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Even If You’ve Been Together For Decades!

See Details Below...

Hey, my name is Lloyd Lester …

And if you currently struggle to get your lady “in the mood” and you notice the
passion, frequency and satisfaction of your sex life is su7ering because of it…

If you don’t know how to easily and naturally send powerful jolts of erotic
electricity through her body at will…

And make her eager to press against you, kiss you passionately, and have
you lead her into the bedroom for unrestrained sexual adventures that
leave both of you breathless and sweaty...

Then you know what it’s like for your sex life to hit a lull.

You know how emasculating it can feel to beg for sex like you’re a puppy trying to
get a treat from its master...

You know the sting of her refusing your advances like the idea of having sex with
you disgusts her...

Or even... feeling cheated because you go out of your way to be romantic, help her
out with household chores, and lavish her with compliments…

Only to feel the agony of rejection when you try to initiate sex and she rolls her
eyes at you or pushes you o7 with lame excuses like “not tonight, I’m tired.”

If you’ve been together for a while, you might have even come to think of this as

But if you’re feeling this way, I’m going to share with you the simple reason why
you’re DEAD WRONG!

Why lagging passion and infrequent sex are NOT inevitable or

even “normal”

How some guys - even guys that have been married for 10, 20,
30 years or more - are having WILD, passionate sex as often as
they want and describing it as the best they’ve ever had…

Even better than the “honeymoon phase” and only getting


And most importantly, I’m going to show you a

simple 4-step method to…

Light Up Your Woman’s Libido And Make Her 

Eagerly Attack You With Pure Animal Lust…

Now, before we move on and I share this discovery with you…

I think it’s important that we dispel 3 myths that keep guys like you stuck in the
“frigid zone” and keep you from enjoying the hot, sweaty sex you crave…

Myth 1: You Can “Talk Your Woman” Into Wanting Sex 

Let me ask you… has the advice about how to say nice things and
“communicate better” ever gotten you laid?

Since we’re being brutally honest here, I think we can both admit that the
answer to that question is an emphatic “NO.”

I know that this idea of “communicating your way to sex” is widespread in

the media and spread around by clueless talk show hosts and watered-
down relationship advice columns…

The fact is, women do want a man who can communicate with her… and
communication will help your relationship get stronger…

But your woman’s arousal mechanisms... the unconscious brain circuits

that have been shaped by millions of years of evolution are not designed
to respond to words…

So if you’re struggling to talk your way into more and better sex and you’re
feeling frustrated…

It’s not because you’re doing something wrong…

It’s because it Tat out does NOT work to get a woman horny.

Myth 2: Once The “Honeymoon Phase” Is Over… Infrequent Sex

Is “Normal”

Here’s the simple truth… your desire for sex hasn’t gone away and hers
hasn’t either.

But did you know that according to a study published in the British Medical
Journal Open…

Women tend to get bored with sex after just ONE year into a relationship?

It’s true…

In fact that’s nearly twice as fast as it takes an average guy.

After the novelty of a new relationship wears o7… she’s likely to get bored
with sex sooner than you.

Now, the solution to this isn’t Xlling a hot bath for her, or lighting candles
or even checking chores o7 of the “Honey-Do-List” like most guys think.

It’s quite simply knowing how to tap into the part of her brain that
controls her animal lust.

Once you know how to Tip her “lust switch” on… she’ll have an instant and
urgent need to feel you inside of her.

No matter how long you’ve been together.

Myth #3: Reviving The Passion Means Spending Money

Look, this is a common trap guys fall into…

But the truth is... you can’t solve all your sexual struggles by simply
whipping out your credit card.

The truth is that you probably don’t want to have to book a trip to an
exotic location, or blow a big wad on jewelry, or even shell out for
expensive dinners every time you want to get laid…

And the good news is… you don’t have to!

In fact, I’m going to explain to you exactly how you can get all the hot,
passionate, steamy sex you can handle without spending a dime…

And why thinking that you have to spend money to get her in the mood is
actually keeping you from the toe-curling sex you crave.

But just before we get into that I’m sure you want to know…

Who The Heck Am I To Make Such Promises…

And Why Should You Believe Me?

Like I mentioned earlier, my name is Lloyd Lester and I’m an internationally

recognized and respected sex coach for men.

To date I’ve helped over 28,405 men from every liveable continent on planet
Earth enjoy the kind of sex that most men only see in porn movies.

Here’s what just a few of those men have had to say about what they learned
from me… that turned them into sensational lovers in the bedroom…

“Hey Lloyd, just a little message to let you know that

you’re the man! Last night was crazy... some of your
techniques are simply faultless. I've been with my girl for 5
years and gave her lots of good clit orgasms in that time,
but last night was her first g-spot one. She said she’d never
felt anything like it and that made me feel great. II was
skeptical at first to be honest, but it actually works
really well! I couldn't believe it all this power from one
little book - you've done a great job dude.”
Ross C  //  UK

“I tried a couple of techniques you teach and they

actually work! Even the small details you go into, like
how to kiss and touch a woman's hand were EXACTLY
what you said. Of course there are some things that are a
little too advanced for me, but there are also some easy
stuff that work amazingly well. Thanks man!”
Aleks L  //  the Netherlands

"Thank you so much Lloyd, I just can't explain my words.

