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General Chemistry 1

Project Proposal 2022

It has come to the attention of the office of the Secretary of the Department of
Environment and Natural resources (DENR) that health-related concerns are associated
with the worsening water pollution in the community. To address this, DENR has
established a joint project with the DOST, inviting all private sectors/companies to
propose ways of alleviating pollution in the community.
You, as members of a participating organization, are tasked to conduct a preliminary
investigation and research on the environmental conditions of the community and on the
composition of garbage in the identified body of water. You are expected to write and
submit a proposal specifying your initial findings on the composition and properties of
the pollutants as well as your recommendations on how to remove them from the body
of water based on their properties. The proposal should also narrate the impact of the
pollutants on the community dwellers.


Global warming is the gradual heating of Earth's surface caused by human activity,
particularly the burning of fossil fuels, which raises the atmosphere's concentrations
of greenhouse gases, which trap heat. Occurs when sunlight and solar radiation that
has reflected off the earth's surface are absorbed by carbon dioxide and other
pollutants that have accumulated in the atmosphere. As the population increases,
the volumes of the fossil fuels burned including coal, oil, and natural gases causes
the "greenhouse effect" in Earth's atmosphere.
Greenhouse effect occurs when heat from the sun's rays that is reflected off a
surface cannot escape back into space despite entering the atmosphere. Fossil fuel
combustion results in gases, which prevent heat from escaping the atmosphere
consisting of carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, water vapor, methane, and nitrous
oxide. Carbon dioxide is mostly emitted in the atmostphere through human activties.
In 2020, CO2 accounted for about 79% of all U.S. greenhouse gas emissions from
human activities.

Core Values Project Title Description Objectives Person Budget Location

Discipline 1) To Government For this Manila Bay
The project understand Officials proposal
proposal is the possible Sewage
for the side effects of Non- Treatment
environmenta global Government Plant
l processes warming how Officials would
where we as it affects cost
individuals human life Workers around
can help by and earth and 250
planting its ways to Participants million
trees. Trees avoid it.. pesos.
are natural

Safety Cool down 2) To avoid the

of the
as it may
have higher
chances of
breaking the
ozone layer.
Support 3) To inform
residents on
what are the
effects of
sewage water
Determinatio 4) To give
n insights and
highlights of
the activity

1. Sudden overflow of sewage leading to coastal areas.
2. Visible bacteria in sewage.
3. Unpleasant Smell surrounding Sewages
The usage of treatments in STPs are a big help with the coastal status. The following
are the processes of cleaning sewage water:
1. The Removal of Solid Particles
There are two stages of treatment of sewage waters. Primary treatment refers to
the allowance of solids to be settled and removed from wastewater. With primary
treatment it is
easier for any
containing from the
sewage to be

Figure 1
Screens remove floating objects that might damage any clog or pipe. This is
proceeded with the Grit chamber where cinders, sand, and small stones settle to
the bottom. Sedimentation tanks are contained by suspended solids which were
sent to the bottom where they form a mass of solids called raw primary biosolids
(formerly sludge). It is then
proceeded with the
Secondary Treatment.

2. Purification of Sewage Water

Figure 2
It is important to
purify water, thus this
removes any unnecessary
bacteria to drink it.
Secondary Treatment occurs
after effluent leaves
the sedimentation
tank in the primary stage it
flows or is pumped to a facility using one or the other of these processes.
Air and sludge are mixed that are loaded in bacteria and allowed to remain in
several hours letting bacteria break down the organic matter into harmless by-
products. Chlorine is used for disinfecting the effluent from the sedimentation
tank before being discharged.

Expected Output
The cleanliness of water realized from the STP reduces the risk of getting
bacteria that may lead to possible diseases carried. This will also decrease the
chances of contamination.
Figure 3

Not only that, but it will also make the environment cleaner and healthier for us to
rely on the resources more. This will also remain its beauty due to a healthy
Figure 4
 Conserve Energy Future. (2022). What is sewage water and its treatment
process. Retrieved from
 Ambulkar, A. and Nathanson, Jerry A. (2022, September 5). Wastewater
treatment. Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved from
 What is sewage and where does it come from. N. d. Retrieved from
 Stop sewage pollution. N. d. Surfrider Foundation. Retrieved from
 How Wastewater Treatment Works? (1998). EPA. Retrieved from
 Palanca-Tan R. (2017). Health and water quality benefits of alternative
sewerage systems in Metro Manila, Philippines. Sage Journals, 29(2).
Retrieved from

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