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Q: In addition to the development of a new constitution and law reform, what other

REVIEWER 1 – PHILIPPINE GOV. major cause did President Corazon Aquino champion, during her term of service as
the president of the Philippines?
Answer: agrarian reform
Revised Penal Code of the Philippines - contains the general penal laws of the Q: Corazon Aquino's administration faced seven coups and coup attempts as well as
Philippines. First enacted in 1930, DECEMBER 8. various natural disasters. There was an extremely strong volcanic eruption in 1991
that caused great devastation to agricultural production in the area. What was the
RA 3815 - an act revising the penal code. Preliminary Article - This law shall be known name of the mountain that erupted?
as "The Revised Penal Code." Answer: Mount Pinatubo
Q: How many revised penal codes are there in the Philippines? Q: President Aquino of the Philippines initiated which of the following actions that
- The Revised Penal Code consists of 2 Books, 20 Titles, Chapters and 367 changed the balance of power in Asia?
Sections. Answer: closing the US military bases in the Philippines
mala prohibita- the crimes penalized under special laws are called Q: Corazon Aquino received many honors and awards during her lifetime. Which of
the following did she receive?
Q: In what year did Corazon Aquino become president of the Republic of the • Eleanor Roosevelt Human Rights Award (1986)
Philippines? • Time Magazine Woman of the Year (1986)
Answer: 1986 • World Citizenship Award (2001)
Q: Corazon Aquino was a deeply religious woman and had a close association with Q: Corazon Aquino is quoted in a CNN internet article as saying, "I'd like to be known
which of the following groups before and during her political career? as a woman of faith, somebody who believed in God and who believed in
Answer: Roman Catholic ____________."
Answer: her people
Q: Corazon Aquino was thrust into politics when her husband, Benigno "Ninoy"
Aquino, died in 1983. How did he die? Q: Who was the first President of the Republic?
Answer: He was assassinated. Answer: Emilio Aguinaldo
Q: Corazon Aquino, in her trademark yellow dress, led the People Power Revolution Q: How long did Ferdinand Marcos rule?
to overthrow which leader from power? Answer: 21 years
Answer: Ferdinand Marcos
Q: When Gloria Macapagal Arroyo became president of the Philippines, how many
Q: Corazon Aquino peacefully led the Philippines to become a true democracy. This female presidents had there been before her?
included a Philippine Constitution that limited the president to a single term of how Answer: One
many years?
Answer: 6
Q: Where is the Malacanang Palace located? Q: The Second Vice President who served President Arroyo was the former newscaster
Answer: Manila and broadcast journalist of the largest Lopez-owned television station company.
Answer: Manolito "Kabayan Noli" de Castro Jr.
Q: Which president of the Philippines had a father who was also a president?
Answer: Gloria Macapagal Arroyo Q: Who is the protector of the people and the State?
Answer: Armed Forces of the Philippines
Q: Sometimes regarded as the first vice-president of the Philippines?
Answer: Mariano Trias Article III Section 1 - No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without
due process of law, nor shall any person be denied the equal protection of the laws.
Q: Did not became Presidents of the Philippines during their predecessors' term?
Answer: Diosdado Macapagal Q: In the event that both the President and Vice President are removed from office,
who will act as President in the Philippines?
Q: Had served the government as the Vice President of the Philippines under two Answer: President of the Senate
Presidents. Who is this politician from Iloilo?
Answer: Fernando Lopez Q: The Lower Chamber of the Congress of the Philippines is known by what name?
Answer: House of Representatives
Q: Served a nine-day term in Philippine Politics. Identify this former Vice President.
Answer: Arthuro Tolentino Q: How many Associate Justices comprise the Supreme Court?
Answer: 14
Q: People Power Revolution (EDSA 1) was known not only in the Philippines but also
in the whole world, because of anti-war protests against President Ferdinand Marcos. Q: What is regarded by the State as a "primary social economic force?"
Who was the former Philippine Presidential child that became Corazon Aquino's Answer: Labor
running mate and 10th Vice President of the Philippines?
Answer: Salvador Laurel Q: What are the 3 main branches of the Government of the Philippines?
• Legislative
Q: 1992: Fidel Ramos had declared winner as the 12th President of the Philippines. • Executive
The surprising event, this film actor had won the Vice President position, beating • Judicial
Ramos' running mate Emilio Osmeña and Ramon Magsaysay, Jr.
Answer: Joseph Estrada Q: A Member of either house of Congress may be expelled by their fellow Members.
For a Member to be expelled, how much of the total number of Members of a house
Q: President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo (2001 - 2010) had two Vice Presidents under must concur with the expulsion?
her wing. Her first Vice President was the former Senator of the Philippines who was Answer: 2/3 (Two- Thirds)
appointed by President Arroyo after People Power Revolution 2 (EDSA 2).
Answer: Teofisto Guingona Jr.
Q: One of the functions of the government is to enter into treaties and agreements Q: Who was the President of the 1987 Constitutional Commission?
with the governments of other states. However, such agreements will only be valid Answer: Cecilia Munoz Palma
and effective when the concurrence of a specific government entity has been given.
Name this government entity. Q: The legislative power shall be vested in the _________ which shall consist of a
Answer: Senate Senate and a House of Representatives.
Answer: Congress of the Philippines
Q: According to Article III, Section 15 of the Constitution, the writ of habeas corpus
may be suspended in times of rebellion or what? Q: It states that “no person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due
Answer: Invasion process of law, nor any person be denied the equal protection of the laws.”
Q: If a President wishes to veto a bill, he/she must communicate it within a certain
span of time, otherwise the bill will become a law. How long is this span of time? Q: It is the right and obligation by all citizens, who are at least 18 years of age, and
Answer: 30 Days qualified by law, to vote in the election of national and local officials of the government
without literacy, property, or other substantive requirement.
Q: The Senate shall be composed of how many senators elected at large by voters of Answer: Suffrage
the Philippines?
Answer: 24 Q: The three inherent powers of the state are the following:
• Police Power
Q: The Supreme Court shall be composed of a Chief Justice and how many Associates • Power of Eminent Domain
Justices? • Power of Taxation
Answer: 14
Q: The members of the House of Representatives shall be elected for a term of
Q: The term of office of the President and Vice-president of the Philippines shall be _______.
up to how many years? Answer: 3 Years
Answer: 6
Q: It is the power of the State to take properties for the purpose of public use upon
Q: The executive power shall be vested in the _________. payment of just compensation.
Answer: President Answer: Power of Eminent Domain

