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Late Childhood

(The Intermediate Theory)

Socio emotional
Development of
Intermediate Schooler
The child spend less time at
their home and they tend to
socialize more with their peers
rather than adult.

The child tend to go to their

neighbours to play, and they
always wanted to go outside
rather than staying at home.
A characteristic of this period of
development is the acquisition
of feelings of self-competence
Erik Erikson best describes in his
theory the stage where child
faces social crisis industry
versus inferiority.
Industry Inferiority
 Ability to acquire Vs.  Scared to try new
new skills and do things and discover
meaningful work. his surroundings.
The child should have;
 growing sense of
Let him socialize and do task on
his own, with that he will be able
to learn how to be independent
and correct his mistakes and
learns from it.
When a child doing a task, we must not limit their
potential by being overprotective of what they are
doing. As an adult we should just provide feedback
and guidance so that the child will develop his/her
sense of self-competence.
During late childhood children can now
describe themselves with internal and
psychological characteristics and traits.

The child employ social

comparison distinguishing
their self with others.
This stage requires
perspective –taking, and it
increases with regards to
the increase of age.
Perspective-taking enables
the child to;
 judge others intentions
purposes and actions
 give importance to
social attitude and
 Increase skepticism of
others claims
show improved emotional understanding
 increased understanding that more than
one emotion can be experienced in a
single experience.
show greater ability to show conceal
utilize ways to redirect feelings and a
capacity for genuine empathy.
emotional self awareness managing
emotions reading emotions handling
Building Friendships

the time they spend in peer

interaction increases. For
them, good peer relationships
are very important. The
approval of belongingness
they receive contribute to the
stability and security of their
emotional development. Peer
size also increases and less
supervision of adults is
required. At this stage,
children prefer to belong to
same-sex peer groups.
As they developed friendship the
child feels the belongingness and
understanding, s/he will be able to
improve more of his/her self-being.
It was categorize by;
POPULAR frequently nominated as the best
friend and one who is rarely dislike by peers.
AVERAGE receives an average numbers of
positive and negative nominations from
peers. NEGLECTED very seldom nominated
as best friend but is not really disliked.
REJECTED infrequently nominated as a best
friend but one who is also dislike by peers,
CONTROVERSIALS frequently nominated as
a best friend but as the same time is disliked
by peers.
Family support is crucial at this stage
characterized by success and failure.
• if children do not find a supportive family
when they find their interest they can
easily get frustrated.
• if families are seen as primary support
system, failures and setbacks become
temporary and surmountable rather than
something that is attributed to personal
flaws or defects.
Family is one of the main factor that can contribute to
socio-emotional development of the intermediate

 Constant communication with the parents

and child helps to understand what the
child is going through, through constant
communication they can be able to
express more of what they feel and when
a problem arise they can easily think of a
solution and solve it.

 Family support contribute a lot to the

development of the child well-being, a
high rate of success is observe if the
family support is strengthen.

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