My wife literally cried with a smile on her face because she
had a bucket of orgasms. Even after having sex she
didn’t leave the bed for a while and even told me, ‘Hubby,
thank you sooo much, ur the best baby’"
Zayeem A  //  New Jersey

Now, these are all ordinary guys who aren’t famous, uber-rich, or especially

In fact, just like you… they were frustrated by their lackluster sex lives before I
shared with them what I’m about to share with you…

Yet, after giving them this simple, proven, and powerful formula…

They’re now enjoying the wild, passionate sex they thought they left back in their
honeymoon days.

It’s really simple, once you know exactly how to touch a woman to trigger her
erotic mind…

In fact, You Can Make Her 

Uncontrollably Horny In Just 37 Seconds…

See, while today I enjoy a wild, steamy sex life

with my wife that would make 99% of married
couples jealous…

It wasn’t always this way… in fact… just about 2

years into our marriage, our sex life was almost

Our connection had Hzzled to the point where I

practically had to beg her to let me rub up
against a bare patch of skin once a month (twice
if I was really lucky)...

And even though she never would have said it to

my face… it was painfully obvious how bored
my wife was with sex.

And look… if I’m being perfectly honest here…

I hadn’t done a lot to upgrade my own skills in

the bedroom department since the day we both
said “I do.”

But the biggest (and most embarrassing part) of

all this was how emasculated I’d become…

...begging and pleading my wife for sex and

acting like a spoiled teenager when I didn’t get

As you can probably guess, this just disgusted

my wife even more and made her even less
willing to have sex.

I was desperate to get the passion back and like

most men in similar situations…

I fell prey to the standard array of bargaining

tools to try and get some nookie.

From extra chores, to fancy dinners out, and

even surprising her with jewelry.

And even though these tactics did earn me a few

“obligatory” sexual favors… they were still
passionless and hollow.

Nothing like the unrestrained, sweaty, and

deeply satisfying bedroom sessions we had in
the early stages of our relationship.

Eventually I realized… I didn’t just want sex…

I Wanted My Woman To DESIRE And ENJOY Sex Like She Used


See, the mistake that almost all guys make is that they fail to realize that genuine
desire isn’t something you can bargain for.

Once I had fully grasped this and realized that I couldn’t keep trying to beg,
bargain, or bribe my wife into having sex with me…

I actually sat down and started to research what actually makes women tick

I poured over studies in Xelds like evolutionary psychology and neuroscience…

I spent 1000s of hours dissecting the latest research into what inspires the sex
drives of real, live women…

And of course, I experimented with my wife in the “real world.”

Progress was frustratingly slow at Xrst - I still had to face the sting of rejection
whenever I tried something out and my wife would push me away…

O7ering the same old “not tonight, I’m just too tired.”

But after a few months of trial and error…

I Finally Had My First Breakthrough…

It all started when I read a published study written by a team of neuroscientists

that described something they called “secondary erogenous zones.”

Basically, these are areas of the female body that are not normally associated with
sex that still stimulate sexual areas of her brain when you touch them.

Unlike “primary erogenous zones” like her breasts, her lips, or even her clitoris,
they’re not obviously sexual… 

But with the right techniques, any guy can learn how to turn her on by learning
how to touch her in the right way in these secondary erogenous areas.

I decided to try them out one night since I was pretty much all out of other ideas at
that point.

That night, when she laid down next to me in bed…

...instead of trying to make out or give her a massage… I started o7 by leaning in

and whispering something into her ear.

It was a simple gesture, and I didn’t say anything really special, but when I did it in a
very speciXc way… her reaction was immediate.

She rolled over to face me with big sparkly eyes and put her arms around my waist.

It was a small gesture but it was my Hrst clue that things were working.

Next, I gently caressed her in one of the secondary erogenous zones I’d read

She closed her eyes and softly moaned as she let the pleasure of my touch rattle
her body.

In just a few seconds I saw that her nipples were getting hard underneath her
nighty and goosebumps started forming on her neck.

We began to make out passionately as the heat turned up and less than 3
minutes after I started, she looked up at me with glazed eyes and said…

God I’m So Horny… I Want To Feel You Inside Me!

She got so turned on by my simple touches that I

barely entered her when she started to moan
and spasm as her body was rocked by a
powerful orgasm.

Looking her in the face, she gave a big smile and

just said “don’t stop, keep going…”

So I did and the pleasure just continued to

intensify as she had not one, not 2…

But 3 powerful orgasms back-to-back-to-back…

And when we were both Xnally spent and she

rolled into my arms, all she could say was…

Wow, That Was So Incredible!

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