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 Mission analysis is intended to define the objectives, establish

INTEL REVIEWER priorities and lay-out operational limitations and isolate the problem
01: Supposed to be you are in the witness stand inside the court room and of the Order of Battle Operations.
you are being grind by the court to produce some form of recorded TARGET STUDY EMPHASIZES THE FOLLOWING: Social customs,
information either printed, written, drawn, painted, sound recording, films, habits and economic status of the area of the neighborhood; Recent military
maps, etc., which are relied upon to prove or support or to be utilized as or political events; Living conditions and accommodations available;
reference. What kind of evidence/reference that the court is looking from Communication and transport facilities like public conveyance;
you? Document Newspapers and periodical, and; Other details like, cost of necessities.
02: In terms of classification of documents and safe keeping, What is the
object of the intelligence organization? The object in any intelligence
organization is to secure and control the sensitive information contained
therein from loss,
03: You are given a tasked to conceptualize an Investigative COPLAN 03- Explain and demonstrate, Intelligence is not found; it is developed.
pertains to some cases you are handling. When you submit the proposed
COPLAN it has been noted by your Chief of Police that there are some - Criminal intelligence is developed by using surveillance,
lacking in terms of intelligence files – consisting important intelligence informants, interrogation, and research, or it may be just picked up on the
information such as terrain, capability of the target, and profile of the "street" by individual police officers.
target. What do you think is the lacking requirements in the proposed
COPLAN? All of the above 04- Explain in details Transmission by “Safe Hand Method”
04: What do you called this document that they are considered irreplaceable  it is dispatched to the addressee in the personal care of
official matters the unauthorized disclosure of which would cause authorized persons. It is delivered by utilizing the double
exceptionally grave damage to the interest of an establishment since it is envelop system wherein the outer envelop should bear the name
important to its survival? Top secret of the addressee without security classification. A receipt should
05: These refers to duly processed intelligence reports not made available be issued upon delivery of said documents. As rule classified
for public consumption. Restricted matters are not sent though fax, mail, sms, or e-mail
06: It is an objective to gain a person’s confidence or to infiltrate a criminal
organization or group by using an assumed identity and to thereby obtain
information or evidence connecting the subject or subjects with criminal TEST 111 : ENUMERATION
activity. Undercover operation
07: Supposed to be you are assigned in an undercover operation, What is 01: Supposed to be you are assigned in Undercover operation, What are
you specific assignment being designed to? Obtain evidence for those three [3] precautionary measures that you should be considered?
prosecution Obtain leads into criminal activities Obtain information for  Drop notes should be in a code of some type that only the
planning raids Obtain information on subversive groups All of the above undercover agent, lead investigator and supervisor can read and
08: In an undercover assignments can be extremely dangerous and always understand.
require careful planning and preparation. What are those important  Do not have any other kind of identification than the false/fake
requirements that are considered for his safety: Cover Story identification acquired through your office. Remember that you are
Communication Target Intelligence All of the above someone else when working undercover.
 Keep communications with your supervisor covert. This means that
09: It is a biographical account, true or fictional or a combination of true or you should not let others know that you are communicating with
fiction which portrays the undercover investigators’ past history and current someone.
status. Cover story  Do not: suggest, plan, initiate, or participate in criminal activity. All
the work and information gained during the undercover operation
will be of no use if you participate or assist in the planning of a
10: It is the means by which an individual, group or organization conceals crime. What is worst is that you could possible end up in jail also.
the true nature of its activities, and or its existence from the observer.
Cover. 02: Seven [ 7] Roles of Intelligence officer as analyst?
1. Make decisions regarding the support information that will have an
11: It is a daily journal of all collated intelligence reports gathered by a impact on the mission.
unit. It also includes the different incidents that transpired in the area. Daily 2. Influence the commander’s decision.
intelligence brief 3. Develop a ready base of information.
12: It is a report containing a summary of information transmitted to 4. Organize, manage, and assume the responsibility for information and
specific user of information. Information transmittal sheet must therefore have a mastery of the data and information available.
5. Present a credible base of evidence to support the intelligence
13: It is a set of requests/orders given to intelligence units in order to interpretation that he makes.
identify information gaps and answer specific information queries. Specific 6. Process information effectively to fulfill current needs and be able to
request access the information for future requirements.
7. Be able to communicate effectively his product, both in written and
14: If you are sent by your office to conduct a reconnaissance or verbal form.
surveillance in a certain building, place or area to determine its suitability
from intelligence use or its vulnerability in an intelligence operation, What 03: The seven [7] basic groupings of source oriented collection assets?
is you specific assignment of that particular tasking? Casing and 1. HumanIntelligence(HUMINT)
Surveillance 2. Imagery(IMINT)
3. SignalIntelligence(SIGINT)
15: These refers to duly processed intelligence reports not made available
for public consumption. Restricted Documents 04: List down the five [5] methods of casing?
 Personal reconnaissance
 Map reconnaissance
TEST 11 : ESSAY  Research
 Prior information
01: In an Undercover assignment, Explain briefly those important  Hearsay
reminders and instruction on how are you going to avoid being entrap and
Court Prosecution?
 Repeat-Do not suggest, plan, initiate, or participate in criminal 05: Jot down at least four [4] important purposes of casing and
activity. When you go to trial and have to testify, the defense lawyer surveillance?
is going to make you, the police officer, not the bad guy,. He will try  Operative will know the best route to take and to get there;
to prove that you were the one that talked the others into doing the  Operative will know how to conduct himself without attracting
crime. That you entrapped them and made them do things that they attention;
usually would not do. The secret is being a follower and not a leader.  Operative will know what security hazards are in the area and how
Keep your mouth shut and ears open. can be avoided or minimized;
 Operative will know the route to take to get out of the area.
02- In Terms of planning and preparation for cover and undercover
assignment, How are you going to analyze your mission and target area 06: What are the five [5] components of Ideal Convoy for VIP travel?
 Escort  Intelligence Cycle - The cyclical steps followed from
 Counter attack/Recon Vehicle intelligence planning to the dissemination of processed
 Decoy Vehicle information. It is a repetitive process used to produce
 Principal Vehicle intelligence from information.
 Shield Vehicle

