:

1. What is the number of hours before Yakult drinks begins to effect?

2. What are the factors that will affect the effectivity of Yakult drinks?

3. How effective is the Yakult drinks in eliminating Soil-transmitted infections?


1st SOP

Null hypothesis: There is no significant relationship between the number of hours

and the effectivity of Yakult drinks.

Alternative Hypothesis: There is significant relationship between the number of

hours and the effectivity of Yakult drinks.

2nd SOP

Null Hypothesis: There is no significant relationship between the factors and the
effectivity of Yakult drinks.

Alternative Hypothesis: There is significant relationship between the factors and

the effectivity of Yakult drinks.

3rd SOP

Null Hypothesis: There is no significant relationship between the extent of

effectiveness of Yakult drinks and eliminating Soil-transmitted helminths.

Alternative Hypothesis: There is significant relationship between the extent of

effectiveness of Yakult drinks and eliminating Soil-transmitted helminths.

Estrada, J., & Estrada, J. (2023b). 5 Yogurt Benefits That Will Inspire You to Eat It
More Often. Well+Good.

Ravinder Nagpal, Ashwani Kumar, Manoj Kumar, Pradip V. Behare, Shalini Jain,
Hariom Yadav, Probiotics, their health benefits and applications for developing
healthier foods: a review, FEMS Microbiology Letters, Volume 334, Issue 1,
September 2012, Pages 1–15,

Roach, R. R. (2020). Soil-Transmitted Helminths. In International public health


Oyewole, O. E., & Simon-Oke, I. A. (2022). Ecological risk factors of soil-

transmitted helminths infections in Ifedore district, Southwest Nigeria. Bulletin of
the National Research Centre, 46(1).

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