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Part Page

I. List of Tables ii

II. List of Figures iii

III. Foreword iv

IV. Executive Summary 1

V. Rationale/Background 5

VI. Strategic Direction 29

VII. Performance Target 60

VIII. Financial Plan 71

IX. Implementation Arrangements & Organizational Capacity 78

X. Monitoring, Evaluation & Adjustments 84

XI. Analysis & Management of Risks 108

XII. Indicative Timeline 115

XIII. Appendices 119

XIV. References


No. Title Page

1. Key Performance Indicators for Access, Baseline 61

& Targets
2. Key Performance Indicators for Equity, 63
Baseline, and Targets
Key Performance Indicators for Quality, 65
Baseline, and Targets
3. Key Performance Indicators in Resiliency & 67
Well-being, Baseline & Targets
4. Key Performance Indicators Organization 68
Capacity & Implementation Arrangement,
Baseline & Targets
5. 5-Year SDO Eastern Samar Total Budget (in Php) 75

6. SDO Eastern Samar Budget per Allotment Class (in 75

7. SDO Eastern Samar Budget Utilization Rate 76

8. SDO Eastern Samar SEF Utilization Rate and Six- 76

year Target
9. SDO Eastern Samar Budget Proposal for FY 2023- 77


Figure No. Title Page
1. Aspirations and Capabilities of Filipino Learners 4
2. Calicoan Island: The Pride of Eastern Samar 6
3. 2020 Population, by Municipality 7
4. 1 Schools Division of Eastern Samar Profile,
Number of Schools 8
4. 2 Schools Division of Eastern Samar Profile, District Heads 8
4. 3 Schools Division of Eastern Samar Profile,
Organizational Structure 12
5. The Learning Recovery Roadmap 15
6. Elementary KPIs 19
7. Secondary KPIs 19
8. Comparative GER 20
9. Comparative NER 21
10. Comparative CSR 22
11. Comparative Completion Rate 23
12. Comparative Transition Rate 23
13. Comparative Retention Rate 24
14. Comparative Repetition Rate 25
15. Comparative School Leaver Rate 25
16. NAT Mean Percentage Score 26
17. 2019 Division Unified Test MPS 27
18. Problem Tree Analysis on Access 27
19. Five-Ys Analysis on Quality 28
20. DepEd Vision, Mission, Core Values & Mandate 31
21. Mainstreaming BEDP Strategies in DepEd 33
22. ProBATA Banner Project 56
23. The DepEd SDO Structure 82
24. Division M&E Structure and Information Flow 105
25. DEDP MEA Strategies Implementation Schedules 106
26. Risk Analysis Matrix on Impact & Probability 109
27. Indicative Timeline 114
28. Priority Tasks in Phase 1 115
29. REDP Learning Recovery Plan 115
30. REDP Phase II 116


raving the waves of the changing world, the Schools Division of Eastern Samar
is committed to producing Pro-BATA Estehanon learners who are holistically
developed with Bibo, Anyo, Talino, at Asal.
To fulfill this commitment, this six-year Division Education Development
Plan (DEDP) for 2023-2028 provides a detailed situational analysis of the
educational programs, projects, and activities of the SDO Eastern Samar based on
the interpretation of available performance indicators of 466 public elementary and
secondary schools and 17 private schools from the 27 districts of the Division.
The performance indicators are used to identify the priority improvement
areas to be addressed by the Schools Division to effect school improvement aimed
at improving teaching and learning and learning outcomes. The intended outcomes
of programs, projects, and activities vis-à-vis the vision, mission and mandated
programs and projects of the Department of Education (DepEd) are detailed to
ensure that stakeholders who are involved in implementing this development plan
have a clear course of action to follow.
This DEDP presents the performance of the SDO-Eastern
Samar in the last five years and its overarching goals and
communal desires in the next six years. It is a blueprint
that would ensure that all school-aged children of the
Province of Eastern Samar have an equal opportunity
to quality and inclusive education in terms of access,
equity, quality, and resiliency and well-being. To
materialize this blueprint, the enabling mechanisms
cross-cutting the aforementioned pillars, will serve
as support to its implementation.
In a province constantly battered by
calamities and with the ongoing challenge
of the pandemic, resiliency is not an
option anymore. Our physical facilities
and modalities of learning must
withstand whatever disasters and
unforeseen mishaps. And these can
be addressed by careful planning and
foresight. Hence, this DEDP.

