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1.Two true statements about a sparse Entity dimension In Hyperion Planning. A.

You cannot build alternate rollups or assign custom attributes. B. Base currencies are assigned to entity members. (TRUE) C. Exchange rates are assigned to entity members. D. Entity along with Scenario and Period make up a planning unit. E. Entity along with Scenario and Version make up a planning unit. (TRUE) 2.In Planning application, what three things happen if all options are checked f or Refresh Database? A. Dimension and member changes are pushed to Essbase. (TRUE) B. Cell text and supporting detail changes are pushed to Essbase.(False) C. Security filters for dimensions and members are pushed to Essbase. (TRUE) D. Security filters for shared members are pushed toEssbase. (True) E. Data changes are pushed to Essbase. 3.Identify two times when a security refresh needs to be performed. A. Member access has been assigned to a group. (TRUE) B. Member access has been assigned to a user. (TRUE) C. New group is created. D. Member "East" has IDESCENDANTS("East") READ access assigned;A new member is a dded under EAST. E. New business rule is created. 4.What four read or write security assignments allow end users to be able to vie w at least some data? A. At least one member in the Scenario dimension (TRUE) B. At least one member In the Version dimension (TRUE) C. At least one member in the Period dimension D. At least one member in the Account dimension (TRUE ) E. At least one member in the Entity- dimension (TRUE) F. If security has been assigned for a Custom dimension, at least one member in the user-defined custom dimension 5.The Hyperion Planning administrator needs to run several calculations in a spe cific order against two different databases within the application. Identify the two options that are valid. A. Esscmd B. Calc Script C. Business Rule Sequence (TRUE) D. MaxL TRUE E. Business Rule Macro 6.Identify two true statements about the DATAFXPORT calc script command. A. Using DATAEXPORT within the FIX statement of a calc script allows you to expo rt specific data sets from anEssbase database. TRUE B. DATAEXPORT only exports level zero data. C. DATAEXPORT only exports to flat files. D. DATAEXPORT only exports entire data blocks. E. DATAEXPORT is faster than Essbase Report. TRUE 7.What differentiates a user-defined custom dimension from the Entity and Accoun t dimensions? A. You can only add custom attributes to user-defined custom dimensions. B. You assign valid plan types for the user-defined custom dimension at the dime nsion level. (TRUE) C. You assign data types for the user-defined custom dimension at the dimension level. D. You cannot: assign security for user-defined custom dimensions. E. You can easily delete a user-defined custom dimension in Planning but you can

not delete an Entity dimension. 8.Choose three features on business rules in EAS? 1.Grapical user interface.(TRUE) 2.Easy switch between graphical interface and script mode. 3.Reusable components (macros) can be used.(TRUE) 4.Central repository for business rules for planning and essbase.(True) 5.another options was there. 9.Given three versions:Final,Sandbox1 and Sandbox2.But you need to include only final version for your process management.choose the correct option: 1.All versions will be available for process management.(True) 2.You can select the option in verion properties "Enable for process management" for the final version. 3.You can deselect the option in verion properties "Enable for process managemen t" for the sandbox versions. 4.Don't remember other options. 10.You have to calculate the variances for your Actual & budget Data.What are th e three options for achieving this? 1.Create the new member in the scenario dimension for variances.TRUE 2.Scenario diension member does not allow calaculated members. 3.Tag every account member with the formula @var=(Actual,Budget)TRUE 4.@var will calculate variance depending upon the Account type property set for account member.TRUE 5.Other options were also there. 11.You have a capex planning want to assign two roles to the use r so that he can prvision users in shared services,can manage calc manager busin ess rules ,edit dataforms and dimension member and execute business rules etc 1.Administrator of the capex application. 2.Administrator of the palnning server. 3.Provisioning manager of the capex application.(TRUE) 4.Dimension editor role in the shared services.(TRUE) 5.Business rule role in shared services. 6.others. 12.Valid datatype in account dimension. 1.Currency 2.Noncurrency 3.Text 4.Percentage. 5.Date. 6.Smart list. 7.Saved Assunmption.(False).on this place unspecified is available for account d imension. 13.Valid options for Runtime_prompts in EAS? 1.Members or Members. 2.String or Integer. 3.Task list (False) 4.Smart list. 14.What are the pre built actions or functions in EAS business rules. 1.Aggreagte data 2.Copy data 3.Create block. 4.Clear Data 5.Clear block.(False)

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