 Intelligence analysis - the process by which the information

07: Name at least seven [ 7 ] measures adopted in securing VIP? collected about an enemy is used to answer tactical questions
 Avoid establishing a pattern in route and frequency of your about current operations or to predict future behavior
movements to and from work/home and around town
 A thorough route plan should be established with details of all  Intelligence Processing – involves converting the vast amount of
adjacent and paralleled alternate routes information collected into a form usable and understandable by
 Always travel in convoy, particularly when traveling long analysts. Conversion of these large data sets into forms suitable
distances. There is always safety in numbers for the production of finished intelligence can include
 Stay away from busy and heavily traveled thoroughfares translations, decryption, and data reduction.
wherein a possible attack is easy to stage due to limited
movement of vehicles  Intelligence Operation -
 On multiple lane highways, it is wise to drive toward the center Intelligence operations include planning and direction, collectio
to make it difficult to force the vehicle to the curb n, processing and exploitation, analysis and production, dissemi
 Avoid the use of vehicles to give the indication that the subject nation and integration, and evaluation and feedback. See also an
riding it is a VIP alysis and production; collection; dissemination and integration; 
 Be sensitive to the possibility of surveillance before leaving the evaluation and feedback; planning and direction; processing and 
principal’s home and office, check the streets for any suspicious exploitation.
vehicles roaming around
 Do not discuss detailed travel plan within hearing of servants,  Casing - It is a reconnaissance or surveillance of a building,
employees, staff and personnel not part of the security detail place or area to determine its suitability from intelligence use or
its vulnerability in an intelligence operation.

08: Five [ 5 ]Kinds of Security Unit for VIP Protection?  Surveillance - It is a planned observation of persons, places or
 Person or Close-in Security objects; however, it is primarily directed to persons. It may also
 Route Security be defined as form of investigation which consists of keeping
 Destination Security any person, place or other under physical observation in order to
 Residence Security obtain evidence or information pertinent to the purpose of the
 Installation Security investigation.

 Document Security - Class 1 : Vital/Top Secret documents.

09: In terms of Intelligence report writing, It involves three [3] basic steps, Class 11 : Important / Confidential Documents. Class 111 :
What are these three basic steps? Useful / Secret Documents. Class 1V : Restricted Documents.
preparation/planning, writing, and finalizing/editing.
 Need to know principle - to ensure that only authorised
individuals gain access to information or systems necessary to
10: Nine [9] steps on how will you measures to fortify vulnerability of undertake their duties.
sensitive data?
 Documents generated with the organization must be scrutinized  Information Cycle - This refers to the various stages from
and duly classified whether vital, important, useful or non- which information passes from the time of its conception until is
essential finally disposed of
 The use storage receptacles should be practice particularly in
keeping classified matters
 Responsibility for information security must be defined, In terms of Intelligence Report Writing define the following terminology.
assigned and disseminated
 Employees should be informed of company’s security policies  Accuracy - the report should be a true representation of the
and corrective action should be immediately taken in cases of FACTS based on the information gathered by the operative.
noted deficiencies Give EXACT names, addresses, time, and amounts. Be very
 Precautions in safe guarding items used in printing of careful with spelling, numbers, and other details as these are
confidential matters should be undertaken very crucial in intelligence work. NEVER add anything that is
 The used of codes in new items and products should be not within the operator’s information report. Put any comment
practiced or additional information in the “comment” area. Remember,
 When discussing classified materials through telephones be intelligence work entails accuracy and credibility on
aware of the identity of the person whom you are talking. The information. Do not put it at risk.
installation of anti-bugging equipment in sensitive or key office
should be considered  Brevity - the report should not contain too much information.
 A clean desk policy should be observed Include the most significant information needed. Avoid
 All statements, article, speechless pertaining to the identity of repetition of the information and exclude irrelevant information
the company should be properly screened before publication or that might lead to confusion of the intelligence user. Brevity is
delivery leaving out details, yet the secret is attention to detail.

 Clarity - the report must include all the relevant information.

TEST 1V : TERMS TO PONDER ( Three Points each ) Don’t forget the 5Ws and 1H. Make sure that all elements of the
information are present. In case of information gaps, make sure
 Trade Secret - It may consist of any formula, device, pattern or to make necessary actions to complete it by coming up with
compilation of information which is used in one’s business and PIRs (Priority Info Requirements) or SORs (Specific
gives the user advantage over competitors who do not utilized or Requests/Orders). Additional facts should also be included in
know it. Proprietary information and intellectual property are the Comment or Analysis part and supporting documents should
similar to Trade Secrets also be included to complete the report (pictures, recovered
documents, statistics, etc…)

 VIP Protection or Security - It also referred to as personal  Completeness

security, it utilized in the protection of personnel especially high
ranking officials, foreign dignitaries, and prominent private
individuals from harm, kidnapping and other similar threats TEST V : “DEMONSTRATE A LINK DIAGRAM IN ANALYSIS OF
( 10 POINTS )

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