With this, I would like to

express my sincerest gratitude to the
hardworking members of the various
committees involved in the crafting of
this DEPD. May God grant us the
power to make our hopes and dreams
into realization.

Schools Division Superintendent

Schools Division of Eastern Samar, which is composed of 27 school

districts always pledges to uphold the vision, mission, core values, and
mandates of the Department of Education in producing learners who are
equipped with values and competencies that are necessary for developing their
full potential for them to be of great part in nation building.
Shown in the data included in this Division Education Development
Plan (DEDP) are the aspirations and goals of the Schools Division. This is a
manifesto of successes celebrated yet deemed to be innovated, as well as
shortcomings to be handled objectively, riveted, and upgraded through
procedures and strategies anchored on the current and futuristic vision,
giving weight to the strategic learning recovery goals.

This Division Education Development Plan is a six-year plan that will

be implemented from 2023 to 2028 for the realization of the vision,
mission, core values, and mandates of the Department of Education,
particularly in the Schools Division of Eastern Samar, while protecting and
promoting the right of every learner for quality education.
Challenges Confronting Basic Education

In the Schools Division of Eastern Samar, the challenges identified and

presented in this six-year plan are issues under the four pillars namely; access
and efficiency, equity, quality, and resiliency & well-being.
For access and efficiency, the participation rate across grade levels of
basic education is yet to be achieved; the ubiquity of out-of-school children
and youth, school leavers, dropouts, and disadvantaged learners need to be
addressed to realize universal and equitable access to basic education. Issues
in the quality of education involve the existence of non-readers and non-
numerates across grade levels and the low achievement of learners across
subject areas. The performance level of the senior high school graduates based
on expectations and goals of the K to 12 is yet to be enhanced and ameliorated.
Safe, complete, and conducive learning environments that affect access and
quality are also lined up to be addressed to affect the performance of learners
who are resilient and holistic.

The first three years of this Division Education Development Plan focus
on the learning recovery strategies that trigger a deeper analysis calling for
intensive remediation and interventions to redirect the goal of achieving
quality education thus producing competitive learners excelling in the local as
well as in the global arena.


Priority Development Areas

Concerning the challenges confronting basic education in the Schools

Division of Eastern Samar, this 2023-2028 DEDP posits the priority
improvement areas under the scope of the four pillars:

1. Access
 Expand access to education for groups in situations of
disadvantage to ensure inclusive and equitable quality
service delivery.
2. Equity
 Provide complete education services and facilities to
identified last mile schools, schools under Geographically
Isolated and Disadvantaged Areas (GIDA), and schools in
need of Special Education.
 Improve the participation and performance of learners or
groups in situations of disadvantage
3. Quality
 Achieving the set target that learners attain nearly proficient
level or better and learners perform better in the National
Achievement Test (NAT) or better mean percentage scores in
all subject areas across grade levels.
 Increase the passing rate of ALS learners in the A&E Test.
4. Resiliency & Well-being
 Promote inclusive education and resilience to all learners and
personnel from all forms of hazards by providing a safe and
responsive learning environment with the integration of
established DepEd programs and projects.
 Commit to advancing the rights and well-being of learners.

The foregoing intermediate outcomes for the four pillars are set to be
achieved by ensuring that the enabling mechanisms are thoroughly and
efficiently used and manifested in the kind of governance and management
processes that is nimble and resilient. Below is the list of the mechanisms and
processes to be employed:

 consistent practice of participative, ethical, and inclusive

management processes by education leaders and managers;
 resilient, competent, and continuously improving teaching,
teaching-related, and non-teaching personnel;
 adequate provision of learning resources and ideal learning
environment for all learners;
 efficient, responsive, modern, and continuously improving internal
systems and processes;
 evident and strong active collaboration between and among key
stakeholders; and
 dynamic and responsive operation of education complementary
framework in the public and private sectors.


From 2023 to 2028, the Schools Division of Eastern Samar thru this
six-year Division Education Development Plan ensures to holistically develop
learners’ competencies and aspirations.
The Learner: Competencies and Aspirations

The definition of aspirations and capabilities of Filipino learners as

defined in BEDP 2030 serves as the basis of the DEDP formulation process
conducted by the Division Planning Team. The framework below is the
competencies that encompass the qualities and abilities that need to be
developed in achieving their holistic growth which is essential in creating a
nation that is harmonious and growing.

Figure 1. Aspirations and Capabilities of Filipino Learners


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