Q: How long shall the term of office of the senators be commenced? Q: It is the power of the State to impose charge or burden to persons and properties,
Answer: 8 years and property rights for the purpose of raising revenues to protect the people and
extend public projects and services.
Q: The Congress, by a vote of ____ of both Houses in joint session assembled, voting Answer: power of taxation
separately, shall have the so
Answer: Two-Thirds
Q: The following are members of the Constitutional Commission: Q: It is a law in the Philippines that aims to address legal issues concerning online
• Commission on Elections interactions and harmful internet behavior in the Philippines. It aims to prevent and
• Civil Service Commission punish cybercrime in the country.
• Commission on Audit Answer: Cybercrime Prevention Act

Q: It is the power of the State to promote public welfare by restraining the use of Q: It is a project of DOST for more accurate, integrated and responsive disaster
both liberty and property of all people. prevention and mitigation system especially in high-risk calamity areas of the
Answer: Police power Philippines.
Answer: Project NOAH
Q: Who shall have the exclusive power to initiate all cases of impeachment?
Answer: House of Representatives Q: PAGASA is the official government agency for weather forecasting, flood control,
astronomical observations, and time service. PAGASA stands for _______?
Q: It is a written instrument containing the proposition and required number of Answer: Philippine Atmospheric Geophysical and Astronomical Services
signatories and shall be in a form determined by and submitted to the Commission on Administration
Answer: petition Q: What do you call the introductory part of the Constitution?
Answer: Preamble
Q: It is the electoral process by which an initiative on the Constitution is either
approved or rejected by the people. Q: What form of government does Philippines adopt?
Answer: Plebiscite • Republican
• Democratic
Q: It is the power of the electorate to approve or reject a legislation through an
election called for the purpose. Q: Who among the following may issue a warrant of arrest or a search warrant?
Answer: Referendum Answer: Judge

Q: This law promotes responsible family planning and proper use of reproductive Q: A foreigner may acquire Filipino citizenship through?
methods to eliminate over-population growth. Answer: Naturalization
Answer: Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Law
Q: What is the minimum age requirement of a Senator?
Q: It is a specialized agency of the United Nations that concerns international public Answer: 35 years old
Answer: WHO (World Health Organization) Q: What branch of Government has the sole right to initiate all cases of impeachment?
Answer: House of representative
Q: summit that promotes free trade and economic cooperation throughout the Asia-
Pacific region.
Answer: Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation
Q: When is the deadline for filing income tax returns for every taxable year? Q: At least how many years after the Constitution has been ratified may the people
Answer: Every April 15 of the year propose amendments through initiative?
Answer: 5 Years
Q: What tax is paid by individuals who derive compensation income?
Answer: Income Tax Q: Which of the following sectors is NOT represented in the House of Representatives
through the party-list system.
Q: What tax is imposed on one's right to transmit property at death. and is measured Answer: Religious
by the value of the property?
Answer: Estate tax Q: Jaywalking, throwing garbage anywhere vandalism, not waiting in line, and
tardiness are manifestations of __________.
Q: What Act implements the mandate for the "State to make essential goods, health Answer: Lack of discipline
and other social services available to all people at affordable cost"?
Answer: Generics Act
Q: What is recognized by the State as the foundation of the nation? • Fidel V. Ramos led the EDSA Revolution along with Juan Ponce Enrile and
Answer: Family Corazon Aquino.

Q: Elective or appointive public officials or employees cannot accept any present, • Manuel L. Quezon was the first president of the Commonwealth of the
compensation, office or title of any kind from any foreign government without the Philippines.
consent of?
Answer: Congress
• Ferdinand Marcos's wife Imelda Marcos was famous for her collection of
Q: Which of the following rights ensure the well-being of the individual and foster shoes
preservation, enrichment and dynamic evolution of national culture based on the
principle of unity in diversity in a climate of free artistic and intellectual expression? • President Arroyo's father also served as president of the Philippines.
Answer: Cultural Rights

Q: Which of the following government agencies exercises original and exclusive • No ex post facto law or bill of attainder shall not be enacted.
jurisdiction over all contests relating to the election returns and the qualifications of
the President and the Vice President?
• The Members of the Lower House are elected by district and party list
Answer: Commission on Elections

Q: Who may be appointed as member of the Cabinet without needing confirmation • The Supreme Court is composed of a Chief Justice and 14 Associate Justices.
from the Commission on Appointments?
Answer: Speaker of the House





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